2016 October Shorthorn Country

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october 2016

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

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Shorthorn Country october 20 16 iss ue 9 • volume 43

shorthorn country

=Feature Articles The Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD): Are You Ready ................54 5 Tips For Great Photos..............................................................58

=Show Reports 2016 Illinois State Fair Super Regional Show..............................19 2016 Kentucky State Fair Super Regional Show..........................22 2016 State Fair of West Virginia Regional Show .........................60 Sociedad Rural Argentina Show ..................................................60 2016 Minnestota State Fair Regional Show.................................61

=Sale Reports

=Departments Shorthorn Update ........................................................................8 Association Outlook ..................................................................12 Since You Asked... ......................................................................16 Junior Corner ............................................................................56 Beef Blurb ..................................................................................66 What Can Digital Beef Can Do For You ....................................68 News & Notes ............................................................................68 Show Schedule............................................................................70 Sales Calendar ............................................................................73 Ad Index ....................................................................................72

7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 • www.shorthorncountry.net

Don Cagwin, publisher Tracy Duncan, managing editor/art director = 402-212-2594

11x $505 385 310 290 225 175 120 32

* Additional cost for e-mailed pictures, color corrections and photograph scans

color rates

4 color 1 color

$200 $195

* Color only available on ads half of page or larger. Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or prorated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.

Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.

The October cover photo taken by Don Tate, at Greenhorn Cattle Co.’s “Where Great Females Make A Difference”.

=Advisory Board Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions

Amy Sampson, graphic designer = 816-437-9210

US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300

Amanda Cagwin, accountant = amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representative Cindy Cagwin-Johnston – 217-452-3051 cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn – 217-473-1124 drahn@casscomm.com

SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Omaha Post Office, 1124 Pacific, Omaha, NE. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.

tracy@shorthorncountry.org amy@shorthorncountry.org


1x $565 420 335 315 240 195 135 41

Contract Rates And Discounts:

Cates Farms Star Search XIV ......................................................64 RC Show Cattle “Early Bird” Elite Show Heifer Event ...............65


advertising rates Full page 2/3 page 1/2 page-island 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page 1/6 page Business card (1 1/2”)

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SHE SELLS! Marjorie X GNCC Advantage -



Myrtle Bo 9154 X Swagger Calf Champion, Reserve Overall, 2016 Nebraska State Fair.

Myrtle Bo 9154 X SS What’s Up Reserve Calf Champion, 2016 Nebraska State Fair.

Open House - October 22nd & 23rd all day at the Farm Cattle available for viewing by appointment at the Farm Sale Management by: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jaegerter@neb.rr.com www.aegertermarketing.com


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Carstens Family Shorthorns Sale Consultants: Jeff Bedwell: 580.822.5590 Brian Kohlstaedt: 816.716.4614 Alan Sears: 970.396.7521

Larry Carstens 55593 Hwy 98 Pierce, Nebraska 68767 402.320.4922 • cell: 402.752.4751

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=Shorthorn Update Reminder! ASA Board of Directors Mark Gordon, president 217-737-7905 James Freed, vice president 405-370-1482 Marty Loving, 620-786-2018 Ed Kruse, 719-252-1084

7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782

Rick Leone, 719-468-1981 Tom Turner, 614-499-5248

Montie Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Kathleen Aschoff, director of member services, DNA & performance data• kat@shorthorn.org Heather Lange, customer service & registrations heather@shorthorn.org Shelby Rogers, director youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Rachel Davis, administrative assistant • rachel@shorthorn.org Rochelle Wilson, director of finances • rochelle@shorthorn.org

ASA Dates of Note October Oct. 1

Entry Deadline- NAILE National & Junior Show KILE National ShowHarrisburg, PA Leading a Legacy Fundraiser, Dunlap, Iowa American Royal National & Junior Show-Kansas City, MO Performance Data Due in ASA office

Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 27 Oct. 31 November Nov. 1 Nov. 12-14 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 13

Robert Alden, 816-632-8509 Nancy Grathwohl-Heter, 785-587-7947 Hugh Mooney, 916-319-0488 Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Mitchell Smith, president National Shorthorn Lassies Amanda Gipe McKeith, president

Nov. 14

NAILE-Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show & Jack C. Ragsdale National ShorthornPlus show Nov. 15 Entry Deadline- Fort Worth Nov. 20 Junior Show Ownership Deadline- NWSS Nov. 20 Junior, Open, Pen & Carload Show Entry Deadline- NWSS Nov. 24-25 ASA Office ClosedThanksgiving & Day after December Dec. 3 Annual Meeting - Argosy Hotel & Casino - KC, MO Dec. 23-Jan. 2 ASA office closed

Inventories available for WHR NAILE, Lousiville, Ky. Deck The Stalls, NAILE January NAILE-Jr. ShorthornPlus show Jan. 10 NAILE-Jr. Shorthorn show

Deadline for early discount for WHR assesment fees

North American Schedule Thursday, Nov. 10 12 noon Friday, Nov. 11 9 a.m. - 12 noon Saturday, Nov. 12 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 13 8 a.m. Monday, Nov. 14 8 a.m. 1 p.m.

Cattle may arrive Check-in: Open & Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus females and bulls Junior ShorthornPlus Show – Broadbent AJSA Funding the Future/Deck the Stalls Raffle tickets on sale at 10 am, drawing and auction at 4 pm Deck the Stall, Junior Fundraising. Junior Shorthorn Show, Freedom Hall Jack C. Ragsdale, National Shorthorn Show - Freedom Hall Jack C. Ragsdale, National ShorthornPlus Show - Freedom Hall Presentation of Show Honoree Eugene & Marilyn Byers Century Club winner will be acknowledged and receive awards at the Annual Meeting. Cattle released at conclusion of the show.

Stalling requests: send all stalling requests to Kathleen Aschoff – kat@shorthorn.org.


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We ask that members please make sure all your contact information (address, email, and phone numbers) are all up to date on your account. It is important to have correct addresses when we mail information as we are finding a number of returned addresses. - Any transfers needed for upcoming shows, please do not wait until the last minute to complete those! - If your membership is not paid, you are no longer able to register any animal!

Non-Certificate Bulls To make a bull non-certificate, ALL DNA requirements for an A.I. sire must be complete before we will make them non-certificate.

Transferring Bred Females There is a new policy that all bred females being transferred at ASA must have all the breeding information including name and registration number of sires, type of service, date of service and/or pasture exposure dates to and from, at the time the bred female is transferred to a new owner.

Help Support the Juniors!

October 15- Leading a Legacy, Dunlap,IA November 12- Deck The Stalls/Funding the Future at NAILE, Louisville, KY 2017 Junior Nationals July 3-8, Tulsa, Oklahoma (Check-In: July 4)

NEW BILLING CYCLE: Statements will now be mailed from the ASA office on the 20th of each month.

STATE UPDATES We are asking for States to send information to Shelby (shelby@shorthorn.org) regarding dates for their State Field Days, officers, contact info, etc.

Annual Meeting & Forum December 3, 2016

Argosy Hotel & Casino • KC, MO 1 pm - Educational Forum 3 pm - Annual Meeting 5:30 pm - Social 6:30 pm - Awards Banquet

Regular Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone

2016 International Year Code: D

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=Association Outlook Shorthorn Impact Initiative Develop Better Shorthorn Cattle (See the difference in 5 years) • Shorthorn Breeders Producing Better Animals o Use Extensive Culling Practices Create Sire Test Program (2 years to have program in full swing) • Identify Cooperator Commercial Test Herds o Shorthorn Breeders Contribute Semen for Sire Testing Membership Recognition (By next annual meeting) • Develop More Programs To Recognize Members o Years of Membership, Shows, Performance and Special Achievements

ASA ANNUAL MEETING - FORUM & AWARDS BANQUET Saturday, December 3, 2016, Kansas City, MO 1:00 PM - EDUCATIONAL FORUM Proper Procedures for Submitting Data Contemporary Groups and Age Windows

Genomic Testing for Fescue Free Genetics DNA Markers that predict Fescue Tolerant Animals What value could this bring to the Shorthorn Breed?

Panel of 3 Bull Buyers using Shorthorn Bulls Why they are using Shorthorn Bulls Question and Answer Session

3:00 PM - ANNUAL MEETING Reports of ASA Activities Election of ASA Board of Directors

5:30 PM - SOCIAL

6:30 PM - AWARDS BANQUET Present Century Club Members Present Show Bull and Female of the Year Awards For National and Regional Shows

Honor the Tenure of Membership Honor Performance Dams and Sires To Register for the Annual Meeting - Forum & Awards Banquet Check Page 53 and or the ASA Website


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Montie asa executive Soules secretary/CEO


t is October already. It seems like we just had Impact and our last year’s annual meeting. Our ASA annual meeting for this year is just around the corner on December 3, 2016 at the Argosy Hotel and Casino in Kansas City, MO. We are billing this year’s event as the Annual Meeting - Forum and Awards Banquet. This year’s event includes seminars which are an Educational Forum. I would like to encourage everyone to attend. This Forum is somewhat of a mini Impact Conference like we held last year. From the surveys we took last year the Number One reason breeders said they did not turn in data was the confusion on how it should be submitted. We felt a need to address that issue this year. There will also be a session addressing DNA markers that could identify fescue tolerant animals. Another interesting session during the Forum will include a panel of commercial bull buyers who are already using Shorthorn bulls answering questions and explaining why they use Shorthorn bulls. Plus, describing what we as a breed can do to encourage producers like this to continue to use Shorthorns. At 3:00 pm we will host the Annual Meeting and Election of ASA Board of Directors, with reports from the Lassies, the Shorthorn Foundation and ASA staff and all the normal items covered at the Annual meeting. Following, at 5:30 there will be a social for all and then at 6:30 the Awards Banquet, where we will honor ASA membership for their outstanding excellence. This will include awards for the Century Club and all show awards including National and Regional Heifer and Bull of the Year. We are working at recognizing ASA members for their tenure as Shorthorn breeders. We also plan to honor animals for their outstanding performance achievements. Please make plans to attend this event. It is a great time to visit and share ideas with fellow Shorthorn breeders. The time spent during breaks and at socials when breeders visited and discussed the industry and breed was one of, if not the most valuable part of last year’s Impact Conference. The time spent visiting, getting acquainted and developing ongoing Shorthorn Fellowship could be the most valuable asset of the day!


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“Building Breed Leading Genetics for all your Shorthorn Needs.” Saturday, October 22, 2016

1:00 p.m. CDT • Marietta, Oklahoma at the Brooks Cattle Company Sale Facility

Selling 75 Lots: • Young Herd Sires • Cow/Calf Pairs • Bred Cows & Heifers • Show Heifer Calves • Show Steer Calves • Frozen Embryos & Rare Semen

JJ CCF Tarzan x4219582

Wise’s Impressive 406 x4214423 DOB: 2/10/2014

DOB: 2/17/2015

JB Prince of Duty x4628562

DMC Pepermint Twist x4168973

DOB: 10/19/2015

DOB: 5/9/10 - Should calve by sale day to JJ Pride!

GNCC Sapphire x4118953

MS Wapanucka Gus x4214797

DOB: 4/9/2006 - Bred to REF CCF Rickey Rocket!


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DOB: 3/7/2013 - Bred to Streck’s Red Commissioner!

Streck’s Rio Lombardi x4169430 DOB: 2/24/2015

Circle M Cocoa Puff xar56806 DOB: 12/12/2012 - Should calve by sale day to JJ Marcus!

JJ CCF Judy MG x4193472 DOB: 8/28/2012 - Sells with a bull calf at side by ‘Thor’!

DOB: 2/10/2015 - Bred to Mapleton Colonel Gus 71U!

JJ CCF Little Ruby x4231148

BFCC Proud Maid 104X 4166072

/F Tia Barrel x4220589

JJ MD Maid Of Fantasy TH x4219549

DOB: 3/12/2010 - Bred to Wise’s Impressive 406!

DOB: 12/3/2015 - Bred to NPS Low Rider 42W ET.

CCF AH Bella Star C08D x4230983

AF Mirage 1604 x4238788 DOB: 2/20/2016 - Reserve Grand Champion Female, 2016 Missouri State Fair.

DOB: 1/13/2016

DOB: 2/17/2016

Consignors: Double J Ranch Jeepetta Cattle Company Jim & Beverly Freed

BFCC Rosewood 6268 x4240053

AF VF Margie 601 ET x4238788 DOB: 2/20/2016

DOB: 4/2/2016

Chichasha, Oklahoma 405-370-1482 • doublejf@msn.com Lee Jones, Herdsman: 405-999-2532

Streck Family Shorthorns Pete Streck

Jerrell & Steven Crow

Pond Creek, Oklahoma 580-541-5259 • streckdvm@gmail.com

The Ferguson Family Don & Vicki, Kim, Mike & Talia Chickasha, Oklahoma 405-314-2247 • ferguskim@gmail,com

Alden Farms Robert Alden Hamilton, Missouri 816-632-8509 • ralden1@yahoo.com.


Bedwell Cattle Co. Jeff, Diane & Jennifer Isabella, Oklahoma 580-822-5590 • jeff.bedwell@okstate.edu

Sears Marketing Services LLC Alan Sears cell: 970-396-7521 alan.sears@aksears.com

Lawton, Oklahoma Steven: 405-820-9725 Jerrell: 580-585-2522 swcrowesq@aol.com jerrellcrow@crowcreekfarms.com

Brady Family Shorthorns Todd, Amanda & Cale Brady Marlow, Oklahoma 580-641-2222 bradyshorthorns@wichitaonline.net

Don Cash Family

Matt & Jalane Vaughn

Fay, Oklahoma 580-623-0278 cashlivestock @gmail.com

Manhattan, Kansas 816-465-0341 aldenjalane@gmail.com

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= Since you asked... Helpful Hints Heather customer service & Lange registrations

Just a few quick reminders for everyone who is getting used to the Digital Beef system. The “validate” button is one of the most important and one of the most overlooked steps in registering and transferring animals. Whenever you do a registration you will notice the “validate” and “commit to registry” buttons. Once you have entered all of your animal’s information in the birth data entry screen, be sure to hit “validate” first. This is going to quickly go through your work to make sure there are no errors and there are no missing pieces of information. Once the validation is completed, you’ll be able to hit “ok” and provided there are no errors, click “commit to registry.” Now, let’s say you do have an error message or two such as: No AI certificate on sire OR No DS test on


dam. These are error messages that will usually have to be cleared up after the certificate has been put in your account or the DNA has been sent in. It’s important to note that just because you don’t push a registration through right away doesn’t mean you’ve lost your work. Once the certificate or DNA (or whatever piece to the puzzle you are missing) has been placed in your account all you need to do is this: login to your account and on the left-hand side look for “Work Queues”. From here you will click “Birth Recording”, look for the date you started the entry, click “Go to This Queue” and revalidate. Hopefully those errors will have disappeared and you will be free to click “commit to registry”. When transferring animals, you also need to hit “validate” before hitting continue.

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As long as the new owner’s name shows up after hitting “validate” you should be good to go on and hit “continue”. Another very important tool that is overlooked is the “Simple Search” tool. You can find this on the home screen of the Digital Beef page. It’s important to note that both members and nonmembers have access to this tool, so you do not need to login to use it. Here, you can look up members, search herd prefixes, and look up animalseither by name, tattoo, or registration number. This is a really helpful tool if you are transferring cattle to someone and don’t know if they already have an existing account with us, as well as for looking up animals that are registered with other associations. =

=Show Results 2016 Illinois State Fair - Super Regional Show 123 head – Judge: Chuck Lemenager, Ill. by Kathleen Aschoff Grand Champion Bull Studer Crunch Time 22C, exhibited by Highland Farms. Grand Champion Female SULL Pure Crystal 5719 ET, exhibited by Stetson Herzog.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull Riola Island Asset, Riola Shorthorn Farms. Reserve Grand Champion Female SULL Rose Mary Rewards ET, exhibited by Korbin Collins.

The Illinois State Fair Open Shorthorn Show was Monday August 15th. The judge for this show was Chuck Lemenager from Illinois. He evaluated 93 females and 19 bulls in the Purebred Open Show, and 11 females in the ShorthornPlus Open Show. Grand Champion Bull honors went to Studer Crunch Time 22C, exhibited by Highland Farms. Riola Island Asset was named Reserve Grand Champion Bull, exhibited by Riola Shorthorn Farms. In the Purebred Female Show, Grand Champion Female distinction was awarded to SULL Pure Crystal 5719 ET, exhibited by Stetson Herzog. Reserve Grand Champion Female for the Purebred Female Show was SULL Rose Mary Rewards ET, exhibited by Korbin Collins. SULL Stockman’s Kitten 53 ET was named Champion ShorthornPlus Female, exhibited by Lauren Burris. Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Female was LSF MD Carrie 531,


exhibited by Leemon Stock Farm. Other Champions Include: Open Purebred Female Show Divisions: Junior Heifer Calf Champion - JS Cecilia 6J, James R. Johnson. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - FFS Val’s Princess 6F02, Nate Fanning. Senior Heifer Calf Champion - JA She’s A Ten SM 5J47, Jordan Acres. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - MM Pearl MSC 132C, Cole Spencer. Intermediate Champion Female Lorenz’s Mona Lisa 15, Grace Rincker. Intermediate Reserve Champion Female - MM Belly Dancer MSC 514C, Clayton Poppe. Junior Champion Female - SULL Pure Crystal 5719 ET, Stetson Herzog. Junior Reserve Champion Female SULL Rose Mary Rewards ET, Korbin Collins. Senior Champion Female - MM Darlene MSC 132B, Clayton Poppe.

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Senior Reserve Champion Female SULL Edgy Dream Lady ET, John Gellerman. Cow/Calf Champion Female Abigail’s Sonny Day, Abigail Stier. Cow/Calf Reserve Champion Female - Waymar VT Red Sable 01 ET, Alyson Utegg. Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions: Junior Bull Calf Champion Steck’s D Advancer 616, Darrel Steck & Sons. Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion TMFS Duracell LR 161, Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns. Senior Bull Calf Champion - JA Star Wars SM 5J50, Jordan Acres. Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - C3 Sesquicentennial, Hayden Courville. Intermediate Champion Bull Riola Island Asset, Riola Shorthorn Farms. Intermediate Reserve Champion Bull - MM Smack Down 103 114C,

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, SULL Stockman’s Kitten 53ET, exhibited by Lauren Burris. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, LSF MD Carrie 531, exhibited by Leemon Stock Farm.

Clayton Poppe. Junior Champion Bull - JS Storm Front, James R. Johnson. Junior Reserve Champion Bull WJM Red Dirt PJ3C, WJM Cattle. Senior Champion Bull - Studer’s Crunch Time 22C, Highland Farms. Senior Reserve Champion Bull MM Red Terror 10C, Hugh Moore Jr & Sons. Open ShorthornPlus Female Show

Divisions: Junior Heifer Calf Champion Everest, Brady Haschemeyer. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Lock Violet 17D, Renee Lock. Intermediate Heifer Champion LSF MD Carrie 531, Leemon Stock Farm. Intermediate Heifer Reserve Champion - DMW Black Cherri, Dav

Mar Way Farms. Junior Champion Female - SULL Stockman’s Kitten 53 ET, Lauren Burris. Junior Reserve Champion Female KFSC Dancing Bindi, Koby Keams. Senior Champion Female Wernacres Foxy Lady 513, Max Eaton. Senior Reserve Champion Female SULL Sable’s Dawn 5999C ET, Sara Pieper. =

National Western Stock Show Hotel Information: Hotel Information for National Show in Denver Double Tree by Hilton Denver 3203 Quebec Street • Denver, CO 80207 For Reservations: Call the hotel at 303-321-3333 and ask for the American Shorthorn Association Block or call Rachel at the office at 816-599-7777.

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1. When used on red or roan Shorthorns or on any other breed, White Shorthorns tend to produce more of those beautiful roans, which are visually recognized as having Shorthorn genetics. 2. White Shorthorns mated with White Shorthorns result in 99% white calves—color uniformity. 3. It is thought that the progeny of White Shorthorns are less likely to be spotted. 4. The progeny of White Shorthorns often have darker red coloring. 5. Dark roans may produce more white calves than roans will produce. 6. White Shorthorns nearly always have red hair in their ears. 7. Some White Shorthorns have red pigment around their eyes, on their noses, and on their hooves. 8. White Shorthorns can have a red freckled hide. 9. White Heifer Disease is not a disease but is a genetic defect which causes heifers’ reproductive systems not to mature. This defect is found in other colored Shorthorns and in other breeds. There is not yet a genetic marker for this defect. Discussions of White Heifer Disease can be found in Otis L. Fisher’s 1993 book, The Story of Milking Shorthorns in the U.S., on pages 102 and 103 and in Dr. Jan Bonsma’s 1983 book, Man Must Measure, on pages 82 and 83. 10. There are commercial producers wanting to crossbreed who would rather use a White Shorthorn bull than a red or roan Shorthorn bull. 11. White Shorthorns can give Shorthorn breeders a purebred Shorthorn marketing option without the expense and hassle of having a second breed. Daniel Knust has been quietly but continuously maintaining a small herd of White Shorthorns since 1970, selling mainly to commercial producers. You can direct questions and comments to him at—

Daniel Knust Knust Shorthorns LLC knust@centurytel.net 20

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417.859.6061 4069 Old Seymour Road Marshfield, MO 65706

KNUST KHAN x4213909 • TH/PHA/DS Free

Sired by JSF Capiche

100% Dehorner by DNA

Fertility Khan’s outcross dam has had 4 calves and counting with a 369 day calving interval. His maternal granddam had 5 calves with a 361 day calving interval. His paternal granddam had a 369 day calving interval on her first 4 calves. All three cows calved at 24 months or younger, and all calvings were unassisted. Fertility can be negatively affected by a variety of non-genetic factors. Nevertheless, fertility includes a genetic component and is too economically important to neglect. EPDs: CED: 7; BW: 0.9; WW: 40; YW: 41; MK: 11; CEM: 2

Good pigment around his eyes, on nose, and on hooves.

SEMEN: $20 per straw, non-certificate, professionally collected by, stored at, and shipped from Genex, Strafford, MO. For orders, contact—

Daniel Knust Knust Shorthorns LLC knust@centurytel.net

417.859.6061 4069 Old Seymour Road Marshfield, MO 65706 shorthorn country = october 2016


=Show Results 2016 Kentucky State Fair - Super Regional Show 54 head – Judge: Jeremy Hahn, Minonk, Ill. by Kathleen Aschoff Grand Champion Bull, CLF Foolin Around 1401, exhibited by Cedar Lane Farms.

Grand Champion Female, SULL Lavish Tina ET, exhibited by Bratcher Farms.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull, CGS Professor 46, exhibited by Houston Gillenwater. Reserve Grand Champion Female, MFK Injun Majorette 284K, exhibited by MFK Shorthorns.

The Kentucky State Fair Open Shorthorn Show was Saturday, August 27th. Jeremy Hahn from Minonk, Ill., was the judge for this show. Hahn evaluated 34 females and 12 bulls in the Purebred Open show, and 8 females in the ShorthornPlus Open Show. Grand Champion Bull honors went to CLF Foolin Around 1401, exhibited by Cedar Lane Farm. CGS Professor 46 was named Reserve Grand Champion Bull, exhibited by Houston Gillenwater. In the Purebred Female Show, Grand Champion Female distinction was awarded to SULL Lavish Tina ET, exhibited by Bratcher Farms. Reserve Grand Champion Female for the Purebred Female Show was MFK Injun Majorette 284K, exhibited by MFK Shorthorns. CGS Lulu was named Champion ShorthornPlus Female, exhibited by Houston Gillenwater. Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Female was BBTB Caroline FU,


exhibited by Bertsch Farms. Other Champions Include: Open Purebred Female Show Divisions: Junior Heifer Calf Champion RFSS Ramblin Mona Lisa, Respite Farm. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - WSC Aislin 22D, Matthew Wallace. Senior Heifer Calf Champion MFK H Sister Sage 235, MFK Shorthorns. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF BCL Lucky Charm 5129, McCall Show Cattle. Intermediate Champion Female GCC FG Margie 9105 ET, Molly Williams. Intermediate Reserve Champion Female - Bittersweet 815, Nick Young. Junior Champion Female - SULL Lavish Tina ET, Bratcher Farms. Junior Reserve Champion Female CF Sister Rose 579 DP, Shoufler

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Shorthorns. Senior Champion Female - MFK Injun Majorette 284K, MFK Shorthorns. Senior Reserve Champion Female Turner’s GCC Margie ET, Mattie Williams. Cow/Calf Champion Female SULL Fools Delite 2059 ET, Respite Farm. Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions: Junior Bull Calf Champion - MFK Hot Rebel 26K X, MFK Shorthorns. Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - Bratcher Pot of Gold, Bratcher Farms. Senior Bull Calf Champion OLER Red Out, Oler Farm. Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - MFK Big Splash 255K X, MFK Shorthorns. Intermediate Champion Bull - BC Dots Demand, Staton Bowman. Intermediate Reserve Champion Bull - VSC Jazzi Best 51, Molly

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, CGS Lulu, exhibited by Houston Gillenwater. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, BBTB Caroline FU, exhibited by Bertsch Farms.

Williams. Junior Champion Bull - CGS Professor 46, Houston Gillenwater. Senior Champion Bull -CLF Foolin Around 1401, Cedar Lane Farm. Open ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions:

Junior Heifer Calf Champion BBTB Caroline Fu, Bertsch Farms. Senior Heifer Calf Champion CGS Lulu, Houston Gillenwater. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Martin Dell Cherry 580, Austin Martin.

Intermediate Heifer Champion BTB Jakes Tiffany, Bertsch Farms. Intermediate Heifer Reserve Champion - Knor Ruby, Cole Knore. Senior Champion Female - M/F Lila James, Briann Williams. =

NAILE Hotel Information: Hotel Information for National Show in Louisville Hilton Garden Inn Louisville Airport 2735 Crittenden Drive • Louisville, KY 40209 For Reservations: Call the hotel at 502-318-2346 and ask for the American Shorthorn Association Block or call Rachel at the office at 816-599-7777.

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The Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD): Are You Ready? The term “VFD” should be familiar to you by now. If not, there’s still time to prepare. The Veterinary Feed Directive goes in to effect on January 1st, 2017, though the process, rules, and documentation involved are still evolving. Based on how producers constantly transport, comingle, and market cattle in the purebred sector, some significant changes may be necessary to maintain the same management for the operation. Keep in mind, implementation of the VFD regulations may or may not impact your commercial customers the same way. At the most basic level, the VFD will simply require veterinary approval for any feed-grade antibiotics utilized in your livestock operation. Unfortunately, some on-farm practices have been implemented for so long, producers don’t even realize there’s been a herd health benefit. Here’s a deeper explanation: The VFD is like a 3-legged stool that involves your vet, your feed mill/store, and you. First, there must be an established “VCPR,” or Veterinary Client-Patient Relationship. Basically, they need to inspect your cattle regularly enough to make an informed diagnosis to authorize the use of an antibiotic. However, this does NOT mean they need to be on-farm every time they write a VFD. Paperwork for any feed-grade antibiotics fed to your cattle must be filled out by your veterinarian, then given to your feed mill prior to mixing the feed or receiving the product. Email delivery of paperwork is acceptable, but NO OVER-THE-PHONE approvals can be accepted! So, if you run out of medicated feed on Friday, your vet can’t just call the feed store and authorize the purchase. The paperwork has to be there first. Fortunately, the vet could use wireless internet and a laptop to fix this issue from the hood of their truck! The main feed-grade antibiotic impacting the seedstock producer is chlor-tetracycline, more commonly referred to as CTC, and in some cases oxy-tetracycline. CTC is commonly used in both free-choice mineral mixes and calf diets. For many cow-calf producers, CTC is a mainstay in their


mineral program for help with pinkeye. Unfortunately, this is an off-label use that has never been truly legal. However, CTC does have a label claim for the control of anaplasmosis. This disease can be lethal to adult cows and bulls, and can be transmitted by biting ticks, flies, or by reusing needles, dehorners, etc. from cow to cow. Since CTC can prevent clinical signs of infected animals from ever surfacing, producers may have anaplasmosis in their herd and be unaware of it. Producers can test their herd for the disease and vaccines are available. Testing and a quarantine period for incoming cattle is a sound idea since naïve mature cows and bulls are at considerable risk. Do some research in your area to find out if anaplasmosis has been reported. If so, consult with your veterinarian about the use of CTC for control of anaplasmosis. Under a valid VCPR and assuming label directions are followed your veterinarian may be able to write a VFD for control of this blood-borne infection. The VFD will be written for the number of cows in your herd for up to 6 months, which basically covers the season for natural vectors of the disease. It’s important to note that not all VFDs expire at 6 months; they are dependent on the drug being administered, many are much shorter in duration. Producers also often use CTC “crumbles” in calf diets and creep feeds to help prevent respiratory problems and pinkeye during times of stress in calves. Again, this is off-label use and will no longer be allowed under VFD regulations. Producers must do a better job of recognizing illness and work with their vet to diagnose and prescribe the proper treatment. CTC may be ordered with a VFD for the treatment of bacterial enteritis or bacterial pneumonia, but not for prevention. It will be important to read updated VFD drug labels as they are released late this fall to know the approved label indications. In the past, producers could go to the feed store and pick up bags of “medicated” protein or preconditioning pellets in hopes those fresh weaned calves or show heifers wouldn’t get a snotty nose after a period of stress (extreme heat, fairs, nose-to-

shorthorn country = october 2016

Patrick Area Beef Field Specialist - SE Iowa Wall Marion County, Extension Office O: 641-842-2014 C: 515-450-7665 patwall@iastate.edu

nose contact with other herds, etc.). Now, the vet will need to diagnose the snotty nose, and CTC may or may not be the preferred treatment. On the upside, disease treatments may become more effective and overall herd health may improve with veterinary oversight. Another area of emphasis impacting seedstock producers is drug combinations, particularly with products like monensin. Though ionophores are not directly regulated under VFD rules, they are impacted when used in combination with other drugs. For example, if monensin is typically used to enhance feed efficiency of a cow diet, the producer must make the vet aware and make sure it is included on the VFD paperwork if it is to be used in combination with any other VFD drug. Again, veterinarians must follow label claims or have medically justified reasons for combining drug treatments. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already began the monitoring and verification process, even though the regulations don’t officially start until year end. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT “prepare” for the VFD by stocking up on feed grade drugs in the corner of the barn. The government is already monitoring product sales for any red flags this fall, and after January 1st, 2017 you will need a lawful VFD to feed any medicated product you have on hand, even if it was purchased prior to year end. You should already be documenting the treatment of sick animals on the farm/ranch with a barn calendar or smart phone. Begin documenting how many bags of medicated mineral you set out and when the bin of medicated calf feed ran empty. There will be some growing pains, but proper planning should ensure you don’t cringe when you hear the words: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” =

National Shorthorn Lassie

Queen Canadidates

The National Shorthorn Lassie Association would like to introduce the young ladies that will be competing in the National Lassie Queen contest in November at the North American Livestock Expo in Louisville, Kentucky. Elaine National Dragstrem Shorthorn Lassie

First hailing from the Lone Star State we have Shelby Lee Ann Armstrong. Shelby is the 20-year-old daughter of Angel Dornak Damon and John Armstrong of Damon, Texas. She got her start showing Shorthorns after winning a calf scramble as a freshman in high school. Shelby is currently serving as the Texas Shorthorn Lassie Queen. She attended Texas A&M for Agriculture Education, but a career change was made and now she will be attending the Houston Police Academy. Her future plans are to be a Criminal Investigator. With the support of her Ag teacher Shelby began her journey to be a National Shorthorn Lassie Queen.

The next candidate is a Corn Husker at heart, Tejlor Strope. Tejlor is the daughter of Boyd and MaLaine Strope of O’Neil, Nebraska. She is currently serving as the Nebraska State Lassie Queen. Tejlor’s family have been Shorthorn breeders since the early 1950’s. She will graduate from O’Neil Public Schools in the spring of 2017. Her future plans are Pre-Dental at Wayne State College. Tejlor is a lifelong Shorthorn enthusiast, and has dreamed of serving as a National Lassie Queen since she was a little girl.

At this time we would also like to thank our 2015-2016 National Shorthorn Lassie Queen Macy Bakenhus and the Alternate National Shorthorn Lassie Queen Riley Francis for representing the Shorthorn breed over the past year. These two young ladies have done a wonderful job representing the tartan plaid around the country.

Do You Receive the Shorthorn Insider E-Newsletter? Be sure to sign up for the bi-weekly e-newsletter from the ASA at www.shorthorn.org! Don’t miss out on up to date Shorthorn news sent right to your inbox. Sign up today!

2016 Texas Shorthorn Association Newly elected directors for a three-year term on the board include: (left to right): Jenny Miles, Valley Mills, Texas; Barbara Russell, Caldwell, Texas; Katrina Evans, Idalou, Texas; Larry Carney, Collinsville, Texas.

2016-17 Texas Shorthorn Lassie Royalty (left to right): Megan Ziegenhagen, Rice Texas Princess; Hunter Simco, Van Alstyne, Texas - Princess; Jordan Lewis, Trenton, Texas - Texas Shorthorn Lassie Queen; Brittney Basham, Commerce Texas - Princess; Rae Gresso, Sugarland, Texas - Princess.

2016-17 Texas Shorthorn Lassie Queen: Jordan Lewis, Trenton, Texas.

shorthorn country = october 2016


=Junior Corner

Megan secretary Dragstrem ajsa director

As summer is coming to a close and the calf sale season starts into full swing, many of you are looking for that perfect calf others are starting to think about the holidays and giving to others. That means the American Junior Shorthorn Association has some major events just around the corner as well. As many know it takes an enormous amount of money to put on the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. With that being said there are multiple ways that you could help with fundraising. Whether it is purchasing items for yourself or that perfect gift for someone during the holidays. We will have the Leading a Legacy sale October 15th in Dunlap, Iowa. You also have the opportunity to sponsor the Foundation Heifer that will

be for sale October 15th in Dunlap, Iowa. There are many other great items that will be available, like different hunting trips, sporting events, show program covers, and many more. Then the American Junior Shorthorn Association will host the Deck the Stalls fundraiser during the North American International Livestock Exposition at Louisville in November. This fundraiser will offer different raffle items; like flights to Denver during the National Western Stock Show, Hotel stays in Denver during the National Western Stock Show also. There will also be a chance to bid on different live auction items that have been donated from businesses or breeders from across the United States. With these two events just being a portion of our

fundraising for the National Junior Shorthorn Show we are always willing to listen to your ideas or suggestions of any other fundraising ideas you may have. So get on board and take advantage of the opportunities to support the American Junior Shorthorn = Association.

2017 Junior Nationals July 3-8 • Tulsa, Oklahoma Cattle & Contest Check-In: July 4

2016 Illinois State Fair - Junior Show Judge: David Allan, Schulenburg, Ill.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, exhibited by Korbin Collins.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, exhibited by Kagney Collins.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Female, exhibited by Carter Hoge.

Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Female, exhibited by Ashley Moore.

Third Overall Land of Lincoln Steer, Grand Champion Shorhtorn Steer, exhibited by Dylan Torrey.

Fourth Over All Land of Lincoln, Steer, exhibited by Trevor Frerichs.


shorthorn country = october 2016

AAA Shorthorns Cattle For Sale At All Times Route 1, Box 41 • Revere, MO 63465 660-948-2786 Hwy. 81 North of Kahoka 9 miles, or 7 miles south of Farmington, IA.

Alan • Adrian and Mary • Angela

Club Calves Show Heifers




Tecumseh, NE Leroy: 402-335-2613 Roger: 402-335-2667


Bernie Bolton Family


Bigelow Farms

Frank and Barbara, Frank Jr., Kasey, Matt, Stacey, Taylor, and Tenley Bigelow

38995 Honeysuckle Road Oakland, Iowa 51560-4326 712-482-3386 • cell: 402-350-9430 bolton.norma29@gmail.com www.bernadaleshorthorns.com

P.O. Box 43, 47233 Road 200 • O’Neals, CA 93645 Matt: 559-647-2817 • Frank: 559-868-3433 www.bigelowfarms.com


Phillip Bowman & Family 9898 Garrett Rd. Greens Fork, IN 47345 TEL: 765.886.5777 bsgshorthorns@hotmail.com


Polled Shorthorns

Broken Road Cattle Company

Bulls and females for sale at all times.

Show Cattle

Ken Fairchild 318-282-7411


500 Township Road 2802 • Loudonville, OH 44842 JEFF BYERS, D.V.M.: 419-994-5054 • FAX: 419-994-3702 JON BYERS: 419-651-0501

3209 Roundhill Rd Oak Grove, LA 71263



Modoc, Indiana


R.R. 1, Box 358 •  Modoc, IN 47358 Brian/FAX: 765-853-5255 • cell: 765-969-0373 Randy: 765-853-5819 • Tyler: 765-576-0035 www.catesfarms.com

Gordon & Sally Crawford 519.287.3837 519.870.2396 Glencoe, ON, Canada gordcrawford@sympatico.ca

Reed & Jane Crawford 519.287.5286 519.857.7333 Glencoe, ON, Canada riverpointcc@hotmail.com

View cattle on-line at www.crawfdownfarms.com


Dean and Janice Steck 86779 572nd Ave. Laurel, NE 68745 Dean cell: 309-221-5631 info@djsshorthorns.com • www.djsshorthorns.com

shorthorn country = october 2016




by Rachel Cutrer

Brightly colored leaves, crisp cool air, foggy mornings (depending where you are in the country) and golden sunsets make Fall the perfect season to capture gorgeous moments around the farm and ranch. At V8 Ranch, we are blessed to have great photography resources. My sister and brother in law are nationally acclaimed wedding photographers who conduct exquisite photography workshops. We love it when they volunteer to take photos on the ranch because they are always perfect.

the cattle rancher) or Luke (my brother-in-law, the professional photography) take photos on the ranch, they usually pencil in a few days to get the job done, especially if it is picturing sale cattle. For whatever reason, usually the first day of sale picture day always has trouble. If that happens, Brandon will usually pack up the camera bag and call it a day. The next day may be magic. Give yourself extra flexibility and wiggle room to find the best time when your cattle will cooperate with you.

My husband, on the other hand, is a completely self taught, do-it-himself cattle photographer who simply enjoys photography as a hobby. The combination of having professionals on hand but a comfortable amateur works quite well. There are certain times of the year where hiring the professional photographer has definite advantage. For example, before sale time. However, many times throughout the year we are able to do a great job on our own just by using the tips and tricks we've learned from our professional siblings.

Tip #2. Be prepared for the unexpected.

This month, I share five tips any rancher can use for capturing great photos this fall. Hopefully you’ll find these helpful from the professional photographer standpoint and the casual ranch photographer point of view. Tip #1: Take your time. When either Brandon (my husband,


No, I'm not talking about a calf jumping the fence. Well...maybe. During these fall months, keep your camera with you at all times so you are prepared to capture that perfect shot. It might be early morning, or just at dusk when you're turning out the calves for the night. Always be prepared. Tip #3. Use the sun to your advantage. Many professional photographers savor the golden hour of photography. This is the time right after sunrise or right before sunset during which daylight is redder and softer than when the Sun is higher in the sky. This is the magic time for capturing great farm scenic photos. If you go to www.goldenhour.com you can actually calculate the best time for these pictures based on

shorthorn country = october 2016

your location. Tip #4. Maximize fall colors. If you live in an area where the trees change color in the fall, you need to capitalize on this time. It's your once a year opportunity to showcase the beautiful farm scenery and warm hues. Fall color makes for a great backdrop for pasture shots, farm scenic photos and even family pictures (just in time for Christmas cards!). The fall leaves make cattle look great by providing a warm contrasting background for white, black, or red cattle. Tip #5. Plan a photo shoot right before fall calving If you have a fall calving herd, plan a morning or evening to capture your cows in prime condition right before calving. Deep bodies, wide hips, and full udders make ideal conditions for pictures of your cow herd. Think of ways to stage some great shots - like all of the cows lined up walking towards the barn or eating hay at sunset. And, here's an extra tip: don't forget Christmas is right around the corner! Brush up on your photography skills this month, and then consider putting some camera upgrades on your Christmas list. It's a legitimate business expense AND a great Christmas gift all in one! =

DTR Cattle Company


Ryan and Nancy Grathwohl Heter Josie and Ryder 745 Ave. S • Raymond, Kansas 67573 785-587-7947

The southeast’s largest herd . . . bulls, bred and open females for sale at all times. Performance is our by-word Visitors welcome!

Bruce Humble 6653 Smithwood Road • Liberty, NC 27298 Bruce: 336-264-1496


Polled Shorthorns

Dean Fieser Box 363 Plains, KS 67869 620-563-9533 cell: 806-979-0027 Lori www.fieserspolledshorthorns.com

Gregg, Leann, and Stacey Fischer Jeff Stump, Herdsman 1853 N. US Highway 281 Great Bend, Kansas 67530

Working Border Collies available.


Our cow herd is strong with outcross genetics. Our first cows came from Gordon Brockmueller. His guidance provided us a strong foundation.

since 1919 Beef-Milk-Dual Registry 100% Native- True Dual Purpose

in Studer’s Crazy Tra Our extended family has been in the Shorthorn business for over 40 years. We’ve been building on that foundation for over 20. We truly belive we’re breeding - Genetics That’ll Work & Win.

Franz Farms Todd, M.K., Ryan & Tayler Rae • Bingham Lake, MN 507-678-2347 (home) • 507-920-8601 (Todd) 507-822-1671 (M.K.) • franzfarms.com

Bulls For Sale all year, Heifers: Nov.-May

Dave and Josh Greenhorn

Kevin Cooksley Family

3450 Middle Run Road • Waynesville, Ohio 45068

80165 Rd 451 • Weissert, NE 68814 308-872-2617 • kscooksley@gmail.com

Dave’s cell: 937-470-6552 Josh’s cell: 937-681-1948 Herdsman: Kolten Greenhorn

Haumont Shorthorns

Carey Thomas Johnston

Winkie Barnes CELL 613-885-6904

Shorthorn Breeders Since 1915

Homeplace Farms


Burke N. Allison & Co.

925 E. 400 S., Washington, IN 47501-7533 Dale - 812-254-6185 • bovine08@gmail.com

Inness Shorthorns


Doug, Nancy, Matt & Nick Inness 1339 Knox Hwy 25 Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-6462 - 4th Generation Shorthorns -

Don Washburn & Family

1 mile Washburns


2 mile


219 Johnston Rd, Kingsbury, Que, Canada J0B 1X0 TEL 819-826-5779 • CELL 819-574-4350 EMAIL highridge@hotmail.ca

Home: 620-458-3621 Jeff: 620-282-8364 Stacey: 620-786-0752 fischercattlecompany.com


U.S. 36

U.S. 383


2 Lake Metonga Grant Park, IL 60940 815-278-1065 www.duisfarms.com

Steve & Cynthia Washburn 8717 Road K • Norton, Kansas cell: 785-202-0338 • home: 785-877-3004 cwashburn08@yahoo.com 53 years of breeding over 100 head of attractive, productive beef type Shorthorns. Heifer, Steers & Bulls Available.

Herd Bulls A&T Renegade 124 JTM Spartan 517E Leachman Apostle U021B JTM Witness 514

3306 W 1250 S Kentland, IN 47951 219-474-5008 cell: 219-869-0758 washburndon@gmail.com

Josh & Tiffany Moreland 2273 Israel Somers Rd • Camden, Ohio 937-336-1088 • jtmoreland@gmail.com www.jtmorelandfarms.com

Dave & Mary Lou Kearns Dave Kearns Scott, Lynette & Koby Kearns 11600 Shabbona Grove Rd. Waterman, IL 60556

815-264-3468: home 815-739-3578: Dave’s cell 815-739-3575: Dave, Jr.’s cell dmkearns@mycbsi.com Visitors Welcome!

The Workman Family 54905 Fulton Hill Rd Bellaire, Ohio 43906

Bob: 740-676-5112 • Brent: 740-310-4361 Rick: 724-344-8056

shorthorn country = october 2016




2016 State Fair of West Virginia - Regional Show Grand Champion Bull, TRNR Brilliance 106, exhibited by Turner Shorthorns.

Grand Champion Female, SULL Dream Lady 5445C, exhibited by Kinley Kries.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull, CRA Diamond Cutter, exhibited by Charles Arbaugh. Reserve Grand Champion Female, CYT Max Rosa 5123, exhibited by Ben Allen.

Sociedad Rural Argentina Show Judge: Patrick W. Simmons, Advance, NC. Photos by Angel Pittaro Grand Champion bull: Born 9/27/14 owned by: Nomerobo S. A.; Marcelo Assisa.

Grand Champion Female: Born 9/3/12 owned by: Steve and Julie French & Hector Mario Eyherabide. Reserve Champion Bull: Born 1/26/14 owned by: La Balbina S.R.L. Fermin Echezarreta. Reserve Champion Female Born 8/19/14 owned by: Pedro y Alejandro Ferrero S.C.


shorthorn country = october 2016

2016 Minnesota State Fair - Regional Show 119 head – Judge: Cassie Johnson, Cushing, Iowa by Tom Pierson

Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull was Studer's Certified 100C exhibited by Studer Shorthorns of Creston, Iowa.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female was Steck Ten Queens C 506, exhibited by Tyler DeGroot.

Champion Shorthorn Cow/Calf Pair was Homedale Cumberland Lady exhibited by Frank Kaehler of Homedale Cattle.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Bull was BFS Demand Prince, exhibited by Bollum Family Shorthorns.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Female was Bergs Rosy Pride ET, exhibited by Trevor Beckstrand.

Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair was NFS Emma Ann BS1213, exhibited by Al Nelson, Nelson Family Shorthorns.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull was RWSF Lumberjack, exhibited by Athena Moe.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was awarded to Steck Cherri C 401, exhibited by Shayna DeGroot.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Plus Female was P Berg's Untouchable, exhibited by Kolby Berg of Berg Shorthorns.

Picture not available: Reserve Champion Shorthorn Plus Bull was Dressen's Calvin, shown by the Dressen Family.

NAILE Hotel Information: Hotel Information for National Show in Louisville Hilton Garden Inn Louisville Airport 2735 Crittenden Drive • Louisville, KY 40209 For Reservations: Call the hotel at 502-318-2346 and ask for the American Shorthorn Association Block or call Rachel at the office at 816-599-7777. shorthorn country = october 2016


Home of AF KF VG Step Ahead 525 -2007 Show Bull of the Year



- National Champion Bull, 2008 NWSS

Jason Smithers & girls - 217-491-2140 • jns2509@adams.net Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280 Bill & Kate Smithers - 217-285-2678 36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363 1.Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.

Sunnyland Farms Wayne Hinderliter Family 629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806 618-375-7047 cell: 618-384-8250 Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. 4. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.

Scott and Janet, Cody, Wes and Clint 42274 N 1300 E. Rd. • Hoopeston, IL 60942 www.leemonstockfarm.com 2. 217-283-7922 • Scott’s cell: 217-304-0057

Route 2, Box 55 Beecher City, Il 62414 home: 618-487-5559 Trey: 618-367-0764 Steve: 618-267-3229 5.

Check our website for our current list of herd sires. SULL Roan Goose

www.leveldale.com 9020

31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052 Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258


Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.


Darrel: 309-375-6568 Dave: 309-342-0813 cell: 309-299-0335 2413 US Hwy 34 Wataga, IL 61488

Bulls, heifers and steers for sale at all times.


545 E. 900 N. Road • Sibley, IL 61773 217-784-4854 • CELL: 217-202-2865 email: jordan@prairieinet.net AMANDA, LAYNE, TY AND ELY HARDEN, 217-417-8335 JASON, TASHA AND ISABELLA BUNTING, 815-252-5520 13. ASHLEIGH, DAVID, DAKOTA AND DALTON HALL, 217-979-7531





10.Stop by any time - four miles east of I-74 on Route 34.


contact: L.E. Mathers III: cell: 309-678-4230 • cattle@leveldale.com or Scott Wall, Herdsman: cell: 309-212-5450 swall_otg@yahoo.com Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664

Trey & Hailey Wright Steve & Marsha Wright

Scott Horton, Owner Ryan Wernicke, Herdsman


Come visit us any time. Heifers, bulls and steers for sale.


HORTON FARMS SHORTHORNS Horton cell: 630-965-1710 Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754 4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444

1963 Kelley Road • Caledonia, IL 61011 815-885-3679 cell: 815-494-5588

Aaron Down 12283 TWP Road 600N Wyoming, IL 61491 downfarms@yahoo.com 9. 24.



Advertise here for information call Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, 217-452-3051 or Darryl Rahn, 217-473-1124 14.

shorthorn country = october 2016


Quality seedstock for sale at the farm

Gary Chesnut Family 16145 N 100 East Road • Fithian, IL 61844 217-582-2910



Dale & Ryan Wernicke 12611 Fisher Rd • Lena, IL 61048-9754 Dale: 815-369-2857 Ryan: 815-739-7754 ryanwernicke@yahoo.com


Bred females for sale at all times. Albert Larry Hill 7272 NCR 3350 E • Mason City, IL 62664 217-737-1023 • 217-482-3765



12 7


Get on the map!



10 2

13 15 6 16 21 18


20 1

For details contact: Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, 217-452-3051 or Darryl Rahn, 217-473-1124 This ad runs six times a year. What better way to insure your customers can find you?





An Investor In Fine Shorthorn Cattle.

Becky, Jason and Clay



1160 600th Ave. Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-732-7596 Mark cell: 217-737-7905 Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com

tom doubet

Morris and Lloyd

2230 90th Ave. • Aledo, IL 61231 Located 40 minutes from I-80 and 30 minutes from I-74. Zwillings: 309-754-9158

Farm: 309-582-2727


Cagwin Farms

ROLLING HILLS FARM Investing in top genetics for over 30 years. Visitors Welcome!


Visitors Welcome . . . Stop by any time!

Don Cagwin, owner


Harold, Regina, Richard and Hope 22698 E. Co. Rd. 920 N • Ashmore, IL 61912 217-349-8366 19.


77 Horseshoe Drive Springfield, IL 62702 217-546-9641

email: hbirch@agrisolutions.com Driving directions from Ashmore: two miles west on 20. Rt. 16 to Enon Baptist Church sign; then one mile south to farm

P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 VIR IS GIN IA, ILLINO office: 217-452-3051 cell: 217-341-7552 • fax: 217-452-3053 Kerry and Cindy Johnston: 217-452-3056 Kerry’s cell: 217-370-6033 cagwincattle@casscomm.com • cagwincattle.com Farm located five miles east of Virginia on Route 125, 21. then one mile south of the elevator at Philadelphia, Illinois.

shorthorn country = october 2016


=Sale Reports Cates Farms Star Search XIV Sale Summary 24 open heifers ........$ 548,950..avg. $ 22.872 12 mature cows ........$ 243,000..avg. $ 20,250 18 bred heifers ........ $ 95,900..avg. $ 5,328 4 open plus heifers $ 52,500..avg. $ 13,125 4 Angus open heifers $ 59,700..avg. $ 14,925 3 Angus bred heifers $ 23,250..avg. $ 7,750 69 Breeding Lots ....$1,037,400..avg $15,035 5 steers ..................$ 38,550..avg. $ 7,710 6 embryo pkgs........$ 17,400..avg. $ 2,900 11 semen pkgs..........$ 20,575..avg. $ 1,470 Sale Grossed ......$1,113,925 September 3, 2016 Cates Farms, Modoc, Indiana Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Cagwin Cattle Services, LLC, and Sears Marketing Services by: Darryl Rahn

Farms. Each year, the quality of the cattle offered gets deeper and deeper. This year there were outstanding individuals in each category of the sale offering. The cattle were fresh and in top condition. The show heifer prospects were fitted and ready for the show ring. There will be many outstanding cattle from this sale that will go on to be leaders for their new owners. Congratulations to Tyler, Cortney and the entire Cates firm for another great presentation.

$103,000 - Lot 1 - Donor Cow CYT Dream Lady 0103 ET - A RWM, horned, 2010 daughter of CF Solution X ET and out of SS Dream Lady 420 ET selling open and ready to flush. An absolutely beautiful day This was a rare opportunity to purchase welcomed another over flow crowd to a proven donor female that comes from the Star Search XIV sale at Cates one of the most honored female lines in the breed today. That she is proven is an understatement. In this sale alone, she had six ET heifer calf Saturday, November 12, 2016 • 12 noon daughters and also White’s Equine Center • Diamond, Missouri her 2016 natural heifer calf that totaled $232,700. * Breeding Age Bulls This is a great female in the prime of her * Cows, Pairs and Bred Heifers productive life that * Show Heifer and Show Steer Prospects will continue to write breed history. Sale Day Phone: 417-627-4141 Purchased by Greg Sale Headquarters: Super 8 Motel Norman Farms, Carthage, Missouri • 417-359-9000 Sidell, Ill. $100,000 - Lot 3A - Open Heifer - CF Sale Committee: Dream Lady 635 RB Bob Blakemore, 417-637-2778 X ET. A red, polled, Carl Burton, 620-856-5750 February 5, 2016 Ron Minson, 918-542-9834 daughter of SULL Paul Bridwell, 417-742-2421 Red Blood ET and out of CYT Dream Sale Sponsor: Four State Shorthorn Association

Four State ShorthorN SALE Selling:

For more information: Sale Management:

Alden Auction Ron Alden 32570 225th Street • Hamilton, Missouri 64644 816-465-0777• ralden@lycos.com


shorthorn country = october 2016

Lady 0103 ET. One of the great daughters of 0103 to sell in this sale. She is vertually perfect in her shape and design. She will definately contend in the show ring and with her pedigree will be a great donor like her mother. Purchased by Cornerstone Farms, Winchester, Ind. $69,000 - Lot 22A - Open Heifer CF CSF Demi 650 SOL ET. A roan, polled, March 1, 2016 daughter of CF Solution X ET and out of WHR LS Demi 8031 ET. This tremendous red necked roan heifer was a favorite of many at the sale. She is great in her design and has the rib shape and softness about her that will make her one to watch in the coming show season. A great youngster with a top pedigree. Purchased by Jacob Nikkel, McPherson, Kan. $59,000 - Lot 2C - Open Heifer CF Dream Lady 663 AV X ET. A RWM, polled, March 15, 2016 daughter of Little Cedar Aviator 503X and out of CYT Dream Lady 0103 ET. Another of the great young heifers from the Dream Lady 0103 line. Sired by Aviator, this proves the production potential of this female line. She has the amount of added dimension that many look for. Purchased by David Smith, Boulder, Co. $42,000 - Lot 2B - Open Heifer CF Dream Lady 626 AV X ET. A RWM, polled, January 24, 2016 daughter of Little Cedar Aviator 503X and out of CYT Dream Lady 0103 ET. Another of the great Dream Lady 0103 daughters in this sale. This was possibly the stoutest made of this group of Dream Lady daughters. She is thick topped with a great rib shape to go with a deep sided soft look. She also has a tremendous future. Purchased by Rick Lawrence, Wilkinson, Ind. =

NEW BILLING CYCLE: Statements will now be mailed from the ASA office on the 20th of each month.

RC Show Cattle “Early Bird” Elite Show Heifer Event Sale Summary 7 Shorthorn heifers $ 56,300..avg. $ 6 Plus heifers..........$ 30,300..avg. $ 10 bred heifers ........ $ 72,000..avg. $ 15 AOB heifers ........$ 63,800..avg. $ 28 Heifers ..............$ 150,400 ..avg $

8,050 5,050 7,200 4,255 5,375

September 3, 2016 Eaton, Ohio by: Chris Smith

RC Show Cattle once again with guest consignor hosted a fantastic event on a nice September evening. The pens packed with lookers they crowded into the tent to bid on their favorite animal. The bidding was at a very fast pace for the great group of heifers assembled. Congrats goes out to everyone involved in this event. Events like this make the cattle industry continue. $15,000-Top selling lot was RC Proud Revival. This April heifer sired by RC WG Damn Proud and out the

ever famous Revival cow family. The Revivals have long been known for their show ring presence and cow making ability and this red and white heifer will be no different. Levi Shelby, Madill, Okla., was the lucky bidder on this heifer raised by RC Show Cattle. $17,800- was in second running with a fantastic pair of heifers sired by RC WG Damn Proud and out of CF Cumberland 186 FS. The lot 4 was a roan, April female which will see the tanbark heavily, was purchased by Mary Henry, Auburn, Ind., for $12,000. Lot 5 was a roan, March heifer and this full sister was purchased by Diane Collett, Liberty, Ind. Minges Family Farm consigned this fancy pair. $10,500- Third high selling lot was RC WG Cherry 601. This red necked roan, a February powerhouse, sired by SVFI Uncle and out of WG RC Golden Cherry. Golden Cherry just happens to be the mother of a little

known bull called RC WG Damn Proud. RC Show Cattle bred this female with Garrett Lundago, Alberta Can., as the buyer. $8,000-Top selling ShorthornPlus female was MFF Cumberland 94. This ultra well designed female was sired by I-80 and out of a CF Firestone cow. This solid black female should be a contender in her division. Minges Family Farm sold this heifer to Molly Hunt, Lynn, Ind. $6,250- Second top selling ShorthornPlus was a black with white mark, February heifer sired by SAV Brilliance and out of an SULL Eldorado cow. If looks could kill this one would be deadly with maternal abilities lined through her pedigree. KSD Farms was the consignor with Cody Gallagher, Foreman, Ark., getting the chance to lead this one. =

National Western Stock Show Hotel Information: Hotel Information for National Show in Denver Double Tree by Hilton Denver 3203 Quebec Street • Denver, CO 80207 For Reservations: Call the hotel at 303-321-3333 and ask for the American Shorthorn Association Block or call Rachel at the office at 816-599-7777.

shorthorn country = october 2016


= Beef Blurb

The AJSA junior board has been hard at work preparing for Leading a Legacy that will be held October 15 in Dunlap, Iowa. All of the proceeds from this fundraiser go to sponsoring the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. The 2017 NJSS will

be held July 3-8 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There are many items to look forward to being able to purchase during Leading a Legacy. There is a Hog Hunt that will be in Texas on V8 Ranch, a Sports Game package for a Nebraska football game, and a signed

Shelby director of youth Rogers activities, director of marketing & communications

jersey from football player Tyron Warren. There are Sunglo, Cydectin, Sullivan Supply and Purina packages up for grabs. Plus, many more items from a wine barrel table to a Shorthorn painting and Yeti cooler to custom embroidered hats and ad design to Legacy Livestock photoshoot. The junior board worked hard to gather items to reach all types of interests. In the previous years, there was a Casino Night after the auction. This year there will be a new night of fun. I have been working on a custom Shorthorn-opoly game. There is also an opportunity to help sponsor the Shorthorn monopoly board. Your logo will be placed on the property and the property will be named after you. Email shelby@shorthorn.org for more information on how to help sponsor AJSA. We hope to see you there! =

Reminder! We ask that members please make sure all your contact information (address, email, and phone numbers) are all up to date on your account. It is important to have correct addresses when we mail information as we are finding a number of returned addresses. - Any transfers needed for upcoming shows, please do not wait until the last minute to complete those! - If your membership is not paid, you are no longer able to register any animal!


shorthorn country = october 2016

Hugh Mooney

P.O. Box 2235 Elk Grove, CA 95759 209-712-6692 hughingalt@gmail.com



Registered Shorthorn Cattle Breeding Stock & Club Calves

Joe and Linda Laban

26846 S. Garryowen Rd Bernard, IA 52032-9288 Home: 563.879.3154 • Cell: 563.542.3155 jjlaban@yahoo.com showcattlepage.com/LabanRoanoke/homepage.html

Looking For Easy Fleshing, Dark Red, and a great temperament?

contact: L.E. Mathers III: 309-263-4233 mathers@leveldale.com or cattle@leveldale.com or Scott Wall: cell: 309-212-5450 swall_otg@yahoo.com 10442 N Co. Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664 309-678-4230

TRY LINCOLN RED! www.lincolnred.org

Visit our website at www.Leveldale.com

Larry and Sarah Pedelty 507-421-7112 Chatfield, MN sarahpedelty@gmail.com

Masonic VillageFarm


Gerald Tracy and Frank Stoltzfus

McKee Family Shorthorns Wayne and Aileen McKee

One Masonic Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-371-0798 fstoltzf@masonicvillages.org

5827 155th Avenue • Indianola, IA 50125 515-961-2073


Meadow Lane Farms


The Bertz’s

15186 Wheatley Road Mayview, MO 64071 Ron: 816-661-1980 FAX: 660-237-4989


1550 E. 450 S. Rushville, IN 46173 765-938-1204 • Ed cell: 765-561-1232

Located just east of Kansas City on I-70 at the 44 mile marker!


Danny Holland: 918.413.1212 Marie Cole, MD: 918.413.5435

12186 SE 230 Road • Talihina, OK 74571 mooncreekranch@hotmail.com





Chaddrick R. Sumner

1885 Cranford Sumner Rd. • Lenox, GA 31637 229-546-4512 • cell: 229-388-7038 kssumner@planttel.net Eph. 2:8-9 New Herd Sires: Code Red • PLM Blanco

Greg, Julie, Grant & Jillian 7234 E. 2700 Rd • Sidell, Il 61876 217-822-2506


Steve & Cindy Oler

9058 Manning Road Home: 765-886-5737 Economy, IN 47339 Cell: 765-993-0839 olerfs@olerfs.com Business: 765-886-4444


Ron Martin & Family

2699 E. 700 N. Greenfield, IN 46140 317-326-2568 cell: 317-727-4904 phildonfarms@aol.com

RC Show Cattle

Ron Rutan • 937.603.1319 Christy Campbell • 937.533.7051

shorthorn country = october 2016

Damn Proud


Registered Shorthorn Show Cattle



KEYSTONE Shorthorns

Laban’s Roanoke Farm

=What Digital Beef CanDo For You A Few Things To Help You Through Sale Season Sale season is upon us and there are a few things to remember to make the transition smooth as silk, eliminating headaches for you, and the buyer. Before the sale: • Register the animals. • Tattoo the animals. • If you are selling embryos, make sure all the DNA requirements are met on both dam and sire. It is important that the sale entries are registered before they are sold; having the sale animal registered prior to the sale ensures the potential buyer will receive all the details of the animal, such as pedigree and breed percentages. Also, tattooing the sale animals before the sale and making sure the tattoo matches what is on the registration paper virtually guarantees the new owner won’t have any problems when they take the animal to a show which requires entries to be tattoo verified.

When selling embryos, it is important to make sure all the DNA requirements are met on both dam and sire; this eliminates problems, such as having to draw blood to test DNA, for the buyer when they register the resulting calf. At the sale: • Ask the buyer for their member number. With the new online registry, transferring cattle is easier than ever; if you know the buyers member number you can complete the process in six simple steps! You are still able to mail into the ASA office, just make sure to include the original registration paper with the completed application for transfer in your envelope. After the sale: • Transfer the animal to the new owner within 60 days of sale. • Include breeding information in the transfer of bred heifers.

=News & Notes Farewell George H. Nickel, 93, of Westfield, passed away on Thursday, September 8, 2016 at Wellbrooke of Westfield. He was born on September 30, 1922 to Charles and Esther (Gustafson) Nickel in Arenzville, Illinois. George was a 1940 graduate of Carmel High School, and for 50 years was a cattle herdsman for Lynnwood Farm Purdue Research Center. He was a member of Clarksville Christian Church, and was quite active in 4-H. George showed polled shorthorn cattle


in most major livestock events in North America. He is survived by his children, Jim (Marietta) Lambdin, Ann (Charles) Catron, Bill (Debbie) Lambdin, Ron (Dayna) Nickel, Jerry (Robin) Nickel, and Sue (Kim) Hicks; 16 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; brother, Wilbur Nickel; and sister, Alice Chitty. In addition to his parents, George was preceded in death by his wife, Georgia Lucille Nickel in 2012; daughter, Teresa Jones; and sister, Dotty Wheeler. Memorial contributions may be made to Clarksville Christian Church, 16600 Lehr Street, Noblesville, IN 46060. =

shorthorn country = october 2016

Kathleen directoe of member Aschoff services, DNA & performance data

Save yourself some money! Transfer your sale animals within 60 days of the sale, transfer fees increase after 60 days. Once the animal is transferred and the bill is paid a new registration paper will be mailed to the new owner, unless you requested the registration paper to be mailed back to you by selecting ‘mail certificate to seller’. Breeding information is the highest cause of errors when transferring bred heifers. If the heifer is naturally bred to a bull, add the breeding information at time of transfer, this ties a natural breeding agreement to that heifer and makes the registration process easier for the new owner when it comes time to register the resulting calf. Having these items completed provides your customers will have a positive experience with your operation and the association after their purchase. =


Support the Juniors! October 15Leading a Legacy, Dunlap,IA

November 12Deck The Stalls/Funding the Future at NAILE, Louisville, KY

2017 Junior Nationals July 3-8, Tulsa, Oklahoma (Check-In: July 4)

If it says ROBJOY in the pedigree, you know they’re gonna be good!



Ricky and Lance Guidry

Sammy and Wilma Richardson

3703 Hwy 29 • Marlow, OK 73055 580-658-2709 richardsonfarmsshorthorns@gmail.com


Bob and Joyce Wilson Home: 217-348-6750 Dr. Larry Wilson

9256 Robinson Rd. Bell City, LA 70630 337-598-3258 • cell: 337-540-2825 office: 337-775-5928

Cell: 217-276-5964

Home: 847-814-7301 28 Buchanan Court • Charleston, IL 61920

Rocky Branch Shorthorns 1160 600th Ave, • Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-732-7596 Mark: 217-737-7905 mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman

Bob and Mark Gordon

Lee & Joy Kerby Hannah Lynch 1581 Paint Rock Valley Road Philadelphia, TN 37846 home: 865-213-3357 cell: 865-250-8809 email: RCKYBRNCH@AOL.COM http://SHORTHORNS.com

27634-443 Avenue • Marion, SD 57043

Cory, Melissa, Samantha and Jaxon Schrag 605-925-4804 • 605-941-5241 schrag@svtv.com

SharBen Shorthorns Ben & Sharon Wilson

947 Bald Eagle Road • Sharpsburg, Kentucky 40374 606-247-3023 • cell: 606-782-0754 benwilson@windstream.net

Strode Family Shorthorns Purebred Shorthorns Since 1967

Rick, Sandy, Blane & Clay Osterday 31728 US Hwy 12, Java, SD 57452 605-285-6761 Rick: 605-281-1175 • Blane: 605-281-0301 www.stanglshorthorns.com

Cattle available For Sale!

Sutherland Shorthorns

701 Iowa Ave. • Dunlap, IA 51529 www.maternallegends.com

David Ragsdale 3100 Locke Lane Prospect, KY 40059 cell: 502-396-6533

Visit us at www.sutherlandshorthorns.com

Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns Doug & Rhonda North

Find us on Facebook J Davy Farm Products & John David Ragsdale


The Jay Benham Family

4733 LeFevre Road Troy, Ohio 45373 937-335-1622 Visitors Always Welcome!

9300 Boyd Farm Rd. • Rochester, Il 62563 home: 217-498-9621 Curt: 217-836-9621 • Rob: 217-725-4955

John, Dede, Sara and Sage cell: 712-263-0263 John Elder - cell: 402-650-1385

building maternal legends . . .

tone Springs S Shorthorns

5544 Stone Road Clinton, IL 61727 217-622-4466 tenmileshorthorns@live.com Ar Su Lu Spear 320 x


Cattle always For Sale at the Farm.

25994 725TH AVE. ALBERT LEA, MN 56007 507-826–3184 • cell: 507-383-4172 www.topnotchstockfarm.com

Luke, Amanda, Madeline, Gavin, Callie, Alexa & Josie Turner 2519 Cty Rd 200E • Mahomet, IL 67853 217-202-2484 mainstreetfenching@yahoo.com

J&J Humphreys John: 219-279-2374 Andy: 219-279-2971 • Josh: 219-863-3984 7229 W. 200 N. • Wolcott, IN 47995 The coffee pot is always on!

shorthorn country = october 2016






Fair Tulsa State Fair Keystone International Keystone International Tulsa State Fair Georgia National Fair Keystone International Georgia National Fair State Fair of Texas Arkansas State Fair State Fair of Texas Arkansas State Fair Northern International Livestock Expo South Carolina State Fair South Carolina State Fair State Fair of Louisiana State Fair of Louisiana American Royal American Royal North Florida Fair North Florida Fair NAILE NAILE NAILE NAILE NWSS NWSS

Location Tulsa, OK Harrisburg, PA Harrisburg, PA Tulsa, OK Perry, GA Harrisburg, PA Perry, GA Dallas, TX Little Rock, AR Dallas, TX Little Rock, AR Billings, MT Columbia, SC Columbia, SC Shreveport, LA Shreveport, LA Kansas City, MO Kansas City, MO Tallahassee, FL Tallahassee, FL Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Denver, CO Denver, CO


Denver, CO

Houston International Livestock Show Houston International Livestock Show

Houston, TX Houston, TX

Show Open Show Major Atlantic Show ShorthornPlus Show Junior Heifer Show Junior Heifer Show Junior Breeding Heifer Show Junior Steer Show Pan American Show Junior Show Junior Heifer Show Open Show Junior Heifer Show Open Show Junior Show Junior Show Open Show Junior Heifer Show Open Heifer Show Junior Steer Show Junior Heifer Show Junior ShorthornPlus Show Junior Shorthorn Show Open ShorthornPlus Show Open Shorthorn Show Pen Show Jr Shorthorn & Plus Heifer Show, Open ShorthornPlus Heifer & Bull Show National Shorthorn Female Show, National Shorthorn Bull Show Junior Breeding Beef Open Breeding Beef

Date 10/1 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/8 10/9 10/9 10/14 10/15 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/21 10/22 10/26 10/26 10/27 10/27 11/12 11/13 11/12 11/13 11/14 11/14 1/14 1/15

Time 10 a.m. 8 a.m. following 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 8 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 a.m. 1 p.m. 8 a.m. 1 p.m. 8 a.m. 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 2 p.m. 12 p.m. following 7 p.m. 1 p.m. TBD TBD TBD TBD 11 a.m. 11 a.m.


11 a.m.

3/16-19 3/6-15


Judge Scott Werning

Graham Blagg Greg McCurry Jake Scott

How to Add a Commercial Animal to the Online Registry Once logged into your Digital Beef Account 2) On the Commercial Animal Enrollment Form, you will need to fill out the required fields which are: Name, Sex, Birth Date and Breed %. The other fields are optional.



1) Click Herd Mgmt > Recording > Commercial.

4 3

3) Once you have entered the information on the commercial animal you will click the Create button at the bottom.

4) After clicking Create a registration number will appear at the bottom of the box. This will be the registration number you will use when registering offspring. All Commercial Females are eligible for WHR assessments.


shorthorn country = october 2016


Hauxdale Shorthorn Farm 5106 169 R Ave SE Kindred, ND 58051 Steve: 701.261.3426 Bulls, females and show prospects for sale. Vogel Shorthorn Farm 10631 24th St SE • Rogers, ND 58479 vogelshorthornfarm@hotmail.com Justin: 701.320.4054 • Whitney: 701.261.1667


Marti 7577 S. 210 E. • Rensselaer, IN 47978 Barry & Anita: 219-866-3513 • cell: 219-819-0430 Toby & Jodi: cell: 219-819-4603 www.waukaru.net

Barry Jordan Families

1502 Missouri Valley Road Riverton, WY 82501 307-857-4240

Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.

TB accredited and certified bangs free.


Bruce Brooks

Marketing Services LLC

Auctioneer P.O. Box 349 Marietta, OK 73448 580-276-5137 cell: 580-695-2036

Alan K. Sears 61 Westeard Way, Eaton, CO 80615 H/O: 970-454-3986 C: 970-396-7521 • F: 970-237-3028 alan.sears@aksears.com www.searsmarketingservices.com

International Year Code: 2016-D


Jeff K. and Darla Aegerter 520 South Evergreen Dr. • Seward, NE 68434 402-641-4696 • jaegerter@neb.rr.com www.aegertermarketing.com

shorthorncountry.net shorthorncountry.net shorthorncountry.net shorthorncountry.net shorthorncountry.net

America’s Convenient AI Brand Daily shipping from mid-Missouri 866-356-4565


Wilson Livestock Agency Stuart D. Wilson 2228 State Hwy 128 Findlay, IL 62534 217-756-8828 cell: 217-454-9355

74saw@frontiernet.net www.stuartwilsonlivestock.com

SULLIVAN SUPPLY Livestock Grooming Products Sullivan Supply South Hillsboro, TX 800-588-7096 FAX: 254-582-7114


Sullivan Supply Inc. Dunlap, IA 800-475-5902 FAX: 712-643-5154

Call today for free mail order catalog.

shorthorn.org shorthorn.org shorthorn.org shorthorn.org shorthorn.org


shorthorn country = october 2016



Semen available on today’s hottest sires!

=Ad Index AAA Shorthorns ......................................57 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. ............71 Barkema Family Shorthorns ....................24 Bartels Bros..............................................57 Bennett Land & Cattle ............................57 Berg Shorthorns ......................................57 Bern-A-Dale Shorthorns ..........................57 Bigelow Farms..........................................57 Bo’s Shorthorns........................................57 Bowman Superior Genetics......................57 Brindle Path Ranch..................................57 Broken Road Cattle Company ................57 Brooks, Bruce ..........................................71


Bye Well Shorthorns ................................57 Byland Polled Shorthorns ..................57, 74 Canadian Western Agribition Show ..........9 Carstens Family Shorthorns ......................6 Cates Farms ..................................10-11, 57 Cattle Visions ..........................................71 Cedar Valley Shorthorn Sale ....................23 Crawfdown Farms....................................57 Cross Country Shorthorns ......................57 Dav Mar Way Farms................................57 Dedmon Shorthorns ................................57 DJS Shorthorns........................................57 Double C Shorthorns ..............................59

shorthorn country = october 2016

DTR Cattle Co........................................59 Duis Farms ..............................................59 Ea Ra Ba H Farm ....................................59 Eyes on the Midwest Sale ..........................7 Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns ........................59 Fischer Cattle Company ..........................59 Fort Worth Stock Show ..........................72 Four State Shorthorn Sale ........................64 Franz Farms ............................................59 Great American Insurance........................71 Greenhorn Cattle Co., LLC ............IFC, 59 Haumont Shorthorns ..............................59 Hauxdale Shorthorn Farm ......................71 High Ridge Farm LTD ............................59 Homeplace Farms ....................................59 Hub Ranch Shorthorns............................59 Illinois Breeders Unitd For Impact ........62-63 Inness Shorthorns ....................................59 Iroquoian Shorthorns ..............................59 James F. Bessler, Inc. ................................71 JT Moreland Farms, LLC ........................59 Jungels Shorthorn Farm ........................IBC Kearns Farms ..........................................59 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm ......................59 Keystone Autum Klassic ..........................17 Keystone Shorthorns................................67 Knust Shorthorns LLC ......................20-21 KW Cattle Co ........................................59 Laban Roanoke Farm ..............................67 Lane Cattle ..............................................67 Leading A Legacy ....................................13 Leveldale Farms ........................A1-A28, 67 Lincoln Reds............................................67 Little Cedar Cattle Co. ............................67 Maple Brook Farms ................................67 Masonic Village Farm ........................16, 67 McKee ....................................................67 Meadow Lane Farms ................................67 Meyer Family Shorthorns ........................67 Meyer Farms ............................................67 Moon Creek Ranch ................................67 New River Cattle ....................................67 Norman Farms ........................................67 Oler Farm ................................................67 Paint Valley Farms....................................74 Phildon Farms..........................................67 RC Show Cattle ......................................67 Richardson Farms Shorthorns ..................69 RL Cattle Company ................................69 Robjoy Shorthorns ..................................69 Rockdale Shorthorns................................24 Rockin’ G Land & Cattle ........................69 Rocky Branch Shorthorns ........................69 Schrag Shorthorn Farms ......................3, 69 Sears Marketing Services, LLC ................69 SharBen Shorthorns ................................69 Share the Vision ........................................5 Shorthorn 500 ....................................14-15 Smoky Mountain Farm............................69 Stangl Shorthorns ....................................69 Stone Springs Shorthorns ........................69 Strode Family Shorthorns ........................69 Sullivan Farms ..................................69, BC Sullivan Supply ........................................71 Sutherland Shorthorns ............................69 Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns ......................69 Top Notch Stock Farm ............................69 Turner Family Shorthorns........................69 Turner Shorthorns ..................................19 Tynywtra’s ................................................69 V8 Shorthorns ........................................71 Vogel Shorthorn Farm..............................71 Warner Ranch..........................................71 Waukaru Shorthorns................................71 Wendt, Kevin ..........................................71 Wilson Livestock Agency ........................71

=Sales Calendar Your Marketing Professional

Oct. 1 - Warner Ranch & Friends, "Fall Harvest" Production Sale, Grand Island, Neb.

Oct 23 - Cedar Valley Shorthorn Joint Production Sale, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Oct. 1 - KOLT Cattle Co, "Simple Choices" Production Sale, Seward, Neb.

Oct. 23 - Du-Lynn Farm & Esquire Cattle Company, ‘Share the Vision’ Production Sale, Berlin, Ohio.

Oct. 1 - Steck ‘Our Commintment Elite Female Sale’, Woodstock, Minn.

Oct. 23 - Turner Shorthorns 2016 Open House, Somerset, Ohio.

Oct. 7 - Moore Shorthorns Spring Born Online Sale, Jerseyville, Ill.,cwcattlesales,com

Oct. 25 - Turner Shorthorns 2016 Somerset Sensations Online Auction, Somerset, Ohio.

Oct. 8 - Greenhorn Cattle Co "Where Great Females Make A Difference" Production Sale, Waynesville, Ohio.

Oct. 29 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm "Durham Nation" Production Sale, Kathryn, ND.

Oct. 8 - Farrer Stock Farms, ‘Sale of Stars 43rd Annual Club Calf Sale’ , Royal Center, Ind. Oct. 9 - Rod Shorthorns, Waymar Shorthorns and Kohlsteadt Farms, Swing the Gate" Production Sale, Dixon, Ill.

If we can help you with further information regarding these sales, feel free to contact us.

Nov. 5 - Leveldale Farms "Investment Sale" Mason City, Ill. Nov. 12 - 4-State Shorthorn Sale, White’s Equine Center, Diamond, Mo.

Oct. 16 - Sullivan Farms, "Maternal Legends" Production Sale, Dunlap, Iowa.

Nov. 12 - Donors on Ice, Louisville, Ky.

Nov. 5 - Leveldale Farms "Investment Sale" Mason City, Ill.

Oct. 10 - Grathwohl Cattle Company, The Barn Draft (1st Choice Online Sales)

Nov. 13 - Greenhorn Cattle Co "Where Future Generations are Created" Sale, Louisville, Ky.

Oct. 11 - DTR Cattle Company, Online Female Sale, breedersworld.com

Nov. 26 - Bollum Family Shorthorns, ‘Red, White & Roan Saturday’ Online Sale.

Oct. 14 - Schrag Shorthorn "Family Event" Production Sale, Marion, SD. Oct. 15 - Studer Family Shorthorns, "Family Legacies" 100th Anniversary Sale, Creston, Iowa. Oct. 15 - Keystone Autumn Klassic, Waynesburg, Pa. Oct. 16 - Sullivan Farms, "Maternal Legends" Production Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Oct 20 - Rockdale Shorthorns Online Sale, www.sconlinesales.com

Oct. 1 - KOLT Cattle Co, "Simple Choices" Production Sale, Seward, Neb.

Nov. 27 - Farrer Stock Farms, ‘Dynamic Dam Sale’ , Royal Center, Ind. Dec. 10 - Bowman Superior Genetics, "Major Herd Reduction Sale", Greens Fork, Ind. Dec. 17 - Paint Valley Farm and Byland Polled Shorthorns Joint Production Sale, Millersburg, Ohio. Dec. 20 - "Fusion Cattle's Silver & Gold Bred Female Sale". Online at www.cwcattlesales.com. Mendota, Ill.=

Oct 22 - Double J & Crow Creek "Shorthorn 500" Production Sale, Marietta, Okla. Auction Sales • Private Treaty • Semen • Embryos

Cagwin Cattle Services, LLC P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, IL 62691

217-452-3051 • FAX: 217-452-3053 email: cagwincattle@casscomm.com

shorthorn country = october 2016


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