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Sales Calendar

American Shorthorn Association

Exposition Driving Genetic Excellence Show Classifications

(E.D.G.E. Show)

Purebred Shorthorn Only

Show Season: April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024

1. All animals must be registered as purebred Shorthorn in the records of the American Shorthorn Association (ASA) at the time of the show.

2. ASA will accept electronic registration papers at ASA sanctioned shows for check-in, unless otherwise stated by the hosting show rules.

3. All animals must have a birth weight and weaning weight recorded in the registry.

4. All animals must have a 100K Genomic testing submitted and the completed results recorded in the registry before entries are closed.

5. The fair/show must adhere to the below divisions for all Shorthorn Shows regardless of entry numbers. Age divisions are not flexible.

6. The show will be judged by a panel of three judges on both phenotype and genotype. The same judges will judge both portions of the show.

7. Genotypic and phenotypic components will be evaluated as separate proportions in this show. Both genotypic and phenotypic components will have equal parts in the overall tabulation (50% genotypic/50% phenotypic).

8. Genotypic judging will take place prior to exhibition in the phenotypic portion. During the phenotypic class, judges will be provided with animal birthdates and placed on phenotype. During divisions and overall championship drive, EPDs will be provided, and the judges will be asked to rank the group of cattle using both phenotype and genotype.

9. The top two animals in a class will be announced and advance onto the division classes.

10. Females 20 months of age on the day of the show need to have a pregnancy verification signed by an accredited, non-owner veterinarian at the time the female is processed for the show. If verification cannot be produced upon request, the exhibitor is allowed to find a qualified veterinarian to verify pregnancy prior to time of show.

11. Senior Yearling Females who have calved will show based on age and will show without the calf at side. Cow/Calf pair classes will not be offered.

12. All Shorthorn cattle are subject to a tattoo inspection, parentage DNA testing, an age inspection and/or females 20 months of age on day of show are subject to a blood test to prove pregnancy if deemed necessary by the ASA. The decision of an examining veterinarian is final.

IMPORTANT: Each of the following classes MAY be broken into multiple classes to accommodate large numbers of entries, but separate classes may NOT be combined into one. For example, there MAY be four “Junior Heifer Calf” classes, but “Late & Early Spring Calves” may NOT be combined into one single “Spring Heifer Calf” class. Class numbers provided below are an example format, each fair and/or show may renumber each class and division as needed.

Bull Classes & Divisions – Entry in this show binds the exhibitor to all regulations pertaining thereto.


1 Late Spring Bull Calves – calved after May 1, 2023

2 Late Spring Bull Calf Champion

3 Late Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion

4 Early Spring Bull Calves – calved between March 1 and April 30, 2023

5 Early Spring Bull Calf Champion

6 Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion 7 Junior Bull Calves – calved between January 1 and February 28, 2023

8 Junior Bull Calf Champion 9 Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion 10 Winter Bull Calves – calved between November 1 and December 31, 2022 11 Senior Bull Calves – calved between September 1 and October 31, 2022

13 Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion

14 Summer Yearling Bulls – calved between July 1 and August 31, 2022

15 Late Spring Yearling Bulls – calved between May 1 and June 30, 2022

16 Intermediate Champion Bull

17 Intermediate Reserve Champion Bull

18 Early Spring Yearling Bulls – calved between March 1 and April 30, 2022

19 Junior Yearling Bulls – calved between January 1 and February 28, 2022

20 Junior Champion Bull

21 Junior Reserve Champion Bull

22 Senior Yearling Bull – calved between July 1 and December 31, 2021

23 Two-Year-Old Bulls – calved between January 1 and June 30, 2021

24 Senior Champion Bull

25 Senior Reserve Champion Bull

26 Grand Champion Bull – chosen from Late Spring Calf, Early Spring Calf, Junior Calf, Senior Calf, Intermediate, Junior & Senior Champion Bulls

27 Reserve Grand Champion Bull – chosen from Late Spring Calf, Early Spring Calf, Junior Calf, Senior Calf, Intermediate, Junior, and Senior Champion & Reserve Champion Bulls

Female Classes & Divisions – Entry in this show binds the exhibitor to all regulations pertaining thereto.


Commercial cow/calf operation thrives on Shorthorn foundation.

The true testament of a Shorthorn breeder is unearthed when they can trace their herd back to the first cattle ever purchased for the farm. Tom Kleinjan can do exactly that.

Tom, a Bruce, South Dakota, native, operates Kleinjan Farms with his wife, Carol, and his brothers and their wives, Jim and Bev and Russ and Barb. The brothers’ parents, Lester and Sadie, started the farm on April 14, 1936 – their wedding day. Lester and Sadie’s original farm is still a part of Kleinjan Farms today.

The trio of brothers have been a part of the family farm since their youth and joined the operation full time after graduating high school. Each of them gravitated to a different sector of the farm. For Tom, it was the cows and calves.

Shorthorn roots.

Tom remembers his dad buying six registered Shorthorn cows when he was only six years old.

“That was before we had ear tags,” Tom explains. “Instead, we had a number attached to a loose chain around their neck to keep track of the calves and cows with these registered pedigrees.”

While Tom no longer registers his Shorthorns, he continues to keep purebreds in the herd. In fact, the herd still stems from that original Shorthorn herd.

“I’ve got a real love for the Shorthorn

by Sadie Vander Wal

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