Shaken In The Water

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Foxhead Books

Shaken in the Water Jessica Penner

Foxhead Books

Š 2013 Jessica Penner. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author, with the exception of brief exerpts for inclusion in scholarly works or inclusion in reviews. For permissions or further information, post Potemkin Media Omnibus, Ltd. at 8 S. 3rd St., Tipp City, OH 45371. Penner, Jessica. Shaken in the Water / by Jessica Penner. 384p. 20.11 mm. ISBN-13 978-0-9847486-8-6 1. Fiction. 2. Fiction—Short Stories. I. Shaken in the Water. Cover Design by Christine S. Lee Cover Photo by Alex Koeleman Author Photo by Ron Rammelkamp

Contents Shaken in the Water, Part 1 Tarred Shaken in the Water, Part 2 The Circle of the Earth Priscilla’s Tiger Shaken in the Water, Part 3 En Follboat Shaken in the Water, Part 4 Demolition Homebody A Careful Dive Enter Runner Slide Ellen Harder, Annual Physical Drinking Water An Invitation Tornado Slide Shaken in the Water, Part 5 Knaul’root Silage Drown Missed Shaken in the Water, Part 6 Dormant Shaken in the Water, Part 7 Acknowledgments Mennonites Low German About the Author

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for Helen

Shaken in the Water

Und der HERR wird Israel schlagen, gleich wie das Rohr im Wasser bewegt wird, und wird Israel ausreißen aus diesem guten Lande, daß er ihren Vätern gegeben hat, und wird sie zerstreuen jenseit des Stromes, darum daß sie ihre Ascherahbilder gemacht haben, den HERRN zu erzürnen. 1 Koenige 14.15 For the LORD shall smite Israel, as a reed is shaken in the water, and he shall root up Israel out of this good land, which he gave to their fathers, and shall scatter them beyond the river, because they have made their groves, provoking the LORD to anger. 1 Kings 14:15 … und sie hatten Haare wie Frauenharre, und ihre Zähne waren wie die von Löwen. Die Offenbarung Des Johannes 9.8 … and they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of Lions. Revelation 9:8

Shaken in the Water, Part 1 1923 Agnes had a birthmark that crossed her back from her left shoulder to her right hip. The midwife who had brought her into the world once whispered to her that it was a Tieja Kjoaw—Tiger Scar. It was thin and delicate, with a slight swirl to each end like the underscore of a signature. It was slim and sensitive to touch. Usually she wore her corset to bed to keep it protected from the maneuvering sheets. When her husband, Peter, touched it on their wedding night she gave a little gasp of pain. He stopped caressing her back and curled his fingers around the back of her neck. It was completely dark; even the curtains were drawn against the feeble light of a mid-cycle moon. All that could be heard beyond their sti-

Jessica Penner

fled breath was the lonely echo of a cricket somewhere downstairs. Peter’s hand fell away from Agnes’ neck. Daut deit mie leet, he whispered. Forgive me. Agnes knew she should fumble for that hand, press it against her breast and whisper any sort of lie to explain it away. That would end his embarrassed conjecture; it would help make their milk-fed marriage stronger. But she could not lie to him just yet. She wanted to be married more than a half of a day before she began lying to her husband. Aufpausse, was all she could force through her lips. Aufpausse. Wait, he whispered in anxious agreement. Aufpausse. Agnes had tucked her nightgown beneath her pillow so she would not have to find it in the dark. She slid it over her head. It was made of a light silk that she had sewn months ago during an ice storm; she was not surprised by how cool the threads felt as they slid over her August-soaked body. Peter had not been so prudent. He shook the sheets and felt the floor for his pajamas. Had they been in love, this would have been shyly hilarious. Agnes lay down on her side of the bed and let him search alone. Finally, he found the pajama bottoms and struggled back into them. The bed swayed, creaked and bumped against the wall beneath his shifting weight. Peter’s parents’ bedroom was below; two of his unmarried sisters slept across the hall. Nearly everyone in the Harder household would breathe a sigh of relief and believe Peter was now truly married.


Ellen Harder, Annual Physical 1993 Ellen encountered Huldah in the dairy section of Deb Duerkson’s IGA the morning Jeffrey died. Ellen was preoccupied; she’d forgotten her list of groceries on the kitchen table when she left for work, and though her cart was full, she was sure she’d missed something, and wandered the aisles distractedly. She was preoccupied because she had realized that morning that she was attracted to her boss, Dr. Harold Diener. Ellen became conscious of this when she opened the office calendar to enter in an appointment, and saw that she was scheduled for her annual physical in two weeks’ time. The thought of him touching her in even the most professional manner made her blush like she hadn’t in years. The fact

Jessica Penner

that he would note her weight, height and age embarrassed her—and usually none of those things disturbed her until now. Fortunately, she always wrote appointments in the office calendar in pencil, so she immediately scrubbed out the date with her eraser. It bothered her that she could still see her name and reason for the visit imbedded in the soft paper: Ellen Harder, annual physical, the ghosted print whispered. She rubbed the space again, but she could still see her name. This is ridiculous, she muttered, and glanced at the clock: ten fifty-five. Harold was in his office with Francine Kreutzinger, who always demanded a double slot so she would have plenty of time to air her troubles. He didn’t have another appointment until after lunch. She told the nurse’s assistant that she had a quick errand to run. She almost added that if anyone called for an appointment during the first week of July, there was one that had opened up, but then she realized the nurse’s assistant would see the strangled writing on that one-byone-inch square: Ellen Harder, annual physical. • Ellen had known Harold long before she became his receptionist. They had lived on the same block as children. They attended the same church and sang in the community choir together. His daughter was the same age as Jeffrey, so they saw each other at school concerts and parent-teacher conferences. Harold was always pleasant, though he had a distracted air about him, as if he were unsure of the appropriateness of his presence.


Shaken in the Water

The first time they talked beyond the weather, children and spouses was when Ellen interviewed for the receptionist position. She had never been a receptionist—her only past professional experience was working part time at the public library—but she felt it was something she could master. Harold seemed more nervous than Ellen when she arrived. He avoided eye contact and stumbled through the random questions scribbled on a yellow tablet: How many words per minute do you type? Seventy. Impressive. Do you smoke? No. Good for you. Have you used a computer before? Yes. At the library. Of course. Will you work weekends? I guess I can. Are you considering being open on weekends? Ah, no. I just read somewhere that you should check and see how flexible a person is. Harold glanced up and smiled nervously. Ellen smiled back, thinking that she would never have thought Harold Diener handsome if he hadn’t smiled at just that moment. • Ellen rounded Ulysses twice before she finally parked in front of Deb’s IGA at eleven-twenty. When she saw Huldah in the dairy section, she nearly turned away. Ellen knew everyone in that store, but somehow she felt that maybe Huldah would see something that no


Jessica Penner

one else could spy out of rosy cheeks and frustrated breathing. But Huldah had seen her; she stared at Ellen as though she had just made a somersault down the aisle. Huldah was poised above the rows of milk jugs, her fingers reaching to make their final choice. Ellen waited for her to choose. The two women watched one another for a few seconds before Ellen realized what her missing item was. She moved closer to Huldah and reached out to grab a gallon of whole milk. When Ellen had chosen, Huldah followed suit and placed her jug into her low wooden wagon. They regarded each other carefully, nodded, and moved on. Ellen returned to the office at twelve-thirty. She brought in the milk to put into the employees’ refrigerator, but before she made it to the kitchen, the phone rang. Ellen? Ellen, come home, Agnes said. I just got home now. Ellen, there’s been an accident. What happened? What happened to Johan? Ellen found herself in a long moment where she envisioned the funeral, the burial, the nights of an empty space in bed. For a moment, Harold Diener filled that space, but she shook that vision away. It’s not Johan. It’s Jeffrey. He must’ve fallen in the grain cart when he was unloading the wheat into the bin. He got caught in the wheat coming out of the chute. How is he? How is he? Ellen, Jeffrey’s dead. Ellen held the phone and watched the condensation build and drop from the gallon of milk she had purchased as her son died. She


Shaken in the Water

wondered what it would feel like to drown in a landslide of grain, what the sounds would be as your breath was siphoned away. She wondered if you could drown in a flood of milk sweat. She wondered which death would be worse. • When she had finally returned to work at the clinic after the accident, a month had passed. One of Harold’s nephews had come and installed a new computer and recorded all the appointments on it. She found the appointment book stashed in a corner with other files he had entered into the computer, and looked at the page where her name had been. Violet Vogt had taken her place—a case of watery bowels and sick stomach. The entry had been made with a felt-tip pen. When Ellen turned the page and felt the backside of that week, she could still feel her name beneath the bright purple tinge: Ellen Harder, annual physical. She wondered if she had not erased her name if she would have decided to run home and get her list. She wondered if she would have remembered that Jeffrey would be at home around noon, and she should be there to make sure he had some lunch before he unloaded the grain wagon for Johan. He wouldn’t have been alone on the farmyard with no one to protect him. She wondered if there would have been some way to stop that moment when she reached for that unnecessary gallon of milk and her son fell into that chorus of wheat that gave way to no voice but its own.


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