Sterek Everlasting Magazine - Spring - Edition 1

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V o l . 1 I s s u e 0 0 1 | S P R I N G E D I T I O N | M A Y 2 0 2 3 ALPHA SPOTLIGHT: Interview with our Favorite Alpha! DEREK HALE Find your perfect mate today! Free compatability test! MATE MATCH

Welcome to the first of many Sterek Everlasting Magazine editions. This edition is about Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics and takes place in the Omegaverse. Derek is an Alpha and StilesishisOmega.

Editor’s Note

LateoneDecembernightin2022,strangerscametogetherduringaSterek event,spendingtwoweekstogether,deepintothenight,drummingupthe idea for a Sterek magazine to bring back the good old days of a booming Sterekfandom.ThefandomhashadanuptickwiththeTWMoviethatfans haveflockedtofixwithmanyfics,butwehopetokeepthefandombooming with Sterek content and events for years. Strangers have become friends aftermonthsofcollaboratingtobringthisfirstSterekEverlastingmagazine to life. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did while creating it. We're excited for you to dive into the content for this world and hope to see you backforournextedition!

My name is Liam and I am a fandom oldie from 2011, still living the Sterek dream. You may know me as Sterekbros on Tumblr or Winchesterek on A03. I've beenpostingSterekficsonA03since2014 but have been writing them much longer than that. I run The Sterek Exchange and the original SterekBigBang(s) on Tumblr and LiveJournal. You may also know me from when I ran the TeenWolfBigBang on LiveJournal before switching to strictly

SterekEvents Editor-in-Chief Sterekbros|Winchesterek Sterek Everlasting M A Y 2 0 2 3 | I S S U E 0 1 KERETS·KERETS S T E R EK · STEREK·STEREKSTEREK·STEREK · ST E R E K KERETS·KERETS



MynameisDori,andI'veleaptfrom fandomtofandomuntilfallinginto therabbitholethatisTeenWolf Sterekimmediatelytookovermy lifetothepointwhereIneededto writeoutthecrazystoriesfloating aroundmybrainaboutmytwo favoritecharacters.


MynameisKatandI'vebeena Sterekfanforawhile,butIdidn't startwritinguntil2018 I'vegotan adorablegraykittycatnamed Asherwho,whenhe'snotkeeping meawakeatnight,isthesweetest. YoucanfindmeonAO3as Novkat21andnovkat21onTumblr.


Heyyy!MynameisArverandmy friendsentmean3minuteclipof DerekandStilestogether(in2012) andI'vebeenhookedeversince YoucanfindmeonAO3and TumblrasArver7


Hi!IjoinedtheTeenWolffandom lastyearandimmediatelyfellin lovewithSterek!Ilovetoreadand writefanfictionandcanbefound onAO3,Tumblr,andhavea bookstagram


Sterek Everlasting | Page 02 STEREK EVERLASTING
CONTENTS STEREK EVERLASTING 1 Editor's Note 2 Staff & Contributors 5 10 Ways to Satisfy Your Omega 7 Mate Match by SterekYrRound 8 Favorite Tropes Voted on by Fans 9 Alpha Spotlight: Derek Hale 15 Fashion with Alpha Derek Hale 17 Hale Incorporated 20 Omega Stiles Stilinski-Hale 26 Omega Standard Fashions with Stiles Stilinski-Hale
CONTENTS STEREK EVERLASTING 27 Welcoming baby girl Eva Marie Stilinski-Hale 28 Featured Story by EvanesDust & Winchesterek 39 Trip to Italy 40 Sterek Events 41 Sterek Big Bang 42 Sterek Bingo 43 Sterek-Exchange 44 Sterek Fests 45 Sterek Weekly 46 Featured Drabbles 47 Fic Finders Fic Rec List by CozyKay 48 Art by OffHandDesign

Ways to Satisfy Your Omega

Let's admit it Some people are pretty clueless when it comes to the subtle arts of love, dating, and relationships Many of them fail miserably in their attempts to act like the perfect romantic partner

However, there are those who have learned to successfully navigate the dating scene and have achieved success in their relationships They know when to make the right moves, when to take a step back, when to talk, and when to listen They are confident in their ability to charm their omega without becoming too overbearing and forceful, and they’ve shared ten simple (and sweet) ways to keep your omega satisfied in your relationship

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Cook their favorite meal: An omega feels happy when their partner provides for them And if it’s their favorite meal, their happiness will know no bounds This could be anything from making them breakfast in bed, surprising them with a special meal when they come home, or taking them out for a nice dinner The important thing is to make it special and show that their partner values and cares for them

Give them your time:

The most valuable things you can give your omega are your time and attention. Show them they're valued and respected by letting them know that you're there for them in any situation. So, the next time you're together, suggest that both of you turn off your phones and just be in each other's presence.

Plan regular date nights:

Date nights are really important when you're in a relationship, especially long-term When you've been together for a while, going out on dates may skip both of your minds So regular date nights can help keep the spark alive and help both of you reconnect and enjoy spending quality time together No matter what activities you choose, the most important part is to have fun and make it an opportunity to enjoy each other's company

Give them compliments:

Compliments make every omega feel appreciated Compliment the small things to show them you care Be sincere and genuine so that your omega knows that you really mean it when you give them a compliment This will help to build a stronger connection between the two of you and will make your omega feel special and appreciated

Shower them with hugs and kisses:

Omegas love spending time with their partner, especially if there is some kind of physical touch involved like cuddles and hugs. This is because omegas feel comfort and security within such interactions, and the physical closeness and affection help strengthen the bond between them and their partner. 05


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Give them massages:

After being busy all day, all your omega really wants to do is relax and sleep To ease their stress and aching body, you can give them a massage You can also give them a hot bath or a warm soak, which will also help with their sore muscles Additionally, if they need a bit of mental stimulation, you can offer to read to them or watch a movie together Whatever you decide to do with your omega, make sure that it's something that both of you enjoy and can do together

Help with chores:

Believe it or not most omegas love it when their significant other shares house chores with them Whether it's cooking meals, cleaning, or doing laundry, omegas find that having someone to help them with these daily tasks can make them feel loved, appreciated, and cared for Sharing these seemingly mundane chores can be an effective way of showing your omega that you acknowledge and appreciate their efforts in the house

Include them in decisions:

Being in a relationship means making decisions together This means that both partners should be involved and actively engaged in discussions about decisions that impact both of them In general, it's important to remember that decisions should always be mutually beneficial That both partners need to be heard and respected, and both sides of the discussion should be taken into consideration and given equal value. Mutual respect is also key, and it's important to remember to be patient and understanding of each other's perspectives. Ultimately, decisions should be made together, with both partners involved.

Show interest in their interests: Their favorite series or movies might not interest you or you might find their hobbies boring, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be involved in that part of their life Ask them questions and try to understand why they love it so much This will show that you are interested in their interests and can help build a bond in your relationship

Listen to them

The next time your omega talks, look into their eyes and make an effort to really listen to their words Omegas really enjoy when their partner takes the time to listen to everything they have to say and provide advice or support when needed Look for any signs of discomfort or uneasiness, so you can ensure that your omega is in an environment that makes them feel safe and secure Additionally, make sure to ask them questions, provide feedback, and show that you are engaged in the conversation.


Being a good sexual partner involves communication, respect, and trust It’s important to talk openly and honestly with your omega about what feels good and what doesn’t, especially when it comes to heat sex Respect your omega’s decision-making abilities, desires, and boundaries Do not pressure or take advantage of them when they are not in a clear state of mind Be aware of any signs that they are not comfortable and ensure they feel safe. Most importantly, trust your omega and be honest with them about your own wants and needs. The best sexual partner is always one who is mindful of the other person’s feelings and safety.

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Whether it's A/B/O dynamics and mpreg or the slow-burning drama of enemies-tolovers, we all have our favorite tropes when it comes to fics we love to read The Sterek fandom is no different, so we took to Tumblr to find out everyone ' s favorite Sterek trope

After our initial poll, we discovered that enemies-to-lovers was clearly a fan favorite. Paired against tropes such as childhood sweethearts, mpreg, and fake dating, it was a clear winner, receiving 34% of the votes.

However, the people asked: What about magic Stiles? So we did another poll, and sure enough, Magic/Emissary Stiles sailed past every other trope, coming in with a whopping 40% of votes

For round three, it was clear that idiots-inlove was also beloved in the fandom, along with A/B/O dynamics and mpreg

Armed with those results, we did a final poll to decide the overall winner. When the dust settled, Magic/Emissary Stiles was the clear winner, with nearly 40% of the votes

But not everyone is on Tumblr, so we took the top tropes and asked Twitter users the same question: What is your favorite Sterek trope? The final results were much different, with A/B/O dynamics and mpreg coming in with the majority of votes

With these results in mind, one thing is certain: Sterek tropes can vary greatly Whether it's mpreg, enemies-to-lovers, a powerful Stiles wielding magic, or a sweet and silly relationship between two idiots, there's a perfect Sterek trope for everyone.

Sterek Everlasting | Page 08
TopTumblrVote TopTwitterVote

"I took him to a "I took him to a really fancy really fancy restaurant. It was restaurant. It was kind of awkward kind of awkward because I could tell because I could tell he felt out of place. he felt out of place. I thought I'd I thought I'd messed it all up." messed it all up."

Derek DerekHale Hale



The Hale Home

TheelusiveDerekHale,VicePresidentofHale Inc,graciouslyinvitedusintohishome,giving usarareglimpseintohislife Whilehishouse wasdecoratedwiththefinestfurnitureand décor,weweresurprisedtolearnthathewas quitehumbleanddowntoearth.Especiallywith hismate,Stiles,byhisside.

ThankstoStilesStilinski-Hale,wegotachance toseethattherewasalotmoretoAlphaHale thanweevercouldhaveguessed Wequickly sawthatDerekHalewasn'tjustaleaderinthe boardroombutwasalsoakind,intelligent,and generousman.Moreover,havingStilesinhislife onlybroughtoutthebestinhim,trulyshowing uswhatitmeanttobemated.


Catherine:Yourhomeisgorgeous. Didyouhavethishousedesignedor didyoufindthisgorgeousproperty alreadybuiltlikethis?

DEREK:Wehaditdesigned.Iwanted somethingthatfeltlikeus.Thisisour home,anditneededtobesomething we’dloveandcouldraiseafamilyin. (softsmile)Aplacetogrowold together.

Catherine:Canyougiveusatourof theplace?Iknowyourfanswould lovetoseewhereyoualllive.It’ssuch abeautifulofficewe’reinrightnow.

DEREK:Ofcourse.(sweepsarm aroundtheroom)Iwantedsomething thatwouldbewelcomingfornonpackmembers.


Catherine:Fortheupkeepof theplacedoyoudoit yourselfordoyouhavehelp comeinanddoitforyou?


STILES:Wedon'treallyleta lotofpeopleintothehouse thataren’tpack,sowe upkeepitourselves.Itstays prettycleanandthere’snot alotofdustoranythingif youdustiteveryweek.Ialso gotthese,like,robotvacuum cleanersthatalsozoom aroundthehouseand vacuumforus.They’repretty cool.

DEREK:Yeah,noonepersonissolelyresponsibleforcleaning.Iflaundry needstobedoneandStilesisbusy,thenI’lldoit.IfI’mworkingandStiles isfree,thenhedoesit.Ifthetrashisfull,thenwhoever’sthelastpersonto throwsomethingawaywillbetheonethatemptiesit,andsoon.



Thisis ourhome,
neededtobe something we ’dlove and could raise a familyin. Aplaceto grow oldtogether.

Catherine:Howdoesitfeeltobe tailoredbyMahealani& Whittemore,oneofthemost reveredtailorduosintheworld?

DEREK:Consideringtheirpopularity, I'mgratefulthey'veallowedmeto representthem,eveninthissmall way.

Fashion withAlpha DerekHale

Catherine:Tellmeaboutyoursuit.You haditdesignedpersonallyforyou, correct?

DEREK:Idid,yes.Allmysuitshavebeen designedandtailoredbyeitherDanny MahealaniorJacksonWhittemore.

STILES:Actually,DannyandIusedtogo tohighschooltogether.Sowe’veknown eachotherforalongtime.AndJackson isactuallyfriendswithmybestfriend, Lydia.It’scooltohavewatchedthem growasacompany.

Catherine:Also,thankyoufor lettinguscoordinatethiswithyou, wewantedtodosomethingspecial sinceHaleIncorporatedhasdone somuchforourSupernatural Community.


Catherine:IknowWolf-Wearispopular rightnowwithourreaders.Doyouhavea favoritebrandofclothing?

DEREK:Afavoritebrand?No.ButIdohave favoriteitems,likethisoldsweaterIstill have.Igotitincollege.It’salittleworn,but stillsoft.(chuckles)Mymomgotsomad becauseIcutthumbholesinthesleeves.

STILES:Iactuallystealthissweateroften. So,Imean,Iguessit’skindamysweater now.(laughs)

DEREK:Istealitbackonoccasion.Ilike thatitsmellssomuchlikeyounow.



Catherine:What’syourgo-tooutfitwhen youdon'thavetobeintheoffice?I’map.j. girlmyselfifIdon'thavetogoanywhere.

DEREK:Itdepends.IfI’mstayinghome,then it’ssweatpantsandat-shirt.Iprefertobe comfortablewhileI’mhome,withthe exceptionofinterviews,ofcourse.(chuckles) ButifI’moutrunningerrandsorsomething,I’ll wearjeansandaniceshirt.

STILES:Uhhhh….(chuckles)Well,no clothes,preferably.Butwedohavea teenager.Iusuallyjustwearsomething comfortablelikesweatsoroneofDerek’s t-shirtsifI’mmissinghimwhilehe’sat work.I’vebeenwearingalotofOmega Standardrecently,justtotestitoutandit’s reallygreat.It’sjustsosoftonyourskin.



CATHERINE:HowisHaleIncorporated doing?Iknowyou’restilltheVP.Isyour motherplanningtoretireanytimesoon andletyoutakeoverthecompany?

DEREK:Withoutgettingtechnical,Hale Incorporatedisdoingverywell, continuingtogrowandexpandinto differentmarketsandothercountries.As formymotherretiring…(chuckles)Ithink that’salongwayoff.Besides,what’sthat oldsaying?‘Ifitain’tbroke?’

STILES:(lookingatDerek)Whendidyou becomeacountryperson?‘‘Ifitain’t brokedon'tfixit.’



DEREK:(playful-sticksouttongueand chuckles)

CATHERINE:Howisit,workingwith family?Itmustbeinterestingwithso manyAlphasunderoneroofworkingto runthesamecompany.

DEREK:(chuckles)It’s…interesting.The normalworkplacedynamicsdon’texist whenyoursisterremindsyouthatshe’s fifteenminutesolderduringmeetings.

CATHERINE:Whatarethegoalsfor thecomingyearandthequarter?

DEREK:Currently,we’reintalkswith someinvestorsaboutexpanding intonewmarketsandcommunities. Sofar,thingsaregoingwellandwe hopetobecomeinternational. Yourapp,MateMatch,istaking over.Whocameupwiththeidea?

DEREK:Idid.(shysmile)ItwasafterI metStiles.Everyoneshouldhavethe opportunitytomeettheirmate.

STILES:Derekcameupwiththeidea tomaketheapp,butitwasmyidea tomakeitOmegabased.It’sjustso hardforOmega’stofindamate safelywithoutbeingharassed.The appputsthepowerintheOmega’s handsandit’stheOmega’schoice onwhotheycontactafterthey’ve receivedaheart.Alpha’scannot contactOmega’sfirst.




CATHERINE:Isthereanythingnewwecan expecttocomefromMatchMate anytimesoon?Anynewfeaturesfor thoselookingforlove?IknowI’dloveto findmymate!

DEREK:Well,asIsaid,we’rehopingto becomeinternational.Thatincludes expandingtheapptoothercountries. And,ofcourse,Stileshasstartedmate nightseverysecondFridayofthemonth.

STILES:Yeah.MateNightsareanewthing thatwe’rehopinggetsreallybig.It’s basicallyOmegas’choice,especiallywith theculturearoundOmegasandtheir rightsandhowsomeAlphasseethem. ThegoalisforOmegastohaveasafe spacetofindamate.

CATHERINE:Isthiswhatyouaspiredtodo whenyouwereyoungordidyouwantto besomethingelse?

DEREK:No,Iwasatypicalkidwhowanted tobeafirefighterwhenIwasyounger.

STILES:Isthatwhyyoufiremancarryme tobedalot?(smirks)

DEREK:No,Idothatbecauseyoulike beingmanhandled.(winks)

STILES:(scratchesbeard,grinning)This istrue.

CATHERINE:HowisitbeinganAlphawith apackbutstillunderyourmother’s authoritysinceshe’sthelocalAlphafor thecounty?

DEREK:Honestly,I…don’tknow.Thisis whatI’vealwaysknown.Iloveand respectmymotherandalwayswill.Even ifsheweren’tthelocalAlpha,I’ddeferto herexperienceandknowledgewhenit comestomypack.


Omega Stiles Stilinski Hale

HowdidthisOmega captureAlphaDerek Hale?


STILES:Weactuallymetatwork.IwasDerek’s personalassistant.

DEREK:Laurahiredhim.Iwasresistantand stubbornabouthavingone.IinsistedIcould handleeverythingmyself.

STILES:Well,youcouldn't.ButIhandleditforyou. (chuckles)It’skindamyexpertise.

DEREK:(pinchesthebridgeofhisnoseandsigh lookingatStileswithasoftsmile)Really? (shakeshisheadandglancesbackatCat, clearinghisthroat)Soyeah,hewasmyPA.

STILES:Stopblushing.Yourbeardonlyhidesso much.(chuckles)So,yeah.IwashisPA.Andat somepointwestarteddatingafterDerek stoppedbeingshyaroundme.

DEREK:Iwasn’tshy.(tugsStilescloseandkisses histemple)Iwasbeingprofessional.


STILES:Well,uh,it’sbeen,what?17yearsnow,at least.(laughs)Wow.Yeahit’sbeenalongtime.


DEREK:(softsmile,wistfulsigh)It doesn’tfeellikeit.Sometimes,it amazesmehowlongit’sbeen becauseitfeelslikeweonlyjustmet. (chucklesandlooksatCat)I’lltalk aboutsomethingthathappenedwhen Iwasyoungerandhe’llremindmethat hewasthere,too.

STILES:Derek,we’renotthatold.And you’renotthatmucholderthanme.Of courseIwasthere.(laughs)

CATHERINE:IsbeingTrueMates everythingyouthoughtitwouldbe?

STILES:Oh,yeah.Totally.(smirksat Derek)Youbettersayyes.Iknow whereyoulive.

DEREK:(narrowshiseyes-butthere’s noheatinhisgaze-andleans forward,tippingStiles’schinupand kissinghimsoftly)No,butthat’sonly becauseIneverdreamedI'dfind someonesoperfectforme.

STILES:Youknow,youbetterbeglad thatIloveyou.

CATHERINE:Howisithavingsucha non-traditionalomegaasyour mate?

STILES:Iguess,what’sthedefinitionof non-traditionaltoyou?Iworkwith ourfashionbrandOmegaStandard. (asksDerek)So,wouldthatbenontraditional?Ihaveamindofmyown, avoice.Ithinkthatshouldbea standard.


DEREK:(slightgrowl)Itshouldbe standard.Theonlydifference betweenanalphaandanomegais thatomegascanbearchildren. Stiles andanyomega isjustas capableasIamasanalpha.

CATHERINE:Whichoneofyou cooks?

STILES:(laughing)Notme.Nope.Not it.(continueslaughing)Ibake,butI don'tdoanyofthecooking.Before wewerematedIprettymuchlived onfrozendinnersandtake-out.Ido alotofDoorDashifDerekisbusy anddoesn'thavetimetocookfor me.Ihaven'tpoisonedorkilled myselfyetwithmycooking,orlack of.SoIthinkI’mdoingprettygood. Derekwasachefinanotherlife.He hadtohavebeen.

Catherine:Describethebestdateyou’ve everhad.

DEREK:Woulditbeoverlysentimentalto admititwasmyfirstdatewithStiles?

(chuckles,softsmile)Whichisfunnysince itwas…well,notbadperse,butItriedalittle toohardtoimpresshimanditbackfired.

Itookhimtoareallyfancyrestaurant.It waskindofawkwardbecauseIcouldtell hefeltoutofplace.IthoughtI'dmessedit allup.HeassuredmeIdidn't,thatitwas fine.(anothersoftsmile)

Anyway,weleftbeforefinishinganddrove aroundforabit.IwasstillnervousthatI completelymessedup,butthenStiles pointedouthisfavoriteburgerjointand wantedtostop.

Alpha Derek Hale cooking for his omega

(chuckles)StilestoldmeIstoodout,butI didn'tcare.Everyonecouldhavebeen watchingme,butIonlysawhim.Andthat's whereI'mgoingtostopbecausemysisters don'tneedanymoreammotomakefunof me.Butlet'sjustsayitendedonagood note.(widegrin)Obviously.


STILES:(smile)You’resosweetandI loveyou.(smirk)Butyoudidn'ttell themthefunniestpart.So,itwasthis fancyFrenchrestaurantandofcourse Idon'tspeakFrenchbutDerekspeaks severallanguages.I’mlookingatthis FrenchmenuandtheonlywordthatI canreadisSteakandthatseemedlike asafechoice. WhatitsaidwasSteakTartarandwell itwaslikethispileofrawmeatona platewhentheybroughtitout.Nothing likeIexpected.ButDerekneverasked meifitwaswhatIreallywantedorifI evenknewwhatIwasordering.SoIget thisandI’mlookingatitlike,yeah,I can'teatthisbutIfeelbad‘causeI ordereditanditwassuperexpensive, ofcourse.

Ithinkabouteatingit.Igetasfaras tryingtoputsomeofitintomymouth beforeIchickenoutandtellhimthatI can't,becausewithmyluck,andbeing human-I’dgetsickfromitsomehow. OfcourseI’dgetsickonafirstdate. (laughs)

DEREK:Ilovethatyouwerewillingto try,especiallysinceIfeltlikesuchan idiotfortryingtoimpressyouwithan expensiveFrenchrestaurant.

STILES:Iwasimpressed.(Smiles)I’m justnotafancyperson.Itwasanice placethough,ifyoulikethatkinda thing.



CATHERINE:Howisitbeingwithsucha strongAlpha?

STILES:It’samazing,really.Derek’salways beengreattome.I’msoluckytohave himandIlovehimsomuch.He’sbeen anamazingmateandhe’salwaysbeen agreatprovider.Weneverwantfor anything.Ithinkit’swhatmostpeople dreamofhavingandIgettohaveit everydaywithDerekandourfamily.

CATHERINE:Areyouplanningtohave morechildren?

STILES:Well,uh-(looksatDerek)should wetellthem?

DEREK:(smilesandplacesahandon Stiles’sstomach)Goahead.

STILES:I’mactuallypregnant.Weweren't hidingit,oranythinglikethat.Wejust wantedtomakesurewemadeitoutof thefirsttrimesterbeforewetoldanyone thatwewereexpectinganotherchild. We’resoexcited!Iguessbythetimethis articlecomesoutit’llprettymuchbe knownthatI’mpregnant.Itwouldbe kindahardtohideitforthatlong.The babywillbeduearoundthetimethis comesout,Ithink.

CATHERINE:Doyoualwaysgetyour way?

STILES:Ummm…(chuckles)Yes.Ido. Derekspoilsme.ImeanIdon'tdo anythingorrequestanythingcrazy, butIfeellikewe’reateamandwe justwanteachothertobehappy.

CATHERINE:Youhaveafullplateas wellwithOS&MateMatch,howdo youhandleallofyourroles efficiently?

STILES:Iactuallyworkfromhomea lot.Idon'thaveanofficethatIgoto offsite,butIdouseonehereat homeifIneedto.It’snotthisone, though.It’sourpersonalspace.But withDerekworkingalotbecause he’sVPofHaleInc.andEliatschool forthemajorityoftheday,Ihavea lotoffreetime.Between8-2Iwork andthensometimesIgettohave lunchwithDerek.Ileavearound2:30 topickEliupfromschool,buthe’ll bedrivingsoonsoIwontbedoing thatanymore.AndwhenDerekand Eligethomeit’sfamilytimeand workcanwait.



CATHERINE:Yourmotherdonatesto TheOmegaFoundationeveryyear. Arethereanycausesyousupport?

DEREK:Itrytosupportanything pertainingtoOmegarightsand Omegaautonomy.AnotherisEqual pay,consideringthedisparaging remarksofsomeAlphas andeven Betas—againstOmegasbeingpaid afairwage.

STILES:There’salsoOmegas-InNeedthatpartnerswithTheOmega FoundationtohelpOmegasget suppliestheymayneed.Ioften volunteerwiththemtohelpout duringdonationnightsandwhen theyhaveeventsorprotests.

CATHERINE:Whatareyourinspirations orwhodoyoulookupto?

DEREK:Honestly,andthiswillprobably soundcheesy,butit’smyparents.They werestrictwhenneeded,butalways loving.Theyencouragedustobe ourselves,whoeverthatmaybe.To trustourselves,firstandforemost.And theyalways—always—supportedus, evenifitwentagainstwhatthey thoughtweshoulddo.

CATHERINE:Howdoyoufeelabout Omegarightsrightnow,especially beingmatedtoanOmega?

DEREK:Myopiniononomegarights hasalwaysbeenthesame,even beforeImetStiles.Omegasdeserve equalrights.It’swellpasttimefor change.

STILES:Um.(pauses)Bothofmy parentsaregone.

DEREK:(loopsarmaroundStiles’swaist andnuzzleshischeekincomfort)

STILES:(shrugs)Iguessitwouldbe MelissaMcCall.Mybestfriendalso passedawaywhenwewerekids,but hismomwasbasicallyasecondmom tomeoncemyparentsweregone.





Sterek Everlasting | Page 27

L i k e t h i s F o r e v e r

Derek pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes so he didn’t have to look at his sister While he loved her he really did it aggravated him that she liked to think she knew what was best for him just because she was older By fifteen minutes They were twins despite her insistence on calling him ‘little brother ’

“Laura ” He sighed “We’ve been over this I do not need a personal assistant They’re just going to get in my way ”

Which is something Derek absolutely didn’t need as the youngest Vice President of Hale Incorporated It was a lot of responsibility, and he’d managed his work and life just fine so far The last thing he wanted was some person in his space, attempting to dictate his hectic schedule They’d only make it worse, he just knew it

“Besides ” Derek finally glanced up at her, where she perched on the edge of his desk “You know most people don’t like me This person will spend one day here and then quit because I, I don’t know, growled at them or something ”

He’d been told on multiple occasions that he had a serious case of murder brows and had the tendency to growl under his breath Apparently, it was menacing But that’s just how Derek was He didn’t have the time or temperament to deal with people, though he did try to keep the growls reserved for the incompetent

“Please Like I’d hire someone that you could scare away You should have more faith in me ” Laura looked at her perfectly polished red nails, the color matching her lips and her lethal smile

“If he wasn't scared of me, I’m sure he wouldn't be scared of you because I laid it on thick during the interview ” She gave him one of her devilish smirks “Who knows? If it doesn’t work out, maybe I’ll take him for a spin Win for me He’s pretty damn cute ”

Derek rolled his eyes “Please tell me you didn’t hire this guy because you think he’s attractive ” He pulled up a termination letter on his computer, ready to draft it because there was no way this guy would last more than a week even with Laura’s scrutiny “What’s his name again? I’ll get his exit papers ready ”

“Yeah, no I’m not going to tell you You’ll have to ask him yourself And if you fire him, you’re stupid ” She slid off of his desk and fixed her skirt “Because you say you have it all under control but you’re always grumpy and you have no social life When was the last time you got laid anyways?”

Laura grabbed a pen and piece of paper from Derek’s desk and scribbled something down, handing it to him “He’s starting at 8 AM today You’re on your own after this if you fire him before even giving him a chance ”

I’m only getting the paperwork ready for when he eventually quits,” Derek said, pushing back from his desk “And I’m not talking to you about my sex life ” Besides, it was nonexistent so there wasn’t even anything to say, not that he wanted to tell her that She was already too involved in his life as is

“Laura gave a dramatic sigh and left the paper on his desk “Maybe if you didn't run everyone off, someone would stick around ” At that, Laura headed to the door “I have a meeting to get to See you at lunch?”

“I don’t know, maybe I guess it depends on if this PA schedules one for me ” Maybe Derek was being too presumptuous considering he hadn’t even met the guy yet Soon though if he started at eight, assuming he was on time

He snatched the paper off the desk and walked over to the door with Laura, seeing her out “But I’ll try to sneak away if ” he glanced at the paper, reading what was on it, and looked at her in confusion Written on it was a phone number and what he could only assume was a name “What the hell is a Stiles?”

“That would be me,” came a voice from close by A guy, Stiles, walked up to them He was almost as tall as Derek, with a smile on his face, his hair a little mused but at a professional length with moles freckled across his skin Stiles was broad-shoulder and slimmer at the waist, dressed in casual clothing with a bag slung over his shoulder He held a to-go cup holder in one hand

“It’s a nickname,” Stiles continued “And I got your coffee on my way in since I was stopping by anyway ” He took a cup out of the holder and held it out to Derek

Derek stood frozen for a moment before taking the cup It smelled like his normal order from Starbucks, a white chocolate mocha Though it was overpowered by the scent of something woody and fresh, and also motor oil? It was the oddest combination but also weirdly calming since it reminded him of home and the preserve

“Thank you?” Derek hadn’t meant for it to come out as a question, but he was kind of confused by his own reaction to this guy, this Stiles Already he was throwing Derek off by just being early It didn’t help that Laura was right and Stiles was cute But it was only the first day and people tended to put their best foot forward

“You’re welcome,” Stiles replied and glanced at Laura who all but snickered at Derek’s reaction

“See you later baby brother ” Laura sauntered off toward her office, leaving the two of them alone

“That’s my desk, right?” Stiles asked, pointing at the desk in front of Derek’s office with his now free hand Without waiting for Derek’s answer, he walked over to the desk and set the tray down, then placed his bag atop it

“Ummm ” Stiles pulled out his tablet from his bag “I already went through your calendar, which you never seem to check, and made a list of things you need to do today ” He opened something on the tablet and clicked a few things “And now it’s in your email and I’ve sent it to your work phone Times are listed also So if you need anything else, just let me know I’ll be going with you to your meetings and making sure to get all the notes you need so I can organize them later ”

am perfectly capable of taking notes at my own meetings,” Derek said, finally snapping out of his daze He walked back over to his desk and sat down, taking a reluctant sip of his coffee Pulling up his email, he thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad having someone there to at least bring him that every morning

Though he didn’t appreciate Stiles claiming that he never checked his calendar Of course he did, otherwise how else would Derek know what needed to be done and by when But he wouldn’t give Laura the satisfaction of snapping at the new PA and potentially having him quit so soon Plus, he was nice to look at and smelled nice, as much as Derek didn’t want to admit Especially considering Stiles’ scent reminded Derek of home It was relaxing and Derek was already less stressed than usual

He hated it

Stiles flipped open his iPad, sat it on the table standing up, and put his keyboard in front of it He knew that Derek didn't want him here at the meeting, but he really didnt care since Laura hired him to be Derek’s PA and Derek didn't He doubted Laura would let Derek fire him on his first day

At least, he didnt think so

He glanced at Derek sitting a few chairs away from him as he opened up his note app and started typing away as the meeting began Thankfully his keyboard was mostly silent, otherwise he’d probably be getting glared at more than he already was

Laura was right Derek was unpleasant and seemed to be antisocial, but Stiles wasnt here to be his friend He was here to work

Stiles couldn’t ignore the fact that Derek was attractive and an Alpha, but he doubted Derek paid him enough attention to notice that he was an Omega, especially with how hard Derek tried to ignore his existence

Thankfully Stiles had mostly learned how to control his biological urges so he wasn't pawing at Derek and rubbing up against him like a cat in heat the second he walked in the door

When the meeting ended Stiles flipped the cover to his iPad closed and grabbed his keyboard, setting it on top as he stood He didn't say anything to Derek as he walked toward the door, letting the other people out, nodding at each of them as they left

Derek stopped in front of Stiles, an assessing expression on his face

It was almost as if he wasn’t quite sure what to do about him Though Derek didn’t say anything other than, “Please forward your notes to me as soon as possible,” before continuing out of the conference room, walking briskly toward his office

“Sure thing,” Stiles said under his breath as he headed back to his own desk He’d transferred them to his own computer already so he sat down and went through them, color-coding them and sorting them into different meetings and events that needed to occur between now and the next meeting

Stiles checked his phone a couple of times and ignored a few texts before finally sending them off to Derek’s email and phone He’d glanced into Derek’s office a few times while he worked, that everpresent disgruntled look on his face still there Stiles decided then to pack up his iPad and keyboard into his bag and knocked on the frame of Derek’s door

“I sent you everything and updated your calendar If it’s okay with you I’m gonna head out for lunch Do you need me to get you anything while I’m out?” He shifted his bag on his shoulder, pushing his phone into his pocket as he stood there waiting

Derek looked up from the documents he was staring at and gave a Stiles confused look “It’s lunch already?” Then he glanced away, toward the clock on his desk before grunting and saying, “No, thank you I’ll be meeting my sister for lunch ”

Before Stiles could leave, Derek added, “Did you send me the notes from the meeting?”

Stiles frowned Of course, Derek wouldn’t be listening to him

“Yes, I sent you everything to your email and your phone and I updated your calendar ” It was like he hadn’t even said anything thirty seconds ago He hesitated at the door and checked his work phone just to make sure he’d sent the information to Derek since he was second-guessing himself Everything looked like it had been sent fine

“If you need anything while I’m out, just send me a text and I’ll stop on my way back from lunch ” He put his work phone into his bag and zipped it up, trying not to stare too much at Derek because he was attractive Stiles had eyes and anyone with eyes could see that The suit Derek was wearing didn't help anything His personal phone buzzed in his pocket and Stiles pulled it out, smiling at the name on his screen

Lydia: How’s your first day going? Are you able to escape for lunch?

“I shouldn’t need anything,” Derek said, voice loud as he suddenly appeared beside Stiles “And if I did, it can wait until you’re back ”


Stiles texted Lydia back quickly

Stiles: Yeah, you wanna meet me at that sushi place around the corner from your job? Tell you all about it when I get there

He looked up at Derek, surprised at Derek acknowledging him, much less speaking to him

“Yeah, okay I’ll see you after lunch then ” Stiles pushed his phone back into his pocket, stepping out of the doorway in case Derek needed to get by, then headed out to meet Lydia for lunch ***

Derek let out a disgruntled noise as he returned to his office Stiles was already there, sitting at his desk He gave him a clipped nod before striding past, leaving his door open as he entered

“We have a meeting in half an hour I expect you there taking notes ” As much as Derek didn’t want to admit it, his morning had gone exceptionally well with the schedule Stiles laid out His color-coded notes were extremely organized, and Derek didn’t have the normal pounding between his eyes he usually did by now

Hell, the way he figured, he might actually leave on time It was a rare occasion, though Derek didn’t mind staying late at work It wasn’t as if he had anyone at home waiting for him anyway His loft was cold Lonely Stiles would probably hate it

Fuck Where did that thought come from?

Maybe Laura was right and Derek really needed to go out and get laid Except that would involve meeting people, something he loathed to do As soon as they found out who he was, they used him For his name, for his money It didn’t matter And okay, he really shouldn’t care considering they were only hookups, but still He hated it

And now that pain between his eyes was back, but it was his own fault So he turned his computer on and stared at spreadsheets as if they’d make everything better

Spoiler: they didn’t

Stiles was at Derek’s door with his tablet and keyboard in hand, looking like he was ready for the meeting

“Did you need me to do anything before the meeting?” Stiles asked, shifting from foot to foot like he was unsure if he should walk into Derek’s office

Derek took a deep breath as Stiles’ scent washed over him

“No,” he said automatically, but then thought twice Going into a meeting with a headache wasn’t a good idea, and for some reason, Stiles’ scent seemed to help He gestured for Stiles to enter, trying to think of a valid reason for Stiles to stay for a moment So he asked the first thing that popped into his head “How did my sister find you?”

Stiles hesitantly stepped into the room, walking closer to Derek’s desk “For the job?” he asked, even though it seemed like an obvious question

“She posted an ad at the university and I responded ” Stiles shrugged “It’s basically a paid internship, I guess I’m not really sure I just know what I’m supposed to do and I get paid And I’m taking a bunch of online classes this semester ”

Christ Laura found a college kid through an ad to be his PA? Did she hate him?

“So you’ve never done this before? Been an assistant?” Derek was curious considering Stiles seemed very efficient so far

“Uh, no Not specifically ” Stiles looked down at the tablet in his hand and back at Derek

“Laura didnt seem to mind I have like a year and a half left of school before I graduate ” He shrugged again “Did I do something wrong?”

“Not at all,” Derek assured him, giving Stiles a soft smile since he seemed nervous “I’m just surprised after seeing the notes from this morning’s meeting It was very organized I’d expect that from someone who’s done this before ”

Definitely not a twenty-something college student who answered a random ad

“Did she give you my coffee order?” he asked, turning his attention back to his computer for a second

Stiles smirked and shook his head “No, she didn't I asked around and apparently, you scare enough people that one of them knew what it was So I took a chance and thankfully it paid off ”

He looked around Derek’s desk but didn't seem to find anything interesting before his gaze returned to Derek He glanced at his watch “We should probably get going soon ”

Derek sighed and rubbed a hand over his jaw “I hate meetings ”

Obviously, they were good for the company, keeping everyone on task and making sure communication was open between departments Plus, of course, discussing how to move forward with the company Sometimes, he wished for a normal life A normal job Well, as normal as things could be for him as a werewolf

He pushed away from his desk and stood “Alright Let’s get going ”

Derek gestured for Stiles to lead, checking his emails as he walked behind Stiles toward the conference room He tried really hard not to check out Stiles’ ass as he walked ahead of him The last thing he wanted or needed was a sexual harassment lawsuit But he had to admit, Stiles was cute, definitely his type

Not that it mattered since Stiles was his personal assistant Completely off limits

As usual, the conference room was empty when they entered, so he sat down at the head of the table and nodded to the open seat next to him “Sit here, please ” Stiles looked around the room and then pointed at the chair “Here?” he asked, sounding unsure “Are you sure my typing isn't going to annoy you while I’m taking notes? I know it’s a pretty quiet keyboard but you’ve got like werewolf hearing ”

Stiles grabbed the chair though and pulled it out, sinking into the seat and setting up his tablet “Are you sure you’re not going to start glaring at me ten minutes into the meeting? ‘Cause I can sit across the room ”

“Whether you’re here or across the room, I’ll still hear it, so it’s fine ” Derek glanced toward the door before speaking in a lower tone though it was impossible to stop other werewolves from overhearing if they really wanted “And my glare was more in general Not necessarily toward you Though I am still bitter about my sister hiring a PA without consulting me No offense ”

Stiles sighed and punched a few things on his screen “None taken She told me you’d be pissed about the whole thing so I should pretty much get used to it because it wouldn't change And I need the money, so I’m here Get used to it ”

He put his keyboard down and flipped the switch on the side and started typing, pointedly not looking at Derek

“‘Get used to it,’” Derek said before chuckling He had to admit, Stiles’ boldness impressed him especially considering Derek was pretty sure Stiles was an Omega “And to be fair, I’m pissed because she blindsided me with this about ten minutes before you walked in and she knows I don’t do well with change Or people ”

Derek glanced at Stiles’ tablet “Is that your personal device?”

Stiles looked at Derek and then back at his tablet “Yeah It does what I need it to ” He stopped typing and looked at the door of the conference room “Laura gave me a work phone though ”

“Would a laptop be easier? Then you wouldn’t have to carry around a tablet and keyboard ” Derek knew they had to have something lying around that Stiles could use He shouldn’t have to use a personal device for work

“Only if it’s not a dinosaur that weighs a ton I’d rather just have something light and portable ” Stiles stared at Derek just a little too long this time, his eyes dropping from Derek’s and presumably down to his lips before he looked back at the door and then his watch

Derek couldn’t help but smirk when he noticed Stiles looking at his lips Normally, he hated when people stared, but there was something about the way Stiles did it that made Derek feel flattered He cleared his throat, trying to shake off the feeling

“Contact IT after the meeting and see what they have,” he said, taking a deep breath and trying to focus on the upcoming meeting He didn’t need any distractions, especially not from his new assistant Stiles’ gaze returned to his tablet and he nodded “Yeah, okay I’ll send an email Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll have something from this century ”

He shifted in his seat and poked at his screen a couple of times like he was trying to keep himself distracted Or maybe just so he wouldn’t stare at Derek “I sent you your list for tomorrow You have like a full schedule every day, dude ”

Derek was momentarily struck silent as the spicy scent of arousal hit him It could only have come from Stiles, and it was delicious Seriously, if Derek could roll around in it, he would, which was just an absolutely ridiculous thought So he cleared his throat and rolled his eyes as he spoke to Stiles, “First of all, why would you think that we wouldn’t have something from this century? We are a modern company And second of course my schedule is full I’m the Vice President ”

He knew most people probably thought higher-ups just sat around on their asses all day and some probably did but not Derek How could he expect people to come in and work hard if he wasn’t willing to do the same? So yes, he put in long hours with a full schedule Every Single Day

Again, it’s not like he had any real semblance of a life outside of work anyway He saw his family when they wanted or he was at home Alone

“But I understand you’re in school,” he continued, remembering Stiles had online classes Not to mention, he was young Stiles probably did have a life outside of school and work “Whatever schedule she gave you will be fine You’re not required to stay longer than that And that includes coming in early ”

“Well if I get paid time and a half to stay late then I can stay late on some days if you need me to ” Stiles fiddled with his pant leg as he leaned against the arm of the chair

“I do most of my homework on the weekends anyways Since I won’t be working then ” He glanced at Derek again, his eyes lingering a little longer before he looked back at the door

“What are you going to school for?” Derek wasn’t sure why he kept trying to engage Stiles in conversation Usually, he preferred silence When people tried talking to him, he’d glare until they got the hint He saved the mental exhaustion of conversation for people he cared about or when it was necessary due to work, like these meetings

But he found himself wanting to know more about Stiles for some reason Or to at least keep his attention

“Uhh ” Stiles took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair “Well, I’m majoring in Social Work and minoring in Design I’d like to work for a foundation or something for Omega rights, but realistically Design will have more job opportunities in the long run ”

Stiles picked at a button low on his overshirt, like he needed to keep his hands busy Then, he looked at Derek and asked, “So, did you always want to do this or did you just get into it because it was a family business?”

“My mother asked me to step up, so I did,” Derek answered honestly He didn’t necessarily want to, but the business was important to the family and he hated disappointing them Before he could say more, people filed into the conference room, and what was bound to be a long and tedious meeting focusing on budget cuts and new marketing strategies started

Stiles was quiet as the meeting began, blending into the background like he wasn't even there despite sitting right next to Derek as he typed away No one really seemed to notice him because he wasn't dressed in nice suits like they were But Stiles ended up spending the majority of the time typing and glancing at Derek, sometimes looking distracted as he stared when Derek spoke just a little too long for it to be casual

Somehow within the last thirty minutes, Stiles had scooted closer to Derek, either subconsciously or not, while he worked, until one of Stiles’ feet was practically touching Derek’s as he typed and filed notes with people talking around them Stiles didn't seem to notice, focused on the tablet in front of him

Derek shifted slightly, causing his foot to brush against Stiles' His heart rate picked up, and he tried to ignore it Stiles was a magnet drawing him in Did Stiles feel the same pull? Is that why he seemed to shift closer and closer throughout the meeting?

When the meeting finally ended, Derek reluctantly pushed away from the table and stood, giving everyone a terse nod as they filed out of the room Once they were finally gone, he stretched his limbs, feeling stiff after sitting for so long

“That was probably boring for you,” he said, glancing at Stiles Not everyone cared for numbers, Derek certainly didn’t “Definitely different from social work and design ”

Stiles closed his tablet and picked it up, along with his keyboard

“Well, I don't get paid to find these meetings interesting I’m here to help your work be a little easier, if possible ” Stiles stood and pushed his chair in “And I emailed IT while we had a lull and they said they’d have something ready for me by the time the meeting was over ”

“Ah, I see ” Derek nodded Now it was time for the awkward silence he was used to when he didn’t know how to continue a conversation It was even more awkward because he found himself wanting to talk to Stiles “Are they bringing it up for you or do you have to go down and get it?”

“Uh, well, I have to go down to get it Did you need me to do anything before I do that? I mean, it shouldn’t take me that long to go down there and come back And then I’ll get you the rest of your notes once I get everything transferred over to the laptop ” Stiles shifted there from foot to foot, looking just as uncomfortable

“I don’t Do you know the way?” Derek asked, hovering a hand over the small of Stiles’ back and gesturing for the door “I can show you if you’d like ”

Face Palm

Derek barely managed not to cringe at himself Though that meant his expression had probably defaulted to resting murder face as his sisters liked to refer to it He should really just go back to the office and save himself any further embarrassment

There was a small smile tugging at the corner of Stiles’ lips, giving Derek what looked like an assessing look “If you have time, that would be great But I can find my way if you’re busy and have things to do ”

Was Derek busy? Yes His full schedule could attest to that Did Derek care? No, not at this moment Not when he could stay in Stiles’ orbit for just a few moments longer

“I have time It’s this way ” Derek led Stiles out of the conference room and to the elevators since IT was a couple of floors below After pressing the button to call the elevator, he put his hands in his pockets and figured he’d try small talk again “So How is your first day so far?”

Stiles stood next to Derek, glancing up at the elevator numbers and shrugged “It’s been fine Other than the meetings and if you need anything I pretty much work alone So, nothing too crazy ” Stiles pushed his free hand into his pocket “You never answered the question before Did you always want to do this?”

Derek waited until they were in the elevator before answering “Truthfully, no Don’t get me wrong, I like what I do I’m good at what I do, but ” He sighed “Well, it’s a lot to take on A lot of responsibility and not something I was expecting so soon ”

“So, then what did you want to do?” Stiles asked as the elevator door closed “I mean, before ” He moved to lean against the back elevator wall, his free hand resting on the bar

Derek huffed a breath He’d never really told anyone before since it wasn’t likely he’d ever be able to pursue it “Do you really want to know?”

“If you wanna tell me I’m not twisting your arm or anything ” Stiles gave him a gentle smile but there was mischief in his eyes when he met Derek’s gaze

Derek could tell that Stiles was special He wasn’t sure why or how, but even that small smile was enough to make Derek’s heart skip a beat “Okay, but don’t laugh I wanted to be a firefighter ”

“Oh Wow Yeah, okay I didnt expect that ” Stiles didn't laugh, but he did smirk and his scent had that spicy kick to it like it had earlier He cleared his throat “Well now I’m just gonna have to call you Chief ”

“Chief?” Derek chuckled, letting Stiles’ scent wash over him Was it because of Derek or did Stiles have a firefighter kink? “Well, you could do that, but then people would wonder why and we wouldn’t have this secret ”

“Oh, we’d have a secret, they just wouldnt know what it is ” Stiles glanced at the numbers on the door panel when the elevator stopped “Is this my drop off?” Stiles asked, moving off the wall and standing closer to Derek as the door dinged

Derek stood in front of the doors so they wouldn’t close He wasn’t quite sure how to handle how forward Stiles seemed to be “Um, yes Though I wasn’t just going to leave Unless you want me to ”

Another cringeworthy moment Thankfully, Laura wasn’t around to witness this and hold it over his head forever She never seemed to forget anything that was embarrassing for him

Stiles stepped closer rather than moving further away and slid past Derek “I could use the company ” He stood just outside the elevator as if waiting for Derek to make a choice

It was almost comical how fast Derek moved to Stiles’ side Maybe he should tone down his enthusiasm, but he found himself not really caring about putting up a front right now It was weird but refreshing “Lead the way,” Derek said, putting his hand on the small of Stiles’ back

“I thought you were the one that was supposed to be leading me to the right place?” Stiles teased but didn't pull away from Derek as they walked “This is my first time on this floor but I’m sure I can figure it out ”

“I’ll let you know if we’re heading in the right direction ” After a few steps toward a bank of cubicles, Derek leaned in and whispered, “You’re getting warmer ”

Without missing a beat, Stiles said, “Oh, really? Well how warm can I get before I need to take a shower? ‘Cause I think it’s pretty warm in here ” He smirked but kept walking toward the cubicles

Fuck Stiles was going to kill him in the best way, Derek just knew it He couldn’t believe how flustered Stiles made him He’d never acted like this before As they walked toward the cubicles, Derek tried to focus on anything other than the heat radiating from Stiles’ body

“I don’t intimidate you at all, do I?” he couldn’t help but ask

“Why would I be intimidated by you? Because you’re an Alpha?” Stiles glanced at Derek “Because you’re the VP?” He paused before they reached the cubicle “You put your pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us unless you’re jumping into them We were just dealt different hands in life, but that doesn't make you better than me ”

“Wow Do you usually put words in people’s mouths?” Well, that definitely took a turn Derek raised an impressed brow and snorted No one had ever really called him out before even though none of what Stiles said was what Derek had meant at all “I was thinking more that most people think I’m a dick I certainly wasn’t talking about my presentation or being better than anyone Point of fact, I don’t think I’m better than you Or anyone actually Lucky to have been born into a prominent family, sure But not better ”

Stiles looked like he wanted to say something but shook his head and glanced at the cubicles “You’re right, I’m sorry Please forget I said anything I really don't want to get fired ” He sighed and looked around “So where am I supposed to pick this thing up?”

Derek tilted his head, wondering what Stiles had wanted to say He also hated how quickly Stiles backed down, but it was understandable considering Derek was his boss There was no way Derek was going to fire him, at least not for this Stiles was like a breath of fresh air among all the ass-kissers he dealt with on a daily basis “Okay, I’ll tell you where you go On one condition ”

“I’m gonna find out either way even if I have to call someone What’s your condition?” Stiles asked, tucking his tablet more under his arm, fidgeting next to Derek

“Tell me what you wanted to say Before you apologized ” Derek was curious Normally he didn’t care enough, but for some reason, he really wanted to know

Stiles just stared at Derek, looking like words were trying to escape his body but he’d managed to control them “Why?” Then Stiles glanced around them like he was checking for life

“Because you haven’t held back on me yet, so now I’m really curious about what you were going to say But you don’t have to,” Derek added He’d never make Stiles tell him something he didn’t actually want to admit It just kind of sucked after Stiles hadn’t held back all morning

Stiles glanced around again and mumbled something that wasn't audible When Derek looked at him confused, he said, “I was going to say why would I be intimidated by a dick?” And then Stiles waited like someone was going to jump out from behind a cubicle to fire him

Derek chuckled and raised a brow again, following Stiles’ gaze as he looked around “Stiles no one is going to fire you I’m not unreasonable I asked what you were thinking and you told me To answer your question, I’m not sure, but most people tend to avoid me Unless they want something, that is ”

“That’s not what I meant by it ” Stiles looked like he was waiting for Derek to catch onto something like there was a punchline “Well, it’s not a joke if you don't get it ”

Derek’s face warmed as he realized what Stiles had been referring to He looked down at his crotch then back up again Quickly And cleared his throat “Well, that’s ” He barked out a nervous laugh “I guess that’s good to know?”

And just like that, Derek was flustered again

Stiles smirked again and laughed softly “Yeah, I guess I mean it hasnt happened yet, but I guess there’s a first time for everything ” He bit his bottom lip as his eyes wandered over Derek briefly “I should get that laptop ”

Derek straightened, shoulders back as he puffed his chest out a little It was ridiculous to preen at Stiles’ attention, but it was rare for him to want any directed his way

“You’re getting warmer,” he said, brushing against Stiles as he walked past “The office is just there ” He pointed to an office door that was ajar

“Okay, I’ll be right back ” Stiles headed toward the office, briefly touching Derek’s arm with his hand as he walked by, and disappeared into the office

Derek leaned against one of the cubicle dividers, still feeling the heat of Stiles’ hand on his arm He shook his head, trying to dispel the thoughts that were beginning to spiral out of control Why was he so attracted to Stiles? He couldn’t stop thinking about him, couldn’t stop watching him It was like he was drawn to Stiles’ energy, his intelligence, his quick wit And then there was the way Stiles looked at him

As he waited for Stiles to return, Derek tried to focus on something, anything else But he couldn’t Not when his scent lingered in the air So he watched the door until Stiles finally came back out

“Got it,” Stiles said with a grin, holding up the laptop in one hand to show Derek, like a prize “I think it’s pretty new too, so that’s good ” He tucked it under his arm with his tablet and keyboard “It’s like four, so I should get started on those notes to send to you from the last meeting When do you need them by?”

“Just as soon as possible please,” Derek said, pushing away from the cubicle “With your help, I might actually leave early-ish tonight ”

Of course, there were still emails to go through, meetings to approve, and notes to go through, so Derek was still looking at a possible twelve-hour day even if he left at six Actually now that he was thinking about it

“You came in early today At seven ” And it was four now “Just send what you have and you can head home ”

Stiles hesitated before he said, “I get paid hourly, so I’d like to stay if I can I mean, I know I came in early ” He shrugged “I don't really have anything to do anyways until later tonight ”

Derek raised an eyebrow at Stiles’ words, surprised that someone would willingly choose to stay at work longer than necessary But then again, he was guilty of the same thing, often staying late to work on projects that could have easily been done the next day

“I suppose that’s fine We don’t usually encourage it so people aren’t overworked We don’t want anyone getting burned out ” Derek might work long hours, but Laura liked to point out that he didn’t have a life so it wasn’t a big deal Stiles was young He should be out with friends “If you could organize the notes like you had earlier, I’d appreciate it It made going through them easier ”

“I’ll have it done within the hour ” Stiles nodded and gave Derek a small smile “And if it gets to be too much for me, I’ll make sure I only work my scheduled hours I’ll let you know, for sure ”

“Good Because I already have a reputation for being a dick I don’t need anyone thinking I’m a terrible boss, too ” Derek liked to think that despite coming off as standoffish or not approachable that he was still considered a decent boss Or at least a fair one

“Can't tell you about any gossip there, because I haven't heard any,” Stiles said as he began walking back to the elevator with Derek “But people are probably too afraid of you to say anything ” He snorted “That look you have on your face all the time apparently drives them away ”

“What’s wrong with my face?” Derek asked even though he already knew His sisters liked to call it resting murder face

“You look like you’re ready to kill people, like, at any second I’m guessing it always looks like that ” Stiles pushed the button on the elevator and they waited “Maybe you should smile more I bet your face looks nice when you smile ”

Derek grinned, ducking his head slightly “Yeah, my sisters like to tell me that The part about the murder face, that is My mom likes to tell me to smile more ”

But then people might try to talk to him And it’s not that he was opposed, but most people were idiots or wanted something from him He hated it

The elevator door opened and Stiles put his hand out in front of it, holding it open for Derek “Well maybe you dont have to smile at the world, but maybe sometimes you can around people Or some people ”

“I smile at some people My family, for one,” Derek clarified as he stepped into the elevator “And I smile during meetings Or at least when greeting everyone ” Because it was the polite thing to do Same with goodbyes

“That’s a fake smile,” Stiles replied, stepping into the elevator and pushing a button on the panel “It’s a business smile It’s not real, like the ones you say you give your family It’s one of those practiced ones that no one really believes ” The doors closed and Stiles leaned back against the wall, glancing at Derek

“Okay, you’ve got me there But this is work Besides, if I smile, they’ll want to talk to me, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not good with small talk ” Derek hadn’t meant to admit that Certainly not to Stiles, but he found himself unable to be anything but truthful with him

“Well, how are you going to get better if you don't practice?” Stiles smirked “Isnt that what people have to do for most things?”

“Practice? You want me to practice smiling?” Derek huffed a breath, wondering what Stiles was thinking about “I know how to smile ”

“Okay ” Stiles shrugged as the door dinged and opened for them “I’ll get these notes to you ASAP ” He shuffled past Derek and stepped out of the elevator “Shouldnt take too long ”

As they walked toward his office, Derek cleared his throat He didn’t really know how to continue their conversation so he only said, “Alright, well, thank you Just let me know when you’re done ”

“Yeah, sure thing ” When they reached Derek’s office, Stiles sat at his desk, setting his things down and opening the laptop, then his tablet as he began to work, probably transferring all the notes and files over

Derek sat down at his desk, his mind preoccupied with Stiles even as he opened his email Maybe that was something he could have Stiles start doing Maybe he’d have an efficient way to sort them instead of Derek combing through them one by one

As he checked his emails, he couldn’t help but reflect on his own work-life balance It was true that he didn’t have much of a life outside of work, and maybe that needed to change He couldn’t just work himself into the ground and expect it to be sustainable Honestly, at some point, he wanted to find someone and start a family

He made a mental note to work on freeing up more time for himself and go on a date Though the thought made him nervous Unless he thought about Stiles, which was absurd Stiles was his personal assistant Not to mention, Stiles flustered him more than anyone he’s ever encountered before

Stiles probably had a boyfriend anyway He was attractive and funny and smelled incredible so it was a safe assumption God, Derek hated the idea of Stiles having a boyfriend even though he didn’t have any right to

There was a knock on Derek’s door as Stiles appeared in the doorway “I, uh finished all the notes and sent them over for you You get everything okay?”

Derek shook himself out of his thoughts Crap, he’d spaced and hadn’t gotten anything done in apparently an hour if his watch was correct He ran a hand down his face before saying, “Let me check real quick ”

Sure enough, Stiles’ email with the notes was right there “Yes, I have it Thank you Are you taking off now?”

“Yeah I’m gonna grab dinner and go out with some friends in a bit I mean, I’d ask if you’d wanna grab some food but I know you’re gonna stay late ” Stiles bit his lip and pressed against the doorjamb as he leaned into the room a bit “But I’ll see you in the morning ”

“You wanted to invite me to dinner ?” Derek was kind of shocked at that Especially if Stiles was going out with friends Then again, he was probably just being nice or was sure that Derek would say no Which he would, though he found that he really didn’t want to

“Well I figured you might not eat otherwise ” Stiles smiled at him, his eyes lingering like they’d been doing all day “Maybe one day when you’re not so busy?”

The corner of Derek’s mouth quirked up “I am, unfortunately, usually busy My sister has to drag me out of here sometimes As for food, let’s just say I’m very grateful for takeout ” Even though he knew how to cook Not that he enjoyed it Maybe if he had someone to cook for

“Oh ” Stiles nodded, seeming to deflate a little at that “Yeah, of course I’m sure you’re super busy all the time I mean, I’ve seen your schedule ”

Stiles’ fingers tapped on the doorframe a couple of times “Okay, have a good night ” He stepped away from the door and grabbed his bag from his desk

Derek hated the way Stiles’ face dropped, especially if it was because of him And would it really be that bad to leave early? It’s not as if he couldn’t come back early tomorrow morning Or work after dinner

“Stiles, wait ” Derek got up from his desk and strode quickly across the room until he stood in the doorway “Dinner sounds lovely Are you sure your friends wouldn’t mind?”

Stiles shouldered his bag, both of his hands clutching the strap as he turned to look at Derek “Um, I was just going to get something by myself and meet up with my friends later But, I mean it’s cool though You don't have to come if you don't really want to ”

“Stiles ” This was what made conversations so difficult sometimes Derek hated reading between the lines and assuming what people meant He preferred directness Which was what made talking to Stiles so refreshing “Where were you planning on going? I’ll meet you there ”

“Uhh, I dont know I hadn't really gotten that far before I had sushi for lunch ” Stiles looked thoughtful “What kinda food do you like?”

“I’ll try anything,” Derek told him He really wasn’t picky at all Not to mention, he wanted to see what Stiles liked Wanted to get to know him in any way, even if it was just the kind of food he liked

“What about Chinese?” Stiles asked “Like, crappy American Chinese food, not actually the kind of food they eat over there Which is nothing like what we have here full of sodium and heart attacks ”

Stiles chuckled and shrugged “Does that even taste good with, you know, your werewolf senses?”

Derek liked Stiles’ laugh It was warm and rich and made Derek’s heart skip a beat “Yeah, it tastes good,” he assured Stiles, letting out his own chuckle “I usually get General Tso’s chicken ”

“I get different things every time I go, usually ” Stiles teethed his bottom lip

“Um, it’s the place off 3rd Street Aimee’s? Have you been there before?” Stiles pulled his personal phone out of his pocket and typed in a few things before turning his phone to face Derek “This place ”

Derek nodded, feeling unusually giddy It was weird But he’d never felt so excited about dinner with someone Even if this was just pity from Stiles to ensure he ate “I know it I just need to shut everything down and I’ll meet you there?”

“Yeah I’ll see you there ” Stiles pushed his phone back into his pocket, glanced at his desk, and then at Derek again “Okay, I’ll see you soon ” Stiles hesitated and then stepped back to leave like he didn't want to, and headed for the elevator

Derek very nearly left everything as it was to chase after him, but he didn’t Instead, he walked back into his office and closed all the windows on his computer before properly shutting it down He even made sure his desk was clear before grabbing his jacket and leaving the office

They were just two people that worked together Derek was his boss And no matter how much Stiles found Derek attractive, nothing was going to happen Especially cause Stiles needed his job, but because Derek was just also so out of his league

It didn't help that Derek was an Alpha and Stiles was drawn to him That didn't usually happen to him with most Alphas He’d never really been that driven by his biology, like the other Omegas that would drop to their knees and beg any Alpha to take them Probably because he’d had to fend for himself for a long time at this point in his life

He sighed and looked around the small restaurant, wondering if Derek was actually going to show up

Stiles glanced at his phone as if there would be a call or text from Derek, but it was his personal phone and not his work phone There was only a text from Lydia, which he closed and didn't respond to He’d likely get an earful about what he was doing was stupid He knew Of course, he knew It was his first day of work for crying out loud

“Stiles ” Derek stood beside the table, looking a little out of place in his work clothes “Sorry it took so long I somehow managed to hit every red light on my way here ”

He unbuttoned his suit jacket before sitting across from Stiles “You weren’t waiting too long, were you?”

“I’ve been waiting for a little bit, but it’s okay ” Stiles shrugged It wasn't like Derek was late for a date He was just meeting him for dinner “Um, I did order you the food you liked, though So it’ll probably come out soon Hopefully, that’s okay I wasn't sure what you wanted to drink so I didn't get you a drink ”

And man, he really needed to stop rambling Sooner or later he was going to put his foot into his mouth if he didn't get it under control “I’m surprised you’ve been here before ”

Stiles tapped his fingers on the table, trying to ignore the nerves that were bubbling up inside of him He reminded himself that this wasn't a date Derek just felt bad for him and said yes because Stiles was all disappointed that Derek turned him down at his not-date invite to dinner So it was kinda like a pity dinner Right?

“I might eat out a lot,” Derek said, though it didn’t seem like he wanted to admit that with how he ducked his head There was also the fact that the tips of his ears were tinged pink “So I’ve tried a few different places ”

When he looked up, his eyes were crinkled in the corners from the smile on his face “And thank you for ordering I don’t mind What did you get for yourself?”

Read the rest on A03!


Sterek Everlasting | Page 39 Read the rest here!
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Drabbles discovery,combine,wash


It was during one of their showers that Derek discovered Stiless scent had changed They always used an unscented body wash so it was easier to noticethedifference

Stilessmelledlikemotoroil–thankstohisdyingJeep–andcitrusandvanilla Thecombinationwasweird,but itwasStiles,hisomega,hismate Andnowthevanilla wasstronger,sweeter

"I still can't believe we ' re having a baby," Stiles said, laying back as Derek nuzzled his belly bump "Think we'llbegoodparents?"

DerekkissedStiles'sbelly "Ido"

Stilessmiled "Iloveyou"



“Stiles?” Derek comes home with the coveted hot pickles and fruit roll ups (Gross combination) for his pregnant omega

He discovers Stiles in their nest, wearing headphones, a bowl of chips on his round belly, and his favorite video gameonthesmallTV



“Fu dge,”Stilessaves,asheepishgrinonhisface

“Gotwhatyouaskedfor,”Derekliftsthebag “HowaboutI get you washed up and then you can eat this while we watchamovie?”

“Loveyou ”

AMatesDrabblebyCozy Rosy28

DiscoveringthatTHEDerekHale,alphaofthestrongest pack in California, was his mate had been a shock That combined with his spark lighting up at their meetingtoletthemknowthatStileswasnotonlytobe

Derek’s mate but also his emissary, meant their couplinghadbeenstressful Slowly,butsurelytheygot to know each other as mates but also as pack alpha andemissary StilesfeltluckytohaveDerekHaleashis mate but what washed away his doubts was how luckyDerekadmittedtofeelingbeingmatedtoStiles



Stiless gaze snapped to Derek “Did he Does that mean ”

Until that moment, Eli hadn’t displayed any werewolf characteristics But apparently, it was a day of discovery Because not only were they now realizing their five-year-old son was a werewolf, but earlier, theylearnedStileswaspregnantagain

Derek had been hovering over Stiles in bed, inhaling theircombined scents It was always something that calmed him as it washed over him But lately, Stiles’s scentwassweeter likewhenhewaspregnantwithEli

“Yes”Dereksaid nodding “He’sawerewolf”


Stiles looked at the washer, poking buttons, not really paying attention He didn't even care that he combined the colors and whites into the same load He’d taken a pregnancy test earlier in the day and discoveredthathewaspregnant Hewasjustwaiting forDerektogethome



“Hey”Dereksmiled “Imissedyou”


Derek’s face lit up He grinned, grabbing Stiles and kissing him deeply This would be their second child, babyAva,andStilescouldn'twaitforhertogrow


Stiles stood under the shower spray as the water washedoverhim,discoveringhowcoldhewasasthe water warmed his skin The combined scents of his and Derek’s shampoos calmed him He couldn’t believe that he was pregnant again and that Wli was goingtohaveasiblinginafewmonths

Hewonderedifitwasgoingtobeaboyoragirl Stiles secretlywantedittobealittlegirl,onethathewanted to name Ava He’d always loved the name Stiles smiled, his hand moving down to rest over his abdomen





In the mood for some alpha wolf Derek and omega fox Stiles heat sexy times? Then this is the fic for you! Derek and Stiles have been friends for years, now that Stiles is finally of age to have a heat partner he is not going to spend his next heat alone and sets out to make Derek his heat partner and mate


“I have a nice big knot to make you happy”, “I need an omega bitch now ” , “looking for an omega to keep me company in my cabin”; one of these ads do not match the other Stiles is drawn to the alpha who’s ad is not at all like the other alpha ads After struggling to find a partner Stiles turns to the personal ads where he finds Derek’s ad seeking companionship Stiles and Derek figure out how to live together and fight off their mutual attraction when this is just supposed to be a marriage of convenience and companionship


Stiles and Derek have orbited around each other, never really talking but know of each other going to the same school All of that changes when Stiles presents as an omega, and his presentation launches Derek into his presentation as an alpha Suddenly Derek is baking cookies and can’t stay away from Stiles! Do you want to witness Derek’s awkward attempts at courting? Do you want to see the Sherriff (humorously) struggle with Derek’s affections for his son? Click the link and enjoy!


I’m sure we ’ ve all read the omega Derek stories where he’s hairier than an omega should be but alpha Stiles falls for him anyway right? Well what about hairy omega Stiles? In this fic Stiles struggles with dating and relationships because he is not a typical omega; he’s hairy, opinionated, and a criminal justice major Though an omega Stiles is often mistaken for a beta, he is quick to correct people until Derek Hale mistakes him for a beta a little white lie grows bigger in Stiles’s quest to get to know the alpha


Now for something lighter! This is a cute, funny story in which Stiles raids a thrift store in order to hunt down more of the wonderful scent that he discovers in a shirt that he thrifted (stole) Things are fine until he runs into the alpha who donated his clothes to the thrift store, and now the alpha wants to know why Stiles smells like him?!


Are you a fan of regency romance with its flowery words and longing glances? Me too! This is that, but also not lol there is the use of “dude” but there are also still flowery speeches! Stiles has been raised with the firm belief that he would present as an alpha, his whole life has been planned on that belief, so when he presents as an omega he loses everything His school, his betrothal, and his privileged freedom It’s just when he’s at his lowest that he meets a mysterious alpha who captivates him


Sexy times Just a lot of well written sexy times between omega Stiles and his alpha Derek But amidst the sexy times we see Derek being a wonderful and caring alpha to Stiles, ensuring that he has everything he needs to be healthy, happy, and satisfied

Sterek Everlasting | Page 47
cozy rosy28

T h e r e w a s a s m a l l s m i l e t u g g i n g a t t h e c o r n e r o f S t i l e s ’ l i p s , g i v i n g D e r e k w h a t l o o k e d l i k e a n a s s e s s i n g l o o k “ I f y o u h a v e t i m e , t h a t w o u l d b e g r e a t B u t I c a n f i n d m y w a y i f y o u ’ r e b u s y a n d h a v e t h i n g s t o d o . ”

W a s D e r e k b u s y ? Y e s H i s f u l l s c h e d u l e c o u l d a t t e s t t o t h a t

D i d D e r e k c a r e ? N o , n o t a t t h i s m o m e n t N o t w h e n h e c o u l d s t a y i n S t i l e s ’ o r b i t f o r j u s t a f e w m o m e n t s l o n g e r

I h a v e t i m e I t ’ s t h i s w a y ” D e r e k l e d S t i l e s o u t o f t h e c o n f e r e n c e r o o m a n d t o t h e e l e v a t o r s s i n c e I T w a s a c o u p l e o f f l o o r s b e l o w A f t e r p r e s s i n g t h e b u t t o n t o c a l l t h e e l e v a t o r , h e p u t h i s h a n d s i n h i s p o c k e t s a n d f i g u r e d h e ’ d t r y s m a l l t a l k a g a i n “ S o H o w i s y o u r f i r s t d a y s o f a r ? ”

S t i l e s s t o o d n e x t t o D e r e k , g l a n c i n g u p a t t h e e l e v a t o r n u m b e r s a n d s h r u g g e d “ I t ’ s b e e n f i n e O t h e r t h a n t h e m e e t i n g s a n d i f y o u n e e d a n y t h i n g I p r e t t y m u c h w o r k a l o n e S o , n o t h i n g t o o c r a z y ” S t i l e s p u s h e d h i s f r e e h a n d i n t o h i s p o c k e t

L i k e t h i s F o r e v e r b y E v a n e s D u s t & W i n c h e s t e r e k


A first time look at Alpha Hale & his Omega Their life, their love, and their future


Everyone needs a lesson in how to please Omegas


Read an excerpt of the first chapter for this AU

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