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Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________Province: ____________________________ Postal Code: _____________________ Country: ______________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________Email Address: _________________________________ qMale qFemale Birth Date (dd/month/yyyy): _______________________________________ Name of School: _______________________________________________________________ Grade: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more information about… Accounting Addictions Counselling Agricultual Biotechnology Agricultural Studies (BA or BSc) Anthropology Archaeology and Geography (BA or BSc) Archaeology and Geography (with optional concentration GIS) Art Art (Art Studio) Art (Art History/Museum Studies) Art Education Biochemistry Biological Sciences Canadian Studies Career and Technology Studies: Business Focus Chemistry Computer Science (BMgt or BSc) Computer Science and GIS Dentistry (Pre-Professional Transfer) Dramatic Arts (Performance)

Mathematics Education

Dramatic Arts (Technical/Design Studies) Dramatic Arts (Theatre Studies) Dramatic Arts Drama Education Economics (BA or BMgt) Engineering (Pre-Professional Transfer) English English Language Arts Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Finance First Nations’ Governance French French/German French/Spanish General Major in the Humanities General Major in the Social Sciences General Major in the Sciences General Management Geography (BA or BSc) Geography (BA with optional concentration GIS) German History Human Resource Management and Labour Relations Information Systems International Management

Social Studies Education

Journalism (Pre-Professional Transfer) Kinesiology (BA or BSc) Law (Pre-Professional Transfer) Marketing Mathematics

4401 University Drive W. Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4

Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer) Modern Languages Education Individual Multidisciplinary Major Music (BA or BMus) Music (Digital Audio Arts) Music Education Native American Studies Native Education New Media Neuroscience Nursing Philosphy Physics Physical Education Political Science (BA or BMgt) Psychology (BA or BSc) Public Health Religious Studies Remote Sensing Science Education Social Work (Pre-Professional Transfer) Sociology Urban and Regional Studies Urban and Regional Studies (with optional concentration GIS) Veterinary Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer) Women’s Studies Two Single Discipline Majors

First Nations’ Programs FNMI Handbook First Nations’ Transition Program

Visit Our Campus I would like to participate in the “Connections” (student for a day) program

Additional Interests Pronghorns’ Athletics Co-operative Education

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University of Lethbridge SU065, 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4








University campus map


Community Sports Stadium


Turcotte Hall


University Hall


Parkway Services Building


Students’ Union Building


Markin Hall


On-Campus Student Housing




Anderson Hall


1st Choice Savings Centre


Centre for the Arts


Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)


Alberta Water and Environmental Science Building

Table of Contents There’s no question the world is changing. Technology is accelerating, competition is increasing and a high school diploma is no longer enough to remain ahead of the curve. What does this mean? The value of a university degree is unquestionable, and the University of Lethbridge is committed to providing you with more than just a degree.








At a Glance

Admission Requirements


Discover the Programs


Faculty of Management Spotlight


Funding and Deadlines


Student Housing

Living Your Passion


Student Services


Appendix A: High School Prerequisites, Additional Admission Requirements, Competitive Programs and PreProfessional Transfer Programs


Appendix B: Provincial Admission Requirements


Campus Map


Fun on Campus


Nestled in the coulees in the heart of southern Alberta, the University of Lethbridge (U of L) is more than just “another place” to get your degree. We believe in small, personal classes – on average 32 students – so your professors will know you by name and give you the individual support you need.


At a Glance A b o u t th e U of L

• More than 8,400 students • Established in 1967

Ac a d e m i c s • Over 150 undergraduate program options • Five faculties and a School of Graduate Studies

• Colours: Blue and Gold • Mascot: Luxie

• Consistently ranked in the top ten primarily undergraduate university institutions by Maclean’s magazine

T e ac h i n g

• Students - faculty ratio: 12:1 • Average class size: 32 students

Re s e ar c h • Opportunities to co-author major publications with professors

• U of L main campus: 490 acres

L o c ati o n • One hour north of the US border • Two hours south of Calgary

W e ath e r • Summer Daily Average: 23 C O p p o rtu n it ies

• Study-exchange partner universities in 21 countries • Co-operative education options for Arts, Science and Management students

S p o rts a n d Ac ti vi te s

• 13 varsity athletic teams • Over 60 campus clubs • Three-time National champions in women’s rugby

Ca m p u s f e at u r es

• Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience • Alberta Water and Environmental Science Building • Financial trading room with live data feeds • Simulation Health Centre and Addictions Counselling Lab

• Average lab size: 17 students • Average tutorial size: 23 students

• Students have the option of participating in research with their professors

• Lethbridge population: 88,000 • Two hours either east or west to the Saskatchewan or BC border

• Winter Daily Average: -11 C

• Internship and placement opportunities for students in Education, Fine Arts and Health Sciences

• Student art gallery • Campus-wide recreation events • Music and theatre performances • Student-run newspaper and radio station

• Art collection featuring works from Canada, America and Europe, spanning the 19th, 20th and and 21st centuries • 53 foot climbing wall, indoor track and community stadium


admission Requirements The following general admission requirements are for high school students from Alberta, NWT and Nunavut. The current general admission average is 65%. Please note that some programs have additional admission requirements. See Appendix A. For additional provincial requirements, refer to Appendix B.

Students will be considered based on five Grade 12-level courses from the following: One academic English course: English Language Arts 30-1 Three academic courses from this list: Aboriginal Studies 30 Biology 30

A fifth, distinct course which: • must be at the 30-level • can be academic or non-academic • must be worth at least 5 credits • multiple courses worth a total of 5 or more credits can be used • cannot be a Special Project

Chemistry 30 Computer Science (CSE) Five credits in Advanced-level CTS Mathematics 31 Physics 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or Applied Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 Science 30 Social Studies 30 or 30-1 One or more 30-level languages in distinct subjects1 One of: Art 30, Art 31, Choral Music 30, General Music 30, Instrumental Music 30, Dance 35, Drama 30


1. Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes, e.g., only one of French Language Arts 30-1 or French as a Second Language 30-3Y will be used. Grades from 20-level languages, or language and culture courses in six, nine, or 12-year streams may be used for admission purposes in place of 30-level languages, e.g., German Language and Culture 20-6Y.



discoveR THE programs With more than 150 program options to choose from, we’re here to help you find the one that’s right for you. With so many interesting things to focus on, it can be difficult to narrow your search. To help you, we have grouped our programs into categories of interest. You might be attracted to only one program in a category or you may find it difficult to choose between the options across categories. Choose the program that looks the most interesting to you and if you’re not sure whether you’re in the right area of study, it’s relatively easy to switch between most programs.


Sound, Movement, Visual Arts, Video Games, Animation, Art, Music, Acting


Education, Teaching, Learning, Communicating, Classrooms, Instruction


Social Studies, Languages, Culture, History, Ancient Societies





Computers, Technology, Math, Logic, Numbers, Finances

Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Experiments, Theories, Reactions, Formulas


Land, Environment, Earth, City Planning, Agriculture

People, Mind, Behaviour, Society, Communications

Sports, Biology, Health Care, Counselling, Health Promotion


Government, DecisionMaking, Business, Debate, Reasoning

Degree options available: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Health Sciences, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Science


Sound, Movement, Visual Arts, Video Games, Animation, Art, Music, Acting You have an artistic flair and are good with creative software. You are dramatic or musical; you might describe yourself as an artist.

The following programs might capture your interest:

Dramatic Arts (Theatre Studies Major) – BFA Covers broad drama topics, with the flexibility to focus on areas of interest, including performance creation, writing or theatre history.

Art – BA

Dramatic Arts (Performance Major)* – BFA

Explore painting, drawing, sculpture, photo-arts, printmaking, audio/video, art history and more. BA = more electives; BFA = more art.

Focus on acting, voice and movement; participate in theatre productions; explore children’s theatre, improvisation, performance creation, dance, directing and playwriting.

Art (Art History/Museum Studies Major) – BFA Combine art history, theory and extensive hands-on experience with U of L Art Gallery and internships in public galleries/museums.

Art (Art Studio Major)* – BFA Focus on art production in drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, digital/electronic art, video/sound art, printmaking, installation, site and performance art.

Art Education* – BFA/BEd or BA/BEd Prepare to teach Art by combining a BA in Art or a BFA in Art Studio with a degree in Education.

Drama Education* – BFA/BEd or BA/BEd Prepare to teach Drama by combining either a BA or a BFA in Dramatic Arts with a degree in Education.

Dramatic Arts – BA Study performance, production, theatre history, theory/criticism and participate in major theatre productions.

Dramatic Arts (Technical/Design Major) – BFA Focus on all aspects of production/design including sets, properties, costumes, makeup, lighting, sound and stage management. Participate in theatre productions.

Multidisciplinary Major – BFA Tailor your study of the fine arts in a unique way by combining studies in art, music and theatre and dramatic arts with other electives.

Music* – BMus or BA Combine performance, history, theory and composition in this classical music, performance-based program. BMus = more music; BA = more electives.

Music (Digital Audio Arts Major)* – BMus Study audio capture, sound design, acoustic science and interactive computer music as well as digital composition, performance, history and theory.

Music Education* – BMus/BEd or BA/BEd Prepare to teach Music by combining either a BA or BMus in Music with a degree in Education.

New Media* – BFA Combine digital and interactive media with art, drama and music. Study digital video, animation, web design, and/or gaming.

*See Appendix A and B for additional program and admission requirements.

Putting your degree into practice – career opportunities to explore

Musician, painter, industrial designer, sculptor, textile designer, creative arts therapist, lighting technician/designer, teacher, playwright, theatre director, arts management, music editor/publisher, recording/sound engineer, musicologist, media director/consultant, animator, museum curator, graphic designer


“There are many performance opportunities – choirs, recitals, community concerts and shows. We are encouraged to be creative by putting our own interpretation on pieces. This isn’t just a stand-and-deliver environment.” Caitlin McCaughey Vocal Performance


“When you go through classes and placements together as a group in the Faculty of Education, it strengthens your relationships with your classmates, who are your future colleagues.� Wendell Neubeker Biology/Science Education


Education, Teaching, Learning, Communicating, Classrooms, Instruction You are passionate about education and helping others learn. You have excellent organizational and communication skills and you like working with people.

You will develop a strong knowledge base in the subject area you intend to teach. You will also receive in-depth preparation in how to teach, including both general and subject area instructional methods.

Modern Languages Education – BA/BEd

See Appendix A for additional information about Education programs.

Music Education – BMus/BEd or BA/BEd

The following programs might capture your interest: Art Education – BFA/BEd or BA/BEd Prepare to teach Art by combining a BA in Art or a BFA in Art Studio with a degree in Education. For more information on art, see page 8.

Career and Technology Studies: Business Focus – BMgt/ BEd

Prepare to teach Career and Technology Studies by combining a BMgt with a degree in Education. A general management major is recommended. For more information on management, see page 24.

Drama Education – BFA/BEd or BA/BEd Prepare to teach Drama by combining either a BA or a BFA in Dramatic Arts with a degree in Education. For more information on Drama, see page 8.

English Language Arts Education – BA/BEd Prepare to teach English by combining a BA in English or a General Major in the Humanities with a degree in Education. For more information on english, see page 12.

Prepare to teach Modern Languages by combining a BA in French, French/German, French/Spanish, or German with a degree in Education. For more information on languages, see page 12.

Prepare to teach Music by combining either a BA or BMus in Music with a degree in Education. For more information on music, see page 8.

Native Education – BA/BEd Prepare to teach Native Education by combining a BA in Native American Studies (NAS) or a General Major in the Social Sciences with a degree in Education. For more information on NAS, see page 12.

Physical Education – BA/BEd Prepare to teach Phys Ed by combining a BA in Kinesiology or a General Major in the Social Sciences with a degree in Education. For more information on kinesiology, see page 23.

Science Education – BSc/BEd Prepare to teach science by combining a BSc in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geography, Physics, or a General Major in the Sciences with a degree in Education. For more information on the sciences, see page 16.

Social Studies Education – BA/BEd Prepare to teach Social Studies by combining a BA in Anthropology, Canadian Studies, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology, Urban and Regional Studies, or a General Major in the Social Sciences with a degree in Education. For more information on the social sciences, see pages 20.

Mathematics Education – BSc/BEd Prepare to teach Math by combining a BSc in Mathematics with a degree in Education. For more information on math, see page 15.

Putting your degree into practice – career opportunities to explore Teacher, career advisor, vocational instructor, coach, life skills coach, special needs teacher


Social Studies, Languages, Culture, History, Ancient Societies The study of cultures and past societies fascinates you. You have a knack for languages or you may love to write stories or poetry. There are a variety of programs that might capture your interest or fulfill your passion.

The following programs might capture your interest:

German* – BA Gain awareness of other cultures through courses in language, literature and culture and civilization, and through academic and living experiences in Canada or abroad.

Anthropology – BA

History – BA

Study the diversity of human behaviour and life in every part of the world: the material, social and cultural conditions of human behaviour and life.

Study the past in order to understand the present. Courses are offered on ancient Greek and Roman worlds, medieval society, Europe, Canada, USA, Russia and East Asia.

Archaeology and Geography – BA or BSc

Journalism (Pre-Professional Transfer)*

Study the human societies of the past from what they have left behind. Learn the techniques of surveying, excavating, collecting and analyzing at one of our archaeological dig sites.

Gain the courses and experience to apply to Journalism at the University of Regina by pursing a Bachelor of Arts at the U of L.

Canadian Studies* – BA Explore the complex regional character of Canada and the facets of our national experience such as history, economics, geography, politics, sociology, literature and aboriginal culture.

English – BA

Law (Pre-Professional Transfer)* Gain the courses and experience to apply to Law at the University of Calgary or the University of Alberta by pursing a Bachelor of Arts at the U of L.

Native American Studies – BA

Study the properties and powers of language. The improvement of reading and writing as skills and modes of expression leads to success in all undertakings.

Indigenous perspective in history, culture, law, politics, language, art, and literature. Learn about the heritage and culture of First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples of North America.

English Language Arts Education* – BA/BEd

Native Education* – BA/BEd

Earn two degrees and be certified to teach K-12 with our nationally renowned teacher preparation program which includes 27 weeks of practical classroom experience.

Earn two degrees and be certified to teach K-12 with our nationally renowned teacher preparation program which includes 27 weeks of practical classroom experience.

First Nations’ Governance* – BMgt Gain insight into First Nations’ historical, political, legal and economic issues while acquiring strong business skills. Specialize in: Community, Gender and Traditional Knowledge; Governments, Organizations and Politics; or Law and History.

Philosophy – BA Explore many deep issues that do not easily fit into more specialized disciplines: the nature of right and wrong, time and space, perception and the human mind.

French* – BA

Religious Studies – BA

Gain awareness of other cultures through courses in language, literature and culture and civilization, and through academic and living experiences in francophone Canada or abroad.

Examine life’s biggest questions: why are we here? What is the meaning of life? Study the diversity of religious experience from antiquity to the present.

French/German* – BA

Sociology* – BA

Gain awareness of other cultures through courses in language, literature and culture and civilization, and through academic and living experiences in francophone Canada or abroad.

Study how people relate to one another and the values, beliefs, institutions and processes that shape society and influence interaction between individuals and groups.

French/Spanish* – BA

Women’s Studies – BA

Gain awareness of other cultures through courses in language, literature and culture and civilization, and through academic and living experiences in francophone Canada or abroad.

Examine the historical and contemporary conditions of women in society by utilizing feminist theory. Study gender and power relations between women and men.

*See Appendix A and B for additional program and admission requirements.



“In anthropology, you learn different ways to study people and that you always bring your own biases into projects. In Ecuador, I realized that you could have an impact on the people you’re studying without even knowing it.” Joanna Waszkiewicz Anthropology


Putting your degree into practice – career opportunities to explore

Consumer researcher, citizenship and immigration officer, aboriginal liaison, educational programmer, public affairs officer, marketing, legislative aid, volunteer coordinator, program manager, translator, foreign services officer, archivist 13

“The trading room has exposed me to a completely different learning experience.� Tom Sypkes Finance


Computers, Technology, Math, Logic, Numbers, Finances You are a technology buff who understands computer languages (C++ is your friend). Or you might enjoy crunching numbers and analyzing problems. You understand technology and can translate terminology and applications into plain language for businesses.

The following programs might capture your interest:

Information Systems* – BMgt Study the use of technology in business; the design and development of information systems that comprise communication and information technologies.

Accounting* – BMgt

Mathematics* – BSc

Study of financial information, tax, auditing, Canadian accounting theory and international accounting standards. Prerequisite course completion for a professional designation.

Study of structure and pattern in both pure and applied mathematics to discover realworld applications of your knowledge.

Computer Science* – BSc or BMgt Learn to tackle difficult problems using a variety of hardware, software and programming languages. BSc = comp. sci. focus; BMgt = comp. sci. plus business.

Computer Science and Geographical Information Science (GIS)* – BSc

Mathematics Education* – BSc/BEd Prepare to teach Math by combining a BSc in Mathematics or a General Major in the Sciences with a degree in Education.

New Media* – BFA Combine digital and interactive media with art, drama and music. Study digital video, animation, web design and/or gaming.

Learn problem-solving and broad spatial modeling skills required in fields such as environmental management, urban planning and infrastructure design.

Physics* – BSc

Economics* – BA or BMgt

Physics is a fundamental science, evident in everything from the seasons, the motion of objects, to electronics and today’s technology.

Learn to explain the workings and policies of the world by examining its economic aspects, from a variety of perspectives.

*See Appendix A and B for additional program and admission requirements.

Engineering (Pre-Professional Transfer)* Complete 10 courses at the U of L to be eligible to apply to the University of Alberta Engineering program.

Finance* – BMgt Study financial markets, instruments and investment management. Financial analysts interpret information to manage money, personal investments and planning national policy.

Putting your degree into practice – career opportunities to explore

Accountant, computer programmer, business analyst, quality assurance analyst, developer, training specialist, web designer, instructor, geophysical/geological technologist, engineering physicist, investment broker


Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Experiments,Theories, Reactions, Formulas You enjoy studying the different sciences in high school. You like looking through a microscope, analyzing mathematical formulas and looking at the world at the molecular level. You have the ability to make projections from data and determine probabilities.

The following programs might capture your interest: Agricultural Biotechnology* – BSc Life sciences with an emphasis on biotechnology in agriculture, including government, policy development, farm production and environmental implications.

Exercise Science* – BSc Investigate physical activity from a science-based perspective, including human movement through the integration of disciplines like anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor control, etc.

Mathematics* – BSc Study of structure and pattern in both pure and applied mathematics to discover real-world applications of your knowledge.

Biochemistry* – BSc

Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer)*

Study living systems at the molecular level, combining an understanding of the basis of matter and a detailed knowledge of biology.

Gain the courses and experience to apply to Medicine at the University of Calgary or the University of Alberta.

Biological Sciences* – BSc

Neuroscience* – BSc

Study the world of living organisms by taking life and putting it into perspective, from microbes to human beings.

Learn new and exciting facts about the brain and its function. Study at the Canadian Centre for Behavioral Neuroscience – on campus.

Chemistry* – BSc

Physics* – BSc

Study matter down to the level of individual atoms, from the air we breathe, to our very bodies.

Physics is a fundamental science, evident in everything from the seasons, the motion of objects, to electronics and today’s technology.

Dentistry (Pre-Professional Transfer)*

Science Education* – BSc/BEd

Gain the courses and experience to apply to Dentistry at the University of Alberta.

Prepare to teach science by combining a BSc in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geography, Physics or a General Major in the Sciences with a degree in Education.

Engineering (Pre-Professional Transfer)* Complete 10 courses at the U of L to be eligible to apply to the University of Alberta Engineering program.

Veterinary Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer)* Gain the courses and experience to apply to Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan.

Environmental Science* – BSc Combines conceptual training in Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Earth Sciences with practical, hands-on experience at well-known environmental and conservation organizations.

*See Appendix A and B for additional program and admission requirements.

Putting your degree into practice – career opportunities to explore

Toxicologist, pathologist, forensic lab analyst, soil chemist, quality control analyst, environmental auditor, occupational health & safety advisor, informational specialist, instructor, researcher, science journalist, scientist, physicist, chemist, teacher


“It’s satisfying to see all the concepts you learn come together in the lab. You literally see how you can apply your classroom knowledge to real-life situations.” Mackenzie Coatham Biochemistry



Land, Environment, Earth, City Planning, Agriculture You are passionate about the environment and the impact society has on our earth. You are fascinated with geographical information systems and you may want to learn more about the physical, social, economic and political factors that shape cities and regions.

The following programs might capture your interest:

Geography* – BA or BSc Study the interaction between human beings and the global environment, from scientific or social perspectives.

Agricultural Biotechnology* – BSc

Remote Sensing* – BSc

Life sciences with an emphasis on biotechnology in agriculture, including government, policy development, farm production and environmental implications.

Learn to gather information using a variety of devices to observe objects and patterns found in the earth, atmosphere, ocean, space, etc.

Agricultural Studies* – BA or BSc Develop an understanding of the social, economic, political and environmental conditions that affect agriculture.

Urban and Regional Studies* – BA Analyze the physical, social, economic and political factors that shape our communities and learn how to manage these dynamic forces.

*See Appendix A and B for additional program and admission requirements.

Archaeology and Geography – BA or BSc Study human societies of the past through artifacts. Learn surveying, excavating, collecting and analyzing techniques at one of our dig sites.

Canadian Studies* – BA Explore the complex regional character of Canada, including our history, economics, geography, politics, sociology, literature and aboriginal culture.

Computer Science and Geographical Information Science (GIS)* – BSc

Learn problem-solving and broad spatial modeling skills required in fields such as environmental management, urban planning and infrastructure design.

Environmental Science* – BSc Combines conceptual training in Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Earth Sciences with practical, hands-on experience at well-known environmental and conservation organizations.

“I went on a geography trip to Utah, Nevada, Arizona and California, where we looked at geology and environmental stressors. We also went into the Sierra Nevada mountains and set up camp just one kilometre away from the Hoover Dam.” Basil Jefferies Geography

Putting your degree into practice – career opportunities to explore

Research analyst, agrologist, crop specialist, land use analyst, outdoor guide, site researcher, surveyor, forestry technician, demographer, natural resource specialist, zoning administrator, impact assessment officer, environmental protection officer, fish and wildlife officer, rancher, farmer


People, Mind, Behaviour, Society, Communications You love meeting people and helping to solve problems. You might also be interested in gaining insight into how people behave, relate to one another and become aware of the values and beliefs that structure society.

The following programs might capture your interest:

Explore the deep issues, such as: the nature of right and wrong, time and space, perception and the human mind.

Anthropology – BA

Psychology – BA or BSc

Study the diversity of human behaviour and life in every part of the world: the material, social and cultural conditions of human behaviour and life.

Examine the biological, cognitive and social determinants of human behavior while developing your analytical skills from a social or scientific perspective.

English – BA

Public Health* – BHSc

Study the properties and powers of language including reading and writing as skills and various modes of expression.

Develop critical thinking and gain applied skills in community health assessment and development, health promotion and population health surveillance.

General Management* – BMgt

Social Studies Education* – BA/BEd

A comprehensive understanding of management that provides a broad background with course flexibility that accommodates personal and career interests.

Prepare to teach Social Studies by combining a BA in Anthropology, Canadian Studies, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology, Urban and Regional Studies, or a General Major in the Social Sciences with a degree in Education.

Human Resource Management and Labour Relations* – BMgt

Examine activities associated with recruitment, selection, training, development, retention, occupational health and safety, leadership, motivation, employee attitudes, productivity, equity, etc.

Journalism (Pre-Professional Transfer)*

Social Work (Pre-Professional Transfer)* Gain the courses and experience to apply to Social Work at the University of Calgary.

Sociology* – BA

Gain the courses and experience to apply to Journalism at the University of Regina.

Study how people relate to one another and the values, beliefs, institutions and processes that shape societies and influence interactions.

Law (Pre-Professional Transfer)*

Women’s Studies – BA

Gain the courses and experience to apply to Law at the University of Calgary or the University of Alberta.

Examine the historical and contemporary conditions of women in society using feminist theory. Study gender and power relations between women and men.

Marketing* – BMgt Identify consumer needs, develop products, communication and product placement strategies, price points and adjust to international markets and diverse cultures.

Native American Studies – BA Indigenous perspectives on the history, culture, law, politics, language, art, and literature of First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples.

Neuroscience* – BSc Learn new and exciting facts about the brain and its function. Study at the Canadian Centre for Behavioral Neuroscience – on campus.


Philosophy – BA

*See Appendix A and B for additional program and admission requirements.

Putting your degree into practice – career opportunities to explore

Investment broker, purchasing agent, human resources manager, project manager, grants writer, promotional director, data analyst, fundraiser, foreign services officer, academic advisor, career counsellor, demographer, psychologist, public relations representative, researcher, teacher

“It’s easy to get involved at the University of Lethbridge. The campus is small and it’s easy to find out about events, volunteer opportunities and clubs.” Taz Kassam



“There’s a certain ‘shock factor’ when you encounter public health issues in real life. Dealing with actual situations is much different than just reading about them in a textbook and discussing them in class. It was valuable to see the impact of public health first-hand, and also get a sense of how to work with others in a professional environment.” Matt Mitschke

BHSc 11 Matt was one of the first three graduates from the Public Health program at the U of L.


Sports, Biology, Health Care, Counselling, Health Promotion Are you interested in the human body and how it functions? Perhaps you are an advocate for health promotion or like to listen to others?

The following programs might capture your interest: Addictions Counselling* – BHSc Develop the theoretical and practical skills to guide people through the addiction recovery process. Only program of its kind in Canada.

Biological Sciences* – BSc Study the world of living organisms by taking life and putting it into perspective, from microbes to human beings.

Dentistry (Pre-Professional Transfer)* Gain the courses and experience to apply to Dentistry at the University of Alberta.

Exercise Science* – BSc Investigate physical activity from a science-based perspective, including human movement through the integration of disciplines like anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor control, etc.

Kinesiology* – BA or BSc Study the need for physical activity, as well as facets of motivation, history, anatomy and psychology. BA = more electives; BSc = more science.

Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer)*

Nursing* – BN or BN after degree Clinical experience in over five different areas of nursing practice. Offered in collaboration with Lethbridge College, Bachelor of Nursing programs lead to a career as a Registered Nurse.

Physical Education* – BA/BEd Prepare to teach Phys Ed by combining a BA in Kinesiology or a General Major in the Social Sciences with a degree in Education.

Psychology – BA or BSc Examine the biological, cognitive and social determinants of human behavior while developing your analytical skills, from a social or scientific perspective.

Public Health* – BHSc Develop critical thinking and gain applied skills in community health assessment and development, health promotion and population health surveillance.

Social Work (Pre-Professional Transfer)* Gain the courses and experience to apply to Social Work at the University of Calgary.

Veterinary Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer)* Gain the courses and experience to apply to Veterinary Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan.

*See Appendix A and B for additional program and admission requirements.

Gain the courses and experience to apply to Medicine at the University of Calgary or the University of Alberta.

Neuroscience* – BSc Learn new and exciting facts about the brain and its function. Study at the Canadian Centre for Behavioral Neuroscience – on campus.

Putting your degree into practice – opportunities to explore

Doctor, nurse, health or sports administration, personal trainer, program coordinator, family/marriage counsellor, teacher, dentist, athletic therapist, veterinarian, social worker, human resources officer, public policy analyst


Government, Decision-Making, Business, Debate, Reasoning You are logical by nature and are known to be organized. You like to talk about current events and the state of affairs and are persuasive in your arguments. Or you may want to understand how decisions affect people through business and government.

The following programs might capture your interest:

Information Systems* – BMgt Study the use of technology in business; the design and development of information systems that comprise communication and information technologies.

Accounting* – BMgt

International Management* – BMgt

Study of financial information, tax, auditing, Canadian accounting theory and international accounting standards. Prerequisite course completion for a professional designation.

Learn to manage business operations worldwide. Study language, culture and business practices of countries where multinational firms trade and invest.

Economics* – BA or BMgt

Journalism (Pre-Professional Transfer)* Gain the courses and experience to apply to Journalism at the University of Regina.

Learn to explain the workings and policies of the world by examining its economic aspects, from a variety of perspectives.

Law (Pre-Professional Transfer)*

Finance* – BMgt

Gain the courses and experience to apply to Law at the University of Calgary or the University of Alberta.

Study financial markets, instruments and investment management. Financial analysts interpret information to manage money, personal investments and planning national policy.

Marketing* – BMgt

First Nations’ Governance* – BMgt Gain insight into First Nations’ historical, political, legal and economic issues while acquiring strong business skills providing a multidisciplinary approach.

General Management* – BMgt A comprehensive understanding of management that provides a broad background with course flexibility that accommodates personal and career interests.

History – BA Study the past in order to better understand the present, from ancient Greece and Rome, to post-war Europe, Canada, USA, Russia and East Asia.

Human Resource Management and Labour Relations* – BMgt

Examine activities associated with recruitment, selection, training, development, retention, occupational health and safety, leadership, motivation, employee attitudes, productivity, equity, etc.

Identify consumer needs, develop products, communication and product placement strategies, price points and adjust to international markets and diverse cultures.

Philosophy – BA Explore many deep issues that do not easily fit into more specialized disciplines: the nature of right and wrong, time and space, perception and the human mind.

Political Science* – BA or BMgt Study how society governs itself municipally, provincially, nationally and internationally. Examine individual political parties and their underlying frameworks.

Social Studies Education* – BA/BEd Prepare to teach Social Studies by combining a BA in Anthropology, Canadian Studies, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology, Urban and Regional Studies, or a General Major in the Social Sciences with a degree in Education. For more information on the social sciences, see page 20.

Urban and Regional Studies* – BA Analyze the physical, social, economic and political factors that shape our communities and learn how to manage these dynamic forces.

*See Appendix A and B for additional program and admission requirements.

Putting your degree into practice – career opportunities to explore

Investment banker, securities analyst, facilities/operations manager, project liaison, political scientist, social policy program officer, lobbyist, press officer, lawyer, economist, teacher 24

“The Faculty was extremely supportive when we made the Top Three. We received so many supportive e-mails from faculty and staff that you simply cannot help but want to win – not only for yourself but to also make the Faculty of Management proud.”

Faculty of Management Spotlight

Amanda Miller BMgt ‘11 Sisters Brittany and Amanda Miller placed third overall in the prestigious Canada’s Next Top Ad Exec competition, where they were initially selected to the top 25 from a field of 167 teams from universities across Canada. 25

Faculty of Management Spotlight

Most business schools will only teach you about the functional areas of

Why Management?

business; a Bachelor of Management degree takes it one step further, giving you the skills and knowledge to be a leader in any organization.

As a U of L management student, you will: • learn how to manage business responsibly in a global environment • understand the fundamentals of business – accounting, human resources, marketing, finance, information systems – and how they work together • forge new links between the classroom and the community through our innovative programs, such as the Integrated Management Experience – the first of its kind in Canada • gain the experience and knowledge necessary to become a successful leader in a variety of sectors, including business, government and non-profit

Travel the world and learn

Our exchange and work-study programs immerse you in other cultures and in global issues. Take courses that count toward your degree and study wherever your interests take you: Europe, the Middle East, Central and South America or the Pacific Rim.

Management 1000

This foundational course provides an overview of the functional areas of organizations and their integration, while helping you to develop a basic understanding of concepts and theories that are explored in other Management courses. This course will also help you develop a sense of what academic/career path you feel would be the best fit.


Where would you like to work? Build your resume before you graduate by participating in co-op. The U of L offers co-op positions throughout Alberta, Canada and the world, in every sector: energy and resources, manufacturing, government, financial services, tourism, small business, not-forprofit, public accounting, technology and more.


Markin Hall

Markin Hall is home to the Faculty of Management and the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Lethbridge. The cuttingedge facility improves teaching, learning and research facilities at the University, helping meet the changing needs of the next generation of management and health-care professionals.

Centre for Financial Market Research and Teaching

As the only facility of its kind in Western Canada, the trading room is equipped with software and interactive market systems used by major investment, banking and commodity trading firms, simulating financial markets with live data feeds, market information and continuous financial news. Integrating theory with real-world practices, the trading room provides valuable training to the next generation of financial experts. Students will use the same tools, techniques and data sets they will encounter when they begin their careers in the finance industry.

Markin Hall is certified “silver” by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards.

Enhancing your Management Degree Integrated Management Experience

The Integrated Management Experience (IME) program is built on the ideas of community, theory and practice, and showing how your knowledge and skills can effect change in the world. You will work in small groups and mix classroom learning with hands-on projects, including consultation with local companies as part of your class work. Each group has an opportunity to pitch ideas for a community project. Members of the winning team become project managers, responsible for assigning various organizational tasks to the rest of the class. Proceeds from the community project go to a designated non-profit organization. Since the program began in 2000, students have raised more than $125,000 towards community development.

Minors Once you have chosen your major, consider the option of working toward one of our six minors. A four-course minor will enhance your resume, complement your major and will be recognized on your transcript.

First Nations’ Governance Develop the First Nations’ perspective needed in government, band administration, financial and resource management and the oil and gas industry.

Information Systems (IS)

Information systems (IS) studies how people and organizations can use technology and information to perform their work more effectively and efficiently.

International Management Experience other cultures and expand your global network. Take one international management course and then a semester exchange to one of our many exchange locations.

Social Responsibility

Increase your understanding of the link between business and social interests in both the corporate and non-profit sectors.

The Social Experience Management Students’ Society

The Management Students’ Society (MSS) offers opportunities for you to get involved and enhance your management degree. Participate in the academic and/or social events outside of classes or become involved directly with the society to gain experience in your respective field of interest.

JDC West

The JDC West Business Competition is the largest academic case competition in Western Canada, and the only event of its kind to combine academics, athletics and social challenges. The University of Lethbridge’s team has over 40 delegates participating in this annual event held in January. You will spend four months participating in practices, completing volunteer hours and bonding with your team.

Supply Chain Management Gain the knowledge necessary to complete projects in the most efficient fashion. You will learn planning, execution, control and monitoring skills to manage logistics while maximizing value and meeting demand.

New Media

Your introduction to the fundamentals of design and new media. You will choose courses that add to your knowledge of visual communications, video production, media/ advertising and/or other topical issues.


Faculty of Management Spotlight

Professors Who Care About You Management Students’ Society Teacher of the year Dr. Shamsul Alam Professors in the Faculty of Management come from all over the world and represent all areas of management studies. They are dedicated and inspired educators who encourage students to strive for excellence not only in the classroom but in the way they apply their knowledge to their communities and careers. Students are supported in pursuing opportunities, both within and outside their regular classroom studies, to push the boundaries of their own abilities. Students who nominated Dr. Alam said:

“He is always willing to help his students to the best of his ability in and outside of the classroom. He is passionate about seeing his students succeed and rewards them appropriately for all the hard work that they put into his classes.� Dr. Alam was selected teacher of the year in part because of the substantial amount of work he has put in to ensure that his students are utilizing the brand new trading room in Markin Hall.


“By working on real business models and giving presentations, you build skills that you will actually use in your career.� Kayley Fulton

International Management


Hundreds of scholarships, awards and bursaries are granted to new and continuing U of L students every year. Last year, 40% of new high school students received a financial award averaging $1,800.

Loans and grants Funding for Canadian students is also available in the form of student loans and grants. Both the federal and provincial governments offer financial aid to students who qualify. Your government loan remains interest-free as long as you remain a full-time student.


Funding your education There are many different awards that match the vast variety of students’ skills and strengths. Criteria for awards may include athletic or artistic ability, leadership qualities, scholastic achievement, community involvement, financial need and more. A few worth mentioning are:

Grade 12 Year •

December 15: Board of Governors’ Admission Scholarship $1,000 for actual admission average of 80% or higher | $500 for actual admission average of 75-79.9% | No application required

December 15: Board of Governors’ Relocation Scholarship Up to $1,000 for actual admission average of 75% or higher Based on geographic location | No application required

March 15: Leadership and Entrance awards Up to $6,000 | Separate awards application required

June 1: High school academic awards for September entrance Up to $1,000 | For students who have applied for admission after March 1 | No application required

November 1: High school academic awards for January entrance Up to $1,000 | Separate application required

Grade 11 Year

• June 30: Grade 11 Merit Award $800 for average of 80% or higher in Grade 11* | $500 for average of 75-79.9% in Grade 11* | Separate awards application required *Five Grade 11 courses will be used to determine the award average and will follow the same formula as general admission (English 20-1, three academics, and a fifth distinct course).

Banks and other private financial institutions also lend money to help students fund their education. Contact your bank for further information on private student loans.

Educational Costs

These amounts are based on a typical course-load of five classes per semester (10 courses over the academic year).

Additional Financial Resources

Canadian Students

International Students

Tuition & Fees

$5,337 (2012/2013 proposed)

$11,862 (2012/2013 proposed)

Health & Dental

$245 (refundable with proof of other extended health & dental coverage)

Health insurance is included in the above fee and is mandatory

Books & Supplies

$1,250 ($125 per course)

$1,250 ($125 per course)




*All costs are estimates and are subject to change



Student Housing On-campus housing

First year students entering straight from high school can apply online to stay in the University Hall traditional-style dorms, or in one, two, four or six bedroom apartments in Kainai House. These are fully furnished rooms, so expect to find a bed (with captain’s storage space), a desk and a place to hang your clothes. Staying in Campus Housing is a great way to get to know people as you can get involved in activities with ORS (Organization of Residence Students), or just by hanging out in the numerous common areas watching TV or playing games. You won’t have to worry about grocery shopping, cooking every meal, or cleaning up, as you’ll be purchasing a Food Services dining plan. There are shared kitchen spaces in the U-Hall dorms so that you can cook a few light snacks. If you live in the Kainai apartments, you will purchase a reduced dining plan, as you will have access to full kitchen facilities.

Additional housing amenities Most residence areas are equipped with common rooms, games rooms, study and meeting areas, coin-operated or swipe card laundry centres and activity centres.

Off-campus housing

One of the benefits to living in a city divided by a river is that the entire west side, where the U of L is located, features extensive off-campus housing close to campus. Since the majority of our students live on the west side, it’s practically an extension of residence. When you’re out and about you’re bound to run into other students (or even your professors) at the local grocery store, restaurant or park.

For more information on housing and dining plans, visit

The north and south sides of Lethbridge also feature many housing options, as well as the majority of the city’s shopping, restaurants and entertainment venues. No matter what area you choose to live in, you’re never more than a 15-minute drive away from campus.

Demand is high for residence and applications are accepted online starting September 15 for the following fall semester. Apply early at

The U of L manages an off-campus housing list, which you can find by visiting

Residence Style Traditional style dorm rooms (furnished)

Estimated living costs (off-campus/per month)

Cost (Per Semester)

(Per Month)


$415 (based on shared accommodations)

$1,156 - $2,220

$289 - $555









Apartments and $2,220 - $3,692 Townhomes (furnished) * Fall 2011/Spring 2012 rates

University Hall Residences


$555 - $923

Apartment Style Residences


34 10

Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Lethbridge is located in southern Alberta, two hours south of Calgary, one hour north of the US border and two hours from the BC and Saskatchewan borders. Lethbridge is home to more than 70 parks, 140 km of walking and running trails and a variety of sports fields in the city.

Skiing, snowboarding and all other winter sports are available in the mountains just an hour’s drive from the city. The beautiful lakes of Waterton National Park draw in hikers and outdoor enthusiasts throughout the summer. Indoors, there are three shopping malls with more than 200 stores, movie theatres and restaurants to experience. Once you wear out the shopping malls, hit the downtown core for some unique boutique shops and cafes, in addition to galleries, museums and numerous theatre

productions. If you’re looking for indoor sports, there are many venues where you can swim and skate. In addition to the many sports teams at the U of L, the Western Hockey League’s (WHL) Lethbridge Hurricanes call the Enmax Centre home. The Enmax Centre is also a draw for large musical talents like Alan Jackson, Carrie Underwood, Three Days Grace, Billy Talent and Bob Dylan.


Life on Campus

There are over 60 clubs on campus that provide social and athletic activities, travel, religious fellowship, as well as charitable and cultural support.


Get excited to join our campus community! Life on campus at the U of L is never boring: from cultural and social experiences, to athletics and volunteer opportunities, there is no shortage of ways to get involved and meet people!

Listen live at 88.3FM! CKXU is a student-run campus and community radio station that broadcasts live, year round. All you need to get involved is an interest in diversity and a willingness to learn!

Fresh Fest is the perfect start to your university life! Three days of exciting events, concerts and activities geared towards meeting people and getting involved on campus.

The University of Lethbridge Pronghorn athletics program consists of six varsity sports: hockey, basketball, soccer, rugby, swimming and track & field. Come out and cheer on your team! If you’re interested in playing for the Pronhorns, visit

There are intramural sports held every semester. You can also take advantage of our new facilities, which include a fitness centre, climbing wall, swimming pool and indoor running track.

The Meliorist is the weekly campus newspaper operated by student staff and volunteers. If you’ve got writing, editing, photography or sales skills, this might be the place for you!

The Centre for the Arts is the place on campus to indulge an interest in the arts, no matter what your major. You can catch exciting dance recitals, improv shows, exhibitions, theatre productions and musical performances all year long.



Discover the opportunities Your education shouldn’t just be about what you learn in the classroom; it’s also about the experiences you receive outside the classroom. The U of L is committed to providing you with as many learning opportunities as you have energy to complete. In the classroom, we’ll focus on teaching you how to learn so that if you hit the workforce a month, a year, or even five years after graduation, you’ll be prepared with the knowledge and skills required for whatever life throws at you. Remember this: it’s about the journey, not the destination. It doesn’t matter where you go for help; we’re ready to direct you to assistance for whatever you may need.

Co-operative Education/Internships

Co-op enables you to test-drive some possible careers through paid, degree-specialized programs. Co-op provides a way for you to fund your education, make employer contacts, and come one step closer to finding your dream job. Work terms can be between four and 16 months in length. Co-op is available to all Arts, Science and Management majors.

Independent Studies

Independent studies allow students to explore their program area. There is a threecourse sequencing guide, developed to help students first learn the necessary research and presentation techniques. Next, students will participate in hands-on learning in the lab while assisting their professors or completing their own research. Independent studies are available to all majors.

International Exchanges

Students have the opportunity to spend time studying abroad at one of our many partner institutions around the world. While studying abroad, you pay U of L tuition, are guaranteed on-campus housing at your host school, and fulfill course credit towards your degree. Travel abroad opportunities exist for many practicums, professional semesters and Management majors. The International Centre also facilitates international internship opportunities.

Combined Degree Programs

If you’re interested in specializing in areas offered by two faculties, you may consider pursuing a Combined Degree program. This option typically takes five years, but you will graduate with two degrees. Completing two degrees at once will allow you to study two areas you are passionate about. Check with your Faculty advisor for more information about these programs.

Applied Studies

With an applied study, you can get course credit for work and volunteer experience, whether it’s related to your degree or not. It’s a great way to learn from your personal experiences and build a great resume. Applied studies are available for all majors.


Living your passion Making major life decisions can be difficult and choosing where you want to pursue your post-secondary education is no different. We’re here to help you with this journey; you are a name, not just a number. We’re here to help you discover your passion and give you the confidence to go anywhere.

The sky is the limit for University of Lethbridge professor Dr. Jason Laurendeau. His research on risk in the Department of Sociology has allowed him to develop skills that you wouldn’t normally think of as central to sociological study, like leaping from cavern-spanning bridges – on purpose!


Jason “stumbled” upon sociology as a way to incorporate a number of research interests when he began to think about graduate work. “At the top level, my interests revolve around risk, gender and emotion, as well as deviance and social control,” he notes.

“The first real substantive topic that I became interested in was risk sport and skydiving in particular, and that’s largely because I was involved in skydiving at the time,” he says.

For students, Jason believes that the University of Lethbridge’s approach to teaching promises benefits that will break social stereotypes about the relationship between students and professors.

It wasn’t long before Jason adopted buildings, antennae, spans (bridges) and earth (cliffs) (BASE) jumping as one of his main topics of research in the sociology of sport.

“At the U of L, we don’t just give lip service to teaching – it’s supported and recognized. As a result, professors are passionate, committed and invested.”

The sport of BASE jumping was an obvious choice as far as risk was concerned. It was also a logical choice for Jason to look at risk specifically in the context of sport, because his first degree was in Kinesiology.

And in the end, students benefit, says Jason. “Faculty are doing cutting-edge research in their areas, but they’re also excited about sharing it with students.”

“At the U of L, we don’t just give lip service to teaching – it’s supported and recognized. As a result, professors are passionate, committed and invested.” Dr. Jason Laurendeau Professor of sociology


We’re Here to Support You Visit our campus

The best way to see campus is to visit us in person. Book a tour just for yourself, or get a big group of your friends and family together and make a road trip to campus.

Student for a Day

With our Connections program, you can test-drive the U of L and see what it’s really like to be a student here. Here’s how it works: 1. Get in touch with us at least two weeks in advance with your contact info, the date you’d like to come, and your top program of interest. 2. We will find a student volunteer in the program you’re interested in, set up the day and contact you with details. 3. You send us your confirmation and visit us on the scheduled date.

Faculty and staff care about your success, which is why there are a wide variety of student services at your fingertips to help you not only make the transition to university, but provide you with the support you need to suceed. The following list will give you a general idea of what’s offered – for a full list of services, visit

Recruitment and Student Life | The Recruitment and Student

Life Office provides information on all aspects of the university and student life. Meet with a recruiter for information about programs, admission requirements, tuition fees, on- and off-campus housing and student services. Recruitment and Student Life also organizes events and activities which help students make the transition to university life and celebrate their success, such as New Student Orientation, Rookie Camp and Convocation.

Academic Advising | Get help planning your program and choosing your courses. It’s important to know that you must consult with an advisor to change your program of study or your Calendar year, register in certain courses and make sure you’re on the right path towards graduation. Contact your Faculty advising office for information about appointments and advising sessions.

The student volunteer will show you around campus, take you to classes and even take you out for lunch. It’s a great way to see if the U of L is the right fit for you.

Counselling Services | Counselling Services focuses on improving your total well-being. Our counsellors are mental health professionals who can help to facilitate your personal growth, academic skills development, and career decision making while you are attending the University of Lethbridge – all free of charge and confidential!


Disabilities Resource Centre | The Disabilities Resource Centre

or call 403-329-2762 to book your tour today!

is here to help students with a wide range of needs. By providing learning strategies, technological support, and exam accommodations, we create a supportive learning environment for every student.

Support Services, for Aboriginal Students | Oki!

If you are of First Nations, Metis or Inuit descent, we encourage you to take advantage of services designed to meet your specific needs. An office dedicated entirely to advising aboriginal students is currently located in the Registrar’s Office and Student Services (ROSS).



Appendix A Additional admission and program requirements Some programs require specific high school courses for admission or as prerequisites for required courses in that program. Whether specific courses are required for your program or not, you must still present the necessary high school courses for admission to the U of L. See Appendix B for provincial admission requirements. Accounting - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Addictions Counselling - BHSc Required for Admission: Biology 30 or Chemistry 30 Admission Statement Immunizations Agricultural Biotechnology - BSc Required for Program: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or 30-1 Physics 30 (recommended) Mathematics 31 (recommended) Agricultural Studies - BA Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 Biology 30 (recommended) Agricultural Studies - BSc Required for Program: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Anthropology - BA None Archaeology and Geography - BA or BSc None Archaeology and Geography - BA or BSc (with optional concentration GIS) Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Art - BA None Art (Art Studio) - BFA Required for Admission: Portfolio Personal Statement 44

Art (Art History/Museum Studies) - BFA None Art Education - BFA/BEd or BA/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to Art Studio - BFA, and Art - BA for high school requirements. Biochemistry - BSc Required for Program: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Physics 30 (recommended) Mathematics 31 (recommended) Biological Sciences - BSc Required for Program: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Physics 30 (recommended) Mathematics 31 (recommended) Canadian Studies - BA Required for Program: French is recommended Career and Technology Studies: Business Focus - BMgt/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. A General Management major is recommended. Please refer to BMgt programs for high school requirements. Chemistry - BSc Required for Program: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Physics 30 (recommended) Mathematics 31 (recommended)

Computer Science - BSc Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Computer Science and GIS - BSc Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Computer Science - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Dentistry (Pre-Professional Transfer) Pre-Professional Transfer to University of Alberta. Apply to BSc in Agriculture Biotechnology, Biochemistry, or Biological Sciences. Admission to U of L does not guarantee admission to U of A. Required for Admission: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 English Language Arts 30-1 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Physics 30 Digital Audio Arts - BMus Required for Admission: Portfolio Essay Dramatic Arts (Performance) - BFA Required for Program: Audition required in second year of program Dramatic Arts (Technical/Design Studies) - BFA None Dramatic Arts (Theatre Studies) - BFA None Drama Education - BFA/BEd or BA/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to Dramatic Arts - BFA or Dramatic Arts - BA for high school requirements. Dramatic Arts - BA None Economics - BA Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 Economics - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1

Engineering (Pre-Professional Transfer) Pre-Professional Transfer to University of Alberta. Admission to U of L does not guarantee admission to U of A. This program is competitive. Chemistry 30 English Language Arts 30-1 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Mathematics 31 Physics 30 English - BA None English Language Arts Education - BA/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to English - BA, or General Major in the Humanities - BA for high school requirements. Environmental Science - BSc This program is competitive. Required for Program: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Physics 30 (recommended) Mathematics 31 (recommended) Exercise Science - BSc Required for Program: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Mathematics 31 (recommended) Finance - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 First Nations’ Governance - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 French - BA Required for Program: French is recommended French/German - BA Required for Program: French and German are recommended French/Spanish - BA Required for Program: French and Spanish are recommended General Major in the Humanities - BA Students choose three disciplinary streams in the Humanities: Art, Dramatic Arts, or Music; English; French, German, or Spanish; Classical Languages; History; Native American Studies; Philosophy; Religious Studies. High school courses required/recommended will depend on streams of choice. 45

General Major in the Social Sciences - BA Students choose three disciplinary streams in the Social Sciences: Anthropology; Economics; Geography; History; Kinesiology; Native American Studies; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology; Women’s Studies. High school courses required/recommended will depend on streams of choice. General Major in the Sciences - BSc Students choose three disciplinary streams in the Sciences: Archaeology; Biological Sciences; Chemistry; Computer Science; Geography; Kinesiology; Mathematics; Neuroscience; Physics; Psychology. High school courses required/recommended will depend on streams of choice. General Management - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 Geography - BA Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 (recommended) Geography - BA (with optional concentration GIS) Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Geography - BSc Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Biology 30 (recommended) One of: Physics 30 OR Chemistry 30 and Mathematics 31 (recommended) and Physics 30 (recommended) German - BA Required for Program: German is recommended History - BA None Human Resource Management and Labour Relations - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 Information Systems - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 International Management - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2


Journalism (Pre-Professional Transfer) Pre-Professional Transfer to University of Regina. Apply to BA of choice. Majors in Economics, English, History, Political Science, or Sociology may be of interest. Admission to U of L does not guarantee admission to U of R. Kinesiology - BA None Kinesiology - BSc Required for Program: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Physics 30 (recommended) Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 (recommended) Law (Pre-Professional Transfer) Pre-Professional Transfer to University of Calgary or University of Alberta. Apply to BA of choice. Admission to U of L does not guarantee admission to U of C or U of A. Marketing - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 Mathematics - BSc Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Mathematics 31 (recommended) Mathematics Education - BSc/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to Mathematics – BSc, or General Major in the Sciences – BSc for high school requirements. Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer Program) Pre-Professional Transfer to University of Calgary or University of Alberta. Apply to BSc in Agriculture Biotechnology, Biochemistry, or Biological Sciences. Admission to U of L does not guarantee admission to U of C or U of A. Required for Admission: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 English Language Arts 30-1 Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1 Physics 30 Modern Languages Education - BA/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to French - BA, French/ German - BA, French/Spanish - BA, or German - BA for high school requirements. Multidiscipinary - BFA None

Music - BA None Music - BMus Required for Program: Audition required for entry into studio courses Music Education - BMus/BEd or BA/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to Music - BMus, or Music - BA for high school requirements.

Physical Education - BA/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to Kinesiology - BA or General Major in the Social Sciences - BA for high school requirements. Political Science - BA None Political Science - BMgt Required for Admission: Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2

Native American Studies - BA None

Psychology - BA or BSc None

Native Education - BA/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to Native American Studies - BA or General Major in the Social Sciences - BA for high school requirements.

Public Health - BHSc Required for Admission: Biology 30 Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1 or Mathematics 30-2 Immunizations First Aid/CPR-HCP Criminal Record Check

New Media - BFA Required for Admission: Portfolio Questionnaire Neuroscience - BSc Required for Program: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Physics 30 (recommended) Mathematics 31 (recommended) Nursing - BN This program is competitive. Required for Admission: English Language Arts 30-1 (minimum of 60%) Biology 30 Chemistry 30 Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 Immunizations First Aid/CPR-HCP Criminal Record Check Philosophy - BA None Physics - BSc Required for Program: Chemistry 30 Physics 30 Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Biology 30 (recommended) Mathematics 31 (recommended)

Religious Studies - BA None Remote Sensing - BSc Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Physics 30 Mathematics 31 (recommended) Science Education - BSc/BEd Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to Biological Sciences BSc, Chemistry - BSc, Geography - BSc, Physics - BSc, or General Major in the Sciences - BSc for high school requirements. Social Studies Education Students complete two years in a Pre-Education program prior to applying for admission to the Faculty of Education. Admission to the Faculty of Education is competitive. Please refer to Anthropology - BA, Canadian Studies - BA, Economics - BA, Geography - BA, History - BA, Political Science - BA, Sociology - BA, Urban and Regional Studies - BA, or General Major in the Social Sciences - BA for high school requirements. Social Work (Pre-Professional Transfer Program) Pre-Professional Transfer to University of Calgary. Apply to BA of choice. Majors in Economics, Political Science, Psychology or Sociology may be of interest. Admission to U of L does not guarantee admission to U of C. The final two years of the BSW program are offered at the U of L by the U of C, Faculty of Social Work, Lethbridge Division. Sociology - BA Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 (recommended)


Urban and Regional Studies - BA Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 (recommended) Urban and Regional Studies - BA (with optional concentration GIS) Required for Program: Pure Mathematics 30 or Mathematics 30-1 Women’s Studies - BA None Veterinary Medicine (Pre-Professional Transfer Program) Pre-Professional Transfer to University of Saskatchewan. Apply to BSc in Agriculture Biotechnology, Biochemistry, or Biological Sciences. Admission to U of L does not guarantee admission to U of S. Required for Admission: Biology 30 Chemistry 30 English Language Arts 30-1 Pure Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1, or Mathematics 30-2 Physics 30 Two Single Discipline Majors – BASc Students choose a major in the Arts and the Sciences. For more information on this program option, visit Required for Program: A second language course is required in this program. One of French, German, Japanese, or Spanish is recommended. Other high school courses required/recommended will depend on majors of choice.

FIRST NATIONS’ TRANSITION PROGRAMS (FNTP) Admission is on a case-by-case basis FNTP - General Admission English Language Arts 20-1 Pure Mathematics 20 FNTP - Nursing English Language Arts 20-1 Pure Mathematics 20-1 Biology 20 Chemistry 20 FNTP - Addictions Counselling English Language Arts 20-1 Pure Mathematics 20-1 Biology 20 or Chemistry 20


Appendix B Provincial admission requirements The current admission average is 65% although some programs (e.g. Pre-Engineering) are competitive and may require higher averages. Please also note that some programs have additional admission requirements (see Appendix A). Individual grades under 50% (‘P’ in British Columbia) are not considered. For more information, please refer to the applicable section of the U of L Calendar.

For most programs, new high school students applying to the


U of L will be assessed on five courses from the following lists:

English Language Arts A30/ English Language Arts B30 (counts as one course) (Fransaskois/Immersion students may use one of Francais Fransaskois A30 or B30 or Francais immersion in combination with either one of the English Language Arts courses)

British Columbia and Yukon English 12 or English 12 First Peoples Three academic courses from this list: One of Art Foundations 12, Studio Arts 12, or Visual Arts 12; Dance 12; Choral Music 12 or Instrumental Music 12; OR Theatre Performance 12 or Theatre Production 12 1 Biology 12 B.C. First Nations Studies 12 Calculus 12 Chemistry 12 Comparative Civilizations 12 English Literature 12 One of Français 12, French 12, or French 12A 2 Geography 12 Geology 12 History 12 ICT: Computer Programming 12 One of Principles of Mathematics 12 or Applications of Mathematics 12 OR One of Pre-Calculus 12 or Foundations of Mathematics 12 Physics 12 Writing 12 Any 12 or 12A-level language 2 Fifth course: A fifth distinct course which: Can be academic or non-academic Must be at the 12 level Must be worth at least four credits Note: Where provincial examinations are mandatory, applicants must present final grades that include provincial examination grades. Whether the provincial examination is mandatory or optional, the admission average will be calculated using the higher of the provincial examination grade or school grade.

Three academic courses from this list: One of Arts Education 30; Band 30, Choral 30 or Music 30; Dance 30; Drama 30; OR Visual Art 30 1 Biology 30 Calculus 30 Chemistry 30 Computer Science 30 One of Français Fransaskois A30 or B30, or French 30 2 Geography 30 Geology 30 History 30 Mathematics B30 and C30 (counts as one course) OR One of PreCalculus Mathematics 30 or Foundations of Mathematics 30 3 Native Studies 30 Physics 30 Social Studies 30 Any 30-level language 2 Fifth course: A fifth distinct course which: Can be academic or non-academic Must be at the 30 level Must be worth at least one credit Only one Fine Arts course may be used as an academic course in the admission average. Another distinct Fine Arts course may be used as the fifth course. 2 Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes. 3 Students are strongly encouraged to complete Pre-Calculus Mathematics 30. Foundations of Mathematics 30 may be used as an Academic course for admission to all programs except the NESA Bachelor of Nursing program, Bachelor of Health Sciences (Public Health major), or Bachelor of Management (Accounting, Computer Science, Economics, Finance, and Information Systems majors) program. Instead of Pre-Calculus Mathematics 30, students may use UofL’s Mathematics 0500, or Foundations 30 and a minimum grade of 75% in Athabasca University’s Mathematics 101. 1

Only one Fine Arts course may be used as an academic course in the admission average. Another distinct Fine Arts course may be used as the fifth course. 2 Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes. 1




English Language Arts 40S (one credit) Three academic courses from this list: One of Advanced Mathematics 45S and Calculus 45S (counts as one course) or Applied Mathematics 40S; OR One of Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S or Applied Mathematics 40S One of Art 40S or G; Band 40S, Choral 40S, Guitar 40S, Jazz Band 40S, Music 40S or Strings/Orchestra 40S OR Drama 40S 1 Biology 40S Chemistry 40S Computer Science 40S Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S Physics 40S Western Civilization 40S World Human Geography 40S World Issues 40S Any 40S-level language 2 Fifth course: A fifth distinct course which: Can be academic or non-academic Must be at the 40 level Must be worth at least one credit Only one Fine Arts course may be used as an academic course in the admission average. Another distinct Fine Arts course may be used as the fifth course. 2 Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes.

English Literature 603 Two semesters of CEGEP courses, including four of the following: One of Art 520; Drama 560; OR Music 550 1 Biology 101 Chemistry 202 French 601 or 602 2 Geography 320 History 330 Mathematics 201 Physics 203 Any 607- to 616-level language 2 Note: Two complete years may qualify the applicant for advance credits. Only one Fine Arts course may be used as an academic course in the admission average. Another distinct Fine Arts course may be used as the fifth course. 2 Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes. 1

NEW BRUNSWICK English 121 or 122


ONTARIO English 4U or ETS4U Three academic courses: Three additional Grade 12 ‘4U’ courses which may include one fine arts ‘4M’ course Fifth course: A fifth distinct course which: Can be ‘4U’ or ‘4M’ Only one Fine Arts course may be used as an academic course in the admission average. Another distinct Fine Arts course may be used as the fifth course. 2 Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes. 1

Three academic courses from this list: Biology 120, 121, or 122 Chemistry 121 or 122 Environmental Studies 122 French 121 or 122 2 Geography 120 History 121 or 122 Latin 122 2 One of Music 120; Theatre Arts 120; OR One 121 or 122-level fine arts course 1 Trig.3-space 121 or 122 Advanced Mathematics - Intro Calculus 120 Physics 121 or 122 World Issues 120 Any 121- or 122-level language 2 Fifth course: A fifth distinct course which: Can be academic or non-academic Must be at the 120, 121, or 122 level Must be worth at least one credit Only one Fine Arts course may be used as an academic course in the admission average. Another distinct Fine Arts course may be used as the fifth course. 2 Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes. 1




English 12 (Academic) or English 12 African Heritage

English 3201

Three academic courses from this list: One of Art 12; Film & Video Production 12; OR Music 12 1 Biology 12 (Advanced or Academic) Calculus 12 Chemistry 12 2 French 12 Global Geography 12 Geology 12 Global History 12 Advanced Mathematics 12 or Pre-Calculus 12 Physics 12 Any 12-level language 2

Three academic courses from this list: Biology 3201 Chemistry 3202 French 3200 or 3201 2 Earth Systems 3209 One of Mathematics 3204, 3205, 3207, or 3103 Physics 3204 World Geography 3202 World History 3201 One 3000-level, two-credit fine arts course 1 Any 3200-level language 2

Fifth course: A fifth distinct course which: Can be academic or non-academic Must be at the12 level Must be worth at least one credit

Fifth course: A fifth distinct course which: Can be academic or non-academic Must be at the 3000 level Must be worth at least one credit

Only one Fine Arts course may be used as an academic course in the admission average. Another distinct Fine Arts course may be used as the fifth course. 2 Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes. 1

Only one Fine Arts course may be used as an academic course in the admission average. Another distinct Fine Arts course may be used as the fifth course. 2 Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes. 1

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND English 611 or 621 Three academic courses from this list: Biology 621 Chemistry 611 or 621 French 621 2 Geography 621 History 621 Mathematics 611 (Calculus) One of Mathematics 621A or Mathematics 621B (Mathematics 621B is recommended for students entering university-level science or management programs) Music 621 1 Oceanography 621 Physics 621 Any 621-level language 2 Fifth course: A fifth distinct course which: Can be academic or non-academic Must be at the 600 level Must be worth at least one credit Only one Fine Arts course may be used as an academic course in the admission average. Another distinct Fine Arts course may be used as the fifth course. 2 Only one course in a particular language will be used for admission purposes. 1











University campus map 52




University of Lethbridge SU065, 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4








University campus map


Community Sports Stadium


Turcotte Hall


University Hall


Parkway Services Building


Students’ Union Building


Markin Hall


On-Campus Student Housing




Anderson Hall


1st Choice Savings Centre


Centre for the Arts


Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCBN)


Alberta Water and Environmental Science Building

Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________Province: ____________________________ Postal Code: _____________________ Country: ______________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________Email Address: _________________________________ qMale qFemale Birth Date (dd/month/yyyy): _______________________________________ Name of School: _______________________________________________________________ Grade: ______________________________________________________________________

I would like more information about… Accounting Addictions Counselling Agricultual Biotechnology Agricultural Studies (BA or BSc) Anthropology Archaeology and Geography (BA or BSc) Archaeology and Geography (with optional concentration GIS) Art Art (Art Studio) Art (Art History/Museum Studies) Art Education Biochemistry Biological Sciences Canadian Studies Career and Technology Studies: Business Focus Chemistry Computer Science (BMgt or BSc) Computer Science and GIS Dentistry (Pre-Professional Transfer) Dramatic Arts (Performance)

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4401 University Drive W. Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4

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