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The Lower School spent the last few weeks before break working on art that would be featured during the Winter Concert. The art that the students made connected to the songs that they would be singing during the concert. The Yellow Cluster learned about the street art style of graffiti and then created flower installations for their song, “Here Comes the Sun.” The Red Cluster students learned about abstract art for their art piece, which connected to their song for the concert, “De Colores.” The art piece they created displays the colors of the rainbow through various lines and shapes. For Orange Cluster’s concert art, they brainstormed things that fly and grow, and came up with the idea of a butterfly to connect to the lyrics in their song, “Chase the Wind.” The students collaborated in small groups to come up with the structure of the butterfly and what the design should be. The students really owned the project and worked among themselves and with their team members to combine design ideas.

New this year is the Yellow Cluster Art Club. Art Club allows students to get more time in the art room and carry out their independent work. Many students have been working on projects that involve structure and construction with mixed media. As Lower School Art Specialist Sophia Saad says, “The art room for the Lower School is a place to help students develop their interest in art, and express themselves through a different lens. We aim to help them build their artistic confidence through art projects, whether they’re independent or guided.”