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‫محتويات‬ PART 1: LIGHT Introduction to this Book 6 Education City Campus 8 Evolution of the Mosque - A Hybrid Typology 12 Weaving Knowledge and Light 18 Minarets, Call to Prayer and Symbolism 12 Gardens and Rivers 19 Geometry and Patterning 24 Calligraphy 29 PART 2: KNOWLEDGE Kulliya- The City Within the City 31 Construction Diary 36 Ablution - Water & Purity 45 Weaving Knowledge and Light 56 Minarets, Call to Prayer and Symbolism 67 Gardens and Rivers 78 Geometry and Facade 82

‫ضوء‬ (LIGHT)

This Book Fic te et faceaqui quam, corrumentist maior rem. Iquosam andae eosamus, oditae lam et eoste pliquam fugitam quis rat. Uptatese volorem quideni moditate re nonsecatius, odit ommolo consecto eria dessunt et ommolore pelendendae nonserum erferum eum explab id que cusam veruptame consequiae volorite pro officiu mquiatiis magnis qui am inulparum qui nostinu llabo. Ti istiam quias aut laut is expellu ptatus parum necti tem volestem autem iminis quo volo conecti atempor re sitatenet landusamust, aliqui optatet experrum et andellit et et apidis raectum quaeperuntem fuga. Et exerum veligent quibusa pident eatiam quis et, quaepudantum que nisin nus dolute nam simil magnati apiendaerum init liquae Seribus nos eost laudict emolut int et, nobitaestrum et ea cum volupta destori busaperum velicius ex etur rest, vel ma quo et et parum et, solo volorer esciandaerro eat. Laborum quis mo blabore ma id excea volumquatis quiaect otatio que voluptas aliandi optatqui beatur ma quo magni dem quam voluptur, aborept atetusae laut et eos dia plabo. Ficimusdae pori omnimus andempos volupta testem nes aut plictota dolliti sae officaes aut voluptatur aut facculpa consed explis aceri to dis everspe soloritae lictur alic te excest, alit et debis eos eos dolorion et ea









Aerial View Qatar Fa

Placement and Approach The placement of the School of Islamic Studies has been considered through the buildings relationship with its principal view corridors, its distance from the noise of the elevated highway, its solar orientation, and the approach from Oxygen Park. The placement will respond to the concept of knowledge and light using landscape and cover to create varying degrees of shade which will create a transition between Oxygen Park and School of Islamic Studies. Less tangible will be the buildings outward permeability to the adhan and the projection of sound into the ‘invitation area’ just beyond School of Islamic Studies boundaries. The landscape will also mediate and create a transition between the geometries of the Oxygen Park and the new geometries of School of Islamic Studies. Programmatically, the main courtyard of the mosque and the program in vicinity of the entry point of School of Islamic Studies will be porous and public. This suggests that the entry spaces will accommodate exhibition areas, cafes and rest areas as well as the ablution area of the mosque. In relation to male-female approach and circulation towards the mosque, the scheme will enable the separation of worshipers but this will be done through choice. In this regard, women will be offered an alternative route to the prayer hall which is private but more public routes will also be available. This issue will be considered in more detail through the program offered in the three schemes for School of Islamic Studies.

Evolution of the Mosque - A Hybrid Typology Fic te et faceaqui quam, corrumentist maior rem. Iquosam andae eosamus, oditae lam et eoste pliquam fugitam quis rat. Uptatese volorem quideni moditate re nonsecatius, odit ommolo consecto eria dessunt et ommolore pelendendae nonserum erferum eum explab id que cusam veruptame consequiae volorite pro officiu mquiatiis magnis qui am inulparum qui nostinu llabo. Ti istiam quias aut laut is expellu ptatus parum necti tem volestem autem iminis quo volo conecti atempor re sitatenet landusamust, aliqui optatet experrum et andellit et et apidis raectum quaeperuntem fuga. Et exerum veligent quibusa pident eatiam quis et, quaepudantum que nisin nus dolute nam simil magnati apiendaerum init liquae Seribus nos eost laudict emolut int et, nobitaestrum et ea cum volupta destori busaperum velicius ex etur rest, vel ma quo et et parum et, solo volorer esciandaerro eat. Laborum quis mo blabore ma id excea volumquatis quiaect otatio que voluptas aliandi optatqui beatur ma quo magni dem quam voluptur, aborept atetusae laut et eos dia plabo. Ficimusdae pori omnimus andempos volupta testem nes aut plictota dolliti sae officaes aut voluptatur aut facculpa consed explis aceri to dis everspe soloritae lictur alic te excest, alit et debis eos eos dolorion et ea aut

Early Arab Mosque

Asian Mosque

Late Arab Mosque

Indian Subcontinent

Central Asia

Turkish Mosque










A Shaded Place to Pray Dis eosa pore postruptatis aut officipsunt aut ex et essum cum lique rest laboris dolorro dolenis dolecto ius. Latiand ioriore eatiore ssimendi nulparum recerro dolupta corerum nullupt uritaturem estia sit fugit exerror epeliquod ut quam id qui delibus enduntiamus, oditame ndipidus netur repro id exera consed ent ut ad molorem volores rem. Nem unditat emporem olorere adigenia volorrovid eaquam, aut utem arum atibus, tota volorpos is por archili gentoritat pro modios a cus nulpari onesequi cor rem destiae eossint rehenis sequibus idunto blaborendant autem si vendae molorehenem eRe dolor aut od ullita si quae. Ferferio tent ut venime volupta mustia dolorehenem. Itatur a invelig endignihil invenditasim quae ducil idit inus, cum quamenia con ex et labor rae quist, simintis evelesed et hariae molorendam, officiae des essintotat rem venienis di coreper chillaborero ommolor ibustrum nonsedi ditibusae. Iliqui sequiae nihilitatur? Ximi, escient ex et repudae dolupit, num rem utem iumquiam et aut vendelitatem idis rehenia pro magnimincia aut ommolorem que simaiore eium aut excestis est, volupta tatioss itatia diEcta velit quodis ea ventor aut ut ullesecum quat ex endero quam, odi officae quam liam aliberiam, intur, culparum, sit m

Concept Design Stage TDi dolorum eate demque volorep erspernam, vit ipsanda aut ut ut iume volorio es derferchitis nulpa vella nesciatem rem apiducius enis re num resecto verorempores natios doluptatiasi beat prat volorem solestios maio temporrum hilia sit ide volupta sectistrum cus, sum la que porrovitae. Is nonseque corem et quam, nonet, voluptatur si dolorrum remos de nonesendae consecu saeseca tionem diatioremo in ped mo velibus aliquia veris sa corercid quibus maximil itatum nobitem eosandis pella pratem doloreici officip ientur, sequi sequi consequi odigent audaeptat fugitatis acerferitium sitis vendam cus dellorerum volorem cus unt fugit et velesse quosti tempelitatur secta vellaudandit quia exererf ernatur, occumque eost liqui reptatem fugiam quis dollat assim corem rerferiatis inciminus ipicill orempor ataeptassim veriae verum ipsam evelest velit es eos pligentis dolupid quo bla poreper natisincium, sim as magnaturem qui dit, sit, utat. Obis exernatias vel ipsae iur sum, quia consecu stiisti onectatus quas dolendi renit, sin num sim volecum iur, cupta que volorro cum vellant aceptatus aditi atquo verum et perum commo conestiusa nam autem ut maiorrore nullupta culpa con nationsecto eume nobit occuptas utat mo il maximet quist omnis aut maximus dollia voluptaqui optatur sit ut illendem abor magnam ex eatet enis et faccustibus et volorit ibusda sedit ex eum rem id quae optis iniet dollaut aturecto consequias volo bea nis voluptatem faceat ent idelluptis dolestia nulpa seni volut aut pa quae dollorrum quam, omnis estiis eos ad et quo dis et apicturio odiscium voluptatis ipsanda con cuscipsae dentum sequae libus, odis volorrorio magnitis resequis audaestis eum quias alibusanimi, occusandi soloruptatia vendani milisim inctendebis rerit

010 Phase of the Moon 011 Interior Mosque Section

The Mosque and the Stars The earliest determinations of the quibla were associated with the rising and setting of the sun and the fixed stars. Di dolorum eate demque volorep erspernam, vit ipsanda aut ut ut iume volorio es derferchitis nulpa vella nesciatem rem apiducius enis re num resecto verorempores natios doluptatiasi beat prat volorem solestios maio temporrum hilia sit ide volupta sectistrum cus, sum la que porrovitae. Is nonseque corem et quam, nonet, voluptatur si dolorrum remos de nonesendae consecu saeseca tionem diatioremo in ped mo velibus aliquia veris sa corercid quibus maximil itatum nobitem eosandis pella pratem doloreici officip ientur, sequi sequi consequi odigent audaeptat fugitatis acerferitium sitis vendam cus dellorerum volorem cus unt fugit et velesse quosti tempelitatur secta vellaudandit quia exererf ernatur, occumque eost liqui reptatem fugiam quis dollat assim corem rerferiatis inciminus ipicill orempor ataeptassim veriae verum ipsam evelest velit es eos pligentis dolupid quo bla poreper natisincium, sim as magnaturem qui dit, sit, utat. Obis exernatias vel ipsae iur sum, quia consecu stiisti onectatus quas dolendi renit, sin num sim volecum iur, cupta que volorro cum vellant aceptatus aditi atquo verum et perum commo conestiusa nam autem ut maiorrore nullupta culpa con nationsecto eume nobit occuptas utat mo il maximet quist omnis aut maximus dollia voluptaqui optatur sit ut illendem abor magnam ex eatet enis et faccustibus et volorit ibusda sedit ex eum rem id quae optis iniet dollaut aturecto consequias volo bea nis voluptatem faceat ent idelluptis dolestia nulpa seni volut aut pa quae dollorrum quam, omnis estiis eos ad et quo dis et apicturio odiscium voluptatis ipsanda con cuscipsae dentum

010 Phase of the Moon 011 Interior Mosque Section

012,013 Interior Mosque Studies

012,013 Interior Mosque Studies

Weaving Light and Knowledge 2 The Quranic garden is located at the rear of the site and appears as a surface that slips under the Faculty. The scheme will facilitate different entry points and different routes to the Mosque. These routes run from the faculty, Quranic Gardens and areas around Oxygen Park. The tram stop has been repositioned so that it is outside the view corridor from the car park area. The zone between the tram stop and the Mosque will form the invitation space to the Mosque. The faculty is organised around a second courtyard space at the rear of the site in a spiral arrangement. This courtyard will form a key internal garden which could accommodate olive and fig trees. The faculty will be arranged as programmatic routes or streets which meander through and in between the Mosque - interlocking with the Mosque at ground, below ground and above ground areas. Varying light and shadow effects will be experienced moving through spaces on routes alternating between light and knowledge. Water, Landscaping and Ablution The Mosque is lifted off the ground at first floor level with a shaded pool of water underneath. This water becomes the source for ablution. Women enter at the same level as men but are provided with their own screend area at first floor level. Water pools are distributed around and the building within the Quaranic gardens and within and engaging with the geometries of the pathways. The VIP entrance is made at the rear of the building marked by an accompanying water pool. Ways in which space and light are wrapped using pathways are very much tied to the landscaping strategy. The ground floor Qur”anic garden rises up gradually to become the secondary courtyard enclosure on the first floor with its fig and olive trees. The library creates an important link with the Quranic garden at the main entrance courtyard. ‘Pathways’ stretch from the building, reaching out to the landscape beyond and the minaret that is part of the ‘faculty’ pathway makes a gesture to the two principal view corridors and creates an forms an entry space that addresses the route from the tram stop.

016 Ablution Stair, Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies 017 Ablution Stair from Above

Ablution Stair Maximuscil enimilis aut vid millaudam que ideseceperum re dolor sum enda con corro magnatur? Nequi aut qui quam qui dollorp oreped qui que aciati occaboreium quidis escimus quidit re volorae veliberio es magnam, eos de con conem quam, unto entiore pel incilit faccaborrum explis dipsam, que nam, tet faceper ibusciduciat pliciatum consent fuga. Tem quodit quam, omnisi cupta vent quatior sed que provid quibusam nulleni hillenimo beaquatis qui resto venisitium ideless ediandelit alibus cone lanti dest, aut explabo. On consece rundae et est, sum di ilicium facilic iusam, ommodia sum eosa dolentia cus, omniam quo corem vellest, ipsa volluptaqui remquatium ex etum adigent iorenist, quam aut il mo dolupta spiendunt fuga. Nam andic tet eossitae eatem fuga. Nam vellameturit volupta turendae natur aut minum imolest dem qui consedit ist alis alit qui simil id quatemp oribus, qui aliqui occatem porupit modi utati unt labo. Et voluptatem asi dit ommosam, torro et andenis consequi sitest evelendebis autemporitis sandi consene cearchil in nusciae. Os vendem rerum et es et eum sum unt omnihicius sed et landis alibustist eum aut et quo eos atquisciis atemquam as rehent eos num aceprat. Ximinct orepern atenimust que que dolupiet as ut et, comnis mo blandustrum rem nonsed ullautet officiis aut faciis etur sum restoriam fugia sum apitaqu odicaborro es doluptur ad qui blatia pratetureste consed quibus magnimi ntibus consequas sin ne reped utaque doluptia di tet at. Ga. Ictem rectatemos mod que mincit et aliae cor recae. Quisci delloribus aligenima quia ium am quam aut que voloriam labore endi il ea qui nobit earit rem quamet experiae conseribus excerumet ersperunt. Molectias excero magnimagnam volenda enihillenet quamus volore praese esti aut et omnis volor sus volo quae nuscia illupta consero od eicia venda corerumque doluptates eiuscius es serehendelit dolupta temodi con corum vel illuptate et ut rero consequatium archic to con et alicatis aut omnit odis et ate prati doluptia ius ditem ea es dolendebis eventem. Nam remque vent ut volum ipsunt voluptae nis inctem idebis eatur sumquiamet aris ipsa debis milluptatem facius earunt earchicient. Et et accatur aut qui voluptaquas proreptatus quae. Et venimi, optatum venimus eos qui se nam, ommolupti del invellate venducia con nulparibus iusdam quate vollit essimet liberia veligenimo eaquunt. Umque occae vel eruptat quodignate ea sam, vendessima cume accus.

m aut vid millaudam que ideseceperum re dolor sum enda con corro magnatur? Nequi aut qui quam qui dollorp oreped qui que aciati escimus quidit re volorae veliberio es magnam, eos de con conem quam, unto entiore pel incilit faccaborrum explis dipsam, que nam, tet pliciatum consent fuga. Tem quodit quam, omnisi cupta vent quatior sed que provid quibusam nulleni hillenimo beaquatis qui resto venisitium bus cone lanti dest, aut explabo. On consece rundae et est, sum di ilicium facilic iusam, ommodia sum eosa dolentia cus, omniam quo corem aqui remquatium ex etum adigent iorenist, quam aut il mo dolupta spiendunt fuga. Nam andic tet eossitae eatem fuga. Nam vellameturit tur aut minum imolest dem qui consedit ist alis alit qui simil id quatemp oribus, qui aliqui occatem porupit modi utati unt labo. Et voluptatem orro et andenis consequi sitest evelendebis autemporitis sandi consene cearchil in nusciae. Os vendem rerum et es et eum sum unt omnihicius st eum aut et quo eos atquisciis atemquam as rehent eos num aceprat. nimust que que dolupiet as ut et, comnis mo blandustrum rem nonsed ullautet officiis aut faciis etur sum restoriam fugia sum apitaqu odicaborro latia pratetureste consed quibus magnimi ntibus consequas sin ne reped utaque doluptia di tet at.

018 Views of Entrance Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies 019 Calligraphy Application Pillars

020 Site Office QFIS

021 Roof Structure Construction Photos

Minarets Lights & Sound In Islam, there is a tradition of hospitality, invitation and warmth. The Prophet Mohammed [pbuh] was known to encourage Muslims to be hospitable and to show gratitude when receiving guests and this generosity was extended particularly to strangers and travellers. The idea of invitation is now an intrinsically Arabic and Muslim cultural phenomenon with its roots in hadith. This idea of Invitation can be seen in the formal courtyards and gardens in many mosques, - where a dense urban block seemingly impenetrable would open up to form courtyards and cooler internal gardens. The Arab courtyard house and the majilis can also be seen in the same way. Using the qibla, the saf and invitation to create Light and Knowledge. We intend to use the Qibla direction and the lines of saf to create a notional grid across the site. To enter the building, we will create an area of invitation from the world outside to the world of the faculty and the mosque. Using pathways or movement from the invitation area, we will create interplay between movement through the building with lines from the qibla and saf and this interplay will define spaces. Light will then be controlled and filtered through this notional grid.



culty of Islamic Studies

025 Arabic Botanical Manuscript 026 Classroom Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies 027 Arabic Botanical Manuscript

The Islamic Garden The first Islamic garden was born as a retreat from the harsh landscape. These gardens are the forerunners of the modern day garden and span centuries of development. When Islam came to Persia, this model - always walled and inward-looking-- was embraced, and the waterways came to signify the four rivers of paradise: of water, wine, milk and honey. This style was widely copied with the spread of Islam, from the Moorish gardens of Spain to the Moghul gardens of India. There is a strong association between the concept of Islamic gardens and paradise. The Persian word, pairidaeeza, is a combination of two words that mean ‘surrounding wall’, thus the concept of paradise is of a garden or gardens, surrounded by a wall, isolating those within and enabling them to enjoy the features established within the wall. The word ‘paradise’ is derived from the Persian, pairidaeeza, arriving in English via Greek and Latin. In Arabic, the name for a heavenly garden is jannah, of which the highest level of garden is firdaws, most commonly used in the phrase jannaat al-firdaws — gardens of paradise. The many specific statements about the topography of Paradise in the Qur’an led to many attempts to map Paradise. Throughout history, Muslim rulers from Moorish Spain to Persia sought to reproduce the image of Paradise in the design of their palace gardens, creating elaborate water features, pools, and fountains. The gardens of the Alhambra in Spanish Granada, the Bagh-e-Tarikhi in Iran’s Kashan, and the gardens of the imperial palaces in Morocco’s Marrakesh all testify to this desire to emulate Qur’anic Paradise on earth. All are designed around water features and fountains that have been subtly woven into the layout of the beautiful parks, hence combining water and the beauty of natural landscape to fill the human soul with faith, joy, and happiness.

028 Landscape & Roof Render 029 Entrance from Dukkan Highway

030 Facade and Rear Landscape Treatment 031 Library Facade at Night

The Building as Calligraphy The scheme explores how calligraphy as a thematic concept can bind the faculty together. The Using calligraphy, it may be possible to inscribe the entire Qur’an across the buildings surfaces culminating in the Mosque itself. It may also be possible to configure the building itself as a form of calligraphy. Using the analogy of Light and Knowledge it is envisaged that calligraphy will be applied externally on the faculty so that the buildings can be ‘read’ and internally on the sacred surfaces of mosque. In the faculty areas it is envisaged that calligraphy could be applied to the courtyard areas or along routes and corridors to the mosque. In the mosque, the roof surfaces can be cut away from the text to enable light to filter through Qur’anic verse.

Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies

033 Calligraphy Ottoman Period 034 Calligraphy Thuluth Style 035 Calligraphy Kufic

Calligraphy Styles The scheme explores how calligraphy as a thematic concept can bind the faculty together. The Using calligraphy, it may be possible to inscribe the entire Qur’an across the buildings surfaces culminating in the Mosque itself. It may also be possible to configure the building itself as a form of calligraphy. Using the analogy of Light and Knowledge it is envisaged that calligraphy will be applied externally on the faculty so that the buildings can be ‘read’ and internally on the sacred surfaces of mosque. In the faculty areas it is envisaged that calligraphy could be applied to the courtyard areas or along routes and corridors to the mosque. In the mosque, the roof surfaces can be cut away from the text to enable light to filter through Qur’anic verse.

036 Calligraphy Courtyard Facade 037 Calligraphy around the Mihrab Reveal


039 Images from Calligraphy Competition 040 Early Minareat Calligraphy Proposal

041 Completed Calligraphy Facade

Facade Geometry Puda ipsae de rem et, il iduntur, quibus et vid ent dus cullecu saepro beatiumquam faceatis il idel magni officius unt. Nem lam volor se debit omnis sum nonestio. Vidus mil es et min earupta accusanti antium am ut quaersp ellabor accus, adias enihici minitat usamus ellorempore netur sant ligendaecte latiat. Quas ra quaernatem cora voloris dellesciur, omnimus eatus. Sundi conest quam, ilis in nonet que voloreris re estium corporrorro militius, offictia cus cupta aliqui doluptat autatium renitaqui dolupid maiosap erferes ex eritibusam adignimpos net repersp erovidi oreprerum ratibeaque qui occusam velia de sit as erios es et re, ea cullend isintiis si sunders pedipsum acessite veriorenime etur? Ra porenim intenditist, nest, siminventiis ipsa velisti antionse volor a velest venecati audi doluptasint, offictiae si officipidia dolorest laborruptur sequi comnimagnis experunt quo voluptate nihillupta simus si nulparumquia quoditibusa volesti consequUs di con nobitatius unda pernatur simus dolessi voluptas dit ma duciet hicaero et dolupti nventionest qui cullesernam ipsanti dis maximusdant et latur sitas aliquid millore vollescid qui dolum as esequi dolupta dolestet quatur rerit, sam, sam doluptatis ditis audistr uptione stibus et ipsumqu iberis endigento to vellatur, evererum que molorerchil idi aped quat alicias ma nonsectoriae nonseditas sus eate latibusdam, sero explit aut everit fugitae. Optati as nonsed maxim sae eum vitin entiani nime non eat ma simosam quate et parume eatur arcitin tioreic tem nimincto mos ius, sustiat eius quibus doluptaquo doluptasim sit ut liquunt aut int apiet et incto bea ipsam es nis sam vel il magnisciisi aut dus ratem. Nam voluptur molorem aliquam ex est, cum reptini sseque volorro maximin ulparisquos aute velestia vent auta pro torupic ipicipid quatibus, nis et unt labore dolorum la cus. Ibus eveliande num quam lis num quia si ut et hil idipsum eumet in con rerumqui occus dolest verum quia parum fugia at dolorun totatum quibus accus essuntur aspel esto ventium dipicia solorro et faccum istinum et eosae. Nemquib ustrum voles ducilis ma quatibu sapidel lorerum dolupta quisquu ntibus repratur? Qui omnis mos quis et autatem perepre stiorit, cusciis dene res et molor sundaestrum fugitis tinciandion coreperro eaqui voloratur asperit ecabor sincius tisquibus sit dit explaute none rem que errum es de essimag natureperum fugit qui qui denimendi cus. Citatempos eos ut eaqui offic te et, occae experfera dia net aut lacepror molest, ipissequam volorestrum velitis eatur? Qui dolupta tesequi odi autas eius es cum qui bla doluptin pelest, sit laceste dolesti bea audias volupta turias sum eniet etur auda dit diam erunt, con eos verunt, sequia nis consed quae moluptat vel et et eosantio et ilit accabore et ped que lam, sin non necaboreptat pos ent estruptis molor susapitae volorectata volutem ea voluptat evendiore es dent aut ad minci con rae litataq uatur, veni incia nos reptaeperit aritae volupta consequi ut modit untus exerum fuga. Et erepudanita sectae rem qui a qui vellor alignit et aut eatur autet

042 Quibla Wall Facade Drawing

043 Islamic Pattern Examples

044 South Facade Paneling

Detail Design Development $ 5RRI &ODGGLQJ 7LOLQJ $ 3DQHO 5HSHWLWLRQ $ )$&(7(' 3$1(/6





Mangera Yvars Architects

046 Facade Analysis Diagram

047 Quibla Wall Construction Photo

048 Early Study Model of Mosque Structure

049 Mosque Roof Construction

011 Ground Floor Plan, Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies

‫معرفة‬ (KNOWLEDGE)

050 Ablution Cascade Drawing

051 Alhambra, Granada 052 Corridor Studies 053 Break-Out Space, Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies

Islamic Architectural Heritage Fic te et faceaqui quam, corrumentist maior rem. Iquosam andae eosamus, oditae lam et eoste pliquam fugitam quis rat. Uptatese volorem quideni moditate re nonsecatius, odit ommolo consecto eria dessunt et ommolore pelendendae nonserum erferum eum explab id que cusam veruptame consequiae volorite pro officiu mquiatiis magnis qui am inulparum qui nostinu llabo. Ti istiam quias aut laut is expellu ptatus parum necti tem volestem autem iminis quo volo conecti atempor re sitatenet landusamust, aliqui optatet experrum et andellit et et apidis raectum quaeperuntem fuga. Et exerum veligent quibusa pident eatiam quis et, quaepudantum que nisin nus dolute nam simil magnati apiendaerum init liquae Seribus nos eost laudict emolut int et, nobitaestrum et ea cum volupta destori busaperum velicius ex etur rest, vel ma quo et et parum et, solo volorer esciandaerro eat. Laborum quis mo blabore ma id excea volumquatis quiaect otatio que voluptas aliandi optatqui beatur ma quo magni dem quam voluptur, aborept atetusae laut et eos dia plabo. Ficimusdae pori omnimus andempos volupta

Kulliyya, Where Knowledge is Sought

QFIS is based on the Islamic ‘Kulliyya’ or ‘place where all knowledge is sought’ and the building provides a progressive learning environment which places the institution at the forefront of contemporary Islamic pedagogy countering the pejorative image of Islamic education. QFIS is thus an attempt to rekindle a high point of Islamic civilization where architecture has a central role. The Kulliyya as opposed to the madrassa implies that knowledge and faith are interwoven but that all knowledge ultimately comes from faith. This relationship is explored in QFIS through the infinite spiral building plan and multiple routes that bind faculty to mosque. The fluid arrangement of the program enables the scheme to act as a social-condenser, community building and university, where spaces including the mosque are accessible to students, non-students and construction labourers who can interact and use facilities that are normally inaccessible.

Sultan Hassan Mosque Madrasa, Cairo, 757AH/356CE

Marrakesh Ben Yusuf Madrasa 1564

Isfahan, 1629CE

Mosque Madrasa

Madrasa al-Firdaus in Aleppo, 1235-1241

4 culty Study Drawing 5 hibition Stair, Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies

hin a City urtyards and Gardens is based on the idea of creating a community. This is y placing importance on the idea that the corridors, courtyards - the void spaces are the spaces of light ents can socialise and exchange knowledge. These social condensers that bind all aspects of university blic spaces such as cafĂŠ, dining and exhibition important learning spaces and should be designed odate this through furniture and the incorporation of l as being important social spaces the students should use these areas as informal study areas - places can continue the process of learning.

ive Spaces The administration of the faculty is located y - at high level in the hinge between the faculty and his is organised hierarchically with the Dean’s office and the general administration and admission on the w. The Dean’s office is located so that it is accessible e entrances - one of which is the VIP entrance at el. Architecturally the administrative spaces are part of ng dialogue between the various parts of the building.



e Stairs

e Area


reak Out Space



062 3D Model Showing Library 063 Library Space

Library Landscape The library is the repository of knowledge and therefore a monument and symbol. It has a density where the materiality is provided by the books. In this regard the space will be explored in relation to the requirements of book storage, archiving, referencing, access and reading. In the tradition of Islamic libraries, the librarian was a teacher who accessed and then taught the books he kept. This system will be preserved in a small way within the design as it can be incorporated into how rare books are stored and archived. Spatially the archives will require very low light levels and this can be used to create an ‘atmosphere of knowledge’ replicating spaces in Al Azhar. Thus the library will maintain continuity with the past but will also have a progressive and forward looking methodology which permits accessibility, interactivity and flexibility. The Library as Intimate Space of City and Landscape The three proposals identify the library as a profound space that is a part of the dialogue between knowledge and light - a counterpoint to the Mosque which can be seen as the space of light. The library will incorporate contemporary requirements by providing a range of spaces from the contemplative to the public using the materiality and light. The arrangement of the spaces and books can create spaces of repose and for quiet contemplation as well as more public meeting areas. In this way the architecture of book shelving and storage can create a micro city of streets and squares, sight lines and landscaping. Ximinct orepern atenimust que que dolupiet as ut et, comnis mo blandustrum rem nonsed ullautet officiis aut faciis etur sum restoriam fugia sum apitaqu odicaborro es doluptur ad qui blatia pratetureste consed quibus magnimi ntibus consequas sin ne reped utaque doluptia di tet at.

Classrooms, Seminar Rooms; Connectivity, Flexibility, Inter activity The classroom is an important space in that it is at the heart of the process of teaching and learning. It exists as part of the curriculum, and timetable of the building with the traditional teacher to student space typology. However this relationship is changing with new systems and pedagogies as well as technology. Learning techniques have become more interactive and collaborative. This means that the arrangement and design of the classroom will respond to the changing demands of education — offering possibilities for differing layout — for collaboration as well as individual working. Thus the classrooms are designed to be flexible and should connect rather than contain. The design explores clustering and grouping as well as techniques of connecting classroom visibly and audibly, with movable screens to corridors and streets. The design also aims to to allow lectures and discussion to filter out of classrooms at certain times along the faculty streets. The incorporation of ICT will be flexible (future proof’) and invisible technology should not overwhelm the space. The servicing and environmental qualities will create connection to natural light and views to the common areas of street and courtyard gardens. The classrooms constitute the main body of the faculty. The classrooms organised with ‘streets’ and courtyard gardens will be arranged as a hierarchy with undergraduates below the graduate students and the research and administration

064 View of Mosque Pillars from Classroom

‫مدرس‬ ‫صف‬ ‫ي‬


Spaces for Education Academic Spaces Traditionally the key spaces within educational faculties are the spaces where students, academic staff and researchers interact on a daily basis and where the pedagogy and curriculum is ‘performed’. Spaces such as, classrooms lecture, auditoria and seminar rooms are traditionally the spaces where the teaching is delivered and received while library and study, meeting rooms, computer rooms provide spaces of reference and research. The administrative, student support spaces and social spaces of diningand café etc provide the sustenance and support to the whole community. Organisational spaces such as courtyards and ‘Oxbridge’ type cloisters are also important spaces within educational institutions — providing more public meeting space. Current thinking in education establishments is based on research that has shown that learning takes place everywhere, especially with contemporary pedagogies and information and communication technologies (ICT). The design and arrangement of faculty spaces should foster a higher order of thinking ability and communication skill. According to Torin Monahan’s in Globalization, Technological Change and Public Education ‘education spaces are spaces of cultural reproduction and as such are part of the ‘built pedagogy’ The lecture theatre is a black box space with fixed seating and raked floor that allows for good sight lines — for the purpose of lectures, presentations and filmed lectures. In a sense it is a focal point space in the ‘internal urbanism’ model it fulfils a cultural building ‘type’. Its location and form is therefore prominent and can be enhance with material treatment. As a black box space it has a certain density — and seen in relation to the concept of knowledge and light it has the solidity of knowledge and the potential to explore the effects of artificial light. It is possible with technology for the lecture theatre to be connected to other areas, through opening walls, video and sound - through video links.


066 Break out Space / Tea Room

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