Landscape Architect Portfolio

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Landscape Architecture Portfolio 2014

Stephen Luna

p. 5049147621 e. 3200 Karen Dr. Chalmette, LA,70043

Willpower Park Memorial Park

Chalmette, LA

Fall 2014 Andre’ Neff & Associates



Railway Corridor

Regional Connections Baton Rouge, LA Fall 2011 LA 4001 Bruce Sharkey


Lake Charles Community Design Community Layout Lake Charles, LA

Spring 2011 LA 3001 Cat Marshall

Lighthouse Revival Open Space Design

West End, LA Fall 2014


Willpower Park Memorial Park

Chalmette, LA

Fall 2014 Andre’ Neff & Associates


Planter Conduit & Drainage Detail

Engraved Tablet Detail

Curb Detail Planter Detail

Plaza Cross Section

Plaza Layout

Bolt Layout & Detail

Swirl Layout

Swirl Geometry


Railway Corridor

Regional Connections Baton Rouge, LA Fall 2011 LA 4001 Bruce Sharkey

Elevation showing Pedestrian Bridge

Cross Section of Pedestrian Tunnel

Greenway: Pedestrian Bridge

The Pedestrian Bridge is one of the main connection elements to the design. It allows visitors to cross the I-110 traffic while walking along the railroad track. When the bridge begins there is a pedestrian tunnel that runs underneath the bridge. This allows an easy access from the parking lot to the shopping corridor, which eventually leads to Spanish Town Park.

View looking toward Green on Pedestrian Bridge

Pedestrian Bridge Axonometric

Cross Section of Greenway at Entrance

Cross Section of Greenway with Mixed Use

Greenway: Entrance Plaza

The Entrance Plaza is at the souther-most of the site. It establishes the beginning of the greenway that runs along the railroad. When walking into the plaza there are two large seating walls that in gradually slope down and invite you into the plaza. Throughout the plaza there are planters that are also seating benches. This area allows for a lot of shade and relaxation for the visitors. View of Entrance to Greenway

Entrance Plaza Axonometric Greenway Entrance Axonometric

Mixed Media Drawings


Lake Charles Community Design Community Layout Lake Charles, LA

Spring 2011 LA 3001 Cat Marshall

Community Layout Opportunities

Existing Wetlands

Commuter Transportation

Biofilitration System

Concealed Areas for Powerlines


River Front Barrier

1-10 Vistas

Proposed Phases


30 years

place solar panels and windmills along interstate

use solar panels develop

20 years

5 years

pave bike path

Phase Three

10 years

Phase Two


Phase One

on school

streetscape plantings

open pedestrian paths through industrial park

propose building recommendations for new homes and businesses Lake Charles has had rapidly expanding infrastructure since the late 1800s. Due to economic decline and an evolution develop pine forestry along the interstate in industry many areas of vacancy haveplant opened up and left the created infrastructure behind as an unused structure or cooling rice fields barrier. The infrastructurebegin of North Lake Charles meets the standards of the average city, but has several opportunities harvest lumber at certain intervals construction of industrial park area implement volunteer program for improvement along with constraints that could be worked around. plant vacant with native species The phasing decides whetherlots this design will work or not. We have established a well thought out phasing plan that biodiversity incorporate native species plantings interstate starts immediately. Phase one goes from present timealong to the five years. In the part of the phasing a bike path will be constructed. Solar panels will be introduced to the community. Begin the development of the pine forest along Interstate begin construction of educational center 10. Plant most of the vacant lots with native species. And begin the construction of the Educational Center. Phase two is from 5 years till about 20 years. The solar panels and wind mills will be constructed along the interstate. The introduction of the Industrial Park along the river will begin. And the implementation of a volunteer program will be established. Phase three runs from 20 years to 30 years. In this time period the paths through the Industrial Park will be open. There will also be an implementation of green for homes and business. And finally harvesting the pines at intervals to bring back the historic pine industry to Lake Charles. for rice fields and community gardens at school center

pave bike path

place solar panels and wind

use solar panels


develop develop


10 years

5 years


Phasing Timeline

on school

streetscape plantings

pine forestry along the interstate

propose bu

plant rice fields begin construction of industrial park area

plant vacant lots with native species biodiversity


incorporate native species plantings a begin construction of educational center

30 years

20 years

dmills along interstate

open pedestrian paths through industrial park

uilding recommendations for new homes and businesses

ment volunteer program

along the interstate

harvest lumber at certain intervals for rice fields and community gardens at school center

Kit of Parts Vacant Lot Revival

Solar Power

Interstate Pines

Green Parking

Cooled Path

Connecting Bike Path

Ryan Street

Goos Street

Railroad Avenue

Rice Field

Cooling Streetscape

Moeling Street

Ryan Street

Goos Street

Right of Way

Industrial complexes act as a strong barrier between the neighborhood and the river.

The Largest of power lines offer a right of way of about 50 ft.

Runoff from the inter- state is collected by swales on either side

The railroad runs East and West and separates sections of the neighborhood.

The canals in the area average 15 ft. in width.

During the stretch through North Lake Charles, I-10 is 6 lanes and is 150 ft. in width, acting as a strong divider between North and South Lake Charles

Small ditches, about 3ft. in width, on either side of the railroad, help to move water away from the railroad

powerlines cross over barriers Most sidewalks are 3 ft. in width with about a 2 ft. right-of-way before the houses fences start.

The average street in the neighborhood is 24 ft. in width.

For the most part, sewer lines run parallel with the streets. Most of them are 4 ft. in depth and 6 ft. wide.

sewer lines either travel around or are released into canals

Powerline powerlines cross over barriers



sewer line usually runs on the opposite side of the street from powerlines.

Lighthouse Revival Open Space Design

West End, LA Fall 2014


Lakefront Diagram

Lakefront Photos

Site Plan

Site Sections

Open Space w/ 40” Walk Open Space [40’ walk]

Equates to 17904 sq.ft. or 0.42 acres


Equates to 17904.38 sq.ft. or 0.42 Acres of Land

Since the Corps of Engineers are building a 40’ walk along the lake front the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation thought it would be a great idea to design this area. The thought of the design is to give meaning and celebration to the Lighthouse. This area is meant to bring attention to the Lighthouse through the planting design which is a forced perspective directed toward the Lighthouse. Also Cabbage Palms were used because once before this area was developed the palms ruled this area so bringing them back to the Lakefront a must. The hills / amphitheaters are for relaxing a taking in the views of this site.

Tree Layout

Phase 1

Lighthouse Entry

View from Street

Section Perspective

p. 5049147621 e. 3200 Karen Dr. Chalmette, LA,70043

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