november 2018
The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.
Shorthorn Country november 2018 issue 10 • volume 45
= Features Annual Meeting Schedule................................................................ 14 Intent to Run...................................................................................... 16 Delegates............................................................................................. 66
=Show Results Keystone International Livestock Expo - National Show............. 20 Tenneessee State Fair - Regional Show........................................... 61 Tulsa State Fair- Super Regional Show........................................... 62 Tri-State Fair - Regional Show......................................................... 64 Kansas State Fair - Regional Show.................................................. 65
=Sale Reports
=Departments Update..................................................................................6 Association Outlook..........................................................8 Beef Business.....................................................................12 Junior Corner....................................................................24 Tartan Plaid.......................................................................68 Show Schedule..................................................................69 Regional Show Schedule..................................................78 Sales Calendar...................................................................81 Ad Index............................................................................82
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 •
Don Cagwin, publisher Tracy Duncan, managing editor/art director = 402-212-2594
Amy Sampson, graphic designer = 816-437-9210
Amanda Cagwin, accountant = =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston= 217-452-3051
Darryl Rahn = 217-473-1124
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advertising rates 1x 11x Full page $ 565 $ 505 2/3 page 420 385 1/2 page-island 335 310 1/2 page 315 290 1/3 page 240 225 1/4 page 195 175 1/6 page 135 120 Business card (1 1/2”) 41 32
* Additional cost for e-mailed pictures, color corrections and photograph scans
color rates
4 color $200 1 color $195 * Color only available on ads half of page or larger.
Contract Rates And Discounts:
Eyes On The Midwest Sale................................................................ 70 RC Cattle’s Early Bird Sale................................................................ 70 KOLT Cattle Company Simple Choices Sale................................. 71 Fall Harvest ........................................................................................ 71 3BC Complete Dispersion................................................................ 72 The Great Shorthorn Revival........................................................... 72
Shorthorn Country
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Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.
Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs
Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.
The November cover was taken and submitted by Kendra Davis, Sivad Farms, Glenville, Minn.
=Advertising Representatives Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.
= Shorthorn Update
7607 NW Prairie View Rd. • Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs, performance data & commercial acceptance • Heather Lange, director of customer service, registrations & DNA • Shelby Rogers, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • Emily Velisek, director of events, show & membership activities • Rochelle Wilson, director of finances •
ASA Board of Directors James Freed, president 405-370-1482 Rick Leone, vice president 719-468-1981 Ed Kruse, executive director 719-252-1084 Tom Turner, 614-499-5248 Robert Alden, 816-632-8509 Nancy Grathwohl-Heter, 785-587-7947 Hugh Mooney, 916-319-0488 Joe Bales, 615-330-2342 Dave Greenhorn, 937-470-6552 Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Jake Nikkel, president National Shorthorn Lassies Shay Bakenhus, president
North American Schedule (NAILE) - 2018 Thursday, Nov. 8 12 noon Cattle may arrive Friday, Nov. 9 9 a.m. - 12 noon Check-In: Open & Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus females and bulls Saturday, Nov. 10 TBD Junior ShorthornPlus Heifer Show - Broadbent Arena 10:00 a.m. AJSA Funding the Future/Deck the Stalls raffle tickets on sale 2:00 p.m. National Shorthorn Lassie Annual Meeting 4:00 p.m. (approx.) Deck the Stalls, Junior Fundraising - raffle drawing and auction Sunday, Nov. 11 8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn Heifer Show - Freedom Hall Monday, Nov. 12 8:00 a.m. Jack C. Ragsdale National ShorthornPlus Show - Freedom Hall followed by Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show - Freedom Hall In both shows, bulls will be shown first, followed by females. Presentation of Show Honoree - CF Martin, Martindell Farms LLC Century Club winners will be acknowledged & awarded at ASA Annual Meeting Cattle released at conclusion of show. Stalling Requests: send all stalling requests to Emily -
National Western Schedule (NWSS) - 2019 Wednesday, January 16, 2019 7:00 a.m. Yard cattle begin arriving Thursday, January 17, 2019 9:00 a.m. Begin processing all pen cattle Friday, January 18, 2019 8:00 p.m. Hill cattle begin arriving Saturday, January 19, 2018 8:00-11:00 a.m. Check-in all Junior and Open Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Hill cattle 9:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen Bull & Heifer Show Presentation of Show Honoree - Les Mathers, Leveldale Farms Entry Deadline Open/Junior/Yards : November 20 Entry forms can be found at All entries must have a registration number, pending numbers are not accepted.
Sunday, January 20, 2019 11:00 a.m. Jr Shorthorn & ShothornPlus Heifer Show followed by Open ShorthornPlus Bull & ShorthornPlus Female Show 6:00 p.m. “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale - National Western Club Monday, January 21, 2019 1:00 p.m. Open Shorthorn Female Show followed by Open Shorthorn Bull Show 5:00 p.m. All Hill cattle released Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:00 a.m. All Yard cattle released
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ASA Dates of Note November Nov. 1 Inventories mailed for WHR Nov. 2 2019 Sire Test Nomination Deadline Nov. 10 NAILE - Jr. ShorthornPlus Show Nov. 11 NAILE - Jr. Shorthorn Show Nov. 12 NAILE - National ShorthornPlus Show followed by National Shorthorn Show (cattle released after conclusion of show) Nov. 14 ASA Annual Meeting Registration Deadline Nov. 15 Fort Worth - Entry Deadline Nov. 16 Internship Application Deadline Nov. 20 NWSS- Open/Junior/Yards Cattle Entry Deadline Nov. 21-23 ASA Office Closed- Day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving and day after Nov. 30- ASA Annual Meeting Forum & Dec. 1 Awards Banquet, Harrah’s Hotel & Casino, Kansas City, MO December Dec. 24-Jan.1 ASA Office Closed January Jan. 1 2019 Membership is due Jan. 9 Deadline for early discount for 2019 WHR assessment fees ($16) Jan. 19 NWSS Pen Show Jan. 20 NWSS Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show Jan.20 NWSS Open ShorthornPlus Bull & Female Show Jan. 20 “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale at the NWSS Jan. 21 NWSS National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show Jan.30-Feb.1 NCBA - New Orleans, La. February Feb. 3 Fort Worth Stock Show - National Shorthorn Show -9 am Feb. 19 Funding the Future Online Junior Fundraiser - Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59pm CT if not paid March March 1 Late fees incur for WHR Assessment starting March 1 ($25)
2018 NAILE Judges Junior Shorthorn Show: Blake Nelson Junior ShorthornPlus Show: Dan Shike Open Shorthorn Show: Kevin Jensen Open ShorthornPlus Show: Chris Cassidy
Help Support the Juniors! Nov. 10 • Deck the Stalls, at NAILE, Louisville, Ky.
Feb. 19 • Funding the Future Online Sale,
Regular Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone
2018 International Year Code: F
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= Association Outlook “Position Yourself for Success” 2018 Annual Meeting, Forum & Awards Banquet Nov. 30 & Dec. 1, 2018 Harrah’s Hotel & Casino - Kansas City, MO
Friday, Nov. 30 Morning Session:
Educational Breakout & Committee Meetings
Afternoon Session: Educational Forum
Grass Fed Programs & Certification for Market Trends Opportunities in Private Markets (Panel)
Friday Evening Social: Annual Shorthorn Gathering Sharing Shorthorn Enthusiasm with Fellow Breeders
Saturday, Dec. 1 Morning Session: Educational Forum
Using Performance data Market Transition – Consumer Sustainability “Successful Breeding Programs in The Industry” (Panel)
Afternoon Session: Annual Meeting Evening Session: Social and Awards Banquet Go to to register & make hotel reservations. Check Page 15 For More Details
“Fitting into the Market Chain” New Technologies & Demographics Needing Certification Program More Performance Data – Feed Intake – Carcass Data Consumer Demands for Higher Quality Product Consumer Eating Experience
Shorthorn Impact Breed Initiatives Develop Better Shorthorn Cattle (see results in 5 years) Shorthorn Breeders Producing Better Animals Use Extensive Culling Practices Create Sire Test Program (fully operational in 2 years) Identify Cooperator Commercial Test Herds Shorthorn Breeders Contribute Semen for Sire Testing Membership Recognition (started December 2016) Develop New Programs to Recognize Members Years of Membership, Shows, Performance and Special Achievements
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Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO
could visit with you about a lot of different topics this month; if I shared everything on my mind the space needed would use up a large portion of this month’s Shorthorn Country, so I will primarily focus on topics that are part of the Annual Meeting and Forum. First I want to bring to your attention the agenda for the Annual Meeting at 2:00pm on Dec. 1st at Harrah’s in Kansas City found on page 15. This year’s Forum is scheduled for two full days on Friday Nov. 30th & Dec. 1st. Event registration and room reservations can be made on Your registration includes all of the educational forums, socials, lunch on Saturday plus the Awards Banquet Saturday evening. This year we have a guest speaker at the Awards Banquet who specializes in addressing agricultural groups. He should prove to be entertaining and provide some interesting thoughts for you to consider. This will be an especially enjoyable session! Friday morning will begin with educational breakout sessions hosted by ASA staff sharing enlightening information for membership in their specific areas. This will be followed with committee meetings discussing topics for members to review during the coming year. The afternoon session we will begin with the Educational Forum of the 2-day event. This year’s Forum is entitled “Position Yourself for Success”. The speakers and presentations will touch on a few topics and opportunities on both Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. To see the full schedule for this event go to page 14. A lot is happening in our industry behind the scenes. The demographics of consumer acceptability is changing rapidly for beef consumption, bull markets and purebred cattle. The opportunity for Shorthorn members and breeders to take advantage of these market demands is available if we get prepared for the changes. Packing Companies are demanding feedlots to be BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) Certified before accepting cattle from them. As a result, the feedlots will be requiring producers to be BQA Certified before accepting their cattle into the feedlots. This is just one example of many compulsory changes coming to our industry if we expect a premium or a market share. Specialty markets are growing at a fast pace in all areas of food consumption. I understand you might be asking, how does this affect me as a purebred breeder? Well, it all impacts the industry. You have decisions to make going forward “how do you want to fit on how do you want to fit into the market chain? Your acceptance and value in the into the market chain?” market chain as a seedstock producer is affected by the performance you have attached to your animals. Feed conversion, eating quality, carcass traits along with productivity traits are being demanded from buyers at every level. Now add how the animal is cared for and ensuring the consumer has a great eating experience. It is all related; every piece is a link in the chain. The same is true for those selling junior show calves. They need to have proven performance of being able to win and become a cow. The customer must have a great experience with the animal and with the breed if we expect them to return for another. Satisfied customers and consumers is always important, including the person consuming a steak or the person purchasing a bull or replacement female, just like the junior member’s family purchasing a show heifer. We, as producers better pay attention to the needs of every link in the market chain if we plan to have any stayabilty in the industry. The new technologies and demographics in our industry that will determine future success are in motion already. This is an exciting time to be in the Shorthorn business with more opportunities and options available to us. It is time to “Position Ourselves for the Future” on Nov. 30th and Dec. 1st! =
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= Beef Business
Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs
A Cattleman’s Thanksgiving List I’m sure many of you will at some point this month sit around a dinner table with family members and discuss things that you are thankful for. It’s a simple, yet powerful, exercise that I think we could all agree should probably be a part of our daily routines, instead of our routines on a single Thursday in late November. It goes without saying that I am extremely blessed and have lots to be thankful for each and every day. A supportive group of family and friends, the right to worship God freely, and the simple freedoms that come with living in the United States are just the tip of the iceberg. As a cattleman, there are several other items I am thankful for. 1. I’m thankful that this breed has the opportunity and leadership to tackle innovative projects to keep improving Shorthorns. Programs like the University of Illinois Sire Test and the new Genomic Enhanced Heifer Program don’t just come to fruition with the snap of a finger. It takes lots of brainstorming, developing, and perfecting from our team of staff to pursue and implement the right programs that would have the most benefit to the Shorthorn breed. Several of our programs have started as ideas in one of the ASA Committees. After all the planning, it takes a vote of support from the ASA Board of Directors and belief and participation from membership to make these programs successful. I feel confident that there will be more innovative ideas coming from our committees and ASA Board in the
future. 2. I am thankful for advancements in genetic selection technology. The tools to help us all breed better cattle are stronger than ever before. The ASA partnership with IGS, weekly single-step EPD runs through BOLT, and GE-EPDs are things that are useful to help all cattle breeders create a better product for the commercial customer. Other segments of production agriculture are becoming technologically advanced at dizzying rates, and it is awesome to see the beef cattle industry (and the Shorthorn breed) making that step forward. 3. I am thankful that high-quality American beef is in high demand! Contrary to what some in this country might try to tell you, we have the safest food supply in the world within our nation’s borders. Fortunately for us, beef plays a major role in that supply. More and more information is becoming available on the nutritional and health benefits of beef, and we’ve always known that it tastes pretty good almost any way you want to cook it. There’s a reason people celebrate special occasions and big moments with trips to the steakhouse, not the chicken house! 4. I am thankful that the cattle market is showing signs of growth and opportunity. No, we aren’t in 20142015 levels of high-priced opportunity, but signs and market influence’s appear to be pointing towards solid feeder and fat cattle prices in the near future. When our commercial customers’ product is
worth more, we as seedstock producers benefit as well, usually with an increased value of our seedstock. 5. I’m thankful for calving season. Yes, there’s a lot of work and difficulty that comes with calving season. I’m not thankful for the 3am heifer checks, the backwards bull calf, and the occasional loss, even if everything possible was done to try and save one. Calving season is hard, but it’s also rewarding. There’s the joy of seeing your work planning matings come to fruition, and the hope that this will be the best calf crop ever born on the farm. Watching a calf crop be born, grow, and develop is as rewarding a pursuit as we can have on a cattle operation. 6. I am thankful that I am able to spend my life in the beef cattle industry, even if it isn’t on the farm. I’ll be honest, there are very few days that I don’t think about being home on the farm and how much I miss it. No matter where I am, the farm I grew up on and the cow herd that runs there will always be “home”. I feel very blessed that growing up where I did exposed me to the cattle industry as a whole, which led to educational stops in Mississippi and Texas, and eventually the opportunity where I am today in Kansas City. I can’t imagine being a part of any other industry other than agriculture, and in particular the beef cattle business. I hope all of you have a safe, Happy Thanksgiving surrounded by the people you love. Enjoy the time together, and I hope at some point in the holiday season, there is beef on your plate! =
American Shorthorn Association Internship • Three Interns • Communications Intern • Registrations Intern • Youth Activities Intern • Open to all agricultural majors • 2-3 months of great experience at a breed association • Information available on • Application due November 16, 2018 • For more information contact
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2018 AMERICAN SHORTHORN ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA Harrah’s Hotel and Casino, Kansas City, MO, December 1, 2018, 2:00 pm Central Time CALL TO ORDER: Dr. James Freed, President
AUDITOR REPORT: Tom Schwaller, CPA/ ASA-Auditor
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Ed Kruse, ASA Executive Board Member
STATE OF THE ASSOCIATION: Montie Soules, Executive Secretary/CEO
INTRODUCTION OF BOARD MEMBERS: President, Dr. James Freed (Self-Introduction) Vice President, Dr. Rick Leone Executive Director, Ed Kruse Director, Hugh Mooney Director, Tom Turner Director, Robert Alden Director, Nancy Grathwohl-Heter Director, Joe Bales Director, David Greenhorn
ROLL CALL OF DELEGATES: Credentials Committee (Denny Jordan, Troy Smith) (Delegates please stand and stay standing when the name is called) QUOROM TO CONDUCT BUSINESS: Credentials Committee (Denny Jordan, Troy Smith) APPROVE MINUTES: RESOLUTIONS:
Chair, Ethan Gilman - ASA Board Liaison, David Greenhorn; Shorthorn Promotion Committee Chair, Scott Loving, Vice Chair, Aaron Hahn - ASA Board Liaison, Hugh Mooney; Shorthorn 150th Anniversary Celebration Committee Chair, Tom Turner, Vice Chair, Joe Bales
INTRODUCTION OF OTHER COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Shorthorn Senior Show Committee Chair, JUNIOR REPORT: Shelby Rogers, Director Jeff Bedwell, Vice Chair, Denny Jordan - ASA of Junior Activities Board Liaison, Robert Alden; Shorthorn Junior Advisors Jim & Beverly Freed, Craig & LASSIE REPORT: Stephanie Steck, Charles Curtis - ASA Board LASSIE QUEENS: Liaison, Jim Freed; Nominating Committee 2018-2019 National Shorthorn Lassie Queen: Chair, Marty Loving 2018-2019 Alternate National Shorthorn Lassie Queen: ANNOUNCE NEW BOARD MEMBERS: ELECTION OF ASA BOARD MEMBERS:
SHORTHORN FOUNDATION REPORT: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Shorthorn Commercial Acceptance Committee Chair, Rick Osterday, Vice Chair, Lee Miller - ASA Board Liaison, Ed Kruse; Shorthorn Genetic Evaluation Committee Chair, John Sonderman, Vice Chair, Cory Bollum - ASA Board Liaison, Nancy Grathwohl-Heter; ShorthornPlus/Composite Committee Chair, Susan Jordan, Vice
2018 Annual Meeting, Forum & Awards Banquet Registration Name(s): Farm Name:
Member Number: Address:
Email: Full Conference Registration:
Awards Banquet Saturday Evening
Break Refreshments Lunch Saturday
$100 x ____ = _____
Payment Method:
Banquet Only Registration:
Conference Only Registration:
Break Refreshments Lunch Saturday Awards Banquet Saturday Evening
$50 x ____ = _____ Visa
$50 x ____ = _____
AMOUNT DUE: Expiration Date:
Credit Card Number: Cardholder Name:
Zip Code:
Registration Deadline: November 14, 2018 Registration available online at or return this form to the ASA office by November 14.
A block of rooms have been reserved at Harrah’s Hotel & Casino. Please reference the American Shorthorn Association room rate when making your reservation by November 15th. Contact the hotel directly at (816) 472-7777 to reserve your room. Address: Harrah’s North Kansas City • One Riverboat Drive • North Kansas City, MO 64116
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= Intent to Run Members Announce Intent to Run for ASA Board of Directors John Sonderman, PhD, PAS – ASA Members: My family and I currently reside on a small farm near Columbus, Nebraska, where we have been raising purebred Shorthorn cattle since 1996. The focus of the operation is to sell bulls to commercial and purebred operations, as well as open heifers. Our cattle are more moderate framed with a focus on volume and easy fleshing. I have served as the Secretary/Treasurer of the Nebraska Shorthorn Association for more than 10 years and I am currently in my second term as the Committee Chair of the Genetic Evaluation Committee with the American Shorthorn Association. Our children participated in several Shorthorn Junior Nationals and multiple Nebraska Junior Beef Expo Shows and contests. My travels with work have allowed me to visit over 40 different Shorthorn breeders in the United States and Canada. This has allowed me to see different types of Shorthorn cattle managed for different markets and in different environments. My industry experience includes over ten years working in the US feed industry in the area of nutrition and reproductive management in cattle and swine operations. I have B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of NebraskaLincoln, and a PhD from Colorado State University in Reproductive Physiology in cattle. Presently, I am employed as the Business Leader of Multiplication & Technical Services for DNA Genetics, which provides over 35% of the terminal sire and 17% of the maternal genetics to the commercial swine industry in North America. My primary role is to make sure customers get the support and research they need to optimally manage our genetics. Our business has an extensive performance testing program at the nucleus level and at the commercial level that drives our genetic improvement, therefore creating value for customers. We use genomics to help increase the prediction accuracy of the performance of our boars and gilts. My vision for the future of the 16
Shorthorn breed involves continued support for the tremendous Junior program that has been built. Developing a passion for Shorthorn cattle in young people will help ensure a strong future by developing Shorthorn leaders of the future. It has led my children to want to continue our herd in the next generation. My vision for the future of genomics and overall performance testing in this great breed of cattle is to show the value of the Shorthorn breed in commercial cow herds and in the feedlot. My commercial customers like the docility, hybrid vigor and stayability that Shorthorn genetics bring to their cow herds and the economical growth that creates more profit in their feedlots. My children’s experience with the Junior program confirms its value to the breed. I also believe that the Shorthorn breed has an important place in the cattle industry. My background working with commercial beef and swine operations allows me to understand how technology and performance testing can be used to promote the Shorthorn breed in that segment of the industry. I would feel privileged to help chart the future of this great breed. Hugh Mooney - In December of 2015 I was my honor to be elected to serve as a member of the American Shorthorn Association Board of Directors. After reflecting on the past three years of service to the association I have decided to run for a second term. Like most members of the American Shorthorn Association I have a fulltime job other than raising shorthorn cattle. I am part of the State Agricultural Education/FFA staff in California. I began this job twelve years ago after spending twenty-three years as a high school agriculture teacher. I oversee two regions which includes all programs north of Sacramento. This area is bordered by the Pacific Ocean and the states of Oregon and Nevada. I drive many miles to support agriculture teachers and FFA members in Northern California. I began raising shorthorn cattle in 1972 for my FFA project. I was hooked from the
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beginning and truly enjoy having the cattle. I find it very relaxing compared to dealing the bureaucracy of the state’s education system. I raise the cattle in cooperation with my good friend, Mike Albiani. We have about 55 females currently. Prior to my election to the board the association held the Impact Conference. The first board meeting I attended we identified many goals based on information gathered from members who participated in the Impact Conference. I am proud of several association accomplishments. One goal that we identified was to have a Sire Test that could collect data including carcass and feed efficiency. It was our hope that we would have one in place within five years. Because of member contact the association was able to get one in place in less than a year. It was my pleasure in August to attend a field day at the University of Illinois to learn of the progress of the sire test at to see the cattle on feed. I was impressed with the quality of the cattle and look forward to the data that will be collected when the cattle are harvested. The calves for the second sire test calved in September of 2018. This data is valuable and very time consuming to collect. This has been great progress that can only happen with member involvement. A second goal was to improve member recognition. If you have attended the National Meeting the past two years you have seen the emphasis on member awards. In addition to Show Heifer and Show Bull of the Year awards we now present the Builder of the Breed, Heritage Award and Merit Award. I am proud that our annual meeting has a focus on the members. The third goal is to Develop Better Shorthorn Cattle. I do not know that we can agree on what Better Shorthorn Cattle would be. Much of the cattle industry values data. I hope that we can agree that as a breed we need more data. Our sire tests will produce some valuable data. Each of us as members can help by submitting as much data as possible on our cattle. Now that the BOLT system is functioning we can include new data weekly in generating EPDs. I hope that members are taking advantage of the system. The American Shorthorn Association is in sound fiscal condition. We continue to keep the proceeds from the sale of the Omaha property in reserve. Some day we
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may decide to build or buy a building for the Association. The board continues to consider opportunities for a permanent home. The board has not seen this as an urgent need. It has been my pleasure to serve the members of the American Shorthorn Association for the past three years. It would be my honor to continue to serve for the next three years. Respectfully, Hugh Mooney Toby Jordan - Hello, my name is Toby Jordan. I co-own and operate Waukaru Farms, which has farmed since 1895 and registered purebred Shorthorn cattle since 1902 in Rensselaer, IN. I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science from Oklahoma State University. At OSU, I was a member of the 1996 Livestock Judging Team, which was named National Team of the Year. During college, I worked for Dr. Brad Morgan, gaining experience at beef and pork packing plants while assisting in grading and retrieval of meat samples from test carcass on numerous research projects. I also assisted the Meats Processing Manager, Jake Nelson, at the then new Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center. After college, I was hired as the Show and Sale Cattle Manager
at Pollard Farms LLC in Enid, OK, where I was responsible for all production sales, registrations, performance records, and the breeding, buying, and selling decisions at that Angus operation. At Pollard Farms, I continued to develop the commercial bull market and designed a “buy-back” program for commercial cattle sired by Pollard Farms bulls in order to collect carcass and performance values on sold progeny and increase demand in future bull sales. In 2002, I returned to Rensselaer, Indiana, to Waukaru Farms to manage the cow herd. Today, myself and my wife, Jodi, along with our four children, Jack, Chloe, Charlotte, and Jemma, are integral with the family’s operation of 200 purebred cows and 1200 acres of row crops. The Jordan family hosts the longest running female production sale in Indiana every fall. In the spring, Waukaru’s “The Gathering” markets 50 bulls throughout Canada and US. The inclusion of ultrasound, carcass data, growth information, and genomically enhanced EPDs have been the reason behind the rapid expansion of this market. My father Barry credits me with continued development of Waukaru’s bull market and structuring their annual bull sale, which sends bulls into many purebred and commercial herds throughout the U.S., Canada, New Zealand and Australia. I am a solid proponent of continual improvement of cattle with all tools available, including performance data, obtaining carcass data from steer feed-outs
to prove my sires, and honing customer service and marketing savvy. To this end, I have been an active participant in regional grazing seminars, and the annual Beef Improvement Federation convention. I have been a director on the board of the Indiana Forage Council and Indiana Shorthorn Association, where I am the current vice president. Previously, I have been named Young Cattleman of the Year by the Indiana Beef Cattle Association, and represented Indiana on the NCBA Young Cattlemen’s Tour. I have been asked to speak about using technology with beef production in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Beef Improvement Federation, and others. I have served on and chaired committees such as the Commercial Marketing Committee for the American Shorthorn Association, International Trade Committee for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Indiana Forage Council, and Indiana Beef Cattle Association. I have judged many state, county and regional cattle shows for several breeds, as well as the Royal National Show in Brisbane, Australia. I believe we are in exciting times with the Shorthorn breed. Many new opportunities have been created and enhanced in the last several years thanks to the leadership of the Board of Directors of the ASA. I would like to help continue the work that has been started and further the use of Shorthorn genetics in the entire beef industry. =
Correction Minnesota State Fair - Super Regional Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf - T-S Oh Baby Rose LJ, Tramm’s Shorthorns, Isle, Minn.
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Keystone International Livestock Exposition 2018 - National Shorthorn Show 70 head – Judge: Chuck Lemenager, Fairbury, Ill. by Emily Velisek
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Senior Champion Bull, was Armstrong Easy Rider 1603, exhibited by John Allen IV, Sarver, Pa. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Senior Champion Female, was CF CSF Dream Lady 78 AV X ET, exhibited by Cornerstone Farms, Winchester, Ind.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Senior Bull Calf Champion, was GLF Spirit Fusion, exhibited by Henry Dodrer, Jr., Westminister, Md. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Reserve Senior Champion Female, was SULL Grand Rose Mary 7025E ET, exhibited by Colten Anderson, Lake Village, Ind.
On October 6, 2018 Shorthorn exhibitors competed at the National Shorthorn Show at Keystone in Harrisburg, Pa. Judge Chuck Lemenager from Fairbury, Ill., evaluated a total of 70 head with 38 purebred females, 8 purebred bulls, 20 ShorthornPlus females and 4 ShorthornPlus bulls. Grand Champion Female honors went to CF CSF Dream Lady 78 AV X ET exhibited by Cornerstone Farms of Winchester, Ind. SULL Grand Rose Mary 7025E ET was named Reserve Grand Champion Female, exhibited by Colten Anderson of Lake Village, Ind. Armstrong Easy Rider 1603 claimed the title of Grand Champion Bull, shown by John Allen IV of Sarver, Pa. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was GLF Spirit Fusion, exhibited by Henry Dodrer, Jr. of Westminster, Md. In the ShorthornPlus show, Grand 20
Champion Female was SULL Crystal’s Delight 7004E shown by Addison Walther from Centerville, Ind. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was TSSC Blackberry Pie 829F exhibited by Reed Hanes of Celina, Ohio. SMC King of the Jungle 1803 claimed the Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, exhibited by Sadie Compagnola of Bath, Pa. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull was Harmony White Storm shown by Annette Braun of Mechanicsville, Md. Other champions include: Open Purebred Female Show Divisions: Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - SJQ Cumberland 1803 RK ET, SajoQuin Livestock Inc., Waynesboro, Pa. Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CDR June’s Blast, April
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Troyer, Monkton, Md. Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CF CSF Cumberland 880 HC X ET, Jake Nikkel, McPherson, Kan. Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - HAA Fantasies Halo ET, Todd Degasperi, Westminster, Md. Junior Heifer Calf Champion CF V8 Mona Lisa 845 SOL ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF CSF Lucy’s Crystal 846 RK X ET, Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc. Senior Heifer Calf Champion SULL Myrtle 7655E ET, April Troyer. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion -M&L Misty’s Deception 1217, Landon Helmke, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Intermediate Champion Female Don Amber 520 ET, April Troyer. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - Midnight Madison 716, Annette Braun.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Early Spring Bull Calf Champion,was SMC King of the Jungle 1803, exhibited by Sadie Compagnola, Bath Pa. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Senior Champion Female, was SULL Crystal’s Delight 7004E, exhibited by Addison Walther, Centerville, Ind.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Junior Bull Calf Champion, was Harmony White Storm, exhibited by Annette Braun, Mechanicsville, Md. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion, was TSSC Blackberry Pie 829F, exhibited by Reed Hanes, Celina, Ohio.
Junior Champion Female - CF V8 Mona Lisa Reward 782 SOL ET, Ryan Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Reserve Junior Champion Female Armstrong Queen 1704 ET, Ben Allen, Sarver, Pa. Senior Champion Female - CF CSF Dream Lady 78 AV X ET, Cornerstone Farms. Reserve Senior Champion Female - SULL Grand Rose Mary 7025E ET, Colten Anderson. Champion Cow/Calf Pair - RT Fancy Faye HC16, Hickory Hill Farms, Washington, Pa. Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions: Early Spring Bull Calf Champion - BFC Big Bang F106, Brandywine Farms Cattle Company, Carthage, Ind. Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - LPA Sir Patrick, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa. Junior Bull Calf Champion - SMCC Jack on the Rocks, Hickory Hill Farms. Senior Bull Calf Champion - GLF Fusion Spirit, Henry Dodrer, Jr. Junior Champion Bull - MVF Hot Rod, Masonic Village Farm, Elizabeth, Pa. Reserve Junior Champion Bull GHF Third Day G01E, Landon Allison, Midland, Pa. Senior Champion Bull - Armstrong Easy Rider 1603, John Allen IV.
Open ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions: Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - TSSC Blackberry Pie 829F, Reed Hanes. Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - SULL Jalynn’s Girl 8998F ET, Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio. Junior Heifer Calf Champion SULL Crystals Lady 8993F ET, Addison Walther. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF Judy Style 850 X ET, Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Senior Heifer Calf Champion SULL Flamin Tamale 7685E ET, Lindy Kiser, Morning View, Ky. Intermediate Champion Female GHF Mary General G05E ET, Glen Holly Farm, Midland, Pa. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - TBSC Miss Beyonce’ 701E, Hailey Blatt, Robesonia, Pa. Junior Champion Female - DUNK Augusta Pride FMC 709E ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio. Reserve Junior Champion Female - HAA Ebony, Kolton Depgasperi, Westminster, Md. Senior Champion Female - SULL Crystal’s Delight 7004E, Addison Walther. Reserve Senior Champion Female - SULL Lady 7178E ET, Caden McLaughlin, Woodsfield, Ohio.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair - Brandy’s Raspberry, Ruth Stroup, Kreamer, Pa. Open ShorthornPlus Bull Show Divisions: Early Spring Bull Calf Champion - SMC King of the Jungle 1803, Sadie Compagnola. Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - SWF 80S Jasper 804 ET, Slate Wind Farm, Mercersburg, Pa. Junior Bull Calf Champion Harmony White Storm, Annette Braun. Open Purebred Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) SJQ Cumberland 1803 RK ET exhibited by Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc; 2) CDR June’s Blast exhibited by April Troyer; 3) Charlotte exhibited by Rikki Frailey. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 entries): 1) HAA Fantasies Halo exhibited by Todd Degasperi; 2) SJQ Eva’s Evee 1802 EV exhibited by SajoQuin Livestock Inc. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) CF CSF Cumberland 880 HC X ET exhibited by Jake Nikkel; 2) LPA Royal’s Rosabella exhibited by Madalyn Rankin; 3) LPA Sheza Daizy exhibited by Madalyn RankInd. Junior Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) CF V8 Mona Lisa 845 SOL X ET exhibited by Paige Wickard; 2) CF CSF Lucy’s Crystal 846 RK X ET exhibited
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Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - SJQ Cumberland 1803 RK ET, Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc., Waynesboro, Pa.
Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CDR June’s Blast, April Troyer, Monkton, Md.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CF CSF Cumberland 880 HC X ET, Jake Nikkel, McPherson, Kan.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - HAA Fantasies Halo ET, Todd Degasperi, Westminster, Md.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion - CF V8 Mona Lisa 845 SOL ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF CSF Lucy’s Crystal 846 RK X ET, Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc., Waynesboro, Pa.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion - SULL Myrtle 7655E ET, April Troyer, Monkton, Md.
Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion M&L Misty’s Deception 1217, Landon Helmke, New Philadelphia, Ohio.
Intermediate Champion Female - Don Amber 520 ET, April Troyer, Monkton, Md.
by Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc.; 3) BLL Dancing Queen F19 exhibited by Black Locust Livestock. Junior Heifer Calves – (1 entry): 1) Luna exhibited by Caleb Stroup. Winter Heifer Calves - (1 entry): 1) M&L Misty’s Deception 1217 exhibited by Landon Helmke. Senior Heifer Calves - (3 entries): 1) SULL Myrtle 7655E ET exhibited by April Troyer; 2) Hessian Hill Faith exhibited by Mollie Schubert; 3) Everly exhibited by Joshua Stroup. Late Spring Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) Don Amber 520 ET exhibited by April Troyer; 2) Midnight Madison 716 exhibited by Annette Braun; 3) MSC Trump’s Fool 1713 exhibited by Charlie Marsch. Early Spring Yearling Females – (8 entries): 1) CF V8 Mona Lisa Reward 782 SOL X ET exhibited by Ryan
Wickard; 2) Armstrong Queen 1704 ET exhibited by Ben Allen; 3) MVF Picture Perfect 26E exhibited by Masonic Village Farm. Junior Yearling Females – (5 entries): 1) CF CSF Dream Lady 78 AV X ET exhibited by Cornerstone Farm; 2) SULL Grand Rose Mary 7025E ET exhibited by Colten Anderson; 3) SULL Rose’s Legacy 7102E ET exhibited by Kolton Degasperi. Senior Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) CF Max Rosa 6135 TP ET exhibited by Madalyn RankInd. Cow/Calf Pair – (1 entry): 1) RT Fancy Faye HC16 exhibited by Hickory Hill Farm. Open Purebred Bull Class Placings: Early Spring Bull Calves – (3 entries): 1) BFC Big Bang F106 exhibited by Brandywine Farms Cattle Company; 2) LPA Sir Patrick exhibited by Madalyn
Rankin; 3) GHF Red Rock G02F exhibited by Glen Holly Farm. Junior Bull Calves – (1 entry): 1) SMCC Jack on the Rocks exhibited by Hickory Hill Farm. Senior Bull Calves - (1 entry): 1) GLF Spirit Fusion exhibited by Henry Dodrer Jr. Early Spring Yearling Bull– (2 entries): 1) MVF Hot Rod exhibited by Masonic Village Farm; 2) GHF Third Day G01E exhibited by Landon Allison. Senior Yearling Bull – (1 entry): 1) Armstrong Easy Rider 1603 exhibited by John Allen. Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 entries): 1) RRFK Victoria exhibited by Katherine Rapp; 2) Roseberry exhibited by Ruth Stroup. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (3
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Junior Champion Female - CF V8 Mona Lisa Reward 782 SOL ET, Ryan Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Champion cow/Calf Pair - RT Fancy Faye HC16, Hickory Hill Farms, Washington, Pa.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion - BFC Big Bang F106, Brandywine Farms Cattle Company, Carthage, Ind.
Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - LPA Sir Patrick, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.
Junior Bull Calf Champion - SMCC Jack on the Rocks, Hickory Hill Farms, Washington, Pa.
Reserve Junior Champion Bull - GHF Third Day G01E, Landon Allison, Midland, Pa.
Shorthorn Female pictures not available: Reserve Intermediate Champion Female Midnight Madison 716, Annette Braun, Mechanicsville, Md.
Shorthorn Bull picture not available: Junior Champion Bull - MVF Hot Rod, Masonic Village Farm, Elizabeth, Pa.
Reserve Junior Champion Female - Armstrong Queen 1704 ET, Ben Allen, Sarver, Pa.
ShorthornPlus Bull picture not available: Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - SWF 80S Jasper 804 ET, Slate Wind Farm, Mercersburg, Pa.
ShorthornPlus Female pictures not available: Senior Heifer Calf Champion - SULL Flamin Tamale 7685E ET, Lindy Kiser, Morning View, Ky. Junior Champion Female - DUNK Augusta Pride FMC 709E ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio. Reserve Senior Champion Female - SULL Lady 7178E ET, Caden McLaughlin, Woodsfield, Ohio. Champion Cow/Calf Pair- Brandy’s Raspberry, Ruth Stroup, Kreamer, Pa.
entries): 1) TSSC Blackberry Pie 829F exhibited by Reed Hanes; 2) SULL Jalynn’s Girl 8998F exhibited by Kathy Lehman; 3) Midnight Rose exhibited by Jocelynn Whitsel. Junior Heifer Calves – (2 entries): 1) SULL Crystals Lady 8993F ET exhibited by Addison Walther; 2) CF Judy’s Style 850 X ET exhibited by Carter Wickard. Junior Heifer Calves – (2 entries): 1) CF Judys Style 85 X ET exhibited by Hailey Frazier; 2) Miss Bella Luna exhibited by Samantha Heston. Senior Heifer Calves – (1 entry): 1) SULL Flamin Tamale 7685E ET exhibited by Lindy Kiser.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (3 entries): 1) GHF Mary General G05E ET exhibited by Glen Holly Farm; 2) TBSC Miss Beyonce 701E exhibited by Hailey Blatt; 3) Miss Daisy 19E exhibited by Dayle Sphon. Early Spring Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) DUNK Augusta Pride FMC 709E exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis; 2) HAA Ebony exhibited by Kolton Degasperi; 3) Burgess Red Ivy 27017 ET exhibited by Annette Braun. Junior Yearling Females – (2 entries): 1) SULL Crystal’s Delight 7004E exhibited by Addison Walther; 2) SULL Lady 7178E ET exhibited by Caden
McLaughlin. Cow/Calf Pair – (1 entry): 1) Brandy’s Raspberry exhibited by Ruth Stroup. Open ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings: Early Spring Bull Calf – (3 entries): 1) SMC King of the Jungle 1803 exhibited by Sadie Compagnola; 2) SWF 80S Jasper 804 ET exhibited by Slate Wind Farm; 3) BFC BlackJack F064 exhibited by Brandywine Farms Cattle Company. Junior Bull Calf – (1 entry): 1) Harmony White Storm exhibited by Annette Braun. =
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ShorthornPlus Females
Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - SULL Jalynn’s Girl 8998F ET, Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion - SULL Crystals Lady 8993F ET, Addison Walther, Centerville, Ind.
Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion CF Judy Style 850 X ET, Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Intermediate Champion Female - GHF Mary General G05E ET, Glen Holly Farm, Midland, Pa.
Intermediate Reserve Champion Female TBSC Miss Beyonce’ 701E, Hailey Blatt, Robesonia, Pa.
Reserve Junior Champion Female - HAA Ebony, Kolton Depgasperi, Westminster, Md.
= Junior Corner Saying Thank You As we approach Thanksgiving, we need to reflect on and be thankful for the circumstances and people who got us to where we are today. As I start my final year on the Junior Board, I am overwhelmed by all the opportunities serving the Shorthorn youth has offered me over the past few years. Not only have I been able to connect with breeders and exhibitors from across the country, but the memories I have made are second to none. The miles driven and hours spent have all been worth it because I have had the honor of representing such a great organization that is so much greater than myself. From working the shows or talking to exhibitors and breeders, I wouldn’t want to change anything. This industry truly shows how a diverse world can 24
Danielle ajsa Thompson vice president
come together as one to do what we love the most, and to teach the youth to become the leaders of tomorrow. I take true pride in wearing my coveted red coat, and enjoy every moment I have served on the Junior Board because of all the opportunities it has given me since 2016. Thank you to my wonderful family and friends who have made these past few years some of the best moments of my life, full of memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. As you sit down for your Thanksgiving meal this year, I want to challenge you to thank your parents, siblings, and anyone who has helped you in all of your endeavors. Even more importantly, don’t take a single second for granted. Cherish these moments, and enjoy the opportunities you have been blessed with
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and never once think that you have said thank you enough! =
Upcoming Junior Nationals 2019 • Lebanon, TN June 17-22, 2019
2020 • Abilene, TX 2021 • Louisville, KY 2022 • Kansas City, KS 2023 • Des Moines, IA * Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *
Tennessee State Fair - Regional Show Nashville, Tenn. by Emily Velisek
pictures by Ashley Turner, Photography by Ashely T Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, EGL Neptune MX 759, exhibited by Evea Ennis, Martinsville, Ind.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, RFSS Roan Margie ET, exhibited by Evea Ennis, Martinsville, Ind.
Picture not available
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, White Lightning 21MV ET, exhibited by Cheyenne Cattle Company, Ashland City, Tenn. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, GAF Miss Sassy 2518, exhibited by Jake Ozburn, Unionville, Tenn. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, 4D Mae Lynn D21E, exhibited by Rachael Drumm, Winchester, Ky. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, SULL Perfect Lady 7103E ET, exhibited by Aaron Lay, Madisonville, Tenn.
New WHR Non-Assessed Cow Ruling - Effective Jan 1, 2019 WHR Breeders: as of January 1, 2019, penalties will be added to WHR breeder registrations for calves born to dams not assessed in the year the calf was born. Registration fees of calves born to unassessed dams: under 12 months of age - $75 12-24 months - $95 over 24 months - $135
*This applies only to animals registered to a dam which was not assessed in the year the calf was born. To avoid penalties, assessment of all dams in the herd must be completed by December 31 of each calendar year. =
2018 NAILE Hotel Info Hilton Garden Inn Louisville Airport 2735 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209 Phone: 502-637-2424
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Tulsa State Fair - Super Regional 90 head – Judge: Shane Work, Manhattan, Kan. by Emily Velisek
Grand Champion Female, RSF Simply Dessert Rose 3E, exhibited by Ryan Lane, Siloam Springs, Ark.
Grand Champion Bull, TJH Bo’s Maxim H7, exhibited by Crow Creek Farms, Lawton, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion Female, WHR Queen of Sonny 7N15 ET, exhibited by Carolyn Norris, Rowlett, Texas.
Reserve Grand Champion Bull, J&M Maxim Silver ET, exhibited by J & M Shorthorns, Perkins, Okla.
On Saturday, September 29, 2018, Shorthorn enthusiast showed at the Tulsa State Fair. The Super Regional Show was judged by Shane Work of Manhattan, KS. Work evaluated 55 purebred females, 11 purebred bulls, 19 ShorthornPlus females and 5 ShorthornPlus bulls. Grand Champion Female was awarded to RSF Simply Dessert Rose 3E exhibited by Ryan Lane of Siloam Springs, Ark. Reserve Grand Champion Female honors went to WHR Queen of Sonny 7N15 ET exhibited by Carolyn Norris of Rowlett, Texas. Grand Champion Bull was TJH Bo’s Maxim H7 exhibited by Crow Creek Farms of Lawton, Okla. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was J&M Maxim Silver ET shown by J & M Shorthorns of Perkins, Okla. In the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female honors went to JVCC Red Diamond 701 shown by Kadin Worthington of El Reno, Okla. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was BOY Caroline D694 shown by Craylyn King of Hulbert, Okla.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull was FSC Mr. Fireball exhibited by Brett Forgy of Caddo, Okla. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull was CCF Nicholas C59E shown by Crow Creek Farms. Other Champions Include: Shorthorn Females: Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf - KGH Red, White and Rose 1001, Kimberly Holland, Tecumseh, Okla. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf - DKJ Lucky Lou Rave, Nicole Parker, Hulbert, Okla. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf - M&E Mary’s Cumberland 952, M & E Shorthorns, Winnsboro, Texas. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf - JVCC Miss Margie, Luke Jones, Amber, Okla. Champion Junior Heifer Calf - CCR Samuari 8122, Carney Cattle Ranch, Collinsville, Texas. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf - LDB Magic Rain 801 ET, Brttany Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. Champion Senior Heifer Calf - WHR Queen of Sonny 7N15 ET, Carolyn Norris.
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Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf - WHR CMF Dream Lady 9037 ET, Ramey Turner, Whitewright, Texas. Champion Intermediate Female - RSF Simply Dessert Rose 3E, Ryan Lane. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female - SULL Red Myrtle 7564E ET, Sheridan Soules, Sperry, Okla. Champion Junior Female - JCB Rose Mary’s Prestige 7B01, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. Reserve Champion Junior Female - Simple Brilliance, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. Champion Senior Female - TRN Foxxy 687 ET, Graham Spooner, Weatherford, Texas. Reserve Champion Senior Female AF SL Revival 1648, Cyrus Kornegay. Champion Cow/Calf Pair - JJCC Rachel MI, Cash Vail, Chelsea, Okla. Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair Lady in Red, Justin Herlan, Bluejacket, Okla. Shorthorn Bulls: Champion Early Spring Bull Calf DCL Margie’s Swagger, Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla. Champion Junior Bull Calf - J & M
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, JVCC Red Diamond 701, exhibited by Kadin Worthington, El Reno, Okla.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, FSC Mr. Fireball, exhibited by Brett Forgy, Caddo, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, BOY Caroline D694, exhibited by Craylyn King, Hulbert, Okla.
Picture Not Available
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, CCF Nicholas C59E, exhibited by Crow Creek Farms, Lawton, Okla.
Maxim Silver ET, J & M Shorthorns. Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf ZLG Pride of the Barn ET, Zach Geisler, Omega, Okla. Champion Senior Bull Calf - DT Primo 145F, Double T Cattle Co., Stigler, Okla. Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf - K’s Zepplin 717, L H Show Cattle, Americus, Kan. Champion Intermediate Bull - Fieser’s Rookie, Cash-Farms Shorthorns, Amarillo, Texas. Champion Junior Bull - Fieser’s Mr. Impact 517, Dayson Cash and Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns, Plains, Kan. Champion Senior Bull - TJH Bo’s Maxim H7, Crow Creek Farms. ShorthornPlus Females: Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf - Ms Annie, Ashlyn Larman, Orlando, Okla.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf - LDB Cowgirl’s Phoebe 805, Lane Blankinship. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf - SULLY’s DKJ Loretta 220F, Craylyn King. Champion Senior Heifer Calf - LDB Reckless Mulan 803, Lane Blankinship. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf - AJC Classy Stella, AJ Show Cattle, Granite, Okla. Champion Intermediate Female - Miss Start Knite, Kadin Worthington. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female - JVCC Lady Mystic 703, Jared Jones, Amber, Okla. Champion Junior Female - JVCC Red Diamond 701, Kadin Worthington. Reserve Champion Junior Female Ms Laney, Ashlyn Larman. Champion Senior Female - BOY Caroline D694, Craylyn King. Reserve Champion Senior Female -
Sartins Ruby Rose SF32, Kristin Penn, Southwest City, Mo. ShorthornPlus Bulls: Champion Early Spring Bull Calf Dressen’s Rerun, Jim Dressen & Family. Champion Junior Bull Calf - Dressen’s Snoopy, Jim Dressen & Family. ShorthornPlus Bulls: Champion Early Spring Bull Calf FSC Mr. Fireball, Brett Forgy. Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf - WKM Lady’s Man, Katie Williams, Imboden, Ark. Champion Junior Bull Calf - CCF Paxton C14F, Crow Creek Farms. Champion Senior Bull Calf - CCF Nicholas C59E, Crow Creek Farms. Champion Senior Bull - CRC Little Boy Blue 12D, TSW Cattle, Marlow, Okla. =
2019 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference Lebanon, TN - June 17-22, 2019 Headquarters: Comfort Suites - 904 Murfreesboro Rd, Lebanon, TN 37090 Phone: (615) 443-0027 • Price: $ 139.95 • Cutoff Date: 5/20/2019 Other Hotels: Econo Lodge- 829 S Cumberland St, Lebanon, TN 37087 • Phone: (615) 444-1001 • Price: $ 79.95 • Cutoff Date: 5/20/2019 Executive Inn- 631 S Cumberland St, Lebanon, TN 37087 • Phone: (615) 444-0505 • Price: $89.00 • Cutoff Date: 6/01/2019
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Tri-State Fair & Rodeo - Regional Show Amarillo, Texas. by Emily Velisek
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, TJH Bo’s Maxim H7, exhibited by Crow Creek Farms, Lawton, Okla.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, SULL Lucy 7686E ET, exhibited by Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, DD Buddy 8102, exhibited by Daniel Schacher, Nazareth, Teax.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, Simple Brilliance, exhibited by Lane Blankinship, Orland, Okla. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, CCF Paxton C14F, exhibited by Crow Creek Farms, Lawton, Okla.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, Miss Star Knite, exhibited by Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, CCF Nicholas C59E, exhibited by Crow Creek Farms, Lawton, Okla. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, JVCC Red Diamond 701, exhibited by Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.
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Kansas State Fair - Regional Show Hutchison, Kan. by Emily Velisek
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, TJH Bo’s Maxim H7, exhibited by Crow Creek Farms, Lawton, Okla.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, SULL Lucy 7686E ET, exhibited by Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, K’s Zepplin 717, exhibited by L H Show Cattle, Americus, Kan.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, DTR Mona Lisa 701E, exhibited by Josie Heter, Raymond, Kan. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, CCF Nicholas C59E, exhibited by Crow Creek Farms, Lawton, Okla.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, DTR Ruby Rock Candy 758E, exhibited by Josie Heter, Raymond, Kan. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, SSRB BL “105” 2018, exhibited by Shirley’s Shorthorns, Edson, Kan. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, BAAL Fancee Ava Stern ET, exhibited by Shaylee Baalman, Quinter, Kan.
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American Shorthorn Association Elected Delegates 2018
Canada- 7 Votes/1 Delegate 1. *Hill Haven Farm, Chairman, PO Box 83, Duntroon, ON Alabama- 13 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*James Parnell, Chairman, 2335 County Road 313, Stanton, AL Arkansas- 12 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*Hunter Burnett, Chairman, 159 Green Valley Dr, Greenbrier, AR Arizona- 2 Votes/1 Delegate 1. McKee Family Shorthorns, Chairman, 8865 E Baseline Rd # 1138, Mesa, AZ California- 36 Votes/2 Delegates 1.*Hugh Mooney, Chairman, PO Box 2235, Elk Grove CA 2.*Bennett Land & Cattle, Mike Bennett, PO Box 549, Ducor, CA Colorado- 16 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*Peak View Ranch Inc., Chairman, 1050 County Road JJ, Fowler, CO Connecticut- 2 Votes/1 Delegate No Delegate elected Delaware- 1 Vote/1 Delegate No Delegate elected Florida- 1 Vote/1 Delegate No Delegate elected Georgia- 12 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*Shirley Show Cattle, Chairman, 5475 Jefferson Rd, Commerce, GA Iowa- 123 Votes/5 Delegates 1.*Gilman Shorthorns, Ethan Gilman, Chairman, 2841 130th St, Stuart, IA 2.Dale Studer Family, Dale Studer, 2125 125th St, Creston, IA 3.*Bern-A-Dale Shorthorns, 38995 Honeysuckle Rd, Oakland, IA 4.*Nathan Studer Family, Nathan Studer, 3014 130th St, Creston, IA 5.*Sullivan Farms, John Sullivan, 701 Iowa Ave, Dunlap, IA Idaho- 10 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*Bag Farms LLC, Chairman, 2545 S Sub Station Rd, Emmett, ID Illinois- 125 Votes/6 Delegates 1.*Jordan Acres, Denny Jordan, Chairman, 545 E 900N Rd, Sibley, IL 2.*Leveldale Farms, Les Mathers, 4627 N Grandview Dr., Peoria Heights, IL 3.*Hugh W Moore Jr. & Sons, 31056 Old Fidelity Rd, Jerseyville, IL 4.Leemon Stock Farm, 42274 N 1300 East Rd, Hoopeston, IL 5.Hahn Family Shorthorns, 74 County Rd 2700 E, Minonk, IL 6.Scott Horton, 4N010 Townhall Rd, Saint Charles, IL Indiana- 143 Votes/6 Delegates 1.Waukaru Farms Inc., Chairman, 7577 S 210 E, Rensselaer, IN
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2.*J Phillip Bowman & Family, 9898 Garrett Rd, Greens Fork, IN 3.Don Washburn & Family, 3306 W 1250 S, Kentland, IN 4.Edward Meyer & Family, 1550 E 450 S, Rushville, IN 5.Shoufler Shorthorns, 6484 N 50 W, Fortville, IN 6.Kretzmeier Family Shorthorns, 11523 E 100 N, Fowler, IN Kansas- 55 Votes/3 Delegates 1.*Loving Polled Shorthorns, Chairman, Marty Loving, 351 T Rd, Pawnee Rock, KS 2.*Kevin J. Gibler, 569 E 1550th Rd, Baldwin City, KS 3.*DTR Cattle Company, Nancy Heter, 745 Avenue S, Raymond, KS Kentucky- 27 Votes/2 Delegates 1.*David Ragsdale, Chairman, PO Box 310, Prospect, KY 2.*McCall Show Cattle, 1745 Clore Jackson Rd, Shelbyville, KY Louisiana- 3 Votes/1 Delegate No Delegate elected Maryland- 23 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*Dr. Raymond Ediger, 10521 Old Frederick Rd, Frederick, MD Maine- 10 Votes/1 Delegate 1.Rupert A. Pratt, Chairman, PO Box 132, Strong, ME Michigan- 71 Votes/3 Delegates 1.*Little Cedar Cattle Co., Steve French, Chairman, 1264 Van Dyke Rd, Beaverton, MI 2.*Hale Farms, Penny Vance, 6818 N Wheaton Rd, Charlotte, MI 3.*Sisung Farms, Jane Sisung, 4022 N Forest Hill Rd, Saint Johns, MI Minnesota- 93 Votes/4 Delegates 1.The Bollum Family, Chairman, Cory Bollum, 2705 8th Ave SW, Austin, MN 2.Swede Lake Cattle Company, 4365 County Road 10 N, Watertown, MN 3.*Wildwood Farm, 3606 Baker Ave NW, Buffalo, MN 4.The Kaehler Family, 20030 25th St SE, Saint Charles, MN Missouri- 51 Votes/3 Delegates 1.*Robert & Beverly Alden, Chairman, 602 E Berry St, Hamilton, MO 2.Crestmead Farm, Bill Betteridge, 7400 A Hwy, Pilot Grove, MO 3.*Naylor’s Shorthorns, 190 Bison Rd, Buffalo, MO Mississippi- 1 Vote/1 Delegate No Delegate elected Montana- 13 Votes/1 Delegate No Delegate elected North Carolina- 8 Votes/1 Delegate 1.Dedmon Shorthorns, 1511 McBrayer Springs Rd, Shelby, NC North Dakota- 22 Votes/1 Delegate 1.Jungels Shorthorn Farm, Chairman, Derek Jungels, 5337 County Rd 21, Kathryn, ND Nebraska- 58 Votes/3 Delegates 1.Greg Crawford, Chairman, 12583 S 96th St, Roca, NE
American Shorthorn Association Elected Delegates 2018
2.*Jeff K. Aegerter, 1250 Ridge Run, Seward, NE 3.Fairview Stock Farms, John Sonderman, 20119 310th St, Columbus, NE Nevada- 1 Votes/1 Delegate No Delegate elected New Mexico- 2 Votes/1 Delegate No Delegate elected New York- 17 Votes/1 Delegate No Delegate elected Ohio- 177 Votes/7 Delegates 1.Byland, Chairman, 500 Township Rd 2802, Loudonville, OH 2.*Cedar Lane Farm, Jeffery Winkle, 5006 Gravel Pit Rd., Cedarville, OH 3.Hively’s Highland Farms, LTD, Curtis Hively, 47060 Hisey Rd, New Waterford, OH 4.Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm, 54905 Fulton Hill Rd, Bellaire, OH 5.*Paint Valley Farms, Lee Miller, 10550 TWP Rd 262, Millersburg, OH 6.*Turner Shorthorns, Tom Turner, 11075 State Route 757 NW, Somerset, OH 7.*Greenhorn Cattle Co., Dave Greenhorn, 3450 Middle Run Rd, Waynesville, OH Oklahoma- 77 Votes/4 Delegates 1.*Crow Creek Farms, Chairman, Steven Crow, 13108 Cloverleaf Ln, Oklahoma City, OK 2.*Frank & Lynda Lucas, Lynda Lucas, PO Box 1039, Cheyenne, OK 3.*Jones 5 Cattle Company, 1064 County Road 1310, Amber, OK 4.*Lazy Bar F Shorthorns, 415 S 7th St, Chickasha, OK Oregon- 15 Votes/1 Delegate No Delegate elected Pennsylvania- 52 Votes/3 Delegates 1.Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Eisiminger, Chairman, 379 Woodside Rd, Waynesburg, PA 2.Masonic Village Farm, Frank Stoltzfus, 1 Masonic Dr., Elizabethtown, PA 3.George S. Six, 532 Jollytown Rd, New Freeport, PA
South Carolina- 4 Votes/1 Delegate 1.The McGill Family, Chairman, 401 Pruitt Rd, Iva, SC South Dakota- 42 Votes/2 Delegates 1.Stangl Shorthorns, Chairman, 31728 US Highway 12, Java, SD 2.Schrag Shorthorn Farms, 27664 444th Ave, Marion, SD Tennessee- 25 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*DBL C FM-C Curtis Family, Chairman, Charles Curits, PO Box 314, Rickman, TN Texas- 111 Votes/5 Delegates 1.WHR Shorthorns, Chairman, 1800 Lovers Leap Ln, Van Alstyne, TX 2.*John & Barbra Russell, Chairman, John Russell, PO Box 523, Caldwell, TX 3.Ahlschwede Shorthorns, 6300 Treece Rd, San Angelo, TX 4.*M J Shorthorns, 922 County Rd B, Olton, TX 5.*Maples Shorthorns, 5810 Harmon Rd, Copperas Cove, TX Utah- 1 Vote/1 Delegate No Delegate elected Virginia- 11 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*Bridle Path Ranch, Chairman, 8420 Mary jane Dr., Manassas, VA Washington- 12 Votes/1 Delegate 1.* Christy Kriegsman, Chairman, PO Box 505, Oakville, WA Wisconsin- 78 Votes/4 Delegates 1.Hi-View Shorthorns, Inc., Chairman, 8053 Old Potosi Rd, Lancaster, WI 2.*Double M Cattle Company LLC, 748 Enloe Rd, Rewey, WI 3.Bishell Family Cattle LLC, 1830 County Rd E, Mineral Point, WI 4.Clayton Cattle Company, 26617 Lindholm LN, Belmont, WI West Virginia- 14 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*Winters Show Cattle, Chairman, RR 1 Box 339, Lesage, WV Wyoming – 8 Votes/1 Delegate 1.*Art & Pattie Bergstrom, Chairman, PO Box 4, Sheridan, WY
Delegates that have accepted their delegation have a * next to their name. If you are listed and do not have a * next to your name please contact Emily immediately to accept or decline your position. This list is subject to change because we do not have 100% acceptance at time of printing. If you have questions or need to accept or decline please contact Emily at or (816) 599-7777.
shorthorn country = november 2018
= Tartan Plaid Lassie Farewells Wow, it’s already October? I can’t believe my term as the National Shorthorn Lassie Queen is about to be over. It has been such an honor to serve this amazing breed and the people that stand behind it. Yes, this has been the busiest time of my life traveling as well as excelling in my Junior year at Oklahoma State University. No, I would not change one moment about this experience. This will be my ninth year to wear the shorthorn plaid, but my first and only year to wear it as the role I am in as the National Queen. I was extremely nervous after the crowning because I didn’t want to let the breed down or myself. I had high goals and some seemed unachievable due to the distance and the time I would have to take off of school, but I believe I put everything I had into this organization. I can not write this retiring address without thanking the two individuals that suffered through all the long hours and many miles traveled. My parents are the two most selfless individuals you will ever meet and without them I would not have been able to make the impact
that I did. Weekend after weekend and state after state; my parents and I were constantly chasing those white lines. They made this experience 10x better because we got to do it as a family and having that quality time was greatly needed since I moved away from home. I am forever grateful for the amount of time and money they put into me achieving my goals and dreams because without them I would not be who I am today. One year, 17 states, thousands of miles traveled and billions of memories made; I have chased many shorthorn sales and cattle shows while serving as the National Shorthorn Lassie Queen. The best thing about serving this year were the connections I made. I met so many new individuals that shared the same passion as I did with the Shorthorn Breed. Without wearing the costume individuals were able to pick me out from the crowd and that was a great feeling. I loved knowing that I made an impact and a difference in not only the young aspiring queens, but also the
It’s hard to believe that it has been a year since I was crowned National Alternate Shorthorn Lassie Queen and ten years since Wisconsin has had a National Queen! Serving as a queen has provided me with a fantastic learning opportunity. In the past year I have had the pleasure of traveling all around the great state of Wisconsin representing our breed and the cattle industry, then traveled South to Madison, for the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Conference, West to Denver, for the National Western Stock Show and St. Paul for the Minnesota State Fair, North to Kathryn, for Durhams in the Dakotas and East to Louisville, for the North American International Livestock Exposition, where I will end my reign this November! I would like to extend a sincere Thank You to all of you folks that in one way or another have supported me and this journey! First and foremost, I want to thank my family; my parents, David and Becky for their encouragement to take risks and seek new opportunities, for teaching me hard work ethic and high moral standards, for the emotional and financial support. Mom, for taking vacation days and traveling with me, even though I slept most of the time
along the way! Dad, for watching me online and ensuring the credit cards were paid! To my sister Catelyn, thanks for doing extra chores while we were away from the farm. To my friends and advisors, Lisa and Dennis Schlimgen, your commitment and support of the National and Wisconsin Shorthorn Associations and all our members is exceptionally some of the best work anyone has ever seen! Thank You to the Wisconsin Shorthorn Association for the support you have given me throughout this year as a National Queen and during my many years as a junior member. Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who has supported the Lassie Program in any way. It has allowed young women to develop great leadership and life skills, many of which can only be taught by the cattle industry! In closing, to all past, present and future Lassies, Shorthorn breeders, and agriculture enthusiasts; here are six important things to remember, as told by one my favorite authors Dr. Suess……. 1. Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you. 2. The more you read, the more things
shorthorn country = november 2018
Callie National Shorthorn Prochaska Lassie Queen
adults. Serving for me was more than just walking around in the custom and talking to the breeders. It meant so much more because serving at this capacity made it possible for me to share why I did what I did. The costume itself was a lot to talk about and I always received many weird looks, but being able to explain the true meaning behind the plaid was an honor. We are more than just a pretty face and a sparkly crown; we are the image of the Shorthorn Industry and being able to represent that is such an honor. Thank you to everyone who watched my journey and allowed me to serve this breed and organization. I am extremely sad my term is coming to an end, but I hope I made you proud. One AMAZING experience that nothing will ever compare too. =
Hannah National Alternate Olsen Shorthorn Lassie Queen
you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. 3. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. 4. It is better to know how to learn, than to know. 5. Today I shall behave, as if it is the day I will be remembered. And lastly, 6. Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory. My heartfelt thanks for a wonderful year! Love, Hannah Olsen National Alternate Shorthorn Lassie Queen, Wisconsin =
Lassie Bylaw Notice This is a notification to the general membership of proposed changes of the National Shorthorn Lassie Association By-Laws to be voted on by the general membership at the annual meeting at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville. Highlights of the changes are noted here with detail of the changes available on the American Shorthorn Association website. Changes recommended are: •.Updating the bylaw verbiage so they are consistent
• Eliminating written nominations • Removing Lassie of the Year • Allowing state princesses ages 14+ to assist National Queens at Super Regional/Regional Shows The board is making these changes to reflect how we currently do business and to make the organization more modern and efficient. Please express your thoughts to a current board member or come to our annual meeting November 10th at 2 p.m. at NAILE to discuss and vote. =
Sydney National Shorthorn Miller Lassie Secretary
= Show Schedule Fair Location Show Date Time Judge North Florida Fair Tallahassee, FL Junior Steer Show 11/17 7 p.m. North Florida Fair Tallahassee, FL Junior Heifer Show 11/18 1 p.m. NAILE Louisville, KY Junior ShorthornPlus Show 11/10 TBD Dan Shike NAILE Louisville, KY Junior Shorthorn Show 11/11 TBD Blake Nelson NAILE Louisville, KY National Open ShorthornPlus Show 11/12 8:00 a.m. Chris Cassidy NAILE Louisville, KY National Open Shorthorn Show 11/12 following Kevin Jensen 2019 NWSS Denver, CO Pen Show 1/19 9 a.m. NWSS Denver, CO Jr. Shorthorn & Plus Heifer Show, 1/20 11 a.m. Open ShorthornPlus Female & Bull Show NWSS Denver, CO National Shorthorn Female Show, 1/21 1 p.m. National Shorthorn Bull Show Fort Worth Stock Show Fort Worth, Texas Junior Shorthorn Show 1/26/19 8:00 a.m. Matt Leo Fort Worth Stock Show Fort Worth, Texas National Open Shorthorn Show 2/3/19 9:00 a.m. Josh Elder Dixie National Livestock Show Jackson, MS Open Show - Regional 2/9/19 Houston International Livestock Show Houston, TX Junior Breeding Beef 3/6-3/9/19 National Junior Shorthorn Show Lebanon, TN 6/17-6/22/19
2018 NAILE Hotel Info Hilton Garden Inn Louisville Airport 2735 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209 Phone: 502-637-2424
2019 NWSS Hotel Info DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Denver 3203 Quebec St, Denver, CO 80207 Phone: 303-321-3333
Upcoming Committee Conference Calls Commercial Acceptance Committee Nov. 5 7:00 pm CT Contact if you would like to participate in these committee calls.
No Rooms Available - in our block our whole hotel
shorthorn country = november 2018
= Sale Reports Eyes on the Midwest Sale Summary
19 Open Heifers...............$ 115,650 $ 6,087 2 Open Plus Heifers.........$ 5,150 $ 2,575 7 Bred Females..................$ 37,500 $ 5,357 17 Bred Heifers.................$ 33,400 $ 1,965 1 Cow/Calf Pair................$ 2,500 $ 2,500 46 Breeding Lots............$ 194,200 $ 4,223 8 Pregnancies....................$ 7,600 $ 3,800 8 Semen Packages.............$ 3,650 $ 456 Sale Gross..................$205,450
Sunday, September 16, 2018 Albin Sale Facility, Newman, Illinois Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Managers: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
A warm early Fall day welcomed a good crowd to the excellent sale facility for this year’s sale hosted by Ripberger Farms and Norman Farms. There were outstanding individuals of all categories on display prior to the sale. The bidding was active in the snappy sale as cattle were purchased on the seats, on the phone and on the Internet. $27,000 - Lot 5 - Open Heifer - NR Quantum Queen 470F RS ET. A r/w polled, March 12, 2018 daughter of
SULL Red Sensation 6554D ET and out of CF Quantum Queen 099FS X. This is truly an outstanding young heifer calf. Correct in her structure and has exceptional thickness from front to rear. The Red Sensation bull will become a top breeding bull in the breed. Offered by Norman & Ripberger and purchased by Keith Lambright of Shipshewama, Ind. $24,500 - Lot 1 - Donor Cow - CYT Dream Lady 0103 ET. A rwm, horned, 2010 daughter of CF Solution X ET and out of SS Dream Lady 420 ET. What an opportunity here. It is very seldom that a leading donor female in the breed is offered at auction. The female produced many dollars worth of progeny in the past several years. She has a bright future as one of the breeds best. Offered by Norman & Ripberger and purchased by Meyer Farms of Rushville, Ind. $15,000 - Lot 2 - Open Heifer - NR Dream Lady 435F AV ET. A red, polled, February 24, 2018 daughter of Little Cedar Aviator 503X and out of CYT Dream Lady 0103 ET. This is a great young daughter of the top selling Lot 1 female and one of best show prospects to sell anywhere. A full sister in blood was
Supreme Champion at a past National Junior Show. Offered by Norman & Ripberger and purchased by Keith Lambright. $10,000 - Lot 10 - Open Heifer NR Dream Lady 461F SW ET. A roan, horned, January 25, 2018 daughter of HD Swagger 802 and out of SS Dream Lady 424 ET. Another of the top show heifers to sell in this sale. This one is also from the great Dream Lady line that has a great reputation of producing the great ones. Offered by Norman & Ripberger and purchased by Joni Ripberger of Windfall, Ind. $9,500 - Lot 9 - Open Heifer - NR Desert Rose 463F RK ET. A rwm, horned, February 5, 2018 daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and out of SULL Desert Rose 0004 ET CL. This was a very popular show prospect that caught the attention of many at the sale. She has the dimension and style to be a leader in the show ring and the pasture. Offered by Norman & Ripberger and purchased by Carly Hardbolt of Rockville, Ind. =
RC Cattle’s Early Bird Sale Sale Summary
38 Females......................$ 150,350 $3,957
Sunday, September 1, 2018 Rutan Farm, Eaton, Ohio by Christy Campbell
Despite heavy rain 2 hours before the sale, the crowd was great & many walked or stood in water to bid. High purebreds Lot 2 - $15,000. From RC to Cooper
Smith Prague, Okla. Lot 1 - $10,000 from RC to Caplinger Show Stock & Jim Caplinger Eaton,Ohio. Lot 4 - $7,500. From KSD to Mary & Mark Henry Auburn, Ind. Lot 7 - $4,500 from KSD & Cornerstone to Jacob Puskarich & Hannah Russell Prosperity, Pa. Lot 8 - $3,500 from Minges Family Farms to Paige Phillips New Carlisle, Ohio. High pure steer
Lot 43 - $5,800 from KSD to Abigail Thornton Amanda, Ohio. High pluses Lot 16 - $11,000 from Mary & Mark Henry to Addison Campbell Eaton, Ohio. Lot 30 - $4,600 from Brutus Show Cattle to Bryce Bennett Washington, Ind. Lot 11 - $4,000 from KSD to Grace Fry Roachdale, Ind. Lot 12 - $3,600 from RC to Piper Campbell Eaton, Ohio. =
If 2019 assessment is paid between these dates
Pay this amount per head
November 1, 2018 - January 9, 2019
January 10, 2019 - February 28, 2019
March 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019
shorthorn country = november 2018
KOLT Cattle Company Simple Choices Sale Summary
Shorthorn Lots 10 Open Heifers...............$ 40,900 $ 4,090 4 ShorthornPlus Heifer....$ 19,400 $ 4,850 14 Breeding Lots............$ 60,300 $ 4,307 4 Embryo Pkgs.................$ 7,650 $ 1,913 5 Semen Pkgs....................$ 4,675 $ 935 Hereford Lots 19 Open Heifers...............$ 241,750 $ 12,724 9 Bred Females..................$ 82,750 $ 9,195 1 Bull.................................$ 1,400 $ 1,400 2 Embryo pkgs.................$ 2,250 $ 1,125 1 Semen pkg.............. $ 5,175 $ 5,175 Angus Lots 1 Open Heifer..................$ 8,000 $ 8,000 1 Bred Female...................$ 2,500 $ 2,500 Sale Gross..................$416,450
Sunday, September 22 2018 The Sale Headquarters, Seward, Nebraska Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Managers: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
An excellent crowd gathered prior to the Simple Choices Sale to roam the display lots and view the outstanding individuals that were on display. The quality was again of the highest level on all the cattle that were on offer. The active bidding during the auction
was clear evidence that this is one of the top auctions of the sale season. Congratulations to Nate Kolterman and all involved on a great event. Top Selling Shorthorn Lots $7,500 - Lot 9 - Plus Open Heifer - KANE Red Tamale 6688F. A red, polled, May 5, 2018 daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and out of SULL Tamale’s Right. What a powerful female here. A great genetic combination of Red Knight and out a great Tamale female. This one is young but is destined for great things to come. Purchased by Sullivan Farms of Dunlap, Iowa. $6,500 - Lot 6 - Open Heifer - KOLT Knighted Rosemary. A red, polled, April 12, 2018 daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and out of KOLT-K Red Rosemary 363 ET. Another royally bred young show prospect that combines Red Knight and a great Rosemary female sired by Red Reward. It does not get any better. This one will be a competitor. Purchased by Sullivan Farms. $6,500 - Lot 2 - Plus Open Heifer KOLT Goldie The Roo 840. An orange, polled, April 18, 2018 daughter of Dakota Gold and out of KOLT RGLC
Pinky The Roo 940 ET. This is proof positive that you can mate Pinky the Roo to any sire and get a great one. This one has length, power and balance that will make her a potential winner anywhere. She will be fun to follow. Purchased by Gabriella Leone of Fowler, Colo. $5,900 - Lot 14 - Open Heifer RGLC Traveling Mona 821. A rwm, polled, May 10, 2018 daughter of SULL Traveler 9807 ET and out of Mona Lisa 278 ET. This one is a great young female that has a pedigree that says winner. Out of the National Champion Traveler and her maternal grandam is the dam of Red Knight. Doesn’t get any better than that. This one will be heard from again. Purchased by Sullivan Farms. $5,500 - Lot 4 - RGLC Myrtle 811 ET. A R&W, polled, February 27, 2018 daughter of SULL RGLC Legacy 525 ET and out of SULL Mystic Myrtle 0504 ET. The top genetic packages just kept coming. This fancy youngster is sired by the seven time National Champion Bull and out of a daughter of the famous SULL Myrtle Bo 46P. This one is bred in the purple and will answer the call. Purchased by Mike Vales of Dewitt, Neb. =
Fall Harvest Sale Summary
24 Bred Heifer..................$ 52,325 $ 2,180 10 Open Heifers...............$ 15,450 $ 1,545 1 Bull.................................$ 2,350 $ 2,350 35 Breeding Lots............$ 70,125 $ 2,004 1 Pregnancy.......................$ 3,200 $ 3,200 1 Embryos pkg........... $ 825 $ 835 5 Semen pkgs....................$ 1,125 $ 225 4 Steers....................... $ 3,950 $ 998 Sale Gross..................$79,225
Sunday, September 29, 2018 Platte County Ag Park, Columbus, Nebraska Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Managers: Sears Marketing Services, LLC by: Darryl Rahn
A good crowd gathered early in the morning on sale day to view to top quality offering that was presented by the sale host Warner Ranch and their guest consignors. The quality of the animals offered was a much stronger group overall than is the past. Congratulation to all involved in the presentation of a quality event.
$3,500 - Lot 18 - Bred Heifer - BOS Cherrry 9th 403. A rwm, polled, 2017 daughter of BOS Fairview Nitro 329 and out of BOS Cherry 8th selling bred to JSF Gauge 137W for an early May 2019 calf. In the exceptional group of bred heifers in this sale, this one was the pick of many. She has a great profile and the femininity to make her a top matron for many years. Offered by Sha Ron Farms and purchased by Clayton Boizot of Cheyenne, Wyo. $3,200 - Lot 21 - Sexed Heifer Pregnancy - Due on March 19, 2019. The Sire is SULL Handsome Reward 5659 ET and the donor dam is SS Mona Lisa 407 ET. The combination of Red Reward genetics and the Mona Lisa line has proven to be a great mating. Offered by BCF Shorthorns and purchased by Lazy Bar F Shorthorns of Chickasha, Okla. $2,950 - Lot 17 - Bred Heifer BOS Cassy 432. A rwm, polled, 2017 daughter of BOS Fairview Buddy and out of BOS Cassy 4th selling bred to
BOS Snap Shot 443 for an early April 2019 calf. This is another of the top bred females in this sale. Super complete and has great dimension and style. Offered by Sha Ron Farms and purchased by Clayton Boizot of Cheyenne, Wyo. $2,700 - Lot 39 - Bred Heifer Shalimar Pearl 7416. A red, polled, 2017 daughter of Waukaru Luxor 4106 and out of Shalimar Pearl 416 selling bred to JSF Gauge for a late March 2019 calf. This is a super moderate framed, easy keeping kind of female that will be a great addition to any herd. Offered by Shalimar Ranch and purchased by Mike and Renee Gallegos of Cheyenne, Wyo. $2,550 - Lot 8 - Bred Heifer - WR 38Y Muffet 713. A rwm, polled, 2017 daughter of Muridale Skol 38Y and out of WR Max Muffet 250 selling bred to JSF Wall Street for an early March 2019 calf. The top bred heifers just kept coming in the snappy sale. This one should have a great calf by Wall Street. Offered by Warner Ranch and purchased by Mike and Renee Gallegos of Cheyenne, Wyo.
shorthorn country = november 2018
3BC Shorthorns Complete Dispersion Sale Summary
17 Cow/Calf Pairs............$ 66,740 $ 3,926 12 Bred Females...............$ 21,675 $ 1,806 13 Bred Heifers.................$ 23,700 $ 1,823 10 Open Heifers...............$ 17,300 $ 1,730 52 Breeding Lots............$ 129,145 $ 2,489 3 Steers....................... $ 3,100 $ 1,033 Sale Gross..................$132,515
Sunday, September 30, 2018 Pierce County Fairgrounds, Pierce, Nebraska Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Managers: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. by: Darryl Rahn
A large crowd of buyers filled the auction arena for the dispersion of this time honored Shorthorn herd. When auction began, the bidding was fast and furious from everywhere in this snappy sale. A true feature in this sale was an outstanding set of cow/calf pairs. They included top producing cows with stout, stylish calves at side. These were readily accepted by the buyers in attendance. $11,350 - Cow/Calf Pair - 3BC Tahoe 1223. A roan, polled, daughter of AJD Hot Topic and out of 3BC Tahoe 0428 selling bred to SULL Propel for an
early 2019 calf. At her side was a red, polled April 8, 2018 bulls calf sired by Free K-Kim Hot Commodity. What a pair of top cattle here. A top producing cow with just an outstanding bull calf. These will be heard from again. The cow was purchased by Leaning H Cattle of Plainview, Neb., and the bull calf by Schroeder Family Shorthorns of Columbus, Neb. $6,500 - Cow/Calf Pair - 3BC Killer Smile GZ 0806. A red, polled, 2010 daughter of Elbee Leader C087 and out of 3BC Killer Smile 0634 selling bred to SULL Roan Blast for an early 2019 calf. At her side was a roan, polled April 15, 2018 bull calf sired by Little Cedar Final 4. This was another very popular pair. There are top genetic lines in both animals. The cow was purchased by Mike Bothell of Iowa City, Iowa and the bull calf by KDM Shorthorns of Beloit, Kan. $4,700 - Cow/Calf Pair - 3BC Golden Girl 1120. A white, polled, 2011 daughter of AJD Hot Topic and out of 3BC Golden Girl 0508 selling bred to SULL Propel for an early March 2019 calf. At her side was a roan, polled May 15, 2018 heifer calf sired by KOLT AA
Axis 208Y. This heifer calf was really one of the fancy ones in this sale. The cow was purchased by Ty Austin of Meadow Grove, Neb., and the heifer calf by Gus Erwin of Lacona, Iowa. $4,575 - Cow/Calf Pair - 3BC Star 1530. A red, polled, 2015 daughter of SBR Hi-Definition 16 X and out of 3BC Star 0513 selling bred to Gilman’s Touchdown for a Spring 2019 calf. At her side was a red, polled April 21, 2018 heifer calf sired by KOLT AA Axis 208Y. This was just another in the long line of outstanding pairs in this sale. The cow was purchased by Seth Williams of Plainview, Nebraska and the heifer calf by Carter Klinkhammer of Howard, SD. $4,500 - Lot 3 - Bred Cow - 3BC Beautification 0721. A roan, polled, 2010 daughter of MF Bonafide 547 and out of 3BC Beautification 0423 selling bred to SULL Roan Blast for an early Spring 2019 calf. This was the pick of many at the sale among the bred cows offered. She has been a good one and has many more years of production ahead of her. Purchased by Jay Henderson of = Chickasha, Okla.
The Great Shorthorn Revival Sale Summary
2 Bulls...............................$ 37,500 $ 18,750 32 Open Heifers...............$ 158,150 $ 4,942 8 Bred Heifers...................$ 37,250 $ 4,250 3 Bred Females..................$ 12,750 $ 4,250 1 Plus Open Heifer..........$ 1,600 $ 1,600 46 Breeding Lots............$ 247,250 $ 5,375 7 Pregnancies............. $ 33,950 $ 4,850 1 Plus Pregnancy........ $ 8,000 $ 8,000 14 Embryo pkgs......... $ 42,225 $ 3,230 1 Plus Embryo Pkg..... $ 3,150 $ 3,150 12 Semen Pkgs........... $ 23,050 $ 1,921 1 Plus Semen Pkg....... $ 1,950 $ 1,950 2 Steers....................... $ 1,725 $ 863 Sale Gross..................$364,300
Sunday, September 22, 2018 Little Cedar Cattle Co., Beaverton, Michigan Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Managers: Little Cedar Cattle Co. by: Darryl Rahn
A pleasant Fall day welcomed another large crowd to Little Cedar for this year’s Revival sale. As always, Little Cedar and their guest consignors presented a great group of live cattle as well as leading genetics in the frozen lots. An outstanding set of open heifers was again a feature of this leading sale. Steve and Julie and all involved are to be commended for the presentation of another great event. $30,000 - Lot 14 - Bull - Armstrong Easy Rider 1603. A roan, polled, April 2016 son of NBS Low Rider 42W ET and 72
out of CYT Celine MX 3130 ET. This will be one of the best bulls to sell this sale season. A big stout individual that has the muscle shape all like to see. He already has been a many time Champion in the show ring and will be a top sire of the right kind. Offered by John Allen IV and Armstrong Farms. Possession was purchased by WHR Shorthorns of Van Alstyne, Texas and Jordan Acres of Sibley, Ill. Semen shares were purchased by The Easy Rider Group. Sullivan Farms, Little Cedar Cattle Co, Key Ridge Shorthorns, Vogel Shorthorn Farm, Bollum Family Shorthorns, KKS Keystone Shorthorns, Lazy Bar F Shorthorns, Gene & Roberta Francis, Greenwood Farms and Watson Cattle Co. $25,000 - Lot 2A - Open Heifer. Hill Haven Breathless Love 131F ET. A roan, polled, March 5, 2018 daughter of CF Trump X and out of Hill Haven Breathless 13U. Wow. What a great young prospect here. Flawless in her profile and overall design. This one is destined to be a great female for years to come. A Trump daughter out of one of the truly great females in the breed. Offered by Hill Haven Shorthorns and purchased by Respite Farms, LLC of Paris, Ky. $19,000 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer - Little Cedar Missing Mirage 18 ET. A rwm, scurred, February 6, 2018 daughter of
shorthorn country = november 2018
Little Cedar Aviator 503X and out of CYT Missing Mirage 2120 ET. This is a top show prospect that will also make a name for herself in the donor pen. She has all it takes to be a great one. An Aviator out of one of the great female lines in the breed. Offered by Little Cedar Cattle Co and purchased by Morgan Lehnert of Old Hickory, Tenn. $12,500 - Lot 45 - Bred Female - WAT Flightpath Cumberland 115E. A rwm, polled, January 15, 2017 daughter of MAV Charisma 906W and out of Little Cedar Cumberland 708 selling bred to CSF Evolution HC for a January 2019 calf. This one was the WOW in the bred female group. You had to fall in love with her when you saw her. A great design to go with a desired muscle pattern and femininity. Offered by Watson Cattle Co and purchased by Woodlawn Farms of Creston, Ill. $9,250 - Lot 5A - Open Heifer LCCC TEAG Picture Perfect 1803. A rwm, polled, March 30, 2018 daughter of CSF Evolution HC and out of MAV Picture Perfect ET. The top young prospects with great pedigrees just kept coming. This one is out of one of the leading young sires in the breed today and the great Picture Perfect female line. Offered by Teagon Ritchie and Little Cedar and purchased by Greenwood Farms, LLC of Richmond, Mich. =
shorthorn country = july 2018
Burke N. Allison & Co. 925 E. 400 S., Washington, IN 47501-7533 Dale - 812-254-6185 •
shorthorn country = november 2018
276644 444th Ave. Marion, South Dakota 57043 Cory: 605-941-5241 • Melissa 605-941-3546
shorthorn country = november 2018
Cory, Melissa, Samantha & Jaxon Schrag
P.O. Box 77, Virginia, IL 62691 Office: 217.452.3051 • Fax: 217.452.3053 Don Cagwin cell • 217.341.7552 Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell • 217.370.6034 •
If 2019 assessment is paid between these dates
Pay this amount per head
November 1, 2018 - January 9, 2019
January 10, 2019 - February 28, 2019
March 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019
shorthorn country = november 2018
For advertising in the Shorthorn Country contact: Cindy Cagwin-Johnston: 217-370-6034 Darryl Rahn: 217-473-1124
OBRECHT What is your favorite beef recipe? My Mom’s Homemade Beef Stew What is your favorite activity outside of AJSA? FFA and high school sports What are your future plans? I plan on going into the technology side of precision agriculture AGE: 16
shorthorn country = november 2018
ASA Point Show System for 2018-2019 Show Season: April 1, 2018 through March 31, 2019
Region 1: Northeast
Region 4: South Central
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia
Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana
Region 1: Northeast Regional Shows
Super Regional.... Ohio State Fair Regional …………Maryland Eastern Regional Regional ………... Indiana State Fair
Region 2: Southeast Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi Region 2: Southeast Regional Shows
Super Regional...Kentucky State Fair Regional ……. Tennessee State Fair Regional ………………Dixie National Livestock Show
Region 3: North Central North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska Region 3: North Central Regional Shows
Super Regional…. Minnesota State Fair Regional ………… Iowa State Fair Regional ……….…Illinois State Fair
Region 4: South Central Regional Shows
Super Regional……..…Tulsa State Fair Regional ……………….Kansas State Fair Regional ……………….Tri-State Fair
Region 5: West Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California
Point Distributions: Regional Shows st
1 : 5 points nd 2 : 4 points rd 3 : 3 points th 4 : 2 points th 5 : 1 point Division Champion: Reserve Division Champion: Grand Champion: Reserve Grand Champion:
4 points 2 points 7 points 5 points
Super Regional Shows Region 5: West Regional Shows
Super Regional…. California State Fair Regional ………… Washington State Fair Regional ………… Western Idaho State Fair
5 - National Shows North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, KY National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO Keystone International Livestock Exposition, Harrisburg, PA American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, MO Fort Worth Stock Show, Fort Worth, TX
1 : 6 points nd 2 : 5 points rd 3 : 4 points th 4 : 3 points th 5 : 2 points Division Champion: Reserve Division Champion: Grand Champion: Reserve Grand Champion:
5 points 3 points 9 points 7 points
5 National Shows st
1 : 8 points nd 2 : 7 points rd 3 : 6 points th 4 : 5 points th 5 : 4 points Division Champion: Reserve Division Champion: Grand Champion: Reserve Grand Champion:
7 points 5 points 11 points 9 points
shorthorn country = november 2018
6B’s Guardian ET
HD Bloodstone 603 X Ash Valley Kendra 7142
T Kane Captain x
JSF Goldenrod 57U X KOLT AA Lady Reward 1Y
T Ash Valley Right Choice x Ash Valley Prestige 0590 X Ash Valley Duchess 9622
SULL Master of Rose x
JSF Master of Jazz X SULL Rose Mary
T FAIR Red, White & Roan
Jake’s Proud Jazz X KG Cinderella 939
JM Vortecs Rider ET
JM Vortec X Rider’s Gerogina 850
CSF Backdraft 703 RR ET *x
SULL Red Reward 9321 X WHR LS Demi 8931 ET
R-C WG Damn Proud *x
Jake’s Proud Jazz X WG RC Golden
RSF Red Alert 0123A *x
KOLT-RGLC Simplify X AF SL SS Revival
T DMH Cherry Fillet Western Trademark 3rd X Maid of Promise H 189th
T Saskvalley Yesterday
Saskvalley Wholesale x Saskvalley Navajo
BFC Can’t Touch This 114 *xar
LFCC Unstoppable 727X X CF Roan Rose 036
T SS Rock On 812 *
Jake’s Proud Jazz X SS Augusta Pride 617
T Bar N Creedence 540C Prospect Hill Alarado 33A X JDMC Miss Remedy 124Z
T BFS Master Prince *x Jake’s Prince of Jazz x KL Prime Time Paymaster
T JSF Mr Right 151Z
Leveldale Righteous 084 X KL Notable Nita
BS Ghost Rider
Jake’s Proud Jazz 266L X HA First Ruby
BWCC Jack of Spades x
Ace of Diamonds X Desert Rose 928 W ET
T Muridale Jaxson 4A x
Buster 14K X Bonanza daughter
SRV Quiet Man (THC) 3BC Hard Rock X CHSC Elegant Queen
T SULL Red Sensation 6554
Red Reward X SULL Rose Mary 636-3
FSF Near Perfect
T TURNERCRCLH Deception 2 ET *x
FSF Bearcat 37Z ET X FSF Madeline’s Rose S247 ET
Hill Haven Firestorm
DF Waco 6W X Hill Haven Breathtaker 35Y SEXED SEMEN Available
FSF Starburst 058 *
FSF Stardust X Jake’s Sierra 211S
CF Focus *x
Hot Commodity x CF Lucky Charm
DF Talledega 3X ET x
Red Reward x K-KIM Meg 270N ET
T Leveldale Nort Face 562 *x
Studer’s Taylor Made 7Y X Leveldale Nan Again 110Y
T Creekside Amp 32W x
Alta Cedar Signature X Banner Julia Ann 34J
T Bar N Ripper 99A x
JDMC Remedy X JDMC Rocksie
T Alta Cedar Code Red x
Bloodstone 603 ET X Poppin Girl 2R01 ET
Alta Cedar Code-Red 24S X Lassie 16T
MSC Sarge *x
T CSF/Lakeside Rooster 394 ET
Captain Obvious x Sonny
SVFI Rooster 561R X RS Lindakay 006 04
866-356-4565 T Calving Ease HS SWAGGER 802 ET *x
WHR RT Augusta Sunrise X HD Reflection
SULL Roan Blast 0301 ET
SULL GNCC Asset ET X SULL Beauty Queen 570 ET
shorthorn country = november 2018
CLF Foolin’ Around 1401 ET x Sonny X SULL Fool Me 508 WT
SULL Right Knight 5664C E ET x CF Trump X K-Kim Mona Lisa 10T ET
= Sales Calendar Nov. 3 - Leveldale Farms “Ladies of Leveldale Investment Sale”, Mason City, Ill. Nov. 3 - “Breeders Alliance” Sale. Hosted by Norman/Ripberger. Newman, Ill. Nov. 9 - The Autumn Classic Show & Sale, Turlock, Calf. on Nov. 10 - 4 State Shorthorn Sale, Diamond, Mo. Nov. 11 - Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Future Generations Are Created” Sale, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 15 - Schroeder Family Shorthorns, Columbus, NE and Spartan Valley Shorthorns, Rogersville, MO, “Genetics With Passion” Online sale hosted by Nov. 17 - Bakenhus Cattle Co. Complete Embryo & Semen Dispersion, Columbus, Neb. Nov. 18 - Bakenhus Cattle Co. Complete Herd Dispersion, Columbus, Neb. Nov. 24 - Bowman Superior Genetics, “Form to Function” Production Sale, Greens Fork, Ind. Nov. 25 - Alden Farms “The Tradition Continues Online Sale”, Hamilton, Mo. on Nov. 25 - Bollum Family Red, White & Roan Online Sale, Goodhue, Minn., on Nov. 25 - Farrer’s Stock Farm Female Sale, Royal Center, Ind. Nov. 26 - Bar N Shorthorns “Holiday Classic” Bred Heifer Online Sale, Bellview, Minn., on Dec. 8 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Sale, Millersburg, Ohio. Dec. 11 - Wasinger Cattle Company Bulls & Babies Online Sale, Winebago, Minn. Dec. 11 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND amsonlinesales. com Dec. 17 - Carstens Family Shorthorns Online Sale, on Jan. 20 - The Summit National Shorthorn Sale, Denver, Colo. Jan. 29 - Galbreath Farm/Shady Maple Farm, Early Bird Bull Sale, Enderlin, ND hosted on Feb. 5 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm,
“Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND. Feb. 12 - Iowa Royal Shorthorn Sale, Iowa Beef Expo, Des.Moines, Iowa. Feb. 19 - AJSA Funding the Future Online Sale on Feb. 23 - Midwest Shorthorn Spectacular, Illinois Beef Expo, Springfield, Ill. Feb. 23/24 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Online Bull Sale, Creston, Iowa on Feb. 26 - Alden Farms / Highland Farms “Genetic Advancement” Online Sale, Hamilton, MO and Pittsfield, Ill., on Mar. 2 - Kentucky Beef Expo Shorthorn Sale, Louisville, Ky. Mar. 3 - Cagwin Farms “Bold Future” Online Sale, Virginia, Ill., on Mar. 2/3 - Leveldale Farms “Headquarters for Herd Bulls, Open House, Mason City, Ill. Mar. 4 - Leveldale Farms Private Treaty Bull Sale, Mason City, IL Mar. 9 - Tennessee Agribition Shorthorn Sale, Lebanon, TN Mar. 12/13 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., on Mar. 13/14 - “Treasures of the Tank”, Seward, Neb., on Mar. 16 - Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Sale, Columbus, Ohio. Mar. 16 - Waukaru Farms, “The Gathering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind. Mar. 19 - Sullivan Farms “No Bull” Fall Show Heifer Online Sale, Dunlap, IA Mar. 20 - Sullivan Farms “No Bull” Spring Show Heifer and Bred Female Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Mar. 21 - Sullivan Farms “Designer Genes” Online Semen and Embryo Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Mar. 31 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XX” Sale, Van Alstyne, Texas. Apr. 13 - Texas State Sale, West, Texas. Apr. 13 - Lazy Bar F and Friends Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, Okla., Apr. 14 - Little Cedar Cattle Co “Springtime Revival”, Meeker, Okla. =
Upcoming Issue Focus
Issue December
Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales
Nov. 3 - Leveldale Farms “Ladies of Leveldale Investment Sale”, Mason City, Ill. Nov. 9 - The Autumn Classic Show & Sale, Turlock, CA on Nov. 11 - Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Future Generations Are Created” Sale, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 15 - Schroeder Family Shorthorns, Columbus. NE and Spartan Valley Shorthorns, Rogersville, MO, “Genetics With Passion” Online sale hosted by Nov. 17 - Bakenhus Cattle Co. Complete Embryo & Semen Dispersion, Columbus, Neb. Nov. 18 - Bakenhus Cattle Co. Complete Herd Dispersion, Columbus, Neb. Nov. 24 - Bowman Superior Genetics, “Form to Function” Production Sale, Greens Fork, Ind. Nov. 25 - Alden Farms “Tradition Continues Online Sale”, Hamilton, MO on Nov. 26 - Bar N “Holiday Classic” Bred Heifer Online Sale, Bellview, MN on Dec. 8 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Sale, Millersburg, Ohio. Dec. 11 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND on amsonlinesales. com Dec. 17 - Carstens Family Shorthorns Online Sale on Jan. 20- The Summit National Shorthorn Sale, Denver, CO Jan. 29- Galbreath Farm/Shady Maple Farm Early Bird Bull Sale, Enderlin, ND hosted on Feb. 5- Jungels Shorthorn Farm Durhams in the Dakotas Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND Feb. 19- AJSA Funding the Future Online Sale on Feb. 23-24- Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns Don’t You Thinks Its Time Online Bull Sale, Creston, Iowa on Feb. 26- Alden Farms/Highland Farms Genetic Advancement Online Sale, Hamilton, MO and Pittsfield, IL hosted on
Online sales with a personal touch.
Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696
Highlights/Reporting Spring Sale Ads • Semen Sales • ET Sales
shorthorn country = november 2018
= Ad Index AAA Shorthorns..................................73 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc........81 AJ Cattle Co.........................................73 Alden Farms.........................................18 ARG Group............................................0 Armstrong Farms...................................9 Bartels Bros..........................................73 Bayer....................................................10 Bennett Land & Cattle.........................73 Berg Shorthorns...................................73 Bigelow Farms.....................................73 Bollum Family Shorthorns................... 11 Bowman Superior Genetics..A1-A36, 73 Bridle Path Ranch................................73 “Brooks, Bruce”...................................76 Bye Well Shorthorns............................73 Byland Polled Shorthorns................3, 73 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC.........77, 79 Cairns Shorthorns................................73 Cates Farms..........................................73 Cattle Visions.................................77, 80 Country K Shorthorns..........................73 Crawfdown Farms................................73 Dedmon Shorthorns.............................73 DJS Shorthorns....................................73 Double C Shorthorns...........................73 DTR Cattle Co.....................................73 Duis Farms...........................................74
Eyes on the Midwest Sale....................17 Fischer Cattle Company.......................74 Galbreath Farms...................................82 Great Shorthorn Revival........................7 Greenhorn Cattle Company, LLC........74 Haumont Shorthorns............................74 Homeplace Farms................................74 Hub Ranch Shorthorns.........................74 Humble Stock Farm.............................74 Inness Shorthorns...................................4 Iroquoian Shorthorns...........................74 James F. Bessler, Inc............................77 Jester Farms.........................................74 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm..................74 Keystone Shorthorns............................74 KSS Keystone Shorthorns...................74 Labans Roanoke Farm.........................74 Leveldale Farms...................................74 Little Cedar Cattle Co..........................74 Masonic Village...................................75 McKee Family Shorthorns...................75 Merick Animal Health..........................19 Meyer Family Shorthorns....................75 Meyer Farms........................................75 NILE Valley Farm/Henderickson Trust.75 Norman Farms.....................................75 Oler Farm.............................................75 Paint Valley Farms.................................3
shorthorn country = november 2018
Phildon Farms......................................75 Prospect Hill Shorthorns......................75 Richardson Farms Shorthorns..............75 Robjoy Shorthorns...............................75 Rockin G Land & Cattle......................75 Rocky Branch Shorthorns....................75 Schrag 605...........................................75 Sears Marketing Services, LLC...........76 Shadybrook Farm...................................5 SharBen Shorthorns.............................75 Simon Farms........................................75 Singing H Shorthorns...........................75 Smoky Mountain Farm........................75 Stangl Shorthorns.................................76 Stone Springs Shorthorns.......................6 Strode Family Shorthorns....................76 Sullivan Farms..............................76, BC Sullivan Supply....................................77 Sutherland Shorthorns..........................76 Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns...................76 The Summit..........................................13 Top Notch Stock Farm.........................76 Turner Family Shorthorns....................76 Tynywtra’s............................................76 Warner Ranch.......................................76 Waukaru Shorthorns.............................76 Wendt, Kevin.......................................76 Wilson Livestock Agency....................77