Roles and Responsibility of Construction Consultant | Stephen Rayment

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Roles and Responsibility of Construction Consultant

Roles and responsibility of various professionals in Construction

Construction in itself is a science that could help you to provide a desired building or structure that you can use for the various purpose. Thus we cannot seek a building or a monument without taking help from those how are an expert in giving physical shape to our ideas and are better known as the construction consultant. But, before this, they have to come up with many expectations of the customer for which they have to carry out with their responsibility and roles.

Stephen Rayment a construction consultant who had an experience of 25 years and is also the founder of systems international, for the first time coming up with the role and responsibility that has to be followed by every professional builder: 

Geotechnical Engineer


Structural Engineer

The Builder

The Consultants

Geotechnical Engineer They are the civil engineer by profession who work for the performance of soil, rocks, and mechanic along with the subsurface investigation and determination of other physical, mechanical and chemical properties for a stable as well as the long life of the building.

Architect They are licensed professional who are trained to design to art out building designing with science that helps to develop the concept of construction for structures. They help you to come up with a plan for a building before construction and seek all the requirement beforehand to provide best facilities in the provided area.

Structural Engineer they are also a branch of civil engineer that help to carry out the calculation of strength, loads, force and other effects on the provided construction. Thereby providing a layout of a structure that is strong enough to avoid collapse and ensure their strength for long period of time and bear other physical disasters.

The Builder When it comes to the building of construction they are only profession working for the building while other work for and non-building structures. They are the academically trained specialist and statutorily registered professional who are responsible for building production management.

The Consultants Last but not the least they are another team that plays a very important role in the construction and together brings project manager, building surveyors, architect, engineer and many other to ensure loyal building. They overcome the gap of the following professional with the owner and help as the channel to make a complete way for healthy discussion.

Contact Us Stephen Rayment Systech who is a global construction consultant and Managing Director of Systech International.

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