2021 November Shorthorn Country

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november 2021

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

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november 2021


november 2021 issue 10 • volume 48

The November cover photo was taken by Grant Company at Bennett Land & Cattle in Ducor, Calif.

7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 •  FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net

Shorthorn Country Features

North Carolina Shorthorn Beef....................................................... 16 KILE Show Honoree - Dr. Raymond Ediger.................................. 19

Show Results Keystone International Livestock Exposition National Show..... 20 Keystone International Livestock Exposition Junior Show.......... 25 Western Idaho Fair - Super Regional Show................................... 26 Washington State Fair - Regional Show.......................................... 26

Sale Reports

Shadybrook Shorthorns ‘Decades of Excellence’........................... 28 The Great Shorthorn Revival 2021.................................................. 29 Fall Harvest Shorthorn Production Sale......................................... 29 GCC ‘Where Great Females Make a Difference’........................... 30 Family Legacies Sale.......................................................................... 31

Departments Update..................................................................................6 Association Outlook..........................................................8 Beef Business.....................................................................10 Since You Asked................................................................12 In the Know.......................................................................14 2021-2022 ASA Point Show System...............................15 Beef Blurb..........................................................................18 Junior Corner....................................................................24 News & Notes....................................................................32 Sales Calendar...................................................................37 Ad Index............................................................................38 4

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The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

advertising rates 1x 11x Full page $ 565 $ 505 2/3 page 420 385 1/2 page-island 335 310 1/2 page 315 290 1/3 page 240 225 1/4 page 195 175 1/6 page 135 120 Business card (1 1/2”) 41 32 * Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs

color rates

4 color $200 1 color $195

* Color only available on half of page or larger

Contract Rates And Discounts:

Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.

Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs

Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.

Don Cagwin, publisher Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com =Advisory Council Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.

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ASA Dates of Note

Shorthorn Update American Shorthorn Association 7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorn.org Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Cassie Reid, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services • cassie@shorthorn.org Wade Minihan, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services • wade@shorthorn.org Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org

ASA Board of Directors Hugh Mooney, president 209-712-6692 Joe Bales, vice president 615-330-2342 Dave Greenhorn, executive director 937-470-6552 John Sonderman, 402-641-0936 Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 Jerrell Crow, 580-585-2522 Lee Miller, 330-231-6834 John Russell, 832-588-8604 Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905 Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Korbin Collins, president National Shorthorn Lassies Sommer Smith, president

North American Schedule (NAILE) - 2021

Thursday, Nov. 11 12 noon Cattle may arrive Friday, Nov. 12 9 a.m. - 12 noon Check-In: Open & Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus females and bulls Saturday, Nov. 13 TBD Junior ShorthornPlus Heifer Show - Broadbent Arena 10:00 a.m. AJSA Funding the Future/Deck the Stalls raffle tickets on sale 4:00 p.m. or TBD Deck the Stalls Extravaganza Fundraiser

Sunday, Nov. 14 8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn Heifer Show - Freedom Hall Monday, Nov. 15 8:00 a.m. Jack C. Ragsdale National ShorthornPlus Show - Freedom Hall followed by Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show - Freedom Hall Presentation of Show Honoree Hugh W. Moore Jr. & Sons Cattle released at conclusion of show. Stalling Requests: Send ALL stalling requests to Wade by Nov. 1- wade@shorthorn.org

Cattlemen’s Congress Schedule (CC) - 2022 Wednesday, January 5, 2022 Tuesday, January 11, 2022 12:00 p.m. Arriving and Stalling 8:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Sunday, January 9, 2022 Female & Bull Show 9:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen Bull & Heifer Show 6:00 p.m. “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale Monday, January 10, 2022 8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show followed by National ShorthornPlus Bull & ShorthornPlus Female Show

November Nov. 1 Inventories mailed for 2022 WHR Assessments Nov. 13 NAILE - Jr. ShorthornPlus Show Nov. 14 NAILE - Jr. Shorthorn Show Nov. 15 NAILE - National ShorthornPlus Show followed by National Shorthorn Show Nov. 19 Cattlemen’s Congress Entry Deadline Nov. 25-26 ASA Office Closed - Thanksgiving and day after December Dec. 1 Cattlemen’s Congress Jr. Breeding Heifer Ownership Deadline Dec. 3 Cattlemen’s Congress Late Entry Deadline Dec. 24-Jan.1 ASA Office Closed January Jan. 1 2022 ASA Membership is due Jan. 9 Deadline for early discount for 2022 WHR assessment fees ($16) Jan. 9 Cattlemen’s Congress (CC) Pen Show Jan. 9 “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale Jan. 10 CC Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show Jan. 10 CC Open ShorthornPlus Bull & Female Show Jan. 11 CC National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show Jan. 30 Fort Worth Stock Show - National Shorthorn Show February Feb. 1-3 NCBA Convention & Trade Show- Houston, Texas Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59pm CT if not paid

WHR Assessments

WHR Assessments for 2022 were sent recently in November. If you did not receive yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible. 2021 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: March 1 - December 31, 2021 $25 2022 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: November 1 - January 9, 2022 $16 January 10 - February 28, 2022 $20 March 1 - December 31, 2022 $25

NAILE Judges Open Shorthorn Show: Brian Barragree Open ShPlus Show: Brandon Callis Junior Shorthorn Show: Ryan Rathmann Junior ShPlus Show: Dr. Scott Greiner

Regular Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone

(ASA Staff Meeting Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 AM)

2021 International Year Code: J 6

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Association Outlook

Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO



y the time you read this, the ASA 150th Celebration will be in full swing. There will be new items to view pertaining to this year long event. First, in Louisville we will be set up to deliver the Shorthorn and the American Cattle Industry books to those who preordered and will also have some for sale at the Shorthorn booth in the barn. If you are interested in purchasing a book at The North American, it is a good idea to call the office and let us know so we take enough extras to meet everyone’s needs. We have ordered drinking glasses that detail a modern reproduction of the classic glasses showcased in the Shorthorn Board Room at the office. These new replicas feature the old-style Shorthorn head and the 150th logo. The ASA Board felt this would be something many breeders would be excited about. Check our Facebook posts; we will picture the glasses and offer them at the two Super National Shows: Louisville and Oklahoma City. Please call the office if you wish to purchase a set to ensure we have plenty on hand for everyone who is interested. These will make fabulous Christmas gifts. We also have a new sweatshirt with the two old-style heads (polled & horned) with on the back and the 150th Anniversary Logo on the front which will be for sale at both Super National shows. This is a one-time offering of this specially designed sweatshirt.


We will also have new Shorthorn hats at these two Super National shows featuring “SHORTHORN BEEF”. You can wear you Shorthorn sweatshirt and hat and be Shorthorn proud! Remember, the Deck the Stalls Junior National fundraiser takes place at Louisville. This event really helps support the cost of the Junior National. The hope is to have some live animals or Shorthorn genetic lots included in this sale this year. Please contact Shelby Diehm immediately if you have interest in consigning an animal or genetic lots. To Continue the 150th Celebration of our Association, the oldest beef breed association in the US, at the Cattlemen’s Congress in OKC this January we will unveil a painting by C.J. Brown. The painting is titled “America’s First” and depicts the breed and its heritage. I am excited to see this original masterpiece which will hang in the ASA office. There will be five Artist Proofs sold in OKC which will be unique for each buyer. C.J. Brown will add a drawing to each Proof that exemplifies the firm buying the Proof. These will be special family heirlooms that are a once in a lifetime opportunity to own. We will also have prints available to purchase at a later time. The Denver (NWSS) calf scramble in January 2022 will be all Shorthorns. Peak View Ranch in Colorado supplied the 40 head of Shorthorns for this event in honor of the 150th Celebration. Special thanks to

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the Leone Family for helping represent the Shorthorn breed! The 2022 July Herd Book issue of the Shorthorn Country will be designated the official Sesquicentennial publication. Honoring the 150 years of the ASA. Look for special discounts to advertise in this issue and the possibility of purchasing some special pages at auction. Let’s make this issue memorable and the best to date! There are a number of items and activities taking place over the next year recognizing the 150 years of the American Shorthorn Association, ! =

I feel Compelled to mention the passing of one of the great livestock men and leaders in our industry, Jack Ragsdale. Jack passed away in October and was instrumental in bringing the Chicago International to Louisville and starting the North American International Livestock Exhibition, as well as moving the Saddle and Sirloin Club with the show. Jack was a Shorthorn breeder and a major supporter, including the Junior program. There are plans for a celebration of Jack’s life in the Shorthorn Barn during the North American right before the Deck the Stalls event. We have all benefited from having Jack in our breed during his lifetime!

Beef Business

Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs

The Digital World Sometimes, we don’t realize what we have until we experience someone else’s viewpoint. Then we learn just how lucky we are. As prophetic as that might sound, I’m really commenting on online breed registry programs. If you have only ever dealt with Digital Beef, I can understand your frustrations with some of the nuances and quirks involved with the system we use at ASA. But if you have ever dealt with another breed system, I guarantee you know just how user-friendly Digital Beef is compared to other products out there on the market. What sets Digital Beef apart from others is the built-in herd management program capabilities and other features you don’t find in other associations. While this may sound like the beginning of a paid endorsement for Digital Beef (If the owners of DB ever read this, I’m available for an endorsement deal), I rather would tell you about some things in the system you might not know about. I could write a short book on the herd management component, so for this column the focus will be on genetic and number-based features. Some of you likely already know, but you can quickly determine how your animals rank in the Shorthorn population for the traits measured by EPDs. The rankings are broken out by percentiles. Think of the height and weight charts in a pediatrician’s office and you will get the idea for how our percentiles work, only for a weaning weight EPD instead of the weight of your child. There are a couple tools available in Digital Beef that can help you determine these rankings. One way is to look for the % Rank row in an animal’s EPD box on his Animal Info page in the registry. The % Rank is below the EPD value, the accuracy value, and the +/- change value in the box for that specific EPD. Using this information from the Animal Info page is quick and easy for you to get the information you need. If you are looking to dive deeper 10

into the numbers, the other option is to view the Percentile Ranks chart from the link on the left-hand menu. There are three charts published in the system. One is for active sires, another for active dams, and the third is for non-parent animals. All three of these charts vary from each other as they compare different segments within the Shorthorn population. The percentile charts offer an expanded view on where cattle rank for an EPD value within their segment of Shorthorns. Instead of just knowing where your animal ranks, you can see the difference between being in their current percentile and how far they are from moving up (or down) a bracket. The figures on these documents may not be for the statistically faint of heart! A feature that is often underutilized in Digital Beef is the Progeny Calculator. When you are logged in to your account, the Progeny Calculator is under the “Tools” section of the menu. From there, you have Bull or Female options. The Bull option allows you to compare two bulls and their genetic impact across your entire female inventory. The calculator will output what percentile the offspring of that mating will land in for each EPD, highlighting outliers both positive and negative. It will also indicate to you if the mating is predicted to excel (or falter) in the Shorthorn population for growth or carcass traits. When using the cow function of the Progeny Calculator, all the same features apply. This variation allows you to run the predicted matings of one cow to your entire herd bull lineup, all the bulls listed in your semen inventory, all the Progeny Tested Sires in the ASA database, or all the Trait Leader bulls in the database. If you are looking for new genetics to flush your top donor or AI your leading cows, the Progeny Calculator helps you search for bulls that can increase genetic merit. I love the capabilities of this Progeny Calculator and the power to give

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good information to breeders quickly and simply. Quite honestly, I would pay money for Erika and I to have access to this tool in the Hereford and Angus databases for our registered cows. Other similar tools do not compete with the quality of this one. The Shorthorn breed has a great asset at its disposal with the Digital Beef program. It’s more robust than other similar options in other associations and provides more than just an online outlet to register and transfer cattle. As always, if you have questions or would like more information, feel free to send me an email (matt@shorthorn.org). I hope you and your loved ones have a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday season. Eat beef! =




ESTD 1872

Shorthorn Country Subscription Form Farm Name


Name Address City United States Subscribers One Year (1 yr)........................$24.00 Two Year (2 yr) ........................$38.00 Three Year (3 yr) .....................$52.00 First Class - One Year ..............$54.00 Canadian Subscribers (All First Class) (US$) One Year (1 yr)........................$60.00 Two Year (2 yr) ........................$110.00 Three Year (3 yr) .....................$130.00 Other Foreign Subscribers (Air Mail) (US$) One Year (1 yr)........................$120.00 Two Year (2 yr) ........................$220.00 Three Year (3 yr) .....................$300.00


Zip To subscribe, complete the following information and return with payment via cash, check or credit card.

Mail to: 7607 NW Prairie View Road, Kansas City, MO 64151 • Fax to: 816-599-7782 Questions? Contact us at 816-599-7777

Credit Card Type

Credit Card # Expiration



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Since You Asked...

Heather director of office operations, Lange registrations & DNA

Assessments, revisited. As promised, WHR breeders should be receiving the 2022 WHR assessments in the mail. As of November 1st, these can also be completed online through Digital Beef. Here are a few quick tips/ reminders as you prepare to tackle those: - Always be sure you are not using Internet Explorer. - If you are culling an animal (online), click the “dispose/exempt“ option which provides a drop-down menu of cull codes. Once you select that code, click “save” directly to the right of it. - If you want your animal to remain

active, don’t do anything to her; don’t give her a code (online) and don’t write anything next to her (paper copy). This leaves her active and ready to work with for the upcoming year. - Be sure to look over your list carefully. Heifers do show up if they will be of technical age to calf in the upcoming year. Be sure to give them a code “51” if they are not going to be having their first calf in 2022. This holds them over until next year’s assessment. - The discounted rates are only applied if you both complete the assessments and pay for them in the discount windows.

- If completing assessments online, be aware that the price that you see (once assessments are pushed through) is the $20/head price. The discount to $16/ head is applied once you click the “pay online now” button and pay via credit card. Similarly, if paying via check, just send the $16/head rate if you’re getting the work completed before Jan 9th. If any questions arise, do not hesitate to reach out to the office. We are here to help! Happy Thanksgiving everyone, we are certainly thankful for you all! =

2021 WHR ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE If 2021 assessment is paid between these dates

Pay this amount per head

November 1, 2020 - January 9, 2021


January 10, 2021 - February 28, 2021


March 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021




If 2022 assessment is paid between these dates

Pay this amount per head

November 1, 2021 - January 9, 2022


January 10, 2022 - February 28, 2022


March 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022


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In the Know

customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services

Wade Minihan

Cassie Reid

Upcoming Show Reminders Are you well rested from the many Shorthorn shows and events October hosted? Our office may still be catching up on sleep! It was so much fun seeing breeders and exhibitors across the US, and even in our home city of Kansas City throughout last month. We look forward to seeing many of you at NAILE in Louisville, Ky. later this month at our first Super National Show of the year. By the time you read this, stalling for NAILE will be well underway. Cattlemen’s Congress entries are now open and close November 19th. Late entries may be accepted through December 3rd. Please send Cassie

(cassie@shorthorn.org) your stalling requests by December 10th for Cattlemen’s Congress. As a reminder, please let us know if you do not plan to attend a show but have entered. As stalling space is limited at most shows, knowing this will assist us in accommodating cattle who will be on the grounds. As you travel to shows, be aware that staffing shortages are being seen in many hotels. Rooms may not be cleaned daily without prior request. If you desire specific services during your stay, reach out to the hotel directly to make these arrangements.

We look forward to seeing you at upcoming events! Should you need anything as you prepare, we are happy to assist you with your needs. =

Shorthorn Sesquicentennial Limited Edition Book - America’s First Purchasing Options 150 Years of Shorthorn History: abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 123456789

SHORTHORN American Cattle Industry Dr. Bob Hough and Dr. Bert Moore

Onsite Purchases $60:

• Purchase at the following ASA Events: North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) or Cattlemen’s Congress. • Books purchased onsite must be picked-up, no shipping.

Regular Price $65 Plus Shipping & Handling:

• Order forms available on the ASA website at regular price plus shipping and handling.



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2021–2022ShowASA Point Show System Season: April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022 *Individual show schedule subject to change


Northeast Region :: CT, DE, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV National Show :: Keystone International Livestock Expo Super Regional Show :: **Removed from Point System Regional Shows :: Maryland State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia Southeast Region :: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN National Show :: Dixie National Super Regional Show :: Kentucky State Fair Regional Shows :: Appalachian Fair & Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair

South Central Region :: AR, KS, LA, OK, TX National Show :: Fort Worth Stock Show Super Regional Show :: Tulsa State Fair Regional Shows :: Kansas State Fair & Oklahoma State Fair West Region :: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY National Show :: Northern International Livestock Exposition Super Regional Show :: Western Idaho Fair Regional Shows :: National Western Stock Show & Washington State Fair

*Regional Awards calculated from Regional, Super Regional & National Show within each region. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 4 shows to qualify.

Regional 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 4 Points 2 Points 7 Points 5 Points

North American International Livestock Expo :: Louisville, KY Cattlemen’s Congress :: Oklahoma City, OK

National Shows :: 5 total, 1 in each region Northeast :: Keystone International Livestock Expo :: Harrisburg, PA Southeast :: Dixie National :: Jackson, MS North Central :: American Royal :: Kansas City, MO South Central :: Fort Worth Stock Show :: Fort Worth, TX West :: Northern International Livestock Exposition :: Billings, MT

North Central Region :: IL, IA, MO, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI National Show :: American Royal Super Regional Show :: Iowa State Fair Regional Shows :: Illinois State Fair & Minnesota State Fair

Placing 1st in Class 2nd in Class 3rd in Class 4th in Class 5th in Class Division Champion Reserve Division Champion Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion

Super National Shows :: 2 total

*National Show Bull & National Show Female points accumulated from 7 total National & Super National Shows listed above. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 7 shows to qualify for National Show Awards.

ASA Point Show System Point Distribution Super Regional 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 5 Points 3 Points 9 Points 7 Points

National 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 7 Points 5 Points 11 Points 9 Points

Super National 11 Points 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 7 Points 10 Points 8 Points 14 Points 12 Points

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North CarolinaShorthorn

by Shelby Diehm, ASA

Yokeley Farms hasn’t always been raising Shorthorn cattle; they originally raised another red breed. Chris Yokeley’s dad, Gilbert, purchased Red Angus cattle after he retired and spent a few years raising his herd before he passed away. Chris took over the farm and continued with the Red Angus herd until he started researching other breeds because he wanted something different. During his research he came across a story about Shorthorn mothers saving their babies from a fire. The mothering ability really interested him initially, so he continued his research on the breed. Chris purchased Shorthorn beef from Steve Fields, a fellow North Carolina cattleman, so he could do a taste test against his own Red Angus beef. Chris cooked filet’s the exact same way seasoned only with salt and pepper. “The Shorthorn filet melted in your mouth,” Chris said. “Once I tried the beef, I was sold on the Shorthorn breed. I 16

already liked the cattle, but the beef sent them over the edge.” Once he decided Shorthorn cattle were the breed he would raise, he joined the American Shorthorn Association and it opened him up to a new world. Chris began traveling to operations all over the United States and attended many Shorthorn University conferences. “I quickly realized that my North Carolina farm is far from everywhere else with Shorthorns, and I would have to travel to buy the kind of cattle I wanted to add to my herd,” Chris said. “And I prefer seeing cattle in person versus buying them from a computer screen.”

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He has attended the Ohio Shorthorn Sale, Jungels Shorthorn Farm sale, as well as many others to grow his herd and bring in the cattle that fit his goals. Chris purchased females that would make good steers. Chris and Sandy decided to start

selling beef as another way to market their animals. Since they both grew up on small family farms, they understood the ups and downs of farming. They took it as an opportunity to grow a business. They now sell freezer beef, registered females and hay. “I attended the North Carolina Choices Conference for a few years,” Chris said. “I was able to learn a lot about marketing beef locally which led me to start our business. I began talking to some people about selling beef and found interest.” Yokeley Farms began selling their beef in 2005 and after a few years they were able to open a small store front that was converted from an old root cellar. Customers were able to pre-order beef with custom cuts or visit the store for pre-cut beef options. In 2013, they began selling at the local Farmer’s Market on Saturdays. Chris gets distillers grain locally from Wise Man Brewing in Winston-Salem,

North Carolina. He uses this free byproduct to help finish his steers and make a high-quality product for his customers. They feed corn because he knows it is a tried-and-true method of finishing cattle. He also feeds bales of second generation cleaned cotton that is 5-7% protein. “When I put a bale of cotton out, they eat it before the hay,” Chris said. “The cattle love it and so do I, especially in the cooler months. They love to eat it and it also serves as a sort of blanket on the ground to help keep them warm.” They process cattle at 15-18 months old and he has learned it takes time to build an inventory, especially right now because it is hard to get an appointment at the processor. Chris has a core group of customers that keep him busy. “My customers definitely keep me busy,” Chris said. “But it is rewarding because they never have a bad comment. Many customers stick around because once they try it, they say it is the best steak

they have ever had.” Customers of Yokeley Farms are always willing to try new cuts of beef they may have never had before. An example is the coulotte which is a top sirloin steak known for its tenderness and flavor. “I always am excited when customers try new cuts because usually it leads to it becoming their favorite cut to buy and sometimes, they want to buy all I have. My favorite cut is hanger steak. It is full of flavor,” Chris said. Chris went to school for advertising but doesn’t like to advertise. They have a Facebook page and website, but mainly rely on word of mouth to market their beef. The have built a loyal customer base and usually sell out of everything but ground beef. Yokeley Farms welcomes visitors in the area to come out to their farm to buy some Shorthorn beef. You won’t be disappointed! =

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Beef Blurb

Shelby director of youth activities, Diehm director of marketing & communications

A Season for Thanks As November rolls around and the weather is getting chilly, it is the season for giving thanks and there are so many items on the list this year. It has been a good 2021 and we have persevered through the continuing pandemic. We had record breaking numbers for a fantastic National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. I am thankful for the junior members and their families who attended the show in Louisville, Kentucky – they are the reason for the NJSS. We can’t forget about the many sponsors and donors who give to the junior programs to ensure the future of the breed. Their support is what backs the junior national and makes the event possible.


As we begin planning for the 2022 NJSS in Kansas City, Missouri, we already have breeders who have graciously donated lots in their annual sales. We appreciate their support of the junior programs, and we are excited to see the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund take off this year. We look forward to seeing its continued growth! Many of you are aware of our annual junior fundraiser Deck the Stalls held during North American International Livestock Exposition. This year we have asked breeders to donate live or genetic lots in this sale. These donors will become part of the Royal Society Club for their donation. Our hope with this fundraiser is to provide a way for

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breeders that don’t have an annual sale to still contribute and receive recognition. Be on the lookout for our listing of these donations. If you wish to donate, contact a junior board member or myself to add a lot. Thank you to everyone who provides their support to the junior association. They are the future of the breed, and that future is bright. =

Keystone International Livestock Exposition

KILE Harrisburg, PA


Shorthorn Show Honoree Dr. Raymond Ediger

Even as a little kid, growing up in Oregon, Dr. Raymond Ediger loved cattle, but since 1976, the Shorthorn breed of cattle have been his passion. It all started so simply. As a veterinarian he was visiting Holly Hill Farm owned by the now deceased Robert Richie, Ijamsville, Maryland. When Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia dispersed their performance-based Shorthorn herd, Mr. Richie purchased most of them. At that time, the Holly Hill herd was one of the largest purebred shorthorn herds in the State of Maryland. During Dr. Ediger’s April 1976 visit, he saw a cow that had had twin heifer calves. She had accepted one but the other she was knocking around. It was getting beat up and was weak. That evening he mentioned to his wife about the poor little calf. She said, “what are you going to do about it.” He said, “I hate to see a calf beat around like that on this chilly April night. I am going to call and see if he will sell the calf,” and that was the beginning of the Shorthorn herd at Green Spring Farm. The calf was kept in a big box on the porch, given a lot of TLC until she was strong enough to go to the barn. She was named Countess Mari-Ann x3617563. Dr. Ediger’s herd to this day is essentially a closed herd. Although many AI performance-based sires have been used over the years, only three genetically out-crossed females have been added to the herd. All of the other cattle trace back in some way to the original

Mari-Ann. One of Dr. Ediger’s favorite bulls Wolf Ridge Samson POC 35 and presently RDE Boxman 410. Mari-Ann had five sets of twins and her daughters also had multiple sets of twins. She had stayability. She was an active member of the herd until 19 years of age. To the end she had great feet, legs and a beautiful udder. Time it’s toll with a little grey around the muzzle and a sway back. From the beginning of the Green Spring herd, performance was the primary emphasis in the breeding decisions with special emphasis on feet, legs, udders, and dispositions. Purchasing a scale to weigh the cattle was one of the best investments ever made. Although when the herd was small, emotions played a role in which heifers in which heifers to keep. As the herd enlarged the scale made the decisions. In 2009, Dr. Ediger disbursed 185 head at a public sale with cattle going to 9 different states. Dr. Ediger is a strong advocate of knowing one’s market. He wanted cattle that would be profitable and pretty to look at as well. His largest market over the years has been 4H and FFA members. These youngsters have had many champions, and rate-of-gain and carcass winners. Many of these purchases have resulted in new Shorthorn herds or Shorthorns to compliment crossbreeding programs. Dr. Ediger feels strongly about the 4H program and has served as a leader for close to 60 years. The number of classes and workshops on veterinary science and animal care that he has

conducted are too numerous to count. This includes the now legacy hands-on castration party. Dr. Ediger has been the recipient of numerous awards including Building of the Breed 2011, the Top Hat Award when president of the Maryland Cattleman’s Association, the Maryland Governor’s Citation for Bravery for saving the life of a man being gored by a bull, the Dr. Raymond Ediger Award for Excellence in Agriculture awarded annually at the Maryland Science Fair, the Maryland Veterinary Medicine Lifetime Achievement Award to name a few. However, Dr. Ediger cherishes the most the many friends he has made over the years. Each year going to the National Shorthorn Annual Meeting as an attendee or delegate from Maryland has been special. He said, “No matter how old you are, at those meetings you can always learn something new.” Now at 85 years of age, he says he wants to cut back a little, maybe to just 15 cows. Some have said that they have heard that statement before and now don’t believe it. He loves those Shorthorn cows, and it is obvious to everyone from the special gleam in his eye when he is surrounded by them, each waiting for that special scratch on the shoulder. Congratulations to Dr. Raymond D. Ediger on being selected as the 2021 Keystone International Livestock Exposition Show Honoree, it is well deserved. =

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Keystone International Livestock Exposition

KILE Harrisburg, PA


National Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show 50 head – Judge: Brian Fox, Fort Morgan, Colo. by Cassie Reid

Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Champion Junior Bull, was CF Maskerade 070, exhibited by Cates Farms, Modoc, Ind. & LSA Shorthorns, Royse City, Texas. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Junior Heifer Calf, was CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET, exhibited by Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Champion Early Spring Bull Calf, was BRO Fire Starter, exhibited by Broughton Cattle Co, LLC, Silver Springs, N.Y. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Senior Female, was DVW Pretty Perfect 230, exhibited by Megan Keeney, Rocky Ridge Md.

Shorthorn exhibitors from seven states exhibited 50 head during the Keystone International Livestock Exposition, the Northeast National Show in Harrisburg, Pa. on October 9, 2021. Brian Fox of Colorado evaluated 23 Purebred Females, 6 Purebred Bulls, 15 ShorthornPlus Females and 6 ShorthornPlus Bulls. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female honors went to CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew of Gettysburg, Pa. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female was awarded to DVW Pretty Perfect 230 owned by Megan Keeney of Rocky Ridge, Md. Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull honors went to CF Maskerade 07 BW X owned by Cates Farms of Modoc, Ind. 20

and LSA Shorthorns, Royse City, Texas. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull was BRO Fire Starter owned by Broughton Cattle Co, LLC, Silver Springs, N.Y. Moving onto the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was awarded to SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET owned by Makenna Hoppa of Fremont, Mich. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female went to KANE GARW Tamale Tada 124H ET owned by Ethan Davies of Bowling Green, Ohio. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull honors went to SMCK Jameson owned by Caitlynn Kruyer of Holly, Mich.

shorthorn country = november 2021

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull was SMCK Ralphie 01DR ET owned by Caitlynn Kruyer of Holly Mich. Other champions include: Open Purebred Female Show Divisions: Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – IKES Rosie, Jacob Eichenlaub, Mifflinburg, Pa. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SJQ SWF Caroline 2160 BW ET, SaJo-Quin Livestock, Inc. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – LPA Angel Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – WBB Wanda Lu 11J, Makayla Sugg, Darien Center, N.Y.

Keystone International Livestock Exposition

KILE Harrisburg, PA


Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Champion Junior Bull,was SMCK Jameson, exhibited by Caitlynn Kruyer, Holly, Mich.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Senior Female, was SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, exhibited by Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Champion Junior Bull Calf, was SMCK Ralphie 01DR ET, exhibited by Caitlynn Kruyer, Holly, Mich. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Junior Female, was KANE GARW Tamale Tada 124H ET, exhibited by Ethan Davies, Bowling Green, Ohio.

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – JS BW Miss Michelle 0J03, Ben Warfield, Marriottsville, Md. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Rexlaine Molly S11H, Elizabeth Gouger, Saylorsburg, Pa. Champion Intermediate Female – DLF Magdalena 0M18, Jacob Eichenlaub, Mifflinburg, Pa. Champion Junior Female – CF S/F Margie 093 SOL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa. Reserve Champion Junior Female – LPA Delila Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa. Reserve Champion Senior Female – Hill Haven Breathless Devon 2H, Kaitlyn Broughton, Silver Springs, N.Y. Champion Cow/Calf Pair – JASF Ruby’s Pearl 18, Jacob Eichenlaub, Mifflinburg, Pa. Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions: Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – JDH Casper 18, Billie Harnish, Petersburg, Pa. Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – LPA Moose, Madalyn

Rankin, Centerville, Pa. Champion Junior Bull Calf – SJQ Roll Tide TR, SaJo-Quin Livestock Inc., Waynesboro, Pa. Champion Intermediate Bull – H.H.F. Sampson the Charmer, Samantha Heston, Street, M.D. Open ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions: Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – Blatt Acres Renee, Hailey Blatt, Robesonia, Pa. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – DNR Loretta 2131, Haylee Riley, James Creek, Pa. Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Lady Crystal 15 Primo X ET, Haley Frazier, Jackson, Ohio Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – EJSC Electra 127G, Erin Long, New Alexandria, Pa. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Padmé Amidala 07H, Zoey Violette, Sutton, Mass. Champion Intermediate Female – TSSC LVSC Lady in Black, Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind. Reserve Champion Intermediate

Female – Bakers Millie, Kiersten Baker, James Creek, Pa. Reserve Champion Junior Female – JFK Cardi B, Hailey Blatt, Robesonia, Pa. Reserve Champion Senior Female – SJQ Demi 2002 Primo X ET, SaJo-Quin Livestock, Inc., Waynesboro, Pa. Open ShorthornPlus Bull Show Divisions: Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – BMH Stewart 06, Billie Harnish, Petersburg, Pa. Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – BMH Thunder 5, Billie Harnish, Petersburg, Pa. Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – DNR Waylon 2111, Haylee Riley, James Creek, Pa. Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – RJF Charlotte’s Wilbur 0421, Rikki Jane Frailey, Stroudsburg, Pa. Open Purebred Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – 1 Entry: 1) IKES Rosie owned by Jacob Eichenlaub.

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KILE Harrisburg, PA


Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – IKES Rosie, Jacob Eichenlaub, Mifflinburg, Pa.

Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –SJQ SWF Caroline 2160 BW ET, SaJo-Quin Livestock, Inc.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – LPA Angel Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – WBB Wanda Lu 11J, Makayla Sugg, Darien Center, N.Y.

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – JS BW Miss Michelle 0J03, Ben Warfield, Marriottsville, Md.

Champion Intermediate Female – DLF Magdalena 0M18, Jacob Eichenlaub, Mifflinburg, Pa.

Champion Junior Female – CF S/F Margie 093 SOL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.

Reserve Champion Junior Female – LPA Delila Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.

Reserve Champion Senior Female – Hill Haven Breathless Devon 2H, Kaitlyn Broughton, Silver Springs, N.Y.

Champion Cow/Calf Pair – JASF Ruby’s Pearl 18, Jacob Eichenlaub, Mifflinburg, Pa.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – LPA Moose, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa.

Champion Junior Bull Calf – SJQ Roll Tide TR, SaJo-Quin Livestock Inc., Waynesboro, Pa.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – 3 Entries: 1) LPA Angel Dolly owned by Madalyn Rankin; 2) CCFarm The Mighty Bug owned by Ryan Leister; 3) JLA April 211 owned by Jordan Armagost. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1) SJQ SWF Caroline 2160 BW ET owned by SaJo-Quin Livestock

Inc.; 2) HFA Dixie’s Dream owned by Annette Braun; 3) JTH White Pride 1 owned by Billie Harnish. Junior Heifer Calves – 3 Entries: 1) CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew; 2) WBB Wanda Lu 11J owned by Makayla Sugg; 3) SMCK Dublin Y12 owned by Morgan McKay. Junior Heifer Calves – 1 Entry: 1)

SJQ Red Night Rose SOL ET owned by SaJo-Quin Livestock Inc. Senior Heifer Calves – 2 Entries: 1) JS BW Miss Michelle 0J03 owned by Ben Warfield; 2) Rexlaine Molly S11H owned by Elizabeth Gouger. Late Spring Yearling Females – 1 Entry: 1) DLF Magdalena 0M18 owned by Jacob Echenlaub.


shorthorn country = november 2021

KILE Harrisburg, PA

ShorthornPlus Show


Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – DNR Loretta 2131, Haylee Riley, James Creek, Pa.

Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Lady Crystal 15 Primo X ET, Haley Frazier, Jackson, Ohio

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Padmé Amidala 07H, Zoey Violette, Sutton, Mass.

Champion Intermediate Female – TSSC LVSC Lady in Black, Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind.

Reserve Champion Senior Female – SJQ Demi 2002 Primo X ET, SaJo-Quin Livestock, Inc., Waynesboro, Pa.

Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – DNR Waylon 2111, Haylee Riley, James Creek, Pa.

Shorthorn Female picture not available: ShorthornPlus Female pictures not available: ShorthornPlus Bull pictures not available: Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Rexlaine Molly S11H, Elizabeth Gouger, Saylorsburg, Pa.

Shorthorn Bull pictures not available:

Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – Blatt Acres Renee, Hailey Blatt, Robesonia, Pa.

Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – BMH Stewart 06, Billie Harnish, Petersburg, Pa.

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – EJSC Electra 127G, Erin Long, New Alexandria, Pa.

Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – BMH Thunder 5, Billie Harnish, Petersburg, Pa.

Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – JDH Casper 18, Billie Harnish, Petersburg, Pa.

Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – Bakers Millie, Kiersten Baker, James Creek, Pa.

Champion Intermediate Bull – H.H.F. Sampson the Charmer, Samantha Heston, Street, M.D.

Reserve Champion Junior Female – JFK Cardi B, Hailey Blatt, Robesonia, Pa.

Early Spring Yearling Females – 4 Entries: 1) CF S/F Margie 093 Sol X ET owned by Keegan McGrew; 2) LPA Delila Dolly owned by Madalyn Rankin; 3) Hill Haven Myrtle Bo Alice 24H owned by Makayla Sugg. Junior Yearling Females – 2 Entries: 1) DVW Pretty Perfect 230 owned by Megan Keeney; 2) Hill Haven Breathless Devon 2H owned by Kaitlyn Broughton. Two-Year Old Cow/Calf Class – 1 Entry: 1) JASF Ruby’s Pearl 18 owned by Jacob Eichenlaub. Open Purebred Bull Class Placings: Late Spring Bull Calves – 1 Entry: 1) JDH Casper 18 owned by Billie Harnish. Early Spring Bull Calves – 2 Entries: 1) BRO Fire Starter owned by Broughton Cattle Co LLC; 2) LPA Moose owned by Madalyn Rankin. Junior Bull Calves – 1 Entry: 1) SJQ Roll Tide TR owned by SaJo-Quin Livestock Inc. Summer Yearling Bulls – 1 Entry: 1) H.H.F. Sampson the Charmer owned by Samantha Heston.

Early Spring Yearling Bulls – 1 Entry: 1) CF Maskerade 070 BW X owned by Cates Farms & LSA Shorthorns. Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Early Spring Heifer Calves – 2 Entries: 1) Blatt Acres Renee owned by Hailey Blatt; 2) DNR Loretta 2131. Junior Heifer Calves – 1 Entry: 1) RJF Adah’s Star 04212 owned by Rikki Jane Frailey. Junior Heifer Calves – 2 Entries: 1) CF Lady Crystal 15 Primo X ET owned by Haley Frazier. Senior Heifer Calves – 1 Entry: 1) Padmé Amidala 07H owned by Zoey Violette. Summer Yearling Females – 1 Entry: 1) Bakers Millie owned by Kiersten Baker. Late Spring Yearling Females – 2 Entries: 1) TSSC LSVC Lady in Black owned by Eli Walther; 2) RRFAJ Athena owned by Amanda Joy Rapp. Early Spring Yearling Females – 3 Entries: 1) KANE GARW Tamale Tada

Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – RJF Charlotte’s Wilbur 0421, Rikki Jane Frailey, Stroudsburg, Pa.

124H ET owned by Ethan Davies; 2) JFK Cardi B owned by Hailey Blatt; 3) HFA Stellas Beauty owned by Annette Braun. Junior Yearling Females – 3 Entries: 1) SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET owned by Makenna Hoppa; 2) SJQ Demi 2002 Primo X ET owned by SaJoQuin Livestock Inc.; 3) H.H.F. Miss Ellie May owned by Samantha Heston. Open ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings: Late Spring Bull Calves – 2 Entries: 1) BMH Stewart 06 owned by Billie Harnish; 2) BMH Thunder 5 owned by Billie Harnish. Early Spring Bull Calves – 2 Entries: 1) DNR Waylon 2111 owned by Haylee Riley; 2) RJF Charolotte’s Wilbur 0421 owned by Rikki Jane Frailey. Junior Bull Calves – 1 Entry: 1) SMCK Ralphie 01DR ET owned by Caitlynn Kruyer. Junior Yearling Bulls – 1 Entry: 1) SMCK Jameson owned by Caitlynn Kruyer. =

shorthorn country = november 2021 23

Junior Corner

Tayler ajsa Bacon secretary


Thankful resign my leadership role on the board a few months early. Without the support of my parents none of this would have been possible. To my mom especially, THANK YOU. You have been my biggest supporter in following my dreams and fueling my passion for the Shorthorn breed and for that I am forever grateful. To my team, thank you for all the continued support through this transition. You are all going to do great things for yourselves and this breed. I can’t wait to cheer you on from the sidelines. To Shelby, thank you for letting me bounce around my crazy ideas with you and always being there with great advice for any circumstance. I am thankful for everyone that I have gotten to meet along the way. My passion that I have for this breed and the people isn’t going anywhere. I will still continue to support the breed that has given me so much. I look forward to being engaged in the American Shorthorn Association in many other ways in the future. Thank you for this opportunity and I will see you down the road. =

contact shelby@shorthorn.org if you have questions

American Shorthorn Association Interns • 3 positions for Summer 2022 • Communications, Youth Activities & Registrations • Open to agricultural majors • 2-3 months experience at a breed out of this world association . 2022 kc, MO


President :: Korbin Collins Vice President :: Miller Smith Secretary :: Tayler Bacon Public Relations :: Faye Smith Director :: Colton Hulsey Director :: Ryan Lane Director :: Merideth Behrens Director :: Xavier Ferris Director :: Sheridan Fox

Upcoming Junior Nationals 2022 • Kansas City, MO 2023 • Des Moines, IA 2024 • TBA 2025 • TBA * Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *

Words of Advice

Application due Nov. 20, 2021

national Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference

Junior Board

Application Info at juniorshorthorn.org/opportunities/internships/

shorthorn country = november 2021

“Detours aren’t dead ends - they’re opportunities you didn’t originally consider. Try to enjoy the detour what seems like an obstacle is usually taking us to a better place.”

There is so much to be thankful for but being on the American Junior Shorthorn Association Board of Directors is definitely at the top of the list. From the people you meet, to the places you’ll go it’s just the beginning. We as a Shorthorn breed have so much to be thankful for; our parents, our sponsors, and the great people who share our love of the breed. Over the last two years, it has been an honor serving on the AJSA Board of Directors. It has been the most influential group of people that I have ever had the privilege to be involved with. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on this board and the wonderful people that come with it. The AJSA board has prepared me for my professional life and given me many opportunities. I am forever grateful. We have accomplished many great things, and I see a bright future for not only the board but the association. Due to some life changes I respectfully resign from the AJSA Board of Directors. Writing this letter is extremely difficult, and the words do not come easy as it truly breaks my heart. However, I must

Keystone International Livestock Exposition

KILE Harrisburg, PA


Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show 33 head – Judge: Ryan Rash, Crockett, Texas by Cassie Reid

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Junior Heifer Calf, was CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET, exhibited by Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Junior Female, was KANE GARW Tamale Tada 124H ET, exhibited by Ethan Davies, Bowling Green, Ohio.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Junior Female, was DVW Pretty Perfect 230, exhibited by Megan Keeney, Rocky Ridge Md. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Junior Heifer Calf, was CF Lady Crystal 15 Primo X ET, exhibited by Haley Frazier, Jackson, Ohio.

On October 10, 2021, Junior Shorthorn exhibitors competed at the Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show at KILE in Harrisburg, Pa. Judge Ryan Rash of Crockett, Texas evaluated 15 Shorthorn Females and 18 ShorthornPlus Females. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female honors went to CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew of Gettysburg, Pa. In addition to her Grand Champion honors in the Junior Shorthorn Show, this heifer also went on to be the Reserve Supreme Champion Junior Breeding Beef Female! Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female was awarded to DVW Pretty Perfect 230 owned by Megan Keeney of Rocky Ridge, Md. Moving onto the ShorthornPlus show,

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was awarded to KANE GARW Tamale Tada 124H ET exhibited by Ethan Davies of Bowling Green, Ohio. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female honors went to CF Lady Crystal 15 Primo X ET owned by Haley Frazier of Jackson, Ohio. Other champions include: Junior Purebred Female Show Divisions: Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf & Champion Bred & Owned – LPA Angel Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Rexlaine Molly S11H, Elizabeth Gouger, Saylorsburg, Pa. Reserve Champion Junior Female – CF S/F Margie 093 SOL X ET, Keegan

McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa. Reserve Champion Bred & Owned – LPA Delila Dolly, Madalyn Rankin, Centerville, Pa. Junior ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions: Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf & Champion Bred & Owned – Blatt Acres Renee, Hailey Blatt, Robesomia, Pa. Champion Intermediate Female – TSSC LVSC Lady in Black, Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female & Reserve Champion Bred & Owned – Bakers Millie, Kiersten Baker, James Creek, Pa. Reserve Champion Junior Female – SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich. =

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Show Results

Western Idaho Fair - Super Regional Show West Region – 66 head – Judge: Kyle Gillooly, Wadley, Georgia by Cassie Reid

Kyle Gillooly of Wadley, Ga. evaluated 66 Shorthorns during the Western Idaho Fair in Boise, Idaho on Thursday, August 26, 2021. In total, 38 Purebred Females, 27 Purebred Bulls and 1 ShorthornPlus Female competed for the top honors. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female was awarded went to GSC Rosie Ransom 3654 owned by Greg Cardey of Turlock, Calif. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female honors went to BAG Jazzy Crimson Clover owned by BAG Farms, LLC of Emmett, Idaho. Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull was selected as GSC Studer 3780 owned by Greg Cardy of Turlock, Calif. Taking home the Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull award was Don Cardey of Turlock, Calif., with LC Studer 3982. Other Champions Include: Shorthorn Females: Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CRC Augusta Queen 4355, Chris Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – LC Royal Cathern 4313, Nora Olson, Turlock, Calif. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – BAG Clover Dream Faith 327J, BAG Farms, LLC, Emmett, Idaho. Champion Junior Heifer Calf – LC Augusta Pat 4111, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – S T Nellie Rose 2104, Tom Leppert, Mountain Home, Idaho.

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – LC August Pat 4025, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – JT Betty Angel 4014, J T Ranch, Turlock, Calif. Champion Intermediate Female – CB/S Billie Jean 107H, Siera Horton, Eagle, Idaho. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – GSC Rosie Ransom 3878, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Champion Junior Female – AGLE Jazzy 20 ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Saint Ignatius, Mont. Reserve Champion Junior Female – GSC Sweetheart 3778, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Champion Senior Female – GSC Rosie Ransom 3654, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Reserve Champion Senior Female – CAS Pipers Holly 1905, Tom Leppert, Mountain Home, Idaho. Champion Cow/Calf Pair – BAG Jazzy Crimson Clover, BAG Farms, LLC, Emmett, Idaho. Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair – PHF Nellie 305F, Tom Leppert, Mountain Home, Idaho. Shorthorn Bulls: Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – S T Strawberry Pioneer 2112, Tom Leppert, Mountain Home, Idaho. Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – LC Gold Label 4334, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Champion Early Spring Bull Calf –

S T Bettys Top Cat 2107, Tom Leppert, Mountain Home, Idaho. Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – GSC2 Studer 4213, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Champion Junior Bull Calf – JT Studer 4112, J T Ranch, Turlock, Calif. Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – BAG Jazzy Crimson Copper 218J, BAG Farm, LLC, Emmett, Idaho. Champion Senior Bull Calf – LC Studer 3982, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf – GSC2 Gold Label4037, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Champion Intermediate Bull – GSC Studer 3948, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull – LC Gold Lael 3884, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Champion Junior Bull – GSC Studer 3780, Greg Cardy, Turlock, Calif. Reserve Champion Junior Bull – CAS Improvement 2006, Tom Leppert, Mountain Home, Idaho. Champion Senior Bull – JT Studer 3520, J T Ranch, Turlock, Calif. Reserve Champion Senior Bull – CTC Studer 3298, Christ Cardey, Turlock, Calif. In the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion Female was selected from the Intermediate Female division, SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510H ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson of Saint Ignatius, Mont. =

Washington State Fair - Regional Show West Region – 42 head – Judge: Joe Malson, Parma, Idaho by Cassie Reid

Grand Champion Purebred Shorthorn Female: AGLE Jazzy 20 ET exhibited by Kyia Hendrickson of Saint Ignatius, Mont. Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Shorthorn Female: GSC Rosie Ransom owned by Greg Cardey of Turlock, Calif.


Grand Champion Purebred Shorthorn Bull: LC Gold Label 4334 owned by Don Cardey of Turlock, Calif. Reserve Grand Champion Purebred Shorthorn Bull: JT Studer 3520 shown by J T Ranch of Turlock, Calif.

shorthorn country = november 2021

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female: SULL S/T Cull Sweet Dreams 5010H owned by Kyia Hendrickson of Saint Ignatius, Mont. =

ASA Hotel Information for Upcoming Events 2022 NAILE - Super National Show * Our headquarters hotel has changed due to new lower rates the Crowne is offering *

Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport 830 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY 40209 $129/night Reservation cut-off: Monday, October 11, 2021 Reservations may be made by calling hotel reservation line at 1-877-227-6963 Additional Information: Complimentary Parking based on availability Complimentary Airport Shuttle Basic Wireless Internet included in room rate

2022 Cattlemen’s Congress - Super National Show Best Western Saddleback Inn 4300 SW 3rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73108 King: $74.99/night • Queen: $79.99/night • King Suite: $112.99/night • Queen Suite: $124.99/night Cutoff date: December 22, 2021 Call 405-947-7000 to book, Reference American Shorthorn Block Additional Information: Hot breakfast included Complimentary internet and parking

Hilton Garden Inn Oklahoma City Airport 801 S Meridian Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73108 • 405-942-1400 $99/night Cutoff date: December 22, 2021 Booking link: https://shorthorn.org/show/cattlemens-congress/ Additional Information: Hot breakfast buffet included Complimentary internet and parking

2022 Junior National Hotel Info Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center 2345 McGee St., Kansas City, MO 64106 $134/night Block opens August 1, 2021 • Must be canceled by 3 pm June 1, 2022 to receive full refund. Reservations may be made by calling Marriott reservations at 1-866-932-6214 or by using our custom link found on https://juniorshorthorn.com/accommodations/ Additional Information: Complimentary basic wireless internet Overnight self-parking $10

shorthorn country = november 2021 27

Sale Reports Shadybrook Shorthorns ‘Decades of Excellence’ Sale Summary

1 Cow/Calf Pair................$ 12,300....................$ 12,300 13 Bred Cows...................$ 112,950.................$ 8,689 14 Bred Heifers.................$ 76,500....................$ 5,464 4 Open Heifers.................$ 25,500...................$ 6,375 32 Breeding Lots............$ 227,250................$ 7,102 2 Pregnancies.................$ 15,000.................$ 7,500 5 Embryo Packages.......$ 19,700.................$ 3,940 4 Semen Packages.........$ 6,625...................$ 1,656 Sale Gross $268,575 2 Donation Lots $2,600

Saturday, September 11, 2021 Shadybrook Farm West Brome, Quebec, Canada Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Sears Marketing Services, LLC by: Darryl Rahn

A good crowd gathered at Shadybrook Farm for this year’s presentation of the Decades of Excellence sale. This was a high quality group of females from leading genetics offered to those in attendance and many buyers on the internet and on the phones. This snappy sale saw top prices given for these top individuals. Congratulations to Laurence Pathy and the entire Shadybrook crew for the presentation of a great event. $30,000 - Lot 4 - Bred Cow Shadybrook Perfect 7G. A red, polled 2019 daughter of Leveldale Boardwalk


530C and out of Shadybrook Perfect 88B selling Bred to Shadybrook-PL Fire Chief 18H for a March 2022 calf. This is truly an impressive female. She has the dimension and style to make her a donor quality female. From the Perfect female line that is a leader at SBF, Purchased by Millbrook Farm of Brome, Quebec and Diamond Cattle Co of Crossfield, Alberta. $25,000 - Lot 1 - Bred Cow Shadybrook Hot Verona 56E ET. A RWM, polled 2017 daughter of Free K-Kim Hot Commodity and out of SBF Veronica 92Y selling bred to Hill Haven Firestorm 28C for an early 2022 calf. This is a truly an impressive female. She is a past Champion at the Toronto Royal and has already produced a herd sire for Hill Side Farm in Tennessee. Her mating to Firestorm should be extra special. Purchased by Merideth Land and Cattle of Fayette, Missouri. $15,000 - Lot 1A - Bred Heifer Shadybrook Veronique 105H. A RWM, polled April 2020 daughter of BGS Profitwise 1767 and out of Shadybrook Hot Veronica 92F ET selling bred to JSF Times Square 120G for a Spring 2022 calf. This one was at the top of a powerful set of bred heifers in this sale. She has all the potential to be in the

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donor pen. Purchased by Poplar Lane Farm of Caledon, Ontario. $12,300 - Lot 14 - Pair - Waukaru 2047 Minnie 6022. A red, polled 2016 daughter of Waukaru Orion 2047 ET and out of Waukaru Minnie 7063 selling bred to Muridale Thermal Energy 15A for an early 2022 calf. At her side was a rwm, polled January 2021 daughter of HC Cruiser 59C. This was a great pair of females. A really impressive cow and a fancy heifer calf at side. The cow was purchased by Bell M Farms of Englefeld, Saskatchewan and the calf by Roger Chartrand of Ste Agathe de Lotbiniere, Quebec. $11,000 - Lot 2 - Bred Cow Shadybrook Max Rosa 28E. A roan, polled 2017 daughter of Shadybrook Hot Shot 88A and out of SULL Teets Max Rosa ET selling bred to BSG Profitwise 1767 for an early 2022 calf. This was another impressive female that comes from the famed Max Rosa line. She has predictability bred into her and will be a future donor in her new home. Purchased by Cornerstone Farms of Winchester, Indiana. =

The Great Shorthorn Revival 2021 Sale Summary

17 Open Heifers...............$ 246,700.................$ 14,512 6 Bulls................................$ 73,900....................$ 12,317 5 Cow/Calf Pairs..............$ 47,400....................$ 9,480 3 Bred Heifers...................$ 14,500...................$ 4,833 1 Bred Cow.......................$ 2,750......................$ 2,750 32 Breeding Lots............$ 385,250................$ 12,039 10 Pregnancies..............$ 79,750.................$ 7,975 20 Embryo Packages.....$ 90,400.................$ 4,520 20 Semen Packages.......$ 28,825.................$ 1,441 Sale Gross $584,225

Saturday, September 25, 2021 Little Cedar Cattle Co. Beaverton, Michigan Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Little Cedar Management by: Darryl Rahn

What a day! A great set of cattle on offer as well as an unequaled offering of frozen genetics. This sale offering went above and beyond any that have been offered in this sale in the past. Represented were some of the greatest cow families in the breed today. And the quality. Oh my, there were many, many top end individuals in this sale. The bidding was very active in the seats and the internet was there on almost all lots. In the end, it was one to remember. Congratulations to Steve and Julie and all their guest consignors for making this day and this sale really special. $46,000 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer - Little Cedar EF Margie WW 2124. A rwm, polled March 4, 2021 daughter of Little

Cedar Worldwide 1979 ET and out of Little Cedar Margie 611 AV 1914 ET. What a way to start. The first Worldwide daughter to sell at auction and a great one. She has all the pieces to be a great one her whole life. In the show ring and as a lead donor. She is truly unique in her design and presence. Offered by Little Cedar Cattle Co and Enix Farms and purchased by Tadmore Farms of Caldwell, Texas $38,000 - Lot 10 - Open Heifer Hill Haven Breathtaker Tia 13J. A roan, polled January 20, 2021 daughter of CYT Maxim 9202 ET and out of Hill Haven Breathtaker 35Y. This is a super young show prospect that combines two of the leading female lines in the breed, Breathtaker and Max Rosa. She is attractive from all angles and has that show look every time she stops. This one will be fun. Offered by Hill Haven Shorthorns and purchased by Respite Farms of Paris, Kentucky. $37,000 - Lot 34 - Bull - Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160. A rwm, polled March 8, 2021 son of CSF Long Look HC 706 ET and out of WAT Flightpath Cumberland 115E. This is one of the top sire prospects to sell anywhere. The Long Look progeny are proving to be among the top in the breed. This one can be a great show bull and a top of the line AI sire in the future. His pedigree alone makes him a desired future herd sire. Offered by Little Cedar Cattle Co and Woodlawn Farms and purchased by Enix Farms of

Centennial, Colorado. $33,000 - Lot 7B - Open Heifer Armstrong Lady Crystal 2105 ET. A white, polled January 5, 2021 daughter of Armstrong Easy Rider 1603 and out of SULL Lady Crystal 434P-6 ET. This is a beautiful white young female that has all the pieces to make her a great one. A great designed female with a super feminine front end. She will surely compete, Offered by Armstrong Farms and Benjamin P. Allen and purchased by Neal Christenson of Butler, Pennsylvania. $24,000 - Lot 21 - Open Heifer - Little Cedar Perfect Picture L 2101. A rwm, polled March 18, 2021 daughter of CSF Long Look HC 706 ET and out of MAV Picture Perfect ET. Another of the top progeny of Long Look. This heifer drew a ton of interest prior to the sale. She is really well made and has the dimension and show look to make her one to look for this coming show season. Offered by Little Cedar Cattle Co and purchased by Enix Farms of Centennial, Colorado. $23,500 - Lot 11 - Open Heifer - Little Cedar Rose Mary HC 2181 ET. A rwm, polled February 26, 2021 daughter of Free K-Kim Hot Commodity and out of SULL Rose Mary’s Goose ET. Another in the group of outstanding open heifers to sell in this sale. This one comes from a line of Champions produced with these genetics. This one will also be in the purple. Offered by Little Cedar Cattle Co and purchased by Woodlawn Farms of Creston, Illinois. =

Fall Harvest Shorthorn Production Sale Sale Summary

3 Cow/Calf Pairs..............$ 10,050....................$ 3,350 14 Bred Cows...................$ 34,100....................$ 2,436 26 Bred Heifers.................$ 59,800....................$ 2,300 5 Open Heifers.................$ 13,550...................$ 2,710 1 Bull.................................$ 1,550......................$ 1,550 49 Breeding Lots............$ 119,050................$ 2,430 1 Steer............................$ 1,900...................$ 1,900 6 Embryo Packages.......$ 2,130...................$ 355 2 Semen Packages.........$ 1,100...................$ 550 Sale Gross $124,180

Sunday, September 26, 2021 Platte County AgPark Columbus, Nebraska Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Sears Marketing Services, LLC by: Darryl Rahn

The bidding was active at this annual sale of top quality cattle presented by Warner Ranch and their guest consignors. Bidding in the seats and active internet bidding made this sale the best it has been. Congratulations to the Warners and all involved for the presentation of a quality event. $4,900 - Lot 20 - Bred Heifer - BOS

Lady Ann 537. A roan, polled March 2020 daughter of Studer’s Envoy 39E and out of BOS Lady Ann 10th selling bred to BOS Big Valley 517 for a Spring 2021 calf. This was one of the top end in a great set of bred heifers in this sale. Very complete and attractive, she will be a great addition to her new herd. Offered by Sha Ron Farms and purchased by Shorthorn Revival of Couch, Missouri. $4,500 - Lot 21 - Bred Heifer - RJS Dream Lady. A roan, polled March 2020 daughter of Fa-Mei-R White Baron and out of BOS Dream Lady 474 selling bred to Muridale Rawhide 6X for an early 2021 calf. This was a favorite of many at the sale. Well balanced with the dimension everyone like to see. Offered by Sha Ron Farms and purchased by Joyce Cudmore of Clarkson, Nebraska. $4,000 - Lot 44 - Bred Cow - Waukaru Rosewood 6005. A red, polled 2016 daughter of Waukaru Forward 4003 and out of Waukaru Rosewood 2185 selling bred to Spry’s Gigabyte N122 for a Spring 2021 calf. This female is very impressive in her length and design. She will make a great brood cow for her new owner. Offered by

Waukaru Farms and purchased by Sammy Richardson of Marlow, Oklahoma. $3,550 - Lot 17 - Pair - WR 62W Mandy 732 ET. A rwm, polled 2017 daughter of Alta Cedar Code Red 62W and out of WR Mandy D 916 ET selling bred to Muridale Rawdide 6E for a Spring 2021 calf. At her side was a red, polled March 24, 2021 daughter of WR 38Y Captain Marvel 471. This is a super young pair of females that will be great additions to any program. Offered by Warner Ranch, the cow was purchased by Bill Betteridge of Bunceton, Missouri and the calf by Sha Ron Farms of Columbus, Nebraska. $3,500 - Lot 13 - Bred Cow - WR WCR 5C19 Rita 823. A roan, polled 2018 daughter of WCR Duty SC19 and out of Shalimar Rita 5539 selling bred to Muridale Rawhide 6E for a Spring 2021 calf. This was a high quality young female that has a great productive life ahead of her in her new herd. She has all the makings of a herd leader. Offered by Warner Ranch and purchased by Joyce Cudmore of Clarkson, Nebraska. =

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GCC ‘Where Great Females Make a Difference’ Sale Summary

20 Open Heifers...............$ 139,400.................$ 6,970 6 Open Plus Heifers.........$ 31,200...................$ 5,200 11 Bred Heifers.................$ 52,900....................$ 4,814 9 Bred Cows.....................$ 41,300....................$ 4,589 2 Bulls................................$ 8,200......................$ 4,100 48 Breeding Lots............$ 273,000................$ 5,688 1 Pregnancy...................$ 8,000...................$ 8,000 2 Embryo Packages.......$ 9,400...................$ 4,700 10 Semen Packages.......$ 11,870.................$ 1,187 1 Semen Tank...............$ 950......................$ 950 Sale Gross $303,220

Saturday, October 2, 2021 Greenhorn Cattle Co Farm Waynesville, Ohio Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn

A beautiful day welcomed the crowd to this year’s sale at GCC. They found a group of top quality Shorthorns on display in every pen. As usual, the fancy open show heifer prospects were just outstanding. There was also a top group of bred females that were deep in quality. The snappy sale saw active bidding of these cattle from the seats as well a very active internet. Congratulations to David, Josh, Kolton and all the consignors for the presentation of a high quality event. $22,500 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer TAD Premium Margie 2J Max ET. A rwm, polled March 20, 2021 daughter of CYT Maxim 8202 ET and out of GCC Turners Margie 542 E ET. This

was a great way to start the sale. A great young female by Maxim and out of one of the top donor cows in the breed today. Margie 542 was a Champion and is producing Champions. This will be another in that line. Offered by Decker Farms and Greenhorn and purchased by Nollswood Shorthorns of Mineral Point, Wisconsin. $22,000 - Lot 2 - Open Heifer GCC Missing Mirage 2120 ET. A roan, polled March 3, 2021 daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and out of CYT Missing Mirage 2120 ET. This was a real fan favorite among those at the sale. By the National Champion Red Knight and out another of the top donors in the breed. This one has all the pieces to make her a Champion on her own. Offered by Greenhorn and purchased by Turner Family Shorthorns of Mahomet, Illinois. $18,000 - Lot 4A - Open Heifer GCC Traveling Ruby ET 903 ET. A r/w, polled January 6, 2021 daughter of SULL Right Direction ET and out of SULL Traveling Ruby ET. This one is a really fancy young prospect by Right Direction and goes back to the National Champion HD Ruby 903 female. She has a beautiful front 1/3 of her body to go with the show look everyone loves. Offered by Greenhorn and Walker Farm and purchased by Lisa Hendrickson of Charlo, Montana. $15,000 - Lot 1C - Bred Heifer GCC Hot Margie 942 ET. A rwm, polled November 2019 daughter of Free

K-Kim Hot Commodity and out of GCC Turners Margie 542 E ET selling bred to SULL Boogie Knight for a Fall 2021 calf. This one rose to the top of an outstanding group of bred heifers. This is a full sib to Omaha and a great individual. This will be a great mating to the young Red Knight son. Her calf could be a great one. Offered by Greenhorn and purchased by Beach Family Shorthorns of Syracuse, Nebraska. $13,500 - Lot 15 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - TAD Margie’s Ultra Best 3J EV. A rwm, polled daughter of CSF Evolution HC and out of TAD Margie’s Best 610 2F C ET. This was a leader in the strong group of Plus heifers in this sale. She has the dimension and show look that all like to see. She will be a contender in the Plus shows this show season. Offered by Greenhorn and Decker Farms and purchased by Sadie J Farms of Reed City, Michigan. $10,000 - Lot 1B - Open Heifer GCC TRN CC Margie 211 - A rwm, polled May 17, 2021 daughter of DJS The Outsider and out of GCC Turners Margie 542 E ET. Another top daughter of 542 to sell in this sale. She has great hip and body structure with a definite show look. The Outsider progeny are some leaders in show ring as well as in the pasture, Offered by Greenhorn, Turner and Double C and purchased by HR Farms of Cumberland, Ohio. =

North American Schedule (NAILE) - 2021 Thursday, Nov. 11 12 noon Cattle may arrive

Sunday, Nov. 14 8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn Heifer Show - Freedom Hall

Friday, Nov. 12 9 a.m. - 12 noon Check-In: Open & Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus females and bulls

Monday, Nov. 15 8:00 a.m. Jack C. Ragsdale National ShorthornPlus Show - Freedom Hall followed by Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show Freedom Hall Presentation of Show Honoree - Hugh W. Moore Jr. & Sons

Saturday, Nov. 13 TBD Junior ShorthornPlus Heifer Show - Broadbent Arena 10:00 a.m. AJSA Funding the Future/Deck the Stalls raffle tickets on sale 4:00 p.m. or TBD Deck the Stalls Extravaganza Fundraiser


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Cattle released at conclusion of show. Stalling Requests: Send ALL stalling requests to Wade by Nov. 1- wade@shorthorn.org

Family Legacies Sale Sale Summary

31 Bred Heifers.................$ 86,550....................$ 2,792 14 Bred Cows...................$ 27,550....................$ 1,968 24 Open Heifers...............$ 52,800....................$ 2,200 4 Open Plus Heifers.........$ 31,200...................$ 5,013 73 Breeding Lots............$ 186,950................$ 2,561 3 Semen Packages.........$ 2,250...................$ 750 Sale Gross $189,200 Donation Lot $825

Saturday October 9, 2021 The Studer Farm Creston, Iowa Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Studer Shorthorns by: Darryl Rahn

A large crowd gathered for this sale in Creston. This year’s offering was a step up in overall quality for this event. There was an especially strong set of bred heifers offered by the Studers and the Gilmans. Their pedigrees and service sires made them favorites for many at the sale and on the internet. Couple that with a quality set of show heifer prospects made this snappy sale a really super event. Congratulations to the owners and all involved for presenting an outstanding set of Shorthorn genetics. $8,000 - Lot 5 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - Gilaman’s Sweet Lady 56J ET. A black, polled March 2, 2021 daughter of Colburn Primo 5153 and out of SM Sweet Lady ET. This is really a good one. Impeccable in her design and with the volume and great front end that make her a top show heifer. Primo continues to sire the right kind of plus heifers. Offered by Gilman Shorthorns an purchased by Sarah Anderegg of Mason City, Iowa.

$7,200 - Lot 3 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - DSF Fort Flame 24J. A roan, polled February 8, 2021 daughter of Saskvalley Footprint 284F and out of DSF Fort Flame 7D. Another of the top of the line plus heifers in this sale. She is a 7/8 blood so she will produce purebred offspring when bred to a Shorthorn bull. But first, she will certainly be a show winner. She is really good. Offered by Studer Shorthorns and purchased by Bill Gay of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. $6,000 - Lot 38 - Bred Heifer Gilman’s Penny 28H. A red, polled February 2020 daughter of Leveldale Cowboy Up 820F and out of Gilman’s Penny 513C selling bred with sexed heifer semen to JSF Times Square for an early Spring 2022 calf. This one rose to the top of the bred heifer group for many. Long bodied and extended front end makes this one easy to look at. She will make a great cow and an equally great donor female. Offered by Gilman’s and purchased by Merideth Land and Cattle of Fayette, Missouri. $4,700 - Lot 36 - Bred Heifer Gilman’s Vintage 17H. A red, polled February 2020 daughter of Muridale Bateman 27A and out of Gilman’s Vintage 77F selling bred to CIRCLK Gilman Dream Easy for a Spring 2022 bull calf. This was another of the top bred heifers in this group. She is a very attractive female with good numbers in her profile. She will be a top brood cow. Offered by Gilman’s and purchased by Austin Studer of Indianola, Iowa. $4,000 - Lot 18 - Open Heifer - DSF Willow 32J. A roan, polled February

14, 2021 daughter of Studer’s Distinct 67D ET and out of Muridale Willow 28C. This was easily one of the top show prospects in this sale. Her overall design and extended front make her a must see in the show ring. She will definitely compete. Just a beautifully made young female. Offered by Studer’s and purchased by Allison Counts of Warrensburg, Missouri. $4,000 - Lot 37 - Bred Heifer - DSF Velvet 23H. A red, polled February 2020 daughter of Studer’s Taylor Made 7Y and out of DSF Velvet 54C selling bred to PVF Cowmaker 20H for an early 2022 calf. The top bred heifers just kept coming in this sale. This one is by Taylor Made, one of the top breeding bulls in the breed today. She looks like a great female with her dimension and design make her one to draw to. She has already been a Champion and will produce the right kind. Offered by Studer’s and purchased by Bedwell Cattle Co. of Isabella, Oklahoma. $4,000 - Lot 39 - Bred Heifer - MNF Gilman Sweet Lady 33H. A roan, polled February 2020 daughter of GCF Fremont 815F and out of Gilman’s Sweet Lady 42E ET selling bred to Gilman’s Revive 28E for an early 2022 heifer calf. This is a beautiful female by a top son of Wall Street and out of the same female line as the top seller in this sale. This one has the look of an outstanding brood cow for many years to come. Offered by Gilman’s and purchased by Double Nickel Cattle Co of Trivoli, Illinois. =

Cattlemen’s Congress Schedule (CC) - 2022 Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:00 p.m. Arriving and Stalling Sunday, January 9, 2022 9:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen Bull & Heifer Show 6:00 p.m. “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale Monday, January 10, 2022 8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show followed by National ShorthornPlus Bull & ShorthornPlus Female Show Tuesday, January 11, 2022 8:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Female & Bull Show

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News & Notes Farewells Louis “Martin” Hamilton Jr., age 72, of Woodbine, passed away on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, at Frederick M e m o r i a l Hospital. Born March 22, 1949, in Baltimore, Maryland he was the son of the late Louis Martin Hamilton, Sr. and Margaret Brosenne Hamilton. He was the loving husband of Joanne Bordelon Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton worked as 4-H Educator in Howard County, MD for 30 years and at the time of his passing was previously employed as Executive

Secretary of the Maryland Agricultural Fair Board. He was currently serving as Secretary of the Howard County Fair Association. He was past Big Chief of the Maryland 4-H and Howard County All Stars, a member of the Lodge of a Thousand, and was a 4-H volunteer in Howard County for 50+ years. He was very active with the Maryland Shorthorn Association, and loved his church family. Mr. Hamilton raised Shorthorn beef cattle for 30 years and was selected “Builder of the Breed” in 2015. He amassed a very large collection of antique Shorthorn and Agricultural books, pictures dating back to the mid 1800’s. As much as he loved things of the past, he adored sharing stories with those in the present. His generosity, caring spirit

and laugh will be missed by many. Surviving in addition to his wife are daughter and son-in-law Rebecca and Brandon O’Neal of Bryan, TX; brothers and sisters-in-law Patrick and Laura Hamilton and Timothy and Victoria Hamilton and brother-in-law James Williams and many beloved nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by sister Trudy Williams and his parents Louis and Margaret. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Maryland 4-H Foundation - William A. Curry Endowment, 8020 Greenmead Drive, College Park, MD 20740-4000. =

John C. “Jack” Ragsdale, 95, of Prospect, KY passed away Friday October 8, 2021 at home after a long battle with Parkinson Disease. Jack was born July 6, 1926 in Indianapolis, Indiana to Forest V. and Marjorie C. Ragsdale. Jack’s early years were spent on his Aunt Betty and Uncle Loren Webb’s farm outside of Franklin, Indiana. This was the start of Jack’s love of all things dealing with agriculture. Jack attended Franklin High School and upon graduation from high school served in the Army Air Corp, WW II. Jack attended Franklin College where he was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. At Franklin college Jack met Ruth Anne Rogers,his wife of seventy one years who died in 2019. He graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Animal Science. While attending Purdue Jack served on the Purdue livestock

judging team where his score at the 1948 Chicago Livestock Exposition remained as the highest score until 1961. Upon graduating from Purdue University, Jack managed farms in Paris, Kentucky followed with managing farms for the Garvin Brown family, Prospect, KY. The management of farms for the Garvin Brown family allowed Jack to manage an elite Seed Stock and Farming Operation from 1955-1986. Jack served the purebred livestock industry for many years past president American Shorthorn Association and Kentucky Beef Cattle Association. He was instrumental in the inception of the North American International Livestock Exposition. Serving as Chairman or Chairman Emeritus until his passing. Jack was honored by having his portrait in both the Purdue University Livestock Hall of Fame and the Saddle Sirloin Portrait Gallery. Jack was an avid golfer, past member of Hunting Creek Country Club and past chairman of the Tri State golf tournaments. From the family we would like to

thank all the caregivers that made our parents later years very special: Marilyn Williams, Darlene Baker. Beverly Lawrence and LaWanda Bowman. Special gratitude to Dace Brown Stubbs. Jack was preceded in death by his wife Ruth Anne Ragsdale, grandson Joel Clark Despeaux, and his sister Marjorie Moyer. Survivors include his children Carolyn Ragsdale, Cathy Lynch (Edward Portman), David Ragsdale (Sherry), his grandchildren Sam Despeaux (Carly Calhoun), Grace Barrett (Jan), Jaclyn Ragsdale, and Clair Belknap (Ian) In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent in memory of Jack Ragsdale, Shorthorn Foundation, 18 Lovers Leap, Van Alstyne, TX 75495. There will be a Celebration of Jack’s Life during the North American International Livestock Exposition Saturday November 13, 2021 preceding the Deck The Stalls auction benefiting The American Junior Shorthorn Association. =


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Advertise Your Farm/Business Place your Business Card Advertisement Here! Contact us for more information: Darryl 217-473-1124 Cindy 217-370-6034


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Sales Calendar

Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales

Nov. 6 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, ND Nov. 8 - KAW Red Angus “Maternal Magic” Sale, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com Nov. 14 - Greenhorn Cattle Co, “Where Future Generations Are Created”, Louisville, KY

Nov. 3 - Leemon Cattle Company Online Sale, Hoopeston, Ill., wlivestock.com.

Feb. 26-27 - Leveldale Farms “Headquarters for Herd Bulls” Open House, Mason City, Ill.

Nov. 6 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, N.D.

Feb. 28 - Leveldale Farms “Headquarters for Herd Bulls” Private Treaty Bull Sale, Mason City, Ill.

Nov. 13 - 4-State Shorthorn Sale, Diamond, Mo. Nov. 14 - Greenhorn Cattle Co, “Where Future Generations Are Created”, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 20 - Norman/Ripberger “Breeders Alliance” Sale, Sidell, Ill. Nov. 21 - Farrer Stock Farms “26th Annual Dynamic Dams Sale”, Royal Center, Ind. Dec. 1-2 - Muridale Shorthorns “Muridale Heritage Sale”, Swift Current, SK, Can., farmgatetimedauctions.ca

March 3 - Bratcher Farms, Heifer and Genetic Sale, Elizabeth, Ind, amsonlinesales.com March 5 - Loving Farms, “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance” Sale, Pawnee Rock, Kan. March 5-6 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, S.D. March 5 - Kentucky National Shorthorn Sale, Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville, Ky. March 8 - Sun Country Shorthorn Sale, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Can. March 9-10 - Cates Farms, “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., amsonlinesales.com

Dec. 11 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, Ohio.

March 9-10 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, Neb., amsonlinesales.com

Jan. 9 - “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale at the Cattleman’s Congress, Oklahoma City, Okla. Feb. 1 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, N.D. Feb. 8 - Double M Cattle “Maids of the Midwest” Bred Heifer and Two Year Old Bull Sale, Rewey, Wisc., amsonlinesales.com Feb. 15 - Iowa Royal Shorthorn Sale, Iowa Beef Expo, Des Moines, Iowa. Feb. 19 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle and Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, Hickory, Pa., sconlinesales.com Feb. 26 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Bull Sale, The Cow Palace, Anita, Iowa.

Dec. 7 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND, amsonlinesales.com Dec. 11 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, OH SPRING 2022 Jan. 9 - “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale at the Cattleman’s Congress, Oklahoma City, OK

Dec. 7 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, N.D., amsonlinesales.com


Nov. 20 - Norman/Ripberger “Breeders Alliance” Sale, Sidell, IL

March 12 - Tennessee Beef Agribition Show and Sale, Lebanon, Tenn. March 19 - Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Show and Sale, Columbus, Ohio. March 19 - Waukaru Farms, “The Gathering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind. March 27 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XXVIII” Van Alstyne, Texas. April 2 - Paint Valley and Byland Shorthorns “The Bull Sale”, Millersburg, Ohio. April 9 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, Okla.

Feb. 1 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND Feb. 8 - Double M Cattle “Maids of the Midwest” Bred Heifer and Two Year Old Bull Sale, Rewey, WI, amsonlinesales.com March 3 - Bratcher Farms, Heifer and Genetic Sale, Elizabeth, IN amsonlinesales.com March 5-6 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, SD March 9-10 - Cates Farms, “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, IN, amsonlinesales.com March 9-10 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com March 27 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XXVIII” Van Alstyne, TX April 2 - Paint Valley and Byland Shorthorns “The Bull Sale”, Millersburg, OH April 9 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, OK April 23 - Springtime Revival, Fort Smith, AR

April 23 - Springtime Revival, Fort Smith, = Ark. * To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.

Online sales with a personal touch.

Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com

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Ad Index AAA Shorthorns............................. 33 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.... 37 Bennett Land & Cattle................... 33 Berg Shorthorns............................. 33 Bigelow Farms................................ 33 Bowman Superior Genetics............ 33 Brooks, Bruce................................. 36 Bye Well Shorthorns....................... 33 Byland Polled Shorthorns............... 33 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC........... 36 Cairns Shorthorns.......................... 33 Cates Farms.................................... 33 Cattle Visions.........................36, IBC Cornerstone Farms......................... 33 Crawfdown Farms.......................... 33 Dedmon Shorthorns...................... 33 DJS Shorthorns.............................. 33 Double C Shorthorns..................... 33 Dreamy 280 Cattle Company........ 33 DTR Cattle Co.............................. 33 Duis Farms..................................... 33 Elanco.............................................. 9 Fickbohm Farms............................ 33 Fieser Family Shorthorns................ 34 First Class Cattle Marketing Ltd..... 36 Greenhorn Cattle Company........... 34


GSKI Shorthorns........................... 34 Haumont Shorthorns..................... 34 Homeplace Farms........................... 34 Hub Ranch Shorthorns.................. 34 Humble Stock Farm....................... 34 Inness Shorthorns........................... 34 James F. Bessler, Inc........................ 36 Jester Farms.................................... 34 Kevin Wendt.................................. 36 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm............ 34 Keystone Shorthorns...................... 34 KSS Keystone Shorthorns............... 34 KW Cattle Co................................ 34 Laban’s Roanoke Farm.................... 34 Legacy Ranch................................. 34 Leveldale Farms.............................. 34 Little Cedar Cattle Co.................... 34 McCall Show Cattle....................... 34 McKee Family Shorthorns.............. 35 Meyer Family Shorthorns............... 35 Meyer Farms.................................. 35 MFK Shorthorns............................ 35 Muridale Shorthorns...................... 11 Nile Valley Farm/Hendrickson Trust.. 35 Norman Farms............................... 35 Oler Farm...................................... 35

shorthorn country = november 2021

Paint Valley Farms......................... BC Revival Sale.................................. IFC Richardson Farms Shorthorns........ 35 Ripberger Farms............................... 7 Robjoy Shorthorns......................... 35 Rockin’ G Land & Cattle............... 35 Rocky Branch Shorthorns.............. 35 Schrag 605..................................... 35 Sears Marketing Services, LLC....... 36 Shadybrook Farm............................. 5 SharBen Shorthorns....................... 35 Singing H Shorthorns.................... 35 Smith Family Farms....................... 35 Smoky Mountain Farm.................. 35 Stangl Shorthorns........................... 35 Stone Springs Shorthorns............... 35 Sullivan Supply.............................. 36 Sutherland Shorthorns................... 36 The Summit..................................... 3 Turner Family Shorthorns.............. 36 Utterback Show Cattle................... 36 Warner Ranch................................ 36 Waukaru Shorthorns...................... 36 Wilson Livestock Agency................ 36

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