The Princess and Her Sunglasses Illustrated: Stephen Sheperd Created By: Kaitlin Delahaut / Kelly Schumacher
The Princess and Her Sunglasses
This book story is dedicated to Lexi.
Izabella Well, the day started out like any other day would have. My mom woke me up for school, way to early might I add; I ate breakfast and got ready to go. I love school! I basically love school because I’m one of the big kids now; I’m in fourth grade. Well… maybe not the biggest kids in the school, but, we’re close to the biggest. My names Izabella, Izabella Johnson. You could say I’m kind of famous too, I’m like the most famous girl at Roosevelt Elementary. Wanna know why I’m famous? Well, its all because of what happened one day at our morning recess. My dad just got back from the coolest place, the largest city in America, New York, were he got me the coolest gift. He said the buildings were so high, the biggest things he’s ever seen; at night it looked like they were touching the moon, it was so lit up that it looked like it was daytime. The sidewalks were so busy too that you could barely walk the streets, he said it seemed that there every person from the state were walking them. Well, let me tell you what he gave me. They were the prettiest pair of sunglasses I have ever seen. They were turquoise blue with little rhinestones all over. My guess is they costed a lot of money too. But, my daddy doesn’t care, he will get me whatever I want, I’m his little princess. These sunglasses were too pretty so I decided I just had to bring them to school to show them off. And of course, everyone loved them. My teacher Mrs. Johnson even said she was jealous of me for having them. Well… that may have not been the greatest idea because of what happened at recess that day.
Joey Hi, I’m Joey, and let me tell you what happened at recess that day. Izablla, first off, is not a nice girl. She is the most spoiled girl in our class. Every day she brings something new and expensive to school to show off. And last week she decided to bring these bright, rhinestoney, ugly sunglasses; my guess is they weren’t cheap either.
Izabella Well, I was wearing my sunglasses, just strutting all about through the playground, when all of a sudden someone ran into me.
Joey We were playing football, and everyone knows not to get in my way while we are playing. I am, hands down, the best player in the whole school. Izabella Joey, that mean kid, ran right into me, with the football he was playing with bouncing right into my face! And let me tell you it hurt! Joey Izabella walked right into where I was running, causing me to drop the football so that I couldn’t score the winning touchdown for my team to win the game! We lost!
My sunglasses broke!
Joey But, it was a win for us still, cause the football hit mean Izabella and broke those ugly sunglasses. It wasn’t our fault either, she was walking around thinking she was so cool with those ugly things and walked right onto our football field. Izabella Mrs. Johnson ran over right away, because she was so worried about me; I was definitely her favorite. She even seemed to be angry with Joey because he broke my sunglasses. Joey To make things even worse, I get yelled at by Mrs. Johnson because I broke Izabella’s sunglasses. But it wasn’t my fault! She wandered onto MY football field.
Izabella Mrs. Johnson made Joey apologize to me for trampling into me and breaking those most precious turquoise blue sunglasses. Joey
I can’t even believe it, I had to apologize to Izabella.
Izabella Even though I was so mad at Joey I accepted his apology. My guess is that he couldn’t see me walking because my sunglasses were just blinding him from the shiny rhinestones.
Izabella After school I told my parents, and let me tell you, even though I’m their little princess I was still worried to tell them what had happened at recess. They were slightly outraged that I brought my sunglasses to school and then made the poor decision to wear them out to recess. My dad said to me, “you should have expected to break them with wearing them at recess.” Izabella Now, I don’t have my fancy turquoise blue with little rhinestones all over sunglasses. I still may be the most popular girl in school and may still be dad’s little princess, but I don’t look as cool without those sunglasses.
Introduction to Design Art - 130 Stephen Sheperd