2020 July Shorthorn Country

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july 2020

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

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july 2020


july 2020 issue 6 • volume 47

The July cover photo was taken by Mandee Blankinship at Lost Diamond B Ranch, Orlando, Okla.

7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 •  FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net

Shorthorn Country

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

advertising rates 1x 11x Full page $ 565 $ 505 2/3 page 420 385 1/2 page-island 335 310 1/2 page 315 290 1/3 page 240 225 1/4 page 195 175 1/6 page 135 120 Business card (1 1/2”) 41 32 * Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs

color rates

4 color $200 1 color $195

* Color only available on half of page or larger

Contract Rates And Discounts:


The Shorthorn Draft 2020................................................................ 26 President Outlook............................................................................. 34 Vice President Outlook..................................................................... 38 Generations of Influence.................................................................. 44 Past Builders of the Breed................................................................. 78 Builder of the Breed Nomination.................................................... 79 Past Show Bull & Female of the Year.............................................. 84 Get to Know the 2020 Interns.......................................................... 88 Nominating Committee Report...................................................... 94 State Association Directory.............................................................. 96 State Junior Advisor Directory........................................................ 98 2020-2021 Show System................................................................. 120

Departments Update..................................................................................8 Association Outlook........................................................10 Beef Business.....................................................................14 Since You Asked... ............................................................18 What You Need to Know.................................................22 Beef Blurb..........................................................................52 Junior Corner....................................................................60 Tartan Plaid.......................................................................76 News & Notes................................................................... 92 Sales Calendar.................................................................123 Ad Index..........................................................................124


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Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.

Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs

Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.

Don Cagwin, publisher Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com =Advisory Council Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.

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ASA Dates of Note July July 3 August Aug. 1

Shorthorn Update American Shorthorn Association 7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorn.org Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs, performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org Heather Lange, director of customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Emily Velisek, director of events, show & membership activities • emilyv@shorthorn.org Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org

ASA Board of Directors Nancy Grathwohl Heter, president 785-587-7947 Hugh Mooney, vice president 916-319-0488 Dave Greenhorn, executive director 937-470-6552 Joe Bales, 615-330-2342 John Sonderman, 402-641-0936 Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 Jerrell Crow, 580-585-2522 Lee Miller, 330-231-6834 John Russell, 832-588-8604 Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Kane Aegerter, president National Shorthorn Lassies Sommer Smith, president

Special Guest Speaker for the July 14 Joint Committee Call On July, 14th to Commerical Acceptance Committee and ShorthornPlus Committee will be having a joint call at 12:00 pm CT. This call will be via Zoom. Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Darrh Bullock - Beef Cattle Extension Specialist, University of Kentucky Dr. Bullock will be giving a webinar on heterosis, crossbreeding, and their value to Shorthorn breeders and their customers. Space will be limited. Please contact Matt (matt@shorthorn.org) to reserve your spot.

2020 ASA Annual Meeting,Forum & Awards Banquet December 5, 2020 - Hilton Kansas City Airport - Kansas City, MO 7:30 a.m.- Continental Breakfast (provided in conference room) 8-8:30 a.m.- Eric Grant, The Grant Company 8:30-9:15a.m.- Advertising/Social Media, Danielle Starr 9:15-9:40 a.m.- Break 9:45-10:45 a.m.- Marketing for Your Sale, Panel - Jeff Aegerter, Christy Collins, Brett Spader 10:45 a.m.-12 p.m.- Marketing Your Program, Dr. Tom Field 12-1:30 p.m.- Lunch 2-4 p.m.- ASA Annual Meeting 4-6 p.m.- Social * Join us for a Shorthorn Social 6-8:30 p.m.- Awards Banquet at the ASA Office on Friday, December 4th from 5:00-7:00 PM


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ASA Office Closed

Builder of the Breed Nominations Due to ASA Aug. 3 Ballots for delegate voting will be mailed to members in good standing Aug. 31 Keystone International Livestock Expo (KILE) entry deadline Aug. 31 ASA Fiscal year ends: All registrations counted for Century Club must be registered September Sept. 7 ASA Office Closed - Labor Day Sept. 8 All ballots due in ASA office for electing delegates Sept. 15 American Royal ownership and entry deadline October Oct. 1 NAILE entry deadline Oct. 3 KILE National Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Show Oct. 4 KILE Junior Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Show Oct. 22 American Royal Junior Shorthorn Show and National Shorthorn Show November Nov. 14 NAILE - Jr. ShorthornPlus Show Nov. 15 NAILE - Jr. Shorthorn Show Nov. 16 NAILE - National ShorthornPlus Show followed by National Shorthorn Show Nov. 20 NWSS entry deadline (Open/Junior/Yards) Nov. 26-27 ASA Office Closed Thanksgiving and day after December Dec. 4 Shorthorn Social at the ASA Office Dec. 5 ASA Annual Meeting, Forum & Awards Banquet - Kansas City, MO

Upcoming Committee Conference Calls Genetic Evaluation Committee July 13 12:00 pm CT Sept. 14 12:00 pm CT Commercial Acceptance Committee July 14 12:00 pm CT Sept. 14 12:00 pm CT ShorthornPlus Committee July 14 12:00 pm CT Sept. 14 12:00 pm CT

Contact emilyv@shorthorn.org if you would like to participate in these committee calls.

A.I. Certificates In order to have A.I. certificates released on a bull, it must be DNA tested as an A.I. Sire. However, if the bull is deceased, the calf can be DNA tested instead.

Regular Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone

2020 International Year Code: H

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Association Outlook

Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO

Concerns, Activities & Information


ife in 2020 is something most of us could have never imagined. The Covid-19 Pandemic is a first for all of us. My sympathies go out to anyone who has been affected or lost a family member or friend to this virus. Covid-19 could be around for a long time and we all will learn to live with it. This will change our lifestyle some and change our habits even more. As cattle producers who deal with herd health daily, we of all people should understand the precautions needed to deal with a pandemic. Vaccinations are important and the general practices we use when bringing a new animal into the herd are all part of the process. Putting these common sense practices to use in our everyday lives will make a major difference. It is easier to get the right facts on any virus or health issue for our livestock than for ourselves. We are overloaded with technology and data avenues and the information may not always be correct. We must all challenge ourselves to ensure we have accurate information sources before drawing conclusions on any issue. I want to remind everyone that the ASA Board moved the 2020 Annual Meeting Forum and Awards Banquet back to Kansas City from the North American due to unknown scheduling issues and possible schedule conflicts. The 2020 Annual Meeting Forum and Award Banquet will be held at the Hilton Airport in Kansas City on Dec. 5, 2020. This year’s theme for the one day forum on Saturday morning is “Building Your Brand”. There will be industry specialists to share how you can “Build Your Brand” and help market your operation and cattle. We will be having an open house social at the Association office on Friday evening, Dec. 4th. The hotel shuttle will provide transportation to and from the office. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be provided at the office. This will be a great time to see the office and share some good old fashion Shorthorn friendship and hospitality. This event has become a must-attend


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Shorthorn activity over the years. The time and freedom to share ideas and comments with fellow Shorthorn enthusiast is special. Please check pages 8 and 22 for a complete schedule of the activities for this year’s Annual Meeting Forum and Awards Banquet. The 2020 Junior National will be finished when this issue hits your mailbox. As I write this article in late May, entries just closed. The pandemic caused uncertainties about the National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference. The Shorthorn breed was one of the first Junior National’s to announce going forward with the event in Abilene, TX, directly after the venue gave us the green light. We have over 600 head entered with close to 400 exhibitors. Nearly all of them are expected to attend due to the later entry date compared to normal years. I want to thank the good folks in Texas for helping in sponsoring this event. A big thank you to all breeders who have contributed to this junior activity; it is the largest gathering of breeders and people in our organization. The National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference could not take place without the support of the Shorthorn breed! There will be some new fundraising activities this year for next year’s Junior National event. The auction of the Foundation Heifer (normally held at Leading a Legacy) will be held at the North American Livestock Show in Louisville on Saturday afternoon during the famous Deck the Stalls Auction. There will be some renamed fundraising activities and new options for everyone to participate. The ASA Board appointed a new Resource Development Committee to help orchestrate this process to add sustainability to funding the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference along with possible other activities for the breed. You will hear more about this in the next few issues of Shorthorn Country. The pandemic is affecting many activities, including, most notable for those that show cattle, the cancellation of several

State Fairs this summer. At the end of May, three major State Fairs have already been canceled and we feel more will follow. Some of these State Fairs are designated Regional or Super Regional shows. You can find more details on this subject in Emily Velisek’s article on page 22. Sometimes we don’t realize the role State Fairs play until they are not there. I visualize many changes in this area over the next year or two; just one more thing to expect to deal with in these unprecedented times. I want to thank the ASA staff for their continued dedication the past 2 months. Considering the stay-at-home rulings from different states, on March 19th we all left the office with our computers and the tools to service you from home. The ASA staff stayed on point and worked as a team to continue their jobs during this period. We had zoom staff meetings and shared information to keep everything on track. One person was assigned to go into the office weekly to check the mail, do the registration run so we could mail out work. May 18th we all returned to the office to resume normal operations. I’m very proud of the staff and appreciative of their dedication and desire to make sure we could serve you just as if the office was open. I need to also comment on a joint article in this issue on page 26 that Matt and I worked on together. His idea was to use a draft process to show how we would each select a herd bull. I hope you enjoy it. It took a lot more time and planning than both Matt & I initially thought it would, but we enjoyed the exercise and hope it helps you with your selection process. The Shorthorn breed will survive this Pandemic. It has survived the Great Depression and many other obstacles over the past almost 150 years. One thing I see when looking at the history of this breed is Shorthorns have always come out of any adverse circumstances stronger than before, because of the good people breeding them!


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Beef Business

Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs

Taking Stock I’m sure you all got mail asking you to fill out the U.S. Census this year. Between the mailbox, the TV ads, and the online pop up ads, it would have been difficult to miss their notifications! As our country gathers up data on our citizens, it’s a good time to look at some of our own Shorthorn population data to learn a little more about the breed, as well as the Shorthorn breeder. All the registration data in this report was compiled at the end of March. All information will pertain to the fiscal year (September to August), not the calendar year. For 201819, there were 15,351 head recorded. Currently, there are 8,668 head for 2019-2020.

Member Herd Size

I pulled a report from DigitalBeef that breaks down various metrics into brackets by number of registrations recorded. When studying how many members register 10 head or less each year, that comes out to 88.5%- of our members. If you expand that criteria to 20 head or less, it includes 94.5% of membership. That huge portion of the membership that registers less than 20 head accounts for 54.7% of all registrations. The other 5% of our members account for the remaining 45.3%. When looking at the list of the top 50 breeders by registrations, 4,149 head come from those breeders. That calculates to 27.1% of all the year’s registrations. The number of calves registered by the top 50 breeders ranges from 42 to 260 head, with 14 members having over 100 recordings. This group averages out to 83 head per breeder, but that is carried by large herds. Only 17 of the top 50 registered 83 or more calves.

Sire Stats

When looking at the 2018-19 top 50 sires by registrations list, 2,902 calves were recorded out of these bulls. That calculates to just shy of 19% of the total calves recorded sired by the top 50 bulls. The top bull on that list was FREE K-KIM Hot Commodity, with 231 calves. These sires ranged from 32 calves to 231 calves, and only three bulls sired more than 100 head. Eighty-six percent of the top 50 bulls were AI-sire qualified with the proper genetic testing.

AI and ET Calves


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Artificial insemination plays a significant role in the Shorthorn population. Last year (2018-19), 4,339 calves were recorded as AI sired, making up 28.2% of that year’s calf crop. The numbers were very similar for 2017-18, with 4,553 calves making up 28.3% of the crop. So far this year, we are on pace with the previous two years in terms of number and percentage. Since the start of the 2019-2020 fiscal year, 2,503 AI calves have been recorded, making up 28.9% of all recorded calves. There has been a slight decrease in the embryo transfer population within the breed. In 2017-18, 1,318 ET calves made up 8.2% of the calf crop. For 2018-19, that percentage dropped to 7.1% and 1,092 calves. So far, we are on a similar pace for 2019-20, with 7.2% of recordings as ET calves through March.

Data Collection

Nearly one out of three Shorthorns recorded has a weaning weight submitted. In 2018-19, there were 4,886 weaning weights recorded (32% of population). Those numbers are comparable to 2017-18 (5,310; 33%). For the current year, there have been 3,577 weaning weights submitted. While that number is behind the total to-date for last year, the percentage is significantly higher at 41.3%. In the past, the greatest portion of weaning weights come in October and November. The yearling weight figures aren’t as impressive. Last year, 2,185 head had a yearling weight submitted, which is 14.2% of the population. That is an increase from 1,683 (10.5%) the year before, but still a large drop from the weaning numbers. To date, we have 1,063 yearling weights for this year. That is a lower amount and percentage (12.3%) than 2018-19. Most yearling weights are taken from February to April. Ultrasound data increased in volume (884 head vs 713) and percentage (5.7% vs 4.4%) in 2018-19 over the previous year. Numbers were similar in these two years up until March. Late spring 2019 saw an increase in submissions. I think the growth is due in part to the launch of the Genomically Enhanced Heifer Program last year. Our number of heifer ultrasounds certainly

increased over the previous year, as breeders had a financial incentive to both genomically test and ultrasound their replacements. This year, the pace of ultrasound submissions through March is off by about 100 head from the previous two years. Hopefully, there will be another spring surge in 2020.

Take Home Message

The first thing that stands out to me is that a large portion of our membership is what many consider a “small herd” breeder. That portion of our membership is what keeps ASA going. Without smaller herds of Shorthorns, we would not have most of our registrations, and we would lose almost all the “Shorthorn family” that breeders are so proud of. While we learned that one out of every five calves are sired by a sire on the top 50 list, we also learned that two out of three Shorthorn calves are sired by walking herd bulls. Even with AI and ET contributing a nice portion of our Shorthorn genetic pool, good herd bulls at home are as important now as they ever have been. Nobody wants a huge drop-off from their AI bull selections to their cleanup sire. Too much time and money are invested in a calf crop to give up quality with lesser herd sires. From a data standpoint, I think we are doing ok on weaning weights. Of course, we always want more data into the system, but I do not think we should be ashamed of where we are percentage-wise for that trait. We can do better at retaining our data collection through yearling and ultrasound. Sure, the cost of ultrasound is a limiting factor. That is why ASA has a program in place (the Genomically Enhanced Female Project) to incentivize breeders to collect ultrasound data, as well as get discounted genomic testing on their replacements. The more data a breeder collects on their cattle, the better they can make them. For the next 3 months, I will be doing a series of articles discussing performance data, EPDs, genomics, and their roles working together as part of our genetic evaluation of Shorthorn cattle. I’ll be discussing the general importance of all these aspects, as well as taking a deeper dive into some of the traits that are often misunderstood or overlooked by breeders. =

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Since You Asked...

Heather director of customer service, Lange registrations & DNA

Assessments Explained As a WHR breeder, there are 2 annual payments to be made: the $100 membership (for senior members) and the WHR assessment. The WHR assessment is synonymous with “inventory” as it applies to the females in your herd and this is how you will keep it up to date. With the assessment, you’ll cull out any females that are no longer in your herd by giving them the appropriate disposal code. What is left in the herd of females is what will be assessed (or paid for) for the year. Assessing a cow gets you a free registration of her calf from that calendar year (as long as it’s registered before it turns 1 year of age) and a free transfer of the calf (as long as the date of transfer is within 60 days from the date of sale). There is a fee schedule for the assessment, which is included below, and it is based on when the assessment is completed.

So, for example, if a breeder with 10 head completes their assessment between November 1 and January 9, the total that they will pay for the year would be $160. This breeder will be able to register all 10 calves from the year for free, as well as

transfer them to new owners for free – as long as they do so before the calves turn 1 year of age and transfer them within 60 days from the date of sale. There is another fee schedule (included below) that applies when the assessments are completed on time, but the calf isn’t registered before it turns a year old.

WHR registrations done on calves whose dams were not assessed in the calendar year that the calf was born use a different fee schedule as well. This new schedule was implemented to start on January 1, 2019. See Below:

of age and the transfer is within 60 days from the date of sale). If the assessment isn’t completed, trying to register and transfer only 2 head will cost $190 ($150 for the registrations and $40 for the transfers). Registering and transferring 10 head would cost $950 ($750 for the registrations and $200 for the transfers). Ho p e f u l l y this has shed a little light on the assessments - how they work and what they include. Just a reminder, assessments for the following year are sent out the first week of November. As always, if there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact the = office!

As you can see, there is a major price difference when the WHR assessments are completed. Doing assessments on 10 head for $160 gets you 10 registrations and transfers included in that price (again, assuming the registrations are completed before the calves turn 1 year

Visit shorthorn.org to view a printable version of the WHR Rules & Fees. Found on the home page under the Registrations tab.


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What YouNeed to Know

Emily director of events, show Velisek & membership activities

Regional Show Update As I am sure most people have seen, there have been multiple State Fairs that have announced their cancellation. While this is very unfortunate and sad for so many of us in the show world, I want to try and think of the positives. We announced the shows that will be point shows for each region in April and published them in the last issue of the Shorthorn Country. Since that announcement some of those shows have been canceled. When this happened, we wanted to make sure that we figured out how we would handle this situation to make it possible to award regional awards next year. We quickly got together with the Show Committee to discuss ideas on ways to keep the options of regional shows and awarding regional winners for the 2020-2021 show season. The Show Committee and ASA

Board of Directors made the decision to move forward with the shows and fairs that are still going to take place in each region. We do not plan to add or change the super-regional or regional shows in each region, as it would be impossible to get all the revisions to you before entry deadlines and other cancellations if they were to happen. We will give the animals the points they earn from the shows they attend and use the regular point system. For example, in the North Central Region, Minnesota State Fair has canceled but Iowa State Fair and Illinois State Fair are still planning ahead. Animals that attend Iowa and Illinois will receive the points for Iowa as a Super Regional and Illinois as a Regional. Then can still attend the American Royal to receive National points for that region. If Iowa or Illinois were to cancel, then

animals would get points for the one regional show that is left and a National show. Please take a look at the updated 2020-2021 show system in this issue to see the shows that we know have been canceled as of now. If more shows were to cancel within the next couple months, we will revisit and decide if something else needs to happen, but as of now we want to encourage you to continue with your plans on attending the regional shows that are available. =

2020 Annual Meeting Schedule: Build Your Brand Friday, December 4th: 5:00-7 p.m.- Shorthorn Social at the ASA office Saturday, December 5th: 7:30 a.m. - Continental Breakfast (provided in conference room) 8-8:30 a.m. - Eric Grant, The Grant Company 8:30-9:15 a.m. - Advertising/Social Media, Danielle Starr, Global Marketing Communications Manager, GrowSafe Systems 9:15-9:40 a.m. - Break 9:45-10:45 a.m. - Marketing for Your Sale, Panel Jeff Aegerter, Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Christy Collins, CCI Live Brett Spader, Angus Media President 10:45 a.m.-12 p.m. - Marketing Your Program, Dr. Tom Field, University of Nebraska 12-1:30 p.m. - Lunch 2-4 p.m. - ASA Annual Meeting 4-6 p.m. - Social 6-8:30 p.m. - Awards Banquet 22

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Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO

Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs

Who’s the #1 Pick? Expectations are high for the upcoming season as we wait to see where this year’s top prospects will be making their new homes. The future is bright and the possibilities are endless for these top-end talents. It may be too late to impact the roster this breeding season, but the chance to choose an elite prospect from the 2020 Shorthorn Bull Draft is too good to refuse! In an event like this, everyone wants to know what the decision makers are thinking when it’s time to make their

picks. Fortunately, Shorthorn Country has been given exclusive access into the selection process of the men with the first two picks in the draft, Montie Soules and Matt Woolfolk. They agreed to break down each of the top prospects on the draft board, allowing the reader to have an inside look into what pieces of the scouting report are important when selecting the next star herd bull. Making the right pick when you’re at the top of the draft is crucial. A wrong selection can derail the entire herd for years to

come. That is why it is so important for thorough research to be done so Montie and Matt make picks that they think will be successful. As the elder statesman, Montie will get the first pick of these bulls, and Matt will hope that his top choice doesn’t get drafted into the MDS herd first! Note: The pictures and data used in this article do not reflect actual data or pedigree relation for these bulls in the ASA database. The data was created specifically for this exercise.

Meet the Prospects:


Mahomes’s EPDs CED 8 CW -6 WW 58 REA 0.21 YW 87 MB -0.06 Milk 19 $CEZ 24.5 TM 47 $BMI 127.1 CEM 5 $F 55.7 ST 16

Actual BW: 88 Weaning Wt Ratio: 96 Yearling Weight Ratio: 98

Ribeye Area Ratio: 109 %IMF Ratio: 90 Scrotal Circumference: 37.5


Horned/Polled: Genomics Tested? Genetic Condition Tested? Polled No Free


Brady’s EPDs CED 14 WW 48 YW 75 Milk 24 TM 48 CEM 8 ST 9

Actual BW: 77 Weaning Wt Ratio: 93 Yearling Weight Ratio: 91

Ribeye Area Ratio: 102 %IMF Ratio: 97 Scrotal Circumference: 40

CW -14 REA 0.11 MB 0.08 $CEZ 46.8 $BMI 134.5 $F 53.4


Horned/Polled: Genomics Tested? Genetic Condition Tested? Polled Yes Free


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Montana’s EPDs CED 17 CW -16 WW 51 REA 0.06 YW 78 MB 0.21 Milk 25 $CEZ 56.2 TM 50 $BMI 152.7 CEM 12 $F 56.7 ST 14

Actual BW: 82 Weaning Wt Ratio: 100 Yearling Weight Ratio: 102

Ribeye Area Ratio: 95 %IMF Ratio: 108 Scrotal Circumference: 38.5

Horned/Polled: Genomics Tested? Homozygous Polled Yes


Genetic Condition Tested? Free


Favre’s EPDs CED 7 WW 62 YW 101 Milk 16 TM 47 CEM 4 ST 20

Actual BW: 92 Weaning Wt Ratio: 109 Yearling Weight Ratio: 110

Ribeye Area Ratio: 97 %IMF Ratio: 99 Scrotal Circumference: 39

Horned/Polled: Genomics Tested? Homozygous Polled Yes


Genetic Condition Tested? Free


Peyton’s EPDs CED 12 WW 55 YW 83 Milk 18 TM 45 CEM 10 ST 17

Actual BW: 80 Weaning Wt Ratio: 102 Yearling Weight Ratio: 99

CW 3 REA 0.18 MB 0.01 $CEZ 18.2 $BMI 114.6 $F 59.1

Ribeye Area Ratio: 105 %IMF Ratio: 106 Scrotal Circumference: 38

CW -9 REA 0.17 MB 0.09 $CEZ 38.5 $BMI 140.7 $F 56.6


Horned/Polled: Genomics Tested? Genetic Condition Tested? Polled Yes Free Breed Avg:

CED WW YW Milk TM CEM ST CW REA MB $CEZ $BMI $F 9 52 77 19 44 4 12 -10 0.08 -0.01 28.3 118.7 52.9

What We’re Looking For in a #1 Pick: MDS: It was Matt’s idea to approach this project like a draft of top college players. Similarly, we only considered yearling bulls – individuals that have not played in the big leagues yet. Just like the draft, we require data and history along with the candidate to make an informed decision or pick that will help our herd achieve our goals. Matt and I are having a friendly competition with this project. He already said that he hoped I would not

select his first choice since I have the #1 overall selection. Matt and I see cattle pretty similarly, but when it comes to this exercise, our methods differ, so before seeing the results, I predict Matt will get his first pick. We selected 5 bull photos to represent available bulls and 5 cow photos that represent the dams of these bulls. Matt formulated five individual EPD and performance profiles which were attached to the bulls by random draw; the dams were also assigned by random draw. Matt and I were presented with the choices as

they fell randomly. Neither of us could adjust the animals or documentation. This really is a true representation of how options may appear. My herd bull has to be easy to look at and be a high-quality animal that is structurally correct. The bull must have enough to them to muscle up and/ or have enough volume to take care of themselves. Strong maternal traits are mandatory. Plus, he needs proven documentation that is not only in the parameters I require for my herd’s development but fit the demand from my shorthorn country = july 2020


customers to be marketable. I require the complete package every time. I reiterate the fact that I must stay disciplined to stack the genetics of similar strengths. This will create a cow herd and product that is predictable and consistent for me and my customers for many years. Is this a lot different than a professional sports team? I don’t think so. They select quality, speed, power and data to support the players who are already on the team. They also try to have stars that help sell tickets and give the team more notoriety and value. Herd bulls are like quarterbacks: they make the statement for the team (herd). MW: I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to be a sports executive on draft day. With a top pick like this one, there’s pressure to do my homework and make a successful selection. Finding breeding programs that have aligning production goals and good stock is my starting point. Once I have a short list of programs to consider, I scout the individuals more closely. Structural correctness is paramount. If a prospect checks every box except for being sound built, he’s too risky to join my team. Phenotypic balance, adequate muscle mass, and body capacity are important, with added eye appeal a nice extra to have. A bull having a good mother is big for me. A top prospect is selected with the expectation that his progeny will perform, thus why individual data and EPDs matter greatly in my rankings. He doesn’t have to dominate every individual measure for me to consider him, but he has to be competitive. I like an EPD profile without any glaring weaknesses in it, as well as strong indexes. There are some “extras” I want a bull on my draft board to have, such as genomic, homozygous polled, and genetic conditions testing. Scouting Reports: Mahomes MDS: The bull named Mahomes is really a good kind of bull. I admire his muscle shape while continuing to have a smooth shoulder and attractive front end. He looks sound and correct in his structure. His color pattern is a minus in today’s market (although, I’ve never scraped hair off a steak yet). I have never been a big color conscience person; I am much more likely to be impressed with a good/ great individual phenotype. His dam is not the type of cow I want to be the mother of my herd bull. Too flat muscled, udder is ok but not what I 28

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want on 50 daughters from her son. She is a little too refined and just does not show enough volume and power for me. Pretty quickly, the cow eliminates the bull even before I look at the data! In summary, Mahomes is off the board and not under consideration. He is a good specimen, but his mother won’t do. I am not going to spend time reviewing the data when I have eliminated the bull. I cannot use my number one selection on this bull because of his dam, possibly color, and there is no genomic testing. My point is this: Mama is not good enough - no need to spend time looking any further. MW: This bull certainly passes the eye test for me. He balances up nicely, has plenty of rib shape, and I like the muscle expression in that quarter. I think we are in good shape on structural correctness. This bull just has that commanding presence about him that will make sure you notice him. His mother is my least favorite of the dams in the group. The growth and ST EPDS really excite me (top 20% of the breed), along with the REA EPD and the $BMI. The CED and Milk are good enough but not outstanding. The individual growth performance doesn’t stand out enough to credit or fault him. My two areas of concern are the low marbling (EPD and ratio) and the fact that this bull is not genomically tested. Having that genomic data helps me feel more comfortable with my selection. Brady MDS: The bull named Brady - here is a good-looking specimen, extremely attractive with more than enough muscle. He is stout yet not bold fronted and has a clean look about him. He is really easy to look at and may get one of the highest scores of the five choices based on his phenotype. It doesn’t take me long to like what I see. He is mainly red which is somewhat of an asset in the marketplace for some. I generally don’t like criticizing my herd bulls or purchases too much because it is hard to sell something if you start with negative talk. So, I try to stay positive to feel comfortable about putting the money into them. I would like to stretch him out just a little and make him a tad longer bodied proportionately. That would probably help add to the WW and YW EPDs. The dam of Brady is a neat cow. I love the look of her deep rib shape and barrel in her lower body. She has a square hip and a neat front end with a nice angle to

her shoulder. She has a very good udder that you might tweak to level out (just being picky.) She has the angles I like to see in a female and yet maintains some extra bone and stoutness. She is a highquality brood cow that is good enough to be the mother of my herd bull. I could very easily enjoy having 50 daughters that look like this in my herd. I have a young prospect that carries the goods in his phenotype with the dam that is an asset to him. Now, time to evaluate the data! Start with the actual BW and CED. (We are not suppling a BW EPD because neither one of us feel it is that valuable when you have CED and an actual BW. Remember 70% of CED is BW EPD, so it is included. If you use both you are double selecting for that trait.) Brady’s CED is very good, in the upper 10% of the breed which is well above breed average and it fits with his actual 77 lb. BW. WW and YW are just below breed average which is a small problem for me. I like cattle with lots of growth while still possessing a problemfree BW situation. These Growth EPDs are barely enough but the bull shows more performance which he may breed in the future. The Milk is well above breed average ranking, in the upper 10% of the breed. The carcass traits are at breed average and his indexes are excellent. His indexes rank in the upper 3%, 15% and 35% for the breed. I wish his ratios were higher, but I need to look into the contemporary groups to know what he was compared to. If his contemporaries are all high growth bulls it is not fair to judge him too hard on this trait or ratios. His scrotal measurement is an asset and he is gnomically tested, which should be a must. The data is acceptable with a couple of concerns. No bull has everything so we will make trade-offs in the end. Brady has a great combination of looks, dam and data. Brady is in contention to watch and follow, a definite candidate to consider. MW: If we put halters on them and placed this class, Brady wins as soon as he hits the ring if I’m judging. This bull has a really good hip and looks to be standing on a big foot and leg. His muscle pattern may not be as bold as some of the others on the board, but I think there’s plenty there. I’m a big fan of Brady’s dam, too. She’s a beauty with a super udder underneath her. I wonder if I can draft her and just AI all my cows next year? I might have trouble selling daughters because I’d want to keep them all! It’s not easy to find a bull that excels for CED, Milk, and $BMI like this one.

He’s top 10% for $CEZ and missed the top 10% for $BMI by a tiny fraction. I would want to see higher WW and YW EPDs, and his individual growth is at a bit of a disadvantage. There was a quarterback in 2000 who was at a “disadvantage” in the NFL Draft because his measurable’s weren’t exactly what scouts wanted: 6th round pick Tom Brady. He turned out ok. This bull could do the same and make my thoughts look foolish. Montana MDS: The bull called Montana is next up. Here is another attractivetype bull. He appears to be extra deep bodied and super stout; I’m not sure there is as much shape as one might desire in his lower rib, but it is probably adequate. I admire his hip and he seems to be plenty thick. As a result, he gets pretty stout through his shoulder and comes off a little square shouldered - I would prefer him to have a little more angle there or flatness. He looks clean fronted for the extra depth and thickness that I see. I can visualize this bull getting a little sloppy in the lower 1/3 of his body, but really a very good sound structured animal that is easy to look at. He is a fairly dark red roan which for some may be an issue, but not for me. Now to check out Montana’s dam. She is a very good cow, made right with a big middle and plenty of stoutness and still showing some femininity. Her udder passes but I prefer a more level udder with better teat placement. This cow looks a little older than some of the other dams of our class of 2020. She has the goods to be the dam of a herd bull. I might like to tweak some areas a little as I have mentioned on the rest of our 2020 class of drafteligible bulls and their dams. Montana is a bull that merits more consideration and his dam helps his cause. At a glance, his EPD profile is balanced from one end to the other and could be the most acceptable of all the candidates. Really high CED that ranks in the upper 3% of the breed and an 82# actual BW. Growth is a strong breed average. Carcass traits kind of fit the same with MB ranking in the upper 4% of the breed, while REA is just below breed average. I need to look inside the numbers and do some real comparisons. The Marbling score can be affected by the REA and sometimes that needs to be taken into consideration.

(If you look at REA or 2-inch circle and put 100 dots(marbling) in the circle you get a higher percentage of dots in the circle (REA) than if you put those same 100 dots in a 3-inch circle. The high marbling score may be coming through because of the lower REA.) Where he really excels is in the indexes! These rank in the upper 5% for $CEZ, upper 1% for $BMI and upper 20% for $F. This bull really can get your attention with all three indexes rocking out there. They could become outliers in the extreme. This is a huge bonus for productivity. Just looking at how the evaluations can be determined or differ. The bull is genomically tested and homozygous polled – another bonus! Montana passes many of my qualifications but is also a little short in a few places for me. He really excels with his data, has enough phenotype and a power mother to make him a contender. MW: This roan prospect is upheaded, clean fronted, and attractive. He’s soggy middled and big footed as well. Not the most powerful in the bunch, but still plenty of thickness for me. The color is cool, but you could paint this one any shade of red and white and I’d like him. His roan mother has a shot more power than other dams, but it doesn’t compromise her balance or femininity. I’d be the first to admit that her udder isn’t perfect, but it is not a deal breaker. To have top 2% calving ease figures and still be at average for growth EPDs and actual performance is impressive. His index values are the best in this draft class (top 3% $CEZ, 1% $BMI, 15% $F). I love that he is homozygous polled. He would be a can’t miss prospect for breeding heifers, but I sure wish the WW and REA EPDs were a tick higher compared to average. That hard-to-find combo of his look and $BMI is enough to keep him on my board. Favre MDS: Boy, is he an attractive high-quality specimen, a long- bodied, nicely muscled shaped bull. He comes off not as deep as the other bulls. Looks to be sound on his legs and structure. I admire the front end and angle in this rascal while still showing tremendous muscle shape. This is finesse at its best with the extra performance look. Now I look at mama she is a complete package as well. I really admire her level and square udder. The teats could be a tad neater, just

getting picky. She is a balanced female that has the angle in her shoulder and femininity written all over her with enough stoutness, a very easy brood cow to look at. This is a cow that can mother a herd bull that will leave an awesome set of daughters in the herd. At first glance I see the high growth that I really search for. He ranks in the upper 10% for WW and 4% for YW in the breed. His WW and YW ratios indicate the EPDs fit (one backs up the other). But I also see his CED ranks in the upper 70% of the breed, or well below average with a 92# BW indicating this EPD. His Milk EPD ranks in the upper 77% of the breed which is well below average. Favre’s indexes rank in the upper 70%, 60% and 15% of the breed, but his carcass traits excel. This bull is homozygous polled and genomically enhanced. I must decide if I could tolerate the CED and BW to get the high growth. This is the power bull of the draft and there is always a tradeoff. This power may cost you in some other areas when you look at the total picture. The bull and the dam are great but there is documentation that could be alarming. MW: To combine the stylish front with that much shape from the rear makes this calf unique. He’s a long fronted and long spined rascal. There may be other prospects that are deeper through their heart and middle third, but I’m not sure there’s one who is stouter. I wish we could print a video in this report, because I think this one may look even better in motion than he does standing still. His dam is a functional, soggy, great uddered brood cow that I really like. His top 10% WW and top 4% YW prove that the power is in the genetics. It’s not easy to find a bull that grows like this one did against his peers. He is good in his carcass EPDs and has an elite $F. His actual scan data does not blow me away, and I pause at the calving ease. For this type of investment, I like to feel confident breeding him to any female I own. With his power and presence, you can’t take Favre off the draft board. Being homozygous polled boosts his value. Peyton MDS: This bull is another very good individual with nice muscle shape, square hipped, good structure and a smooth front end. The head may be a little short or different to look at, but the bull is high q u a l i t y, balanced a n d has the physical shorthorn country = july 2020


attributes to be a herd bull. The dam is a big powerful female. The kind of cow I refer to as a power cow. This red-necked roan doesn’t seem to have been nursing when the picture was taken so it’s hard for me to get a total and equal evaluation on her compared to the other dams. My experience would be to possibly pass just because I cannot get the true comparison. History for me has been that every time I purchased a herd bull without seeing the dam it did not work. So, I will be very careful here, but I like this type of cow. I admire her power and phenotype. Yes, I can see her, but I want to see her in production too. Now I look at Peyton’s Performance data. He is really pretty good across the board: CED in the upper 20% of the breed, WW in the upper 35% and YW in the upper 30%; REA in the upper 20% and MB in the upper 18% of the breed and the indexes at in the upper 20%, 5% and 15% of the breed. This bull has excellent data placing him in serious contention on the board. He’s genomically enhanced, but not homozygous polled. Peyton is also a top contender in this daft. MW: Peyton looks like a herd bull: stout featured, functional with lots of rib shape and volume. If you put all of these prospects in a pen, he may not stand out from an eye appeal standpoint. But he’s relatively fault free in his kind that you have to respect him. Peyton’s dam is a massive beast of a cow, but there are other dams that I would rank above her. She’s still really good. He is not the highest ranked bull in any column on the page. However, he doesn’t rank at the bottom of the board for any trait considered either. He’s very good on calving ease and carcass. His indexes, especially that top 5% $BMI, are exceptional. I wouldn’t be upset with a couple more pounds of WW or Milk on this guy’s chart, but I can sure work with the “no holes” EPD profile. His awesome individual scan data is a plus in his favor. To top it off, he’s genomically tested and triple free of conditions. He checks a lot of boxes for me. The Picks: MDS: I have the #1 pick, like giving a buyer the opportunity to select Lot 1 at the sale. I guess if none of them really fit my needs I could trade my #1 pick and look for a great female instead of a herd bull. I think these four bulls have the goods and backing to be considered and each could make a great contribution to my herd in the future. My four bulls are Brady, Montana, Favre and Peyton. If you follow football this a powerful foursome with their own special place in the NFL. These bulls are very much the same great specimens that may be young and not as proven but possess 30

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the attributes to become successful. Any one of them can fit as a herd sire. I have discussed the bulls, their dams and performance data. Now, it’s a matter of accepting the trade-offs of each bull and his performance to select the best one for my particular herd. Right or wrong, I will look at the dam of each bull first. The two bulls with my kind of mother are Brady and Favre. But when I look at Favre’s documentation I have to pass on the high CED and actual BW. This takes him off the board. Montana has some awesome performance data, but his phenotype and dam is not quite as strong for me as Brady or Peyton. Montana is taken out of consideration. Peyton’s dam is powerful, but I prefer Brady’s dam because I have seen her wet (lactating). I am on the clock, just like when the animal enters the ring and the auctioneer starts his chant. Which bull will I select? I focus on the strong points and then the weak points. Brady is a high-quality deep-bodied bull, with lots of muscle; I love his dam and he has a very acceptable EPD profile with top-of-the-line indexes. He has excellent CED, BW and Milk EPD. Peyton is a high quality-bull that is pretty to look at. His EPD profile is balanced with just a little more growth, and excellent indexes, that lack enough consistency for me. Peyton’s dam is a big powerful attractive cow, but I do not get the opportunity to see her wet. His phenotype is not as powerful as Brady’s. Both bulls qualify as top all around individuals. This becomes a difficult decision, so I will revert to my experience and gut instinct. I need to see his dam and prefer to see her wet. Brady is the all-around individual with the combination and power to fit and do everything I need. He is the most balanced in phenotype and documentation and has the dam that helps his cause! Brady is my #1 Pick in the 2020 Draft. MW: All these studs could be the #1 pick and justified depending on the need that’s trying to be met. None of them are absolutely perfect prospects, but all five of them are good enough in my mind that I might AI to them if given the chance. If this were an NFL-style cattle draft, I would probably be trying to trade this pick to someone who is dead set on picking a specific bull and willing to pay a price to get him. I think I could come out better moving back a couple positions, still get a bull I really like, plus add a couple picks in the later rounds to find some good females to complement my top draft pick. Alas, the phone isn’t ringing with a trade offer, and I am on the clock with pick #2. When I combine phenotype, performance data, EPDs, and the little

extras that I want in a herd bull, I can narrow these five bulls to two favorites. If I want to lean towards phenotype, I favor one. If I want to emphasize the paperwork a little more, I lean towards the other. I hoped Montie might select one of my top two and make this decision easier for me. Brady was the #1 bull on my board for physical presence by a wide margin. When I start factoring in performance, I was drawn to what I think are the next best phenotypes with documentation that suits me better. If anybody can make the Brady bull a star through his breeding program and promotion, it would definitely be Montie Soules. I think when selecting a herd bull to be the next star in your program, marketability plays a role. Does he have standout qualities that could make him an option on the semen market? How will his sons and daughters be accepted when you offer them for sale? With two bulls that I think are a very close pair for me in terms of herd improvement potential, I lean toward the bull I think has a bit more marketability for my selection. That is why I am taking Montana to join my lineup. I think his complete phenotype, the way he reads on paper for calving ease, marbling and indexes, solid individual performance and the complete DNA test record with a homozygous polled result make him the option with greater marketability than my second choice, Peyton. A good-looking bull that’s heifer safe and can improve marbling for most of the Shorthorn population has a unique market value that can help me get a return on my investment quicker through offering his semen for sale at a price point where breeders are willing to use him in their program. Just like the NFL Draft, you might have made your pick differently than what we did if you were the one making the selection. Depending on your goals and your cow herd, our picks may not fit what you need. Hopefully when you are on the clock for your next herd bull pick, you’ll be ready to make the decision to add a young new superstar to your team. =

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President Outlook

Nancy ASA Grathwohl Heter president

The Vision Pulls You “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” Steve Jobs. This quote by Steve Jobs is one that has always reminded me of how I feel about Shorthorns. Some days, my husband jokingly says I love them more than him. But seriously, to me it is all about the passion and drive that is felt when working together towards a common goal. As Shorthorn breeders, we share a vision that pulls us to raise Shorthorns. We may have different goals and visions, but we are all working together to improve and promote the cattle we raise. Because of this, I have thoroughly enjoyed serving on the board, working with the members of our association and the association staff. The coronavirus pandemic brought a lot of activity to a halt for most of the country this year. I feel for those whose jobs and businesses were affected, and especially for families who had to deal with the drastic changes to their schedules and


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income. For our family, our daily routine and responsibilities did not change much except for the switch to online learning for Josie and Ryder. We were busier than ever trying to get all our normal ranch work done along with trying to make sure Josie and Ryder were getting their schooling completed. Josie did a great job of making sure she finished her assignments. Ryder, on the other hand, was out the door every time I had a video conference or phone call. When I finished my call, I would go find him and make him come back to the house until the next opportunity came for him to make a dash for it. Like most kids, their schedules were changed completely. They did not leave the ranch for almost 10 weeks. I am sure Josie and Ryder are no different than any other cattle kids – they have been anxiously waiting to go somewhere and are very excited to get their calves out and go to a show! Even at their age, they can feel that same pull and excitement that goes along with working towards a goal.

In my article last year, I talked about family legacy. When I think about the legacy of the Shorthorn breed, it makes me proud. Each family that has raised Shorthorns has helped to define the legacy and heritage of our breed. At the annual meeting in 2021, we will start a year-long celebration of the 150th anniversary of Shorthorns that will continue until the annual meeting in 2022. This will be a great opportunity to remember those who have made the breed what it is today. We should all be proud of the legacy we have built as breeders and continue to work together to improve the breed of cattle we raise. Our Shorthorn family is one of the great attributes of our breed. Many breeders have raised Shorthorns for generations and continue to pass on the history and devotion for the breed to their children, and this is something that can make all of us proud. One of my greatest joys has been sharing my excitement and love for the Shorthorn breed with Josie and Ryder. As my term on the board is coming to an end, I challenge all of you to continue to work together for the betterment of the Shorthorn breed. For most of us, raising Shorthorns are why we get out of bed in the morning and is the vision that pulls us. Let us join forces to build on the strong history of our breed and show the cattle industry what Shorthorns can do for them. =

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Vice President Outlook

Hugh ASA Mooney vice president

Build Your Brand This is my fifth year serving on the American Shorthorn Association Board. I have truly enjoyed my experience as I have learned more of the many issues and challenges that must be balanced by the ASA as we move our breed forward. Board members I have served with include those who show cattle at the highest level to those who target selling bulls to the commercial producer and every combination in between. Every board member I have served with have had some things in common. They are


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passionate about Shorthorn cattle. They value specific priorities related to their operation. Most importantly, they believe that to expand market share we must focus on what we have in common rather than what divides us. If you read Montie Soules column in the last issue of Shorthorn Country, you may remember him mention that the theme for the annual meeting is “Building Your Brand.” Some of our members have a clear vision of their brand. They have a well-defined breeding program that selects for specific characteristics

and they have a developed market for their product. Other members have less defined breeding programs. Hopefully, decisions made by your board have helped to bring Shorthorn cattle into discussions among commercial producers. Three years of Sire Testing through the University of Illinois, Heifer Feed Efficiency through the Iowa State University and our advertising campaign with the Grant Company hopefully will keep the breed in the conversation. Following the Impact Conference several years ago, one of the main goals was to “Make Shorthorn Cattle Better.” Many believe we have made progress in that area. I would expect most breeders would agree that there is room to continue to improve Shorthorn cattle. This brings me back to Montie’s article last month and “Building Your Brand.” What do your customers come to expect from the cattle they purchase from you? Are they looking for a balanced EPD profile, genetics to improve their commercial cow herd, docile cattle, a show heifer for their kid, an investment that will make their operation a profit? Do you sell cattle that might do all those things for their new owner? One thing that creates repeat customers will be trust in a breeder. That trust is developed over time because you have represented your cattle with integrity. We often brag on Shorthorn as the “Family Friendly Breed”. When you have a new family buying from you, do you provide information that may be helpful? Do you discuss genetic conditions that may need to be managed as they select a bull to breed to? Do you offer to help them select a bull to use so that the odds of them having a positive experience will improve? If you don’t have what they are looking for do you recommend another breeder or do you sell them one anyway? What type of relationship do you build with your customers? This past spring there were many sales that were canceled or changed to an “on-line” only format because potential customers couldn’t travel and group gatherings were discouraged. Many of those sales were still strong. Do you wonder why? It was because as those breeders have been building their brand they did so with integrity. They have built relationships with customers and potential customers based on trust. As you are building or refining your brand remember that values are what set us apart. Build relationships with people. They may have no interest in a purchase today but tomorrow is another day. Be family friendly, honest and have integrity. =

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Generations of Influence by Wyatt Minihan

In central Kansas, just a few miles east of Raymond, Kansas lies a sixth-generation ranch where Shorthorn cattle roam through acres of green grass. Ryan and Nancy Heter are the owners of DTR Cattle Company that raises purebred Shorthorns and Shorthorn influenced cattle in central Kansas. Nancy comes from a family dedicated to the Shorthorn breed. Her passion for Shorthorns came from her father, Eddie Grathwohl, who grew and developed the Shorthorn side of her family’s operation, Deer Trail Ranch. The Roots “When my dad was 12, in 1959, he bought his first Shorthorn heifer as a 4-H project, and from there it really developed his interest in Shorthorns,” says Nancy.


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After years of raising and showing Shorthorn cattle, her father, Eddie, went on to establish Deer Trail Ranch in Powhattan, Kan., in 1978. The name came from the large herd of whitetail deer that wintered on the ranch. The next year in 1979, he held his first Annual Production Sale the third Saturday of October. Lawrence Grathwohl, Eddie’s brother, came to work for Deer Trail Ranch as a herdsman and managed the show barn. Lawrence was very active in the family’s show operation and traveled across the nation helping them with their show cattle, while also helping with all areas of the operation.

In 1999, Eddie passed away from cancer, but Deer Trail Ranch continued to produce Shorthorn cattle and host their Annual Production Sale with Lawrence as herdsman. In 2003, the last Annual Production Sale took place. A few years later, Lawrence passed away in 2005 from a car accident. Eddie’s children kept several of the cow families that originated at Deer Trail and meant so much to the family over the years, but the remainder of them were sold. Eddie loved Shorthorns and was very active in the breed. He was the first president of the Kansas Junior Shorthorn Associa-

The cows at Deer Trail Ranch.

Champion Pair of Bulls, 1990 NAILE. The two bulls are - Deer Trail Awesome and Deer Trail Turbo. Awesome was also named National Champion that year. Shown by Eddie, Lawrence and Nancy. Deer Trail Ranch 1st Annual Sale Ad and letter sent to breeders.

tion as well as many offices in the Kansas Shorthorn Association. He was a state delegate for the American Shorthorn Association annual meeting for several years, a member of the Northeast Kansas Shorthorn Breeders Association and also a member of the Kansas Livestock Association. He was named Builder of the Breed in 1986 for their functional, performance-oriented cattle that had numerous success across the nation by both his family and buyers. Eddie passed on his knowledge, love, dedication, and drive for Shorthorns on to his children, Nancy, Rebecca and Andy - who all continue to pass those traits on to their children. In memory of Eddie and Lawrence, the family host several memorial awards, contest and scholarships. The Eddie Grathwohl Memorial Beef Clinic is an educational event at the Brown County Fair to help younger 4-Her’s learn how to care for and fit their cattle. A scholarship is given to a senior each year in Eddie’s memory. During Shorthorn Junior Nationals, the Champion Senior Showman is awarded a $250 Lawrence Grathwohl Scholarship and a traveling trophy. Also at Junior Nationals, the highest Prospector I individual is rewarded $50 from the Lawrence Grathwohl Memorial to encourage their continued interested in the Shorthorn breed and association.

The Lawrence Grathwohl Memorial Herdsman of the Year is honored each year with a trophy buckle in memory of Lawrence Grathwohl and sponsored by the Shorthorn Foundation. The selection of Herdsman of the Year is done by peers of the association. Members of the ASA present at the National Shorthorn Show nominate who they see fit in receiving this memorial trophy buckle. “The Herdsman Award is a great tribute to Lawrence’s memory. He was a competitor at heart and had the opportunity to exhibit many champions during his career. He really valued the Shorthorn friends he made over the years traveling to shows across the country,” says Nancy. Junior Years Nancy was very involved in the show cattle industry and the National Junior Shorthorn Association during her youth. She started showing in 4-H at the age of seven, which was also her first year to show at a junior national. She attended local, state and national shows throughout her show career and had great success. The Grathwohl house was lined with ribbons, trophies, awards, and many other outstanding accomplishments from their cattle. Nancy served on the AJSA board of directors for the National Junior Shorthorn Association from 1994-1997. Junior Nationals took place in Des

Moines, Iowa, the year she was elected on the junior board and she served as the President her last year. “I was very active in the Junior association and looked forward to attending the Junior National every year,” says Nancy. Nancy started attending Shorthorn Junior Nationals a few years before she was able to show, but has been attending them ever since she first stepped foot in the show ring. She showed at every Junior National until she aged out. “Getting involved in the AJSA, provided opportunities to develop leadership and communications skills that helped shape the person I am today. It is a great way for juniors to contribute and make life-long friends. We have a junior program that is second to none, and I am very grateful my children are growing up in this organization,” says Nancy. Present Day While serving on the Junior Board, Nancy attended Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas, and majored in Animal Sciences and Industry with a Communications emphasis. Growing up in the beef industry, Nancy knew she wanted to continue to be involved in the agricultural industry through her education, career and future. Nancy graduated from Kansas State in December 1998 and stayed through the spring semester to continue for her master’s degree. She then went on to South shorthorn country = july 2020


Dakota State University in the Fall of functional, eye appealing cattle that are 1999 and received a master’s in ruminant very balanced for all traits. nutrition in December of 2001. “We operate in a low input enviUpon graduating with her master’s, ronment where there are not a lot of Nancy has worked for a couple of differadditional feed resources available. We ent companies in the genomics field. She also manage our operation more like currently works for Vytelle as a regional a commercial herd. Because of this, sales manager. we try to balance growth and fleshing “This is a position I really enjoy, as I ability to find cattle that thrive in this get to work with cattle producers every environment. Phenotype will always be day and be involved in industry events,” important to us as we love to show cattle, Nancy says. but we are also trying to raise cattle that Although they did not will meet the demands of know it at the time, Nancy the large commercial operand her husband, Ryan, ations that surrounds us in met at the age of 14 when Kansas,” they say. they were at a cattle show. This past December at Years down the road, they the American Shorthorn reconnected at a cattle sale Association’s Annual Meetin 2005 and three short ing, Nancy made Shortyears later were married in horn history by becoming Ryan and Nancy. 2008. They now have two the first female to serve as children, Josie (10) and Ryder (8), who the president of the American Shorthorn share the same passion and drive to show Association. She looks back on her life Shorthorn cattle across the country. of raising and showing Shorthorn cattle Nancy started and her involvement with the Junior DTR Cattle ComAssociation and all that it has taught her pany in 2003. She and has helped her accomplish this lifedecided on the long dream. name DTR Cattle “I’m very thankful and feel very blessCompany to have ed to be able to raise my children in the a connection back same environment and participate in the to her family’s opsame experiences that I had as a child. I eration that means hope they value that although they havso much to her. en’t got to meet my dad or my uncle, After Ryan and they can remember their roots Nancy’s engageand why this is so important ment in 2007, she to us,” Nancy says. = Ryder and Josie. moved her cattle to Raymond, Kansas where they started to operate DTR Cattle Company together. Ryan, her husband, is the fifth generation to ranch on his family’s land where he and Nancy reside to this day. His family came to the area from Kentucky in the late 1860’s on the railway and planted their homestead where the tracks ended. After years of building up their herd, they now run around 150 head of purebred Shorthorn and Shorthorn influenced cattle. Ryan ranches full time. He is the one behind the scenes making the day-to-day necessities with the operation happen. In his ‘free time’ (as we all know there isn’t much of that), he helps a few breeders get their bulls ready for sales as well as doing some video work. Nancy and Ryan focus on raising

The Grathwohl Family at the 2017 American Royal receiving the show honoree award for Eddie, John, & Lawrence Grathwohl.

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Beef Blurb

Shelby director of youth activities, Diehm director of marketing & communications

Something About a Farmer We are more than half way through 2020, and it has already been a year for the history books. Everyone in America has somehow been affected by the events the world has faced this year, but something that never ceases to amaze me is the work ethic and determination of the farmer and rancher. During the work from home period we had at the ASA and while preparing for the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, I was able to talk to many Shorthorn breeders. Usually, while on the phone, weather is discussed. Now the most common conversation is Coronavirus. The answer was the same almost every time I talked to someone, “It hasn’t affected me much. I am still getting up, planting my crops and feeding my cattle.” Farmers and ranchers aren’t slowed down when faced with difficulties. They know how to persevere even when they are working long hours each day of the week. They can’t stay quarantined and they already work from home. Farmers and ranchers have one of the most essential jobs, they have to feed the world

and the job isn’t done by sitting behind a computer screen or in the comfort of a house. Even when faced with extreme difficulties such as drought or the shutting down of packing plants, they keep going. In addition, they continue to find ways to give back. Whether it is by donating meat to local shelters when there is a shortage or supporting youth in livestock that can’t sell their animals due to shows being canceled. Many of the Shorthorn breeders I talked to had the general consensus that people who work outdoors and live in the country, also have a better immune system, ready to fight off disease. I know that when I lived at home and worked outside every day, I was less likely to get sick and rarely went to the doctor. My mom was always telling us to get back outside and “a little fresh air didn’t hurt anybody.” People raised out in the country generally have a different way of life and want to go about their day. They don’t want to live in fear. Even though farmers and ranchers are continuing with their lives and essential work, it is hard to deny that

the world is still changing. People are relying on technology more than ever for communication. Meetings and conferences are being done via video instead of in person. Many companies are seeing a shift in how they conduct business and their hour’s of operation available to the public. Everything from retail shopping to grocery stores to restaurants are learning to adapt and providing more resources to the public to allow purchases. You can buy almost anything online and it will be delivered to your front door or car door. As I write this, it is hard to imagine where we will be at in July or even later this year and how much more will have changed. I look forward to this fall and hope to see the friendly faces of the Shorthorn family at National Shows and ASA Annual Meeting. In the meantime, I will enjoy talking about your operations and how there is simply something special about farmers and ranchers. =

Thank You

Texas Shorthorn Association, Texas Junior Shorthorn Association and Texas Junior National Committee for all your help with the 2020 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference! We couldn’t have done it without you.

We appreciate you!


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Junior Corner

Kane ajsa Aegerter president


The Last Dance Wow! My oh my, have the past three years serving on this junior board came and went in the blink of an eye. Getting to look back at the incredible be week we had in Abilene, it is one I will remember forever. It was a week filled with good memories, plenty of laughs, and endless conversations with our family and friends. Even in the face of a pandemic this industry came together and persevered for our Shorthorn Junior Nationals. When I first decided I was going to run for the junior board, I remember wanting to be a role model like the ones who wore the red jacket before me. I wanted to give back the breed and industry which had given me so much. It truly has been amazing to watch this breed continue to grow and develop. Shorthorn’s are the family friendly breed, and it is because of all those families that made serving on the junior board such a great opportunity.

Though, as my time on this junior board has come to close all I can do is look back and say thank you. Thank you, to all the juniors, exhibitors, and young kids that have made all the shows along the way worth it. Thank you, to all the breeders, families, and friends. It is because of people like you that make this breed and industry such a special family to be a part of. I would not go back and change anything from the past three years. I have made countless friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. So, from the bottom of my heart thank you to the Shorthorn breed, my other board members, family, and friends for making these past years some of the best of my life. =

Junior Board President :: Kane Aegerter Vice President :: Sammi Schrag Secretary :: Lexi Wetzel Public Relations :: Gabriella Leone Director :: Kendall Nelson Director :: Tayler Bacon Director :: Allyssa Obrecht Director :: Korbin Collins Director :: Whitney Miller

Upcoming Junior Nationals 2020 • Abilene, TX June 22-27, 2020

2021 • Louisville, KY 2022 • Kansas City, KS 2023 • Des Moines, IA

* Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *

Word Scramble 1. horsotnrh 2. fnu 3. jnruoi naanloti 4. pomwisnhsha 5. aehssaplnsmi 6. uiwqoblz

Key: 1. Shorthorn ; 2. Fun ; 3. Junior National ; 4. Showmanship ; 5. Salesmanship ; 6. Quizbowl


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Words of Advice

Whatever your passion is in life give it your all, don’t ever settle. Wake up every day ready and willing to go after it.

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Tartan Plaid Lassie’s are More Than Meets the Eye As we round out the Junior Nationals season, and into the fall majors, the Lassies are out full force to help our breeders and association in aiding in the advocating of Shorthorns. Although the Lassies are known as the “face” of the breed, the lessons learned from becoming a queen are much more than meets the eye. .First and foremost, advocating for the Shorthorn breed is the main reason why our association exists today. The queens across the United States are using their platform to express why the Shorthorn breed is worth investing in. Every time you put on the plaid and the crown, you are a representation of what the breed stands for, and the history behind it. Whether it be standing in the ring, taking photos, or talking to breeders and juniors, the promotion of Shorthorns is always a top priority. But, as the times change, so have the Lassies. Back in the day, the Lassies were the ones responsible for the hospitality of our breeders. Handing out coffee and cookies were something the Lassies have been known for, but our organization and what the queens stand for has changed tremendously. The empowerment that the Lassies have given the women of the Shorthorn Association has given them the opportunity to show that they can do it all. Wear the crown, fit calves, and manage the ranch. The Lassie’s are more than the crown and the plaid, they are hardworking women that strive to build the promotion of Shorthorns, and the legacies they are creating. Join us in creating the future of the Lassie Organization to reflect the future of not only the Shorthorn breed, but the beef industry. =


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Faye National Shorthorn Lassie Smith Board of Directors, Publicity Chair

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Builders of the Breed 1945: Thomas E. Wilson; James Tomson; L.E. Mathers, Sr.; Wharton Allen; Wallace Campbell; Albert Hultine; and Paul Teegardin. 1946: Russell Kelce; Fred Hubbell; T.D. Jones; Charles Broughton; Will Dryden; L.W. Thieman; and Charles Lynn. 1947: Josef Winkler; Homer Clausen; R.D. Arnold; C.M. Caraway; W.J. Russell; H.L Straus; and Bert A. Hanson. 1948: William Bartholomay, Jr.; Frank W. Harding; E.M. Sims; Dale Bellows; George E. Day; George E. Smith; and Fred A. Johnson. 1949: Byron Hawks; Luther K. Rice; Fred Lee; Otis A. Carter; Fred Blomstrom; and Harold Thieman. 1950: D.M. Gregg; James Napier; George Struve; Kenneth E. Deacon; J.W. Bennett; and Charles H. Nickel. 1951: S.A. Donahoe; W.A. Cochel; George N. Fisher; Stewart G. Bennett; Russell Blomstrom; and Cleo Hultine. 1952: Frank Scofield; C.K. Tomson; Carl Greif; J.W. Durno; Harry McCann; and Carl M. Johnson. 1953: H.H. Allen; W.N. Anderson; Dewey Carnahan; Harold White; J.R. Kenner; and John Bertz. 1954: John C. Blume; Reford Gardhouse; B. Hollis Hanson; Carl W. Retzlaff; Grant Campbell; Gerald Clodfelter; and E.P. Laughlin. 1955: Allan C. Atlason; Cyrus S. Eaton; Autrey Caraway; W.L. Lyons Brown; Miss Emma Allison; W.W. Rapley; and Walter H. Larson. 1956: Louis Cadesky; Stanley G. Harris; Robert A. Collier; A.R. (Sandy) Cross; Otto Thiede; James L. Adams; and Fred W. Smalstig. 1957: Alex Cross; S.J. O’Bryan; John F. Shuman; Dr. O.W. House; Phil J. Sauer; W. Henry Dilatush; F.T. Brown; and P.S. Troubadour. 1958: W.W. Donaldson; John Alexander, Sr.; Thomas B. Hawkins: Don James; Harry Ackerman; B.W. Cooper; and Miles Wertz. 1959: R.E. Smith; David S. Graham; Gilbert Elken, Jr.; W.C. Jones; Wayne A. Carr; F.E. Jackson; and Byron D. Reser. 1960: Robert G. Heine; James G. Tom78

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son; Raymond P. Duer; Miss Betty Royon; Harvey B. Wilson; Ray Clodfelter; and Roland G. Magill. 1961: W.H. Boutell; George T. Richardson; L.E. Mathers, Jr.; Sumption Brothers; W.A. Warters; Daniel J. O’Conner, Jr.; and Jacob Walter, Jr. 1962: C.D. Swaffar; Otto H. Grosse; Levi Johnson; Cecil Steinmetz; Clarence Worden; George Garvin Brown; and W.P. Hix. 1963: Louis Wernicke; Henry Dietz; Charles Ewald; Russell Held; Louis Latimer; George R. Gallatin; and Fred E. Smalstig. 1964: Mervin F. Aegerter; R.B. Stimson; Dr. Arthur H. Weiland; True Buckmaster; George DePape; Jack Ragsdale; and Otto Johnson. 1965: Ted L. Aegerter; Max L. Cardey; Paul Potter; E.H. Stoltz; Mrs. Hugh Fenwick; Harry McCabe; and Charles Hix. 1966: Dwight McCoy; Herman R. Purdy; Carroll Latimer; Cary A. Colburn; Lyle Brooks; Dave Brockmueller; and Lou Laughlin. 1967: William H. Roda; J.E. Halsey; Albert J. Hamann; Clyde G. Harlow; J.E. Klokkenga; Harry T. Peters, Jr.; and Chris R. Bertz, Jr. 1968: A.C. Buehler; Roger Applegate; Orlyn Oswald; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lorenz; Norman D. Hogg; Roy R. Rutledge; and Ed Rocker. 1969: Burke N. Allison; Jos. Biglands; Ben G. Studer; Ed Hoyt; Howard Snethen; Charles B. Leemon; and Bill Hoewischer. 1970: Truman Kingsley; Bob Gordon; Mrs. W.C. Pitfield; Dewey Lunstra; Mrs. Glenn Miller; Joe Huckfeldt; and Jim and John Humphreys. 1971: James A. Brennen; Mrs. George Garvin Brown; Dick Braman; John Draper; Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Long; Martin Nold; and Milton Nagley. 1972: Lyle V. DeWitt; R. Lee Johnson; Rudolph Kaehler; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Allen; George Inness; William Cruickshank; and Wendell Lovely. 1973: Dr. L. Eugene Byers; Jerry Taylor; Richard Prentice; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coats; Mrs. Frank J. Haumont; Larry A.

Hart; and Lloyd Hatch. 1974: Mrs. T.C. Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Taylor; Dover Sindelar; Wertz Bros.; Robert Hahn; Harvey Fulton; and Bert Kessi. 1975: Mark L. Graham, Sr.; A.D. Tilley, Jr.; Buck Bardwell; W.J. Boake; Barry Jordan; Lloyd Waters; and Ernest Esau. 1976: Earl Fieser; R.W. Parrott; Edgar Philpott; Bill Scott; Don and Pat Stout; Louis M. Womack; and Joe Woods. 1977: Robert Miller; Robert Raisbeck; Val and Bev Kjernisted; Gary Englehorn; Charles DeBusk; Donald Kaehler; and W.O. “Bill” Jennings. 1978: Horace Curtis & Sons; Herbert and Harry Krug; Joseph T. Christen; George and Janice Alden; Lester Love; William and Wayne Hartman; and Russell M. Sloan. 1979: Thomas Elias McGee; David W. Clark, Jr.; F.A. Heckendorf, Jr.; Duane Rocker; Sandra and Bert Pepper; Virgil Wegener and Steve Washburn; and Otis W. Rothlisberger. 1980: Donald W. Schlegel; Harvey W. Schulhauser; Carvin H. Guy; Gilbert Lee Miller; Ronald B. Hofstrand; Richard D. Yarnell; and Rex, Brian, and Randy Cates. 1981: Ric and Judy Hoyt; M.R. and Lil Boake; W.N. and Harriett H. Moore; Scott Dau; Steve and Tom Torgerson; Orville A. Stangl; and Max Tribbett Family. 1982: Robert Dahl; Stanley Melroe; Roger Steiger; Orville and Kendrick Berg; Paul Schrag; Mike Dugdale; and Darrel, Dave, and Dean Steck. 1983: N. Gerald and Grant C. Alexander; Ralph and Don Pope; James A. McAnear, Jr.; Sherman Berg; Edgar and John Wise; Don Cardey; and Archie and Gary Hansen. 1984: Wayne Clark; Stanley H. Harper; Odis A. Lowe, Jr.; William McCullough; Dr. and Mrs. George M. Smith; Dick and Wilma Russell; and Damar Farms, Inc. 1985: Kadel Urice; Howell F. Eyler; Duane Sicht; Roy D. Dedmon; Darrell and Denny Jordan; Art and Luke Bakenhus; and L. Jack Bedwell.

1986: Eddie and Judy Grathwohl; Gladys Dau; Bradley Eisiminger; Gary and Pam Naylor; Jim Scott; Calvin and Steve Hiatt; and Dale Louis Wernicke. 1987: Dale Rocker; Keith H. Lauer; Gary and Chuck Buchholz; G.M. “Mike” and Linda Kahoa; Hugh, Jr., Tom, and Ron Moore; Steve and Linda Haywood; and William Earl Wilson. 1988: Hale Charlton and Jim McCollum; Alfred and Darrell Ippensen; Doug Schrag; Bill Smithers; Herbert Symington; and Paul Wharton & Sons. 1989: Gordon Brockmueller; Don Hoyt; Dr. W.L. Munson; and Charles Meisner & Sons. 1990: Robert and Ronald Alden; Phil and Chuck Johnson; Robert and Dorothy Connell; and Duane and Evelyn Greeley. 1991: Neil and Mary Davis; Bruce and Sandra Wallace; Arden Preheim; and Joseph O. and Joseph F. “Sam” Erhnthaller. 1992: Wayne C. Neely; George W. Slater; Bernie and Norma Bolton; and Mary and J.O. Bass III. 1993: Jesse Duckett and Larry Kohlstaedt. 1994: Don Cagwin and Frank and Mary Kaehler. 1995: William H. Hoskins and James A. Cato. 1996: Gene McDonald and North Dakota State University.

1997: Bill Rasor and Lyle Ewald. 1998: Wayne Temple Sr. & Family and C.F. Martin. 1999: Dr. George Ahlschwede and Rick and Sandy Osterday, Stangl Shorthorns. 2000: Dale Studer Family Shorthorns and Steve Melroe & Family, Melroe Shorthorns. 2001: Merl Welch, Green Ridge Shorthorns and A. Lorne Edmondson, Bromelee Shorthorns. 2002: The Bertz Family, Meadow Lane Farms and Ronald Gooch, Greenbelt Shorthorns. 2003: Harold and Kay Good, Good Family Shorthorns, and Donald McMillan & Sons, McMillan Shorthorn Ranch. 2004: Dave McFarland Family, Diamond M Shorthorns and Richard C. McElhaney, McElhaney Stock Farm. 2005: Jim and Beverly Freed, Double J Ranch/Jeepetta Cattle Co. and Dick Hahn, Hahn Family Shorthorns. 2006: The Jim Williams Family, V8 Shorthorns and Verl Shell, Milestone Cattle Co. 2007: Nick Steinke Family, Steinke Shorthorns and L.E. ‘Les’ Mathers III, MD, Leveldale Farms. 2008: Randy & Nancy Griffis, Carolina Cattle Company and George & Gail McLachlan, Lakeside Farms. 2009: Ralph S. Larson, Y Lazy Y Shorthorns and John R. Hagie, Cyclone Trace

Cattle Co. 2010: Steve & Laura McGill, South Starr Farm, Robert ‘Bob’ & Joyce Wilson, Dr. Larry Wilson, Robjoy Shorthorns 2011: Scott & Janet Leemon & Family, Leemon Stock Farm and Dr. Raymond Ediger, Green Spring Farm. 2012: Derek Jungels, Jungels Shorthorn Farm and Edward Meyer, Meyer Farms. 2013: Marty Loving, Loving Farms, Steve & Julie French, Little Cedar Cattle Company and Don Washburn, Iroquoian Shorthorns. 2014: Charles and Judy Obrect, O-Dale Farms and Virginia Davis, KV Cattle. 2015: Kevin & Kari Vander Wal, Vander Wal Shorthorns; Sammy Richardson, Richardson Farms, and L. Martin Haliton Jr., Wind Crest Farm. 2016: Penny, Caleb, Seth & Courtney Vance, Bill & Jane Hale, Hale Farms; and Scott Horton & Family, Horton Farms. 2017: Laurence Pathy, Shadybrook Farms and John Sullivan, Sullivan Farms. 2018: Dave Greenhorn, Greenhorn Cattle Company, and Jon Byers & Jeff Byers, Byland Polled Shorthorns. 2019: Mark W.P. Gordon, and Phillip & Linda Bowman, Bowman Superior Genetics. In Memoriam:  Hal Longley; Don Longley; and Horace Walker. Honorary: Charlotte MacLeod. =

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ShowBull & Female of the Year 2019-20: Show Bull of the Year, CF S/F Upper Hand X ET; Show Female of the Year, CF CSF Margie 830 AV X ET; ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year, LDB Premium Reward Apache 911; ShorthornPlus Female of the Year, SULL Crystal Blue 8076F ET. 2018-19: Show Bull of the Year, TJH Bo’s Maxim H7; Show Female of the Year, Steck Chelsie C 704 ET; ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year, CCF Nicholas C59E; ShorthornPlus Female of the Year, SULL Black Cherri 7217E ET. 2017-18: Show Bull of the Year, SULL RGLC Legacy 525 ET; Show Female of the Year, CF CSF Demi 650 SOL ET; ShorthornPlus Show Bull of the Year, 5J Gustus 24E; ShorthornPlus Show Female of the Year, KOLT Blue the Roo 940. 2016-17: Show Bull of the Year, SULL RGLC Legacy 525 ET; Show Female of the Year, SULL Dream On 5158 ET x; ShorthornPlus Show Bull of the Year, DTR Buzz 612D; ShorthornPlus Show Female of the Year, KOLT Blue the Roo 940. 2015-16: Show Bull of the Year, JM Vortecs Rider ET; Show Female of the Year, SULL Dream On 5158 ET x. 2014: Show Bull of the Year, CF V8 Fascination X x; Show Female of the Year, KOLT Gentry 363 ET x. 2013: Show Bull of the Year: SULL Master Rose *x; Show Female of the Year, GCC Lucky Sunshine 153 ET *. 2012: Show Bull of the Year, CF BCL HBO X ET *x; Show Female of the Year, GCC Achiever Charm 71 ET *. 2011: Show Bull of the Year, CF Flex *x; Show Female of the Year, SULL Salute Destiny 9001 *x. 2009: Show Bull of the Year, SB PFC Proud Venture WH ET *x; Show Female of the Year, Miss V8 Mona’s Hip Hop ET *x. 2008: Show Bull of the Year, Mr. V8 D’Brickashaw 11552 *x; Show Female of the Year, Miss V8 Mollie Jo 93S2. 2007: Show Bull of the Year, AF KF VG Step Ahead 525 x, Show Female of the Year, Miss V8 Dionne D 50R7. 2006: Show Bull of the Year, HD Big and Rich 204 *x; Show Female of the Year, SULL Sara’s Sable *x. = 84

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2005: Show Bull of the Year, COR Fear Factor 11702 *x, Show Female of the Year, Miss V8 Can’t Fool Me *x.

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News & Notes Farewells Thomas D. Mitchell, 73, of Waverly, Iowa, passed away on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at his home in Waverly from pancreatic cancer. Thomas was born on November 24, 1946, in Waterloo, Iowa, the son of Elsie Marie (Lorenzen) and Herald Claude Mitchell. Tom graduated from Dysart-Geneseo High School and then earned his accounting degree from the University of Northern Iowa. He worked as a CPA in Waverly and then for Hurd Insurance from 1973 - 1982. On June 1, 1982, Tom opened Mitchell Accounting in Clarksville; he was semi-retired at the time of his passing. On May 5, 1973,

Tom was united in marriage to Janice Louise Deike in Waverly. Tom served in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam era until honorably discharged. Tom was a member of First United Church of Christ-Pleasant Valley and serves as Treasurer for the Clarksville Nursing Home Board, Butler County Fair Board and Iowa Shorthorn Association. He also served on the board for Iowa State Bank, Iowa Junior Beef Breeds and was a member of the Butler County Cattlemen. Tom’s passion was raising and showing purebred shorthorn cattle. Over the years he was a mentor and positive influence on youth interested in show cattle. Tom is survived by his wife of forty-six years, Jan; four children, Micki (Jeff ) Reints of Shell Rock, Wendy (Brad) Hansen of Allison, Daniel (Renea) Mitchell

of Nashua and Scott Mitchell of Allison; fifteen grandchildren; Brad (Stacey) Reints, Clay (Casey) Reints, Jessica (Abe) Leisinger, Wesley (Heather) Allan, Zackary (Amanda) Allan, Shauna (Raymond) Hansen, Shannon Hansen, Caitlin (Connor) Allan, Michael Hansen, Mason Mitchell, Braeden Mitchell, Cooper Mitchell, Scott Jr. (Kristin) Mitchell, Kala (Josh) Harris, and Matthew Bond; twelve great-grandchildren, and two on the way! Surviving him also includes his mother, Elsie Mitchell of Dysart; one brother, Randy (Mary) Mitchell of Mexico, Missouri; one sister, Joleen (Mark) Nechanicky of Buckingham, Iowa; and several nieces and nephews; He was preceded in death by his father, Herald; and father and mother-in-law, Harold and Elsie Deike. =

Keith Moore, age 82 of Decatur, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at the Adams County Regional Medical Center. He was born September 17, 1937 in Byrd Twp, OH, the son of the late Bill and Helen (Bloom) Moore. He was a farmer as well as a US Army veteran. After World War II, Keith’s parents bought and moved to a farm in Decatur, Ohio. His father bought him a Shorthorn heifer. He then got involved in 4H. He showed his first heifer at the Brown County Fair in 1946. In 1996, the Brown County Fair Board presented Keith with an award for completing his 50th consecutive year of showing at the fair. In 1955 he graduated from Decatur high school. In the Fall he attended The Ohio State University. Following one year of college he was drafted into the US Army. He spent 16 months in Korea

before being honorably discharged. Upon completion of his service, Keith started building a Shorthorn herd and showed on the county fair circuit, at the Ohio State Fair and participated in state and district sales. During this same time, he also started a family which resulted in three children. In the early 1970’s, Keith worked for the newly formed Ohio Shorthorn Breeders Association as the organization’s secretary and field man where he traveled throughout the state representing the association. Throughout this time, he also managed many sales for the OSBA as well as in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky and Tennessee. Over the next few years, he worked for the American Shorthorn Association, ‘Shorthorn Country’ magazine and worked with the Kentucky State Fair Board to help create North American International Livestock Exposition. In 1981, he returned to full time farming where he raised tobacco and managed his Shorthorn herd. In 1988 the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association decided to start a Beef Exposition

and Keith was appointed as the Ohio Shorthorn Association representative to the Expo board where he still served until his passing. Outside the beef and farming industries, Keith enjoyed attending Eastern Local basketball games. He cheered on students at games all over Ohio. He supported youth throughout Brown County in several ways including, coaching baseball, announcing the open youth show at the Brown County Fair, Decatur 4-H Advisor and auctioneering cakes at the Decatur Fall Festival. He was active in the Decatur Community Church, and could be seen working their booth at the Decatur Memorial Day Ice-Cream Festival and Day at the Park, both annual community events. He is survived by his wife, Alberta Jodrey Moore of Decatur, 2 sons, Scott Moore and Bev of Morrow, OH, Stuart Moore and wife Teresa of Winchester, 1 daughter, Mande Payton and husband Dave of Decatur, 4 grandchildren, Blake (Natalie) Moore, Casey Dawson, Gabriel Moore and Etta Moore, and 1 great grandchild, Tillie Moore. =


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Donald (Don) Dean Washburn (75), was born in Remington October 30, 1944 to the late Ralph and Ruby Washburn. He passed away peacefully on May 16, 2020 after a yearlong battle with the return of his esophageal cancer. A graduate of Remington High School, Don received a Bachelor of Animal Science Animal Husbandry, a Master’s degree in Agriculture Education, and 20 years later a Masters degree in Guidance Counseling all from Purdue University. He was a member of AKL Fraternity. He taught at South Newton High School where he met the love of his life Judy Merchant Washburn and they recently celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary.

Don was very involved with the Brook United Methodist Church where he loved to serve in all capacities especially serving the community at Norm & Company dinners as well as Thursday night dinners where he was known for his wonderful desserts. Preceded in death by his parents, his sister Shirley Ramey and brother in law Neil Ramey, brother in law Wayne Siebenthal and brother in law Jim Alberts, niece Jill Alberts and many very special friends. Survived by wife Judy, his 3 daughters Colli Washburn (Matt Cord), Corri Stichnoth (Justin), Cailyn Smith (Brad), 3 grandchildren Laurel, Zeke, and Makai Smith, sisters Carolyn Siebenthal, Norma Alberts, and Tanya Washburn, Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law Bob and Cheryl Merchant along with many nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews, great-great nieces and nephews as well as the many friends he considered

family. Christian, husband, father, brother, uncle, grandfather, teacher, counselor, mentor, friend, and leader. He was passionate about raising cattle and getting other people excited about cattle. Don loved making memories with his family especially through annual family vacations. He was so passionate about making others feel loved, welcomed, encouraged and special. He found it an honor and a privilege to connect with everyone he met. Don led us by example. He was a prayer warrior. He was patient and he was kind. He wanted to share all that is good with anyone around him. If someone was feeling less than, he would build them up and make them more. Nothing would please him more than to see us all live lives of faith, love, hope, humility and service. =

Leroy “Hooker” Foss, of Lisbon, ND passed away on May 18, 2020 at Sanford Medical Center, Fargo, North Dakota. Leroy Earl Foss was born on October 8, 1934 to Oscar and Agnes (Anderson) Foss. Leroy was born and raised in Lisbon, where he was lovingly known

as “Hooker” due to his hook shot which helped lead the Broncos to a state championship in 1951. Leroy married Kay Keeler in 1957. Together, they raised their two children Mike and Brenda on their farm west of Lisbon. Leroy loved raising registered Shorthorns where colorful language was abound. He also loved watching all sports, especially his beloved Bison. His biggest love was watching his granddaughters (and in more recent years his great grandchildren) grow and play.

He is survived by his loving wife of 63 years, Kay; son: Mike (Karen) Foss West Fargo, ND; daughter: Brenda (Kent) Hendrickson Duluth, MN; three granddaughters: Kelly, Sarah, and Amy (Guille); and three great-grandchildren: Luciana, Quinn, and Lorenzo. He is preceded in death by his grandson Craig and his cat Pawpaw. =

Robert Joseph “Bob” McLaughlin, 91, of Woodsfield, Ohio passed away Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at his home. He was born in Weston, West Virginia on July 11, 1928 a son of the late William T. and Lorena Droppelman McLaughlin. He was a 1951 graduate of West Virginia University with a B.S. in mechanical engineering. He retired in 1989 as an engineer with P.P.G., Proctor, West

Virginia. He was a U.S. Army veteran; a member of St. Sylvester Catholic Church, Woodsfield, Ohio; a member of American Shorthorn Cattlemen’s Association, the Ohio Shorthorn Association and the Eastern Ohio Shorthorn Association; and a member of the Monroe County Jr. Fair Sale Committee where he served as treasurer for many years. He enjoyed watching his children and grandchildren show cattle. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife Mary Clara Walter McLaughlin on August 9, 2014; two brothers, Michael and William McLaughlin; two sisters, Rose Anne Wilson

and Mary Alice Boyd. Surviving are four daughters, Mary Ann (Ken) Schriver of Albion, Nebraska, Joan (Mark) Swallow of Beallsville, Ohio, Clara (Gary) Pickrell of Denver, North Carolina, Sharon (Jim) Martin of Martinez, Georgia; four sons, Robert J. McLaughlin Jr. of Woodsfield, Ohio, Carl W. (Melissa) McLaughlin of Sunbury, Ohio, Patrick A. (Kathy) McLaughlin of Freeland, Michigan, Edward T. ( Mary Faye) McLaughlin of Woodsfield, Ohio; eighteen grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. =

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OCA BEST Program Concludes Season and Recognizes Winners Online (MARYSVILLE, Ohio) – The 201920 Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s (OCA) BEST program recently wrapped up this year’s awards celebration via social media. Last fall, when the BEST season started no one could foresee the devastation the COVID-19 pandemic would inflict as it has upended lives around the world. The BEST program incurred its share of damage with the cancellation of the Ohio Beef Expo, the season’s last point show, as well as the awards banquet previously scheduled for May 2. However, this year’s Superhero theme was truly fitting as OCA started on May 2, as originally planned, to recognize the perseverance of the Superhero BEST participants and this year’s award winners on OCA’s social media. OCA kept the momentum going as it recognized Character Trait award recipients, the Novice winner and the winner of the Eby trailer drawing. All program awards are on par with previous years and in addition, each participant will be receiving a hoodie commemorating their year. The OCA office will be shipping each of these awards to their deserving recipients. The awards for the season are possible thanks to the program’s Superhero sponsoring partners. Their commitment to Ohio’s cattle showing youth are the cornerstone of the program’s amazing success. Belt buckles, luggage, show materials and other awards will be shipped to the winners in each of their respective divisions. The BEST Sponsoring Partners for 2019-2020 were Ag-Pro – John Deere, Bob Evans Farms, M.H. EBY, Frazier Farms, Farm Credit Mid–America, Garwood Arena, Kalmbach Feeds – Formula of Champions, Ohio Farm Bureau Feder-

ation and Weaver Leather Livestock. “Even a pandemic cannot overshadow the pride we have in the accomplishments of this year’s BEST participants, both in and out of the show ring,” said Elizabeth Harsh, OCA Executive Director. “We sincerely appreciate the BEST program’s sponsoring partners whose tremendous support makes this youth development program possible.” This year’s BEST program featured 10 sanctioned shows that wove their way across the state. Over 507 youth participants showed 663 head of market animals and heifers throughout the course of the 20192020 program. The introduction of the stockmanship division was a highlight of this year’s BEST program. The addition of the stockmanship division provided an opportunity for youth to participate who don’t show cattle and allowed them to demonstrate their animal husbandry skills and knowledge. It included the following competitions: quiz bowl, sales contest, and fitting contest. The judging contest component was cancelled with the Ohio Beef Expo. The BEST program will build upon the success of this new division further enhancing it for the 2020-21 season. Breed Division Champions: Shorthorn Heifers

ASA Nominating Committee Report Your nominating committee is starting the search for persons interested in serving as a Director on the ASA Board to be elected at the next Annual Meeting; December 5th. If you would like to serve or if you know of someone that you believe would be a good Director, please contact Robert Alden, the nominating committee chair. We will then be in contact with those persons and discuss the possibility of being nominated as a Director. Remember this is a member driven organization and it can only be as good as the inputs from our members. Nominating Committee for 2020 Board Candidates:


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Chair, Robert Alden (816) 632-8509 ralden1@yahoo.com Rick Leone (719) 468-1981 peakviewranch@ hotmail.com Bill Rasor (214) 850-4690 bill.rasor@gmail.com John Sullivan (712) 263-0263 john@sullivansupply. com Jeff Winkle (937) 694-1871 cattlejock9@yahoo. com

Champion - Kolten Greenhorn, Greene County Reserve Champion – Amanda Annett, Knox County Shorthorn Steers Champion – Kolten Greenhorn, Greene County Reserve Champion - Gavin Richards, Wood County ShorthornPlus Heifers Champion - Samantha VanVorhis, Wood County Reserve Champion - Darby Ayars, Champaign County ShorthornPlus Steers Champion - Tatumn Poff, Geauga County Reserve Champion - Rylan Luyster, Belmont County Best Bred & Owned Champions: Heifers Champion - Shorthorn, Kolten Greenhorn, Greene County Market Animals Reserve Champion - Shorthorn, Nathan Miller, Erie County Third Overall - ShorthornPlus, Paige Phillips, Clark County Fifth Overall - ShorthornPlus, Emma Helsinger, Preble County =

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California californiashorthorns.com Colorado

Tim Whitfield Matt Bigelow Jeff Cooksey Rick Leone Carl Burton Johnny Spencer

President Vice President President VP/Secretary President VP/Secretary

tim@sunnydayshorthorns.com mjbigelow@hotmail.com cookc4cattle@rtebb.net peakviewranch@hotmail.com 620-856-5750 417-285-6130

209-201-1684 559-868-6411 303-849-5214 719-468-1981

Scott Horton Ron Moore Indiana Matt Fry indianashorthorn.com Wayne Jester Iowa Ethan Gilman Josh Berg Kansas Ross Mosteller kansasshorthorns.com Louis Mann, Jr. Kentucky David McCall Jason Martin Louisiana Ricky Guidry Maryland Donnie Braun marylandshorthorns.com Sean Hough Michigan Stacy Stinson michiganshorthorns.com Carla McLachlan Minnesota Terry Morrison mnshorthorn.com Eric Schoenbauer Missouri Diane Bolinger missourishorthorn.com Brian Kohlstaedt Missouri - Ozark Janet Fritter Katie Stewart Montana Tom McClelland montanashorthornassociation.org W. Joel Jackson Nebraska John Sonderman Bill Bos North Carolina - see South Carolina North Dakota Roberta Francis Ryan Galbreath Ohio Jeff Winkle ohioshorthorns.org Duane Miller Oklahoma Jerrell Crow Terry Whisenhut Pennsylvania Charles Bomgardner Don Cowden South Carolina Steve McGill Eastern Shorthorn Association, Kris Dedmon FL, GA, NC, SC South Dakota Rick Osvog

President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President Acting President Vice President


630-365-1444 618-498-6368 765-720-8138 317-509-3112 515-360-1445 641-832-7772 785-541-1012 620-583-5693 502-494-9644 270-774-2283 337-540-2825 301-974-7901 443-745-5146 517-230-3377 517-242-2395 612-419-2139 952-237-3836 816-695-3669 816-934-2510 417-742-0508 417-839-3184 406-989-1547 406-989-1548 402-563-3917 402-564-5621


Four State Florida - see South Carolina Georgia - see South Carolina Illinois

Texas txshorthorns.org Washington Wisconsin wisconsinshorthorns.com

Luke Teeple Charles Curtis Kyle Lewis John Russell Hailey Griffin Dennis Schlimgen Jason Fearing

matthew_fry@cargill.com wayne.jester@milstonelp.com cgilmanshorthorns@gmail.com jaberg03@gmail.com redcowfamily@gmail.com louisalicemann@outlook.com mccallfran@gmail.com jasmar@scrtc.com ricky@rlcattlecompany.com mdorgdbraun@aol.com smhough13@gmail.com stacystinson14@gmail.com mclachlancarla@gmail.com TerryMorrison@frontiernet.net scattle@gmail.com bolingerfarms@embarqmail.com bkohlstaedt@yahoo.com mammafritt@sofnet.com kstewart@crinet.com short1hornmaybe@gmail.com mtshorthorn@gmail.com jmsonderman@frontiernet.net tbbos@megavision.com

President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President

jerrellcrow@crowcreekfarms.com Terry.whisenhunt@qaoac.com lightacandle@live.com


steve.mcgill@merial.com kcdedmon@gmail.com

864-376-9407 794-472-6371




President Vice President President Vice President President President Vice President

teeple@hotmail.com doublecshorthorns@gmail.com kyle@aamconline.com tadmorefarms@gmail.com Haileykins101@gmail.com dreamy280@mhtc.net jfearing@robseeco.com

931-761-3043 931-498-2847 832-588-8064

showpigs@mlgc.com cattlejock9@yahoo.com


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701-799-4568 701-799-4568 937-694-1871 303-231-3431 580-585-2522

253-244-0769 608-575-6848

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STATE Junior Advisors d i r e c t o ry




Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Missouri- Ozark Montana Nebraska North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Wisconsin

ashleyocatrett@gmail.com lanecattle@gmail.com fourvannest@yahoo.com cookc4cattle@rtebb.net kipieper92@gmail.com mrs.courtsmith18@gmail.com petepamberg@yahoo.com ddojo@fmctc.com nancy.grathwohl@zoetis.com mccallfran@gmail.com mccallfran@gmail.com mfkshorthorns@gmail.com bowmanfamilyshorthorns@verizon.net mojohooterman72@aol.com

334-527-3533 918-253-7344 209-656-9398

wgrcattle@yahoo.com nadelynsutherland@gmail.com rodeoclown98@yahoo.com laura.long@spsagu.com klisefarm@rallstech.com bolingerfarms@embarqmail.com mammafritt@sofnet.com dsokoloski2001@yahoo.com gcfshorthorns@gmail.com

507-491-6464 601-408-7267 601-543-6001 573-248-7769 573-248-4056

kevin.vanderwal@sdstate.edu katie.cull@okstate.edu jswinkle18@aol.com ironrock@gmail.com sbehrens2k@gmail.com cowqueen1998@yahoo.com pjsbadviser@gmail.com

605-627-9409 402-380-0404 937-681-1550

Ashley Catrett Will Lane Krista Vannest Amy Cooksey Katie Pieper Mitchell & Courtney Smith Pam Berg Jennifer Obrecht Nancy Grathwohl-Heter David McCall Fran McCall Faye Korthaus Heidi Bowman Tammy Bennett Stacy Stinson Mike & Lisa Wetzel Nadelyn Sutherland Karen Lott Laura Long Beverly Klise Diana Bollinger Janet Fritter Debbie Sokoloski Greg Crawford Jessica Simpson Kevin & Kari VanderWal Katie Cull Scott Winkle Don and Tawanna Holland Justin and Stephanie Berhens Erin Eldridge Sharon Allison Jessica Simpson Kevin & Kari VanderWal Phyllis Ferguson Jeff Sargent Lisa Schlimgen

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417-742-0508 406-208-9075 402-423-3944

541-619-7008 412-720-5444

kevin.vanderwal@sdstate.edu 605-627-9409 phyll23ferg@gmail.com jrsarge@gmail.com 903-624-7265 dreamy280@mhtc.net 608-576-1313



765-606-6224 641-220-3233 712-744-4300 785-587-7947 502-494-9644 502-836-9523 502-649-6475 301-651-0852 517-230-2306

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Take a look at our updated, user friendly website! shorthorncountry.net


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shorthorn country = july 2020


Shorthorn Country The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed

Subscription Form To subscribe, complete the following information and return with payment via cash, check or credit card.

Farm Name





United States Subscribers One Year (1 yr)........................$24.00 Two Year (2 yr) ........................$38.00 Three Year (3 yr) .....................$52.00 First Class - One Year ..............$54.00


Canadian Subscribers (All First Class) (US$) One Year (1 yr)........................$60.00 Two Year (2 yr) ........................$110.00 Three Year (3 yr) .....................$130.00

Credit Card #


Other Foreign Subscribers (Air Mail) (US$) One Year (1 yr)........................$120.00 Two Year (2 yr) ........................$220.00 Three Year (3 yr) .....................$300.00


Mail completed form & payment to: 7607 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, MO 64151 Fax completed form & payment to: 816-599-7782 Questions? Contact us at 816-599-7777


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shorthorn country = july 2020


Cagwin Farms

Home of Studer’s Crunch Time 22C

Visitors Welcome . . . Stop by any time!

-Top 5% in the breed for WW, YW, TM, CW, and $F


Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.

Farm located five miles east of Virginia on Route 125, 2. then one mile south of the elevator at Philadelphia, Illinois.

Route 2, Box 55 Beecher City, IL 62414 home: 618-487-5559 Trey: 618-367-0764 Steve: 618-267-3229


SULL Roan Goose



Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258



Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.

Cattle always For Sale at the Farm.


2519 Cty Rd 200E • Mahomet, IL 61853 217-202-2484 mainstreetfenching@yahoo.com


Quality seedstock for sale at the farm Dale & Ryan Wernicke 12611 Fisher Rd • Lena, IL 61048-9754 Dale: 815-369-2857 Ryan: 815-739-7754 ryanwernicke@yahoo.com Watch For Our Annual October Online Sale

Visitors Welcome

Bulls, heifers and steers for sale at all times.

Gary Chesnut Family 16145 N 100 East Road • Fithian, IL 61844 217-260-6144 11.




Dennis and Terri Jordan

545 E. 900 N. Road • Sibley, IL 61773 217-784-4854 • cell: 217-202-2865  email: jordan@prairieinet.net

Amanda, Layne, Ty and Ely Harden, 217-417-8335 Jason, Tasha and Isabella Bunting, 815-252-5520 Ashleigh, David, Dakota and Dalton Hall, 217-979-7531 13.


Luke, Amanda, Madeline, Gavin, Callie, Alexa & Josie Turner

Chesnut Shorthorns

Shorthorns 10.

Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664 Check our website for our current list of herd sires.

31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052

Scott Horton, Owner

WATAGA, IL 61488 contact: Dave Steck home: 309-342-0813 cell: 309-299-0335

cell: 309-678-4230 • cattle@leveldale.com or Rob Bruce, Herdsman: cell: 217-737-0692

Hugh W. Moore, Jr. & Sons

Horton farms Shorthorns 7.

contact: L.E. Mathers III

Trey & Hailey Wright Steve & Marsha Wright

629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806 Wayne: 618-384-8250 Doug: 618-384-1932

Horton cell: 630-965-1710 Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754 4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444


1963 Kelley Road • Caledonia, IL 61011 815-885-3679 cell: 815-494-5588 Come visit us any time. Heifers, bulls and steers for sale.

Wright Cattle Co. Leveldale Farms

Wayne Hinderliter Family

Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.

Dale Muck

VI P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 RG IS INIA, ILLINO office: 217-452-3051 cell: 217-341-7552 Kerry Johnston cell: 217-370-6033 Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell: 217-370-6034 cagwincattle@casscomm.com • cagwincattle.com

Sunnyland Farms



Don Cagwin

- Semen: $30/unit

Jason Smithers & Girls - 217-491-2140 jasonsmithers74@gmail.com Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280 36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363


Bred females for sale at all times. Albert Larry Hill


shorthorn country = july 2020

7272 NCR 3350 E • Mason City, IL 62664 217-737-1023 •  217-482-3765


Get on the map!



For details contact: Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, 217-370-6034 or Darryl Rahn, 217-473-1124

7 24

This ad runs six times a year. What better way to insure your customers can find you?

10 17 21

14 15






18 2


23 20 19

Bob and Mark Gordon


1 8

4 17.

1160 600th Ave. Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-737-7159 Mark cell: 217-737-7905 Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com



Rolling Hills Farm


Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns

Investing in top genetics for over 30 years. Visitors Welcome! The Birch Family Harold, Regina, Richard and Hope

Doug & Rhonda North 5544 Stone Road Clinton, IL 61727 217-622-4466

22698 E. Co. Rd. 920 N • Ashmore, IL 61912 217-349-8366 email: hbirch@agrisolutions.com

Driving directions from Ashmore: two miles west on Rt. 16 to Enon Baptist Church sign; then one mile south to farm 19. 20.






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Minnesota Shorthorn Association Visit Our Website For More Details mnshorthorn.org


2020 Membership - 86 Members

President: Terry Morrison

Steven E. Anderson-Maple Crest Meadows - N8016 St. Rd 65, River Falls, WI 54022 - (715)-425-8353 - andersonstevenrf@att.net

Vice President: Eric Schoenbauer Secretary/Treasurer: Alan Nelson Directors: Cory Bollum, Ryan Glbreath, Lowell Jabs, Cody Nelson, Tom Pierson, Mike Wetzel

Minnesota Junior Association

Board of Directors

Vice President: Hannah Wetzel Secretary/Treasurer: Charlie Severaid Directors: Zach Wanus, Lindsey Galbreath, Lane Jabs


shorthorn country = july 2020

Auburn View Farms-Dan & Trish Wanous - 6212 Major Ave., Glencoe, MN 55336 - (320)-328-9977; (320)-420-5632 - auburnviewfarms@yahoo. com Kenneth Bade-Badeland Cattle Co. - 41849 260th St, Arlington, MN 55307 - (507)-964-5311, c: (320)-510-1123

President: Elizabeth Jabs

Junior Advisors: Mike & Lisa Wetzel

Armstrong Farms-Amanda Armstrong - 3791 84th NE, Owatonna, MN 55060 - (651)-775-2284

Bar N Cattle-Cody and Melanie, Amelia, Coy, & Jace Nelson - 21023 440th St, Belview, MN 56214 - (507)-720-2998 - soilrx1@gmail.com Mike & Ed Barrett - 30360 Sciota Trail E, Randolph, MN 55065 - (507)302-9422 - Bsf_shorthorns@hotmail.com Bayerl Family Farm-Scott Bayerl - 24978 CR 2, Silver Lake, MN 55381H-(320)-327-6541; C-(612)-554-9920 Berg Shorthorns-Josh and Ashley Berg - 1295 Hwy 9, Osage, IA 50461 (641)-832-7772 - jaberg03@gmail.com

Eugene Betcher - 27711 County 16 Blvd-Goodhue, MN 55027 (651)-9235232 Sherri-flowers@hotmail.com

Galbreath Farms-Ryan Galbreath - 13038 55th St, Enderlin, ND 58027(701)-799-4568 - showpig@mlgc.com

Bollum Family Shorthorns-Cory Bollum - 2705 8th Ave SW, Austin, MN 55912 - (507)-279-0480 - cdbollum@hormel.com

4G Livestock-Kyle and Jill Grams & Family - 66127 170th St, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314 - ( 507)-221-0008 - kngrams77@gmail.com

LeAnn Bollum - 1717 S Waconta Ave, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 - (608)778-3672 - lbollum@centurytel.net

Harley Hanke - 314 W 9th St, Morris, MN 56267 - (320)-589-3446

Doug & Heather Bruns, MacKenna & Hunter - 86717 210th St, Renville, MN 56284 - (320)-905-6510 - dougb@renvillecountymn.com

Harguth Family - 207 Devin Dr., St.Charles, MN 55972 - (507)-932-3213

Michael Cannon -225 100th Ave SE, DeGraff MN 56271- (320)-894-9871

Hawkins Cork & Cattle Ranch - 7101 Magnuson Road SW, Alexandria, MN 56308 - Heidi (507)-261-4280); Matt (651)-274-7385 Matthawkins43@gmail.com

Cannondale Farms-Tom Bryan - 6380 Leeson Lane, Red Wing, MN 55066 - (651)-301-9555 - tom.bryan@plantpioneer.com

Hearthstone Farm-Scott & Lois Greiman - N 7267 250th St., Spring Valley, WI 54761 - (612)-719-0567 - scottsgreiman@gmail.com

Carlson Family Shorthorns-Darrin and Sharon, Ethan & Jaden Carlson - 220 Ash St., Clements, MN 56224 - Sharoncarlson1971@yahoo. com; darrincarlson67@yahoo.com

Donald or Kathy Heise - 67059 345th Ave., Lake City, MN 55041 - (612)618-633

Dicks Family Show Cattle-Glenn and Ruth Dicks - 43847 840th St., Lakefield, MN 56150 - H-(507)-662-5321; Glenn-cell (507)-840-1075Ruth-cell-507-840-1073 - radicks@federatedwildblue.com, gradicks@ federatedwildblue.com Donnelly Shorthorns-Adam Donnelly - 398 95th St., Clear Lake, WI 54005 - (651)-470-4069 - dfencecc@hotmail.com Double M Cattle Company LLC - 748 Enloe Rd, Rewey, WI 53580 (608)-943-6091; (608)-642-0443 - muells29@yahoo.com

Larry Highdale - 12635 County Rd 3, Kensington, MN 56343 - (320)965-2778 Joseph or Kathleen Hilger-Keystone Shorthorns - 22021 175th St, Cornell, WI 54732 - (715)-202-0594 - kathyhilger@yahoo.com Dennis or Mary Hoffrogge- 44097 County Hwy 4, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 - (507)-249-2009 - DHoffrogge@gmail.com Dennis or Sharon Hooley-Hooley Family Shorthorns - 12354 100th St. N., Stillwater, MN 55082 - (651)-439-5932 membership list continued on next page...

Jim and Pam Dressen - N 4787 515th St., Ellsworth, WI 54011 - (715)273-3416 - jdressen@pressenter.com Faxon Creek Cattle Company-Terry Morrison - 11213 182nd St., Belle Plaine, MN 56011 - (952)-873-4355 - TerryMorrison@frontiernet.net Frick Family Farm-Ted and Paula Frick - 16553 220th St, Hutchinson, MN 55350 - (320)-587-3525 - cowdoc@hotmail.com

shorthorn country = july 2020


...memberships continued

Join Us - Become a Member Today !

Lowell & Nicole Jabs - 1112 Bluff Ave, St. Charles, MN 55972 - (507)259-1269 or 507-250-0859 Jenson Family Shorthorns-Glenn and Anita Jensen - 17040 Omega Ave, Springfield, MN 56087 - (507)-227-2715 - jensenfarm @nutelecom.net Frank Kaehler Family - 20030 25th St., St. Charles, MN 55972 - (507)932-3388 - frankkaehler@hotmail.com - www.kaehlerfamily.com James L. Kreidermacher - 740 County Road 132 SE, Dover, MN 55929 (507)-932-3446 Darold Krzmarzick - 23683 Co. Rd. 27, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 - (507)794-7569 Laban’s Roanoke Farm-Joe or Linda Laban - 26864 S. Garryowen Rd, Bernard IA 52032 - H:(563)-879-3154, C: (563)-542-3155 - jslaban@ yahoo.com Kyle Langum Family - 21471 35th St., Cresco, IA 52136 - (563)-2034182 - deejlangum@gmail.com Brad Lewis - 2119 36th St S., Moorhead, MN 56560 - (218)-789-7329, (701)-261-7826 - Kidsonafarm@gmail.com James E. Long-Long Family Shorthorns - 311 E 3rd St., Vinton, IA 52349 - (319)-472-4465 Lowe Family-Carole, Dave, Shelby, & Jackson - 719 S 4th St., Stillwater, MN 55082 - FourPonys2@yahoo.com Charlie Lundell - 10849 Co. Rd 1 Blvd., Cannon Falls, MN 55009 - (507)202-2567 - ssullin153@gmail.com Cecil Malme - Box 44, Shelly, MN 56581- (218)-886-8488 Justin McMartin - 35670 Highway 56 Boulevard, Dennison, MN 55018 (612)-247-6536 Peter McMartin - 20475 Whistle Pass Dr., Lewiston, MN 55952 - (507)523-2415 - mcmartinherd@hotmail.com Meeker Family Shorthorns-Larry or Debra Meeker - 58536 220th Ave., Mantorville, MN 55955 - (507)-635-5595 - meekerfarms@kmtel Gary Michels-Peaceful Valley Farm - 28526 Le Sueur Creek Road, Le Sueur, MN 56532 - (507)-665-3878 - peacefulfarm@msn.com Millvale Farms-Gene & Roberta Francis - 11020 59th St., Lawton, ND 58345 - Gene (815)-867-2192, Roberta (701)-331-2403 - rfrancis1@live. com Joel Molitor - 2850 105th St E., Inver Grove Height, MN 55077 - (651)983-2602 - Joel Molitor@nm.com Bert & Millie Moore - 407 N 12th St., Indianola, IA 50125 - (701)-5415035 - bertshorthorn@gmail.com Mulberry Lane Shorthorns-Dennis and Kathy Hoffbeck - 28159 County Hwy 11, Morgan, MN 56266 - (507)-829-4580 - tetrickc@gmail.com Nelson Family Shorthorns-Alan & Crystal Nelson -20480 870th Ave., Renville, MN 56284 - C (320)-894-6271; H (320)-329-4303 - nelsonfamilyshorthorns@yahoo.com - alan.nelson@state.mn.us crystalnelson51@yahoo.com Nip-n-Tuc Cattle Co-Paul & Marijo Beckstrand - 2271 250th Ave., Waldorf, MN 56091 - (507)-239-2187 -mjbeck6@gmail.com Novotny’s Show Cattle-Megan Domonoske - 19812 Tetonka Lake Rd., Waterville, MN 56096 - (507)-381-7615 Oakwood Farms-Dick, Marj, or Rick Colby - 1099 Cty Rd A, Grand Marsh, WI 53936 - (608)-584-5396 - oakwood1@maqs.net Olsen Family Shorthorns-David or Becky Olsen - W562 Cty Rd D, Berlin, WI 54923 - (920)-987-5826 - OlsenFamilyShorthorns@centurylink.net O’Sullivan Cattle Co. - PO Box 894-6647 Gowan Ave NW, Maple Lake, MN 55358 - (612)-860-6665 - Frank@OSullivanAuctioneers.co Dave Peckat Family - 9940 260th St., Park Rapids, MN 56470 - (218)252-3887 - DavePeckat@gmail.com Jim & Diane Perry - 17595 Weaver Lake Dr., Maple Grove, MN 55311 (612)-387-4533 - gotnoranch@comcast.net Thomas and Sherri Pierson - 4365 Cty Rd 10 North., Watertown, MN 55388 H:(952)-955-3474; C:(612)-240-6494 - thomas.john.pierson@gmail. com


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Rose Cattle-Steve and Shirley -11504 507th Ave, Amboy, MN 56010 - H: (507)-674-3870, C:(507)-227-6660 - ssrosefarms@yahoo.com Lawrence Roster - 27874 SD Hwy 25, Spencer, SD 57374 Russell & Donna Scheller - 7843 Co. Rd 37 NE, St. Michael, MN 55376 -(763)-497-2673 - rdsroansrule@yahoo.com Eric & Robynne Schoenbauer - 17173 158th St., Hamburg, MN 55339 -(952)-237-3836, (952)-237-3836 - sscattle@gmail.com - robynnes@ Embarqmail.com Steven Schutt-Elm Creek Shorthorns - 31655 190th St, Winnebago, MN 56098 - (507)-525-4486 - Schutter_54@Hotmail.com Sivad Farms-Lance & Sharon Davis Family - 87002 State Line Rd., Glenville, MN 56036 - (507)-325-4739 - sivadfarms@gmail.com Small Farms-Tina Small - 1272 County Rd 142 SW, St. Charles, MN 55972 Robert Sonnek - 50167 230th St., Minnesota Lake, MN 56068 rssonnek@bevcomm.net Spring View Cattle-Karen Luchterhand - N4134 Collier Ave, Neilsville, WI 54456 - (612)-770-1831 - lobe0040@umn.edu Jeff Stangeland Family-Deerhorn Farms - 2359 150th St., Barnesville, MN 56514 - (218)-493-4379 - deerhorn@rrt.net Stark Family Shorthorns-Aaron Stark - 30715 Woodhaven Trail, Cannon Falls, MN 55009 - (507)-649-7931 - AaronBStark@gmail.com - Lonnie. Stark@chsinc.com Craig, Stephanie, Keagan & Carter Steck - 869 190th Ave, Woodstock, MN 56186 - (319)-530-8790 - Stephanie@stephaniecronin.com Steve & Kay Torgerson - 24122 515th Ave, Austin, MN 55912 Thompson Cattle Co.-Dylan & Amanda Thompson - 17040 Omega Ave, Springfield, MN 56087 - (507)-227-7555 - jensonfarm@nutelecom.net Top Notch Stock Farm-Lynn, Gale, & Jeff Nelson - 25994 725th Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007 - (507)-826-3184 - Gale (507)-383-4172, Jeff (507)383-4173- topnotchstockfarm@gmail.com Robert Tramm-Tramm’s Shorthorns - 1674 320th Ave, Isle, MN 56342 - (320)-679-5599 Troy Tramm-R/T Shorthorns - 3183 Harbor St, Isle, MN 56342 - (320)679-4364 Trebesch Cattle Company - 36287 180th St, Green Isle, MN 55338 (952)-412-0156 - Kipptreb@gmail.com Justin & Whitney Vogel- 10631 24th St SE-Rogers, ND 58479-(701)-3204054; (701)-261-1667- jvogel84@Hotmail.com Dan & Val Wasinger-WCC Shorthorns - 31678 240th St, Winnebago, MN 56098 - (507)-779-6378 - valwimes@hotmail.com WGR Cattle-Mike & Lisa M. Wetzel, Lexi, Mikayla, & Hannah - 25498 Hall Ave, Faribault, MN 55021 - wgrcattle@yahoo.com Whitewater Creek Farms-Steve and Kathy Wesley - 51717 147th Ave, Waterville, MN 56096 - (507)-362-8721, (507)-838-5109) - Srwesley@ frontiernet.net Wildwood Farm - 3606 Baker Ave NW, Buffalo, MN 55313- (763)-6824903, Tom Waldron - 3970 Baker Ave NW, Buffalo, MN 55313 - (763)682-5115 - wildwood193@yahoo.com Willow Creek Stock Farm - Gene J. Robben & Kath Marcussen - 19346 464th St, Verndale, MN 56481 - (218)-924-2337 - wcsf@arvig.net Gene & Cheryl Zarling - 21090 565th St., Plainview, MN 55964 - (507)273-4421 - Justme255yahoo.com

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ASA Point Show System for 2020-2021 Show Season: April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021

Region 1: Northeast

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia Region 1: Northeast Regional Shows

Super Regional........ Ohio State Fair (Cancelled) Regional …………. State Fair of WV Regional ……… Maryland State Fair

Region 2: Southeast

Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi Region 2: Southeast Regional Shows

Super Regional... Kentucky State Fair (Cancelled) Regional ……. Appalachian State Fair (Cancelled) Regional …...… Tennessee State Fair (Cancelled)

Region 3: North Central

North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska

Region 4: South Central

Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana Region 4: South Central Regional Shows

Super Regional………….Tulsa State Fair (Cancelled) Regional ………..……. Kansas State Fair Regional ………….. Oklahoma State Fair

Region 5: West

Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California Region 5: West Regional Shows

Super Regional…..… Western Idaho Fair (Cancelled) Regional ………... Washington State Fair Regional …….......... California State Fair (Cancelled)

5 - National Shows North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, KY

Region 3: North Central Regional Shows

Super Regional…… Iowa State Fair (Cancelled) Regional …………. Illinois State Fair (Cancelled) Regional ….… Minnesota State Fair (Cancelled)


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National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO Keystone International Livestock Exposition, Harrisburg, PA American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, MO Fort Worth Stock Show, Fort Worth, TX

Point Distributions: Regional Shows

1st: 5 points 2nd: 4 points 3 points 3rd: 4th: 2 points 5th: 1 point Division Champion: Reserve Division Champion: Grand Champion: Reserve Grand Champion:

4 points 2 points 7 points 5 points

Super Regional Shows

1st: 6 points 2nd: 5 points 4 points 3rd: 4th: 3 points 5th: 2 points Division Champion: Reserve Division Champion: Grand Champion: Reserve Grand Champion:

5 points 3 points 9 points 7 points

5 National Shows

1st: 8 points 7 points 2nd: 3rd: 6 points 4th: 5 points 5th: 4 points Division Champion: Reserve Division Champion: Grand Champion: Reserve Grand Champion:

7 points 5 points 11 points 9 points

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Sales Calendar Sept. 5 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, Ind. Sept. 5 - Smith Family Farms “Cattleman’s Cut” Open House, Pendleton, Ind. Sept. 6 - DHS Show Cattle Bid Off Sale, Falmouth, Ind. Sept. 6 & 7 - Turner Shorthorns “Somerset Sensations” Open House & Private Treaty Sale, Somerset, Ohio. Sept. 8 - Cornerstone Farms “Born to be Rockstars” Online Sale, Winchester, Ind., cwcattlesales.com Sept. 8 - Meyer Family Shorthorns “Elite Heifer and Steer” Online Sale, Greensburg, Ind., cwcattlesales.com Sept. 10 - Highland Farms “Land of Lincoln” Show Steer & Heifer Online Sale, Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales.com Sept. 12 - Shadybrook Farms “Decades of Excellence” Production Sale, West Brome, Quebec, Canada. Sept. 14 - Smith Family Farms “Cattleman’s Cut” Online Sale, Pendleton, Ind., cwcattlesales.com Sept. 20 - Ripberger/Norman “Eyes On The Midwest” Production Sale, Newman, Ill. Sept. 21 - Tadmore Farms, Show Heifer, Bred Heifer and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, Texas, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 21 - Berg Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, Iowa, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 26 - The Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, Mich. Sept. 27 - Warner Ranch “Fall Harvest” Production Sale, Columbus, Neb. Sept. 30 - Shoufler Shorthorns “Multi Breed Show Heifer” Online Sale, Fortville, Ind., cwcattlesales.com Oct. 1 - Meyer Farms Show Heifer Online Sale, Rushville, Ind., cwcattlesales.com Oct. 3 - Greenhorn Cattle Co., “Where Great Females Make A Difference”, Waynesville, Ohio.

Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales

Oct. 4 - Du-Lynn Farms, “Share The Vision”, Berlin, Ohio. Oct. 7 - Mitchell Family Shorthorns Online Sale, Waverly, Iowa., cwcattlesales.com Oct. 10 - Schrag 605, “Family Event” Production Sale, Marion, S.D. Oct. 10 - Studer Family Shorthorns, “Family Legacies” Production Sale, Creston, Iowa. Oct. 11 - Sullivan Farms, “Maternal Legends” Production Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Oct. 17 - “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, Okla. Oct. 17 - “Keystone Autumn Klassic” Shorthorn Sale, Waynesburg, Pa. Oct. 18 - Bedwell Cattle Co. & Lost Diamond B Ranch “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, Okla. Oct. 24 - Alden Farms, “100 Year Anniversary” Sale, Hamilton, Mo. Nov. 7 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durham Nation”, Production Sale, Kathryn, N.D. Nov. 10 - Highland Farms Show Heifer & Bred Female Online Sale, Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales.com Nov. 15 - Greenhorn Cattle Company, “Where Future Generations Are Created”, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 23 - Bar N Shorthorns, “Holiday Classic” Online Bred Heifer Sale, Bellview, Minn., amsonlinesales.com. Nov. 29 - Bollum Family Shorthorns, “Red, White & Roan” Online Sale, Goodhue, Minn. Dec. 8 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, N.D., amsonlinesales. com. Dec. 12 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, Ohio =

Sept. 5 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, IN Sept. 12 - Shadybrook Farms “Decades of Excellence” Production Sale, West Brome, Quebec, CAN Sept. 20 - Ripberger/Norman “Eyes On The Midwest” Production Sale, Newman, IL Sept. 21 - Tadmore Farms, Show Heifer, Bred Heifer and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, TX, amsonlinesales.com Sept. 22 - Berg Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, IA, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 26 - The Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, MI Sept. 27 - Warner Ranch “Fall Harvest” Production Sale, Columbus, NE Oct. 3 - Greenhorn Cattle Co., “Where Great Females Make A Difference” Production Sale, Waynesville, OH Oct. 4 - Du-Lynn Farms “Share The Vision” Production Sale, Berlin, OH Oct. 10 - Schrag 605, “Family Event” Production Sale, Marion, SD Oct. 11 - Sullivan Farms, “Maternal Legends” Production Sale, Dunlap, IA Oct. 17 - “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, OK Oct. 18 - Bedwell Cattle Co. & Lost Diamond B Ranch “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, OK Oct. 24 - Alden Farms, “100 Year Anniversary” Sale, Hamilton, MO Nov. 1 - Garwood Cattle Company Complete Dispersion, Columbiana, OH Nov. 7 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durham Nation”, Production Sale, Kathryn, ND Nov. 15 - Greenhorn Cattle Company, “Where Future Generations Are Created”, Louisville, KY Nov. 23 - Bar N Shorthorns, “Holiday Classic” Online Bred Heifer Sale, Bellview, MN, amsonlinesales.com. Dec. 8 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND, amsonlinesales.com. Dec. 12 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, OH

Online sales with a personal touch.

Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com

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Ad Index AAA Shorthorns........................... 114 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc....31, 123 Alden Farms................................. IFC American Live Stock....................... 43 AST Shorthorns............................. 81 Beckler Farms LLC......................... 51 Bedwell Cattle Co.......................... 42 Bennett Land & Cattle................. 114 Berg Shorthorns........................... 114 Bern-A-Dale Shorthorns............... 103 Bigelow Farms.............................. 114 Bollum Family Shorthorns............. 39 Bowman Superior Genetics.... 15, 114 Brooks, Bruce............................... 118 Bye Well Shorthorns..................... 114 Byland Polled Shorthorns....... 77, 114


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Cagwin Cattle Services LLC......... 118 Cagwin Farms........................... 12-13 Cairns Shorthorns.......................... 32 Cairns Shorthorns........................ 114 Carolina Cattle Co......................... 75 Cates Farms.............................. 9, 114 Cattle Visions............................... 118 CD’s Shorthorns.......................... 112 Cedar Lane Farm............................ 57 Circle K Cattle Company............. 112 Cornerstone Farms....................... 114 Crawfdown Farms........................ 114 Crow Creek Farms......................... 36 Dale Studer Family Shorthorns...... 21 Deckert Stock Farm...................... 112 Dedmon Shorthorns.................... 114

DJS Shorthorns............................ 114 Double C Shorthorns............. 99, 114 Double J Shorthorns...................... 37 Dragstrem Farms.......................... 121 Dreamy 280 Cattle Company...... 114 DTR Cattle Co...................... 47, 114 Du-Lynn Farm............................... 56 Duis Farms................................... 114 Brent Elam................................... 112 Fairview Stock Farm....................... 99 Farrer Stock Farms......................... 48 FH Shorthorns............................. 112 Fickbohm Farms.......................... 114 Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns....... 86, 115 Fugate Shorthorns........................ 115 Gellerman-Little Grove Farm....... 113 Gilman Shorthorns........................ 20 Green Castle Shorthorns.............. 112 Greenhorn Cattle Co., LLC... 33, 115 Greenwood Farms, LLC...............IBC Greg Crawford Family.................... 71 GTG Cattle Co............................ 112 Harlan Cattle Co............................ 87 Haumont Shorthorns........... 111, 115 Hidden Hollow Farm/Rainy Day Shorthorns.112 Hill Farm....................................... 73 Hill Haven Shorthorns................... 11 Hillside Farm................................. 34 Homedale Farms.......................... 101 Homeplace Farms......................... 115 Hornhead Valley Farm/Baylor Cowden.122 Horseshoe Creek Farms.................. 74 Hub Ranch Shorthorns................ 115

Humble Stock Farm............. 113, 115 Illinois Breeders Unitd For Impact.104-105 Inness Shorthorns......................... 115 Iowa Shorthorn Association.......... 109 Iroquoian Shorthorns................... 115 J. Armstrong Cattle........................ 65 James F. Bessler, Inc...................... 118 Jester Farms............................ 82, 115 Jordan Acres................................. 119 Jungels Shorthorn Farm............ 67-69 Kevin Wendt................................ 118 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm... 113,115 Keystone Autumn Klassic............... 90 Keystone Shorthorns.............. 83, 115 Kruse Ranch................................... 50 KSS Keystone Shorthorns............. 115 KW Cattle Co.............................. 115 L&L Shorthorns........................... 118 Laban’s Roanoke Farm.................. 115

Smith Family Farms............... 35, 116 Smoky Mountain Farm......... 113,116 South Starr Farms........................... 76 Stangl Shorthorns................... 71, 116 Stecks Cattle.............................. 16-17 Stepping Stone Ranch.................... 62 STgenetics® Beef........................... 66 Stone Springs Shorthorns..... 117, 125 Sullivan Farms.............................. 117 Sullivan Supply............................ 118 Sutherland Shorthorns................. 117 Tadmore Farms.............................. 53 Top Notch Stock Farm......... 117, 124

Turner Family Shorthorns............ 117 Turner Shorthorns.......................... 84 Twin Oak Farms............................. 58 Tynywtra’s.................................... 117 Utterback Show Cattle................. 117 Vytelle............................................ 59 Warner Ranch........................ 63, 117 Waukaru Shorthorns.................... 117 White Birch Farm.......................... 94 WHR Shorthorns............................. 7 Wilson Livestock Agency.............. 118 Woodrange Farm.......................... 112 XL Shorthorns............................... 91

Lakamp ‘Willow Branch’ Shorthorn Farm...112 Land of Lincoln Reds/Bent Spear Stock Farm.111

Lane Cattle..................................... 40 Langhoff Family Shorthorns......... 112 Lathrop........................................ 118 Lazy Bar F Shorthorns.................... 95 Legacy Ranch............................... 115 Leveldale Farms...................... 25, 115 Little Cedar Cattle Co.......... 115, 126 Lost Diamond B Ranch.................. 41 Loving Farms................................. 24 LSA Shorthorns.............................. 64 Mapleton Polled Shorthorns......... 112 Martindell Farm............................. 85 McCall Show Cattle............... 97, 116 McKee Family Shorthorns............ 116 Merideth Land & Cattle................ 72 Meyer Family Shorthorns............. 116 Meyer Farms................................ 116 MFK Shorthorns............................ 97 Millvale Shorthorns...................... 112 Minnesota Shorthorn Assoc.. 106-108 MN Shorthorn Association Group.106-107 Moore Shorthorns........................ 117 Nile Valley Farm/Hendrickson Trust.....116 Norman Farms............................. 116 Oakview Shorthorns....................... 80 Ohio Shorthorn Breeders Association ..110 Oler Farm.................................... 116 Paint Valley Farms......................... BC Parnell Farms.................................. 19 Peak View Ranch............................ 55 Pearl Valley Shorthorns................... 70 Phildon Farms.............................. 116 Respite Farm.................................. 23 Richardson Farms Shorthorns...... 116 Robjoy Shorthorns....................... 116 Robsten Shorthorns...................... 112 Rockin’ G Land & Cattle....... 89, 116 Rocky Branch Shorthorns.... 101, 116 Ron Alden.................................... 112 Sandy Ridge................................. 112 Sargent Show Cattle..................... 112 Schrag 605............................... 3, 116 Sears Marketing Services, LLC...38, 114 Shadybrook Shorthorns................. 4-5 Sharben Shorthorns................ 54, 116 Shorthorn Foundation.................... 61 Shoufler Shorthorns....................... 49 Singing H Shorthorns.................. 116 Six’s Shorthorns.............................. 90

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