The March cover photos were taken by Cindy Cagwin-Johnston & Next Level Images at Cattlemens Congress and Legacy Livestock Imaging at the National Western Stock Show
Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.
Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs
Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.
Don Cagwin, publisher
Amy Studer, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 •
Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 •
Advisory Council
Montie Soules, ASA representative
Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co.
US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300
(ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for
$220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals
POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607
Platte Woods,
Shorthorn Update
American Shorthorn Association
7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 •
Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO
Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance •
Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA •
Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities; marketing & communications •
Cassie Reid, director of shows & events; customer service specialist
Wade Minihan, director of shows & member communications; customer service specialist •
Carrie Land, customer service specialist •
Accounting •
ASA Dates of Note
March 31 Regular 2025 WHR Assessment Deadline - $24/head
April 1 ASA Membership Deadline Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59 PM CT if not paid
April 10 AJSA Junior Board Candidate Applications Due
April 18 ASA Office Closed - Good Friday
May 1 NJSS E.D.G.E. Show DNA Requirement - animals 100K Genomic testing samples submitted & received by the lab
May 1 AJSA Scholarship Applications Due
May 1 Jr National Cattle Ownership and Entry Deadline (no farm or family names allowed - single ownership)
May 15 Jr National Late Cattle Entry Deadline (increased fees)
ASA Board of Directors
Lee Miller, president 330-231-6834
Mark Gordon, vice president 217-737-7905
John Russell, executive director 832-588-8604
Rick Osterday, 605-281-1175
Cory Bollum, 507-279-0480
Tyler Cates, 765-576-0035
Jeff Bedwell, 580-822-5590
Jeff Aegerter, 402-641-4696
Cary Gilman, 515-360-6006
Shorthorn Foundation
Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association
Haylee Ferguson, president
National Shorthorn Lassies Tawana Holland, president
May 15 NJSS Photo, Graphic Design, Career Development, Speech, Promo Video Entries due online via contest form
May 26 ASA Office Closed - Memorial Day
June 10-13 Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Symposium, Amarillo, Texas
June 21-28 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, Grand Island, Neb.
July 3-20 World Shorthorn Conference and Tour, Canada ( worldshorthornconference)
July 4 ASA Office Closed
Don’t let your membership lapse! Make sure you pay your annual membership fee by April 1, 2025. If you are a TOC Member and your membership is not paid by April 1, 2025, you will become a WHR Member when you renew your membership.
WHR Deadline Update!
2025 WHR assessments will come available to complete online starting November 1, 2024. They will also be printed/sent to those whose preferences are set as so in their DigitalBeef accounts. The Board of Directors approved pushing the deadline windows back, and they are listed below.
January 26, 2025 – March 31, 2025 $24 April 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025 $30
1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2025 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2025.)
2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2025 to an assessed 2025 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months)
*Calves born in previous year(s) to unassessed dams will incur additional fees.
Membership Deadline
The Annual ASA Adult WHR Membership deadline was pushed back to April 1. Any TOC breeder that does not renew their membership before April 1, 2025 must become a WHR breeder – if they choose to renew after the new April 1 deadline.
Send DNA Directly to Neogen
Breeders can now send and are encouraged to send DNA samples directly to Neogen for testing rather than sending to the ASA office. Starting July 1, 2023, a manual processing fee will be incurred for those samples sent to the ASA office for preprocessing.
3 things will be required to send samples in for testing: 1. A registration (or recorded “U”) number for each tested animal
2. A paper copy of the finalized testing form, (emailed from staff, description below) which includes the Neogen order number
3. A barcode number for each animal tested
Breeders can queue up animals for testing in DigitalBeef and select which sample types they have, as well as which tests they want. Once the form is submitted, staff will process the testing request and get an order ID # from Neogen. A finalized printable PDF of the submission form will be emailed to you to print, sign and send to the lab with samples. Checks/ payments are still made to the ASA. Once staff approves the testing request, the breeder’s DigitalBeef account is billed accordingly.
- Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
8:00 am to 2:00 pm
(ASA Staff Meeting Tuesdays 10:00-11:00 AM)
Spring – Decision Time Association Outlook
As March arrives, spring is just around the corner, bringing renewed energy and fresh opportunities for Shorthorn breeders. Across the country, many of you are in the thick of calving season, welcoming the results of last year’s breeding decisions. At the same time, you are making critical mating selections that will shape next year’s calf crop. These decisions are the foundation of your herd’s future, and striking the right balance between genetic data and visual assessment is key to breed improvement and long-term success.
The mating decisions you make now will influence not only the performance of your next calf crop but also the overall progress of the breed. The Shorthorn breed has always been known for its adaptability, maternal strength, and quality carcass attributes. However, in today’s cattle industry, the demand for performance data has never been greater. Producers and buyers alike are seeking cattle that not only look the part but also have the genetic credentials to back up their phenotypic appeal.
Genetic profiles and performance data provide invaluable insight into an animal’s potential. Tools such as Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs), genomic testing, and performance records allow breeders to make informed decisions with confidence. These tools
Montie D. Soules asa executive secretary/CEO
offer a measurable way to predict traits such as growth rate, feed efficiency, carcass merit, maternal ability, and more. As the industry continues to evolve, using performance data is no longer optional—it is essential to maintaining and adding value to your herd.
However, while numbers tell a powerful story, they should not be the only factor in selection. The visual assessment of an animal—its structure, balance, soundness, and overall phenotype—remains just as crucial. Cattle must be built to function in realworld conditions, and a well-balanced, structurally correct animal will always be more productive over time. Combining data-driven selection with the trained eye of an experienced stockman is the key to breeding success.
As you plan your mating decisions for the upcoming breeding season, take the time to evaluate your herd’s strengths and weaknesses. Identify the traits that need improvement and select sires that complement your females, both genetically and phenotypically. The best breeders know that improvement is an ongoing process, and each mating decision should be a step forward in building a more valuable and productive herd.
Beyond individual herd improvement, the industry as a whole is demanding
more from cattle breeders. Commercial cattlemen and seedstock buyers are looking for data-backed genetics that offer real-world performance advantages. Shorthorn breeders who embrace both the science of genetic evaluation and the art of phenotypic selection will be the ones who thrive in this evolving marketplace.
As we move into spring, now is the time to make thoughtful, strategic breeding decisions that will impact your operation for years to come. Whether you are selecting AI sires or planning your natural service matings, consider the balance of data and visual appraisal to ensure you are breeding cattle that meet both industry demands and the legacy of the Shorthorn breed. By doing so, you not only enhance your own herd but also contribute to the overall improvement and future success of the breed.
The industry is changing, and the need for data-driven decisions is here to stay. By embracing the power of performance information while maintaining a sharp eye for phenotype, Shorthorn breeders can continue to produce cattle that excel in both genetic merit and real-world functionality. Let this spring be a season of progress as you make the decisions that will shape the next generation of Shorthorn cattle.
Shorthorn in San Antonio Beef Blurb
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) convention and trade show, also known as CattleCon, kicked off on February 4 in San Antonio, Texas. Suffice it to say, we were not expecting the heat in San Antonio, coming from the recent single and negative digits of the Midwest! The first day of the trade show is always exciting as we arrive to set-up the booth and have the anticipation of all the cattlemen and women perusing the trade show.
The following day, Montie and Heather met with Neogen to go over metrics as well as discuss the upcoming year. Shelby manned the booth during the meeting. Later that day, the US Beef Breeds Council (USBBC) met at the Shorthorn booth, giving us an opportunity to showcase our impressive
director of youth activities, director of marketing & communications
set-up. Also in attendance was Lee Miller, ASA Board President. He joined us in the booth to answer questions from attendees and provide breeder insight. Shelby attended NCBA to join the Livestock Publications Council (LPC) luncheon hosted to share business updates and provide networking.
CattleCon provides a great medium for filming new episodes of the Shorthorn Bull Pen podcast, as industry professionals and experts gather in one location. Montie and the Grant Company crew were nearly constantly filming podcasts, so be sure to watch for upcoming episodes featuring guests from NCBA, Livestock Publications Council, USBBC, US Premium Beef, Simmental, Neogen, Merck, and RA Brown Ranch.
To have the Shorthorn Breed
represented well at such a highly trafficked event brings such a positive impact. The new people that stop by the booth, old and new breeders, or other agricultural enthusaists that might not even have cattle, we are making a statement and being noticed.
The next stop for NCBA 2026 is Nashville, Tennessee – so if you’re planning a trip to Music City early next year, we welcome you to check out CattleCon!
Lange director of office operations, registrations & DNA
Northeast Region :: CT, DE, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV
National Show :: Keystone International Livestock Expo
Super Regional Show :: Ohio State Fair
Regional Shows :: Maryland State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia
Super Regional Show :: Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair
Regional Shows :: Appalachian Fair & Kentucky State Fair
North Central Region :: IL, IA, MO, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI
National Show :: American Royal
Super Regional Show :: Minnesota State Fair
Regional Shows :: Iowa State Fair & World Beef Expo
Another Year…
South Central Region :: AR, KS, LA, OK, TX
National Show :: Fort Worth Stock Show
Super Regional Show :: Tulsa State Fair
Regional Shows :: Kansas State Fair & Tri-State Fair
West Region :: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY
Another show season has come and gone and as we all put many miles in the rearview mirror, I hope you all look back with a smile for all the memories made.
National Show :: National Western Stock Show
Super Regional Show :: California State Fair
Wade Minihan director of shows & member communications; customer service specialist
Super National Shows :: 2 total
North American International Livestock Expo :: Louisville, KY
Cattlemen’s Congress :: Oklahoma City, OK
National Shows :: 5 total, 1 in each region
Northeast :: Keystone International Livestock Expo :: Harrisburg, PA
Southeast :: Dixie National :: Jackson, MS
North Central :: American Royal :: Kansas City, MO
South Central :: Fort Worth Stock Show :: Fort Worth, TX
The American Shorthorn Staff has enjoyed working with everyone over the past year and attending these shows alongside our members. We are always trying to make improvements to help these shows run flawless. For example
Regional Shows :: Northern International Livestock Exposition & Washington State Fair
re-vamping our check in process to use computers which helps us get the show programs put together faster and back to exhibitors to review. We are already looking forward to next year attending point shows and getting to know the members on an even deeper level.
Make sure you are checking out your show points for the past year, which can be viewed on your digital beef account
*Regional Awards calculated from Regional, Super Regional & National Show within each region. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 4 shows to qualify.
West :: National Western Stock Show :: Denver, CO Placing
under show points. Be on the lookout in the upcoming May/ June issue of the Shorthorn Country for the National and Regional Show winners from the 20242025 show year.
*National Show Bull & National Show Female points accumulated from 7 total National & Super National Shows listed above. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 7 shows to qualify for National Show Awards.
The diagram below is a breakdown of the Show System Point Distribution for the 2024-2025 show season. We look forward to the next year and those memories to come.
ASA Point Show System Point Distribution
Shorthorn Show Honoree
Darryl Rahn
Darryl Rahn grew up on a family farm in Northwest Illinois. The farm was purchased by Darryl’s great grandfather from a local farmer who was awarded the farm by the US Government as compensation for his time served in the Civil War.
Darryl owned his first Shorthorn heifer at the age of seven. Over the next ten years, the cow herd grew through retained heifers and new purchases. At the time Darryl was ready to go to college, the herd had grown to 26 cows and a herd bull. That herd paid 100% of Darryl’s college education, a fact he is very proud of.
After graduation from Illinois State with an Ag Education degree, Darryl and Carole married and Darryl had an opportunity to become cow herd manager at Questing Hills Shorthorn Farm in Illinois. That farm was managed at that time by Don Cagwin.
A couple years later, Don was asked to manage a purebred cattle sale. He asked Darryl to come with him to run this first sale. The sale was a success and that began the formation of Cagwin Cattle Services Sale Management. For the next twenty plus years, Don and Darryl partnered to manage Shorthorn sales throughout the United States and Canada. During that time, Darryl also worked with the Shorthorn Country magazine as an advertising representative. The Country at that time was under the management of Sherman Berg. Darryl continues today as an advertising coordinator for the Shorthorn Country.
During that time, Darryl continued to raise Shorthorn cattle. In 1989, Darryl and Carole’s son Andy exhibited the Reserve Champion Market Steer at the Junior National Show in Troy, Ohio. The next year, Andy raised a heifer that would become an All American Junior Heifer Calf. She was the Junior Heifer Calf Champion at the Illinois State Fair and at the NAILE in Louisville. She was the Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion in Denver and Valley City.
Darryl currently travels throughout the country representing the Shorthorn Country and the Shorthorn breed at sales, shows and other breed events. In 2022, Darryl was awarded the Merit Award through the American Shorthorn
Darryl states that he gets the most enjoyment in seeing old friends and making new ones in his travels. He has many family relationships that span three and four generations of a Shorthorn family. Darryl’s love of Shorthorns and the Shorthorn Family are as strong now
as ever and will continue being so in the future. Many have become close friends with Darryl and Carole.
Darryl and Carole have two children, Andy and Angela and four grandchildren.
Congratulations to Darryl Rahn on being the 2025 Cattlemen’s Congress Shorthorn Show Honoree.
2024 he was inducted into the Livestock Marketeers Hall of Fame.
Super National Shorthorn Pen Show at Cattlemen’s Congress
Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Pens :: Judge: Kevin Jensen, Courtland, Kan. by
Wade Minihan
Thirty-seven head of Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus cattle were exhibited in 11 pens during the Super National Shorthorn Pen Show at the 2025 Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City. These pens were evaluated by Judge Kevin Jensen located in Courtland, Kansas.
In the ShorthornPlus show, Bailey Abney and family of South Wayne, Wis., exhibited the Champion Pen of 3 Heifers. This May average pen of heifers averaged 699 lb. and a WDA of 2.99. This pen of heifers sold in The Summit sale the following evening and was highly contended for with plenty of bidding interest. Reserve Champion Pen of 3 heifers went to Lazy Bar F Shorthorns of Chickasha, Okla. This pen of April average calves averaged 698 lb. and a WDA of 2.61. Both pens listed, where also the Division Champion and Reserve Division champion for the Spring Heifer Calf Division.
Moving into the Purebred Show, the Shorthorn Pen of 3 Heifer show. Bedwell Cattle Company of Isabella, Okla., exhibited the champion pen with an April average heifer pen that averaged 749 lb. with a WDA of 2.85. This pen was also the Spring Heifer Calf Champion. The reserve champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn females was awarded to Waukaru Farms Inc of Rensselaer, Ind. This pen of April average heifers weighed in at an average of 909 lb. and a WDA of 2.81. This pen was the Junior Heifer Calf Division Champion.
In the Shorthorn Bull show, Hugh W Moore Jr & Sons from Jerseyville, Ill., exhibited the Champion Pen of 5 with their bull calf entry. The bulls averaged 954 pounds and a WDA of 3.11. This pen was also the Spring Bull Calf Division Champion. Reserve Champion Honors went to Waukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, Ind., with the winning pen from the Junior bull calf class and Junior Bull Calf Division. These February average aged bulls weighed in at an average of 1112 lb. with a WDA of 3.25.
The final show of the morning was the Shorthorn Pen of 3 bull division. Bedwell Cattle Company of Isabella, Okla., took home champion honors with a trio of February bull calves.
They were the Junior Bull Calf Division Champion and the pen of three bulls averaged a weight of 1082 lb. and a WDA of 3.19. Reserve Champion Pen of 3 went to Waukaru Farms Inc of Rensselaer, Ind. These February average bull calf pen also came from the Junior Bull calf division. These bulls averaged 1059 lb. with a WDA of 3.31.
Thank you to all the breeders who
made the trip to Oklahoma City to exhibit their pen cattle at the Cattlemen’s Congress. Spectators gathered ringside and, in the bleachers, to watch this outstanding exhibition of cattle. Data and results for all the pen cattle are on the following pages. We look forward to another exciting Super National Pen Show in 2026!
Grand Champion Pen of 3 ShorthornPlus HeifersBailey Abney, South Wayne, Wis.
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 3 ShorthornPlus HeifersLazy Bar F Shorthorns, Chickasha, Okla.
Grand Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn HeifersBedwell Cattle Company, Isabella, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn HeifersWaukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, Ind.
Grand Champion Pen of 5 Shorthorn BullsHugh Moore Jr. & Sons, Jerseyville, Ill.
Grand Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn BullsBedwell Cattle Company, Isabella, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 5 Shorthorn BullsWaukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, Ind.
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn BullsWaukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, Ind.
ShorthornPlus Pen Show
2 Lazy Bar F Shorthorns, Chickasha, OK
Spring Heifer Calf Division Champion: Bailey Abney, South Wayne, WI
Spring Heifer Calf Division Reserve Champion: Lazy Bar F Shorthorns, Chickasha, OK
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Pen of 3 Heifers: Bailey Abney, South Wayne, WI Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Pen of 3 Heifers: Lazy Bar F Shorthorns, Chickasha, OK
Shorthorn Pen Show
Animals with EPDs in italics indicate GE-EPDs SHORTHORN PEN OF 3 HEIFERS
Class 2: Shorthorn Pen of 3 Spring Heifer Calves (Calved March 1, 2024 or after)
Spring Heifer Calf Division Champion: Bedwell Cattle Company, Isabella, OK Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Division Champion: Peak View Ranch LLC, Fowler, CO
Class 3: Shorthorn Pen of 3 Junior Heifer Calves (Calved January 1, 2024 or February 29,2024)
1 Waukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, IN
Class 5: Shorthorn Pen of 5 Junior Bull Calves (Calved January 1- February 29, 2024) 1 Waukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, IN
Junior Bull Calf Division Champion: Waukaru Farms Inc, Rennselaer, IN
Grand Champion Shorthorn Pen of 5 Bulls: Hugh W Moore Jr & Sons, Jerseyville, IL
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Pen of 5 Bulls: Wakaru Farms Inc., Rennselaer, IN
Grand Champion Shorthorn Pen of 3 Bulls: Bedwell Cattle Co, Isabella, OK
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Pen of 3 Bulls: Wakaru Farms Inc, Rennselaer, IN
Bedwell Cattle Co, Isabella,
E.D.G.E Show
Shorthorn Bulls & Females :: 18 Head :: Judges: Matt Aggen, Kevin Jensen, Brad Johnson by
Wade Minihan
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Junior Bull was JCB Roan Power 306L, owned by Lost Diamond B Ranch, Orlando, Okla., Bedwell Cattle Co., Isabella, Okla., Suli Shorthorns, Hunter, Okla.
Shorthorn exhibitors traveled to the south central region to exhibit 18 head during the 2025 Cattlemen’s Congress Exposition Driving Genetic Excellence Show in Oklahoma City, Okla. On
Friday, January 10, 2025, three judges evaluated 9 Purebred Bulls and 9 Purebred Females during the E.D.G.E. Show.
Our judges were Matt Aggen,
Harmony, Minn., Kevin Jensen, Courtland, Kan., and Brad Johnson, Shawano, Wis., The Exposition Driving Genetic Excellence is different than our other shows. The E.D.G.E. Show is judged fifty percent genotype ahead of the show date, and fifty percent phenotype the day of the show.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Junior Bull was awarded to JCB Roan Power 306L, owned by Lost Diamond B Ranch of Orlando, Okla., Bedwell Cattle Co. Isabella of Okla., and Suli Shorthorns of Hunter, Okla.
Selected as Reserve Grand Champion
Shorthorn Bull and Champion Late Spring Bull Calf was Little Cedar Lasting Look 2418, owned by Little Cedar Cattle Co. of Beaverton, Mich., and Delisle Farms of Gladwin, Mich.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Junior Heifer Calf honors were awarded to 4S Primabella M21 ET, owned by Abbi Scott of Seminole, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion Female and Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf honors went to Peakview Cassandra 2403 ET, owned by Peak View Ranch Inc. of Fowler, Colo.
Division Winners:
Purebred Bull Divisions:
Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – MM Diplomat PK 26M, Hugh W Moore Jr & Sons, Jerseyville, Ill.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – Waukaru Stallone 4080, Chloe Jordan, Rensselaer, Ind.
Champion Intermediate Bull –TMF Cabrera’s Tribute, John & Barbara Russell, Caldwell, Texas.
Champion Early Spring Female- Waukaru Red Nan 3088, Chloe Jordan, Rensselaer, Ind.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – Waukaru Stallone 4080, Chloe Jordan, Rensselaer, Ind.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –Waukaru Red Nan 4099, Charlotte Jordan, Rensselaer, Ind.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Female- JCB Red Nan 309L, Bedwell Cattle Co., Isabella, Okla.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –BFS Royal Ruby PW 453, Wyatt Finnesgard,
Picture Not Available
Female – JCB Red Nan 309L, Bedwell Cattle Co., Isabella, Okla.
Purebred Bull Class Placings (Top 3):
Late Spring Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) Little Cedar Lasting Look 2418 owned by Little Cedar Cattle Co, Delisle Farms.
Early Spring Bull Calves – (5 Entries): 1) MM Diplomat PK 26M owned by Hugh W Moore Jr & Sons; 2) Waukaru Stallone 4080 owned by Chloe Jordan; 3) Spring View Denali 61 owned by Spring View Cattle.
Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (2 Entries): 1) TMF Cabrera’s Tribute
owned by John & Barbara Russell; 2) JA_C Jed Clampett 329L M owned by Brooke McKean.
Junior Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) JCB Roan Power 306L owned by Lost Diamond B Ranch, Bedwell Cattle Co, Suli Shorthorns.
Purebred Female Class Placings (Top 3):
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entries): 1) BFS Royal Ruby PW 453 owned by Wyatt Finnesgard.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) Waukaru Red Nan 4099 owned by Charlotte Jordan; 2) TMF Ronan’s Crystal Star owned by Natalie
Brynn Owens.
Junior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) 4S Primabella M21 ET owned by Abbi Scott; 2) Waukaru Red Nan 4039 owned by Chloe Jordan; 3) MC_S Cumberland Galveston Queen owned by Brooke McKean.
Junior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) Peakview Cassandra 2403 ET owned by Peak View Ranch Inc.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) Waukaru Red Nan 3088 owned by Chloe Jordan; 2) JCB Red Nan 309L owned by Bedwell Cattle Co.
Junior Shows
Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus :: 150 head :: Judge: Chris Cassady, St. Charles, Illinois by
Cassie Reid & Haylee Ferguson
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Early Spring Female was CF Crystal Lucy 384 RK X ET, exhibited by Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
honors went to CF Crystal Lucy 384 RK X ET owned by Carter Wickard of Wilkinson, Ind.
LGF MFS Emeralds Dream 1183L owned by Braylen Schaeffer of Hagerstown, Ind., received the honors of Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Reserve Champion Early Spring Female.
Moving onto the Junior ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Early Spring Female was awarded to CF Mona Lisa 382 FER X ET owned by Jozie Beiser of Camden, Ohio.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Junior Heifer Calf honors went to CF Cherri 444 Primo X ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio.
Division Winners: Junior Purebred Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf –S/N KMA Rosemary’s Money 4149 ET, Brianna Duerre, Bristol, S.D.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – S/N SL Chasing Dream Mary J 4138 ET, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – S/N Margie’s Masterpiece 473 ET, Caroline Huebner, Union City, Tenn.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – CF PC Margie 476 EV X ET, Knox Harrison Neumayr, Boling, Texas.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF LV Margie 430 PW X ET, Reagan James, Plymouth, Ind.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – STECK WSCC Chelsie DM 401 ET, Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf –CF Rosebud 3125 EV X ET, Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 3134 PW X ET, Maddox Reedy, Lovington, Ill.
Shorthorn exhibitors from 18 states exhibited 150 head during the 5th Annual Cattlemen’s Congress Junior Shorthorn Show in Oklahoma City, Okla. in the Jim Norick Arena on
Friday, January 10, 2025. Chris Cassady of St. Charles, Ill. evaluated 98 Purebred Females and 52 ShorthornPlus Females.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Early Spring Female
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – LDB Mercis Magnolia 3111 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Early Spring Female was CF Mona Lisa 382 FER X ET, exhibited by Jozie Beiser, Camden, Ohio.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Reserve Champion Early Spring Female was LGF MFS Emeralds Dream 1183L, exhibited by Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown, Ind.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Junior Heifer Calf was CF Cherri 444 Primo X ET, exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Class Placings:
Junior Purebred Female Class Placings (Top 3):
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) GCC American Margie 47 ET owned by Brigham DeBorde; 2) NF DRY Dream Rosa ET owned by Emma Braun; 3) /F Dream Girl 4952 owned by Talia Ferguson-Sanders.
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) Little Cedar Marvelous DM 2426 ET owned by Wyatt Smith; 2) HUNTS Demi Knight 523M ET owned by Caber Johnson; 3) SFF Mona Lisa 462 LL ET owned by Morgan Brooks.
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) S/N KMA Rosemary’s Money 4149 ET owned by Brianna Duerre; 2) S/N SL Chasing Dream Mary J 4138 ET owned by Lauren Berg; 3) CPF JL Cumberland PL owned by James McClure.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) SLBL Maddie 401M ET owned by Griffin Lewis; 2) S/N Max Rosa Martini 4125 ET owned by Alexis Wright; 3) CF Margie’s Dream 482 DM X ET owned by Maddox Reedy.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) CF PC Margie 476 EV X ET owned by Knox Harrison Neumayr; 2) Compton’s Flo Jo 49M ET owned by Julia Brown; 3) CCCSweetgrass Anndelle WC 3C3M owned by Bridgett Cover.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (8 Entries): 1) CF PC Missing Mirage 474 owned by Carter Kornegay; 2) BERGS Sweet Dream ET owned by Kaitlyn Berg; 3) CSF Dream Lady 2442 ET owned by Barrett Griffin.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (8 Entries): 1) S/N Margie’s Masterpiece 473 ET owned by Caroline Huebner; 2) SFF Dream Lady 422 DM owned by Lane Whitehurst; 3) NR NF Dream Lady 26M owned by Macy Michelini.
Junior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1)
CSF Margie 2447 ET owned by Barrett Griffin; 2) LDB Mercis BH 406 ET owned by Emily Schellenberg; 3) SFF Mona Lisa 419 DM ET owned by Lanee Grace Swindell.
Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF LV Margie 430 PW X ET owned by Reagan James; 2) GCC Lookout Margie 249 ET owned by Taylor Matlock; 3) 4S Primabella M21 ET owned by Abbi Scott.
Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) DJS Wild Cherri C409 ET owned by Blayne Dunklau; 2) S/N Max Rosa Margarita 418 ET owned by Mackenlee Evans; 3) SFF Mona Lisa 417 DM ET owned by Grace Rincker.
Junior Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) STECK WSCC Chelsie DM 401 ET owned by Carter Wickard; 2) SULL Max Rosa 4193M ET owned by Bristol Soules; 3) Armstrong Lady Sapphire 2401 ET owned by Reid Finnesgard.
Winter Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) SULL Rhonda Rosa 3685L ET owned by Autumn Berg; 2) LDB Mercis Gia 333 ET owned by Sheridan L. Soules; 3) MAV Emily 337L ET owned by Candace Lein.
Winter Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 3134 PW X ET owned by Maddox Reedy; 2) FOX Fancy Rose 324 owned by Sheridan Fox; 3) SULL LGF Ruby’s Dream 3674L ET owned by Olivia Gillette.
Senior Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF Rosebud 3125 EV X ET owned by Audrey Robertson; 2) MM Proud Fool FL 98L ET owned by Mealiea Cover; 3) LDB Mercis BH 331 owned by Kase Glazier.
Summer Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) MIM Miss Peppermint Twisty 3355 ET owned by Brigham DeBorde; 2) WRI Roan Rose AV 023 owned by Peyton Ramsey.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (6 Entries): 1) S/N Lucky’s Locket 3120 ET
owned by Kaitlyn Berg; 2) LDB Mercis Magnolia 3111 ET owned by Lane Blankinship; 3) FFF Current Revival 3150 ET owned by Mikka Brumley.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) CF Crystal Lucy 384 RK X ET owned by Carter Wickard; 2) LGF MFS Emeralds Dream 1183L owned by Braylen Schaeffer; 3) S/N Missing Mirage Legacy 372 ET owned by Caroline Huebner.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) LGF SULL MFS Ruby’s Dream 3401L ET owned by Lily Miles; 2) 5R Cecilia 0323 owned by Leyton Robertson; 3) SULL RGLC Red Roses 313 ET owned by Georgia Rose.
Senior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) RTCC Maggie Two 1715 2254 owned by Kaylee Corley.
Junior ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings (Top 3):
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) S/N Dream Lady Mia 4145 ET owned by Braylee Kraisinger; 2) SFF Mona Lisa 461 TP owned by Morgan Brooks; 3) PKL Moxie 16M owned by Kassie Kelley.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 484 24K X ET owned by Grady McGrew; 2) BR Black Ruthie 412M ET owned by Carter Kornegay; 3) Hetrick Cherri Gold Primo 1213 ET owned by Cooper Hetrick.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) SHOUF Crystal Lucy UH 2414 owned by Camryn Blue; 2) LDB BB Melanias SM 411 ET owned by Emily Schellenberg; 3) SVV Mona Lisa 325 ET owned by Shayla Sancic.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF Max Rosa 450 Primo X ET owned by Mallory Inskeep; 2) BR Black Ruthie 417M ET owned by Dylan Brooks; 3) CCBF Destiny Voyage 24M owned by Carson Bailey.
Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Cherri 444 Primo X ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis; 2) LEIN Midge Account M18 owned by Candace Lein; 3) SFF Proven Queen 411 EV ET owned by Katie Lowry.
Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) TSSC AGRF Game On Girls ET owned by Maddie Smith; 2) CF Lady Crystal 41 Primo X ET owned by Carter Wickard; 3) S/N Margot’s Charm 429 ET owned by Stetson Reedy.
Winter Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) CF Margie 3140 Primo X ET owned by Piper Cates; 2) FFF Harley Quinn 3115 owned by Kamden Filippo; 3) AD Miss Ice Spice owned by Addison Dick.
Senior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) TCC RF Adele 3872 ET owned by Alyssa Meier; 2) SULL Dreamy Time 3631L ET owned by Bentley Baldwin; 3) DKBF PCC Lucy 605L owned by Sterling Gillette.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) HALES Fancy Like Momma
123 owned by G. Bryton Beatty; 2) GTG Augusta Pride 328L owned by Tyler Dahse; 3) RPCC Luna owned by Kaylee Junghanns.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (8 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 382 FER X ET owned by Jozie Beiser; 2) MFS Lucy’s Masha 87L ET owned by Carter Kornegay; 3) SFF Augusta Pride 319 T owned by Grace Rincker.
Junior Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) CF FERREE FITZ Crystals Swan 39 ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis; 2) CF Max Rosa 332 Primo X ET owned by Grady McGrew; 3) MFS Mona Bo 18L ET owned by Madison Gordon.
Two-Year Old Cow/Calf – (1 Entry): 1) KTK Black Eyed Suzan C08K owned by Elijah Scherlen.
Candid pictures by Next Level Images. View and Purchase online at
Picture Not Available
Shorthorn Females
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – S/N KMA Rosemary’s Money 4149 ET, Brianna Duerre, Bristol, S.D.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Rosebud 3125 EV X ET, Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – S/N SL Chasing Dream Mary J 4138 ET, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF LV Margie 430 PW X ET, Reagan James, Plymouth, Ind.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf –STECK WSCC Chelsie DM 401 ET, Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Female – MFS Lucy’s Masha 87L ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
Super National Shorthorn Show
Open Shorthorn Bulls & Females :: 114 Head :: Judge: Parker Henley, Stillwater, Okla.
by Cassie Reid & Mackenlee Evans
Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Early Spring Bull
was CF In Demand, owned by Cates Farms,
Following the ShorthornPlus Show, it was the the purebred Shorthorn bulls and females turn to enter the ring in Oklahoma City on Sunday, January 12, 2025 for the final time in Jim Norick
Arena. Parker Henley of Stillwater, Okla. evaluated 18 Purebred Bulls and 96 Purebred Females, during the Super National Shorthorn Show.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull
and Champion Early Spring Bull Calf honors went to CF In Demand owned by Cates Farms of Modoc, Ind.
Selected as Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Senior Bull Calf was SW MH Captain Jack Sparrow 2307, owned by Skyler Ward of New Paris, Ohio.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Early Spring Female honors were awarded to CF Crystal Lucy 384 RK X ET, owned by Carter Wickard of Wilkinson, Ind.
CF PC Mona Lisa 350 Cinch X owned by Miller Smith of Pendleton, Ind., received Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Junior Female honors.
Division Winners:
Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Bull Calf –Little Cedar Lasting Look 2418, Little Cedar Cattle Co, Beaver, Mich. and Delisle Farms, Gladwin, Mich.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – NF Account Master ET, Kendall Nelson, Seneca, Ill.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – SPRINGVIEW Denali 61, Spring View Cattle, Neillsville, Wis.
Late Spring Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) Lane’s Soul Gravy 24M owned by Alexa Lane.
Late Spring Bull Calves – (2 Entries): 1) Little Cedar Lasting Look 2418 owned by Little Cedar Cattle Co &
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Junior Female was CF PC Mona Lisa 350 Cinch X, owned by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.
Delisle Farms; 2) NF Account Master ET owned by Kendall Nelson.
Early Spring Bull Calves – (4 Entries): 1) CF In Demand owned by Cates Farms; 2) SPRINGVIEW Denali 61 owned by Spring View Cattle; 3) HOBC Iceman owned by Jessica Hobaugh.
Junior Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) LWFS Cargo 2410 PW owned by Carter Wickard.
Winter Bull Calves – (3 Entries): 1) SW MH Captain Jack Sparrow 2307 owned by Skyler Ward; 2) CF Flash Gordan X owned by Piper Cates, Mark George & Logan Amos; 3) FERREE FITZ AFLS Renegade owned by Armstrong Farms & Schrag/Nikkel Show Cattle.
Late Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) 4D Cooper 001 owned by Delgado Shorthorns.
Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (2 Entries): 1) MM Good Times 57L ET owned by Emily Lucas; 2) JA_C Jed Clampett 329L M owned by Brooke McKean.
Junior Yearling Bulls – (2 Entries): 1) JCB Roan Power 306L owned by Suli Shorthorns, Lost Diamond B Ranch & Jeff, Diane & Jennifer Bedwell; 2) Maximum Payday 1206 owned by Cooper Hetrick.
Senior Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) CF Logic X owned by Leemon Cattle Company.
Open Purebred Female Class Placings (Top3):
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) CCS DLJ Augusta Linda 603M ET owned by Don Cagwin; 2) GCC American Margie 47 ET owned by Brigham DeBorde; 3) NF DRY Dream Rosa ET owned by Emma Braun.
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) Little Cedar Marvelous DM 2426 ET owned by Wyatt Smith; 2) HUNTS Demi Knight 523M ET owned
by Caber Johnson; 3) SFF Mona Lisa 462 LL ET owned by Morgan Brooks.
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) S/N KMA Rosemary’s Money 4149 ET owned by Brianna Duerre; 2) S/N SL Chasing Dream Mary J 4138 ET owned by Lauren Berg; 3) CCS Ruby Rose 504M EST owned by Don Cagwin.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) S/N Max Rosa Martini 4125 ET owned by Alexis Wright; 2) CF Margie’s Dream 482 DM X ET owned by Maddox Reedy; 3) MISS MCR Lilac Dreamer LDF 428 ET owned by Marley Harris.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF PC Margie 476 EV X ET owned by Knox Harrison Neumayr; 2) RJC Lady Crystal M483 ET owned by Hailey Jester; 3) Compton’s Flo Jo 49M ET owned by Julia Brown.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) CF PC Missing Mirage 474 owned by Carter Kornegay; 2) BERGS Sweet Dream ET owned by Kaitlyn Berg; 3) AF Magical Mirage 2421 ET owned by Robert & Beverly Alden.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) S/T Perfect Dreams 4097M ET owned by Jaclyn Thomas; 2) SFF Dream Lady 422 DM owned by Lane Whitehurst; 3) CCF Jolene’s Oncore C25M owned by Crow Creek Farms.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) S/N Margie’s Masterpiece 473 ET owned by Caroline Huebner; 2) SFF Mona Lisa 424 DM ET owned by Wyatt Finnesgard; 3) NR NF Dream Lady 26M owned by Macy Michelini.
Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa Pay’s 445 PW ET owned by Skyler Ward; 2) KNE Missy 22M ET owned by Kyle Nelson; 3) LDB Mercis BH 406 ET owned by Emily Schellenberg.
Champion Junior Bull – JCB Roan Power 306L, Suli Shorthorns, Hunter, Okla., Lost Diamond B Ranch, Orlando, Okla. & Jeff, Diane & Jennifer Bedwell, Isabella, Okla.
Shorthorn Bulls
owned by Taylor Matlock; 2) CCBF
Crystal Cool Dream 12M ET owned by Brooklyn Bailey; 3) MM Lilly DM 15M ET owned by Mealiea Cover.
Junior Heifer Calves – (8 Entries): 1) DJS Wild Cherri C409 ET owned by Blayne Dunklau; 2) S/N Max Rosa Margarita 418 ET owned by Mackenlee Evans; 3) CF Mona Lisa 410 OM X ET owned by Sawyer McGrew.
Junior Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) STECK WSCC Chelsie DM 401 ET owned by Carter Wickard; 2) SULL Max Rosa 4193M ET owned by Bristol Soules; 3) BFS Margie Way 406 ET owned by Dawson Barnett.
Winter Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) SULL Rhonda Rosa 3685L ET owned by Autumn Berg; 2) LDB Mercis Gia 333 ET owned by Sheridan L. Soules.
Winter Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 3134 PW X ET owned by Maddox Reedy; 2) FOX Fancy Rose 324 owned by Sheridan Fox; 3) SULL LGF Ruby’s Dream 3674L ET owned by
Olivia Gillette.
Senior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) SULL Cherri Maker 3668L ET owned by Schrag/Nikkel Show Cattle; 2) MM Proud Fool FL 98L ET owned by Mealiea Cover; 3) LDB Mercis BH 331 owned by Kase Glazier.
Senior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) CF Rosebud 3120 EV X ET owned by Carter Meyer; 2) CF Rosebud 3125 EV X ET owned by Audrey Robertson; 3) AF Shannon Margie 2352 ET owned by Rebecca Hunt.
Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) MIM Miss Peppermint Twisty 3355 ET owned by Brigham Deborde.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) S/N Lucky’s Locket 3129 ET owned by Kaitlyn Berg; 2) LDB Mercis Magnolia 3111 ET owned by Lane Blankinship; 3) TBP PCC CB Ruby 310 ET owned by Abilene Sullivan.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) CF Crystal Lucy 384 RK X ET owned by Carter Wickard; 2) LGF
MFS Emeralds Dream 1183L owned by Braylen Schaeffer; 3) CF Traveling Ruby 394 EV ET owned by Reed Hanes.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) S/N Missing Mirage Legacy 372 ET owned by Caroline Huebner; 2) JSF Marvel 212L ET owned by Jaclyn Thomas; 3) JAJ Bear It owned by John Barker.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) SFF Caroline 314 DM ET owned by Miller Smith; 2) LGF SULL MFS Ruby’s Dream 3401L ET owned by Lily Miles.
Junior Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) CF PC Mona Lisa 350 Cinch X owned by Miller Smith; 2) CF Red Traveler 311 RR X ET owned by Cornerstone Farms.
Senior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) RTCC Maggie Two 1715 2254 owned by Kaylee Corley.
Shorthorn Females
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – S/N KMA Rosemary’s Money 4149 ET, Brianna Duerre, Bristol, S.D.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – STECK WSCC Chelsie DM 401 ET, Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa Pay’s 445 PW ET, Skyler Ward, New Paris, Ohio.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – S/T Perfect Dreams 4097M ET, Jaclyn Thomas, Pikeville, Tenn.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Rosebud 3125 EV X ET, Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –CF PC Margie 476 EV X ET, Knox Harrison Neumayr, Boling, Texas.
On Sunday, January 12, 2025, 64 ShorthornPlus animals entered the Jim Norick Arena to lead off the 2025 Cattlemen’s Congress ShorthornPlus Show in Oklahoma City. Parker
Henley of Stillwater, Okla., evaluated 13 ShorthornPlus Bulls and 51 ShorthornPlus Females during the Super National ShorthornPlus Show.
Late Spring Bull Calves – (3 Entries): 1) Lane’s Blue Skies 23M owned by Alexa Lane; 2) CCF Glory’s Red River C28M owned by Crow Creek Farms; 3) RPCC Money Money owned by Carter Junghanns.
Early Spring Bull Calves – (2 Entries): 1) AD Mr Tito owned by Addison Dick; 2) 3BC Executive Class 415 owned by
Jaycee Schomberg.
Junior Bull Calves – (2 Entries): 1) SVV Storm Front 1824 ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis; 2) GUNN SFF 17E Red Flamingo 22M owned by Smith Family Farms & Gunn Brothers Cattle Co.
Winter Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) CVC President Sven owned by Barrett Griffin.
Late Spring Yearling Bulls – (2 Entries): 1) 4D Foxx 002 owned by Isabella Delgado; 2) SSRB Brutus 2023 owned by Stepping Stone Ranch.
Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) LPW Bo Duke owned by Alexis Wright.
Junior Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) CLK Money Ball 77L owned by Dayson Cash & Carter Kornegay.
Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings (Top 3):
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) SFF Caroline 456 RW owned by Grace Rinker; 2) /F Sweetie Pie 4686 owned by Talia FergusonSanders; 3) 4D CWWC Moana DW05 owned by Delgado Shorthorns.
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) S/N Dream Lady Mia 4145 ET owned by Braylee Krasinger; 2) PKL Moxie 16M owned by Kassie Kelley; 3) FFF Wild Kat 4162 owned by Brooklyn Frazier.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 484 24K X ET owned by Grady McGrew; 2) JJK FTZS Miss Rohn 01JJ ET owned by Jett Krohnke; 3) BR Black Ruthie 412M ET owned by Carter Kornegay.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) LDB BB Melanias SM 411 ET owned by Emily Schellenberg; 2) SVV Mona Lisa 325 ET owned by Shayla Sancic; 3) SHOUF Crystal Lucy UH 2414 owned by Camryn Blue.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) CF Max Rosa 450 Primo X ET owned by Mallory Inskeep; 2) CCBF Destiny Voyage 24M owned by Carson Bailey; 3) Haley’s It Girl 191M owned by Jaclyn Thomas.
Junior Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF Cherri 444 Primo X ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis; 2) SFF Augusta Pride 412 F ET owned by Miller Smith; 3) CSF Lady Crystal 2425 ET owned by Barrett Griffin.
Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) CF Lady Crystal 41 Primo X ET owned by Carter Wickard; 2) TSSC AGRF Game On Girls ET owned by Maddie Smith; 3) S/N Margot’s Charm 429 ET owned by Stetson Reedy.
Winter Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) CF Margie 3140 Primo X ET owned by Piper Cates; 2) AD Miss Ice Spice owned by Addison Dick.
Senior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) TCC RF Adele 3872 ET owned by Alyssa Meier; 2) DKBF PCC Lucy 605L owned by Sterling Gillette; 3) SULL Dreamy Time 3631L ET owned by Bentley Baldwin.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) GTG Augusta Pride 328L owned by Tyler Dahse; 2) HALES Fancy Like Momma 123 owned by G. Bryton Beatty; 3) RPCC Luna owned by Kaylee Junghanns.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (6 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 382 FER X ET owned by Jozie Beiser; 2) MFS Lucy’s Masha 87L ET owned by Carter Kornegay; 3) CF Dream Only 473 owned by Lindsey Jester.
Junior Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) CF Max Rosa 332 Primo X ET owned by Grady McGrew; 2) CF FERREE FITZ Crystal Swan 39 ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Champion Junior Bull Calf was SVV Storm Front 1824 ET, owned by Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Senior Heifer Calf was TCC RF Adele 3872 ET, owned by Alyssa Meier, Clinton, Tenn.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull Calf –CCF Glory’s Red River C28M, Crow Creek Farms, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus :: 40 head :: Judge: Brett Barber, Channing, Texas. by
Kassidy Schumann
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Intermediate Female honors went to GCC Red Diva the Roo 33 ET, shown by Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
Female and Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf honors went to GCC Traveling Ruby 45 ET owned by Alexa Turner of Mahomet, Ill.
Moving onto the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Junior Heifer Calf was awarded to KANE Red Crystal PW 3M ET owned by Jaycie Stutzman of Milford, Neb.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf honors went to LDB BB Melanias SM 411 ET owned by Emily Schellenberg of Kingfisher, Okla.
Division Winners:
Junior Purebred Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – GCC Ruby Is Red 42 ET, Brigham DeBorde, Bardwell, Texas.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – GCC Margie 48 ET, Aliyah Beach, Palmyra, Neb.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SV CG Blooded Ruby 2402 ET, Sara Allard, Sidney, Neb.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf –BEA Bo’s Knighted Rewad 115M ET, Annalynn Beach, Palmyra, Neb.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – AF VF Picture Perfect 319 ET, Adalynn Vaughn, Maxwell, Iowa.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – GANA Cumberland Queen 3308 ET, Ava Stutzman, Milford, Neb.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – GCC TRN Dream Only 71, Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill.
Champion Early Spring Female – TRN Current Brecke 342 ET, Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Female – TMC Margie’s Rise, Sara Allard, Sidney, Neb.
Champion Junior Female – SULL LGF Knights of Ruby 3400L ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
Junior Shorthorn exhibitors traveled to west region to exhibit 40 head during the National Western Stock Junior Shorthorn Show in Denver, Colorado. On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, Brett Barber of Channing, Texas evaluated 30 Purebred Females and 10 ShorthornPlus Females.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Intermediate Female was awarded to GCC Red Diva the Roo 33 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn of Bellbrook, Ohio.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn
Junior ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – KANE Peppered Crystal CW 928M, Jaycie Stutzman, Milford, Neb.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – DCC Lipstick 154M, Kallaway Lorenzo, Sterling, Colo.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Champion Junior Heifer Calf honors went to KANE Red Crystal PW 3M ET, shown by Jaycie Stutzman, Milford, Neb.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf was GCC Traveling Ruby 45 ET, shown by Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf was LDB BB Melanias SM 411 ET, shown by Emily Schellenberg, Kingfisher, Okla.
Thanks to Legacy Livestock Imaging for the 2025 NWSS Pictures. Purchase yours online at:
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – JCB Blue’s Angel 417M, Reese Lock, Sterling, Colo.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – WS Taffy LU of 221 – 6L, Byanka Wood, McCook, Neb.
Class Placings:
Junior Purebred Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries):1) GCC Ruby Is Red 42 ET owned by Brigham DeBorde; 2) GCC Margie 48 ET owned by Aliyah Beach; 3) AF VF Gina 411 owned by Alden Vaughn.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) GCC Evolving Pinky the Roo 42 ET owned Kolten Greenhorn; 2) BEA Hot Margie’s Murphy owned by Aizley Beach; 3) PKB White Ollie ET owned by Kinsley White.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) GCC Traveling Ruby 45 ET owned by Alexa Turner; 2) RGLC Lucys Dream 424 ET owned by Jaycie Stutzman; 3) KSS 1872 RS Max Rosa 2412 owned by Julia Lyons.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) SV CG Blooded Ruby 2402 ET owned by Sara Allard; 2) SULL LGF
Ruby’s Dream 4410M ET owned by Brock Studer; 3) Lorenz’s Slims Queen 124 owned by Cason Carlson.
Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) BEA Bo’s Knighted Reward 115M ET owned by Annalynn Beach; 2) GCC Knighted Margie 241 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn.
Winter Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) AF VF Picture Perfect 319 ET owned by Adalynn Vaughn.
Senior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) GANA Cumberland Queen 3308 ET owned by Ava Stutzman.
Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) GCC TRN Dream Only 71 owned by Alexa Turner.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) GCC Red Diva the Roo 33 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn; 2) LDB Mercis Magnolia 3111 ET owned by Lane Blankinship; 3) BJSF Sweet Knightly Dreams 3673 ET owned by Vidahlia Kimball.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) TRN Current Brecke 342 ET owned by Alexa Turner; 2) TMC Margie’s Rise owned by Sara Allard; 3) PKB Summer ET owned by Paisley White.
Junior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) SULL LGF Knights of Ruby 3400L ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn.
Junior ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) KANE Peppered Crystal CW 928M owned by Jaycie Stutzman; 2) DCC Lipstick 154M owned by Kallaway Lorenzo; 3) LCK Daddy’s Home ET owned by Tayvn Lock.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) JCB Blue’s Angel 417M owned by Reese Lock.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) LDB BB Melanias SM 411 ET owned by Emily Schellenberg.
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – KANE Peppered Crystal CW 928M, Jaycie Stutzman, Milford, Neb.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –JCB Blue’s Angel 417M, Reese Lock, Sterling, Colo.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – DCC Lipstick 154M, Kallaway Lorenzo, Sterling, Colo.
National Stock WEstern show 2025
National Shorthorn Pen Show at NWSS
Judge: Jake Scott, Gordon, Neb. by Wade
The numbers increased again this year along with the attraction in the yards at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado. Fifty-seven head of Shorthorn cattle were exhibited in 17 pens during the National Shorthorn Pen Show at the 2025 National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado. These pens were evaluated by judge Jake Scott located in Gordon, Nebraska.
In the Shorthorn Pen of 3 heifer show, Pearl Valley Shorthorns of Valley City, North Dakota exhibited the Champion Pen with a February average heifers pen that weighed an averaged of 793 lb. with a WDA of 2.53. The Reserve Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn Females was awarded to Bar N Cattle Company of Belview,
Minnesota. This pen of March average of heifers weighed in at an average of 770 lb. and a WDA of 2.53.
In the Shorthorn Bull show, Jungels Shorthorn Farm of Kathryn, North Dakota exhibited the Champion Pen of 5 with their Junior bull calf entry. The bulls averaged 1031 pounds and a WDA of 3.30. Paint Valley Farms, from Millersburg, Ohio was the Reserve Champion Pen of 5 with an average weight of 1081 lb. and 3.30 WDA.
Waukaru Farms Inc of Rensselaer, Indiana was the Champion Shorthorn pen in the final show of the morning. This Shorthorn Pen of 3 bulls were from the Junior bull calf division. The pen averaged weight of 1075 lb. and a WDA
of 3.29. Reserve Champion Pen of 3 went to Gilman Shorthorns of Stuart, Iowa. This Febraury average bull class averaged 1053 lb. with a WDA of 3.09. Thank you to all the breeders who made the trip out west to Denver to exhibit their pen cattle at the National Western Stock Show. It was exciting to see the pen numbers excel this year in the Shorthorn Pen Show and the quality of cattle presented. Spectators gathered ringside and, in the bleachers, to watch this outstanding exhibition of cattle. Data and results for all the pen cattle are on the following pages. We look forward to another exciting 2026 National Pen Show in Denver!
Spring Heifer Calf Division Champion: Bar N Cattle Company, Belview, MN Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Division Champion: Heith Keiser, Gothemburg, NE
Class 2: Shorthorn Pen of 3 Junior Heifers (Calved January 1-February 29, 2024)
1 Pearl Valley Shorthorns, Valley City, ND
2 Beach Family Shorthorns, Palmyra, NE
Pearl Valley Shorthorns, Valley City, ND Reserve Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn Heifers: Bar N Cattle Company, Belview, MN
National Stock WEstern show
Class 3: Shorthorn Pen of 5 Spring Bull Calves (Calved March 1, 2024 and after)
Class 4: Shorthorn Pen of 5 Junior Bull Calves (Calved January 1-February 29, 2024)
1 Paint Valley Farms, Millersburg, OH
Junior Bull Calf Division Champion: Paint Valley Farms, Millersburg, OH
Grand Champion Pen of 5 Shorthorn Bulls: Jungels Shorthorn Farm, Kathryn, ND Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 5 Shorthorn Bulls: Paint Valley Farms, Millersburg, OH
2 Paint Valley Farms, Millersburg, OH
Spring Bull Calf Division Champion: Wise Shorthorns, Bethany, IL Spring Bull Calf Division Reserve Champion: Paint Valley Farms, Millersburg, OH
Class 6: Shorthorn Pen of 3 Junior Bull Calves (Calved January 1- February 29, 2024)
3 Jungels Shorthorn Farm, Kathryn, ND
1 Waukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, IN
National Stock WEstern show 2025
Division Champion: Waukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, IN Junior
Calf Reserve Division Champion: Gilman Shorthorns, Stuart, IA
Grand Champion Shorthorn Pen of 3 Shorthorn Bulls: Waukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, IN Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn Bulls: Gilman Shorthorns, Stuart, IA
Gilman Shorthorns, Stuart, IA
Brennstuhl Farms,
Junior Bull Calf
National Stock WEstern show 2025
Grand Champion Pen of 5 Shorthorn BullsJungels Shorthorn Farm, Kathryn, ND
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 5 Shorthorn BullsPaint Valley Farms, Millersburg, OH
Grand Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn FemalesPearl Valley Shorthorns, Valley City, ND
Grand Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn BullsWaukaru Farms Inc, Rensselaer, IN
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn FemalesBar N Cattle Company, Belview, MN
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of 3 Shorthorn BullsGilman Shorthorns, Stuart, IA
National Stock WEstern show 2025
National Stock WEstern show 2025
National Shorthorn Show
Open Purebred Bulls & Females :: 50 head :: Judge: Dr. Dave Nichols, Manhattan, Kansas. by
Cassie Reid
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Champion Senior Bull honors went to Wise’s Chosen One 215, owned by Wise Shorthorns, Bethany, Ill & Studer Shorthorns, Creston, Iowa.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Early Spring Bull Calf, shown by Paint Valley Farms from Millersburg, Ohio.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Intermediate Female honors went to GCC Red Diva the Roo 33 ET, shown by Kolten Greenhorn of Bellbrook, Ohio.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Early Spring Female was awarded to TRN Current Brecke 342 ET, exhibited by Alexa Turner from Mahomet, Ill.
Division Winners:
Open Purebred Bull Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Bull Calf –PEAKVIEW Nitro 5461 ET, Peak View Ranch Inc, Fowler, Colo.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – JSF Thorne 300M, Jungels Shorthorn Farm, Kathryn, N.D.
Champion Junior Bull – JCB Roan Power 306L, Lost Diamond B Ranch, Orlando, Okla.; Suli Shorthorns, Hunter Okla. & Jeff, Diane & Jennifer Bedwell, Isabella, Okla.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull –CCS DLJ Fire Bo 224L FB ET, Tate P. Lueth, Clarkson, Neb. & Emily J Cech, Clarkson, Neb.
Open Purebred Female Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – GCC Ruby is Red 42 ET, Brigham DeBorde, Bardwell, Texas.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – GCC Margie 48 ET, Aliyah Beach, Palmyra, Neb.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – GCC Traveling Ruby 45 ET, Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill.
Shorthorn exhibitors traveled to Denver, Colorado to exhibit 50 head of purebred Shorthorn cattle during the National Western Stock Show on January 12th, 2024. They stepped foot in the coliseum on the hill for the last time. Dr. Dave Nichols of Manhattan, Kansas evaluated
12 Purebred Bulls and 38 Purebred Females
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Senior Bull honors went to Wise’s Chosen One 215, owned by Wise Shorthorns of Bethany, Ill and Studer Shorthorns of Creston, Iowa.
PVF Anvil 146M was named Reserve
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – GCC Evolving Pinky the Roo 42 ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Intermediate Female honors went to GCC Red Diva the Roo 33 ET, owned by Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
National Stock
ET, Annalynn Beach, Palmyra, Neb.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – AF VF Picture Perfect 319 ET, Adalynn Vaughn, Maxwell, Iowa.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – GANA Cumberland Queen 3308 ET, Ava Stutzman, Milford, Neb.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – GCC TRN Dream Only 71, Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Female – PEAKVIEW Wildest Dreams 2322 ET, Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo. Champion Junior Female – SULL LGF Knights of Ruby 3400L ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
Class Placings:
Open Purebred Bull Class Placings:
Late Spring Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) PEAKVIEW Nitro 5461 ET owned by Peak View Ranch Inc.
Early Spring Bull Calves – (3 Entries): 1) PVF Anvil 146M owned by Paint Valley Farms; 2) JSF Thorne 300M owned by Jungels Shorthorn Farm; 3) BF Bank Statement 11M owned by Brennstuhl Farms.
Junior Bull Calves – (4 Entries): 1) PVF Mainstay 41M owned by Paint Valley Farms; 2) KANE JSF Trendsetter JW 349M owned by Aegerter Cattle Company; 3) BJSF Unlimited Reward 7923 ET owned by Brien Jordan.
Summer Yearling Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) STEELHILL Spartacus 56L owned by Steel Hill Ranch.
Junior Yearling Bulls – (2 Entries):
1) JCB Roan Power 306L owned by Lost Diamond B Ranch, Suli Shorthorns & Jeff, Diane & Jennifer Bedwell; 2) CCS DLJ Fire Bo 224L FB ET owned by Tate P. Lueth & Emily J Cech.
Two-Year-Old Bulls – (1 Entry): 1) Wise’s Chosen One 215 owned by Wise Shorthorns and Studer Shorthorns Open Purebred Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) AF VF Gina 411 owned by Adalynn Vaughn; 2) RUBY’s Mavis owned by Brock Ruby.
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) GCC Ruby is Red 42 ET owned by Brigham DeBorde; 2) GCC Margie 48 ET owned by Aliyah Beach.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) GCC Evolving Pinky the Roo 42 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn; 2) BEA Hot Margie’s Murphy owned by Aizley Beach; 3) PKB White Ollie ET owned by Kinsley White.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) GCC Traveling Ruby 45 ET owned by Alexa Turner; 2) RGLC Lucys Dream 424 ET owned by Jaycie Stutzman; 3) GATEWAY Rose M029 ET owned by Hadley Kerst.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) SV CG Blooded Ruby 2402 ET owned by Sara Allard; 2) SULL LGF Ruby’s Dream 4410M ET owned by Brock Studer; 3) Lorenz’s Slims Queen 124 owned by Cason Carlson.
Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1)
GCC Knighted Margie 241 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn; 2) BEA Bo’s Knighted Reward 115M ET owned by Annalynn Beach.
Junior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) TRN Maddie Mirage 401 owned by Callie Turner; 2) PEAKVIEW Max 2402 ET owned by Peak View Ranch Inc.; 3) BJSF Sweet Dream’s Reward 4422 ET owned by Brien Jordan.
Winter Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) AF VF Picture Perfect 319 ET owned by Adalynn Vaughn.
Senior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) GANA Cumberland Queen 3308 ET owned by Ava Stutzman; 2) VSF S 10 Queens 86L owned by Vogel Shorthorn Farm.
Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) GCC TRN Dream Only 71 owned by Alexa Turner.
Late Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) GCC Red Diva the Roo 33 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn; 2) LDB Mercis Magnolia 3111 ET owned by Lane Blankinship; 3) CF Margie 3109 Cinch X owned by Curtis Genetics.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) TRN Current Brecke 342 ET owned by Alexa Turner; 2) PEAKVIEW Wildest Dreams 2322 ET owned by Gabriella Leone; 3) PKB Summer ET owned by Paisley White.
Junior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) SULL LGF Knights of Ruby 3400L ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Champion Early Spring Bull Calf went to PVF Anvil 146M, exhibited by Paint Valley Farms, Millersburg, Ohio.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Early Spring Female was TRN Current Brecke 342 ET, exhibited by Alexa Turner, Mahomet, Ill.
National Stock WEstern show 2025
Late Spring Bull
Champion Junior Bull – JCB Roan Power 306L, Lost Diamond B Ranch, Orlando, Okla.; Suli Shorthorns, Hunter Okla. & Jeff, Diane & Jennifer Bedwell, Isabella, Okla.
Shorthorn Bull Pictures not available:
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – JSF Thorne 300M, Jungels Shorthorn Farm, Kathryn, N.D.Reserve
Reserve Champion Early Spring Female –PEAKVIEW Wildest Dreams 2322 ET, Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo.
National Stock WEstern show 2025
National ShorthornPlus Show
Open ShorthornPlus Bulls & Females :: 15 head :: Judge: Dr. Dave Nichols, Manhattan, Kansas. by
Cassie Reid
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Champion Early Spring Bull Calf honors went to RSF CG Conversation Piece 59M, exhibited by Curtis Genetics, Dunlap, Iowa.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf exhibited by Hearts & Diamond Cattle Co. of Worden, Mont.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf honors went to KANE Peppered Crystal CW 928M owned by Jaycie Stutzman of Milford, Neb.
LDB BB Melanias SM 411 ET was awarded the title of Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf exhibited by Emily Schellenberg of Kingfisher, Okla.
Division Winners:
Open ShorthornPlus Bull Divisions: N/A
Open ShorthornPlus Female Divisions:
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – DCC Lipstick 154M, Kallaway Lorenzo, Sterling, Colo.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – Brock’s Magic Show, Brock Ruby, Howells, Neb.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf –KANE Red Crystal PW 3M ET, Jaycie Stutzman, Milford, Neb.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – WS Taffy Lu Of 221 - 6L, Byanka Wood, McCook, Neb.
Class Placings:
Open ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings:
Early Spring Bull Calves – (2 Entries): 1) RSF CG Conversation Piece 59M owned by Curtis Genetics; 2) HNDC Manny 17M owned by Hearts & Diamond Cattle Co.
Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings:
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) DCC Lipstick 154M owned by Kallaway Lorenzo; 2) LFS-JLL Rosa’s Red Rev Rosalynn owned by Julia Lyons, New Auburn, Wis.
On Friday, January 17th, 2025 ShorthornPlus exhibitors made their way into the historic coliseum on the Hill at the National Western Stock Show. Judge Dr. Dave Nichols of Manhattan, Kansas started the morning by sorting through 2 ShorthornPlus Bulls and 13 ShorthornPlus
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Champion Early Spring Bull Calf was awarded to RSF CG Conversation Piece 59M owned by Curtis Genetics of Dunlap, Iowa.
HNDC Manny 17M was the Reserve
Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) KANE Peppered Crystal CW 928M owned by Jaycie Stutzman; 2) LCK Daddy’s Home ET owned by Tayvn Lock; 3) LFS-JEL Bonanza’s Wingman Bree owned by Julia Lyons.
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) JCB Blue’s Angel 417M owned by Reese Lock.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf honors went to KANE Peppered Crystal CW 928M, exhibited by Jaycie Stutzman, Milford, Neb.
National Stock
ShorthornPlus Female Divisions
Picture Not Available
Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) LDB BB Melanias SM 411 ET owned by Emily Schellenberg; 2) Brock’s Magic Show owned by Brock Ruby
Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1)
LCK Blue’s Valentine owned by Reese Lock; 2) RWE Guardian’s Booty 619B owned by Eisenhauer Cattle Co.
Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) KANE Red Crystal AL PW 3M ET owned by Jaycie Stutzman; 2) RUBY’s
by Brock Ruby.
McFlurry owned
Senior Heifer Calves – (1 Entry): 1) WS Taffy Lu Of 221 - 6L owned by Byanka Wood.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf went to HNDC Manny 17M, exhibited by Hearts & Diamond Cattle Co., Worden, Mont.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf was LDB BB Melanias SM 411 ET, exhibited by Emily Schellenberg, Kingfisher, Okla.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – DCC Lipstick 154M, Kallaway Lorenzo, Sterling, Colo.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – KANE Red Crystal PW 3M ET, Jaycie Stutzman, Milford, Neb.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –Brock’s Magic Show, Brock Ruby, Howells, Neb.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – WS Taffy Lu Of 221 - 6L, Byanka Wood, McCook, Neb.
Junior Corner
Seven Months on the AJSA Junior Board: Growth, Gratitude, and OKC
Seven months ago, I was honored to be elected to the AJSA junior board. I knew going into it there would be a ton of responsibility, but I never realized the positive impact it would have on me. Looking back, I’m glad I decided to run because it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.
In just over half a year, I have traveled to four different cities: Lexington, Louisville, Oklahoma City and Fort Worth. Each trip has allowed me to learn, grow, and connect with people who have the same passion for the Shorthorn breed. My most recent trip to the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City was an amazing experience. Being a part of the junior board allows me to travel to different parts of the country and surround myself with some of the best Shorthorn cattle and breeders. The most remarkable part for me in Oklahoma City was seeing every Shorthorn shown walk through the ring. It is a true testament to the breed’s strength as so many outstanding cattle were exhibited.
The junior board has more to offer than just working the show ring. Between the conversations and teamwork with
the rest of the junior board members, I have gained leadership skills and built friendships that will last a lifetime. I’ve learned so much about the cattle, the breed, the industry, and the people who make the Shorthorn breed special. The Cattlemen’s Congress was more than just another cattle show for me, but also an opportunity to grow.
I am excited for the coming years on the junior board. My experiences up to this point have been life-changing, and I am eager to continue working for the Shorthorn breed.
My advice for anyone considering running for the board is simple: Do it! You won’t regret it. The junior board is about making a long-lasting impact on juniors, learning more about yourself, and contributing to shaping the future of the Shorthorn breed. The responsibilities may initially seem intimidating, but the rewards far outweigh any concerns.
If you genuinely love the Shorthorn breed, then run for the junior board. I can’t recommend running for the junior board enough. It’s a decision that has shaped my future, and I know it will do the same for you.
Fundraising :: Hannah Wetzel
Director :: Samantha VanVorhis
Director :: Audrey Robertson
Director :: Jay Allen
Director :: Victoria Thompson
Don’t be afraid of discomfort. If you don’t put yourself in a situation where you are uncomfortable, then you will never learn and grow.
Jay Allen ajsa director
Groovy Grand IslandGroovy Grand Island
New for 2025!
Female Show Divisions - find updated information on under Show Classifications
E.D.G.E. Show - NEW for the NJSS, find rules on under Rules & Regulations
Promo Video Contest - find rules on under Contest Rules
Many new updates to contests including changes to team fitting, speech topics, beef cook-off cuts and more! Be sure to visit and find the EDGE Newsletter for all the information about the NJSS. See you in June!
Contest Age Divisions as of Jan. 1, 2025: Prospector I: 5-9 || Prospector II: 10-12 || Intermediate: 13-16 || Senior: 17-21
*Exhibitors must be 7 to exhibit cattle or compete in showmanship*
Upcoming Deadlines:
April 10 - Junior Board Application Deadline
May 1 - Scholarship Deadline
May 1 - Ownership Deadline (must have registration number to enter!!)
May 1 - Entry Deadline (Entry fees go up after May 1)
May 15 - Late Entry Deadline
May 15 - Photography, Graphic Design, Speech and Career Development contests due to
Entry Fees:
Entry Fee: $45
Late Entry Fee: $75 after May 1
Bedding Fee: $50 includes barn & tieout bedding
Exhibitor Fee: $30 includes t-shirt and contest fee (meals not included)
Meal Ticket - Opening Ceremony: $25
Meal Ticket - Awards Ceremony: $25
Extra Shirts: $15
Visit for schedule, complete contest and show rules plus more!
If you have any additional questions, contact All dates, rules and pricing are subject to change.
Sale Reports
“The Summit at OKC” National Shorthorn Sale
Saturday, January 11, 2025 Super Barn Sale Arena, Cattleman’s Congress Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt
Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. by: Darryl Rahn
A big crowd gathered for this leading sale at the sale site. The internet was huge. There were over 200 registered bidders on line as well as over 2,100 signed in to view the sale. Amazing response to this National Shorthorn sale. The live cattle offered were of the highest quality and all had great pedigrees. There was super active bidding for these lots and for the unequaled offering of frozen genetics. Congratulations to all the consignors and the sales staff for the presentation of a top quality event.
$120,000 - Lot 1 - Bull - CF In Demand - A roan, polled March 30, 2024 son of CF Payweight X ET and out of Red Banana ET. This was truly a great young prospect with a Championship pedigree. Sired by a National Champion and past high seller here at OKC and a leading Red Knight daughter. This one is bred to be great. He was admired by all who saw him. Offered by Cates Farms. Possession was purchased by Gypsy Creek Ranch of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Semen packages were purchased by Andrew Chandler of Missouri, Chad Johnson of Indiana, Cody Bailey of Oklahoma, Key Ridge Shorthorns of Ohio, Carney Cattle
of Texas, 4R Farm of Indiana, Drew Cowden of Pennsylvania, Zach Word of Missouri, Schrag/Nikkel of South Dakota, Cornerstone Farms of Indiana, Peak View Ranch of Colorado, Signature Farms of Wisconsin, Donathan Show Cattle of Indiana, Smith Family Farms of Indiana, VanVorhis Shorthorns of Ohio, Inskeep Farms of Indiana, Shoufler Shorthorns of Indiana, Greenhorn Cattle Co of Ohio, Turner Shorthorns of Illinois, Reedy Farms of Illinois, Aegerter Cattle Co of Nebraska, Brett Stutzman of Nebraska, 4C Show Cattle of Ohio, Jimmy Parnell of Alabama, 6B Farms of Iowa, Double G Shorthorns of Oklahoma, Bollum Family Shorthorns of Minnesota, Senghas Farms of Ohio, Lost Diamond B Ranch of Oklahoma.
$28,000 - Lot 7 - Bull - CSF Pay Out 2437 ET. A white, polled February 26, 2024 son of Byland Flash 9U106 and out of SULL Crystal’s Lady 6265D ET. A super made three dimensional son of the popular Flash and out of one of the leading donor cows in the breed. He is also a full brother to the very popular CF Payweight. He has the pedigree and the look to be a great herd sire in the future. Offered by Cornerstone Farms. Possession was purchased by Cairns Shorthorns of Amherst, Ohio. Semen packages were purchased by Key Ridge Shorthorns of Ohio, Tadmore Farms of Texas, Meyer Farms of Indiana, Larry Sherman of Oklahoma, NJ Lehman Farms of Indiana, Peak View Ranch of Colorado, Tom Kirsch of Ohio, Kegley Cattle of Nebraska, Gypsy Creek Ranch of Pennsylvania.
$24,000 - Lot 6 - Bull - LWFS Cargo 2410 PW. A roan, polled January 28, 2024 son of CF Payweight X ET and out of CF CSF Cumberland 9102 HC X ET. A wide based, thick made youngster that has superior dimension from front to rear. He shows the muscle structure that
all like to see. The front end extension is among the best you will see. He appears to be the easy keeping kind we all want. Offered by Lawrence and Wickard and purchased by Wild Weather Cattle of Langenburg, Saskachewan, Canada.
$14,500 - Lot 2 - Bull - SW MH Pirate Nancy 2307. A red, polled November 16, 2023 son of SFF Ragweed 003B ET and out of KSD CSF Dynamic Charm. This is a really good solid red bull that has already been a consistent winner in the show ring at National shows. Boardwalk and Caroline on the top and Hot Commodity and Lucky Charm on the bottom. This is a great pedigree on a great youngster. Offered by Team Ward and purchased by Abney Family Cattle of South Wayne, Wisconsin.
$14,000 - Lot 3 - Bull - NF Big Iron. A roan, polled September 4, 2023 son of NF Red Revolver ET and out of NF Fool Me Now. This is a superb Fall yearling that is out of a great young donor female. He is maternal to NF Find Out that sold in the Summit in OKC in 2024. He is every bit as good and maybe better. He has a great muscle pattern to go with a big foot and stout bone structure. Offered by Nelson Farms and purchased by Scott Dryer of Tolar, Texas.
$12,000 - Lot 23 - 4 IVF Sexed Heifer Embryos - Sired by JSF Kane Cinch 61H and out of CSF Mona Lisa 2104 8D. These are can’t miss embryos. Sired by the popular Cinch and out of a daughter of the great CF V8 Mona Lisa Smile female. The resulting heifer calves will have a head start at being great ones in the future. Offered by Cates Farms and purchased by Smith Family Farms of Pendleton, Indiana.
“The Summit at Denver” National Shorthorn Sale
Sale Summary
43 Semen Pkgs $ 18,125 $ 422 Sale Gross: $202,175
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Wagner Equipment Auction Arena National Western Stock Show Denver, Colorado
Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management:
high selling bulls in Durham Nation sales. She is proven to be able to produce the right kind of Shorthorn cattle for the modern cattleman. She hasn’t missed yet. Offered by Jungels Shorthorn Farm and purchased by Cheyenne Cattle Co of Eddyville, Kentucky.
$7,500 - Lot 12 - Open Heifer - Bar N 826F Silvia 15M. A roan, horned February 15, 2024 daughter of Byland Elite 2SD66 and out of Bar N 12X Silvia 826F. This youngster is special in many ways. Not only does she have the look of a top show prospect, but she has just an outstanding EPD line that ranks very high
to a breeding program. Offered by Bar N Cattle Co and purchased by Tim Kessler of Leola, South Dakota.
$7,400 - Lot 20 - 4 IVF Sexed Heifer Embryos - Sired by CF Payweight X ET and out of SULL Mona Lisa Reward ET. Sired by the leading sire, Payweight, and out of the great donor female, Mona Lisa Reward. These embryos are full sibs to the $100,000 top seller at a recent Cates Farms sale. This is a can’t miss purchase of embryos that will make their mark in the future. Offered by Cates Farms and purchased by S Co Cattle Co of Hastings, Minnesota.
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Durhams in the Dakotas 2025
Sale Summary
78 Purebred Bulls $ 581,450 $ 7,455
17 ShPlus Bulls $ 97,300 $ 5,724
10 Ranchers Reds $ 80,500 $ 8,050
105 Bulls $ 759,250 $ 7,231
Saturday, January 25, 2025 Jungels Shorthorn Farm Kathryn, North Dakota
Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. by: Darryl Rahn
As Derek said “What a night”. The largest Shorthorn Bull sale in the world just keeps getting stronger. This year there were records set for gross sales and sale average. A large crowd filled the sale building and the internet was on fire. Bulls sold to 23 states and to Canada. This was an outstanding set of yearling bulls that were in high demand. A new offering in this sale was a set of bulls known as Ranchers’ Reds. This was a really impressive set of beef bulls. These bulls are a Shorthorn composite that has been developed at JSF and they were readily accepted by the bidders and buyers. Be assured there will be more in the future. Congratulations to Derek, Brock, Preston and the entire JSF crew for hosting a truly outstanding event.
$50,000 - Lot 1 - JSF McCartney 207M ET. A roan, polled March 21, 2024 son of Jake’s Reincarnation 228Y and out of JSF Chocolate Diamond 118D ET.The lots 1 and 2 were full brothers and they were liked by all who saw them. Super complete with the sound structure and a great muscle pattern. By a leading sire and out of a great female, these bulls drew a ton of interest. 207M was purchased by Kafka Cattle Company of Parkston, South Dakota and Brennstuhl & Tilton of Danville, Ohio.
$34,000 - Lot 2 - JSF Lennon 195M ET. A roan, polled March 19, 2024 son of Jake’s Reincarnation 228Y and out of JSF Chocolate Diamond 118D ET. Lot 1 full brother and equally impressive. Smooth made with the herd bull look all like to see. Again a very complete bull with high structural integrity. These two bulls will be leading herd sires. Purchased by The Maternal Event Group of Millersburg, Ohio. Paint Valley Farms, Byland Polled Shorthorns and Beckler Shorthorns.
$27,000 - Lot 26 - JSF Thorne 300M - A roan, horned April 11, 2024 son of Byland Cash 1R086 and out of JSF Bella 7J. This bull was a favorite of many. A bull with great pattern and dimension to go with the show look. He was the Reserve Spring Bull Calf Champion on the Hill in Denver. The bidding was super active on this one. Purchased
by Sokoloskis Shorthorns of Pompey’s Pillar, Montana.
$25,000 - Lot 22 - JSF Jed 131M - A red, polled March 7, 2024 son of Byland Cash 1R086 and out of JSF Abbey Road 5F. Another of the top Cash sons in this sale. This one is out of a great female that is a full sister to the lot 1 and 2 bulls. Another of the really sound made bulls in this sale that have the overall dimension to work in a lot of programs. Purchased by Bar N Shorthorns, Bruns Cattle and Paul Staples of Renville, Minnesota.
$20,000 - Lot 3 - JSF Brosnan 124M ET. A roan, polled March 6, 2024 son of JSF Bond 116H and out of JSF Miss Perfection 79B. This one was truly a favorite of many at the sale. Super long sided with the muscle structure that impressed. His performance numbers were outstanding and he is out of one of the most impressive cows at JSF. Purchased by Stickley Cattle Company & JRJ Livestock of Casstown, Ohio.
$20,000 - Lot 20 - JSF Glacier 132M - A white, polled March 7, 2024 son of Byland Cash 1R086 and of JSF Bella Thorne 102G. Another top Cash son and this one out of the famed Thorne cow family. His EPD line and has great carcass traits. A bull with his pedigree
and numbers is sure to be a leading sire in his new home. Purchased by Smith Farms of Litchville, North Dakota.
$20,000 - Lot 21 - JSF Mutany 137M - A roan, polled March 9, 2024 son of Byland Cash 1R086 and out of JSF Princess 24D. This one had many friends. His dam is a leading matron at JSF having already produced high sellers in this sale in the past. This bull has great EPD numbers that rank at the top of the breed. This bull is sure to be a leading sire in the future. Purchased by Taylor Family Shorthorns of Huntsburg, Ohio.
$20,000 - Lot 30 - JSF Mercury 80M - A red, polled February 29, 2024 son of Byland Cash 1R086 and out of JSF Melita Rosewood 214F. Another of the good Cash sons who easily had the leading sire group in the leading sale. This one has the performance leading numbers that come with the Cash progeny. He will be a top sire. Purchased by Mike Schaefer of Colton, South Dakota.
News & Notes
Stephanie Crow, age 54, of Lawton, Oklahoma, passed away on February 2, 2025, in Dallas, Texas.
Stephanie was born in Lawton, Okla. on July 24, 1970 to Glen and Donna (Self) Cummins. She and her twin brother were one of six sets of twins born in Lawton that week. Stephanie attended school in Lawton, graduating from Lawton High School. She enjoyed playing softball throughout her childhood and continued as an adult.
Stephanie married Jerrell Crow on August 11, 1990 and to this union two children were added. She managed Crow Creek Farms where she was an avid cattlewoman and loved English Bulldogs. Stephanie was a Champion Shorthorn Show winner and won many national championships. She loved spending time with her family, especially her grandchildren.
She is survived by her husband, Jerrell Crow, of the home; her children and their spouses, Jobie and Alex Cash, of Wilderado, TX, and Ethan and Madison Crow, of Cache, OK; her grandchildren, Kensi Cash, Wrangler Crow, and one on the way; her brother, Dale Cummins and wife, Lisa; her sister, Syndy Polsgrove,
and husband Chris; her mother in law, Sue Crow; her sister in law, Condra Langford and husband, Randy; and many nieces, nephews and other loving family members.
Stephanie is preceded in death by her parents, and her father in law, Terrell Crow.
In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Stephanie Crow Memorial Junior Shorthorn Association Scholarship fund. Make donations in care of Jerrell Crow special account at All America Bank in Medicine Park at 580-529-2265.
NAILE Shorthorn Bull Show Correction
The Canadian Shorthorn Association is pleased to host the 18th World Shorthorn Conference and Tour in CANADA, July 3rd to 20th 2025
Richard Moellenbeck
Canadian Shorthorn Association President
2025 Contest Changes
Fitting Contest
Teams will consist of FOUR members of any state combination.
• 2 Prospector, 1 Intermediate, 1 senior •
Showmanship Contest
For the Senior Showmanship Finals, there will be NO fitting this year. The top 10 Senior finalists will show for final placing after one showmanship ring is completed. We will introduce these top 10 Seniors in no particular order.
Promo Video Contest
• Video entries may be made by any age division. Age divisions are judged separately.
• The contest will select the best ‘Shorthorn promotional video’.
• Video MUST be submitted in portrait/vertical mode, no horizontal videos. FORMAT: MP4, MOV or downloadable version through Vimeo link. Videos must be a maximum of 60 seconds. Winners may be posted on AJSA TikTok!
• ALL entries must be submitted by May 15 on the online contest submission form on
• Exhibitors are allowed to enter as many as two videos in this contest; however, only one entry per exhibitor will be able to place in the top five.
• The junior must be in the video promoting Shorthorn cattle OR be the voiceover in the video promoting Shorthorn cattle (and take the video if they are the voiceover).
Sales Calendar
March 1 - Loving Farms, “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance” Sale, Pawnee Rock, Kan.
March 1 - Kentucky National Shorthorn Show and Sale, Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville, Ky.
March 3 - Bedwell Cattle Co & Hudlow Cattle Co “Win the Battle” Herd Bull and Semen Sale, Isabella, Okla.,
March 5-6 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind.,
March 5-6 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, Neb.,
March 8-9 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, S.D.,
March 11 - Greenhorn Cattle Company “Where Great Females Make A Difference Spring Edition” Online Sale, Waynesville, Ohio,
March 14 - Ohio Beef Expo Sale, Columbus, Ohio.
March 15 - Waukaru Farms “The Gathering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind.
March 18 - Moore Shorthorns Fall and Summer Born Show Heifer Sale, Jerseyville, Ill.,
March 18 - Cornerstone Farms “Spring Forward” Online Sale, Winchester, Ind.,
March 20 - Shoufler/Lawrence Wickard Family Shorthorns Spring Online Sale, Fortville, Ind.,
March 23 - Gana Farms and Aegerter Cattle Spring Fever Sale, Seward, Neb., CCi Live Online