2019 September Shorthorn Country

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september 2019

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

Shorthorn Country september 2019 issue 8 • volume 46

shorthorn country =Show Results Ohio State Fair, Regional Show........................................................ 32 California State Fair Super Regional Show.................................... 38 Wisconsin State Fair.......................................................................... 42

advertising rates 1x 11x Full page $ 565 $ 505 2/3 page 420 385 1/2 page-island 335 310 1/2 page 315 290 1/3 page 240 225 1/4 page 195 175 1/6 page 135 120 Business card (1 1/2”) 41 32

* Additional cost for e-mailed pictures, color corrections and photograph scans

color rates

= Sale Reports

4 color $200 1 color $195 * Color only available on ads half of page or larger.

Sun Country....................................................................................... 36

Contract Rates And Discounts:

Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.

Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs

Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.


Update..................................................................................8 Association Outlook........................................................10 Beef Business.....................................................................14 Beef Blurb..........................................................................20 News & Notes....................................................................34 Junior Corner....................................................................40 Tartan Plaid.......................................................................30 Sales Calendar...................................................................49 Ad Index............................................................................50

Shorthorn Country

7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 •  FAX: 816-599-7782 • www.shorthorncountry.net Don Cagwin, publisher Tracy Duncan, managing editor/art director = 402-212-2594 tracy@shorthorncountry.org Amy Sampson, graphic designer = 816-437-9210 amy@shorthorncountry.org Amanda Cagwin, accountant = amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston= 217-452-3051 cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn = 217-473-1124 drahn@casscomm.com

Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC = 913-268-5725 Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com


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The September cover was taken by Shelby Rogers at Leveldale Farms, Mason City, Illinois

=Advertising Representatives Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.


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= Shorthorn Update

7607 NW Prairie View Rd. • Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs, performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org Heather Lange, director of customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org Shelby Rogers, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Emily Velisek, director of events, show & membership activities • emilyv@shorthorn.org Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org

ASA Board of Directors Rick Leone, president 719-468-1981 Nancy Grathwohl-Heter, vice president 785-587-7947 Hugh Mooney, executive director 916-319-0488 Tom Turner, 614-499-5248 Robert Alden, 816-632-8509 Joe Bales, 615-330-2342 Dave Greenhorn, 937-470-6552 Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 John Sonderman, 402-641-0936 Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Kane Aegerter, president National Shorthorn Lassies Shay Bakenhus, president

ASA Dates of Note

Nov. 15 Fort Worth entry deadline Nov. 16 NAILE - Jr. ShorthornPlus Show September Nov. 16 Deck the Stalls Junior Fundraiser - Sept. 2 ASA Office Closed - Labor Day at NAILE, Louisville, Ky. Sept. 3 All ballots due in ASA office for Nov. 17 NAILE - Jr. Shorthorn Show electing delegates Nov. 18 NAILE - National ShorthornPlus Sept. 16 American Royal ownership and Show followed by National entry deadline Shorthorn Show Sept. 23 American Rancher Shorthorn Show Nov. 20 NWSS entry deadline - 8:00 pm Central - RFD TV (Open/Junior/Yards) October Nov. 22-23 ASA Annual Meeting, Forum & Oct. 1 NAILE entry deadline Awards Banquet, Hilton Kansas Oct. 3-4 World Shorthorn Conf., Australia City Airport Oct. 5 KILE National Shorthorn and Nov. 28-29 ASA Office Closed - ShorthornPlus Show Thanksgiving and day after Oct. 6 KILE Junior Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Show Help Support the Juniors! Oct. 12 Leading a Legacy Junior Fundraiser - Dunlap, Iowa Sept. 28 • “Funding the Future” hosted by The Oct. 24 American Royal Junior Revival sale consigners, Beaverton, Shorthorn Show and National Mich. Shorthorn Show Oct. 12 • Leading a Legacy, Dunlap, Iowa November Nov. 16 • Deck the Stalls, at NAILE, Nov. 1 Inventories mailed for 2020 WHR Louisville, Ky.

2019 NAILE Hotel Info Hilton Garden Inn Louisville Airport 2735 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209 • Phone: 502-637-2424 Cutoff Date: 10/14/19 - Group: American Shorthorn Association

2019 ASA Annual Meeting, Forum & Awards Banquet November 22-23, 2019 NEW Location: Hilton Kansas City Airport 8801 NW 112th St., Kansas City, MO 64153 Phone: (816) 891-8900 - Call hotel for Reservations Cutoff Date: 10/31/19 - Group: American Shorthorn Association 8

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Upcoming Committee Conference Calls Genetic Evaluation Committee Sept. 9 5:00 pm CT Commercial Acceptance Committee Sept. 9 5:00 pm CT ShorthornPlus Committee Sept. 9 5:00 pm CT Contact emilyv@shorthorn.org if you would like to participate in these committee calls.

WHR Breeders WHR Assessments for 2019 were sent in November. If you have not received yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible. 1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2019 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2019.) 2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2019 to an assessed 2019 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months) 2019 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: March 1 - December 31, 2019 $25 *Calves born in previous year(s) to unassessed dams will incur additional fees as described below

New WHR Non-Assessed Cow Ruling - Effective Jan. 1, 2019 WHR Breeders: as of January 1, 2019, penalties will be added to WHR breeder registrations for calves born to dams not assessed in the year the calf was born. To avoid penalties, assessment of all dams in the herd must be completed by December 31 of that year. Registration fees of calves born to unassessed dams from previously closed assessment years: • under 12 months of age - $75 • 12-24 months - $95 • over 24 months - $135 *This applies only to animals registered to a dam which was not assessed in the year the calf was born.

Regular Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone

2019 International Year Code: G

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= Association Outlook Building A Positive Image November 22 & 23


Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO

he image of every breed is on display 24-7-365. Meaning every member and breeder have an impact and responsibility to enhance the breed image all day long, every day of the year. There are many avenues of communication, including in-person, phone calls, e-mail and social media. The whole world can see these images which ultimately create a breed image for those not familiar with the Shorthorn breed. With every comment, picture and video, the viewer forms an opinion which reflects not only on the party sharing, but the entire breed. During a committee conference call, we discussed in depth how individual breeders’ presentation of their operations and their products impacts the Shorthorn industry. We must remember that many times, the entire breed may be judged by one person’s visit to a farm, in an ad, a social media post or from a conversation. Purebred breeders have many responsibilities, but one that may be the most important is how our operations and products are displayed 24-7-365. We never know who is looking, posting photos and making assumptions of the breed. These days, we must be continually aware of possibly being photographed at any time. It seems nothing is off limits. This year’s Annual Meeting Forum

topic was determined by the emphasis the committee placed on how member and breeder actions can affect the breed, “Building a Positive Breed Image”. We want to remain aware of our actions and how they affect both our personal operations and the breed. The Forum program has been designed around this topic. The Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet has been moved to November. The dates to mark are Nov. 22 & 23 at the Hilton Airport Hotel in Kansas City, MO. You can register for the Annual Meeting Forum and Awards Banquet on the Shorthorn website. Please make your hotel room reservations separate from registering, by contacting the Hilton directly. More information can be found on the Shorthorn website; https:// shorthorn.org/2019-annual-meetingforum-awards-banquet/. Check page 18 in this issue for a detailed schedule. Panel discussions are planned that will have breeders from the Shorthorn breed and other breeds who will share their success stories and how they perceive activities affecting the “Building of a Commercial Image” and a panel on “Breeders Impact on a Breed”. There will be presentations covering the Iowa State University Heifer Project, Illinois Sire Test, information concerning the new breed promotion by Grant Company, AI Sire procurement from an AI stud and a

feature speaker on “Building Blocks to a Stronger Breed”. We will have ASA Workshops for the DigitalBeef Registry, Performance Programs and Marketing Opportunities. All the Committees will meet, including the 150th Anniversary Celebration planning group. This is two full days packed with activities and great Shorthorn fellowship, with a big social on Friday night and the Pre-Awards Banquet Social Saturday. The Annual Meeting will begin at 2:00 pm on Saturday, Nov. 23. During this meeting is when the new ASA Board of Directors is elected. This will be a fun and educational experience. The highlight each year is the time spent interacting with fellow Shorthorn breeders and enthusiasts. One-on-ones or groups of folks with the same goals - to make the breed Bigger, Better and Stronger! =

2019 ASA Annual Meeting Forum & Awards Banquet November 22 & 23 Hilton Kansas City Airport Kansas City, MO See Page 18 For More Details

American Shorthorn Association Mission Statement The mission of the American Shorthorn Association is to serve all members and enhance the value of the Shorthorn breed by managing data, maintaining the integrity of the herdbook, educating members and communicating the value of Shorthorn cattle resulting in the expanded use of Shorthorn genetics in the U.S. beef industry.

American Shorthorn Association Vision Statement

Be recognized in the industry as a viable British breed that creates profitability in beef cattle production, with a family friendly environment.

Core Strategies Educate, equip and empower our members


Increase commercial interest in Shorthorn genetics

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Continue to develop and support the Junior program

Invest in research and development to enable breed improvement

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= Beef Business

Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs

At the Starting Gate When I am struggling to come up with a topic for this column like I was this month, I usually look at the previous month’s article (to make sure I don’t copy it again) and the article from the same month in the previous year; hoping for a topic that was relevant the previous year. My September 2018 article opened with, “To be honest with you, I had a hard time coming up with something to write about for this issue.” I was successful in discovering a pattern: that the September issue is a common time for writer’s block! The best way for me to get rolling in these cases is to start writing what’s on my mind and hope I can tie it back to cattle eventually. That method worked out well for this month. I spent an August weekend in Des Moines with friends at the Prairie Meadows racetrack. It was a fun way to wrap up the summer before heading into the chaos that is fall sale and show season. With everyone on the trip working in purebred cattle marketing, we resigned ourselves to the fact that we won’t be able to get together again until Denver. If you invite someone in our line of work to a social event on a fall weekend, don’t expect them to show up unless it’s your sale day! Horse racing is affectionately known as “The Sport of Kings”, but I’m not sure that moniker really fits. Some of you tune in for the Kentucky Derby or other big races and see the high-class party atmosphere, but you may not realize that everyday horse racing is a blue-collar profession. The barns at Prairie Meadows are full of horsemen trying to make their living winning races. While we all tried to find the next longshot winner, the conversation at the table turned to cattle. One of the guys at the table made the observation, “You know, this sport deals with a lot of the same things that we do in the cattle business.” What followed was a lengthy discussion about some of 14

the similarities in horse racing and the beef cattle business. I’ve outlined some of the biggest commonalities in the rest of this article. Breeding and Genetics: Breeding racehorses is a combination of art, livestock breeding and luck. What makes the Thoroughbred breeding industry much more challenging, is that all matings must be natural service in order to be eligible for registration. Imagine if we had that restriction in the registered beef business! Most of the Thoroughbred breeding in the US is based around Lexington, Kentucky. However, many state Thoroughbred organizations offer special races and incentive programs for horses bred and raced in their state. We watched several races which were open only to Iowa-bred horses while at Prairie Meadows, and they even host a special day of racing to celebrate the Iowa-breds at the end of the season. Similar to our livelihood, it’s important to find a niche for your breeding program where you can fit and be successful. Conformation: I’m not an expert in racehorse phenotype, but one of my friends has some knowledge of what one should look like. He certainly had a “look” or type that he was studying for when the horses paraded out onto the track before each race. It didn’t necessarily help him cash any winning tickets. I think as cattlemen we have a better grasp on what type of animal will be a winner in our herds than the horseplayer at the track. Statistics and Data: Open up a race program and you will find more data than you know what to do with on each race. There are statistics on jockey and trainer performance, as well as recaps of recent past races for every horse in the race. To a novice, it can be a numerical overload, but it can also helpful to find the winning horse and place the right wager. Much akin to our own

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performance data, EPDs and selection indexes, the information in a racing program can be beneficial if you know how to use it! Betting Style: Everyone at the track has their own methodology to picking a winner. Some watch the horses in the paddock, while others study the stats in the program. Some play by gut feeling or color of the horse. Regardless, the destination is the same for everyone: to win some money! Study all the different cattle operations out there and you’ll see a similar trend. No two cattlemen go about things exactly the same, even with the same end goal in mind. Compassion: The crowds are not very big at Prairie Meadows, except for the 10 minutes before and during a race. The spectator numbers grow then because all the people who work in the stables make their way over to watch their horses run their race. Grooms, trainers, and other staff all gather near the finish line to cheer on their horses. You can tell that they care deeply for the animals they are responsible for. As soon as every race ended, they bounced into action to cool their horse down and get them back to the barn for post-race care. What may just be “the #5 horse” to the racegoer is a special athlete with a name and a unique personality to the people who care for them, just like we view some of our cow herds. Horse racing has always been one of my favorite sports. After the trip to Prairie Meadows and the discussion of how similar it is to our beloved industry, I think I’ve developed an even deeper appreciation for their business. Midwestern horsemen and cattlemen are a lot more alike than we might think, with both groups made up of dedicated, hard-working people trying to make a living in the industry they love. You also have to be a pretty good gambler to make it in either business! =

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6B’s Guardian ET

HD Bloodstone 603 X Ash Valley Kendra 7142

T Kane Captain x

JSF Goldenrod 57U X KOLT AA Lady Reward 1Y

T Ash Valley Right Choice x Ash Valley Prestige 0590 X Ash Valley Duchess 9622

SULL Master of Rose x

JSF Master of Jazz X SULL Rose Mary

T FAIR Red, White & Roan

Jake’s Proud Jazz X KG Cinderella 939

STAR Patriot CS179E *x

MAV Bellringer x Hot Commodity

CSF Backdraft 703 RR ET *x

SULL Red Reward 9321 X WHR LS Demi 8931 ET


Free K-Kim Hot Commodity X GCC Turners Margie 542 E ET

R-C WG Damn Proud *x

Jake’s Proud Jazz X WG RC Golden

T DMH Cherry Fillet Western Trademark 3rd X Maid of Promise H 189th

T Saskvalley Yesterday

Saskvalley Wholesale x Saskvalley Navajo

DJS The Outsider *x

MAV Chrisma 906W X DJS SC SP Anndelle J 921

T Homedale Creole 135

GFS Creole 9590 ET X Homedale Ruby S 914

T SULL Red Sensation 6554

Red Reward X SULL Rose Mary 636-3

FSF Near Perfect

T Bar N Creedence 540C

SRV Quiet Man (THC) 3BC Hard Rock X CHSC Elegant Queen

HP Manimal 1C *s

FSF Bearcat 37Z ET X FSF Madeline’s Rose S247 ET Saskvalley Bonanza X JSF Rosewood

Prospect Hill Alarado 33A X  JDMC Miss Remedy 124Z

Hill Haven Firestorm

T BFS Master Prince *x

DF Waco 6W X Hill Haven Breathtaker 35Y SEXED SEMEN Available

Jake’s Prince of Jazz x KL Prime Time Paymaster

T JSF Mr Right 151Z

Leveldale Righteous 084 X KL Notable Nita

BS Ghost Rider

Jake’s Proud Jazz 266L X HA First Ruby

TKA TC Purple Haze 07E *x

ALM Chiller x Daybreak Express

T Muridale Jaxson 4A x

Buster 14K X Bonanza daughter

FSF Perfection 812

FSF Near Perfect X FSF Sierra Crystal

CF Focus *x

Hot Commodity x CF Lucky Charm

DF Talledega 3X ET x

T Leveldale North Face 562 *x

Studer’s Taylor Made 7Y X Leveldale Nan Again 110Y

T Creekside Amp 32W x

Alta Cedar Signature X Banner Julia Ann 34J

T Bar N Ripper 99A x

JDMC Remedy X JDMC Rocksie

T Alta Cedar Code Red x

Bloodstone 603 ET X Poppin Girl 2R01 ET

Alta Cedar Code-Red 24S X Lassie 16T

MSC Sarge *x

T CSF/Lakeside Rooster 394 ET

Captain Obvious x Sonny

SVFI Rooster 561R X RS Lindakay 006 04


www.cattlevisions.com T Calving Ease HS SWAGGER 802 ET *x

WHR RT Augusta Sunrise X HD Reflection

SULL Roan Blast 0301 ET

SULL GNCC Asset ET X SULL Beauty Queen 570 ET

CLF Foolin’ Around 1401 ET x Sonny X SULL Fool Me 508 WT

SULL Right Knight 5664C E ET x CF Trump X K-Kim Mona Lisa 10T ET SEXED SEMEN Available

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= Beef Blurb...

Shelby director of youth activities, Rogers director of marketing & communications

Busy Summer The last week in July was packed full of activities. The first few days of the week, I was in Minneapolis, Minnesota for the annual Ag Media Summit. This conference is hosted in a different place each year by the Livestock Publications Council. This year it was hosted in conjunction with the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists and American Agricultural Editors’ Association and there were more than 700 professionals in attendance. Attendees of the conference participate sessions about photography, videography, writing, personal development and more. Many different agricultural publications, associations and agencies are represented so it also provides great networking opportunities between industry professionals. The focus of many of the sessions I attended this year were based on different

writing skills and I can’t wait to use them for future writing projects at the ASA. It was interesting to learn new techniques and how I can make my writing more interesting for feature stories or news articles. AMS provides me with more knowledge and real-life examples to so I can continue to grow professionally with ASA. I look forward to what I can learn next year! After AMS, I headed to Michigan for an ASJA junior board retreat and summer meeting. Once board members arrived in Michigan, we went to Lake Michigan so they all had a chance to visit a Great Lake. The following day the board toured the Byron Center Meats, a USDA inspected custom meat processor. They also visited the John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids before heading to the Lake City

Research Center. While at Lake City, they learned about the projects they do with Michigan State University. One project they are currently working on has to do with gas emissions while cattle graze. For the last day, the junior board had their summer meeting to review the 2019 NJSS and begin planning for 2020. They voted on a theme of “Shorthorns & Spurs” for the Abilene, Texas, NJSS on June 22-27. They also made some new changes that will be made public soon! After the meeting, they visited Little Cedar Cattle Co. and talked with Steve and Julie French. It was a great week of learning and activities. It is hard to believe the busy summer is almost over. Soon we will begin fall events and shows, and I look forward to seeing everyone this fall! =

All Ballots due in ASA Office by September 3rd for Electing Delegates.


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= Since you asked...

Heather director of customer Lange service, registrations & DNA

DNA Form Makeover If you’ve submitted DNA recently, you might have noticed a different form on our website. We did a little makeover, if you will, to the form. The new form is less congested, which allows for more room when filling in your animals’ information. Here are some of the updates/changes to the form: - Due to numerous requests, myostatin and horned/polled tests have been added (not required tests) - $5 fee added to any hair OR semen straw samples sent (in accordance with

what the lab charges us) - $5 fee for samples submitted without DNA form - $5 fee for hair samples submitted without hair card- if you need hair cards (or blood cards) just contact the office. They’re free! - If you have started a registration in Digital Beef and ran into a DNA error, check the “Pending Registration” box on the DNA submission form. We can push the registration through once we have the DNA sample in-hand; this way,

there is a registration number to tie to that sample. The lab accepts blood, tissue, semen, and hair samples. Blood and tissue are their preferred sample types. Please download the new DNA form from the ASA website; shorthorn.org. If you have any questions regarding DNA, don’t hesitate to contact the ASA office! =

American Shorthorn Association DNA Testing Submission Form Contact the ASA for blood sample cards. Cards must accompany this form and be returned with payment. There is a $5 charge for no form or hair samples submitted without card. REQUIRED FOR ALL ANIMALS. American Shorthorn Association Authorization: “I hereby agree that all genetic material submitted is the sole property of the ASA. I hereby authorize ASA to publish all genetic testing data results obtained now and in the future to the general public from any sample submitted. I agree to waive and hold harmless and indemnify ASA and GeneSeek from any claim arising from testing or publications of data. By signing this form, I agree to these terms.”

Signature/Date (testing requires signature):

Customer Information

Payment Method: Credit

Contact Person:

Name on Card:

ASA Member #:

Billing Address:


Phone: Card Number:

Email: Address:





Expiration Date (MM/YYYY): Tattoo *required*

Reg #

Offered ASA DNA Tests

Cost per test

A. B. C.

AI Sire/Donor Dam Requirement GGP - 150K Profile + TH, PHA, DS GGP - HD 150K Profile

$80 $125 $90

D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M.

GGP - LD 50K Profile GGP ULD 25K Profile Parentage TH, PHA, DS TH PHA DS Myostatin Horned/Polled Other ______________________

$55 $40 $35 $48 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27 $27

Billing Information

Farm Name:

Sample Barcode

By selecting AI Sire/Parentage Requirement, testing will include GGP - LD, Parentage, TH, PHA, & DS. Additional genetic conditions can be added with GGP products for $27

Pending Reg ?

Sex (M or F)


Sire Reg #

Sire 2 Reg #

Dam Reg #

Ordered Tests (ex: A+K)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

*Add $5 per animal when tested via semen straw or hair sample* TOTAL DUE: PLEASE SUBMIT COMPLETED FORM TO: AMERICAN SHORTHORN ASSOCIATION - 7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Kansas City, MO 64151


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Cost of selected ASA DNA Tests

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= Tartan Plaid The Time-Tested Tradition of the Shorthorn Lassie This time of year is often very busy for many of us with county and state fairs wrapping up, to starting back to school or heading off to college and of course, all the fall sale preparations underway. Lassie Queens and Princesses around the nation have also been busy logging many miles assisting in show rings and other Shorthorn events this summer. While the first Lassie Queen may have been crowned over 60 years ago, today’s Lassies continue to represent the Shorthorn breed with great pride and honor just as they did back then. It’s no secret that Lassies grab attention and stand out wherever they go when wearing the Lassie costume. Lassies are often asked why they are wearing their unique outfit. The Shorthorn Lassie Queen costume was selected all those years ago to represent the Scottish heritage our breed originated from. The tartan worn by Lassies reflects that same origin and breed history that means so much to our association today. The tradition of the Lassie costume, while being slightly modified through the years, has continued to set our breed

apart from other breed queens. The Lassies serve as advocates, not only for the Shorthorn breed, but also for the livestock industry through involvement at shows, sales, fundraisers, and other industry events. Due to the tartan costume, many times the Lassies are the first point of contact with the public and are able to use that platform to share their love and passion for the beef industry, while also being positive role models for the Shorthorn breed. Being involved in the Shorthorn Lassies definitely affords the opportunity to make friendships and connections across the nation just as it was intended when the Lassie auxiliary was being formed, while also striving to keep the rich heritage of our organization intact for future generations. Just as the future of our cattle depends on new generations of breeders and showmen, the Shorthorn Lassies depend on future young people to wear the tartan with pride. Seeing the enthusiasm and interest of those in attendance at the Lassie Tea and the Lassie 101 in Lebanon, Tennessee in June, definitely

Emily National Shorthorn Fry Lassie Queen

displayed the bright future of the Shorthorn Lassies. Whether a national or state queen or princess, the Lassie plays an important role for the Shorthorn breed far more than passing out awards or being in backdrop photos. Making connections with and learning from breeders, show officials, judges, other youth and of course, all those future Lassies, is a rewarding experience and a true timetested tradition for a Lassie. Shorthorns have definitely seen changes over the years and Lassies may wear many hats when it comes to their duties, but wearing the Lassie costume is one tradition, the founding Shorthorn Lassies would be proud to see still being continued today. The National Shorthorn Lassie Association is also a great way for women to get involved in Shorthorn promotion activities and build relationships of their own. More information on the National Shorthorn Lassies can be found at https:// shorthorn.org/national-shorthorn-lassies/. =

Help Support the Juniors! Sept. 28 • “Funding the Future” hosted by The Revival sale consigners, Beaverton, Mich. Leading a Legacy, Dunlap, Iowa

Oct. 12 • Nov. 16 • Deck the Stalls, at NAILE, Louisville, Ky.


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Ohio State Fair - Regional Show Northeast Region – 96 head – Judge: Wes Hudson, Harrison, Ark. by Emily Velisek

Grand Champion Bull, PVF Independence 114F, exhibited by Whitney Miller, Millersburg, Ohio.

Grand Champion Female, CF NNN Augusta Pride 8102 EV, exhibited by Alyssa Carter, Oregonia, Ohio. Reserve Grand Champion Bull, STS Raising Kane, exhibited by Justin Shonkwiler, London, Ohio.

Reserve Grand Champion Female, FPK Cindy Beauty 1761, exhibited by Fulton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, BFC Dream On G001, exhibited by Brandywine Farms Cattle Company, Carthage, Ind. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, SULL Lady Crystal 8062F ET, exhibited by Dawson Osborn, Lynchburg, Ohio. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, BFC Blackjack F06, exhibited by Brandywine Farms Cattle Company, Carthage, Ind. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female, BCSC Ms Blue Margie ET 3F ET, exhibited by Erin Lawrence, Hebron, Ohio.


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= News & Notes Farewell Dr. J.C. Parmer, 85 passed away on August 8, 2019 in Vernon, Texas. He was born June 15, 1934 to Doyle and Gladys Parmer, in Archer City, Texas. He moved to Iowa Park in 1947 and graduated from W.F. George High School in 1951. He was active in football and track and had the privilege to play in the Greenbelt Bowl. He attended Parkland Hospital School of X-ray Technology and worked at the Wichita Falls Clinic Hospital. He graduated from Midwestern State University with a B.S. Degree. He married Jimmie Joy George on November 16, 1956 at the First Baptist Church in Iowa Park, Texas. He attended Baylor Dental School in Dallas and graduated with a DDS degree in 1961. They moved to Vernon in August of 1961 and opened his practice. He retired in 2011 after 50 years of dentistry. He was an active member of First Baptist Church of Vernon, where he served as deacon and he served on several committees. He enjoyed raising Shorthorn cattle. He was honored as Man of the Year at Doans Picnic in May 2019. Dr. Parmer was an avid fan for the Vernon Lions and a long time Red Sox fan. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Jimmie Joy, Twins Jimmy Doyle Parmer and wife Sandie of Vernon. Pamela Ann Bailey and husband Chris of Oklahoma City, Okla., Son Dr. Jay Richard Parmer and wife Shana of Quanah, Texas and Paige Allison Lambert and husband Rick of Vernon, Texas. Nine grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Memorials can be made to USSV, First Baptist Church Local Ministries or Hope Center. =

NEW-American Rancher Shorthorn Show September 23 8:00 p.m. Central RFD TV September 24 12:00 a.m. Central RFD TV September 29 11:00 a.m. Central RFD TV

WELCOME! Ethan and Kathleen Gilman of Gilman Shorthorns in Stuart, Iowa, are pleased to introduce their new addition to the family. Chripp Eugene Gilman Born July 22, 2019 7lbs 15oz 20 1/2 inches long


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= Sale Reports 2019 Sun Country Shorthorn Sale Sale Summary

47 Head..................... $ 198,500

$ 4,223

March 5, 2019 Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan by: Grant Alexander

For the third time in as many years, the Sun Country Shorthorn Sale was hit with a major winter storm. Fortunately, the storm had started to move past by sale morning. This affected the sale day crowd but there was a large number of bidders and buyers on the live internet broadcast. As in many previous years, over 90% of our bulls sold to commercial producers. The high price of the day was an open heifer, ACC Candy’s Fruit Loop 46F consigned by Anwender Cattle Co. This outstanding daughter of Red Rose Gold Spear Ruffian is also a daughter of Anwender’s many times champion female ACC Candy’s Winegum 14W. Several leading breeders were in the bidding war for this female, which was won by A&C Farms in England. She will

be developed as a future donor for their new Shorthorn herd in England. The high selling bull at $10,250, was lot 2, HC Caramba Focus 3F consigned from Horseshoe Creek Farms and Caramba Shorthorns in Ireland. This March 17th, 2018 son of HC Bedrock 73B is a well balanced, red neck roan, bull was selected by Sweetgrass Ranches, Medicine Hat, AB. Selling at $6250 was lot 33, ACC Falcon 3F consigned by Anwender Cattle Co. This white, January 2018 bull shows excellent length and muscle expression, and is one of the first sons of the Australian Royalla Rockstar K274 to sell in North America. He was purchased by James Martin, Ituna, SK., for his excellent commercial herd. $6,000 – Lot 23,Rocking L Magnum 7E (Rocking L Cattle Co.) to James Martin, Ituna, SK. $6,000 – Lot 24, Rocking L Magnum 41E (Rocking L Cattle Co.) to James Martin, Ituna, SK. $5,750 - Lot 20, Rocking L Magnum 47E (Rocking L Cattle Co.) to Charles Davis, Arcola, SK. $5,750 Lot12, HC Fascinator 24F (Horseshoe CreekFarms) to Century Lane Farms Ltd., Stoughton, SK. =

Find us on YouTube ShorthornASA Check out the Shorthorn channel to view the new “How To” tutorials


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shorthorn country = september 2019

California State Fair - Super Regional West Region – 48 head – Judge: Brent Murphy, Houstonia, Mo. by Emily Velisek

Grand Champion Bull, GSC Gold Label 2585, exhibited by Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.

Grand Champion Female, KRLE Myrtle Bo Juliet 814 ET, exhibited by Aaron Kerlee, Denair, Calif.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull, JSF Polaris 201F, exhibited by Sadie Faith Plummer, Herald, Calif.

Reserve Grand Champion Female, B/F Pretty Girl 8053, exhibited by Matt & Stacey Bigelow, O’Neals, Calif.

On Thursday, July 18, 2019 Shorthorn enthusiast exhibited at the California State Fair. The Open Shorthorn Show was judged by Brent Murphy of Houstonia, MO. Murphy evaluated 33 purebred females and 15 purebred bulls. Grand Champion Bull honor went to GSC Gold Label 2585, owned by Greg Cardey of Turlock, Calif. JSF Polaris 201F was named Reserve Grand Champion Bull, owned by Sadie Faith Plummer of Herald, Calif. Grand Champion Female was awarded to KRLE Myrtle Bo Juliet 814 ET, owned by Aaron Kerlee of Denair, Calif. Reserve Grand Champion Female was B/F Pretty Girl 8053, owned by Matt & Stacey Bigelow of O’Neals, Calif. Other Champions Include: Open Purebred Female Show Divisions: Spring Heifer Calf Champion Sunny Day FB Countess 4G, Alpha & Sherri Gipe, Merced, Calif. Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - LC Augusta Pat 3280, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif. Junior Heifer Calf Champion - LC 38

Funny Face 3192, Don Cardey. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - LC Funny Face 3197, Don Cardey. Senior Heifer Calf Champion - B/F Pretty Girl 8053, Matt & Stacey Bigelow. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - B/F Cherokee Lady 8121, Matt & Stacey Bigelow. Intermediate Champion Female KRLE Myrtle Bo Juliet 814 ET, Aaron Kerlee. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - LC Catherine 2883, Don Cardey. Junior Champion Female - Sunny Day Homestead Foxxy 20F, Dennis Pluth, Clearlake Oaks, Calif. Reserve Junior Champion Female - Sunny Day FB Suzy 8F, Timothy Whitfield, Merced, Calif. Senior Champion Female - B/F Mary 7042, Matt & Stacey Bigelow. Reserve Senior Champion Female - AFR Shannon BB F05, Albiani Shorthorns, Elk Grove, Calif. Cow/Calf Pair Champion - JP-JP Bar SULL Wild Rose, Juston Plummer, Herald, Calif. Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair -

shorthorn country = september 2019

Sunny Day GT Countess 18D, Alpha & Sherri Gipe. Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions: Spring Bull Calf Champion - GSC Gold Label 3283, Greg Cardey. Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - JT Jake Sensation 192, Jared Tanaka, Vacaville, Calif. Junior Bull Calf Champion - LC Studer 3219, Don Cardey. Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - JT Studer 3189, JT Ranch, Turlock, Calif. Senior Bull Calf Champion - JT Studer 2987, JT Ranch. Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - GSC Studer 3041, Greg Cardey. Intermediate Champion Bull - GSC Studer 2946, Greg Cardey. Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull - LC Studer 2869, Don Cardey. Junior Champion Bull - JSF Polaris 201F, Sadie Faith Plummer. Reserve Junior Champion Bull - LC Gold Label 2685, Don Cardey. Senior Champion Bull - GSC Gold Label 2585, Greg Cardey. Reserve Senior Champion Bull - LC Studer 2563, Don Cardey. =

& Family

1099 E 1000 N Linden, Indiana 47955 765.366.5481 wafug50@yahoo.com Stop by for a herd visit. Cattle for sale at all times.

COMMON PEOPLE WITH UNCOMMONLY GOOD CATTLE Homeplace Farms Burke N. Allison & Co. 925 E. 400 S., Washington, IN 47501-7533 Dale - 812-254-6185 • bovine08@gmail.com

shorthorn country = september 2019



Bill Fugate

= Junior Corner Junior Board Retreat and Meeting Success! The Shorthorn junior board had the opportunity to have our summer meeting in Michigan during the last week of July. Upon arriving in Grand Rapids, we went to Lake Michigan to enjoy some water time and lounging on the beach. The remainder of the trip was full of visiting with organizations. We stopped by Byron Center Meats and toured their processing plant and discussed how they encourage marketing among their customers. After that, we attended the John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids and took a quick lap around the animal exhibits. My favorite tour, was that afternoon when we stopped by Michigan State Lake City Research Center. During our tour we were able to visit with them about their research project that involves testing cows for the carbon footprint they put into the environment. It was intriguing to learn about the research they do related to


grazing, cattle and the environment since that is a major topic in the industry. On the last day, we discussed the pros and cons of Shorthorn Junior Nationals, in hopes to improve minor things to make the experience as best as possible for exhibitors. The conversation continued as we worked together to discuss contests updates and other show updates for the NJSS in Abilene, Texas. We also discussed upcoming fundraisers and came up with ideas for possible donations in the future sales. The meeting was hosted at an old school that was remodeled by the town of Beaverton. Julie French was involved in the process of restoring the building and gave us a tour. That last afternoon, the French’s who own Little Cedar Cattle Company, graciously bought the board lunch and gave us a tour of their farm. I would like to thanks the French’s for their hospitality and helping us have a successful meeting environment to

shorthorn country = september 2019

Kendall ajsa Nelson director

work as a team in our planning. I look forward to seeing everyone this fall at the National Shorthorn Shows and next year at junior national in Abilene, Texas, with = the theme Shorthorns and Spurs!

Upcoming Junior Nationals 2020 • Abilene, TX

June 22-27, 2020

2021 • Louisville, KY 2022 • Kansas City, KS 2023 • Des Moines, IA

* Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *

276644 444th Ave. Marion, South Dakota 57043 Cory: 605-941-5241 • Melissa 605-941-3546

E: schrag@goldenwest.net schrag605.com

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Cory, Melissa, Samantha & Jaxon Schrag

2019 Wisconsin State Shorthorn Show - Junior Show 55 head • Judge: Kelsi Retallick June 9, 2019 • Lodi, Wisc. Sponsored by the Wisconsin Shorthorn Association

Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, KSS Evolution Reward 376 ET, exhibited by Jamie Lyons, New Auburn, Wisc.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, HO Diamond Jack, exhibited by Hannah Olsen, Berlin, Wisc.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, RVR All Eyes on Me, exhibited by Katelynn Riviere-Dembny, Delevan, Wisc.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, LFSJL Jiggy, exhibited by Jamie Lyons, New Auburn, Wisc.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer, MAV Emily 834F ET, exhibited by Jadeyn Schneider, Stanley, Wisc.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer, SULL Muscle Man 9043, exhibited by Taylor Fearing, Reedsburg, Wisc.

B&O Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer, Samantharose Queen Amelia 10F ET, exhibited by Gavin Bunnell, Antigo Wisc.

B&O Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer, Jenna’s Allie, exhibited by Jenna Beisbier, Reedsburg, Wisc.

Champion Shorthorn Cow/ Calf Pair, DJS Cherri C736, exhibited by Jadeyn Schneider, Stanley, Wisc.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Cow/Calf Pair, Jackie, exhibited by Kaylee Chapman, Dalton, Wisc.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, SVF F King Ruby, exhibited by Courtney Rathke, Fredonia, Wisc.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, LHMN Lady Bella, exhibited by Taylor Fearing, Reedsburg, Wisc.

Pictures Not Available: Grand Champion Shorthorn Steer, OFS Red, White and Hope, exhibited by Catelyn Olsen, Berlin, Wisc. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Steer, KN Nollinator 243, exhibited by Brady Noll, Mineral Point, Wisc.


B&O Grand Champion Shorthorn Steer, C4 Jaxton 31F, exhibited by Kaylee Chapman, Dalton, Wisc.

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B&O Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Steer, TAG King Finley, exhibited by Tyler Giddings, Eland, Wisc.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Steer, Steer 107F, exhibited by Aubrey Ganhs, Elkhorn, Wisc.

SHORTHORN BREEDERS Keep your contact information easy to find by placing a business card for just $330 a year. Your business card will run every month for 11 months. Plus you will receive a 5% discount on any additional advertising.



P.O. Box 77, Virginia, IL 62691 Office: 217.452.3051 • Fax: 217.452.3053 Don Cagwin cell • 217.341.7552 Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell • 217.370.6034 cagwincattle@casscomm.com • cagwincattle.com


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shorthorn country = september 2019


= Show Schedule Fair Eastern Idaho State Fair Evergreen State Fair Evergreen State Fair Minnesota State Fair Nebraska State Fair South Dakota State Fair Kansas State Fair Tennessee State Fair Tennessee State Fair Washington State Fair Kansas State Fair New Mexico State Fair New Mexico State Fair Kansas State Fair Tri-State Fair Tri-State Fair North Alabama State Fair Oklahoma State Fair Oklahoma State Fair World Beef Expo AkSarBen Livestock Show Tulsa State Fair AkSarBen Livestock Show World Beef Expo State Fair of Virginia Alabama National Fair Georgia National Fair Keystone International (KILE) Keystone International (KILE) Tulsa State Fair Keystone International (KILE) State Fair of Virginia Arkansas State Fair Arkansas State Fair NILE - Northern Int. Livestock Expo NILE - Northern Int. Livestock Expo North Carolina State Fair South Carolina State Fair State Fair of Texas State Fair of Texas South Carolina State Fair North Carolina State Fair American Royal American Royal NAILE NAILE North Florida Fair NAILE NAILE National Western Stock Show National Western Stock Show National Western Stock Show National Western Stock Show Fort Worth Stock Show National Junior Shorthorn Show


Location Show Blackfoot, ID Open Show Monroe, WA Junior Show Monroe, WA Open Show St. Paul, MN FFA Show Grand Island, NE Junior Heifer Show Huron, SD Junior Show Hutchinson, KS Junior Market Show Nashville, TN Open Show Nashville, TN Junior Show Pullyup, WA Open Show-Regional Hutchinson, KS Junior Heifer Show Albuquerque, NM Open Show Albuquerque, NM Junior Heifer Show Hutchinson, KS Open Show-Regional Amarillo, TX Junior Show Amarillo, TX Open Show-Regional Muscle Shoals, AL Junior Heifer Show Oklahoma City, OK Junior Show Oklahoma City, OK Open Show Milwaukee, WI Open Show Grand Island, NE Market Beef Show Tulsa, OK Open Show-Super Regional Grand Island, NE Breeding Heifer Show Milwaukee, WI Junior Show Richmond, VA Open Show Montgomery, AL Youth Heifer Show Perry, GA Junior Heifer Show Harrisburg, PA Open Shorthorn Show-National Harrisburg, PA Open ShorthornPlus Show-National Tulsa, OK Junior Show Harrisburg, PA Junior Heifer Show-National Richmond, VA Junior Heifer Show Little Rock, AR Junior Show Little Rock, AR Open Show Billings, MT Junior Show Billings, MT Open Show Raleigh, NC Junior Show Columbia, SC Open Show Dallas, TX Open Show Dallas, TX Junior Show Columbia, SC Junior Show Raleigh, NC Open Show Kansas City, MO Junior Shorthorn Show-National Kansas City, MO Open Shorthorn Show-National Louisville, KY Junior ShorthornPlus Show-National Louisville, KY Junior Shorthorn Show-National Tallahassee, FL Junior Heifer Show Louisville, KY Open ShorthornPlus Show-National Louisville, KY Open Shorthorn Show-National Denver, CO Pen Show Denver, CO Junior Show-National Denver, CO Open ShorthornPlus Show-National Denver, CO Open Shorthorn Show-National Fort Worth, TX Open Shorthorn Show-National Abilene, TX Junior Show

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Date Time Judge 9/1 1:00 PM Matthew Morrison 9/1 1:30 PM Jared Patterson 9/1 3:30 PM Jared Patterson 9/1 9:00 AM Chris Cassady 9/1 7:30 AM 9/2 8:30 AM 9/7 9:00 AM Matt Leo 9/7 9:00 AM Chad Wilson 9/7 9:00 AM Chad Wilson 9/7 10:00 AM Britney Creamer 9/8 8:00 AM Matt Leo 9/9 1:00 PM Ashley Judge 9/12 9:00 AM Parker Henley 9/13 9:00 AM Justin Adcock 9/14 9:00 AM Travis Begley 9/15 9:00 AM Dr. Clint Rusk 9/20 7:00 PM 9/21 9:30 AM Graham Blagg 9/21 9:30 AM John Rayfield 9/27 1:30 PM Jon DeClerck 9/28 8:00 AM Kirk Stierwalt 9/28 8:00 AM Brady Ragland 9/29 8:00 AM Kirk Stierwalt 9/29 8:00 AM Colby Taber 10/1 2:00 PM Brad Bennett 10/5 8:00 AM 10/5 8:00 AM 10/5 8:00 AM Brent Murphy 10/5 following Brent Murphy 10/5 8:00 AM 10/6 8:00 AM Lydell Meier 10/6 10:00 AM Kyle Gillooly 10/12 8:00 AM 10/13 Noon 10/13 Noon Clint Rusk 10/13 following Dan Harker 10/18 1:00 PM 10/18 Noon 10/18 8:00 AM 10/19 8:00 AM 10/19 9:00 AM 10/22 3:00 PM 10/24 11:00 AM Graham Blagg 10/24 following Donnie Robertson 11/16 TBD 11/17 TBD 11/17 1:00 PM 11/18 8:00 AM 11/18 following 1/18/20 9:00 AM 1/19/20 11:00 AM 1/19/20 following 1/20/20 11:30 AM 2/2/20 TBD 6/22/2020-6/27/2020

ASA Point Show System for 2019-2020 Show Season: April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020

Region 1: Northeast

Region 4: South Central

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia

Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana

Region 1: Northeast Regional Shows

Super Regional ...........WV State Fair Regional ………….Indiana State Fair Regional …………….Ohio State Fair

Region 2: Southeast Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi Region 2: Southeast Regional Shows

Super Regional…Kentucky State Fair Regional …….Appalachian State Fair Regional ………………Dixie National

Point Distributions: Regional Shows st

Region 4: South Central Regional Shows

Super Regional ...………..Tulsa State Fair Regional ……………….Kansas State Fair Regional ………………….…Tri-State Fair

Region 5: West Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California

North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska Region 3: North Central Regional Shows

Super Regional ...…Illinois State Fair Regional …………….Iowa State Fair Regional ……...Minnesota State Fair

4 points 2 points 7 points 5 points

Super Regional Shows st

Region 5: West Regional Shows

Super Regional ……..California State Fair Regional ………….Washington State Fair Regional …..…..Western Idaho State Fair

5 - National Shows Region 3: North Central

1 : 5 points nd 2 : 4 points rd 3 : 3 points th 4 : 2 points th 5 : 1 point Division Champion: Reserve Division Champion: Grand Champion: Reserve Grand Champion:

North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, KY


Keystone International Livestock Exposition, Harrisburg, PA American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, MO

5 points 3 points 9 points 7 points

5 National Shows

National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO

Fort Worth Stock Show, Fort Worth, TX

1 : 6 points nd 2 : 5 points rd 3 : 4 points th 4 : 3 points th 5 : 2 points Division Champion: Reserve Division Champion: Grand Champion: Reserve Grand Champion:

1 : 8 points nd 2 : 7 points rd 3 : 6 points th 4 : 5 points th 5 : 4 points Division Champion: Reserve Division Champion: Grand Champion: Reserve Grand Champion:

shorthorn country = september 2019

7 points 5 points 11 points 9 points


= Sales Calendar Sept. 9 - Highland Farms “Land of Lincoln” Steer and Heifer Online Sale, Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 9 - Smith Family Farms, Cattlemen’s Cut Online Sale Pendleton, Ind., wlivestock. com. Sept. 10 - Bonnell Cattle Co, Online Sale, Flat Rock, Ind., sconlinesales.com. Sept. 10 - Meyer Family Shorthorns, “Elite Heifer and Steer” Online sale, Greensburg, Ind., on cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 16 - Tadmore Farm Show Heifer, Bred Heifer, and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, Texas, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 17 - Wasinger Cattle Company Online Sale, Winnebago, Minn. Sept. 22 - Ripberger/Norman “Eyes on the Midwest” Production Sale, Newman, Ill. Sept. 24 - Berg Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, Iowa hosted on amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 24 - Johnson Shorthorns Online Sale, Niantic, Ill., cwcattlesales.com. Sept. 25 - Brandywine Cattle Co “Vintner’s Reserve” Online Sale, Carthage, Ind., on wlivestocksales.com. Sept. 28 - Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, Mich. Sept. 28 - Farrer Stock Farms, 46th Annual Club Calf Sale, Royal Center, Ind. Sept. 29 - Warner Ranch “Fall Harvest” Production Sale, Columbus, Neb. Sept. 29 - Hill Haven Selection Sale, Duntroon, Ontario, Can. Oct. 5 - Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Production Sale, Waynesville, Ohio. Oct. 5 - Eastern Ohio Shorthorn Association Fall Sale, Dover, Ohio. Oct. 8 - Mitchell Family Shorthorns Online Sale, on cwcattlesales.com. Oct. 9 - Highland Farms, “Fancy Steer and Heifer” Online Sale, Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales.com. Oct. 12 - Schrag 605 “Family Event” Production Sale, Marion, SD. Oct. 12 - Studer Family Shorthorns, “Family Legacies” Production Sale, Creston, Iowa.


Oct. 13 - Sullivan Farms, “Maternal Legends” Production Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Oct. 19 - “Keystone Autumn Klassic Shorthorn Sale, Waynesburg, Pa. Oct. 19 - “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, Okla. Oct. 22 - Meyer Farms, Show Heifer Online Sale, Rushville, Ind., cwcattlesales.com. Oct. 22 - Illinois Shorthorn Association Online Sale, cwcattlesales.com. Oct. 26 - Lauer Polled Shorthorns, “Herd Dispersion” Farmers & Ranchers Sale Pavilion, Salina, Kan. Oct. 28 - Cagwin Farms, “Future Rising Stars”, Online Sale. Philadelphia, Ill., amsonlinesales.com. Nov. 2 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, ND. Nov. 2 - “Breeders Alliance” Sale. Hosted by Norman/Ripberger, Newman, Ill. Nov. 3 - DJS Shorthorns Production Sale, Laurel, Neb. Nov. 9 - Bowman Superior Genetics, “Form To Function” Sale, Greens Fork, Ind. Nov. 9 - Four State Shorthorn Sale, Diamond, Mo. Nov. 17 - Greenhorn Cattle Company “Where Future Generations Are Created” Sale, Louisville, Ky. Nov. 24 - Farrer Stock Farms, Dynamic Dams Bred Cow Sale, Royal Center, Ind. Nov. 24 - Kohlstaedt and Friends, “Genetic Power” Sale, Wellington, Mo. Nov. 25 - Bar N Shorthorns Holiday Classic Bred Heifer Sale, Bellview, Minn., amsonlinesalescom. Dec. 1 - KOLT Cattle Co/Aegerter Cattle Co “Simple Choices” Production Sale, Seward, Neb. Dec. 1 - Bollum Family Shorthorns “Red White and Roan Online Sale”, breedersworld.com. Dec. 7- Paint Valley Shorthorns and Byland Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Sale, Millersburg, Ohio. Dec. 10 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND, amsonlinesales. com =

Upcoming Issue Focus

Issue ^ Advertising



Fall Sale Ads • Semen Sales • ET Sales


Fall Sale Ads • Semen Sales • ET Sales


Spring Sale Ads • Semen Sales • ET Sales

Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales

Sept. 16 - Tadmore Farm Show Heifer, Bred Heifer, and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, TX, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 22 - Ripberger/Norman “Eyes on the Midwest” Production Sale, Newman, IL. Sept. 24 - Berg Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, IA, amsonlinesales.com. Sept. 28 - Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, MI. Sept. 29 - Warner Ranch “Fall Harvest” Production Sale, Columbus, NE. Oct. 5 - Greenhorn Cattle Co., “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Production Sale, Waynesville, OH. Oct. 12 - Schrag 605 “Family Event” Production Sale, Marion, SD. Oct. 12 - Studer Family Shorthorns, “Family Legacies” Production Sale, Creston, IA. Oct. 13 - Sullivan Farms, “Maternal Legends” Production Sale, Dunlap, IA. Oct. 19 - “Heart of the Prairie” Produc-

tion Sale, Rush Springs, OK.

Oct. 26 - Lauer Polled Shorthorns, “Herd Dispersion” Farmers & Ranchers Sale Pavilion, Salina, Kan.

Oct. 28 - Cagwin Farms, “Future Rising Stars”, Online Sale. Philadelphia, IL., amsonlinesales.com Nov. 2 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, ND.

Nov. 3 - DJS Shorthorns Production Sale, Laurel, NE. Nov. 8 - The Autumn Classic Show and Sale, Turlock, CA., amsonlinesales.com Nov. 9 - Bowman Superior Genetics, “Form To Function” Sale, Greens Fork, IN. Nov. 17 - Greenhorn Cattle Company “Where Future Generations Are Created” Sale, Louisville, KY.

Nov. 24 - Kohlstaedt and Friends, “Genetic Power” Sale, Wellington, MO. Nov. 25 - Bar N Shorthorns Holiday Classic Bred Heifer Sale, Bellview, MN, amsonlinesalescom Dec. 1 - KOLT Cattle Co/Aegerter Cattle Co “Simple Choices” Production Sale, Seward, NE. Dec. 7 - Paint Valley Shorthorns and Byland Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Sale, Millersburg, OH. Dec. 10 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND, amsonlinesales. com

Online sales with a personal touch.

Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com

shorthorn country = september 2019


= Ad Index AAA Shorthorns..................................37 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc........49 AJ Cattle Co.........................................37 Alden Farms.........................................22 American Shorthorn Association.........31 Bayer....................................................16 Bennett Land & Cattle.........................37 Berg Shorthorns.............................13, 37 Bigelow Farms.....................................37 Bill Fugate & Family...........................39 Boehringer Ingelheim...............12, 33-34 Bowman Superior Genetics........... 11, 37 Bridle Path Ranch................................37 Brooks, Bruce......................................43 Bye Well Shorthorns............................37 Byland Polled Shorthorns....................37 Cagwin Farms........................................9 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC...............43 Cairns Shorthorns................................37 Cates Farms..........................................37 Cattle Visions.................................22, 43 Cornerstone Farms...............................37 Crawfdown Farms................................37 Dale Studer Family Shorthorns..........IFC Dedmon Shorthorns.............................37 DJS Shorthorns..............................35, 37 Double C Shorthorns...........................37 Double J Ranch....................................22 Dreamy 280 Cattle Company...............37 DTR Cattle Co.....................................39 Duis Farms...........................................39


Eyes on the Midwest Sale................. IBC Fall Harvest..........................................45 Farrer Stock Farms...............................17 Fickbohm Farms Shorthorns................39 Fischer Cattle Company.......................39 Gallagher USA.....................................36 Great Shorthorn Revival.................26-27 Greenhorn Cattle Co., LLC..............7, 39 Haumont Shorthorns............................39 Heart of the Prairie Production Sale....21 Highland Farms....................................50 Hill Haven Shorthorns.........................21 Homeplace Farms................................39 Hub Ranch Shorthorns.........................39 Humble Stock Farm.............................39 Illinois Shorthorn Association.............36 Inness Shorthorns.................................39 Iroquoian Shorthorns...........................39 James F. Bessler, Inc............................43 JCC Jeepetta CattleCo..........................22 Jester Farms.........................................39 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm..................39 Keystone Shorthorns............................39 Kohlstaedt Farms.................................40 KSS Keystone Shorthorns...................39 Labans Roanoke Farm.........................39 Lauer Polled Shorthorns......................15 Leading A Legacy...........................24-25 Leveldale Farms...................................39 Little Cedar Cattle Co..........................41 McKee Family Shorthorns...................41

shorthorn country = september 2019

Merck Animal Health...........................29 Meyer Family Shorthorns....................41 Meyer Farms........................................41 NILE Valley Farm/Henderickson Trust.41 Norman Farms.....................................41 Oler Farm.............................................41 Phildon Farms......................................41 Richardson Farms Shorthorns..............41 Robjoy Shorthorns...............................41 Rockin G Land & Cattle......................41 Rocky Branch Shorthorns....................41 Schrag 605.......................................3, 41 Sears Marketing Services, LLC...........43 Shadybrook Farm...................................5 SharBen Shorthorns.............................41 Singing H Shorthorns...........................41 Smoky Mountain Farm........................41 Stangl Shorthorns.................................41 Stecks Cattle.........................................48 Stone Springs Shorthorns.....................41 Sullivan Farms..............................43, BC Sullivan Supply....................................43 Sutherland Shorthorns..........................43 Tadmore Farms......................................6 Top Notch Stock Farm.........................43 Turner Family Shorthorns....................43 Tynywtra’s............................................43 Warner Ranch.......................................43 Waukaru Shorthorns.............................43 Wendt, Kevin.......................................43 Wilson Livestock Agency....................43

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