September 2011 Dear Friends, We are “swamped” with news from Anglo Africa! How do we condense the 12 page report for the quarter April - June 2011 into just 2 pages? The answer is “we don’t!” But we offer to send the full report to any who request it! Statistics, testimonies, challenges and needs are all listed! As you know, month by month we are highlighting an aspect of the EHCI ministry we are personally engaged in since you have expressed interest in knowing how the Lord is leading us and we do need your prayerful support. Our leadership in Anglo Africa has warmly invited our participation, especially in their Pastoral Training needs and consequently almost 100% of our time is taken up at present with this challenge. A THUMBNAIL REMINDER OF EHC BURUNDI What a joy it is when the Gospel of Christ is welcomed into a whole community. We recently had an example of this in the nation of Burundi, Africa. Some of you may remember the terrible racial conflict in Burundi (1993-2005) that saw the loss of thousands of lives and in addition, an estimated several hundred thousand fleeing into Rwanda, Tanzania and what was once called Zaire. But thankfully all that is now in the past. EHC Burundi has been proclaiming the Kingdom of God and with this reconciliation. The Public Administrator of Muhata Commune shared the following in his speech to the President of the Republic of Burundi. The occasion was a gathering of the top leaders of the Republic who had been called together by the President. “EHC has assisted greatly in my administration to bring peace and reconciliation through the teaching of the Bible, their evangelism gatherings and sports that was done last year. I commend and congratulate EHC and its leadership for the moral and social support brought to the community of Muhata.” In the above meeting, our Burundi National Director, brother Evariste Harerimana, was invited by President S.E.Pierre Nkurunziza to lead the meeting in Prayer. What a blessing and privilege it is when Christian leaders are recognized nationally! “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”. (Psalm 33:12). It is surely right that the good news of the Kingdom of God includes answers to mankind’s sinful condition, the eradication of diseases, the healing of sicknesses, the digging of wells that provide clean and fresh water and the healing of the land to produce food for the hungry. The impact of EHC Burundi is especially seen in that over 45,000 responses have been received from the distribution of over 582,000 pieces of literature distributed, and 977 active Christ Groups established! Moreover during the last quarter, April - June 2011, there were 3 Mobile Training Schools (MTSs) with 1,118 participants and 66 new Christ Groups formed. Reaching out into remote areas with the MTS is not easy. The picture below shows our brother Terrance leading his team on a 13km walk, carrying equipment and supplies. Our National Director Evariste is convinced they need “Train and Multiply” in their Kirundi language and has begun making this translation (Brother Evariste has worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators in the past).
Terrance Ndayiragije on his way to Christ Group Meeting
A gathering of trained leaders in Burundi
Facilitator of Learning
They appeal for Bibles in the Kirundi language. Fred leaves for a “School For Pastors” Consultation in Africa on 27 August. This is a brief but very important Consultation involving International and Anglo Africa Regional Leadership. Fred will be presenting “The Shepherd’s Bag, Pouch and Staff”. This set comprising 16 manuals, is another “mountain” climbed and we thank all of you who have supported us in this venture. With the manuals are multiple CDs and DVDs as well. Please pray that the Lord will supply the finance necessary to print and distribute to National Teachers and Participants in the Schools for Pastors to be established throughout the nations of Anglo Africa. Please remember Fred in prayer as he makes this brief visit, the following times and dates are N.Z. times and dates: Saturday 27 August Dep. Auckland 6:15a.m., Arr. Sydney 9:55a.m. Dep.Sydney Midday, Sunday 28 August, Arrive Johannesburg, 2:15a.m. Friday 2 September, Dep. J’burg., 6:55a.m., Arr. Sydney 6:45p.m. Dep. Sydney 8:25Arr. Auckland 11:25p.m.
THE SHEPHERD’S BAG Contents: The 7 Pillars of Wisdom in planting N.T. Congregations
THE SHEPHERD’S POUCH Contents: 5 Smooth Stones for slaying giants: Evangelism, Discipleship, Church Planting, Pastoral Training and Leadership Development
Our warmest greetings, blessings and gratitude for your ongoing interest and support,
Fred and Fran
THE SHEPHERD’S STAFF Contents: Multiple Sermons in preaching format (to date 131 sermons)