2021 Shorthorn Country July

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The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

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july 2021 issue 6 • volume 48

The July cover photo was taken by Elizabeth Neshem, EK Designs at Pearl Valley Shorthorns, Valley City, N.D.

7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 •  FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net

Shorthorn Country Features

President Outlook............................................................................. 26 Vice President Outlook..................................................................... 32 A Deeper Dive into Shorthorn Beef - Locally Raised...................... 34 Shorthorn Beef - Locally Raised Listings....................................... 42 2021 ASA Committees...................................................................... 48 Heifer Project Update....................................................................... 52 Shorthorn: working for the next 150 years....................................... 56 Shorthorn Sesquicentennial Limited Edition Book...................... 64 2021 ASA Annual Meeting Forum & Awards Banquet................ 74 Past Builder of the Breed.................................................................. 80 Builder of the Breed Nominations.................................................. 81 Past Show Bull & Female of the Year.............................................. 84 Get to Know the Interns................................................................... 90 State Association Contacts............................................................... 94 State Junior Advisor Contacts.......................................................... 96

Show Results

2021 Ohio Junior Shorthorn Preview Show................................. 100 2021 Illinois Junior Shorthorn Preview Show............................. 101

Departments Update..................................................................................6 Association Outlook..........................................................8 Beef Business.....................................................................10 Beef Blurb..........................................................................12 Check the Facts.................................................................16 In the Know.......................................................................20 Junior Corner....................................................................88 2021-2022 ASA Point Show System.............................118 News & Notes..................................................................120 Sales Calendar.................................................................127 Ad Index..........................................................................128 4

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The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

advertising rates 1x 11x Full page $ 565 $ 505 2/3 page 420 385 1/2 page-island 335 310 1/2 page 315 290 1/3 page 240 225 1/4 page 195 175 1/6 page 135 120 Business card (1 1/2”) 41 32 * Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs

color rates

4 color $200 1 color $195

* Color only available on half of page or larger

Contract Rates And Discounts:

Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.

Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs

Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.

Don Cagwin, publisher Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com =Advisory Council Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.

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WHR Breeders WHR Assessments for 2021 were sent in November. If you have not received yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible.

Shorthorn Update American Shorthorn Association 7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorn.org Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Cassie Reid, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services • cassie@shorthorn.org Wade Minihan, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services • wade@shorthorn.org Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org

ASA Dates of Note

July July 5 ASA Office Closed July 26-29 The Summit Youth Leadership Conference, Canyon, Texas August Aug. 1 Builder of the Breed Nominations due to ASA Aug. 2 Ballots for delegate voting will be mailed to members in good standing Aug.10-12 NCBA Convention and Trade Show - Nashville, Tenn. Aug. 31 ASA Fiscal year ends: All registrations counted for Century Club must be registered September Sept. 6 ASA Office Closed - Labor Day Sept. 7 All ballots due in ASA office for electing delegates Sept. 10 American Royal ownership and entry deadline

ASA Board of Directors Hugh Mooney, president 209-712-6692 Joe Bales, vice president 615-330-2342 Dave Greenhorn, executive director 937-470-6552 John Sonderman, 402-641-0936 Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 Jerrell Crow, 580-585-2522 Lee Miller, 330-231-6834 John Russell, 832-588-8604 Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905 Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Lexi Wetzel, president National Shorthorn Lassies Sommer Smith, president

October Oct. 9 KILE National Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Show Oct. 10 KILE Junior Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Show Oct. 17 NILE Junior Show and National Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show Oct. 21 American Royal Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show Oct. 22 American Royal National Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Show Oct. 22 ASA Annual Meeting - Breeders’ Happy Hour/Social at the ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo. Oct. 23 ASA Annual Meeting Forum and Awards Banquet - Shorthorn Sesquicentennial Kick-Off, Hilton Kansas City Airport, Kansas City, Mo. November Nov. 25-26 ASA Office Closed - Thanksgiving and day after

2021 ASA Annual Meeting Forum & Awards Banquet October 22-23 - Hilton Kansas City Airport Kansas City, MO View Full Schedule on Page 74

1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2021 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2021.) 2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2021 to an assessed 2021 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months) 2021 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: March 1 - December 31, 2021 $25 *Calves born in previous year(s) to unassessed dams will incur additional fees.

Shorthorn Beef Locally Raised Visit shorthornbeef.org to see the availability of Shorthorn meat from Shorthorn producers. Contact shelby@shorthorn.org to get on the map or for more information.




ESTD 1872

A.I. Certificates In order to have A.I. certificates released on a bull, it must be DNA tested as an A.I. Sire. However, if the bull is deceased, the calf can be DNA tested instead.

Non-Certificate Bulls To make a bull non-certificate, ALL DNA requirements for an A.I. Sire must be completed before we will make them non-certificate.

The Summit

IGS Youth Leadership Conference July 26-29, 2021 Canyon, Texas • Registration Deadline July 1st • https://juniorshorthorn.com/events/summit/

Regular Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone

(ASA Staff Meeting Wednesday’s 10:00-11:00 AM)

2021 International Year Code: J 6

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Association Outlook

Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO

Sesquicentennial Kickoff


he Herd Book issue in July is always special, it’s the issue we use for all year to reference information and keep at our fingertips to find contacts in our breed. This year’s issue will have some special announcements for the ASA. You may not be aware, but the American Shorthorn Association is the oldest beef breed in the US. We started in Chicago, Illinois in 1872 as the American Shorthorn Breeders Association. And now, the time has finally come to announce activities that will kick-off the American Shorthorn Association’s Sesquicentennial - 150 years – as “America’s First.” This celebration starts at the American Royal National Shorthorn Show, and continues with the Annual Meeting, Forum and Awards Banquet on October 22-23, 2021. After the Show on Friday, Oct. 22nd we will host a social at the ASA Office in Kansas City. This will be a great time to browse around the office and visit with staff and fellow Shorthorn breeders. The Educational Forum will start Saturday morning, Oct. 23rd at the Kansas City Hilton Airport. This year, the forum will feature a trip down memory lane, and honor many of the Shorthorn folks that have helped build the breed for the past 150 years. Check out page 74 for the full


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schedule of Shorthorn’s this year’s Annual Meeting. genesis It will have some different twists and T total dedication to our past and future. One of the major activities will be the unveiling of an awesome tabletop book representing the history of Shorthorn cattle and the Association, entitled “America’s First”. This book has been in production for well over a year. It Theby farmers’ is written Dr. cattle ______ Bob Hough and Dr. Bert Moore. They have dug deep into the archives to share information about our breed from its beginning, as TITLE well as Shorthorn’s influence in both the US and around the world. This book is a breed-first and really becomes an industry first. The book covers all the activities and insights of the Shorthorn breed from populating the west in the late 1800’s to the power breed in the 1940’s & 50’s, and then into the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s to the modern cattle of today. It includes the history of our industry and describes how Shorthorns tie into it. Shorthorn breed history and how it fits into the industry is portrayed from cover to cover. This project has been a huge undertaking that will be o understand Shorthorns in America, it is important to rst know their background in England. This is where their type was xed, and the breed’s characteristics were set, which in large part determined its usefulness as a breed on both sides of the Atlantic. That Shorthorn was developed in England is no surprise as Great Britain has had a profound impact on the livestock industry. It has given the world many of its most important breeds—Shorthorn, Angus, Hereford—as well as countless other breeds of beef cattle, dairy, sheep, horses, and hogs. It is amazing that one small island could have such a disproportional impact on the world’s animal agriculture, and it speaks highly of the local inhabitants who strove to better their stock using the latest breeding practices. Of these practices, it would take Robert Bakewell to lay the course for developing useful breeds. Each county, or the micro environment within adjoining counties, developed breeds of livestock that had the best utility for their agricultural goals and resources. This would range from Angus, which was developed in the counties of Aberdeen and Angus with the purpose of producing high quality beef, to Ayrshire dairy cattle developed in the county of Ayr. It would be in the Tees River Valley that Shorthorns would become what was thought to be an ideal farmers’ cow.

The mixed agriculture of the Tees River Valley originally called for a breed that was dual-purpose for both milk and beef. Therefore, Shorthorn owes a large part of its form and function to the valley and the surrounding northeastern English counties of Northumberland, Durham, York, and Lincoln. These counties are home to some of the most fertile and productive agriculture lands in the British Isles. The farmers there prided themselves both on their crop and livestock production. The area is also blessed with a

difficult to ever duplicate. Turn to page 64 to learn more about this Iconic breed book, America’s First. Pre-ordering is the most cost-effective way to purchase it. As a Limited Edition, the number published will be relatively small, so be sure to get yours ordered, because when they’re gone, they’re gone! The forum will also include some activities for Shorthorn Trivia that will be fun and educational. A Shorthorn Legends panel will bring back great memories and provide an educational experience. The Annual Meeting 1 will take place in the afternoon followed by a social and the Awards Banquet that evening. You can register for the meeting and pre-order your copy of America’s First at the same time on the ASA website. The ASA Annual Meeting is a great time for breeder fellowship and sharing ideas and thoughts. This year’s Annual Meeting is meant to be a kickoff for the next 12-14 months of celebrating the ASA’s Sesquicentennial, 150 years of the Shorthorn Association being – “Americas First.” We look forward to joining you in the celebration. = favorable climate, which is ideal for growing grass for animals to graze.

The famous agricultural journalist Alvin Sanders noted that this part of England was unlike the U.S. where cool-season grasses become dormant during the heat of Prize Black Scotch Heifer & English Longhorn Ox, the summer. NorthSmitheld Show, England courtesy Hough east England’s mild climate and reliable moisture allow for grass to remain green and high quality throughout the summer. This ideal climate for raising grazing animals led to what would arguably become the world’s most inuential cattle breed—Shorthorn.

Shorthorns were developed in the northeastern English counties of Northumberland, Durham, York, and Lincoln, which is considered some of the best agricultural land in the British Isles. According to The Old Shorthorn Country, “When you reach that ne country on both sides of the River Tees you are then in the centre [center] of the shorthorned breed of cattle.” (George Cully, 1786). They were originally referred to as Teeswater cattle, then as Durhams, then Shorthorns, and nally as Shorthorns. The name “Shorthorn” was chosen to distinguish them from another old-time English breed, which still exists today, known as the Longhorn. English Longhorns are not related to the American or Texas Longhorn whose ancestors came from Spain.


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Beef Business

Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs

Summer Homework I hope that the dog days of summer have not been too rough on you and your herd to this point. Hopefully, the moisture levels have been enough to keep your pastures and hay fields in good order and your cows fed and happy. It sure is more enjoyable to watch cows work on raising those big, healthy calves to weaning when there’s green grass at their feet. As important as your cows are to the operation, keeping them happy is top priority! While this is a topic that has been discussed in this space before, I believe the idea of genomic testing your females is an idea worth mentioning again. Compiling as much information on the base of your genetic pool is important for many reasons, and there are methods through ASA that allow you to take this step in your program in a cost effective manner. With so little margin for error in this business, having as much information as possible at your disposal is beneficial. The greatest benefit to genomic testing heifers and cows is the increase in EPD accuracy achieved through testing. While we may see some movement in the actual EPD figures, the increase in accuracy is the primary outcome. By incorporating the genomic marker information gleaned from testing with pedigree and individual performance data, we get a better picture of the genetic capabilities of that female. The increase in accuracy for a female’s EPDs, especially for weight traits, is equivalent to what we would see with nearly a lifetime of offspring performance records turned in on her. The investment in a genomic test can help you have a clearer picture of the best future performers in your heifer pen, giving you the option to remove heifers before breeding and incurring further expense to get her to calving. One of the less discussed advantages 10

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of genomic testing young animals is the ability to uncover parentage discrepancies before getting them into production. In most large sets of animals that are tested at ASA, we find parentage results that do not match the animal’s registration certificate. Every time I have encountered this with heifer groups, it is a case of mistaken parentage being unintentional. On the ranch, things just happen. Bulls get out and breed a cow without being seen. Cows swap calves at birth. Calves believed to be a late AI calf happen to be an early natural bred baby. Without parent verification, these pedigree errors would pass on uncorrected through the Shorthorn herd book. We can make sure pedigree records are correct currently, and having the markers on file can ensure that we verify pedigree records on her future progeny. If you are collecting weights on your heifers already, you likely already qualify for discounted 100k genomic testing through the ASA Genomically Enhanced Female Program. The price incentive program for heifers is twotiered, with recorded weights qualifying for a $15/head discount ($40 for the 100k genomic test), and an additional credit to those who collect feed intake or carcass ultrasound data on their heifers. The cost of testing is only $20/ head if your heifers qualify for both discounts. If you have considered doing carcass ultrasound on those heifers, the additional discount for genomic testing can finance your ultrasound project while adding multiple forms of data to the database. You must test 80% of the yearling heifers that are on your ASA inventory in order to qualify. If you are looking to do genomic testing on your cow herd, there are a couple specifications that must be met. First, you will need to test all of your ASA-registered cows that currently haven’t been genomic tested to qualify

for the discounted pricing. Turning in either an udder score or a mature cow weight for her most recently recent year’s calf is also a requirement. By meeting those specifications, you can get 100k genomic tests (same test as the yearling heifers) done on your cows for only $20 per head. While testing either yearling heifers or cows in this program, you can include additional tests (genetic conditions, homozygous polled, myostatin, etc.) at their regular price. If you want to donor qualify a female, you can add on the TH, PHA, DS bundle at its usual listed price and still get the discount for the 100K genomic portion of the donor requirements. To take advantage of these discounted genomic tests, you must enroll in the program prior to sending in samples. To reserve space for your heifers, just send me an email (matt@shorthorn.org). I will make sure all the information is in order for your cattle to qualify and inform office staff that your samples will be shipped and the discount is to be applied to your DNA order. There are a limited number of spots available for these discounted tests through 2021. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have about the Genomically Enhanced Female Project, or genomic testing in general. =

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Beef Blurb

Shelby director of youth activities, Diehm director of marketing & communications

Five Years Down and More to Go In May, I celebrated five years at the American Shorthorn Association. Since then, I have looked back on my time here and how it has flown by so fast. In both my job and life there have been many changes since I started this job right after college graduation in 2016. This year we had a record number of cattle entries and exhibitors for the National Junior Shorthorn Show! We had more than 450 exhibitors signed up to participate with more than 900 cattle entries. This is more than 100 more participants and nearly 300 more entries than my first one. It is exciting to see how it has grown and changed over the last few years. The AJSA board has worked hard to add new contests and tweak old ones to make improvements each year. The

schedule has changed with adding these contests or rearranging as we get more participants. These changes combined with the people of the breed are what is pushing the NJSS forward. Each year, I receive many positive comments about how friendly the people are in the breed and how much they welcome new families. It isn’t hard to understand why we use the term family-friendly breed. I look forward to watching it continue to grow each year! Our social media presence continues to grow, and we began working with Grant Company on new projects. They have traveled to many breeders for video and photos to build our collection as well as create great presence on TV. We have reached many potential Shorthorn

buyers through American Rancher over the last few years. Since I began this job, I met Seth and we got engaged in 2018. We bought a house and got married in 2019. This May, we sold our first house to buy a new house with some acreage so in the next few years we can have cows of our own. I have a little longer commute, but it is worth it to live in the country but still close enough for me to continue working in the ASA office. I have traveled many miles, met many people, and enjoyed every second of the last five years. I love my job and truly enjoy getting to work with Shorthorn breeders! I look forward to many more years at the ASA. =

2022 National jr Shorthorn Show & youth Conference will be

‘out of this world’ June 20 - 25, 2022 Kansas City, Missouri 12

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Check the Facts

Cassie customer service specialist; Reid co-director of shows, events, & member services

2021-2022 ASA Show System Updates Our 2021-2022 Show System is underway and many of you will soon be hitting the road with your animals headed to the next show. As we hope that all shows continue, our first cancellation within our Show System has been brought to light. The Ohio State Fair has announced that their livestock shows will be closed to Ohio exhibitors only. For this reason, we have removed the Ohio State Fair as a Super Regional in the Northeast Region and


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will not replace it with another show. With this change, points in the Northeast Region will be calculated from the two regional shows, Maryland State Fair & the State Fair of West Virginia, and the National Show in the Northeast Region, Keystone International Livestock Expo. Animals must be exhibited at two of the remaining three shows to qualify for awards. Moving forward, should any other show be removed from the show system,

we will not replace them with an alternate show. Should changes be made to the show system, those will be reflected at shorthorn.org/shows-results/ and in future issues of the Shorthorn Country.= View Show System on Page 118

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In the Know

Wade customer service specialist; Minihan co-director of shows, events, & member services

State Associations 2021 has been a very eventful year, and it is only going to get busier! Don’t forget to send in events happening within your state association for me to update and put on the website calendar. Such as your state preview show or field day. I have been working on updating each state associations’ board of directors, as well as their point of contact for each state. You will find this list of State Associations in the July issue. You can also find this information on the Shorthorn website underneath the

contact tab - State Associations & State Ambassadors. I have been able to update many of these associations, but if you see anything that needs fixed, corrected or added, please contact me at wade@ shorthorn.org. I plan to continue to improve the communication between the American Shorthorn Association and state associations moving forward into the future. They key to success and participation is good communication. It has been great to reach out

and connect with those current state association directors. I look forward to continuing to get to know more breeders in the association. Best of luck to each and every one of you as we get back in the routine of shows and events! =

Historical Photo Request In preparation for the upcoming 150th Anniversary we are in search of more historical photos featuring Shorthorn cattle and breeders! Please send photos with description to shelby@shorthorn.org or mailed to the ASA Office - Attn: Shelby Diehm, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Kansas City, MO 64151. All mailed photos will be returned.


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President Outlook

Hugh ASA Mooney president

People Make the Difference One of the opportunities I am provided as president is to write an article for the July issue commonly referred to as the Herd Bull edition. Last year I wrote of the idea of building your brand which was related to the emphasis of the program planned for the Annual Meeting. Sadly, we had to cancel that program and in February had a virtual meeting to conduct the required business of the association. That was an opportunity lost like so many others during the past 15 months. It is now time to move forward with a celebration. Not just a celebration of an end in sight to the pandemic but a celebration of America’s First breed registry, Shorthorn. In this issue and in future issues of Shorthorn Country you will hear about opportunities to celebrate 150 years of registered Shorthorn cattle. And yes, our breed is America’s First. This is the Shorthorn Sesquicentennial. The celebration will begin with the Annual Meeting in Kansas City following the American Royal Shorthorn Show. The association has been working on several projects to support this celebration not the least of which has been the creation of a book about the breed. This book begins with the origin of the breed and many decisions that have us where we are today. As a member of the board, I have had the opportunity to read a few of the chapters and I am certain that this is a book that any serious breeder of Shorthorn cattle will want to own. Look for information to get your copy of this limited-edition book on the history of the Shorthorn breed. As I reflect on the early beginning of the Shorthorn breed in America I wonder about the people who made the decision in the late 1800’s to travel by boat to England to buy cattle to ship to America at great financial risk. What was it like at that time to buy cattle on another continent and then use them to improve the cow herd in America? They likely had to rely on people they trusted to move their herds forward and to be difference 26

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makers. This was not easy to do. As they say, “If it was easy everyone would do it.” When any of us are looking for our next herd bull we identify certain characteristics that we value. When we see an animal that we think might possess many of the characteristics we ask ourselves some questions. Do I trust the breeder? Is that an actual birth weight? Do I believe the calf was born on the date that is listed on the papers? Is the pedigree accurate? Is the data accurate? If we can’t answer yes to all of those questions we likely will find it difficult to invest in those genetics. There are few people who choose to take a risk to find outcross genetics that not only can move their herd forward but the breed as well. Who among our members will breed the next great bull that will truly have a wide impact on the breed moving forward? It will be somebody of integrity. By that I mean someone we believe is honest. Someone who we respect. Someone who generates trust. Someone who keeps their promises. Someone who helps others. Breeders who possess those characteristics develop relationships with both current and future customers. They believe that people make the difference. I likely am similar to many Shorthorn breeders. Cattle are not my primary income. I am a first-generation Shorthorn breeder. I have a full-time job and have the cattle because I truly enjoy them. Every year I try to raise better cattle than the year before. Though I enjoy attending the big shows, I don’t expect that I will ever be the breeder of the National Junior Heifer Show Champion. I have a good friend that I run cattle with and share bulls. I like cows that calve unassisted and unobserved. I sell heifers and steers for those who show. I enjoyed showing each year at the State Fair, but being from California may never have that opportunity again. I also likely have had some different

experiences than many of you. First of course is serving as a member of the ASA Board of Directors and now as President. Each summer I have tried to spend some time traveling and visiting Shorthorn breeders. This has included breeders large and small. Those who raise show cattle and those who raise performance cattle. I have always seen cattle that I liked at every stop I made. My challenge has always been having the money to buy the cattle I liked. Since I didn’t win the Mega Millions Jackpot in May when it was over $400,000,000, that challenge continues. What I did gain from those travels was to develop an understanding of those breeders’ philosophy’s related to breeding cattle. What their priorities are, the direction they want to move their breeding program and how my vision to make progress toward my goals may be complemented by their genetics. I would never buy cattle from someone who I did not trust. I value honesty and integrity. I hope that those who I have met in the Shorthorn breed find me to be a person who possesses those characteristics. I truly believe that people make the difference. If a breeder has successful production sales year after year, it is because they are people who customers trust. If a breeder sells significant numbers of cattle privately to repeat customers year after year, it is because they have a relationship built on trust. The next great genetics created will happen because the right people tried to do it. Most breeders will just try to keep breeding cattle that they can sell. A few will take a chance to try to produce the next great one. It will happen because people made the right decision. As we celebrate the Shorthorn Sesquicentennial, let’s celebrate the people who have and will make a difference to the breed we all love. The future of the breed depends on people. People make the difference. =

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Vice President Outlook

Joe ASA Bales vice president

Let’s Celebrate! For many of us, annual birthday or anniversary dates are reason enough for a celebration. These special events help remind us of where we came from, how we got where we are today, and who the people have been in our lives who contributed to our success. Usually shared with family and friends, these celebrations bring us closer together and build a shared sense of community. In just a few months, your American Shorthorn Association is nearing its own special occasion – one that has been 150 years in the making! Established in 1872, the American Shorthorn Association is the oldest breed organization in the country and Shorthorn cattle are universally considered to be the mother of many modern breeds. Some of you may remember the old advertising that showed the importance of Shorthorns genetics in the development of over 40 other breeds. That fact alone is worthy of celebration! For the past couple of years, the ASA Board and a 150th Anniversary Committee, chaired by Dr. Tom Turner, have been planning for this yearlong event. Kicking off in October at the American Royal and our annual meeting, and continuing throughout

2022, there will be a series of events and activities designed to bring attention to the Shorthorn breed and the important place it holds in the development of purebred cattle in America. As part of our meeting, we will also spotlight a new promotional video, one that will be part of our national advertising campaign; highlighting our anniversary celebration and featuring several familiar faces. In addition to special recognitions and programs at your annual meetings in 2021 and 2022, there are a number of activities and events that, as Shorthorn breeders and enthusiast, you will certainly want to be involved in. While space does provide room for everything, there’s a few that I want to mention. At the 2022 National Western’s famous catch-a-calf show, for what we believe is the first time in the history of the stock show and thanks to the generous support of the Leone family and Peak View Ranch, all the steers exhibited will be Shorthorns. In addition, at all our major shows, including Junior Nationals, there will be special 150th Anniversary recognitions and promotions for exhibitors and guests. And, working with the staff at Shorthorn Country, the 2022 Herd Bull issue will be designed

to be a keepsake issue, one that every breeder will want to be a part of. The goal is that this will be the largest, most inclusive issue ever produced, providing all breeders with a great marketing tool for their programs. Without question the centerpiece of our celebration is the publishing of a special 150th Anniversary book on the history and development of Shorthorn cattle and the American Shorthorn Association. Written by Bob Hough and Bert Moore, this book chronicles the people, cattle and events that have shaped our breed over the years. Having read a couple of chapters, I was amazed at some of the stories (and the backstories) that have led us to the place we are today. Elsewhere in the Herd Bull issue, you will find information on pre-ordering the book. Whether for your own use, as a gift, or to thank exceptional customers, this commemorative book should be on every Shorthorn breeder’s bookshelf. The next year and a half promise to be one that brings renewed attention to our breed and provides each of us the opportunity to celebrate our shared love for the people and cattle that make the Shorthorn breed, America’s First! =

What is your go-to SNACK AT A CATTLE SHOW? Pop & candy!

What is your favorite beef recipe? Prime Rib

What is your one must- have item at a cattle show? My family, they help me get ready and are always by my side.


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Junior Sp li t w h Annalynn Beach aGE: 9

Palmyra, ne

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A Deeper Dive into Shorthorn Beef - Locally Raised

ESTD 1872

Dreamy 280 Farm Fresh Meats, LLC When did you start your business: We have been direct marketing beef to family and friends since 1989. The official launch of the meat business was in 2012. How did you get started: We (Dennis and Lisa) were raised as local farm kids and purchased our 280 acre farm in Blue Mounds, WI in 1987. It was always our dream to raise our kids on a farm; hence the name – “Dreamy 280”. We have three adult children who are all involved in the family’s cattle and meat business. Our cattle business started as 5 beef cows and over the years it has grown into a herd of 150 head of Shorthorn and Angus beef cattle. Reason behind starting your business: We were searching for ways to generate revenue from the farm other than cattle sales. What your business offers: We have a retail store that is located at our farm. In the farm store we sell all retail beef cuts of our beef. Customers particularly like that they can find cuts of beef in our store that are not readily available in the grocery store. Additionally, we sell pork, pasture raised chicken, eggs, and many, many other products from local producers and farmers. Most, though not all, of the additional products sold in the farm store are Wisconsin products. In the fall, sunflowers raised at Dreamy 280 are sold to eager customers. We also stock a limited number of IPA and lager beers, wines, and distilled liquors specifically made in Wisconsin. In addition to the retail beef cuts Dreamy 280 offers CSA beef shares; quarter, half, whole beef, and seasonal gift baskets. Dreamy 280 provides beef to a restaurant in Madison, WI, a local farm-to-table restaurant, and ground beef for a local school district’s lunch program. Where can your products be purchased: Currently, our beef products are only sold in our farm store. We may soon be expanding sales of some of our beef products to grocery and convenience stores. Did you start as a store front, farmers market attendee or work your way into that: Our beef sales were originally only to family and friends. In 34

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2012 Lisa had become frustrated with the cost of seed, fertilizer, and other farm expenses. She thought there had to be a way to find a niche in the farm that could generate income in ways other than cattle sales. She generated an income report from her farm books and the meat sales jumped out at her. She felt confident that there was a way to capitalize on the meat sales for Dreamy 280. This was at the time that CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture) were a buzz word in direct market sales. Lisa knew of only one other meat CSA in Wisconsin and felt strongly that launching a meat CSA would be a positive move. Dreamy 280 is conveniently located on a major highway. We hung up a “MEAT CSA” sign by our farm sign, and low and behold customers started calling. The meat CSA flourished, and as time went on people started to pull in the driveway and knock on the door asking to buy meat. It was at that point that the first Dreamy 280 farm store was built and store hours were established. We wanted to build our customer base and felt that farmer’s markets were a good way to do that. We did farmers markets for 5 years. The farmer’s market sales put us at a whole new tipping point, and we again expanded our store hours. The meat business was doing well, we had found our rhythm in meat sales, and then COVID hit! We quickly adapted and became resourceful. For two months we closed the store and only offered drive-up/pick-up for customers. Thankfully, we process beef monthly and always had product replenished and available for customers. For months during COVID we were inundated with orders and sold out of meat. During the time that the store was closed we remodeled a different space in the existing store building for a new store. In June of 2020 we opened the new store space that was larger, safer for customers to shop in, and expanded our product selection. How do you promote your business: Advertising for the meat business has evolved over the years. Initially, we had to beat the bushes to capture sales. As the business has grown word of mouth is one of our best allies. Social media is primarily the only advertising we do. The best advertising is our beef. Once a customer eats it, they always come back, bring a

friend with them, or tell their family and friends about Dreamy 280 beef. Overall growth of business: We have grown from raising and processing a handful of steers a year to currently 50 per year. What makes “Shorthorn” Beef special to you/your business: We feel that Shorthorn beef can stack up against other major breeds and brands. The Shorthorn beef that we raise, process, and sell in our store equals in all aspects to that of other breeds of beef. Under a taste test we feel confident that if served a Shorthorn steak vs. another breed of beef steak that a customer would find it to be equally superior to other breeds of beef. There are 3 main reasons why people purchase our beef. 1) They like the beef and find it to be superior to beef they have purchased in other stores. 2) They want to know where their food is coming from. 3) They want to support a local farmer. Advice for others to get started: 1. Set goals and be willing to adjust the goals; either by backing up the objective or moving it further forward. Be willing to make changes in your business and product if needed. 2. Don’t be swayed by trendy gimmicks or influenced by hype. 3. Your focus should be on your product and your business. Know your product, stay true to what works for you and do it well. 4. Pay attention to your customers, trends in advertising, and be aware of your market place. 5. Be willing to educate the public and your customers. Only you can tell your story. Don’t let someone else do it for you. = Dreamy 280 Dennis and Lisa Schlimgen & Family 2792 Cave of the Mounds Road, Blue Mounds, WI 53517 www.Dreamy280.com Dreamy280@gmail.com 608-576-1313 Lisa • 608-575-6848 Dennis

Esselburn Grain & Cattle Farm selling Big Prairie Beef When did you start your business: Esselburn Grain & Cattle was started in 1986. This year we started marketing as Big Prairie Beef. How did you get started: Tom & Kelly purchased the farm in 1986, where we still live and operate the feedlot/confinement calving. We have purchased three other contiguous farms, which helps us grow feed for the cows and feeders as well as providing permanent pasture and rotational grazing in adjoining fields by using movable fencing. Reason behind starting your business: When Tom & Kelly purchased the farm in 1986, it was set up as a dairy. That wasn’t an option for us because Tom worked off the farm and Kelly was home with 2 small children, so the facilities were converted to feed beef cattle. The first year we learned a lot! We found out that beef cattle were shorter that dairy cows and that meant we had to build a curb so they could reach the bunk

to eat at the feedlot. We discovered too that beef steers off the hills of southern Ohio were nothing like the temperament of the dairy cattle we both grew up with and that you couldn’t just walk them into a head chute we had rented from our local veterinarian to work them; so we purchased a tub and alley because we figured that would be cheaper than alimony. Through the years, our five children were raised here and all worked in various modes on the farm. In 2003, we purchased an additional farm with rolling hills that were not suitable to safely plant corn, wheat, or soybeans, so we began running a cow herd. We started with 18 cows, and over time, began to shift our focus from buying semi loads of feeders at online auctions to raising our own cattle. We have always sold about 10 or 15 head of beef for freezer beef per year to friends and family, selling the rest at the local auction, but COVID-19 dramatically changed the way we market our beef! In March 2020 we were getting ready to ship our first

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cattle, but our contact told us, “don’t bring cattle, there are no buyers here”. At that moment we contacted our local processor and started booking beef for harvest. We knew it would take a lot of extra work to find the buyers for our 50 head of cattle, but we had no choice but trying to make it work. We began to find out that people were afraid of where they were going to find food since store freezers were empty, but also that buying patterns were changing. People really enjoy knowing where their food is raised, and having a relationship with the farmer doing the work. By the grace of God, we sold all 50 animals to private buyers. We were shocked, and realized that this was changing our business model for good. Part of adapting to this new way of doing business was developing a website to focus on the “Farm to Table” philosophy and increase exposure to our farm story. Additionally, this is when the Big Prairie Beef brand was born. We’ve also realized that not everyone can store the quantity of meat in the way we sell it (currently as a quarter, half, or whole beef), so we’re exploring smaller bundles to make buying directly from our farm easier and more manageable for more consumers. This is all new territory for us, and through this development our adult children have another avenue to get more involved with the farm business. In the meantime we have 60 head of cattle to market this year and all are scheduled with several area butchers. We hope to keep those spots but know that if we can’t get them all sold as freezer beef we can still move them through the sale barn. We are also exploring farmers market, direct sales with stores, or other creative avenues have been discussed to move 100% of our product. What your business offers: As mentioned above, when we started in 1986, we bought to semi loads of 600-800 pound cattle, most were black hided, but we did have other breeds as well. We ran strictly feedlot cattle finishing, approximately 150-200 head every six to eight months, until we started with the registered Shorthorns in 2008. We began to decrease the number of purchased feedlot cattle we ran because now we had a cow herd to manage as well. In addition to our registered Shorthorn and Shorthorn Plus cows, many of them are Angus or Simmental crossbred, since we find the hybrid vigor is a positive thing! Freezer beef selling by the quarter increased through the years to where we were selling up to 20 head per year, the balance of the cattle raised went through United Producers Inc. This was all accomplished by just loving to talk about what we do! Where can your products be purchased: Right now we are utilizing our newly refreshed website: We can take orders there for beef selling under the Big Prairie Beef Logo. We still relying heavily on past customers as our base. We offer a great product at a reasonable price, that our customers appreciate. It is still the same quality high choice and prime beef that we have always produced. Did you start as a store front, farmers market attendee or work your way into that: We started just selling what we have always done, in a quarter, half or whole beef. Today consumers want to know where and how their beef is produced. Getting smaller has made it possible for us to do that! We have complete records of all animals produced here from assisted births, BW, WW, YW to any sickness, vaccination or other treatments. This makes trending consumer keywords like “Traceability” and “Locally Born and Raised” important to us. We’ve planned to have most of our early calves born in confinement housing, especially those born in February or March, to give us the best ability to assure them a clean and healthy start. We can easily and safely move any cow having difficulty into a pen to assist her with delivery. The calves are born unafraid of people because we are with them all the time and they love their nursery area, where just the calves can hangout, until they run back to momma for another drink of milk! Calves are raised from birth until weaning on grass (or hay) on the pasture until they are weaned. They return to the barns where they were born and are fed corn silage (at our feedlot location) and eventually finished on 36

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a higher grain diet giving them the wonderful marbling for the great flavor our customers have grown accustom to. How do you promote your business: Website is new/fliers/ads in local papers and social media! We have the farm website, plus our own Facebook and Instagram pages that we talk about what we do on the farm. I think when we are given the chance to talk with people about our cattle; they sense we are passionate about what we do! Overall growth of business: This new method of marketing last year brought great success, I think. We sold all our beef “Our Farm to Your Table! That was the beginning to our new goal. What makes “Shorthorn” Beef special to you/your business: We have over 50% of the herd that is shorthorn or shorthorn influence. You can’t beat the maternal instincts of our shorthorn mommas. We only had one shorthorn calf we had to pull this year, so we do try to watch to use sires that are calving ease sires. It’s best when they can just lie down and have the calf and get up and immediately start mothering them, even on the first calf heifers. So many of our shorthorns were shown, or have been around for us to build our herd on, which means we know their temperaments and almost all on a first name basis. We know who is a little moody when she calves (and to move slowly or stay out of the pen for a couple hours) and we know who is going to finish the heaviest calf! I have stressed for years that CAB has done a tremendous job marketing their breed and we do have a lot of Angus influence in our herd as well! BUT...we maintain once you get that hide off and you are just looking at the high quality carcass in the cooler our shorthorns have always done remarkably well. Advice for others to get started: Share your story! Figure out what you are capable of doing and do it! If you are producing a quality product tell people about it! Our whole family loves to share what it is that we do with our beef to anyone who will listen. We aren’t all organic, or GMO free, BUT we believe in our product and love what we do! We think that’s the best story anyone could share. =

Esselburn Grain & Cattle Farm - Big Prairie Beef Tom Esselburn & Family Shreve, Ohio www.bigprairiebeef.com bigprairiebeef@gmail.com • 330-201-1345

Beef & Blossoms by Muddy Water Farm When did you start your business: Muddy Water Farm Shorthorns was established in 2007, Beef and Blossoms in June 2020. How did you get started: Located in the foothills and valleys of the Great Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee, is the home of a business named Beef and Blossoms; owned by Lisa and Sarah Lay. Launched in June of 2020, offering mini bundt cakes, cut flowers and USDA inspected cuts of beef. This mother-daughter duo offers a wide variety of mini bundt cakes ranging from traditional Lemon to Maple Bacon infused with Tennessee Moonshine. Retail meat offering includes individual cuts, bundles and packages of Shorthorn influenced beef. Our love of Shorthorn cattle began when our oldest son wanted to start showing beef cattle in 4-H, like many farm families can understand, sometimes these 4-H projects grow! As the kids were growing and showing so were the number of animals. While developing show calves for ourselves and for others through direct sales, we were always disappointed with the price discounted at the sale barn with the ones that did not make the cut because of hide color. An alternative market was sorely needed. Direct marketing of harvest ready live animals was slow. Consumers wanted our product, but could not handle that much volume at one time. The retail meat permit helped with this. Social media and word of mouth are the primary source of advertising for attracting consumers. Being visible at events and markets with banners and having an attractive display is helpful. Sharing our farm and family story to connect with people is a major ingredient for success in retaining repeat customers. Customers are always commenting on our logo, saying it is such a pretty cow and we get to share with them that our logo is actually one of our cows, Barley, who is one of Sarah’s farm raised show heifers. You have to make a personal connection with the consumer to grow your loyal customer base; it is what keeps brining them back to buy your product. Beef and Blossoms by Muddy Water Farm is the source for the Ultimate Date Night: Dinner, Dessert and Flowers. Life is Short - Eat the Cake. Reason behind starting your business: We sold our dairy cow enterprise and expanded beef operations to include direct sales of USDA cuts of beef. I also love to bake so Mini Bundt Cakes seemed to offer something different at market and people do love sweets. What your business offers: We offer USDA cuts of beef, Mini Bundt Cakes and fresh cut flowers. Where can your products be purchased: As mentioned above, our products can be purchased at local farmers markets, pop up shops, special events, festivals and directly off the farm sales. Did you start as a store front, farmers market attendee or work your way into that: We got our start setting up at farmers markets. We have expanded into doing regular pop up shops, special events, festivals and directly off the farm sales. How do you promote your business: We promote our business by advertising on social media, word of mouth, our customers sharing our page on Facebook , the Pick Tennessee Product page and American Shorthorn Beef Directory. We also display our beef banners at events where we do not have beef available that day (craft fairs, etc.) Overall growth of business: We are adding more events and markets this year, which provides us with more brand awareness and marketing opportunities. We are building our customer base and are seeing an increase in the demand for our products. I have no plans for brick and mortar; I enjoy the markets and events. What makes “Shorthorn” Beef special to you/your business:

Shorthorn cattle have many outstanding genetic and docility traits, that we love to work with them. When we open a cooler for a customer to see our product, there is always a comment of how pretty the beef is. What they don’t see is how pretty the beef was standing in the field! Advice for others to get started: Find YOUR market, your market may be the next town over, not in your hometown. Find YOUR price point, don’t try to be cheaper than the last guy. Find YOUR customer, don’t judge their preferences, sell your product, don’t be who you are not. Find YOUR way, don’t let the hard days win. =

Muddy Water Farm Lisa and Sarah Lay Madisonville, TN www.facebook.com/beefandblossomstn lisaley99@yahoo.com • 423.295.4483

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Smith Family Farms the Market When did you start your business: “Smith Family Farms the Market” started in June 2015. How did you get started: We started by attending multiple farmers markets, but then decided to open a store front in June of 2015. Reason behind starting your business: We have always prided ourselves on producing a quality beef product. We wanted to make our products along with other local products available to the public on a regular basis. What your business offers: In addition to beef, we offer fresh chicken and pork along with many frozen meat products. We also offer a variety of food and cooking products produced in Indiana. Where can your products be purchased: Products can be purchased at “the Market” in Pendleton, IN. Did you start as a store front, farmers market attendee or work your way into that: We started by attending multiple farmers markets; as many as four at one time. Following that, we opened our store front “The Market”. How do you promote your business: Most of our promotion is done by word of mouth, but we have a big presence on social media as well. Also, having a big farmers market following that followed us to our store front didn’t hurt at the start. Overall growth of business: The business is growing extremely well, during the height of the pandemic, we were nearly double the business the year before. Keeping those new customers is a big priority to us currently. What makes “Shorthorn” Beef special to you/your business: For us its all about quality, since we are dealing direct with the consumer the meat has to look good and thats where the marbling of shorthorns comes in. We also rely on the great flavor and extra tenderness of shorthorn beef to keep our customers coming back. Advice for others to get started: Find your market and cater to it, in today’s world there are many options that comes to raising a quality beef product. Find something that works in your production plan but also has added value and is something that your customers will pay a premium for. =

Smith Family Farms - The Market www.smithsthemarket.com info@smithsthemarket.com • 765-778-1024

Vaughn Farms Beef When did you start your business: November 2019. How did you get started: We had been selling many cattle as custom beef, and it felt like it was the right time to formalize this sector of our operation and monopolize on our local beef market. Selling beef at the retail level has helped us not just sell more product but also connect with more customers wanting custom cut beef. Reason behind starting your business: We were experiencing dramatic discounts at the sale barn selling individual and ‘odd’ aged Shorthorn cattle, but we knew how well they grew and fed out. We knew our cattle were consistently producing high quality beef. This coupled with the desire for consumers to know where their beef was raised provided a prime 38

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opportunity and Vaughn Farms Beef was born. What your business offers: We offer a full array of beef products, ranging from typical freezer beef packages sold as a 1/4 , ½, or whole beef, to summer sausage, snack sticks, and beef jerky. All beef bratwursts in a variety of flavors and flavored hamburger patties are also some of our more popular items. Where can your products be purchased: Our products can be purchased online at vaughnfarmsbeef.com, local farmers markets, The Local Supply Company in Huxley, Iowa or The Cellar Winery in White Oak, Iowa. Did you start as a store front, farmers market attendee or work your way into that: We attend Maxwell’s Market in the Park and customers are

always welcome to come to the farm to buy direct. How do you promote your business: Primarily through our Vaughn Farms Beef Facebook page and referrals from customers. Overall growth of business: It has grown to handle the current amount of cattle that we are producing at Vaughn Farms that do not have a future in the show ring or the seedstock program. We hope that as the seedstock program continues to grow that the beef business will too. What makes “Shorthorn” Beef special to you/your business: We know that Shorthorn beef is as good as any and all other breeds of beef and has been making a great eating experience for our customers.. Advice for others to get started: Our advice is to start with a plan and understand there are upfront costs. Selling your own beef directly to the consumer is a way of life and a great way to add money to an operation, but it is not a get rich quick type of venture. =

“OUR Family Feeding YOUR Family”

Vaughn Farms Mat & Jalane Vaughn 30001 635th Ave, Maxwell, IA 50161 vaughnfarmsbeef.com vaughn.farms.beef@gmail.com • 816-465-0341

Yokeley Farms When did you start your business: 2005 How did you get started: Chris’s dad had an affinity for Red Angus cattle and purchased several when he retired. His father died just a few years later and Chris took over tending to the cows and land. He did his research and learned about Durhams. Chris met Steve Fields, a Shorthorn breeder in Climax, NC. While visiting Steve’s farm Chris purchased shorthorn beef. He wanted to taste the difference for himself. A blind taste test dinner followed and Chris knew then that Shorthorn beef was all he wanted to sell and eat. Chris spent years building his herd buying select heifers and most recently a Jungels bull, JSF Big Sky 87E. Reason behind starting your business: Farming was a way to return to our roots. Both of us grew up on family farms and knowing the risk and the reward of hard work, wanted to use the resources we had to maximize the opportunities we had been given. What your business offers: In addition to selling freezer beef, Yokeley Farms sells registered heifers and quality hay. Where can your products be purchased: You can purchase our products on the farm; at the Kernersvillle

Farmer’s Market; on the menu at The Wallburg Diner. Did you start as a store front, farmers market attendee or work your way into that: We definitely worked our way into that. We opened the store front after about 2 years by converting an old root cellar into a cozy general store where customers can buy local sauces, eggs, beef and pork. We didn’t start selling at the farmer’s market until 2013. How do you promote your business: Yokeleyfarms.com website and Yokeley Farms Facebook page. Overall growth of business: We have enjoyed growth in our beef sales year on year, but we are a small farm with a finite capacity for growth. We service a loyal customer base and accept only a few new customers each year. What makes “Shorthorn” Beef special to you/your business: We are in a region dominated by Black Angus farms. We didn’t want to be just be another Angus beef producer. We wanted to introduce our community to the benefits of Shorthorn beef, both in taste and quality of the product. Shorthorn cattle carry two copies of the GeneSTAR Tenderness gene nearly 97% of the time, compared to 78% of Angus and 70% of Hereford. The docile temperament of Shorthorn cattle makes raising them enjoyable. They make great mamas and every calving season is as exciting as Christmas morning. You never know what the calves are going to

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look like but they are always beautiful. Advice for others to get started: Network with other Shorthorn breeders. You can learn so much just by talking to them. Chris recalls learning a tremendous amount on the Shorthorn University farm tours held several years ago. On his second farm tour in 2014, Chris was impressed by a presentation at Bowman Superior Genetics where Phillip Bowman said, focus on what you’re good at. It was then that Chris knew that producing Shorthorn Beef needed to be his area of concentration and began looking at EPDs in earnest as far as purchasing replacement heifers for our beef program. Relationships forged on those trips and knowledge gained remain valuable to this day. =

Yokeley Farms 1111 Harvey Teague Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 yokeleyfarms.com ysc@triad.rr.com • 336-345-7333




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It is called Shorthorn Beef — Locally Raised. The Shorthorn Beef program is an avenue for connecting the breed’s cattle producers with those interested in buying locally raised beef. The effort includes promotional opportunities through social media, the ASA website and other media platforms. View a list of producers below.




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The American Shorthorn Association (ASA) recently launched an initiative to promote members who are offering beef products directly to consumers.

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Contact the ASA office, 816.599.7777 (shelby@shorthorn.org) to be added to the list or visit shorthorn.org for more information. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.

Knutson Shorthorns :: Pine Island, Minnesota :: knutsonshorthorns@gmail.com :: 507.259.9804 :: knutsonshorthorns.com Kirsch Family Farms :: Fremont, Ohio :: kkirsch5@hotmail.com :: 419.707.9839 :: https://facebook.com/KirschFamilyFarms/ Wilfred Tate :: Chickasha, Oklahoma :: 405.320.1621 Zumbrunn Shorthorns :: Chapman, Kansas :: cazumbrunn@yahoo.com :: 785.761.3970 :: zumbrunnshorthorns.com Muddy Water Farm :: Madisonville, Tennessee :: lisalay99@yahoo.com :: 423.295.4483 https://www.facebook.com/beefandblossomstn DTR Cattle Company :: Raymond, Kansas :: ngrathwohl@me.com :: 785.587.7947 :: www.dtrcattlecompany.com Cannondale Farms :: Red Wing, Minnesota :: tombryan6380@gmail.com :: 651.301.9555 Dreamy 280 Farm Fresh Meats, LLC, :: Blue Mounds, Wisconsin :: Dreamy280@gmail.com :: 608.437.8074 :: www.Dreamy280.com Dale B. Spurlen :: Dublin, Texas :: spurlen@cctc.net :: 254.734.5429 Maples Shorthorns :: Copperas Cove, Texas :: maplessh@earthlink.net :: 254.289.3429 Barrett Family :: Randolph, Minnesota :: bsf_shorthorns@hotmail.com :: 507.302.9444 :: barrettstockfarm.blogspot.com Paint Valley Farms :: Millersburg, Ohio :: paintvalley81@yahoo.com :: 330.231.6834 :: paintvalleyfarms.com Brambleridge Farm :: Frankewing, Tennessee :: brambleridgefowl@gmail.com :: 931.732.5142 Bright Lights Show Cattle :: Beloit, Wisconsin :: mackenzie@brightlightsshowcattle.com :: 608.728.3238 :: brightlightsshowcattle.com Blazin A Shorthorns :: Indianola, Iowa :: cdamos@msn.com :: Craig cell- 515.238.9852 :: www.amosherefordfarm.com :: Francis Shorthorns :: Lyndon, Illinois :: lightning2956@gmail.com :: 815.590.2053 Robin Bonn :: Eugene, Oregon :: robinwbonn@gmail.com Ahlschwede Shorthorns, George Ahlschwede :: San Angelo, Texas :: 325.651.7533 :: ahlga@zipnet.us Beckler Shorthorns :: Wooster, Ohio :: gbeckler@wpdlad.com :: 330.201.5975 Country K Shorthorns :: Stitzer, Wisconsin :: countrykshorthorns@yahoo.com :: 608.943.8850 :: Facebook page - Country K Shorthorns Circle K Cattle Company :: Udell, Iowa :: mbkorthaus@gmail.com :: 641.895.4695 Leveldale :: Mason City, Illinois :: mathers@leveldale.com :: 309.678.4230 Meyer Family Shorthorns, Craig & Jamey Meyer :: Greensburg, Indiana :: craigandjameymeyer@gmail.com :: 812.374.2329 4 Spear Ranch :: Casper, Wyoming :: snlcattleco@gmail.com :: 307.439.3069 :: www.facebook.com/4spearranch GSKI Shorthorns :: Snyder, Colorado :: ej_baughman@hotmail.com :: 970.380.5458 :: FACEBOOK Ropp Farms :: Albany, Oregon :: contact@roppfamilyfarm.com :: 541.223.2870 :: roppfamilyfarm.com New Town Shorthorns, Dan Owen :: Taft, Tennessee :: 1danowne@gmail.com :: 931.607.9821 Davis Farms, Matt Davis :: Manhattan, Kansas :: rockyford24@hotmail.com :: 785.313.3993 Oakview Shorthorns, Lonny Flack Family :: Nevada, Iowa :: lonnyf@netins.net :: 641.377.2112 Bowman Superior Genetics :: Greens Fork, Indiana :: bsg.phillip.bowman@gmail.com :: 765.886.5777 :: breedforprofit.com Waukaru Farms :: Rensselaer, Indiana :: tojo@waukaru.net :: 219.819.4603 :: waukaru.net M&M Shorthorns :: Jeromesville, Ohio :: sloan.7@hotmail.com :: Mike Sloan – 419.685.0960, Matt Sloan 419.685.4777 Hidden Paradise Ranch, Devin Hadorn-Papke :: Eau Claire, Wisconsin :: devinhp22@gmail.com :: 715.271.5018 Elbee Farms, Lee Bigham :: Frankfort, Kansas :: elbeefarms@diodecom.net :: 785.556.0375 Yokeley Farms :: Winston Salem, North Carolina :: yokeleyfarms@gmail.com :: 336.345.7333 :: yokeleyfarms.com HAHN Family Shorthorns, LLC. :: Minonk, Illinois :: hahnfamilyshorthornsllc@gmail.com :: 309.645.4488 :: hahnshorthorns.com Peak View Ranch LLC :: Fowler, Colorado :: peakviewranch@hotmail.com :: 719.263.4321 Shinglepile Creek Farm :: Luverne, Alabama :: ashleyocatrett@gmail.com :: 334.508.0464 Green Gate Farm :: Rochester, Washington :: christykmk@hotmail.com :: 360.273.3882 Prairie View Farms :: Holland, Michigan :: brentpvf@att.net :: 616.510.9005 M Bar Shorthorns, Troy and Sommer Smith :: Walton, Kansas :: 620.386.4696 :: janesommersmith@gmail.com :: mbarshorthorns.net C Squared Shorthorns, Cole Strickland :: Nashville, North Carolina :: bigcstrickland22@gmail.com :: 252.908.2071 Sugar Grove Farms :: Hillsboro, Ohio :: sugargrovefarms@outlook.com :: 937.840.8482 :: https://sugargrovess.com JVT Livestock :: Opelika, Alabama :: hdm0004@auburn.edu :: 334.734.6841 La Quilla Shorthorns, Duane Lehman :: Rice, Washington :: dlehman456@yahoo.com :: 509.738.6595 Esselburn Grain and Cattle Farm LLC, Tom Esselburn :: Shreve, Ohio :: ohioag81@yahoo.com :: 330.201.1345 :: esselburnbeef.com JB Land & Livestock, Jason & Tasha Bunting :: Emington, IL :: Jrbunting76@gmail.com :: 815.252.5520 Jay Benham :: Troy, Ohio :: 937.335.1622 Bolinger Family Farm :: North Manchester, Indiana :: saletsinger@gmail.com :: 317.385.4911 Evolution Beef :: Millers Creek, North Carolina :: evolutionbeef@outlook.com :: 336.973.5207 Donnelly Shorthorns, Adam Donnelly :: Clear Lake, Wisconsin :: dfencecc@hotmail.com :: 651.470.4069 Allison Homeplace Farms :: Washington, Indiana :: bovine08@gmail.com :: 812.254.6185 JNK Farms :: Soldiers Grove, Wisconsin :: jesse.swenson4@gmail.com :: 608.632.0043 :: Find us on Facebook! Northern Hills, Gary Weilbaker :: Fort Wayne, Indiana :: gary@careersolutionsco.com :: 260.414.5727 Glory Days Livestock :: Graford, Texas :: amber.emilee@yahoo.com :: 940.567.1026 Fahrmeier’s :: Lexington, Missouri :: Fahrmeiersupick@gmail.com :: 816.289.2496 :: https://www.facebook.com/FahrmeiersMarket Rocky Acres Shorthorns :: Shady Spring, West Virginia :: rockyacresshorthorns@gmail.com :: 304.546.1684 or 304.575.0850 STS Cattle Co. :: London, Ohio :: shonkwilerk@outlook.com :: 614.419.8022 Perlich Stock Farms :: Albion, Indiana :: perlichbeef@gmail.com :: Allen – 260.564.0662 :: David – 260.564.0663 MFK Shorthorns, Maurice & Faye Korthaus & Wes Korthaus :: Smithfield, Kentucky :: mfkshorthorns@gmail.com :: 502.649.6475 South Starr Farm, The McGill Family :: Iva, South Carolina :: 864.376.9407:: stevemcgill62@gmail.com Sowers Farms :: Roseville, Ohio :: sowersfarmrs@gmail.com :: 740.621.6360 Pirsue Show/Sale Cattle, Charlie Hartsfield :: Lynnville, Tennessee :: 931.629.2265 :: charliepsc@gmail.com Ryan Kegley :: Kearney, Nebraska :: 308.440.8417 :: kegleyryan@yahoo.com Spring View Cattle :: Neillsville, Wisconsin :: Karen 612.770.1831 or Lee 608.400.5657 Derek Launius :: Broughton, Illinois :: 618.924.0343 :: dereklaunius@hotmail.com :: can ship to you!!


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ASA Committees 2021 ASA Committees Chairs, Vice Chairs, Board Liaisons and Staff Assigned Shorthorn Genetic Improvement Committee Combination of Genetic Evaluation, ShorthornPlus and Commercial Chair, Scott Loving (620) 786 1369 scott@lovingfarms.com Vice Chair, Shawn Vachal (701) 840-1143 shawnvachal@yahoo.com Board Liaison, John Sonderman (402) 641-0936 jmsonderman@frontiernet.net Board Liaison, Jerrell Crow (580) 585-2522 jerrellcrow@crowcreekfarms.com ASA Staff, Matt Woolfolk (731) 694-6469 matt@shorthorn.org Shorthorn Promotion and Acceptance Committee Combination of Promotion and Commercial Acceptance Chair, Troy Smith (316) 253-8205 janesommersmith@embarqmail.com Vice Chair, Aaron Hahn (309) 645-4488 aaronhahn83@gmail.com Board Liaison, Toby Jordan (219) 819-4603 tojo@waukaru.net Board Liaison, Lee Miller (330) 231-6834 paintvalley81@gmail.com ASA Staff, Shelby Diehm (816) 599-7777 shelby@shorthorn.org ASA Staff, Montie Soules (918) 645-4322 montie@shorthorn.org Shorthorn 150th Anniversary Celebration Committee Chair, Tom Turner (614) 499-5248 tom@turnershorthorns.com Vice Chair, Joe Bales (615) 330-2342 no3putts1@comcast.net ASA Staff, Cassie Reid (816) 599-7777 cassie@shorthorn.org ASA Staff, Wade Minihan (816) 599-7777 wade@shorthorn.org ASA Staff, Montie Soules (918) 645-4322 montie@shorthorn.org

Shorthorn Senior Show Committee Chair, Jeff Bedwell (580) 822-5590 jeff.bedwell@okstate.edu Vice Chair, Jeff Winkle (937) 694-1871 cattlejock9@yahoo.com Board Liaison, Dave Greenhorn (937) 470-6552 davegreenhorn69@gmail.com ASA Staff, Cassie Reid (816) 599-7777 cassie@shorthorn.org ASA Staff, Wade Minihan (816) 599-7777 wade@shorthorn.org ASA Staff, Montie Soules (918) 645-4322 montie@shorthorn.org 2020 -2022 Assigned Show Committee Members per Animals shown Cates Farms, Tyler Cates (765) 576-0035 tylerncates@yahhoo.com Schrag Shorthorns, Cory Schrag (605) 941-5241 schrag@goldenwest.net Peak View Farm, Rick Leone (719) 468-1981 peakviewranch@hotmail.com Show Committee elected by Exhibitors Term 2020 to 2022 Aaron Hahn (309) 645-4488 aaronhahn83@gmail.com Bill Rasor (214) 850-4690 bill.rasor@gmail.com Ron Rutan (937) 603-1319 rcshowcattle1@gmail.com Robert Alden (816) 632-8509 robert.alden@gfgagservices.com Steve French (989) 798-8223 resinex@nethawk.com Nominating Committee for 2021 Board Candidates Chair, Tom Turner (614) 499-5248 tom@turnershorthorns.com Tyler Cates (765) 576-0035 tylercates@yahoo.com Dale Studer (641) 344-8035 studershorthorns@yahoo.com Nancy Grathwohl Heter (785) 587-7947 ngrathwohl@me.com Scott Loving (620) 786-1369 scott@lovingfarms.com

Shorthorn Youth Development Fund Foundation Past President ASA, 3-year term, Nancy Grathwohl Heter – expires June 1, 2024 ASA Board of Director, one year term appointed by ASA, Joe Bales – expires June 1, 2022 ASA Executive Secretary/CEO, continuous, Montie Soules ASA Active Member 3-year term, Member at large, Julie French – expires June 1, 2023 ASA Active Member 3-year term, Member at Large, Jerry Nickel – expires June 1, 2023 Not required to be an ASA Member, 3-year term, Randy Cates – expires June 1, 2022 ASA Executive Committee Not required to be an ASA Member 3-year term, Jeff Aegerter – expires June 1, 2024 President, Hugh Mooney (209) 712-6692 hmooney@cde.ca.gov Vice President, Joe Bales (615) 330-2342 no3putts1@comcast.net Shorthorn Junior Advisor’s Committee Executive Director, David Greenhorn (937) 470-6552 davegreenhorn69@gmail.com Junior Advisors: ASA Board Liaison Executive/CEO, Montie D. Soules (918) 645 4322 montie@shorthorn.org ASA Board Liaison, John Russell (832) 588-8604 tadmore@gmail.com Appointed by AJSA Board ASA Board Finance Committee Jim & Bev Freed (405) 370-1482 doublejf@msn.com Chair, Lee Miller (330) 231-6834 paintvalley81@gmail.com Nancy Grathwohl Heter (785) 587-7947 ngrathwohl@me.com President, Hugh Mooney (209) 712-6692 hmooney@cde.ca.gov ASA Staff, Shelby Diehm (214) 676-9225 shelby@shorthorn.org Vice President, Joe Bales (615) 330-2342 no3putts1@comcast.net ASA Staff, Montie Soules (918) 645-4322 montie@shorthorn.org Mark Gordon (217) 737-7905 mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com

ASA Board of Director Committees

2021 ASA Board of Directors President, Hugh Mooney hmooney@cde.ca.gov Vice President, Joe Bales no3putts1@comcast.net Executive Director, David Greenhorn davegreenhorn69@gmail.com Director, Toby Jordon tojo@waukaru.net Director, John Sonderman jmsonderman@frontiernet.net Director, Jerrell Crow jerrellcrow@crowcreekfarms.com Director, Lee Miller paintvalley81@gmail.com Director, John Russell tadmore@gmail.com Director, Mark Gordon mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com


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(209) 712-6692 (615) 330-2342 (937) 470-6552 (219) 819-4603 (402) 641-0936 (580) 585-2522 (330) 231-6834 (832) 588-8604 (217) 737-7905

2015-2021 2017-2023 2017-2023 2018-2021 2018-2021 2019-2022 2019-2022 2019-2022 2020-2023


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Heifer Project Update

Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs

The 2020-21 ASA/Iowa State Heifer Development Project Final Summary The American Shorthorn Association (ASA) was fortunate to have the opportunity to conduct research on the Iowa State campus again this winter with the second installment of the heifer development feed efficiency trial. The study has allowed breeders to gain valuable feed efficiency data on the backbone of any cow herd: the replacement female. In Year 2, the timeline of the project was changed when we got the chance to utilize better facilities on the ISU Beef Nutrition Farm. All 42 of the heifers for this trial were born in the first quarter of 2020. Heifers were dropped off the first week of December and went through a threeweek acclimation and warmup period. The feeding period on the GrowSafe system started with weigh in on December 28 and lasted 70 days. Weights were collected at the mid-point of the feeding period. March 8 and 9 the trial concluded with final weights, carcass ultrasounds, repro tract scoring, and pelvic measurements. Each heifer was DNA tested with the 100k genomic test from Neogen for sire verification and genomically-enhanced EPDs. Results Conducting the trial later in the year

meant older heifers coming into the GrowSafe units. Weighing in, the group averaged 650 lb. Final average weight for the heifers was 814 lb, ranging from 654 to 1000 lb. Over the seventy days, the cattle averaged 2.35 lb of gain per day. The average ribeye area of the heifers was 11.1 sq. in with an average IMF of 5.53%. The backfat was 0.38 inches. These carcass figures compare very closely to the females from the previous installment of this test. The heifers’ dry matter intake for the 70-day trial averaged 17.1 lb per day. When computing feed to gain, the group mean was 7.39 pounds of feed per one pound of gain. The cattle in this trial ranged from a feed to gain ratio of 4.11 to 9.93. With the modification of the test diet this year to a higher roughage, lower energy ration, it was expected for intake to increase (ultimately hindering feed to gain). That was the outcome that we saw, with these heifers consuming a little more dry matter (16.5 lb in last year’s trial) and having a higher feed to gain than last year (6.36 lb feed to gain). According to the ISU team, the heifers from this year’s trial still convert feed more efficiently than the cattle in other similar heifer development studies. It’s nice to have that information

to show how well our breed is performing in this arena. As a breed, this study helps us further gather data on feed efficiency traits as we move toward incorporating this type of information into a genetic evaluation. The more data points we collect, the more fuel we have for EPDs to use in making genetic progress in this area of production. As we continue to have feed intake data collected from various sources, we will be able to better gauge where Shorthorns stand from a general feed efficiency standpoint. As with all ASA performance endeavors, I want to thank the breeders who agreed to participate in this program, as well as ISU for allowing the breed to be a part of it. Hopefully, the relationship between ISU and ASA can continue with this program in future years. =

Thanks to Our Participating Breeders Bowman Superior Genetics, Greens Fork, IN Forni Farms, Granville, OH Mapleton Polled Shorthorns, Indianola, IA Paint Valley Farms, Millersburg, OH Peak View Ranch, Fowler, CO Prairie View Shorthorn Farm, Seneca, KS

Pen Summary Table Pen # Breeder

On Test Wt

Midpoint Body Wt

1 Bowman 670 2 Peak View 1 594 3 Peak View 2 720 4 Prairie View 644 5 Mapleton 641 6 Forni 549 7 Paint Valley 732 Averages 650 52

Final Wt

758 835 688 775 792 871 720 809 717 804 634 711 820 896 733 814

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DMI, lbs/d


2.35 11.40 6.19 0.46 16.762 2.58 11.55 5.08 0.33 17.287 2.15 12.17 5.25 0.43 18.395 2.35 10.99 4.81 0.34 16.865 2.33 10.15 5.71 0.35 17.053 2.31 9.03 6.35 0.36 15.462 2.35 12.37 5.16 0.41 17.531 2.35 11.09 5.51 0.38 17.1

7.2812 6.7775 8.6833 7.3393 7.4465 6.5603 7.6219 7.39

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Shorthorn: working for the next 150 years by Eric Grant, Grant Company LLC

150 years ago, when the American Shorthorn Association (ASA) became America’s first beef breed organization, there were about 40 million people living in the United States. Last February, when ASA broadcast a Shorthorn episode of The American Rancher, 52 million households would have had access to the program that aired on RFD-TV. No doubt the world has changed since the early days of the breed, and no doubt the nature of breed promotions has changed as well – particularly in the last five years as audiences have moved away from traditional media to digital platforms. A couple of years ago, ASA’s CEO Montie Soules sat down with me to discuss the organization’s promotional


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vision for the future. He wanted it to include more social media and broadcast opportunities. Montie had enjoyed great success in promoting cattle on RFD-TV over the years, and I agreed with him that he had been on the right course when it came to promoting Shorthorns. I’d spent the previous decade working for the American Angus Association, where we’d successfully launched the organization into both social media as well as broadcasting, and when I left the organization to form Grant Company, we applied what we’d learned to help others successfully ramp up their own efforts. One of the things that we learned was that breed promotion was not an “either or” proposition; it wasn’t print versus digital or digital versus broadcast. You

needed them all. Having digital, print and broadcast meant we could reach a wider audience on an ongoing basis. And, having a presence in all these media arenas meant you could reach “known” audiences through print while reaching “unknown” audiences through broadcast — and both through digital and social media. So Montie and I shook hands, and the Grant Company team started traveling across the country to capture the Shorthorn story. Since that time, we’ve traveled to nearly 20 states and videotaped and photographed the stories of dozens of Shorthorn breeders. The photos we’ve taken have supported ASA’s print and social media activities. The videos we’ve

produced have reached hundreds of thousands of people. We’re proud of this effort, and proud to be a part of the Shorthorn team. And as we move toward the fall sales season and the kickoff of ASA’s 150th anniversary celebration, I should mention a few things about our team and the work we’re doing this summer. First, we’ll be traveling to nearly 20 locations and interviewing people across the country about the Shorthorn breed and the great contribution its made to the beef business. Our work will be highlighted in a documentary that will air on national television in October. It celebrates Shorthorns, its breeders, its rich heritage and bright future. We’re excited about this film, and hope it will do justice to the great work that Shorthorn breeders

do each day to advance their breed and to feed a growing world. Second, I should also mention a little about our team, which brings a lot of talent and expertise to the effort. Our communications work is underpinned by Crystal Albers, Jena McRell and Diane Meyer. Crystal and Jena headed up Angus’ PR and advertising efforts for a decade before joining Grant Company. Diane previously served as editor of Hereford World magazine. Our creative director is Bart Ashford.

He’s worked on big brands like Walmart, Petsmart, McDonald’s and others and has nearly 30 years of experience in advertising design and creative direction. Our video team is anchored by Jeff Meyer, who started his career at Angus but went on to work for the Denver Broncos and Miami Dolphins. He continues to run the jumbotron for the Kansas City Chiefs on the weekends when he’s not out shooting beautiful footage of Shorthorn cattle. It’s been a great honor and a privilege to work with Montie and his team. We’re excited about the coming year – and the celebrations that will unfold. But we’re even more excited about the future of Shorthorns, and believe the breed is uniquely positioned for the future of beef production. =

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American Shorthorn Association



Shorthorn Sesquicentennial Limited Edition Book - America’s First To commemorate our 150 years as America’s First beef breed association, the ASA Board of Directors has commissioned Dr. Bob Hough and Dr. Bert Moore to write a limitededition publication that captures and researches America’s First Beef Breed Association: the American Shorthorn Association (ASA). The authors have portrayed the progress of the breed from its establishment in England, through present time in US. This limited-edition coffee table book will be unveiled at the


2021 ASA Annual Meeting on October 23rd, 2021 as the Shorthorn breed begins the celebration of its 150th year as an association in the US. To reserve your personal copy to pick-up at ASA Shorthorn events, preorder discounts will be offered through October 1, 2021. This book is a musthave read for any serious Shorthorn or purebred breeder. There are 20+ chapters and over 270 pages of pictures and information about the history of the Shorthorn breed and its impact on the

animal breeding industry. This is truly the first time that our breed’s history will be illustrated from cover to cover. As anticipation for this one-of-a-kind book builds, look for sneak peeks in upcoming issues of Shorthorn Country; as seen below. This book is a symbol of our Sesquicentennial Anniversary that exemplifies our prestigious position as America’s First Beef Breed Association.= Discount & Purchasing Options 150 Years of Shorthorn History:


Pre-Order $50:

• Pre-order books by October 1, 2021. • Pre-payment required for pickup at the following ASA Events: Annual Meeting in Kansas City, Mo., North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Ky., or Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Okla. • Pre-Order forms will be found on the ASA website. • Book pre-order as an add on to the Annual Meeting Registration will be available for members. • Pre-Order books must be picked up, shipping not available.

Join us this fall as we begin the celebration of Shorthorn’s genesis

150 years T

o understand Shorthorns in America, it is important to rst know their background in England. This is where their type was xed, and the breed’s characteristics were set, which in large part determined its usefulness as a breed on both sides of the Atlantic. That Shorthorn was developed in England is no surprise as Great Britain has had a profound impact on the livestock industry. It has given the world many of its most important breeds—Shorthorn, Angus, Hereford—as well as countless other breeds of beef cattle, dairy, sheep, horses, and hogs. It is amazing that one small island could have such a disproportional impact on the world’s animal agriculture, and it speaks highly of the local inhabitants who strove to better their stock using the latest breeding practices. Of these practices, it would take Robert Bakewell to lay the course for developing useful breeds. Each county, or the micro environment within adjoining counties, developed breeds of livestock that had the best utility for their agricultural goals and resources. This would range from Angus, which was developed in the counties of Aberdeen and Angus with the purpose of producing high quality beef, to Ayrshire dairy cattle developed in the county of Ayr. It would be in the Tees River Valley that Shorthorns would become what was thought to be an ideal farmers’ cow.

favorable climate, which is ideal for growing grass for animals to graze.

Onsite Purchases $60: of the American Shorthorn Association • Purchase at the following ASA Events: ASA Annual Meeting,

The famous agricultural journalist Alvin Sanders noted that this part of England was unlike the U.S. where cool-season grasses become dormant during the heat of Prize Black Scotch Heifer & English Longhorn Ox, the summer. NorthSmitheld Show, England courtesy Hough east England’s mild climate and reliable moisture allow for grass to remain green and high quality throughout the summer. This ideal climate for raising grazing animals led to what would arguably become the world’s most inuential cattle breed—Shorthorn.

The farmers’ cattle ______

The mixed agriculture of the Tees River Valley originally called for a breed that was dual-purpose for both milk and beef. Therefore, Shorthorn owes a large part of its form and function to the valley and the surrounding northeastern English counties of Northumberland, Durham, York, and Lincoln. These counties are home to some of the most fertile and productive agriculture lands in the British Isles. The farmers there prided themselves both on their crop and livestock production. The area is also blessed with a

Shorthorns were developed in the northeastern English counties of Northumberland, Durham, York, and Lincoln, which is considered some of the best agricultural land in the British Isles. According to The Old Shorthorn Country, “When you reach that ne country on both sides of the River Tees you are then in the centre [center] of the shorthorned breed of cattle.” (George Cully, 1786). They were originally referred to as Teeswater cattle, then as Durhams, then Shorthorns, and nally as Shorthorns. The name “Shorthorn” was chosen to distinguish them from another old-time English breed, which still exists today, known as the Longhorn. English Longhorns are not related to the American or Texas Longhorn whose ancestors came from Spain.

TITLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter_1_V1.indd 1


5/24/2021 7:19:46 PM

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North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) or Cattlemen’s Congress. • Books purchased onsite must be picked-up, no shipping.

Regular Price $65 Plus Shipping & Handling:

• Order forms available on the ASA website at regular price plus shipping and handling.

Shorthorns were developed in the northeastern English counties of Northumberland, Durham, York, and Lincoln, which is considered some of the best agricultural land in the British Isles. According to The Old Shorthorn Country, “When you reach that fine country on both sides of the River Tees you are then in the centre [center] of the shorthorned breed of cattle.” (George Cully, 1786). They were originally referred to as Teeswater cattle, then as Durhams, then Short-horns, and finally as Shorthorns. The name”Shorthorn” was chosen to distinguish them from another oldtime English breed, which still exists today, known as they Longhorn. English Longhorns are not related to the American or Texas Longhorn whose ancestors came from Spain.


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Herd Bulls Roaming the Pastures Across the US 74

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Hannah Olsen, WI

JP Bar Ranch, CA

Rocky Branch Shorthorns, TN

Westridge Shorthorns, ND

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sire. Charisma 906W dam. Anndelle J 921 (Jakes Proud Jazz X Anndelle 709)

CHARISMA 906W sire. Creole dam. Felecia 721

Canadian National Champion Female, 2018 Agribition - Raised by us!


sire. Charisma 906W dam. Anndelle J 921 (Jakes Proud Jazz X Anndelle 709)


sire. DJS LOADSTAR RA830 ET (Red Advantage X Cherri 809) dam. DJS Cherri C540 (Charisma X Cherri 360W)


86779 572nd Ave - Laurel, Nebraska 68745 309-221-5631 Dean - visit us online: www.djsshorthorns.com The Showcase Sale - November 6, 2022 - Laurel, Nebraska

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Builders of the Breed 1945: Thomas E. Wilson; James Tomson; L.E. Mathers, Sr.; Wharton Allen; Wallace Campbell; Albert Hultine; and Paul Teegardin. 1946: Russell Kelce; Fred Hubbell; T.D. Jones; Charles Broughton; Will Dryden; L.W. Thieman; and Charles Lynn. 1947: Josef Winkler; Homer Clausen; R.D. Arnold; C.M. Caraway; W.J. Russell; H.L Straus; and Bert A. Hanson. 1948: William Bartholomay, Jr.; Frank W. Harding; E.M. Sims; Dale Bellows; George E. Day; George E. Smith; and Fred A. Johnson. 1949: Byron Hawks; Luther K. Rice; Fred Lee; Otis A. Carter; Fred Blomstrom; and Harold Thieman. 1950: D.M. Gregg; James Napier; George Struve; Kenneth E. Deacon; J.W. Bennett; and Charles H. Nickel. 1951: S.A. Donahoe; W.A. Cochel; George N. Fisher; Stewart G. Bennett; Russell Blomstrom; and Cleo Hultine. 1952: Frank Scofield; C.K. Tomson; Carl Greif; J.W. Durno; Harry McCann; and Carl M. Johnson. 1953: H.H. Allen; W.N. Anderson; Dewey Carnahan; Harold White; J.R. Kenner; and John Bertz. 1954: John C. Blume; Reford Gardhouse; B. Hollis Hanson; Carl W. Retzlaff; Grant Campbell; Gerald Clodfelter; and E.P. Laughlin. 1955: Allan C. Atlason; Cyrus S. Eaton; Autrey Caraway; W.L. Lyons Brown; Miss Emma Allison; W.W. Rapley; and Walter H. Larson. 1956: Louis Cadesky; Stanley G. Harris; Robert A. Collier; A.R. (Sandy) Cross; Otto Thiede; James L. Adams; and Fred W. Smalstig. 1957: Alex Cross; S.J. O’Bryan; John F. Shuman; Dr. O.W. House; Phil J. Sauer; W. Henry Dilatush; F.T. Brown; and P.S. Troubadour. 1958: W.W. Donaldson; John Alexander, Sr.; Thomas B. Hawkins: Don James; Harry Ackerman; B.W. Cooper; and Miles Wertz. 1959: R.E. Smith; David S. Graham; Gilbert Elken, Jr.; W.C. Jones; Wayne A. Carr; F.E. Jackson; and Byron D. Reser. 1960: Robert G. Heine; James G. Tom80

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son; Raymond P. Duer; Miss Betty Royon; Harvey B. Wilson; Ray Clodfelter; and Roland G. Magill. 1961: W.H. Boutell; George T. Richardson; L.E. Mathers, Jr.; Sumption Brothers; W.A. Warters; Daniel J. O’Conner, Jr.; and Jacob Walter, Jr. 1962: C.D. Swaffar; Otto H. Grosse; Levi Johnson; Cecil Steinmetz; Clarence Worden; George Garvin Brown; and W.P. Hix. 1963: Louis Wernicke; Henry Dietz; Charles Ewald; Russell Held; Louis Latimer; George R. Gallatin; and Fred E. Smalstig. 1964: Mervin F. Aegerter; R.B. Stimson; Dr. Arthur H. Weiland; True Buckmaster; George DePape; Jack Ragsdale; and Otto Johnson. 1965: Ted L. Aegerter; Max L. Cardey; Paul Potter; E.H. Stoltz; Mrs. Hugh Fenwick; Harry McCabe; and Charles Hix. 1966: Dwight McCoy; Herman R. Purdy; Carroll Latimer; Cary A. Colburn; Lyle Brooks; Dave Brockmueller; and Lou Laughlin. 1967: William H. Roda; J.E. Halsey; Albert J. Hamann; Clyde G. Harlow; J.E. Klokkenga; Harry T. Peters, Jr.; and Chris R. Bertz, Jr. 1968: A.C. Buehler; Roger Applegate; Orlyn Oswald; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lorenz; Norman D. Hogg; Roy R. Rutledge; and Ed Rocker. 1969: Burke N. Allison; Jos. Biglands; Ben G. Studer; Ed Hoyt; Howard Snethen; Charles B. Leemon; and Bill Hoewischer. 1970: Truman Kingsley; Bob Gordon; Mrs. W.C. Pitfield; Dewey Lunstra; Mrs. Glenn Miller; Joe Huckfeldt; and Jim and John Humphreys. 1971: James A. Brennen; Mrs. George Garvin Brown; Dick Braman; John Draper; Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Long; Martin Nold; and Milton Nagley. 1972: Lyle V. DeWitt; R. Lee Johnson; Rudolph Kaehler; Mr. and Mrs. Arch Allen; George Inness; William Cruickshank; and Wendell Lovely. 1973: Dr. L. Eugene Byers; Jerry Taylor; Richard Prentice; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coats; Mrs. Frank J. Haumont; Larry A.

Hart; and Lloyd Hatch. 1974: Mrs. T.C. Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Taylor; Dover Sindelar; Wertz Bros.; Robert Hahn; Harvey Fulton; and Bert Kessi. 1975: Mark L. Graham, Sr.; A.D. Tilley, Jr.; Buck Bardwell; W.J. Boake; Barry Jordan; Lloyd Waters; and Ernest Esau. 1976: Earl Fieser; R.W. Parrott; Edgar Philpott; Bill Scott; Don and Pat Stout; Louis M. Womack; and Joe Woods. 1977: Robert Miller; Robert Raisbeck; Val and Bev Kjernisted; Gary Englehorn; Charles DeBusk; Donald Kaehler; and W.O. “Bill” Jennings. 1978: Horace Curtis & Sons; Herbert and Harry Krug; Joseph T. Christen; George and Janice Alden; Lester Love; William and Wayne Hartman; and Russell M. Sloan. 1979: Thomas Elias McGee; David W. Clark, Jr.; F.A. Heckendorf, Jr.; Duane Rocker; Sandra and Bert Pepper; Virgil Wegener and Steve Washburn; and Otis W. Rothlisberger. 1980: Donald W. Schlegel; Harvey W. Schulhauser; Carvin H. Guy; Gilbert Lee Miller; Ronald B. Hofstrand; Richard D. Yarnell; and Rex, Brian, and Randy Cates. 1981: Ric and Judy Hoyt; M.R. and Lil Boake; W.N. and Harriett H. Moore; Scott Dau; Steve and Tom Torgerson; Orville A. Stangl; and Max Tribbett Family. 1982: Robert Dahl; Stanley Melroe; Roger Steiger; Orville and Kendrick Berg; Paul Schrag; Mike Dugdale; and Darrel, Dave, and Dean Steck. 1983: N. Gerald and Grant C. Alexander; Ralph and Don Pope; James A. McAnear, Jr.; Sherman Berg; Edgar and John Wise; Don Cardey; and Archie and Gary Hansen. 1984: Wayne Clark; Stanley H. Harper; Odis A. Lowe, Jr.; William McCullough; Dr. and Mrs. George M. Smith; Dick and Wilma Russell; and Damar Farms, Inc. 1985: Kadel Urice; Howell F. Eyler; Duane Sicht; Roy D. Dedmon; Darrell and Denny Jordan; Art and Luke Bakenhus; and L. Jack Bedwell.

1986: Eddie and Judy Grathwohl; Gladys Dau; Bradley Eisiminger; Gary and Pam Naylor; Jim Scott; Calvin and Steve Hiatt; and Dale Louis Wernicke. 1987: Dale Rocker; Keith H. Lauer; Gary and Chuck Buchholz; G.M. “Mike” and Linda Kahoa; Hugh, Jr., Tom, and Ron Moore; Steve and Linda Haywood; and William Earl Wilson. 1988: Hale Charlton and Jim McCollum; Alfred and Darrell Ippensen; Doug Schrag; Bill Smithers; Herbert Symington; and Paul Wharton & Sons. 1989: Gordon Brockmueller; Don Hoyt; Dr. W.L. Munson; and Charles Meisner & Sons. 1990: Robert and Ronald Alden; Phil and Chuck Johnson; Robert and Dorothy Connell; and Duane and Evelyn Greeley. 1991: Neil and Mary Davis; Bruce and Sandra Wallace; Arden Preheim; and Joseph O. and Joseph F. “Sam” Erhnthaller. 1992: Wayne C. Neely; George W. Slater; Bernie and Norma Bolton; and Mary and J.O. Bass III. 1993: Jesse Duckett and Larry Kohlstaedt. 1994: Don Cagwin and Frank and Mary Kaehler. 1995: William H. Hoskins and James A. Cato. 1996: Gene McDonald and North Dakota State University. 1997: Bill Rasor and Lyle Ewald. 1998: Wayne Temple Sr. & Family and

C.F. Martin. 1999: Dr. George Ahlschwede and Rick and Sandy Osterday, Stangl Shorthorns. 2000: Dale Studer Family Shorthorns and Steve Melroe & Family, Melroe Shorthorns. 2001: Merl Welch, Green Ridge Shorthorns and A. Lorne Edmondson, Bromelee Shorthorns. 2002: The Bertz Family, Meadow Lane Farms and Ronald Gooch, Greenbelt Shorthorns. 2003: Harold and Kay Good, Good Family Shorthorns, and Donald McMillan & Sons, McMillan Shorthorn Ranch. 2004: Dave McFarland Family, Diamond M Shorthorns and Richard C. McElhaney, McElhaney Stock Farm. 2005: Jim and Beverly Freed, Double J Ranch/Jeepetta Cattle Co. and Dick Hahn, Hahn Family Shorthorns. 2006: The Jim Williams Family, V8 Shorthorns and Verl Shell, Milestone Cattle Co. 2007: Nick Steinke Family, Steinke Shorthorns and L.E. ‘Les’ Mathers III, MD, Leveldale Farms. 2008: Randy & Nancy Griffis, Carolina Cattle Company and George & Gail McLachlan, Lakeside Farms. 2009: Ralph S. Larson, Y Lazy Y Shorthorns and John R. Hagie, Cyclone Trace Cattle Co. 2010: Steve & Laura McGill, South Starr Farm, Robert ‘Bob’ & Joyce Wilson, Dr. Larry Wilson, Robjoy Shorthorns

2011: Scott & Janet Leemon & Family, Leemon Stock Farm and Dr. Raymond Ediger, Green Spring Farm. 2012: Derek Jungels, Jungels Shorthorn Farm and Edward Meyer, Meyer Farms. 2013: Marty Loving, Loving Farms, Steve & Julie French, Little Cedar Cattle Company and Don Washburn, Iroquoian Shorthorns. 2014: Charles and Judy Obrect, O-Dale Farms and Virginia Davis, KV Cattle. 2015: Kevin & Kari Vander Wal, Vander Wal Shorthorns; Sammy Richardson, Richardson Farms, and L. Martin Haliton Jr., Wind Crest Farm. 2016: Penny, Caleb, Seth & Courtney Vance, Bill & Jane Hale, Hale Farms; and Scott Horton & Family, Horton Farms. 2017: Laurence Pathy, Shadybrook Farms and John Sullivan, Sullivan Farms. 2018: Dave Greenhorn, Greenhorn Cattle Company, and Jon Byers & Jeff Byers, Byland Polled Shorthorns. 2019: Mark W.P. Gordon, and Phillip & Linda Bowman, Bowman Superior Genetics. In Memoriam:  Hal Longley; Don Longley; and Horace Walker. Honorary: Charlotte MacLeod. = The 2020 and 2021 Builder of the Breed winners will be awarded during the 2021 ASA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet.

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ShowBull & Female of the Year 2020-21: Show Bull of the Year, CF S/F Upper Hand X ET; Show Female of the Year, Steck WSCC Chelsie HC 911G; ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year, SS Southern Comfort 908; ShorthornPlus Female of the Year, CF CSF Mona Lisa 934 Primo ET. 2019-20: Show Bull of the Year, CF S/F Upper Hand X ET; Show Female of the Year, CF CSF Margie 830 AV X ET; ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year, LDB Premium Reward Apache 911; ShorthornPlus Female of the Year, SULL Crystal Blue 8076F ET. 2018-19: Show Bull of the Year, TJH Bo’s Maxim H7; Show Female of the Year, Steck Chelsie C 704 ET; ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year, CCF Nicholas C59E; ShorthornPlus Female of the Year, SULL Black Cherri 7217E ET. 2017-18: Show Bull of the Year, SULL RGLC Legacy 525 ET; Show Female of the Year, CF CSF Demi 650 SOL ET; ShorthornPlus Show Bull of the Year,

5J Gustus 24E; ShorthornPlus Show Female of the Year, KOLT Blue the Roo 940. 2016-17: Show Bull of the Year, SULL RGLC Legacy 525 ET; Show Female of the Year, SULL Dream On 5158 ET x; ShorthornPlus Show Bull of the Year, DTR Buzz 612D; ShorthornPlus Show Female of the Year, KOLT Blue the Roo 940. 2015-16: Show Bull of the Year, JM Vortecs Rider ET; Show Female of the Year, SULL Dream On 5158 ET x. 2014: Show Bull of the Year, CF V8 Fascination X x; Show Female of the Year, KOLT Gentry 363 ET x. 2013: Show Bull of the Year: SULL Master Rose *x; Show Female of the Year, GCC Lucky Sunshine 153 ET *. 2012: Show Bull of the Year, CF BCL HBO X ET *x; Show Female of the Year, GCC Achiever Charm 71 ET *. 2011: Show Bull of the Year, CF Flex *x; 2020-21: Show Female of the Year, Steck WSCC Chelsie HC 911G, owned by Keagan Steck.

2020-21: ShorthornPlus Show Female of the Year, CF CSF Mona Lisa 934 Primo ET, owned by Samantha VanVorhis. 2020-21: Show Bull of the Year, CF S/F Upper Hand X ET, owned by Cates Farms, Simon Farms, & Shoufler Shorthorns.

2020-21: ShorthornPlus Show Bull of the Year, SS Southern Comfort 908, owned by Schrag Shorthorn Farms & Harlan Cattle Co. 84

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Show Female of the Year, SULL Salute Destiny 9001 *x. 2009: Show Bull of the Year, SB PFC Proud Venture WH ET *x; Show Female of the Year, Miss V8 Mona’s Hip Hop ET *x. 2008: Show Bull of the Year, Mr. V8 D’Brickashaw 11552 *x; Show Female of the Year, Miss V8 Mollie Jo 93S2. 2007: Show Bull of the Year, AF KF VG Step Ahead 525 x, Show Female of the Year, Miss V8 Dionne D 50R7. 2006: Show Bull of the Year, HD Big and Rich 204 *x; Show Female of the Year, SULL Sara’s Sable *x. 2005: Show Bull of the Year, COR Fear Factor 11702 *x, Show Female of the Year, Miss V8 Can’t Fool Me *x. =

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Junior Corner

Lexi ajsa Wetzel president


Wow, how can three years be done already? It is hard to believe that three years are over just like that. As I turn the page to the next chapter in my life, I can’t help but recall how I have gotten here. My family doesn’t have as deep of roots or as long of a history in the Shorthorn breed as so many others. When we went to our first junior nationals nine years ago it was supposed to be a one-time thing. However, as others’ stories have been written similarly, so goes my family’s and over the course of the last 9 years, we haven’t missed one since. The reason: because of the incredible people within the breed that has become a family. Why did I run for the Junior Board? Sitting in those Youth Conferences as a young junior gave me the urge to run for the junior board in the first place. That and a little convincing from my family and friends. Those who’ve worn the red jacket before me, were and continue to be some of the best role models, who have had a huge impact on me and so many others. When I final decided to go for it and run for the board, it was because I wanted to give back to the breed that has given me so much. Frankly, in the

last three years, the amazing youth of the breed have made a greater impact on me than I could ever make on them. Even though my time on the junior board has come to an end, as I reminisce on the numerous memories and friendships made, I couldn’t be more thankful. Thank you, to the amazing youth that have made every trip, show, and event worthwhile. I couldn’t be more confident in saying that the future of the breed is in good hands. Thank you, to all the breeders, sponsors, donors, and families. It doesn’t get said enough – we truly wouldn’t be able to do what we do without the endless support. Thank you, to my family, friends, and those that have become family. I truly couldn’t have done it without you. Lastly, thank you to the entire Shorthorn breed and all those involved for making these three years some of my best. I’ve learned so much over the last three years and seen so many things that I thought wouldn’t be possible happen. As we continue to improve our breed and association, I’ll leave you with a final thought: “Without challenge, there is no change.” Go out and be the change! =

Tentative Schedule July 26-29, Canyon, Texas

July 26 2:00 p.m. All attendees must arrive in Amarillo July 27 - West Texas A&M Campus Day Topics: Beef Harvest 101 :: Beef Fabrication and Marketing 101 Beef Quality and Palability 101 :: Marketing Claims and Consumer Perception Career/Professional Development :: Leadership July 28 - Travel Day Visit Cactus Feedyards philanthropy project Evening Activity July 29 All attendees head home


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Junior Board President :: Lexi Wetzel Vice President :: Gabriella Leone Secretary :: Allyssa Obrecht Public Relations :: Korbin Collins Director :: Kendall Nelson Director :: Tayler Bacon Director :: Faye Smith Director :: Miller Smith Director :: Colton Hulsey

Upcoming Junior Nationals 2021 • Louisville, KY June 20-26, 2021

2022 • Kansas City, MO 2023 • Des Moines, IA 2024 • TBA * Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *

Words of Advice

Onto the Next Chapter

“Without challenge, there is no change.”

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meet the interns

Michelle Noggle communications

Amelia Schatz youth activities

Bella Chaffin registrations







Favorite Music Genre:

Favorite Music Genre:

Favorite Food:

Favorite Food:

Future Plans:

Future Plans:

Casey, Ill.

Animal Science and Agricultural Communications

Favorite Music Genre: Red Dirt Country

Favorite Food: Pickles

Future Plans:

Michelle plans to continue her education at Oklahoma State University and graduate with bachelors degrees in animal science and agricultural communications then start a communications job in the livestock industry.


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Le Center, Minn. Agricultural Communications 90’s Female Country

Chicken and Steak Fajitas Amelia plans to continue her education at Kansas State University and graduate with an agricultural communications degree, to allow her to work within the public relations field of the livestock industry to advocate for fellow farmers and ranchers.

Waverly, Neb. Agricultural Communications Classic Country Mexican

Bella plans to graduate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a degree in agricultural communications and a minor in leadership, then go on to work in outreach and education for an agricultural firm to advocate for agriculture to younger generations.

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California californiashorthorns.com Colorado Four State

Tim Whitfield Matt Bigelow Rick Leone Carl Burton Johnny Spencer

President Vice President President President Vice President

tim@sunnydayshorthorns.com mjbigelow@hotmail.com peakviewranch@hotmail.com ccshorthorn@embarqmail.com

209-201-1684 559-868-6411 719-468-1981 620-856-5750 417-285-6130

President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President Acting President Vice President


630-365-1444 618-498-6368 765-720-8138 317-509-3112 816-465-0341 641-832-7772 785-541-1012 620-553-2329 502-494-9644 270-774-2283 337-540-2825 301-974-7901 443-745-5146 517-242-2395 517-667-4575 612-419-2139 952-237-3836 816-695-3669 816-934-2510 417-742-0508 417-839-3184 406-925-0356 406-925-1847 402-563-3917 402-564-5621

Florida - see South Carolina Georgia - see South Carolina Illinois

Scott Horton Ron Moore Indiana Matt Fry indianashorthorn.com Wayne Jester Iowa Jalane Vaughn Josh Berg Kansas Ross Mosteller kansasshorthorns.com Justin Rowley Kentucky David McCall Jason Martin Louisiana Ricky Guidry Maryland Donnie Braun marylandshorthorns.com Sean Hough Michigan Carla McLachlan michiganshorthorns.com Caleb Vance Minnesota Terry Morrison mnshorthorn.com Eric Schoenbauer Missouri Diane Bolinger missourishorthorn.com Brian Kohlstaedt Missouri - Ozark Janet Fritter Katie Stewart Montana Kelsey Friedly montanashorthornassociation.org Lukrisha Mattison Nebraska John Sonderman Bill Bos North Carolina - see South Carolina North Dakota Roberta Francis Ryan Galbreath Ohio Jeff Winkle ohioshorthorns.org Duane Miller Oklahoma Jerrell Crow Terry Whisenhut Pennsylvania Charles Bomgardner Don Cowden South Carolina Steve McGill Eastern Shorthorn Association, Kris Dedmon FL, GA, NC, SC South Dakota Rick Osvog Kari VanderWal Tennessee Luke Teeple Charles Curtis Texas Kyle Lewis txshorthorns.org John Russell Washington Hailey Griffin Wisconsin Jason Fearing wisconsinshorthorns.com Jason Chapman

President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Vice President President Sec/Treasurer President Vice President President Vice President President President Vice President

matthew_fry@cargill.com wayne.jester@milstonelp.com aldenjalane@gmail.com jaberg03@gmail.com redcowfamily@gmail.com jrowley@cmfoods.com mccallfran@gmail.com jasmar@scrtc.com ricky@rlcattlecompany.com mdorgdbraun@aol.com smhough13@gmail.com mclachlancarla@gmail.com halefarms@gmail.com TerryMorrison@frontiernet.net scattle@gmail.com bolingerfarms@embarqmail.com bkohlstaedt@yahoo.com mammafritt@sofnet.com kstewart@crinet.com friedlyshorthorns@gmail.com lmattison05@gmail.com jmsonderman@frontiernet.net tbbos@megavision.com showpigs@mlgc.com cattlejock9@yahoo.com jerrellcrow@crowcreekfarms.com Terry.whisenhunt@qaoac.com lightacandle@live.com

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steve.mcgill@merial.com kcdedmon@gmail.com

864-376-9407 794-472-6371

kbegalka@itctel.com kari.vanderwal@sdsbp.com teeple@hotmail.com doublecshorthorns@gmail.com kyle@aamconline.com tadmorefarms@gmail.com Haileykins101@gmail.com jfearing@robseeco.com jchappy8072@gmail.com

605-237-1116 605-690-5746 931-761-3043 931-498-2847 832-588-8064


701-799-4568 701-799-4568 937-694-1871 303-231-3431 580-585-2522

253-244-0769 608-415-0973 608-235-8072

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STATE Junior Advisors directory






Ashley Catrett Cassidy Catrett Will Lane Krista Vannest Amy Cooksey Katie Pieper Mitchell & Courtney Smith Lisa Green Cynthia Moffitt Nancy Grathwohl-Heter David McCall Fran McCall Faye Korthaus Heidi Bowman Tammy Bennett Stacy Stinson Mike & Lisa Wetzel Nadelyn Sutherland Karen Lott Laura Long Beverly Klise Diana Bollinger Janet Fritter Debbie Sokoloski Greg Crawford Jessica Simpson Kevin & Kari VanderWal Katie Cull Scott Winkle Don and Tawanna Holland Justin and Stephanie Berhens Erin Eldridge Sharon Allison Jessica Simpson Kevin & Kari VanderWal Phyllis Ferguson Jeff Sargent Lisa Schlimgen

ashleyocatrett@gmail.com cassidycatrett@gmail.com lanecattle@gmail.com fourvannest@yahoo.com cookc4cattle@rtebb.net kipieper92@gmail.com mrs.courtsmith18@gmail.com mom2cma@gmail.com kcmoffitt@yahoo.com ngrathwohl@me.com mccallfran@gmail.com mccallfran@gmail.com mfkshorthorns@gmail.com bowmanfamilyshorthorns@verizon.net mojohooterman72@aol.com stacystinson14@gmail.com wgrcattle@yahoo.com nadelynsutherland@gmail.com rodeoclown98@yahoo.com laura.long@spsagu.com klisefarm@rallstech.com bolingerfarms@embarqmail.com mammafritt@sofnet.com dsokoloski2001@yahoo.com gcfshorthorns@gmail.com

334-527-3533 334-403-0947 918-253-7344 209-656-9398

kevin.vanderwal@sdstate.edu katie.cull@okstate.edu jswinkle18@aol.com ironrock@gmail.com sbehrens2k@gmail.com cowqueen1998@yahoo.com pjsbadviser@gmail.com

605-627-9409 402-380-0404 937-681-1550

kevin.vanderwal@sdstate.edu phyll23ferg@gmail.com jrsarge@gmail.com dreamy280@mhtc.net


Arkansas California Colorado Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky

Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri

Missouri- Ozark Montana Nebraska North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Wisconsin



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765-606-6224 641-691-0266 785-587-7947 502-494-9644 502-836-9523 502-649-6475 301-651-0852 517-230-2306 507-491-6464 601-408-7267 601-543-6001 573-248-7769 573-248-4056 417-742-0508 406-208-9075 402-423-3944

541-619-7008 412-720-5444

903-624-7265 608-576-1313

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Show Results

2021 Ohio Junior Shorthorn Preview Show Judges: Justin & Emily Adcock

Champion Shorthorn Bull, exhibited by Caroline Winters.

Champion ShorthornPlus Steer, exhibited by Bailey Dusseau.

Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Steer, exhibited by Ellanor Tarbert.

Champion Shorthorn Steer, exhibited by Alyssa Carter.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer, exhibited by Paige Phillips.

Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, exhibited by Ashton Bain.

Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, exhibited by Paige Phillips.

Champion Shorthorn Heifer & Champion B&O Shorthorn Heifer, exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Heifer, exhibited by Addison Campbell.

Reserve Champion B&O Shorthorn Heifer, exhibited by Aspen Brehm.


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2021 Illinois Junior Shorthorn Preview Show Judge: Austin Smith, Arenzville Ill.

Champion Shorthorn Heifer, exhibited by Alexa Turner.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Heifer, exhibited by Abigail Wagner.

B&O Champion Shorthorn Heifer, exhibited by Braden Hahn.

B&O Reserve Champion Shorthorn Heifer, exhibited by Maddox Reedy.

Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, exhibited by Grace Rincker.

Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, exhibited by Reagan Reedy.

B&O Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, exhibited by Toby Behrends.

B&O Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, exhibited by Isabella Forbes.

Champion Shorthorn Steer, exhibited by Mya Miller.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer, exhibited by James Bend.

Champion ShorthornPlus Steer, exhibited by Koby Kearns.

Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Steer, exhibited by Tate Behrends.

Champion Shorthorn Bull, exhibited by Lauren Mohr.

Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, exhibited by Toby Behrends.

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Minnesota Shorthorn Association Visit Our Website For More Details mnshorthorn.org


2021 Membership - 86 Members

President: Terry Morrison

Steven E. Anderson-Maple Crest Meadows - N8016 St. Rd 65, River Falls, WI 54022 - (715)-425-8353 - andersonstevenrf@att.net

Vice President: Eric Schoenbauer Secretary/Treasurer: Alan Nelson Directors: Cory Bollum, Ryan Glbreath, Lowell Jabs, Cody Nelson, Tom Pierson, Mike Wetzel

Minnesota Junior Association

Board of Directors

Vice President: Hannah Wetzel Secretary/Treasurer: Charlie Severaid Directors: Zach Wanus, Lindsey Galbreath, Lane Jabs


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Auburn View Farms-Dan & Trish Wanous - 6212 Major Ave., Glencoe, MN 55336 - (320)-328-9977; (320)-420-5632 - auburnviewfarms@yahoo. com Kenneth Bade-Badeland Cattle Co. - 41849 260th St, Arlington, MN 55307 - (507)-964-5311, c: (320)-510-1123

President: Elizabeth Jabs

Junior Advisors: Mike & Lisa Wetzel

Armstrong Farms-Amanda Armstrong - 3791 84th NE, Owatonna, MN 55060 - (651)-775-2284

Bar N Cattle-Cody and Melanie, Amelia, Coy, & Jace Nelson - 21023 440th St, Belview, MN 56214 - (507)-720-2998 - soilrx1@gmail.com Mike & Ed Barrett - 30360 Sciota Trail E, Randolph, MN 55065 - (507)302-9422 - Bsf_shorthorns@hotmail.com Bayerl Family Farm-Scott Bayerl - 24978 CR 2, Silver Lake, MN 55381H-(320)-327-6541; C-(612)-554-9920 Berg Shorthorns-Josh and Ashley Berg - 1295 Hwy 9, Osage, IA 50461 (641)-832-7772 - jaberg03@gmail.com

Eugene Betcher - 27711 County 16 Blvd-Goodhue, MN 55027 (651)-9235232 Sherri-flowers@hotmail.com

Galbreath Farms-Ryan Galbreath - 13038 55th St, Enderlin, ND 58027(701)-799-4568 - showpig@mlgc.com

Bollum Family Shorthorns-Cory Bollum - 2705 8th Ave SW, Austin, MN 55912 - (507)-279-0480 - cdbollum@hormel.com

4G Livestock-Kyle and Jill Grams & Family - 66127 170th St, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314 - ( 507)-221-0008 - kngrams77@gmail.com

LeAnn Bollum - 1717 S Waconta Ave, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 - (608)778-3672 - lbollum@centurytel.net

Harley Hanke - 314 W 9th St, Morris, MN 56267 - (320)-589-3446

Doug & Heather Bruns, MacKenna & Hunter - 86717 210th St, Renville, MN 56284 - (320)-905-6510 - dougb@renvillecountymn.com

Harguth Family - 207 Devin Dr., St.Charles, MN 55972 - (507)-932-3213

Michael Cannon -225 100th Ave SE, DeGraff MN 56271- (320)-894-9871

Hawkins Cork & Cattle Ranch - 7101 Magnuson Road SW, Alexandria, MN 56308 - Heidi (507)-261-4280); Matt (651)-274-7385 Matthawkins43@gmail.com

Cannondale Farms-Tom Bryan - 6380 Leeson Lane, Red Wing, MN 55066 - (651)-301-9555 - tom.bryan@plantpioneer.com

Hearthstone Farm-Scott & Lois Greiman - N 7267 250th St., Spring Valley, WI 54761 - (612)-719-0567 - scottsgreiman@gmail.com

Carlson Family Shorthorns-Darrin and Sharon, Ethan & Jaden Carlson - 220 Ash St., Clements, MN 56224 - Sharoncarlson1971@yahoo. com; darrincarlson67@yahoo.com

Donald or Kathy Heise - 67059 345th Ave., Lake City, MN 55041 - (612)618-633

Dicks Family Show Cattle-Glenn and Ruth Dicks - 43847 840th St., Lakefield, MN 56150 - H-(507)-662-5321; Glenn-cell (507)-840-1075Ruth-cell-507-840-1073 - radicks@federatedwildblue.com, gradicks@ federatedwildblue.com Donnelly Shorthorns-Adam Donnelly - 398 95th St., Clear Lake, WI 54005 - (651)-470-4069 - dfencecc@hotmail.com Double M Cattle Company LLC - 748 Enloe Rd, Rewey, WI 53580 (608)-943-6091; (608)-642-0443 - muells29@yahoo.com

Larry Highdale - 12635 County Rd 3, Kensington, MN 56343 - (320)965-2778 Joseph or Kathleen Hilger-Keystone Shorthorns - 22021 175th St, Cornell, WI 54732 - (715)-202-0594 - kathyhilger@yahoo.com Dennis or Mary Hoffrogge- 44097 County Hwy 4, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 - (507)-249-2009 - DHoffrogge@gmail.com Dennis or Sharon Hooley-Hooley Family Shorthorns - 12354 100th St. N., Stillwater, MN 55082 - (651)-439-5932 membership list continued on next page...

Jim and Pam Dressen - N 4787 515th St., Ellsworth, WI 54011 - (715)273-3416 - jdressen@pressenter.com Faxon Creek Cattle Company-Terry Morrison - 11213 182nd St., Belle Plaine, MN 56011 - (952)-873-4355 - TerryMorrison@frontiernet.net Frick Family Farm-Ted and Paula Frick - 16553 220th St, Hutchinson, MN 55350 - (320)-587-3525 - cowdoc@hotmail.com

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...memberships continued

Join Us - Become a Member Today !

Lowell & Nicole Jabs - 1112 Bluff Ave, St. Charles, MN 55972 - (507)259-1269 or 507-250-0859 Jenson Family Shorthorns-Glenn and Anita Jensen - 17040 Omega Ave, Springfield, MN 56087 - (507)-227-2715 - jensenfarm @nutelecom.net Frank Kaehler Family - 20030 25th St., St. Charles, MN 55972 - (507)932-3388 - frankkaehler@hotmail.com - www.kaehlerfamily.com James L. Kreidermacher - 740 County Road 132 SE, Dover, MN 55929 (507)-932-3446 Darold Krzmarzick - 23683 Co. Rd. 27, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 - (507)794-7569 Laban’s Roanoke Farm-Joe or Linda Laban - 26864 S. Garryowen Rd, Bernard IA 52032 - H:(563)-879-3154, C: (563)-542-3155 - jslaban@ yahoo.com Kyle Langum Family - 21471 35th St., Cresco, IA 52136 - (563)-2034182 - deejlangum@gmail.com Brad Lewis - 2119 36th St S., Moorhead, MN 56560 - (218)-789-7329, (701)-261-7826 - Kidsonafarm@gmail.com James E. Long-Long Family Shorthorns - 311 E 3rd St., Vinton, IA 52349 - (319)-472-4465 Lowe Family-Carole, Dave, Shelby, & Jackson - 719 S 4th St., Stillwater, MN 55082 - FourPonys2@yahoo.com Charlie Lundell - 10849 Co. Rd 1 Blvd., Cannon Falls, MN 55009 - (507)202-2567 - ssullin153@gmail.com Cecil Malme - Box 44, Shelly, MN 56581- (218)-886-8488 Justin McMartin - 35670 Highway 56 Boulevard, Dennison, MN 55018 (612)-247-6536 Peter McMartin - 20475 Whistle Pass Dr., Lewiston, MN 55952 - (507)523-2415 - mcmartinherd@hotmail.com Meeker Family Shorthorns-Larry or Debra Meeker - 58536 220th Ave., Mantorville, MN 55955 - (507)-635-5595 - meekerfarms@kmtel Gary Michels-Peaceful Valley Farm - 28526 Le Sueur Creek Road, Le Sueur, MN 56532 - (507)-665-3878 - peacefulfarm@msn.com Millvale Farms-Gene & Roberta Francis - 11020 59th St., Lawton, ND 58345 - Gene (815)-867-2192, Roberta (701)-331-2403 - rfrancis1@live. com Joel Molitor - 2850 105th St E., Inver Grove Height, MN 55077 - (651)983-2602 - Joel Molitor@nm.com Bert & Millie Moore - 407 N 12th St., Indianola, IA 50125 - (701)-5415035 - bertshorthorn@gmail.com Mulberry Lane Shorthorns-Dennis and Kathy Hoffbeck - 28159 County Hwy 11, Morgan, MN 56266 - (507)-829-4580 - tetrickc@gmail.com Nelson Family Shorthorns-Alan & Crystal Nelson -20480 870th Ave., Renville, MN 56284 - C (320)-894-6271; H (320)-329-4303 - nelsonfamilyshorthorns@yahoo.com - alan.nelson@state.mn.us crystalnelson51@yahoo.com Nip-n-Tuc Cattle Co-Paul & Marijo Beckstrand - 2271 250th Ave., Waldorf, MN 56091 - (507)-239-2187 -mjbeck6@gmail.com Novotny’s Show Cattle-Megan Domonoske - 19812 Tetonka Lake Rd., Waterville, MN 56096 - (507)-381-7615 Oakwood Farms-Dick, Marj, or Rick Colby - 1099 Cty Rd A, Grand Marsh, WI 53936 - (608)-584-5396 - oakwood1@maqs.net Olsen Family Shorthorns-David or Becky Olsen - W562 Cty Rd D, Berlin, WI 54923 - (920)-987-5826 - OlsenFamilyShorthorns@centurylink.net O’Sullivan Cattle Co. - PO Box 894-6647 Gowan Ave NW, Maple Lake, MN 55358 - (612)-860-6665 - Frank@OSullivanAuctioneers.co Dave Peckat Family - 9940 260th St., Park Rapids, MN 56470 - (218)252-3887 - DavePeckat@gmail.com Jim & Diane Perry - 17595 Weaver Lake Dr., Maple Grove, MN 55311 (612)-387-4533 - gotnoranch@comcast.net Thomas and Sherri Pierson - 46473 289th Street, Centerville, SD 57014; Cell: (612)-240-6494 - thomas.john.pierson@gmail.com


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Rose Cattle-Steve and Shirley -11504 507th Ave, Amboy, MN 56010 - H: (507)-674-3870, C:(507)-227-6660 - ssrosefarms@yahoo.com Lawrence Roster - 27874 SD Hwy 25, Spencer, SD 57374 Russell & Donna Scheller - 7843 Co. Rd 37 NE, St. Michael, MN 55376 -(763)-497-2673 - rdsroansrule@yahoo.com Eric & Robynne Schoenbauer - 17173 158th St., Hamburg, MN 55339 -(952)-237-3836, (952)-237-3836 - sscattle@gmail.com - robynnes@ Embarqmail.com Steven Schutt-Elm Creek Shorthorns - 31655 190th St, Winnebago, MN 56098 - (507)-525-4486 - Schutter_54@Hotmail.com Sivad Farms-Lance & Sharon Davis Family - 87002 State Line Rd., Glenville, MN 56036 - (507)-325-4739 - sivadfarms@gmail.com Small Farms-Tina Small - 1272 County Rd 142 SW, St. Charles, MN 55972 Robert Sonnek - 50167 230th St., Minnesota Lake, MN 56068 rssonnek@bevcomm.net Spring View Cattle-Karen Luchterhand - N4134 Collier Ave, Neilsville, WI 54456 - (612)-770-1831 - lobe0040@umn.edu Jeff Stangeland Family-Deerhorn Farms - 2359 150th St., Barnesville, MN 56514 - (218)-493-4379 - deerhorn@rrt.net Stark Family Shorthorns-Aaron Stark - 30715 Woodhaven Trail, Cannon Falls, MN 55009 - (507)-649-7931 - AaronBStark@gmail.com - Lonnie. Stark@chsinc.com Craig, Stephanie, Keagan & Carter Steck - 869 190th Ave, Woodstock, MN 56186 - (319)-530-8790 - Stephanie@stephaniecronin.com Steve & Kay Torgerson - 24122 515th Ave, Austin, MN 55912 Thompson Cattle Co.-Dylan & Amanda Thompson - 17040 Omega Ave, Springfield, MN 56087 - (507)-227-7555 - jensonfarm@nutelecom.net Top Notch Stock Farm-Lynn, Gale, & Jeff Nelson - 25994 725th Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007 - (507)-826-3184 - Gale (507)-383-4172, Jeff (507)383-4173- topnotchstockfarm@gmail.com Robert Tramm-Tramm’s Shorthorns - 1674 320th Ave, Isle, MN 56342 - (320)-679-5599 Troy Tramm-R/T Shorthorns - 3183 Harbor St, Isle, MN 56342 - (320)679-4364 Trebesch Cattle Company - 36287 180th St, Green Isle, MN 55338 (952)-412-0156 - Kipptreb@gmail.com Justin & Whitney Vogel- 10631 24th St SE-Rogers, ND 58479-(701)-3204054; (701)-261-1667- jvogel84@hotmail.com Dan & Val Wasinger-WCC Shorthorns - 31678 240th St, Winnebago, MN 56098 - (507)-779-6378 - valwimes@hotmail.com WGR Cattle-Mike & Lisa M. Wetzel, Lexi, Mikayla, & Hannah - 25498 Hall Ave, Faribault, MN 55021 - wgrcattle@yahoo.com Whitewater Creek Farms-Steve and Kathy Wesley - 51717 147th Ave, Waterville, MN 56096 - (507)-362-8721, (507)-838-5109) - Srwesley@ frontiernet.net Wildwood Farm - 3606 Baker Ave NW, Buffalo, MN 55313- (763)-6824903, Tom Waldron - 3970 Baker Ave NW, Buffalo, MN 55313 - (763)682-5115 - wildwood193@yahoo.com Willow Creek Stock Farm - Gene J. Robben & Kath Marcussen - 19346 464th St, Verndale, MN 56481 - (218)-924-2337 - wcsf@arvig.net Gene & Cheryl Zarling - 21090 565th St., Plainview, MN 55964 - (507)273-4421 - Justme255yahoo.com

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Cagwin Farms

Home of Studer’s Crunch Time 22C

Visitors Welcome . . . Stop by any time!

-Top 5% in the breed for WW, YW, TM, CW, and $F


Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.

Farm located five miles east of Virginia on Route 125, 2. then one mile south of the elevator at Philadelphia, Illinois.

Route 2, Box 55 Beecher City, IL 62414 home: 618-487-5559 Trey: 618-367-0764 Steve: 618-267-3229


SULL Roan Goose



Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258



Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.

Cattle always For Sale at the Farm.


2519 Cty Rd 200E • Mahomet, IL 61853 217-202-2484 mainstreetfenching@yahoo.com


Quality seedstock for sale at the farm Dale & Ryan Wernicke 12611 Fisher Rd • Lena, IL 61048-9754 Dale: 815-369-2857 Ryan: 815-739-7754 ryanwernicke@yahoo.com Watch For Our Annual October Online Sale

Visitors Welcome

Bulls, heifers and steers for sale at all times.

Gary Chesnut Family 16145 N 100 East Road • Fithian, IL 61844 217-260-6144 11.




Dennis and Terri Jordan

545 E. 900 N. Road • Sibley, IL 61773 217-784-4854 • cell: 217-202-2865  email: jordan@prairieinet.net

Amanda, Layne, Ty and Ely Harden, 217-417-8335 Jason, Tasha and Isabella Bunting, 815-252-5520 Ashleigh, David, Dakota and Dalton Hall, 217-979-7531 13.


Luke, Amanda, Madeline, Gavin, Callie, Alexa & Josie Turner

Chesnut Shorthorns

Shorthorns 10.

Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664 Check our website for our current list of herd sires.

31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052

Scott Horton, Owner

WATAGA, IL 61488 contact: Dave Steck home: 309-342-0813 cell: 309-299-0335

cell: 309-678-4230 • cattle@leveldale.com or Rob Bruce, Herdsman: cell: 217-737-0692

Hugh W. Moore, Jr. & Sons

Horton farms Shorthorns 7.

contact: L.E. Mathers III

Trey & Hailey Wright Steve & Marsha Wright

629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806 Wayne: 618-384-8250 Doug: 618-384-1932

Horton cell: 630-965-1710 Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754 4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444


1963 Kelley Road • Caledonia, IL 61011 815-885-3679 cell: 815-494-5588 Come visit us any time. Heifers, bulls and steers for sale.

Wright Cattle Co. Leveldale Farms

Wayne Hinderliter Family

Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.

Dale Muck

VI RG IS P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 INIA, ILLINO office: 217-452-3051 • cell: 217-341-7552 Kerry Johnston cell: 217-370-6033 Dalton Johnston cell: 217-416-9536 Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell: 217-370-6034 cagwincattle@casscomm.com • cagwincattle.com

Sunnyland Farms



Don Cagwin

- Semen: $30/unit

Jason Smithers & Girls - 217-491-2140 jasonsmithers74@gmail.com Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280 36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363


Bred females for sale at all times. Albert Larry Hill


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7272 NCR 3350 E • Mason City, IL 62664 217-737-1023 •  217-482-3765




7 25


10 16 18 22 13

15 6




19 2


21 24 20

Bob and Mark Gordon


1 8

4 18.

1160 600th Ave. Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-737-7159 Mark cell: 217-737-7905 Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com


Get on the map! For details contact: Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, 217-370-6034 or Darryl Rahn, 217-473-1124 14

This ad runs six times a year. What better way to insure your customers can find you? 19.

Rolling Hills Farm


Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns

Investing in top genetics for over 30 years. Visitors Welcome! The Birch Family Harold, Regina, Richard and Hope

Doug & Rhonda North 5544 Stone Road Clinton, IL 61727 217-622-4466

22698 E. Co. Rd. 920 N • Ashmore, IL 61912 217-232-8366 email: hbirch@agrisolutions.com

Driving directions from Ashmore: two miles west on Rt. 16 to Enon Baptist Church sign; then one mile south to farm 20. 21.






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Registrations Reminder: When registering cattle, there is a “status” drop down list toward the right-hand side of the screen. Do not change the status of an animal if the animal is still alive! This is predominantly there for those who are recording deceased calves. If you, for example, give your calf the “sold after weaning” status, and then want to transfer the calf, you will not be able to. Giving it that status culled it out of your account, and it is no longer active. Leave the box blank, and you will be able to transfer the animal.


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2021–2022ShowASA Point Show System Season: April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022 *Individual show schedule subject to change


Northeast Region :: CT, DE, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV National Show :: Keystone International Livestock Expo Super Regional Show :: **Removed from Point System Regional Shows :: Maryland State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia Southeast Region :: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN National Show :: Dixie National Super Regional Show :: Kentucky State Fair Regional Shows :: Appalachian Fair & Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair

South Central Region :: AR, KS, LA, OK, TX National Show :: Fort Worth Stock Show Super Regional Show :: Tulsa State Fair Regional Shows :: Kansas State Fair & Oklahoma State Fair West Region :: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY National Show :: Northern International Livestock Exposition Super Regional Show :: Western Idaho Fair Regional Shows :: National Western Stock Show & Washington State Fair

*Regional Awards calculated from Regional, Super Regional & National Show within each region. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 4 shows to qualify.


Regional 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 4 Points 2 Points 7 Points 5 Points

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North American International Livestock Expo :: Louisville, KY Cattlemen’s Congress :: Oklahoma City, OK

National Shows :: 5 total, 1 in each region Northeast :: Keystone International Livestock Expo :: Harrisburg, PA Southeast :: Dixie National :: Jackson, MS North Central :: American Royal :: Kansas City, MO South Central :: Fort Worth Stock Show :: Fort Worth, TX West :: Northern International Livestock Exposition :: Billings, MT

North Central Region :: IL, IA, MO, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI National Show :: American Royal Super Regional Show :: Iowa State Fair Regional Shows :: Illinois State Fair & Minnesota State Fair

Placing 1st in Class 2nd in Class 3rd in Class 4th in Class 5th in Class Division Champion Reserve Division Champion Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion

Super National Shows :: 2 total

*National Show Bull & National Show Female points accumulated from 7 total National & Super National Shows listed above. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 7 shows to qualify for National Show Awards.

ASA Point Show System Point Distribution Super Regional 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 5 Points 3 Points 9 Points 7 Points

National 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 7 Points 5 Points 11 Points 9 Points

Super National 11 Points 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 7 Points 10 Points 8 Points 14 Points 12 Points

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News & Notes Farewells Dennis D. Fitzwater, age 82, of West Manchester, Ohio passed away Tuesday, May 11, 2021. He was born August 22, 1938 to the late Carl C. and Esther (Zumbrun)

Fitzwater. Dennis was a 1956 graduate of Jackson High School. He was a lifetime Preble County farmer, raised Registered Shorthorn Cattle and drove a semi hauling livestock for over 25 years. In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by his wife Betty J. Fitzwater; and brother Lee N. Fitzwater. He is survived by his daughter Becky

Fitzwater Hall; grandchildren Justin Fitzwater, Kegan (Victoria) Cordes, Cassi (Cody) Harris and Stetson Hall (Kendra Brower); great grandchildren Cassidy, Haislee, Kolsten and Enslee, brother-inlaw Jack Nicholas; and numerous nieces and nephews.=

Herd Bulls Roaming the Pastures Across the US

Ryan Kemp, OH

Ryan Tramm, MN

Legacy Ranch, MO

Gunderson Shorthorn Farm, WI

Congratulations! Matt Woolfolk, ASA Director of Performance Programs and Erika (Lundy), tied the knot in Adiar, Iowa on Saturday, May 1, 2021. Congratulations to the newlyweds. =


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Where I’m From by Addison Obrecht

I’m from a small town in Iowa At least half a mile away from anyone or anything In what seems to be in the middle of nowhere I’m from long car trips with the truck and trailer Loading up the show cattle and heading across the US I’m from living my whole childhood in a cattle barn Always washing calves or packing up the trailer for another show Staying at my grandparents’ house whenever the travel for a show was too long I’m from jumping on the 4-wheeler with my grandpa to go bring the calves in Seeing how much my grandfather loves what he does Him showing me the time, dedication, and passion it takes to show the Shorthorn breed I’m from a bedroom with walls covered in banners, ribbons, cattle tags and halters Adding a new banner every time I get back from a show, adding a new halter every time I retire an old show heifer I’m from going to bed late and getting up early the next morning to take care of the livestock I’m from a long, large barn where my grandfather raised his shorthorns Where the fans are always running and calves are always mooing I’m from a place where my grandfather, my father, and my siblings have all spent hours in My escape whenever I need it I’m from learning from a very young age that animals do not live forever Heifer after heifer, every single one leaving an effect on me From my first heifer, Ms. Rose, to my current heifer Lola To Peaches, the heifer who truly did change my life Not even being able to count the number of calves that have been in and out of our barn I’m from working on weekends, before and after school to get livestock ready for the upcoming show I’m from a life where livestock and animals is what we do, what we live for, and who we truly are I’ve been asked so any times why I push myself so hard to show cattle It is my happiness, my cure to all my troubles, my escape from reality, my distraction, and my family People doesn’t understand showing livestock, the money, the time, the hard work I guess those people never really see what those animals give us in return Something to lean on, something to hug, and most importantly something to love So no, showing livestock is not crazy, it just takes a certain kind of person to be able to do it I’m from a family of five and the youngest of them all Annoying my older siblings with my constant yelling and excitement My parents as my supporters and my sibling to always keep me in my place I’m from growing up on my grandparents’ farm with colorful shorthorns always running around I’m from my grandfather teaching me something new everyday Even though he may not be here on this earth right now he is and will always be a major part of my life My grandmother to remind me that there is good in the world, even if it seems to have run out I’m from a place where my best friend never fails to make me laugh when I’m down I’m from somewhere where people never really understand My passions, my hobbies, my mind I’m from somewhere where livestock is life I’m from somewhere where family is always right by my side I’m from somewhere that has many magical memories and I’m sure that I will continue to make a lot more I’m from here. Now. A place where my family is not only people but livestock too. A place where I am challenged every single day, but a place where blood will always be thicker than water.


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Upcoming Issue Focus Issue August September ^ Advertising


Highlights/Reporting Junior National Results • Fall Sale Ads Herd Management & Health • Shows • Fall Sale Ads Fall Sale Ads • Semen Sales • ET Sales

shorthorn country = july 2021

Advertise Your Farm/Business Place your Business Card Advertisement Here! Contact us for more information: Darryl 217-473-1124 Cindy 217-370-6034

Sales Calendar

Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales

Sept. 4 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, IN Sept. 11 - Shadybrook Farms “Decades of Excellence” Production Sale, West Brome, Quebec, Canada

Sept. 4 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, Ind. Sept. 4 - Smith Family Farms, “Cattlemen’s Cut” Open House, Pendleton, Ind. Sept. 5 - Cornerstone Farms “Born to be Rockstars” Online Sale, Winchester, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 5 & 6 - Turner Shorthorns “Somerset Sensations” Open House and Private Treaty Sale, Somerset, Ohio. Sept. 6 - Meyer Family Shorthorns “Elite Heifer and Steer” Online Sale, Greensburg, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 8 - Highland Farms “Land of Lincoln” Show Steer & Heifer Online Sale, Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 11 - Shadybrook Farms “Decades of Excellence” Production Sale, West Brome, Quebec, Canada. Sept. 13 - Smith Family Farms, “Cattlemen’s Cut” Online Sale, Pendleton, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 20 - Tadmore Farms Show Heifer, Bred Heifer and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, Texas, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 20 - Jester Farms “No Foolin’” Online Sale, Mooreland, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 21 - Berg Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, Iowa, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 21 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle/ Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, West Middletown, Pa., sconlinesales.com. Sept. 25 - The Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, Mich. Sept. 25 - Farrer Stock Farms “47th Annual Sale of Stars”, Royal Center, Ind. Sept. 26 - Warner Ranch “Fall Harvest” Production Sale, Columbus, Neb. Sept. 29 - Shoufler Shorthorns “Multi Breed Show Heifer” Online Sale, Fortville, Ind. Sept. 30 - Meyer Farms Show Heifer Online Sale, Rushville, Ind., cwcattlesales. com. Oct. 2 - Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Great Females Make A Difference”,

Waynesville, Ohio. Oct. 6 - Mitchell Family Shorthorns Online Sale, Waverly, Iowa, cwcattlesales. com. Oct. 9 - Studer Family Shorthorns, “Family Legacies” Production Sale, Creston, Iowa. Oct. 9 - Schrag 605, “Family Event” Production Sale, Marion, S.D. Oct. 9 - Hill Haven Farm “Selection Sale” Online, Duntroon, Ontario, Canada, smartauctions.co. Oct. 11 - Bollum Family Shorthorns “Red, White & Roan” Online Sale, Goodhue, Minn., sconlinesales.com. Oct. 16 - “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, Okla. Oct. 16 - “Keystone Autumn Klassic” Production Sale, Waynesburg, Pa. Oct. 17 - Bedwell Cattle Co & Lost Diamond B Ranch, “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, Okla. Oct. 23 - Alden Farms and Friends Production Sale, Hamilton, Mo. Oct. 30 - Leveldale Farms, “Investment Sale”, Mason City, Ill. Nov. 6 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, N.D. Nov. 9 - Highland Farms Show Heifer & Bred Female Sale, Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales.com. Nov. 14 - Greenhorn Cattle Co, “Where Future Generations Are Created”, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 21 - Farrer Stock Farms “Dynamic Dams Sale”, Royal Center, Ind. Nov. 22 - Bar N Shorthorns, “Holiday Classic” Online Bred Heifer Sale, Bellview, Minn., amsonlinesales.com Dec. 7 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, N.D., amsonlinesales. com Dec. 11 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, Ohio. = * To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.

Sept. 20 - Tadmore Farms Show Heifer, Bred Heifer and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, TX, amsonlinesales.com Sept. 21 - Berg’s Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, IA, amsonlinesales.com Sept. 25 - The Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, MI Sept. 26 - Warner Ranch “Fall Harvest” Production Sale, Columbus, NE Oct. 2 - Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Great Females Make A Difference”, Waynesville, OH Oct. 9 - Schrag 605, “Family Event” Production Sale, Marion, SD Oct. 16 - “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, OK Oct. 17 - Bedwell Cattle Co & Lost Diamond B Ranch, “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, OK Oct. 23 - Alden Farms and Friends Production Sale, Hamilton, MO Oct. 30 - Leveldale Farms, “Investment Sale”, Mason City, IL Nov. 6 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, ND Nov. 8 - KAW Red Angus “Maternal Magic” Sale, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com Nov. 14 - Greenhorn Cattle Co, “Where Future Generations Are Created”, Louisville, KY Nov. 21 - Norman/Ripberger “Breeders Alliance”Sale, Newman, IL Dec. 7 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND, amsonlinesales.com Dec. 11 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, OH

Online sales with a personal touch.

Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com

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Ad Index AAA Shorthorns........................... 123 Aegerter Cattle Co......................... 19 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.. 127 Albertson Farms............................. 49 Alden Farms............................. 47, 49 AST Shorthorns............................. 95 Bar N Cattle Co...........................IBC Beckler Farms LLC......................... 92 Bennett Land & Cattle................. 123 Berg Shorthorns........................... 123 Bern-A-Dale Shorthorns............... 104 Bigelow Farms.............................. 123 Blue Ridge Farm............................ 86 Bollum Family Shorthorns............. 33 Bowman Superior Genetics.... 25, 123 Brent Elam................................... 115 Brooks, Bruce............................... 126 Bye Well Shorthorns..................... 123 Byland Polled Shorthorns....... 46, 123 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC......... 126 Cagwin Farms.......................... 22, 73 Cairns Shorthorns........................ 123 Carolina Cattle Co......................... 78 Cates Farms.............................. 7, 123 Cattle Visions............................... 126 Cedar Lane Farm............................ 53 Circle K Cattle Company............. 122 Cornerstone Farms................... 9, 123 Crawfdown Farms........................ 123 Crestmead Farm............................. 49 Crow Creek Farms......................... 29 Dale Studer Family Shorthorns...... 17 Deckert Stock Farm...................... 122 Dedmon Shorthorns.................... 123 Deerhorn Farms........................... 130 Diamond G Farms................... 49, 73 DJS Shorthorns...................... 79, 123 Donnelly Shorthorns...................... 72 Double C Shorthorns............. 50, 123 Double J Shorthorns.................... 106 Dreamy 280 Cattle Company...... 123 DTR Cattle Co...................... 43, 123 Du-Lynn Farm............................... 63 Duis Farms................................... 123 Fairview Stock Farm....................... 16 Farrer Stock Farms......................... 54 FH Shorthorns............................. 122 Fickbohm Farms.......................... 123 Fieser Family Shorthorns........ 76, 124 First Class Cattle Marketing Ltd... 126 Fugate Shorthorns........................ 115 Gall Family Shorthorns.................. 49 Gellerman ................................... 117 Gilman Shorthorns................... 14-15 Green Castle Shorthorns.............. 122 Greenhorn Cattle Co.............. 21, 124 Greg Crawford Family.................... 72 128

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GSKI Shorthorns......................... 124 GTG Cattle Co............................ 122 Hansen Shorthorns...................... 122 Haumont Shorthorns........... 116, 124 Hi-View Shorthorns, Inc.............. 116 Hill Farm....................................... 83 Hill Haven Shorthorns................... 27 Hillside Farm............................... 117 Homeplace Farms......................... 124 Hornhead Valley Farm................... 11 Hub Ranch Shorthorns................ 124 Humble Stock Farm............. 119, 124 IL Breeders Unitd For Impact.. 112-113 Inness Shorthorns......................... 124 Iowa Shorthorn Association.......... 107 J. Armstrong Cattle...................... 102 James F. Bessler, Inc...................... 126 JCC Jeepetta CattleCo................. 106 Jester Farms............................ 91, 124 JGS Cattle Company..................... 49 Jordan Acres................................... 51 Jungels Shorthorn Farm............ 67-70 Kevin Wendt................................ 126 Key Ridge Shorthorns & Kennels...119, 124 Keystone Autumn Klassic............... 82 Keystone Shorthorns.............. 55, 124 Kruse Ranch................................... 61 KSS Keystone Shorthorns............. 124 KW Cattle Co.............................. 124 L&L Shorthorns........................... 115 Laban’s Roanoke Farm.................. 124 Lakamp ‘Willow Branch’ Shorthorn Farm............................................ 122 Lakeside Farms............................... 93 Lane Cattle..................................... 87 Langhoff Family Shorthorns......... 122 Lathrop........................................ 122 Lazy Bar F Shorthorns.................. 103 Legacy Ranch......................... 49, 124 Leveldale Farms...................... 23, 124 Little Cedar Cattle Co............ 31, 124 Lost Diamond B Ranch.................. 62 Loving Farms................................. 30 Martindell Farm............................. 77 McCall Show Cattle............. 106, 124 McKee Family Shorthorns............ 125 Merideth Land & Cattle.......... 49, 65 Meyer Family Shorthorns............. 125 Meyer Farms................................ 125 MFK Shorthorns.................. 105, 125 Millvale Shorthorns...................... 122 Minnesota Shorthorn Assoc.. 108-110 Bert Moore................................... 122 Moore Shorthorns.......................... 59 MTS Shorthorns.......................... 122 Naylor Shorthorns.......................... 49 Nile Valley Farm/Hendrickson Trust....49, 125 Norman Farms............................. 125 Oakview Shorthorns....................... 98 OH Shorthorn Breeders Association ..111 Oler Farm............................ 119, 125 Paint Valley Farms............................ 0 Peak View Ranch............................ 24 Pearl Valley Shorthorns................... 66 Recip Solutions.............................. 97 Respite Farm.................................. 45 Richardson Farms Shorthorns...... 125 Ripberger Farms............................. 13 Robjoy Shorthorns....................... 125 Robsten Shorthorns...................... 122

Rockin’ G Land & Cattle....... 60, 125 Rocky Branch Shorthorns.... 105, 125 Ron Alden.................................... 122 Schabbing Shorthorn Farms........... 49 Schrag 605............................... 3, 125 Sears Marketing Services...... 115, 126 Shadybrook Farm............................. 5 Sharben Shorthorns................ 75, 125 Shorthorn Foundation.................... 89 Singing H Shorthorns.................. 125 Six Shorthorns................................ 82 Smith Family Farms............... 41, 125 Smoky Mountain Farm........ 119, 125 Sodhouse Cattle Co...................... 117 South Starr Farms......................... 114 Stangl Shorthorns................... 71, 125 Stepping Stone Ranch.................... 58

STgenetics® Beef........................... 65 Stone Springs Shorthorns..... 125, 129 Straight Arrow Shorthorns............. 49 Sullivan Supply............................ 126 Sutherland Shorthorns................. 125 Tadmore Farms.............................. 85 Thompson Cattle Co..................... 49 Turner Family Shorthorns...... 18, 126 Turner Shorthorns........................ 128 Twin Oak Farms............................. 99 Utterback Show Cattle................. 126 Warner Ranch........................ 44, 126 Waukaru Shorthorns.............. 28, 126 White Birch Farm........................ 116 WHR Shorthorns......................... IFC Wilson Livestock Agency.............. 126 Woodrange................................... 122

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