Sterling College 2011 Annual Report

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President’s Letter

Dr. Paul J. Maurer

Sterling College continues to transform the lives of its students. We take seriously our charge to develop servant leaders who will go out and change the world; consequently, we continue to make improvements to the campus, the way we hire new employees, the quality with which we educate our students, and the way we serve our students, alumni and donors. Each step that we have taken in the 2010-2011 school year was a step toward who we want to be. We have strengthened our faculty by adding more personnel with terminal degrees and have expanded our class offerings. We also began creating a vision for where we want the college to be in 2020 and have taken steps toward reaching that goal. Finally, we have better developed the talents that God has given us and are more confident in our abilities to use them.

Sterling College is a Christ-centered, four-year college located in Sterling, Kansas, with a mission “to develop creative and thoughtful leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith.”

Additionally, the College has continued to strengthen its financial position through nearly three years of recession and economic downturn. In the midst of these challenging economic times, the College has taken steps in the right direction, which in the aggregate have increased the College’s financial strength ratio as measured by the Department of Education. This progress cannot be overstated. I am encouraged by our steady progress. I hope as you read through this 2010-2011 annual report, that you too will be invigorated by the milestones and progress that Sterling College has reached during this past fiscal year.

Sterling College Annual Report


Please continue to pray for Sterling College as we strive to follow God’s plan.

M Paul J. Maurer, Ph.D. President

Sterling Highlights

Service. SC sent out 116 students on 11 mission trips to countries around the world. With each trip being 14 days long, SC students spent 36,960 hours serving others around the globe this summer. That is equivalent to 1,540 days, 220 weeks or 4.23 years. Champions. The Warrior Basketball Team won the KCAC regular season title and the KCAC tournament championship for the first time in school history. The Lady Warrior Basketball Team claimed their fifth KCAC regular season title in a row. Excellence. The SC Athletic Training Education Program was reaccredited for 10 years, the highest reaccreditation status awarded to any institution. Head of the program, Pete Manely, was named President Elect of the NAIA Athletic Training Association and the NAIA Athletic Trainers’ Association Athletic Trainer of the Year. Perseverance. Sterling College graduated 119 students in our 119th annual Commencement program on May 14. Eloquent. Nine of 10 SC Forensics students brought home awards from the Pi Kappa Delta National Tournament. Seventy schools and 200 competitors in each event made the competition fierce, but the SC team did well. Additionally, Ryan Corwin captured 7th place overall in After Dinner Speaking.

Faithful. The Sterling Fund, the College’s annual fund, surpassed its $1M goal. Thanks to trustees, alumni, and friends, giving to the Sterling Fund in 2010-2011 totaled $1,182,604, exceeding the goal by 18%. Renewing. The new campus club, ‘The English Blend,’ brings back the Great Plains Review, which had been out of print for the past few years. Steadfast. Twenty new members were added to Sterling’s Kelsey Society. These individuals have pledged part of their estate or life-income arrangement to the College. Leaders. Three of Sterling’s coaches were named KCAC Coach of the Year. This was the second time coaches Justin Morris, women’s soccer, and Dean Jaderston, men’s basketball, have won the award, while Lonnie Kruse, women’s basketball, received the award for the 11th time in his 30-year career. Intelligent. Under the leadership of coach John Harding, the SC Women’s Volleyball team earned the American Volleyball Coaches Association Team Academic Award. In order to receive this award, the team maintained at least a 3.30 GPA. Lifelong Learners. Seven of our faculty members are currently pursuing their doctorates. Chris Brown, Spencer Wagley, Erin Laudermilk, Terri Gaeddert, Tom Vessey, Gentry Sutton, and Tom Bronleewe are all working diligently amidst the vast requirements of full-time professorship.

Sterling College Annual Report

Record Breaking. The SC track team broke 19 and 22 year-old records in the Women’s 800 meter and 1600 meter relay at the KT Woodman Track Invitational. Later in the season, the Lady Warriors broke the 3200 meter relay record at the NAIA Women’s Outdoor Track and Field National Championship.

Cutting Edge. Arn Froese and SC Psychology students presented their findings on the effects of cell phones in the classroom at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference. They were awarded a standing ovation.


Spiritual Formation

Short-term mission trips are flourishing at Sterling College. Last year we had 116 students and team leaders go on 11 overseas trips, representing about 20% of our residential students. The Gospel of Mark reminds us of our commission to “go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to all creation.” We want to obediently embrace this command and encourage our students to do the same. More and more Christian college students are realizing that traveling abroad is one of the best ways to step outside our protective and somewhat stilted “faith bubbles,” broaden our horizons, and solidify our own biblical worldviews. A recent publication in Christian Higher Education claims that 83% of college graduates who have traveled abroad rate their overseas experience as having a more significant impact on their lives than their college friendships and classroom studies! The Missions department at Sterling College offers more than a dozen short-term service opportunities during the summer as a clarion call beyond the manageable and mediocre and beyond students’ comfort zones. By offering the chance to go on a missions trip, we are asking students to raise more money than they currently consider possible. We are asking them to cast themselves in humility on the One who is able to provide far more abundantly than they can ask or think (Eph 3:20)—beyond what they can manage in their own strength.

Sterling College Annual Report


We ask students to come with us to the verdant jungles of Central America, the game-filled savannahs of Africa, and the teeming cities of India and China. We visit the islands of the Nusa Tenggarra, the Philippines, and the Eastern Caribbean. Sterling College wants their students to discover, beyond the enchantment of exotic places, the simple truth that serving others in love and denying themselves is what following Jesus and servant leadership is all about.

Rev. Dr. Hank Lederle

Transforming Campus, Rooted Values

Diane DeFranco Kling

Coming to Sterling, Kansas in the summer of 1969 from Chicago, I had no idea it would be for a 43-year adventure. As we journeyed toward our new home, it was 112 degrees at 9:00 p.m. according to the bank sign in Concordia. The Kansas motto “to the stars through difficulty” was on my mind. But I was a new bride, a recent college graduate and a first-year teacher, and I was ready for the challenge. After witnessing the changes that have occurred over 40 years, perhaps the saying that fits best is “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” Sterling College campus was quite a different place from today. The art department was housed in a double garage where the library now stands. A new sports facility was in the final planning stages, but Clair Gleason and Curt Bennett still had their offices in Wilson Hall. Cooper Hall housed the religion and philosophy department along with history, psychology, English, and education. Spencer Hall was home to the music, speech and theatre, and business departments. What we now know as Culbertson Auditorium, was then a cement-floored room with clunky wooden seats and a horseshoe balcony that was suspended from metal poles. The light board was in an old elevator shaft and the “sound system” was a 6-second echo. And the library occupied part of Kelsey Hall. Today, the campus enjoys fine new residence halls, vastly renovated and improved Spencer, Cooper, and Wilson Halls, a Maintenance Building, and a beautiful and functional library. And technology is integrated so tightly that it now aids and controls our lives.

Sterling College Annual Report

A lot has changed in the physical sense, but the fundamental things about Sterling College have not changed. Its reformed roots encouraged the ideal of “Reformed and ever reforming.” The college has reformed and refined its mission statement: To develop thoughtful and creative leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith. And it has held on to the core values of faith, calling, learning, integrity, service, and community that were instilled in the college at the very beginning. For 125 years, Sterling College graduates have joined the mission field, whether overseas or here at home, as teachers, doctors, nurses, ministers, musicians, actors, artists, business professionals, social workers, scientists, and so many more. These graduates were nurtured and encouraged by a caring community that values the pursuit of truth, God’s Truth, in a reformed context. As long as Sterling College holds true to these values and upholds its mission, it will continue to prosper.


Annual Report

Dr. Gregory P. Kerr

Sterling College has been blessed by the Lord this fall with some wonderful additions to our faculty. Not only are they a strong mission fit for Sterling College, but they are well qualified, building up our academic programs. One measure of the academic strength of a college is the credentials of its faculty, and we are measurably stronger. In art, music and communications we have added to the number of faculty holding a terminal degree in their teaching discipline, and in business, we have added new expertise. In the art and design department, we are pleased to have Daniel Swartz on the faculty. He earned a master’s degree in painting from Ball State University, and a master of fine arts degree, which is terminal, in illustration from the University of Hartford. He is an experienced and active freelance illustrator and served as his church’s graphic designer before coming to Sterling. Our music department welcomed Dr. Laura Bateman to the faculty for the 2011-2012 school year. Laura holds a bachelor of music degree from Wheaton College Conservatory of Music and her master of music degree and doctor of arts degree in voice performance from the University of Northern Colorado. Besides being an exceptional vocalist, Laura is also a violinist and grew up in Africa as a missionary kid. Dr. Raymond Anderson, associate professor of communication, earned his doctorate from Regent University. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise in video and film production, direction, broadcast news, scriptwriting and more to our communication program.

Sterling College Annual Report


Besides adding faculty with terminal degrees, we have added some significant expertise. In the business department, we have been joined by Irene Barkman, an experienced CPA who holds a master of accountancy degree. She was also a board member of the Kansas Society of Certified Public Accountants. Her addition to the faculty allowed us to offer a concentration in accounting, bolstering our business major. We continue to build on Sterling College’s academic strengths and look forward to continuing to attract and develop faculty with outstanding professional credentials.

Financial Data







7% 5%




$5,858,916 Net Tuition and Fees

$3,528,859 Instruction & Academic Support

$1,932,233 Private Gifts & Grants*

$2,873,837 Student Services $2,733,709 Institutional Support

$873,642 Investment Income

$3,149,073 Auxiliary Enterprises

$4,046,710 Auxiliary and Other Income

Sterling College Annual Report

$623,226 Government Grants

*excludes endowment fund giving 7

Financial Data

Consolidated Statement of Activities Year Ended June 30, 2011

REVENUES GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT Tuition and Fees Less : Scholarships and Grants

Sterling College Annual Report


Temporarily Restricted

Unrestricted $

11,741,790 (5,882,874)



Permanently Restricted $


Total $

11,741,790 (5,882,874)

Net tuition and fees





Private gifts and grants Government grants and contracts Investment income on endowments Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on endowments Other Investment Income Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on other investments Other Income Auxiliary enterprises

1,216,831 621,720 178,436 710,237 17,547 (32,585) 439,959 3,606,751

715,402 1,506 7 -


1,932,233 623,226 178,436 710,237 17,554 (32,585) 439,959 3,606,751





Net assets released from restrictions Total revenue, gains and other support

267,762 12,885,575

(267,762) 449,154



EXPENSES Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional support Auxiliary enterprises

2,762,970 765,889 2,873,837 2,733,709 3,149,073



2,762,970 765,889 2,873,837 2,733,709 3,149,073

Total Expenses










(14,035) 586,062

(2,220) 446,934

948,290 73,387 73 1,021,750

948,290 73,387 73 (16,255) 2,054,746

OTHER CHANGES Private gifts and grants from endowments Net gain (loss) on beneficial interests in perpetual trusts Investment income in loan funds Changes in value of split-interest agreements Change in net assets NET ASSETS, beginning of year NET ASSETS, end of year


(329,903) 256,159


297,143 744,077


12,366,962 13,388,712


12,334,202 14,388,948

Financial Data

Consolidated Statement of Activities Year Ended June 30, 2010

REVENUES GAINS AND OTHER SUPPORT Tuition and Fees Less : Scholarships and Grants

Temporarily Restricted

Unrestricted $

11,099,848 (5,502,762)



Permanently Restricted $


Total $

11,099,848 (5,502,762)

Net tuition and fees





Private gifts and grants Government grants and contracts Investment income on endowments Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on endowments Other Investment Income Net realized and unrealized gains (losses) on other investments Net gain (loss) on sale of fixed assets Other Income Auxiliary enterprises

872,818 825,293 166,068 420,775 5,093 5,544 122,466 504,129 3,306,404

473,326 25,710 -


1,346,144 851,003 166,068 420,775 5,093 5,544 122,466 504,129 3,306,404





455,123 12,280,799

(455,123) 43,913



Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional support Auxiliary enterprises

2,676,110 833,945 2,667,384 2,544,144 3,163,521



2,676,110 833,945 2,667,384 2,544,144 3,163,521

Total Expenses










OTHER CHANGES Private gifts and grants from endowments Net gain (loss) on beneficial interests in perpetual trusts Investment income in loan funds Changes in value of split-interest agreements Reclassifications Change in net assets

(9,120) (6,000) 380,575

(2,083) 41,830

570,250 30,587 172 6,000 607,009

570,250 30,587 172 (11,203) 1,029,414

Net assets released from restrictions Total revenue, gains and other support EXPENSES


(710,478) (329,903)


255,313 297,143


11,759,953 12,366,962


11,304,788 12,334,202

Sterling College Annual Report

NET ASSETS, beginning of year NET ASSETS, end of year


Donor List

The following list recognizes those who contributed to the financial strength of Sterling College from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. These individuals came alongside students, enabling scholarships and more affordable tuition rates. Every gift was important and contributed to the mission of Sterling College. Thank you for choosing to contribute to Sterling College! Your giving provides for the on-going legacy of the College and a new generation of leaders, which have been educated and shaped in a Christ-centered educational environment. (If we left out a name in the lists that follow, please notify us and we will print these names in the next Sterling Magazine.) The heritage of Sterling College continues, thanks to the generosity of these financial partners: * Deceased

McVay Foundation Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Meanor Mr. & Mrs. Tim O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Max E. Stauffer Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Thompson Tulsa YOT Full Circle Foundation Wichita Eastminster Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wilkey Estate of Glenna Mae Yoakum

Heritage Clan $25,000 and Above Anonymous CNL Charitable Estate of Mildred C. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Gilmore Estate of Diana Gregory Orval & Lucile Hamm Unitrust Mrs. Alice Humphreys Estate of Louise Judy Maier Foundation National Christian Foundation From a Desigated Fund Mr. & Mrs. Robert Royer

Kelsey Clan $5,000 - $9,999

McCreery Clan $10,000 - $24,999 Sterling College Annual Report


Rev. & Mrs. Charles M. Ayers Mr. & Mrs. James Brackensick Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bryant Dr. J. Robert Campbell Rev. & Mrs. Robert R. Cunningham Deboer Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Carl Dudrey Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Henry Mrs. Florence E. Hill Eva E. Lewis* Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Maurer Estate of Ruth E. McCreery Mrs. Donna G. McCreery Anonymous Charitable Trust Pennsylvania

Dr. & Mrs. Colin Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Bradley E. Bennett Ms. Sheri Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Jeff L. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bennett Rev. Dr. & Mrs. William J. Best Dr. & Mrs. Alan S. Cureton Mr. & Mrs. Harold DeWalt Dr. Marvin Dewey Mr. & Mrs. Gary Doane Mr. & Mrs. John W. Grove Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Henkle Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Johnson Mr. Leroy C. Klema Mr. Paul Laughlin Dr. & Mrs. Chris Majors Dr. Thomas O. McKown Estate of Evelyn Phinney Mr. & Mrs. Earle D. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Phillip G. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Sale Dr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Spangler

Toledo Community Foundation, Inc. Dr. R.C. and Mary Trotter E. Rose White Mr. & Mrs. Lance D. Woodbury

Campbell Clan $2,500 - $4,999 George W. Behnke Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bender Mrs. E. Ann Blose Miss Barbara A. Borst Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Broky Lt. Col. & Mrs. Dave Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Domholt Mrs. Martha L. Doutt Ellsworth First Presbyterian Church Don & Jill Jespersen Kansas Independent College Fund Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Kelsey Dr. C. Oliver Kenagy Sam & Mary Horton Knecht Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Lang Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Learned Dr. & Mrs. Henry Lederle Mr. & Mrs. James K. Merklin Mrs. Claris M. Nystrom OMNI Plastics, Inc Parkville University Grant Fund Pinnacle Sports Medicine & Orthopedics, PA Mr. Clarence W. Pollock Presbytery of Southern Kansas Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc. Mrs. Dorothy M. Rolfs Mr. & Mrs. Myrt Shuttleworth Mr. & Mrs. Terence J. Swanson Dr. Jim Sweeney Synod Of Mid-America Pat and Delbert Varner Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Wyatt

Spencer Clan $1,000 - $2,499 Karen Fly Achterberg Keith Adams Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Barns Mr. Louis J. Barscewski

Ms. Marty J. Behrendt Mr. & Mrs. Fred F. Berry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lorence D. Bill Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Billings Black Hills Energy Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Bonnell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Brannan Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Brewer Mrs. Jean E. Brewer Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Brownlee Judge & Mrs. Paul M. Buchanan Dr. & Mrs. Elliott B. Byall Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calderwood Rev. & Mrs. Charles J. Carson Ms. Heather L. McCreery and Mr. David S. Carter Dr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Cavanaugh, III Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Chambers Mr. Anderson Chandler Mr. James S. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Dashiell Ken and Jane Davidson

Dr. Walter W. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Ermal P. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Lauren D. DeBuhr Vernon and Marian DeWerff Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Dillard Robert and Marjorie (Kensett) Dillon Doskocil Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Downing Emporia First Presbyterian Church Mrs. Evelyn Engelland* Dr. & Mrs. Randall K. Fahrenholtz Dr. & Mrs. H. Daniel Fahrenholtz Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Farmer First Bank & First Group Ins. Rev. Edward C. Fish Fort Scott First Presbyterian Church Mr. Bob Foster Ms. Vicki L. Frahm Mr. Alfred Frahm Mr. & Mrs. Duane Frederick Mr. Jeremy A. Frederick Friends of Golf, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Frisbee

Donor List

Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Froese Garden City Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Urban Gathman Mr. & Mrs. Franklin H. Glynn Mr. Robert W. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. William R. Grey Miss Mary Beth Haan Mr. & Mrs. Jared R. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Jack Haney Mr. & Mrs. William M. Herrington Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Horton Hutchinson Community Foundation IMA of Kansas, Inc. Shirley Megli Ingerly Rev. & Mrs. David P. Irwin Mr. Adrian C. Ivasic Jetmore United Presbyterian Church Duane Johnson Farm, Inc. Mrs. Jean F. Jones Kansas Ethanol, L.L.C. Dr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Kerr Mr. Kenneth D. Killian

Mr. & Mrs. Pat Staton Mr. & Mrs. James A. Steinbacher Mrs. Margart (Thompson) Stephens and Mr. Chester O. Stephens, Jr. Sterling United Presbyterian Women Mr. & Mrs. Ron S. Strand Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Stylianou Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul H. Sutton Syracuse First Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Lee Tank Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Thompson Mrs. Melba L. Treaster Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard Troy Mr. & Mrs. James R. Turner Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Veitch Jason and Christy West Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Whitman Dr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. David R. Wilson Mr. Duzel D. Yates

Honor Roll Anonoymous AAA Auto Glass Mr. Arthur R. Abbido Mr. & Mrs. Rick Abbott Mr. Gordon R. Abbott Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Ackeberg Mrs. Beryle I. Adams Dr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Grady A. Adams Africa Inland Mission International, Inc. Mr. Danny Agee Mr. Randy Agee Mr. Hugh Akerman Jr. Ms. Geraldine M. Akinwale Mrs. Opal F. Albright Alden State Bank Mr. Loren Alderson Mrs. Anna Mae Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Algeo Mrs. Joanne M. Allebach Mrs. Mildred H. Allen Ms. Helen R. Allison Mr. & Mrs. John D. Allison Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Allison Ms. Jennifer Allison Ms. Debbie Allison Alma Congregational UCC Church Endowment Fund

Mr. Danny Alsip Alternatives to Conflict, LLC American Guild of Organists Mr. & Mrs. K. W. Amon Mr. Robert S. Amundson Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Albert B. Anderson Ms. Ruth Y. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. William H. Anderson Ms. Geneva S. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. William F. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Jared L. Anderson Mr. & Ms. James Anderson Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Andreasen Mr. Garland L. Anneler Ms. Barbara M. Arbuthnot Mr. James Archbold Ms. Stephanie Z. Archbold Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Arias Arlington United Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Nick Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Rodney B. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Tom Arsola Mr. & Mrs. Russell Artz Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Ashby Mr. & Mrs. Keith Asmus AT&T Foundation Ms. Karen A. Athans Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Atwood Jr. Atwood United Methodist Church Ms. Mable Austin Mr. & Mrs. Brent Austin Mr. & Mrs. Robin L. Austin Austin Pools, LLC AWM Utility Management, LTD B & B Miller Farms, Inc. Ms. Barbara Baar Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Bach Mrs. Jean H. Bachman Ms. Patricia M. Bahnsen Mr. & Mrs. Phil Bailey Mrs. Joyce S. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Garry W. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baker Mr. Dennis Baker Mr. & Mrs. Chris A. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Balderson

Mr. & Mrs. Lavern L. Balk Mr. Larry Ball Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ball Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ball Mr. David W. Ball Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ball Mr. Edward L. Ballengee Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Ballor Mr. & Mrs. Roger Balz Mr. William C. Bannister* Mr. & Mrs. James Banwart Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Barman Ms. Rebecca B. Barnes Miss Mary B. Barr Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Barr Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Barr Mr. & Mrs. Benny Bartlett Ms. Shannon D. Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Dominick J. Basile Mr. & Mrs. William A. Basinger Mr. & Mrs. William Bater Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bates Mr. & Mrs. James Bath Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Ervin A. Baumann Mr. & Mr. Anita J. Baumgardner Mr. & Mrs. David Baxley Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Bay Mr. Brian E. Bay Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Bayack Ms. Arlene Bayless Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Beagley Mrs. Virginia M. Beard Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Beard She-Ron Beard-Deloach Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Beason Mr. Herbert Becker Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Beckett II Dr. Theodore W. Beiler Mr. & Mrs. Jason Beilman Mr. & Mrs. Thaine E. Beitler Ms. Esther M. Bell Beloit First Presbyterian Church Mrs. Susan M. Benassi Benchmark Technologies Ms. Mary C. Benesh Miss Bertha B. Bennett Mr. Curtis E. Bennett* Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius F. Bennett Mrs. Emily Bennett

Sterling College Annual Report

Mr. Michael S. King King Enterprise Group, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Kinney Mr. & Mrs. Pete Kitch Mr. Gordon S. Kling & Mrs. Diane DeFranco-Kling Landmark Resources, Inc. Mrs. Martha E. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lauer Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Lengel Leoti First Presbyterian Church Loveland Mountain View Presbyterian Church Dr. Sara J. MacDonald Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Steven Marsh Ms. Eileen Matthews Rev. C. W. McConnelee Mr. Daryl F. McConnelee Ms. Sherry L. McCrory Miss Tammy McGlynn Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Meester Mr. Nation Meyer Ernest & Sally Micek Mr. & Mrs. Terry K. Miller Mr. Max L. Moxley* Newton First Presbyterian Women Mr. & Mrs. Daryl K. Nuss Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Oates Mr. & Mrs. William F. Oline Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Olsen Pittsburg Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Polgreen Dr. & Mrs. Ned S. Raun Rev. Donald L. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Reed Mrs. Virginia A. Reed Mr. R. Maurice Reed Dr. & Mrs. R. Mark Reed Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Roehrig Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rominger Mrs. Margaret A. Russell Rev. & Mrs. Richard R. Schechter Andrew and Jaime Schechter Mr. & Mrs. Ken L. Schroeder Mrs. Mary Ellen Scott Mr. Allen K. Sebes Servant Christian Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Sid Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Sickles Dr. & Mrs. Ted C. Smythe South Central Community Foundation


Donor List

Sterling College Annual Report


Mr. & Mrs. Don Benson Mrs. Nell Benson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Beran Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Berend Mr. & Mrs. George Bergen Mrs. Ruth M. Bernadt Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Berry Ms. Karen Best The Honorable & Mrs. Robert G. Bethell Dr. & Mrs. Stanley L. Bettin Mr. & Mrs. Leon Betts Ms. Elaine Bevington Mr. Tom Bevington Ms. Charlotte I. Biays Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Biga Mr. & Mrs. Don Bilbary Dr. William G. Billings Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bingle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David W. Bircher Mr. & Mrs. Judd N. Bircher Ms. Molly A. Bircher Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bircher Mr. & Mrs. Bryant Birney Mr. & Mrs. Tim J. Birzer Birzer Funeral Homes Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Stonewall Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Chales Bissell Rev. Glenn T. Black Ms. Deborah A. Black Ms. Joanna Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Dale K. Blackwood Mr. Donald R. Blanchat Mrs. Twila Bleam Mrs. Mary T. Blice Mr. & Mrs. Jack D. Blodgett Mrs. Alma R. Blohm Mr. & Mrs. David C. Bloom Major & Mrs. Joseph Boarman Bob Conway Agency, LLC Ms. Marisa Bobadilla Mr. & Mrs. John Boeckman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Boeken Mr. & Mrs. Bill Boekhaus Mr. & Mrs. Bobby J. Bogle Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bolton Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bolton Mrs. Sarah Bonello Ms. Charlotte A. Bonjour-Chase Mr. Darren L. Bonnes

Mr. & Mrs. Clell E. Bontrager Ms. Maudie A. Booker Mr. Howard D. Boone Mr. Fred C. Boos Mr. & Mrs. Ed A. Borycz Mr. Jerald K. Bourgain Nancy Broadstreet Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Barry J. Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bowman Mr. & Mrs. James M. Bowser Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Bowser Mr. & Mrs. Chad Bowser Mr. E.M. Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. William Bramlett Mr. & Mrs. James G. Brand Mr. & Mrs. David A. Brandes Mr. & Mrs. Ardon Brandyberry Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bray Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Bray Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brazelton Breadeaux Pizza Horton, LLC Miss Sharon F. Breneman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brening Mr. Alvin A. Brensing Mr. & Mrs. Rick Bressie Mrs. Charlotte L. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Jason W. Briar Mrs. Dorothy Bridwell* Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brintnall Miss Alysha R. Brintnall Ms. M. B. Britton Mr. & Mrs. Todd Britton Brock Geist Sales, L.L.C. Ms. Deborah Bromley Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Bromley Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Brost Mr. & Mrs. Norbert R. Brost Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Brothers Ms. Katherine D. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Ken Brown Mr. & Mrs. Norman W. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Roger K. Brown Mrs. Ladonna F. Brown Mr. & Mrs. James E. Brown Mr. Jerry Brown Mr. & Mrs. Kent C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Brown Ms. Valerie C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Mark Brown Mr. David W. Brownback Mr. & Mrs. Mike Browning

Larry and Amy Brownlee Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Bruce Ms. & Mr. Regina Bryant Mr. Victor Bryant Ms. Kathy Buchanan Rev. Patricia H. Buck Bucklin Teachers Association Mr. & Mr. Patrick A. Buhrer Mr. & Mrs. Willard Bumbalough Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bunch Mr. & Mrs. Clint Bunch Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Burbank Miss Sharon Burch Mr. & Mrs. Leon Burch Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Burger Mrs. Betty J. Burgert Mr. & Mrs. Lee Burgess Mrs. Karan Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Trevon T. Burns Mrs. Mary F. Burns Mary E. Burrichter Ms. Daniel Burris Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Burroughs IV Mr. Alan W. Busenitz Mr. & Mrs. Williiam Busenitz Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Busenitz Mr. & Mrs. Lester Busenitz Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Busenitz Mrs. Letha A. Bush Miss Beverly A. Bush Bushton United National Bank Mr. & Mrs. Bryan J. Busser Mr. & Mrs. John J. Butler Ms. Heidi E. Butler Mr. Alan Byerley Cal Precision, Inc. Miss Melissa S. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Caldwell Ms. Hilde Calisti Mr. Daniel Callahan & Mrs. Valorie Starr Mr. & Mrs. John W. Callison Calvary Baptist Church Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Calvert Mr. & Mrs. Danny Campbell Ms. Terri A. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Harold Campbell Ms. Jean E. Campbell Dr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Cantrell

Mrs. Georgia J. Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Jon H. Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Shead Canty Mr. Ted D. Carder Mr. George Cardinal Mr. & Mrs. Lannie D. Cardona Mr. & Mrs. Andy Cardoza Mr. Jack Carey Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Carlson Ms. Barbra Carlson Mr. & Mrs. William P. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Aaron L. Carmichael Ms. Stephine Ann Carney Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Carter Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Carter Mr. & Mrs. C J. Carter Mr. Dwight D. Case Miss Patricia M. Cashion Mrs. Derril Castor Dr. & Mrs. David Castrodale Caterpillar, Inc. Ms. Jean Cavanaugh Mr. Billy Cavin Mr. & Mrs. Mason R. Caywood Central States Alfalfa Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Cerretti Ms. Donna S. Cesmat Mr. & Mrs. John Chadwell Mr. & Mrs. William D. Chadwick Dr. & Mrs. Jamie C. Chambers Rev. & Mrs. Samuel H. Chao Mr. & Mrs. William L. Chapin Mr. & Mrs. Dick Chapman Chapman Krug Farms Mrs. Robert Charles Chase Community Presb. Church ChevronTexaco Matching Grants Program Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cheyney Ms. Angelene R. Childress Mr. & Mrs. Mark Childs Mr. & Mrs. Clayton W. Childs Mr. & Mrs. Gene Chin Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Christian Rev. & Mrs. Cecil L Christian Mr. & Mrs. Marty Christians Mr. & Mrs. Ken Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Jim Chroust Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Church Church Women’s Thrift Shop Mr. & Mrs. Ernest K. Cicilioni Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cikanek

Mr. & Mrs. Donovan W. Claassen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Claassen Mr. & Mrs. Mark Clark Mr. Bob Clark Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Clair R. Clark Jr. Mr. Curtis Clark Mr. & Mrs. Adam B. Clark Mr. & Mrs. James Clark Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Claunch Mr. Jerry F. Clemence Mr. & Mrs. F. Allen Clerihue Mr. & Mrs. Ron W. Clifton Ms. Mary J. Cline Rev. Jack W. Coates Mr. & Mrs. Craig Coates Mrs. Elaine Cobb Mr. & Mrs. David A. Coffey Mr. & Mrs. Brent Coffman Mrs. Lois Colburn Dr. & Mrs. Gary W. Coleman Ms. Patricia A. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Archie Coleman Miss Alicia B. Collett Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Mike Collins Mrs. Joyce Collins Mr. & Mrs. David J. Collins Mr. & Mrs. William A. Collins Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Collins Mrs. Mary Lou Comley Mr. & Mrs. Chadwick J. Comley Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Conard Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Conard Peg & Jettie Condray Ms. Christina Conley Mr. & Mrs. R. Connally Ms. Machelle M. Connally Consolidated Edison Company of NY, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Cook Mr. Malcolm L. Coomber Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Coombs Ms. Patricia Coon Miss Terell L. Coons Col. & Mrs. Randolph Copeland Rev. & Mrs. Dean R. Copeland Mr. & Mrs. James C. Copley Mr. Edwin H. Copley Mrs. Barbara A. Corby Ms. Marylene Cordel Mr. Brian Cordel

Donor List

Mr. & Mr. Ronald L. Davis Ms. Cheryl R. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Greg De Witt Ms. Gloria A. Dean Ms. Frances Debord Mr. & Mrs. George A. Dechant Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Delgado Mrs. Marilynne S. Denison Mr. Johnnie Denton Ms. Cynthia Denton Ms. Kim Denton Mr. Larry A. Derksen Mr. & Mrs. David Detmer Miss Anna K. Detrich Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Devereaux Mr. Darren Devitt Mr. & Mrs. Galyn Devore Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dew Mr & Mrs. Raymond L. Deweber Mr. & Mrs. Don M. DeWerff Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Dewerff Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dewey Ms. Carolyn S. Dewey Mrs. Nila I. Dickason Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Dickson Mrs. Velma A. Dickson Dr. & Mrs. Fred W. Dierksen Dietz and Hardman Attorneys-At-Law Mr. John A. Dill Robert and Gloria Dill Mrs. Elaine M. Dill Mr. Robert G. Dillion Mr. & Mrs. Kurt F. Dinkel Mr. & Mrs. David R. Dobereiner Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dolezal Ms. Karilyn K. Doll Mr. & Mrs. Monte B. Doll Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Dollenbacher Mr. & Mrs. JD S. Dominguez Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Donati Mr. Carl A. Donham Mr. & Mrs. Everett L. Donham Mr. & Mrs. Elmer L. Donley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Terry Donley Miss Mary Anne Donley Mrs. Shirley L. Dornberg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Dorscsh Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Chester R. Dorsey Mr. & Mrs. Dick Doster Mr. Ernest Doubrava*

Mr. & Mrs. Enic Doubrava Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Douglas Ms. Mary F. Douglas Dr. & Mrs. James E. Douglass Mr. & Mrs. Howard Douglass Mr. & Mrs Thomas Dower Mr. & Mrs. James H. Downe Ms. Cathy Downey Mr. Brad L. Downum Mr. Raymond Downum DQ Grill & Chill Mr. Richard L. Drake Mr. & Mrs. Richard Drake Ms. Neita Drake Mrs. Winifred N. Dray Mr. David G. Dreiling Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Dubois Mr. Allen L. Duddles Mrs. Madonna Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Duft Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Glenn T. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. John Dugay Dr. Maurice L. Duggins Ms. Lisa G. Dulong Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dumler Ms. Kristine E. Dumler Mrs. Alice M. Dundas Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Michael Duran Mr. & Mrs. Salvador Duran Mr. Phil Durr Mr. Christopher D. Duskin Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Dutton Ms. Michelle Dykstra Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Dykstra Ms. Vicky P. Dyson E & P Plumbing, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Eakin Mr. & Mrs. Gale H. Earle Eastern Star Mr. Gene Eatinger Mr. John G. Eberly Mr. Steven J. Echer Mr. & Mrs. David A. Ecklund Ms. Kristina Ediger Mr. & Mrs. Phil Ediger Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Ediger Mrs. A. L. Ediger Ms. Arlene Ediger Mr. Harold Edwards

Ms. Diane D. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. William A. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Edwards Ms. Valencia Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Edwards Miss Peggy Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Terry C. Ehresman Ms. Karen Ehrlich Ehrlich Pets & Supplies Mr. & Mrs. Tom Eigsti Mr. & Mrs. Tony J. Eilert Mr. & Mrs. Drew Ekart Mr. Stephen M. Ekerberg James Ekerberg Mr. & Mrs. Benny Ekstrum Mr. Terry L. Elge Mr. & Ms. Gary C. Ellerman Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elliott Mr. & Mrs. David J. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. John Ellsworth Ellsworth Citizens State Bank Ellsworth Correctional Facility Ms. Beryl B. Elwood Emmaus Mennonite Church Mr. & Mrs. Carl Engelbrecht Ms. Launa Engelbrecht Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Engelhardt Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Engelken Mrs. Betty J. Engelland Mr. & Mrs. Rex Engelland Mr. & Mrs. Derick L. England Rev. Arthur P. Enns Mr. Robert M. Enrlich Ms. Marcia G. Ensz Mr. & Mrs. Leland J. Entz Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Epperson Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Erichson Dr. Marianna Erickson Ms. Marilyn O. Erickson Mrs. Joan E. Erickson Mr. Christopher T. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Keith G. Erickson Jeff and Rhea (Stuart) Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ericson Miss Whitney A. Eriksen Mr. Albert F. Eshleman Mr. James E. Eshleman Mrs. Suzanne Estill Eudora Elementary School Mr. & Mrs. Dale O. Evans

Mrs. Helen C. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Mark Evans Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Everson Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Ewert Rev. Marvin & Sherri Ewertt Mr. & Mrs. Russ Ewy Mrs. Deborah K. Eyestone Mrs. Alma Fair* Ms. Norma Jean Fair Mr. & Mrs. Keith Fairchild Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Fairchild Rev. Roberta A. Fall Mr. & Mrs. David Fankhauser Dr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Farag Mr. & Mrs. James B. Farley Mr. Donald L. Farmer Mrs. Berta J. Farmer Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Farmer Farmers Co-op Union Mr. & Mrs. Jack Farney Mr. & Mrs. Robert Farney Mr. & Mrs. Jay D. Farney Mr. & Mrs. K D. Farnham Mr. & Mrs. Lee D. Farr Mr. Alva Farris Mr. & Mrs. Ronni Farris Mr. & Mrs. Alan Fasnacht Mr. & Mrs. David A. Fath Mr. Johathon Faulkner Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Feight Mr. & Mrs. Travis Feil Mr. Keith B. Ferguson General & Mrs. Jack P. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Ferris Ms. Denise G. Fetrow Dr. & Mrs. C. Lee Filker Mr. & Mrs. Warren Finder Ms. Kris Finke Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Finley Mr. & Mrs. Gene Finney Sterling First Bank Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fisher Mural E. Fisk Mrs. & Mrs. Curtis W. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Myron D. Flax Mr. Dylan Flickinger Mr. & Mrs. Arlo Flickner Mr. & Mrs. Everett Flint Ms. Mary H. Flores Mr. J. R. Flory Ms. Keri Flowers

Sterling College Annual Report

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis J. Correll Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Correll Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Coulter Mr. & Mrs. David J. Courtney Mr. James R. Cox Miss Dena J. Coykendall Ms. Marilyn J. Craig Ms. Donna Craig Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Craine Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cramton Miss Eva M. Crawford Linda Criswell Ms. Lisa A. Crockett Mr. Jack D. Crook Rev. & Mrs. Larry Cross Miss Shirley F. Crouse Miss Phyllis L. Crouse Mr. & Mrs. Randall M. Crouse Dr. Susan B. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Robin L. Cuany Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Cullop Ms. Shirley M. Culver Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Karl E. Cunningham Mrs. Elaine Joyce Cunningham Mrs. Bernice Curry Curry’s Flying Service, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Brent Curtis Mrs. Jacqueline A. Curtis Miss Miriam Curts Mr. Emmett D. Curts David* and Kathryn Curts Mr. & Mrs. Lanny W. Cusimano Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cuthbertson Mrs. Dorothy I. Cutliff Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dahl Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dahl Miss Grace M. Dahlke Rev. & Mrs. Albert M. Damon Daniel’s Electrical Construction Co., Inc. Mrs. Cheryl L. Danskin Ms. Jean F. Dardzinski Ms. Marian M. Darwin Miss Tricia L. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. William W. Davies Mr. & Mrs. Ivy Davis Mr. & Mrs. L.D. Davis Mrs. Cathy Davis Ms. Mary W. Davis


Donor List

Sterling College Annual Report


Mr. & Mrs. Jason G. Fogt Ms. Addrenna L. Fontenett Mrs. Doris K. Ford and Mr. Jack Carter Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Ford Forest Park Philadelphia Presbyterian Church Fort Smith United Methodist Church Mr. John W. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Jim Fountain Four Bar S Ms. Marilyn Fox Ms. Stacey Frager Mrs. Margaret Fraiser Dr. & Mrs. Steve Fratt Dr. L. Thane Frazier Mr. William P. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Lance Frederick Mr. & Mrs. Drew W. Frederick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Frederick Mr. & Mrs. Lance D. Fredrick Dr. & Mrs. Warren S. Freeborn Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Freed Mr. & Mrs. Howard Frees Mrs. & Mrs. Jerry L. Frees Mr. & Mrs. Victor E. Frendt Ms. Nicholee C. Froese Mr. & Mrs. Billile L. Fromm Mr. & Mrs. Garry Fromm Mr. & Mrs. Gene Fry Ms. Mindy S. Fry Mr. Wayne Fudge Miss Heather I. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Fuller J.B. Fullerton Family Trust Rev. & Mrs. Charles M. Fullinwider Mr. & Mrs. J. David Fullinwider Mr. Todd Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Edgar L. Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Funner Courtney & JoAnn Furman Ms. Nancy Gabbert Mrs. Joneta Gaffin Mr. & Mrs. R.R. Gaillard Ms. Paulette Gainor Mr. James M. Gannon Dr. & Mrs. Craig A. Gannon Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Gant Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Christlieb Gardiner Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Gardner

Mrs. Ella Mae Garlick Mr. & Mrs. Allen Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Garthoeffner Mr. David Gaskell Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gasper Miss Ashley M. Gasper Ms. Cassandra L. Gasper Ms. Grace A. Gates* Mr. & Mrs. James A. Gates Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Gates Ms. Christine K. Gathers Ms. Kathleen F. Gathers Mr. Tanner George Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Gervasi Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Gibbs Mr. Jacob E. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. William B. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. David W. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Gilkison Mrs. Lorina M. Gillen Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Gillen Mary J. Gillis Gillispie Meats Miss Pam Gillmore Dr. & Mrs. Milton D. Gilmore Ginther Oil Inc Girard’s Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Glann Mr. & Mrs. Charles Glasscock Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gloshen Mr. Robert W. Glunt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Goble Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Goedde Mrs. Ruby Goering Mr. & Mrs. Greg R. Goering Mr. & Mrs. Maurice L. Goff Ms. Pat Gonzales Mr. Renee Gonzales Good Samaritan Society - Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Don Goodfellow Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Goodheart Mr. Jason M. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Highland G. Goodman III Mr. & Mrs. Allen Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Gose Rev. & Mrs. Herbert Gould Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gould Mr. & Mrs. Lester Goyen Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Graber Mr. & Mrs. John Graber Grace Community Church

Mrs. Betty Graebner Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Grafel Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Grafel Mrs. Mary Ruth Graham Mr. & Mrs. Charles Graham Mr. John L. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gray Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Gordon T. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Hoffman R. Gregory Greyhound Merchandising Mr. & Mrs. Rick Griem Col. & Mrs. James Griffith Dr. J. T. Grimes, M.D. Mr. Trevelyn R. Grimes Mr. & Mrs. James Grimstad Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Groene Mr. & Mrs. Allan Grothusen Miss Jill J. Grove Mr. Gerald Guillot Mr. & Mrs. Mark Guithues Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Guithues Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Gumm Mr. & Mrs. D.R. Gutzmer Mr. G. D. Gwinner, O.D. Ms. Betty Jane Gwinner Miss Dana I. Haan Mr. John A. Haase Mr. Mark E. Hacker Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Hadley Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Hadley Dr. William Hafner Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Hageman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hageman Mr. & Mrs. James C. Haggerty Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haines Dr. Charles and Dr. Robin Hall Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hall Ms. Catherine Hall Rev. & Mrs. C. C. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hall Mr. Leo J. Hall Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Hallberg Mrs. Pricilla Hallberg Mrs. Janet Halloran Mr. Mari K. Halstead Halstead Presbyterian Church Doug & Jane Haltom Mrs. Pam Haltom

Mr. Hans P. H. Haltom Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Hamilton Mr. Marion E. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hamlin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Hamm Mr. Steven Hammer Calvin and Victoria Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Han Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hanavan Jr. Lucille Hand Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hand Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hanna Mr. Earl K. Hanna Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hanning Mr. Kendall Hanson Dr. & Mrs. Kent Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Adam L. Harasink Mr. & Mrs. Shane Harden Mr. Gerhard Harder Mr. & Mrs. Dale Hardesty Mr. & Dr. Charles Harding Mr. & Mrs. John V. Harding Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harkins Mr. & Mrs. James J. Harmon Mr. B C. Harmon Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Harner Ms. Dorothy Harper Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Lyle D. Harrell Mr. Carlton P. Harris Mr.* & Mrs. Rodney B. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Kellye R. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hart Dr. David J. Hart & Dr. Monica Smith Hart Mr. Kenneth Harton Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Guy Harwood Ms. Joanna C. Haspels Mr. & Mrs. John M. Haspels Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Haspels Ms. Dana Hassett Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy R. Hatfield Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Hauser Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Hay Dr. Hugh Hays & Dr. Marjorie J. Hays Dr. & Mrs. Robert Neil Hazlett Mr. & Mrs. Kedong He Pam and Jim Head

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heerlein Mrs. Lois J. Hefley* Miss Mary Heggins Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Heim Ms. Carol J. Heiman Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Heitschmidt Mr. & Mrs. David Helfrich Ms. Pat Helus Mr. & Mrs. Denny E. Helvey Ms. Margaret M. Hemmert Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Hemmert Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Henderson Mrs. Barbara L. Hendrich Mrs. Joanne R. Hendry Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Henesey Mrs. Marissa L. Henley Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Henneberg Mrs. Helen Henry Dr. & Mrs. Justin B. Henry Arthur and Lucille Henry Mr. & Mrs. L. K. Henry Rev. & Mrs. Robert C. Henry Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hensley Mr. & Mrs. Max P. Hergott Ms. Jane Herman Mr. & Mrs. Steve Herman Ms. Roberta Herold Mr. & Mrs. Jay H. Herren Dr. Blake E. Herres Mr. & Mrs. Ty A. Herrington Mr. Cecil J Herron Mr. & Mrs. John L. Herter Dr. Mark A. Herzog, D.D.S. Ms. Mary C. Herzog Hesse Petroleum Company, LLC Mrs. Gladys Heter-Sargent Mr. Kevin J. Hetz Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. Hadley Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Hicks Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Hiebert Mr. & Mrs. John T. Higgs Mr. & Mrs. Arnold G. Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hildebrand Miss Sasha E. Hildebrand Mrs. Glenda Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Gene R. Hildebrandt

Donor List

Ms. Cynthia Hunter Christine Anderson Huntsman Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hupe John and Patty Hurdle Mrs. Ina Hurley Dr. Rebecca F. Huselid Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Huslig Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Hussey Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Huston Mrs. Helen C. Hutchison Hutchinson New Covenant Presbyterian Church IBM Corporation Inprov Kansas LLC Mrs. Doris A. Iraca Mr. & Mrs. William H. Irwin Dr. & Mrs. James R. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. David P. Irwin, II Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Irwin Ms. Diana Ivey Mr. Joel D. Iwashige Mrs. Janet Iwig Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jack Ms. Lurene Jackson Mrs. Bettine C. Jacques Rev. & Mrs. George Jaderston Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Jahay Mr. & Mrs. James Janicelli Ms. Elizabeth T. Janousek Mr. Richard Janssen Ms. Shelly Janssen Mr. & Mrs. Kent Janzen Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Jay Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Jekinek Rev. & Mrs. D. Gordon Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas John Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. John Mrs. Joann Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Johnson Mr. Chester W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James O. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Harve B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Craig D. Johnson Ms. Marilyn Johnson Mr. Wayne Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James D. Johnson Mrs. Norma Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Loren A. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Ed Jones Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Jones Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Jones, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wesley H. Jones Mr. Tom M. Jones Ms. Sherry Jones Mr. & Mrs. George V. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Ricky G. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Lowell G. Jones Mrs. Catherine A. Jones Ms. Marlene Jones Ms. Edna Jones Ms. Lisa M. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Kent Jossie Mr. & Mrs. George S. Kalemkarian Ruth Kammerzell Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kammerzell Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kammerzell Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kamphaus Dr. & Mrs. Robert Kanary Ms. Patricia A. Kane Kap Construction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Brett Kappelmann Ms. Ruth Karner Rev. Violet Kasselman Mr. D.J. Kauffman Ms. Marlene Keating Keenan Law Firm PA Mr. & Mrs. Brian Keener Mr. Bob Keeter Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry P. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Bud J. Kelley Miss Stefani I. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joel A. Kelso Mr. & Mrs. Ira O. Kelso Kelso Testing Salvage Oil Casing Mr. & Mrs. Don Kempke Mr. & Mrs. Brett A. Kendig Ms. Shirley Kendig Mr. & Mrs. Sam M. Kendrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kennedy Mr. Douglas Kenworthy Mrs. Mardelle Kenyon Mr. & Mrs. Terry Kepka

Sterling College Annual Report

Mr. Leslie M. Hildebrandt* Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hill Ms. Sheryl L. Hillman Mrs. Lois E. Himes Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hines Ms. Tillie B. Hines Dr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Hinshaw Ms. Debby Hird Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hiss Mrs. Kathy L. Hitt Mr. & Mrs. Randall R. Hlad Ms. Annie Hochman Mrs. Edith Hodgson Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hoekstra Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Hoener Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hoenig Bill and Trudie Hoffman Ms. Patricia R. Hogg Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Hogg Mr. & Mrs. T. Holm Mrs. Marcella K. Holmes Mr. Jim Holmes Mr. Leroy Holt Home Lumber & Supply CO. Dr. Wai-Foong Hong Mr. & Mrs. Harold G. Hood Mr. Buddy Hook Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Hookstra Mr. & Mrs. Lester C. Hoover Rev. & Mrs. Mike Hoover Hopewell Prebyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Faylin Hoppes Mr. & Mrs. D. Hopping Horizon Financial Group, L.L.C. Ms. Amy R. Horsley Mrs. J. Eugene Horton Mr. & Mrs. H R. Horton Mr. & Mrs. Chuck F. Hoscheid Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hoskinson Mr. & Mrs. Dight House Mr. & Mrs. D. Houska Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Howe Mr. Paul W. Howe Ms. Rebah J. Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Hubenett Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Huber Mr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Huffman Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hukills Mrs. Vivian R. Hulsopple Mr. & Mrs. William Humphreys Mr. William T. Hunter

Donor List

Sterling College Annual Report


Mrs. Monica L. Kern Mr. Kenneth Kester Ms. Marie Kester Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ketchum Mr. Geofrey Kigenyi Charles W. Kilpatrick Mr. & Mrs. William M. King Ms. Jan E. King Mr. & Mrs. Oris Kingery Mrs. Bess M. Kirby Ms. Shannon D. Kirby Miss Vicky Kirchoff Mr. Robert E. Kirchoff Grisha & Jessica “Cis” Kirdyashev Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Kirk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Kirkby Mr. Larry Kirkhart Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Kirkland Dr. & Mrs. Henry M. Kissman Mr. & Mrs. James D. Kitson Mr. & Mrs. Loren R. Kix Mr. & Mrs. Ervin A. Klein Mrs. Lola V. Klepper Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kleppinger Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Klevos Ms. Janet M. Kliesen Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kline Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Kloch Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Klotz Mary & Dick Kneidl Ms. Anne Knoll Mr. & Mrs. Loren R. Knox Erwin T. Koch Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Craig G. Kochsiek Mr. & Mrs. Harry Koehn Mr. & Mrs. Wes Koehn Ms. Joellen Koerner Ms. Linda L. Kohls Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kolling Mr. & Mrs. Charles Konrade Ms. Eva I. Koontz Ms. Kathryn V. Korby Rev. & Mrs. William C. Korf Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Korsvold Mr. & Mrs. Carl Koschany Ms. Eleanor Kostolni Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Kottmann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Kozak Mrs. Lori A. Kragel Mr. Kenyon P. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Kirk P. Kramer Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Krause Miss Rhonda Krause Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Kraushaar Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Krehbiel Mr. & Mrs. Tim Krehbiel Mr. & Mrs Steven Krehbiel Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Krehbiel Krehbiel Automotive Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kreutzer Mr. & Mrs. Warren D. Krise Ms. Charlene Kropp Mr. & Mrs. John W. Krupp Mrs. Louise Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie A. Kruse Dr. Rebecca D. Kuhn & Dr. Alan Newton Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Kumpula Mr. & Mrs. Geraldine Kunst Mr. & Mrs. Erich Kunst Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Kvasnica Dr. & Mrs. Teow Hwa Kwa Lakeview Family Dental, LLC Lakin First Presbyterian Church Mr. Rajendra K. Lall Mr. Richard M. Lamb, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William G. Lamb Mrs. Emily L. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Lambert Ms. Dorothy D. Lambert Mr. Vaughn L. Lambert Mr. & Mrs. David R. Landis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Langel Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Lanham Mr. Joel E. Lanier Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Laning Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell G. Lansdell Ms. Elizabeth A. Lansdell Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Larsen Mrs. Helen H. Larsen Ms. Helen M. Larsen Mrs. & Mrs. William J. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Peder J. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. William A. Larson Mr. Michael F. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur K. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Roger Laubengayer Mr. Jeffrey Laudermilk Mrs. Patricia M. Laudermilk Mr. & Mrs. Weston Laudermilk Mr. & Mrs. Normand Lavallee Ms. Therese Law

Ms. Melissa A. Lawhorn Miss Jeanne A. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Lawrence Ms. Allison Layne Mr. & Mrs. Mark Layng Ms. Millicent R. Leake Mr. & Mrs. Tavis Leake Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Learned Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Lebsack Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Lecoff Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Ledford Mr. Herbert S. Lee Dr. & Mrs. Sang K. Lee Mrs. Janice E. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lehmann Leigh Lillibridge Insurance Agency Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Rudd Leighton Ms. Wendy D. Leleux Ms. Alice B. Lentz Leoti Parks Presbyterian Church Mrs. Helen F. Leslie Mrs. Jeanne K. Leutung Mr. & Mrs. Gregory K. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy L. Lewis Ms. Karol Lies Mr. & Mrs. Carlos M. Lifosjoe Mr. & Mrs. Max D. Liggett Light of the World Christian Fellowship Mr. & Mrs. George H. Lightner Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lilya Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lindberg Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Lindholm Mr. & Mrs. John L. Lindquist Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Lippelmann Mr. & Mrs. R A. Liskey Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Lizotte Melaney ‘McDaniel’ & Edward Loar Mr. & Mrs. Aaron D. Locke Mr. Marlin K. Locke Mr. Gale Locke Mr. William R. Long Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Long Rev. & Mrs. Earl T. Long Mr. & Mrs. Don Long Miss L. Eileen Loomis Mrs. Elda Ruth Lorah Ms. Gwen Lorenz Mr. & Mrs. Troy Lorenzen Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Losinski Lila B. Lothson

Mr. Robert Lotze Mr. & Mrs. Seleta Lovell Mr. & Mrs. Edmund H. Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery J. Lowther Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ludwick Mr. & Mrs. Lowell R. Lund Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lundgren Ms. Jennifer Lundine Mr. James W. Lusk Ms. Ann W. Lusk Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Lutter Lyons Federal Bank Mr. & Mrs. James T. Maciejewski Macksville Free Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. D. Scott MacLeod Mr. & Mrs. Terry Maddux Mrs. & Mr. Janice Madison Ms. Kimberly Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Craig Madsen Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Magee Mrs. Rosalie C. Maginness Mr. & Mrs. Lyndel Mahaffey Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Mahla Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Malmgren Mr. Jeff Maltese Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Mandell Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mangrum Ms. Evelyn G. Mankhey Ella Mae (Koontz) Mann Mr. Robert J. Mann Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Mann Mr. & Mrs. James Michael Manning Mr. & Mrs. Ray Manning Mr. & Mrs. Dean Mantz Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Marietta Mr. & Mrs. Carl Marks Dr. Keith W. Marlow Marmie Ford Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Pete Marsh Dr. & Mrs. Dean A. Marsh Mr. Larry W. Marshall Ms. Lynda Marshall Mr. Daniel B. Marshall Mr. Johnny Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Marc Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Justin L. Martin Ms. Diana L. Martin Rev. & Mrs. Melville W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Chet L. Martin Mr. Ernie Martinez

Ms. Anna Martorelli Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Mason Mr. & Mrs. Bob Matousek Miss Aleta J. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Ned Mattingly Mr. & Mrs. B. Maxwell Ms. Irene May and Ms. Tammi R. Athans Mr. & Mrs. Mason D. May Ms. Margaret R. Mayer Ms. Dora Maze Mr. & Mrs. Stan McAdoo Mrs. Mildred M. McAllaster Mrs. Sue C. McAllaster Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. McArthur Ms. Donna B. McArthur Mr. Lewis E. McAtee Mrs. Elizabeth Jean McAuley* Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. McCaulley Mr. & Mrs. Jason McCleary Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. McClure, IV Mrs. Sharlet J. McClurkin Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. McCollum Mr. & Mrs. Kerry A. McCowen Mr. Harold K. McCreight Mrs. Juanita McCreight Mr. & Mrs. John W. McCreight Mrs. Mary Lou McCreight Mr. Mark McCrory Mr. & Mrs. Joel McCrory Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McCullough Mr. R C. McCune Mr. & Mrs. Brad McCune Mr. & Mrs. Mark McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. McDonald Robin D. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonnell Mr. & Mrs. Robert McDowell Mr. Paul McDowell Dr. & Mrs. Albert Dean McElroy Mr. & Mrs. John McGee Mr. & Mrs. Leo McGilber Mr. & Mrs. Greg J. McGlynn Mr. Kenneth P. McGrath Mr. Todd P. McGrath Thomas P. McGrath Ms. Patricia S. McGurk Mr. Richard J. McIntyre Mr. & Mrs. Walter McIver Ms. Mary M. McKemy Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McKenzie Mrs. Mary E. McKinley

Donor List

Mr. Michael Miller Mr. & Mr. Troy M. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Todd Miller Mr. & Mrs. John L. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Miller Mrs. Janice R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jim Milleville Miss Shannon K. Millican Mrs. Debra Millikan Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mills Mrs. M. Maxine Millsap Miltonvale First Pres. Church Minden Westminster U.P. Church Minnis Group, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Minter Mr. & Mrs. Howard Miskimon Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mitchell Mrs. John J. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Alberto L. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Bill R. Moberly Mr. Danny T. Mobray Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Moddelmog Mr. Chester J. Mohney Mr. & Mrs. Garrette A. Mohnsen Rev. & Mrs. Robert C. Molby Moline First United Presbyterian Church Ms. Kathryn A. Monroe Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Montague Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Terry Moore More Buick-Chevrolet-Pontiac Mr. & Mrs. Lionel Moreno Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Morgan Mrs. & Mr. Alice Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Morrill Mr. A.E. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Loren L. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Justin Morris Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Morrison Ms. Velma K. Morz Mr. & Mrs. Dan D. Moser Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Moses Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Mosher Ms. Deborah J. Mosier Mr. & Mrs. William D. Moss Mr. & Mrs. Matt Jaeger Mt. Pleasant Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Muilenburg Rev. & Mrs. William Mulford Mr. & Mrs. Dustin W. Mullin Mrs. Mary Mullis Ms. Martha E. Muncy Mr. John L. Murphy Ms. Patricia A. Murphy Ms. Leona Murphy and Ms. Loretta J. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Rod Musser Mr. & Mrs. James R. Musser Mr. Melvin L. Muxlow Muxlow Farms Mr. & Mrs. Terry Myers Mrs. Betty Myers Miss Donna Myers Mr. & Mrs. John Nagel Mr. & Mrs. Leonard F. Namia Ms. Bernice A. Nance Neewollah, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Darryl E. Neff Mr. & Mrs. Sam Neff Mr. John F. New Newburg First Baptist Church Mr. & Mr. Donald Newell Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Newell Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Newman Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Nichol Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Nichol Ms. Grace L. Nichol Ms. Rebecca J. Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Nickel Mr. & Mrs. Jim Nickels Mr. & Mrs. James L. Nickles Mr. & Mrs. Mike Niedens Ms. Lafern Niedens Ms. Cassie Niedens Niedens Construction, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Niesen Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Nightingale Mr. & Mrs. Linden Nightingale Mrs. L. E. Nininger Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Nininger Mr. Richard J. Nininger Ms. Kathleen D. Nininger Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Nisly Dr. & Mrs. Brad K. Nix Rev. & Mrs. Alfred H. Noakes, III

Ms. Donna M. Nocella Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C. Noller Rev. & Mrs. Denzel E. Nonhof Mr. Marlin G. Noordman Mr. & Mrs. Eric Nordberg Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Nordling Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Norman Mr. Michael A. Novak Ms. Margaret M. Novak Mr. D. Novelli Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Nowlin Mr. Arlen Nuest Mr. Trent Null Mr. Lawrence C. Nulph Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Nunan Mrs. Estella Nuss Ms. Audrey Nusser Mr. & Mrs. James A. Nystrom Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Oard Ms. Marilyn F. Obermeyer Mr. & Mrs. Dean L. Oberst Ms. Sharon L. Ochs Mr. & Mrs. Todd Oden Mr. Robert O’Donnell* Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Ogle Sen. & Mrs. Dan O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Loy Oldham Mr. & Mrs. Max Oldham Dr. & Mrs. Larry W. Oline Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Olivas Mr. Dennis Oliver Mr. James Oller Mrs. Phyllis J. Olsen Ms. Fern Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Olson Kathleen Olson Mr. & Mrs. Duane K. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ontiveros Mr. Sam Ontjes Open Door Church of God in Christ Open Door Pregnancy Care Center Orland Park Dental Specialists Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Orloske Ms. Jessica R. Orr Osage City First United Pres. Church Osborne Livestock Commission, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Osburn Mr. & Mrs. William J. Osner Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ost Ms. Susan L. Ottley Mr. & Mrs. David Ottley

Mr. & Mrs. Milford G. Owens Ms. Laura Pace Ms. Virginia Packebush Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Paden Miss Sarah E. Page Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Page Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Page Ms. Janice J. Painter Ms. Swan Painting Ms. Gale L. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Palumbo Pamida Foundation Ms. Helen Pannbacker Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Parish Mr. Stephen C. Park Ms. Helen Parker Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Parks Mr. & Mrs. Erin Patrick Mr. & Mrs. Harrell M. Paul Dr. & Mrs. Daniel N. Pauls Mr. & Mrs. James F. Pearce Mrs. Winifred M. Pearsall Mr. Michael Pearson Miss Lauren E. Peck Mr. & Mrs. Randy Pederson Ms. Heather K. Pehl Ms. Denise A. Pellinen Ms. Nancy Penland Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Penner Mr. Marlin Penner Mr. & Mrs. David Penner Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Penner Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Penner Mr. & Mrs. Wesley L. Penner Mr. Walter A. Penner Ms. Marybelle Pennock Ms. Marjorie F. Pentland Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Perry Mr. Daniel Peschka Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Peters Mr. Ernest W. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Jay Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Peterson Mr. & Mrs. John V. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Petrovic Mr. & Mrs. Paul Petrowsky Mr. & Mrs. Brent Pfannenstal Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pfannenstiel Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Sterling College Annual Report

Mr. & Mrs. William L. McKinley Miss Susan F. McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McKinney Ms. Jane McLaughlin Ms. Jan McLees Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. McMahan Mr. & Mrs. James D. McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Tom McMillan Mr. Rob McNeal Mr. & Mrs. J K. McNickle Mr. & Mrs. Byron L. McNickle Mrs. Shirley McNickle Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. McPherson Mr. & Mrs. John W. McPherson Mr. & Mrs. Juneil McQueen Tyler and Robin McVay Charles and Gladys Meadows Mr. Howard K. Means Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mehl, Jr. Mr. Jon A. Mehler Mr. Mark Meister & Miss Ann Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Melin Dr. & Mrs. J. B. Melton Mr. & Mrs. George Mendenhall Miss Helen E. Mendenhall Mennonite Press, Inc Ms. Marjorie Meredith Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Merideth Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Mestdagh Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mestdagh Ms. Betsy Mester Mr & Mrs. Richard Metcalfe Rev. & Mrs. John R. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Curtis L. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. James D. Meyeres Michael V. Yowell, D.D.S. P. A. Mid-Kansas Marine & RV, Inc. Midway Co-op Assn., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Millard Mr. & Mrs. Stanley D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Miller Ms. Evelyn Miller Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Miller Ms. Judy D. Miller Mrs. Anne Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ross Miller Dr. & Mrs. Drew R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Miller Mr. Daniel C. Miller* Mr. & Mrs. Ken E. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Miller


Donor List

Sterling College Annual Report

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Phares Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Troy Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Duane I. Pickett Mr. & Mrs. William W. Pickle Mr. Harold R. Piehler Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Pierce Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Piland Mr. & Mrs. John A. Pilla Miss Carla M. Pim Mr. Ramon Pinon Mr. & Mrs. David Pittman Pittsburg Presbyterian Church FR. John M. Pitzer Mrs. Jean Pitzer Mr. & Mrs. George F. Pless Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Plett Mr. & Mrs. David K. Ploutz Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Ploutz Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pohlman Mr. & Mrs. William Poland Mr. & Mrs. Charles Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Poltermann Mrs. Mary M. Poole Ms. Joan E. Porsch Mr. & Mrs. Ernest W. Porter Ms. Janet A. Postier Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Poston Mr. & Mrs. David A. Pothoven Mr. & Mrs. Cecil D. Powell Ms. Brenda K. Powell Mrs. Marjorie A. Powers Presbyterian Manors, Inc. Presbyterian Women of Southern Ks Mr. & Mrs. Brian Price Dr. & Mrs. James Prickett Mr. & Mrs. John J. Prideaux Ms. Sheila Prince Mr. Seth J. Prochaska Mr. & Mrs. Larry Proffitt Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Proffitt Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Proffitt Mr. & Mrs. Gilberto Pruneda Mr. & Mrs. David Ptacek Ms. Loren Ptomey Ms. Janice L. Ptomey Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Putnam Mr. & Mrs. James Quandt

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Quarnstrom Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Quick Mr. & Mrs. Victor G. Quintero Ms. Jean C. Rabune Mr. & Mrs. Sean Racette Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Racine Ms. Beau Radke Radke Implement, Inc. Mr. Lyle K. Raines Ms. Margo A. Rakes Mr. Vernon E. Ralston Rev. & Mrs. Phil Ramer Miss Kathi Ramirez Mr. Gustavo Ramirez Mr. S. D. Rand Ms. Gloria J. Randall Mrs. Barb Randolph-Benson Mr. David P. Rankin Mr. & Mrs. Phillip N. Rankin Mr. & Mrs. Carl P. Ranno Ms. Reva J. Rapp Miss Beverly Rapp Mr. & Mrs. Roger K. Ratcliff Mr. & Mrs. Earl G. Ratekin Mr. & Mrs. Cory Rathbun Mr. Jack Rathbun Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ray Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ray Mrs. Myrna J. Ray Ms. Caroline Ray Diana Ray Liskey Mr. & Mrs. Ron Reagan Mr. & Mrs. George L. Records Mr. & Mrs. Terrance S. Redmon Miss Susan M. Reed Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Shawn R. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Howard R. Reed Mr. & Mrs. David L. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Reekie Mr. & Mrs. William C. Reekie Ms. R. J. Reekie Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Regehr Mrs. Gladys M. Regier Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Regier Dr. & Mrs. William R. Reid Mr. & Mrs. Eric Reid Rev. & Mrs. Dee Jay Reiff Mr. & Mrs. Greg A. Reimer Ms. Donna F. Reimer

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Reinert Ms. Dorthy L. Remley Mr. & Mrs. Tom C. Renard Tony Renollet Ms. Kristina M. Rentz Resource Transport, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Rice Mr. Willie Rice Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Rice Mr. & Mrs. Michael N. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Justin Rice Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rich Mr. & Mrs. Charles Richardson Mr. Gerald R. Richman Mark & Michelle Richmond Ms. Melissa J. Richmond Mrs. Daisy E. Riedl Wayne Riedl & Jane Riedl Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Rife Mr. Ray Riggs Mrs. Elena Righettine Mr. & Mrs. Ron Riley Mr. Randy Rinker Mr. Jon W. Rinker Ms. Judy Ritchie Dr. Gladys E. Ritterhouse Mr. & Mrs. Emery Rivera Mr. & Mrs. James Riviere Mr. Mark Roadhouse Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Roadhouse Ms. Mary Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Mark Robbins Mr. Jesse B. Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Stuart D. Robertson Ms. Phyllis Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Kelly T. Robson Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Robson Mr. & Mrs. John A. Rock Mr. & Mrs. David Roesener Mr. & Mrs. Jon Roger Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. James O. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Baxter K. Rollins Mr. Charles J. Roman Ms. Nadine A. Rome Mrs. Michelle K. Ronen Mr. Mark A. Ronnel Mr. Edgar A. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Dale D. Rose Rose Hill Bank Mr. & Mrs. Greg Rosenhagen

Donor List

Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Schierling Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Schitoskey Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Schlegel Mrs. Gwendolyn Schlender Ms. Paula Schlitter Mr. & Mrs. Geral Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Terry Schmidt Ms. Hildred D. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Clark A. Schmidt Ms. Mabel Schmidt Mr. Gary Schmidtberger Mr. & Mrs. Don Schmucker Mr. Derek M. Schneider Mr. William M. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Ken Schnetzler Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schock Ms. Janelle Schoenwald and Ms. Gladys Regier Mrs. Silva D. Scholes Mr. & Mrs. Rex C. Schott Schrader Ral Esate & Auction Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Darren Schrock Mr. & Mrs. Marcus C. Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Junis E. Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Kory Schuknecht Mr. Konrad M. Schuknecht Mr. & Mrs. Roger Schultze Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Schultze Mr. & Mrs. Wade Schultze Mr. Justin Schultze Mr. & Mrs. Roger Schutte Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schwamborn Mr. & Mrs. Danny Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Schwartzkopf Mr. & Mrs. Clarence G. Schwemmer Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Schwemmer Mr. & Mrs. Rick Scoles Mr. & Mrs. Steve Scott Mr. & Mrs. Jim Scott Mr. James W. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Scott Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Scribner Ms. Rita Seay Mr. & Mrs. Gary Seibert Mr. Guy M. Seiler Mr. & Mrs. Allan L. Seim Mr. & Mrs. Harold Seipel Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sellers Mrs. Datha Shaffer

Ms. Gail K. Shanelec Mr. & Mrs. Jon E. Sharp Ms. Donna Sharp Sharpe Memorial Clinic Mr. Terry Sheneman Mrs. Mildred L. Shepard Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Shepard Mr. & Mrs. Terry Sherfick Mrs. Ruth D. Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Shiblom Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Shippy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Shook Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Shores Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Sibley Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Siefkes Mr. & Mrs. Allen Siemens Mrs. Lois M. Sieverling Miss Carol S. Sieverling Sigma Epsilon Sorority Mr. James B. Silman, III Silver Leaf Chapter Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Simon Mrs. Ruth Simon Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sims Mr. Rubin Sisneios Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerl E. Skidmore Mr. & Mrs. John W. Skoff Mr. & Mrs. William E. Small Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Smischny Rev. & Mrs. Richard C. Smith Ms. Anna R. Smith Capt. & Mrs. Eugene A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. David M. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lyle S. Smith Ms. Clare Smith Rev. & Mrs. Parker E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Smith Mr. Roger P. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Stuart A. Smith Mrs. Coral Caldwell-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Rock Smith Mr. Joseph Smith Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Smith Mr. & Mrs. William R. Smith Mrs. Darlene Smith Mr. & Mrs. Larry B. Sneed Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Snelling

Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Soden Mr. Ian A. Soergel Kenneth and Carol (Ray) Sonnevik Mr. Brad Souders Mr. & Mrs. Lonie Soukeep Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. Southwick Mr. & Mrs. Marlyn Spare Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sparks Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Spear Dr. & Mrs. Gene W. Spear Spearville, The Federated Church Ms. Cara E. Spencer James and Angie Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Eric K. Sperber Mr. & Ms. Raymond R. Sperber Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Sperber Dr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Sperduto Mr. & Mrs. Milton J. Sperle Mr. & Mrs. Don G. Spillers Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Spitler Mr. & Mrs. Scott Spleiss Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Splitter Mr. Andrew G. Spotts Mr. & Mrs. Kip Spray Ms. Jean B. Spreen Mrs. Jan A. Stadalman Mr. & Mrs. Chris Stahl Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Stallings Mr. Randy L. Standeford Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stanfield Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Stanton Ms. Virginia Stareshina Mr. & Mrs. David J. Starkey Mr. & Mrs. Jude C. Stecklein Mr. & Mrs. Keith Steele Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Steffen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stegman Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Steinbacher Mr. & Mrs. Jerald D. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. David Stenson Mr. & Mrs. David A. Stephen Mr. & Mrs. Curtis B. Stephen Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Stephens Mr. Richard O. Stephens Sterling Bulletin Sterling Gambino’s Sterling High School Sterling Home Lumber Company Sterling KMW Ltd. Sterling Mr. Tee, LLP

Sterling Services Sterling United Industries Inc. Sterling United Methodist Church Steve Seiler Construction Amy ‘McCarty’ Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Stevens Mr. W. Gregory Stewart Mrs. Doris M. Stewart Rev. & Mrs. Richard K. Stewart Mr. Paul Stewart Dr. & Mrs. George W. Stickel Ms. Ginger Stiggins Mr. Charles D. Stinson Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Stoddard Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Stokes Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Stokes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stone Mr. & Mrs. Willard Stone Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Storm Ms. Kim Storms Mr. Chris Story Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stos Ms. Elsieferne V. Stout Dr. Robert L. Strain Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Stramel Mr. & Mrs. John Strange Mrs. Edith Stratmann Ms. Sharon Stratton and Ms. Bridget E. Stratton Mr. & Mrs. Randy Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Strickland Mr. B Strickland Mrs. Lynn Strickler Mrs. Josephine Strnad Stronghold Counseling Services, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Mark Struck Mr. & Mrs. James C. Stuart Ms. Allison I. Stuchlik Miss Hillary G. Stucky Mr. Kirk A. Stucky Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Stucky Mr. & Mrs. Elwyn B. Stucky Mr. Terry Stueder Mr. Darrell Stutzman Stutzman Refuse Disposal, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Suderman Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Suiter Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Joshua T. Sullivan Sullivan Spraying Service, L.L.C.

Sterling College Annual Report

Ms. Donna M. Roseveare Mr. & Mrs. Henry Rosin Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Ross Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ross Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Roth Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Rowland Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rowland Royer Brothers Tree Service Dr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Rundus Dr. & Mrs. Ray Rundus Mrs. Cheryl L. Runyan Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Rupp Mr. Charles Rupp Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Russ Mr. & Mrs. William J. Russell Russell Trinity United Methodist Church Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rust Mr. Donald C. Rutherford Dr. Mary E. Ruthi Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Rutland Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Ryan Mr. Doug Sager Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sager Saint John First National Bank Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Saiz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salem Mr. & Mrs. Harold V. Sales Salina Presbytery of Northern Kansas Mr. & Mrs. James S. Salmon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Salvador Dr. & Mrs. William J. Salyers, Jr. Ms. Kathleen A. Samsky Mr. Reuben Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Bryan A. Sandager Anneva Sander Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sanders Mr. Steven D. Sanders Ms. Anna H. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sandusky Ms. Veronica P. Sariego Dr. & Mrs. Mark Sarver Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Sauer Mrs. Janet Sawhill - Perry Saxon Chiropractic & Wellness Center LLC Mr. & Mrs. John Sayler Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Scheer Rev. & Mrs. Randall R. Scheer Ms. Doris Schehrer Mr. Randy Schenk Mrs. Lucille M. Scheufler


Donor List

Sterling College Annual Report


Mr. & Mrs. Barney J. Sumrall Jr. Sun Rubber Supply Mr. & Mrs. Guy L. Sunderland Mr. & Mrs. Travis L. Surface Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Sutherland Mr. John Sutrick Mr. & Mrs. Gentry N. Sutton Rev. & Mrs. Seth R. Svaty Mr. & Mrs. Donald Svaty Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie L. Svaty Miss Rachel A. Svaty Ms. Kimberely Svaty Mr. & Mrs. Dave Svaty Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Swenson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Swihart Ben and Karin (Lederle) Swihart Ms. Eleanor Swihart Swindoll, Janzen, Hawk & Loyd, LLC Mr. Mark J. Swiontek Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Swiontek Swisher Hydro Excavating Mrs. Eldonna Sylvia Syracuse First Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. M. William Syrios Mr. & Mrs. Edmund S. Szypulski Ms. Deborah K. Taege Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Talbott Mr. & Mrs. Doug C. Talbott Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Talley Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Tambaro Ms. Diane Tarver Mr. Jason Tatkenhorst Mr. & Mrs. Tom Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Taylor Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Teague Miss M. Lynne Tedford Mr. James S. Tedford Rev. & Mrs. J. Mark Tedford Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Teman Ms. Sandra L. TerMeer Mr. & Mrs. William Teufel Texas Star Chemicals, LLC Ms. Linda Tezeno Mrs. Stacie J. Tharp Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Thayer Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Thayer The Farmers National Bank The Gallery Restaurant & Bar The Garden City Coop, Inc. The Lyons State Bank The Wolves Den 21 Club

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Thibault Dr. & Mrs. John F. Thielenhaus Mr. & Mrs. David L. Thies Miss Brenda J. Thiessen Mr. & Mrs. G. J. Thissen Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Thode Mr. Stephen M. Thomas Mr. Crystal N. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Thomas Ms. Amy R. Thompson Dr.* & Mrs. Joseph K. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Virgil L. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Thompson Ms. Shelly C. Thompson Mrs. & Mr. Jannine Thorne Mr. & Mrs. Dean L. Thrasher Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Mr. & Mrs. Ron Tice Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Timken Mr. & Mrs. Steve Timken Ms. Jill Tinkel Mr. & Mrs. Siu K. Tjoe Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Tobias Mr. & Mrs. Frank Tobias Mr. & Mrs. Clarence D. Todd Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Todd Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Toews Mr. Edwin Toews Mr. F. R. Toman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tommer Mr. & Mrs. O J. Tomson Mr. & Mrs. James Topper Mr. & Mrs. Luis Toro Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Towns Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Trafford Miss Ethel M. Tramble Ms. Carol A. Tranbarger Mr. Arden Treaster Tribune First Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Wendell D. Truhlar Ms. Ruth F. Trujillo Mr. & Mrs. Manuel J. Trujillo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Trujillo Ms. Jennifer L. Truman Mr. & Mrs. Lance Tucker Tucson Lodge No. 691 Vasa Order of America Mr. & Mrs. Jeff R. Tunberg Ms. Kimberly Turk Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. Turner Ms. Darlene J. Turpen

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Tuxhorn Ms. Deborah Tyus Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Ubelaker Mr. & Mrs. David H. Ulrich Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Underhill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Underwood Mr. & Mrs. Robert Underwood Mr. Roy Unger Mr. & Mrs. Joel C. Unger United Presbyterian Women Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Unruh Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Unruh Ms. Margaret S. Unruh Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Unruh Mr. Gano H. Unruh Mr. & Mrs. P. W. Unruh Mr. & Mrs. Troy Unruh Mr. Don Utz Mr. & Mrs. Ramiro Valdez Mr. & Mrs. Ramiro Valdez Mr. & Mrs. Casiano Valenzuela Mr. & Mrs. Alex Valenzuela Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Van Bebber Mr. & Mrs. Max G. Van Horn Mr. & Mrs. Paul Van Horn Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Van Meter, Jr. Carielyn and Scott VanDeCreek Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Vandersall Mr. & Mrs. Jack Vandeveer Rev. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Vandevort Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Vann Ms. Rachel Vanoort Mr. & Mrs. Charles VanOver Mr. Robert L. Vanwyen Jr. Mrs. June Vasey Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Vasey Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Vaulx Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Veatch Stan and Donna Versaw Ms. Mary L. VerSteeg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vessey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Vielbig Ms. Mary Vierthaler Mr. & Mrs. William Vincent Rev. & Mrs. James E. Vincent Vintage Construction, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Randy Vogel Dr. & Mrs. John E. Vogt Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Vogt Mr. & Mrs. Scott Vogt Mr. M. Roger Volker

Ms. Talle A. Voorhies Mr. Christian L. Vosler Mr. & Mrs. Verne D. Voth Mr. & Mrs. K. Voth Ms. Ruth Wachowiak Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Wade Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wade Mr. & Mrs. James Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wagoner Mr. & Mrs. Micah Wakefield Ms. Megan Walker Ms. Emily Walker Mr. & Mrs. James R. Walker Miss Janet Walker Ms. Patricia Walker Mr. & Mrs. Ira Wallace Rev. & Mrs. David Wallace Ms. Elaine Wallace Ms. Constance Wallen Mr. & Mrs. David Walling Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Chris S. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Walters Mr. & Mrs. Jack Walton Mr. & Mrs. Scott Walton Mr. Marvin H. Wambsganss Mr. Eddie Ward Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Warta Mr. Klee R. Watchous Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Watson Ms. Denise Watson Ms. CJ Watson Mr. & Mrs. Maurice L. Wearda Mr. Tommy B. Webb Mrs. Katherine A. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Ed R. Webb Mr. Everett Webb Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Weber Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Webster Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Webster Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Wedra Mr. & Mrs. Bernard C. Wegner Mr. Chris Weigel Ms. Peggy Weinhold Mr. Hermann I. Weinlick Mr. & Mrs. Theodore K. Weis Miss Clara Belle Weller Wellington Presbyterian Women Mr. & Mrs. Vance Wendelburg

Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Wendt Mr. & Mrs. William Wenger Miss Ronda Wenger Miss Gail J. Wenos Mr. & Mrs. Jon West Mrs. Neva Westerman Ms. Beverly Westerman Western Kansas Surgical Rev. Louise F. Westfall Mrs. Jane Westfall Mr. Lloyd l. Westmoreland Mr. Gerald V. Wethor Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick A. Weve Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Hal N. White Mrs. Thelma White Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. White Mr. Edgar W. White Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. White Mr. & Mrs. John White Dr. & Dr. Aaron White Mr. & Mrs. Ted White Mr. Kevin W. White Mr. & Mrs. Bruce White Mrs. Donna M. Whitehouse White’s Foodliner Whitewater Penner, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Alan O. Whitley Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Whitmer Mr. & Mrs. Roger Whitmore Mr. & Mrs. G C. Whitsitt Mr. & Mrs. Gaylen Wichert Wichita Bethel Presbyterian Wichita Calvary Presbyterian Church Ms. Marguerite C. Wickersham Mr. & Mrs. Todd L. Wiebe Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd H. Wiebe Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wiebe Ms. Arleta Wiebe Mr. Shawn A. Wiebe Mr. & Mrs. Leo T. Wiggins Jr. Ms. Janet S. Wilbeck Dr. & Mrs. H. Kendall Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. Steve D. Wilhelm Mr. Curtis J. Wilhelm Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Wilhite Mrs. Gary Wilhite Mr. Ed Wilkey Ms. Audrey Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willey Ms. Candice Williams

Donor List

Dr. Donella S. Young Mr. & Mrs. Daryl E. Young Mr. & Mrs. David N. Young Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Zachary Mr. & Mrs. Royce D. Zeek Mr. Bruce D. Zelus & Ms. Cynthia E. Somers Mr. & Mrs. George L. Zickefoose Mr. & Mrs. Martin V. Ziegler Mr. William W. Ziel Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon Zielke Mr. & Mrs. Todd Zimmerman Greta J. Zimmerman Mr. Ben Zimmerman Jr.

Kelsey Society Mrs. Karen F. Achterberg Mrs. Beryle I. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Keith Adams Mrs. Ann Howser Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Colin Bailey Ms. Marty J. Behrendt Mr. Omer Belden Miss Bertha B. Bennett Dr. & Mrs. Tom Billings

Mrs. E. Ann Blose Mr. & Mrs. Don Bonnell Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bornhoeft Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Brothers Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brown Mrs. Betty J. Burgert Miss Mary Burgett Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calderwood Rev. & Mrs. Donald H. Calderwood Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mrs. Margaret A. Calderwood Dr. J. Robert Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Carlisle Mrs. Sandra Carter Mr. D. Scott Carter & Ms. Heather L. McCreery Mrs. Lois Colburn Mr. & Mrs. Ron Collins Mr. & Mrs. Jan C. Commer Ms. Anne M. Cornell Mr. Philip Crawford * Miss Phyllis L. Crouse Miss Shirley F. Crouse Mr. & Mrs. Lauren DeBuhr Dr. Marvin Dewey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dillon

Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Chester R. Dorsey Mrs. Martha L. Doutt Mrs. Donna M. Dye Mrs. Arlene R. Ediger Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne E. Edwards Mrs. Susan (Cornett) Elrick Rev. Roberta A. Fall Dr. & Mrs. Richard Farmer Mrs. Mary M. Finney Mrs. Mildred M. Frerks Mr. & Mrs. J. David Fullinwider Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Graves Mrs. Carolyn J. Haney Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hanna Dr. & Mrs. Robert Neil Hazlett Mrs. Pamela J. Head Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Held Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Henkle Mr. & Mrs. William Herrington Dorothy Heter Trust * Mrs. Florence E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Howard Mrs. Alice Humphreys Mr. & Mrs. David Irwin Mr. & Mrs. D. Gordon Jewett Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Johnson

Mrs. Ann J. Keeling Mr. Leroy Klema * Ms. Eva I. Koontz Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Larsen Mrs. Martha E. Larsen Ms. Helen M. Larsen * Mrs. Patricia M. Laudermilk Miss Jeanne A. Lawrence Miss Carol E. Lex Dr. Sara J. MacDonald Rev. Richard A. Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Willi Maier Miss Aleta J. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. McElroy Mrs. M. Joanne McGregor Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Meanor Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Means Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Meester Rev. & Mrs. John R. Meyer Mr. Chuck Montgomery Mrs. Virginia B. Morrill Rev. & Mrs. Alfred H. Noakes, III Mrs. Claris M. Nystrom Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Lindsay Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Carl Orr Mr. H. T. Pinaire * Mr. Ernest W. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Piland Ms. Janet A. Postier Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Reed Dr. C. Orvis Rupe Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sanders Mrs. Lucille Scheufler Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schirer Mrs. Ruth Sherman Mrs. Lois M. Sieverling Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Skinner, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Ted C. Smythe Dr. & Mrs. Dale N. Snyder Dr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Spotts Ms. Elsieferne V. Stout Mrs. Pamela Stuewe Rev. Paul H. Sutton Dr. James E. Sweeney Mr. James Tedford Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Thompson Mrs. Jean Thompson Mrs. Melba L. Treaster Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Underwood Rev. & Mrs. H. Eldin Wells

Sterling College Annual Report

Mr. & Mrs. Billie R. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jim Williams Dr. & Mrs. Lee E. Williford Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Willison Herman Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Willis C. Wilson Mr. John R. Wilson Mr. Blanche Wilson Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wilson MSGT. & Mrs. Donald A. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William L. Wilson Ms. Darlene Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Wiltse Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Winget Wirth Painting Services Mr. & Mrs. George Wirtz Mr. & Mrs. Howard Dean Wise Mr. Lloyd L. Wiseman Mr. J. J. Wisner Mr. Jeffrey J. Wisner Mrs. Doris Witt Mr. & Mrs. Jaret S. Wohler Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Wolf Rev. & Mrs. Monny Wolff Mr. & Mrs. William A. Wolfs Ms. Kristin Wolgemuth-Fitzgerald Ms. Diana S. Wolters Mr. & Mrs. Glen Wood Mr. Terry D. Woodbury Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Woodden Mr. & Mrs. Lee Woodford Ms. Cynthia M. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Woods Ms. Frances Woodworth Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Woodyard Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Woolf Mr. Parker Woolmington Mr. & Mrs. Terry Woolsey Dr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Work Mrs. Lois H. Wortman Mr. Michael J. Yagel Ms. Melissa D. Wisner Mr. & Mrs. Lee Yarrow Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Yates Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Yoder Mr. & Mrs. David Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Young Mr. Charles R. Young


Donor List

Miss Gail J. Wenos Mrs. Rose White Mr. & Mrs. James A. White Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Wilhite Mr. & Mrs. Lance Woodbury Mr. Duzel Yates

In Memory of Curt Bennett

Sterling College Annual Report


Mr. & Mrs. L. Keith Adams Mr. Garland L. Anneler Alumni Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ball Mrs. Kay Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bender Mr. & Mrs. Bradley E. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Jeff L. Bennett Ms. Sheri Bennett Mrs. Kati M. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Don Benson Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bingle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bowman Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bray Mr. & Mrs. Jason W. Briar Miss Sharon Burch Mr. & Mrs. Leon Burch Mrs. Karan Burgess Mr. & Mrs. Lee Burgess Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calderwood Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Caldwell Dr. J. Robert Campbell Mr. & Mrs. William P. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Jim Chroust Mr. & Mrs. Ernest K. Cicilioni Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Conard Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Condray Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Cullop Ms. Shirley M. Culver Mr. & Mrs. Galyn Devore Dr. Marvin Dewey Dr. & Mrs. Fred W. Dierksen Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Downing Mr. & Mrs. Richard Drake Mr. & Mrs. Carl Dudrey Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Duft Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dumler Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Dutton Mr. & Mrs. William A. Edwards Mrs. Betty J. Engelland

Mr. & Mrs. Rex Engelland Mrs. Valerie Erickson Mr. & Mrs. David Fankhauser Miss Fern Farney & Miss Vickie Farney Mr. & Mrs. David A. Fath Mr. John W. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Edgar L. Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Allen Garrett Miss Pam Gillmore Mr. & Mrs. William R. Grey Mr. & Mrs. John W. Grove Mrs. Pam Haltom Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harkins Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Jay H. Herren Mr. & Mrs. John L. Herter Mrs. Gladys Heter-Sargent Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hukills Mrs. Janet Iwig Ms. Kayla Johnson Mrs. Norma Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie A. Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Al Kruse Mrs. Patricia M. Laudermilk Mr. Jeffrey L. Laudermilk Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Learned Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy L. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Dean Mantz Mr. Tyler McVay Mrs. Janice R. Miller Mr. Max L. Moxley - Deceased Miss Donna Myers Mr. John F. New Mr. & Mrs. Jim Nickels Mr. James Oller Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Paden Ms. Janet A. Postier Mr. & Mrs. Larry Proffitt Mrs. Virginia A. Reed Mrs. Michelle K. Ronen Mr. & Mrs. Harold V. Sales Mr. & Mrs. Lee Sankey Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Rick Scoles Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Scribner Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sellers Mr. & Mrs. Myrt Shuttleworth Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Steffen

Mr. & Mrs. Jerald D. Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Thode Mr. & Mrs. Douglass Thorne Mr. W. L. Tolle Mr. & Mrs. Edward Trujillo Mrs. Sylvia Wagerle Mrs. Pat Wagler Mr. & Mrs. Ira Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Jack Walton Mr. & Mrs. Scott Walton Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. White Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wilhite Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wilkey Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wilkey Mr. John R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Wilson

In Memory of Dale Brehmer The Hartford Plaza

In Memory of Vada Clark Mrs. Melba L. Treaster

In Memory of Philip Crawford American Endowment Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Clayton W. Childs Ehrlich Pets & Supplies Ms. Denise G. Fetrow Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Malmgren Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Mason

In Memory of David Curts Mr. & Mrs. David A. Coffey Dr. & Mrs. Gary W. Coleman Miss Miriam Curts Mr. Emmett D. Curts Mr. & Mrs. Ivy Davis Dr. Marvin Dewey Mr. & Mrs. Dick Doster Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Kedong He Mr. & Mrs. Jim Head Mrs. Lois E. Himes Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Price Rev. Donald L. Ray Mark L. Tucker

In Memory of Mildred Dunn

Dr. Jerome L. Chandler Horizon Financial Group L.L.C. Ms. Donna B. McArthur Tucson Lodge No. 691 Vasa Order of America

In Memory of Zola Farris Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Robin L. Austin Ms. Mable Austin Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. George Bergen Mr. Alvin A. Brensing Mr. & Mrs. George A. Dechant Mr. Alva Farris Mr. & Mrs. Ronni Farris Ms. Marilyn Fox Mr. Leo J. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Jahay Rev. Violet Kasselman Keenan Law Firm PA Mr. & Mrs. Gregory K. Lewis Minnis Group Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Newell Mr. Donald Newell Ms. Audrey Nusser Ms. Sharon L. Ochs Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Putnam Saint John First National Bank Mr. Virgil D. Salem Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Siefkes Mr. & Mrs. Marlyn Spare Mr. M. Roger Volker Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Warner Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wilkey Mrs. Doris Witt Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Woolf Silver Leaf Chapter

In Memory of John Griffin, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Colin Bailey

In Memory of John Irwin Dr. & Mrs. James R. Irwin

In Memory of Gay Lough Mrs. Twila Bleam Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Unruh

In Memory of Betty McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Bonnell Ms. Valerie C. Brown Miss Frances N. Calderwood Ms. Grace A. Gates Mr. Robert W. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Dight House Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lundgren Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. McMahan Ms. Deborah J. Mosier Mr. & Mrs. Harold Seipel

In Memory Carla McConnelee American Guild of Organists Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Anderson Alumni Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Atwood Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Basinger Mr. & Mrs. David Baxley Mr. & Mrs. Ardon Brandyberry Mrs. Mary F. Burns Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Carter Ms. Mary J. Cline Mrs. Lois Colburn Ms. Patricia Coon Mrs. Velma A. Dickson Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Ediger Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Everson Dr. & Mrs. Craig A. Gannon Mr. Robert W. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Graber Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Gumm Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Hallberg Mr. R Hand* Mr. Cecil J Herron Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Konrade Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lindberg Dr. Sara J. MacDonald Ms. Kimberly Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Chet L. Martin Mr. Daryl F. McConnelee Rev. C. W. McConnelee Mr. & Mrs. James L. Nickles Mrs. Phyllis J. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Duane K. Olson Mr. Sam Ontjes Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pohlman Mr. & Mrs. Jon Roger Mr. & Mrs. Danny Schwartz

Donor List

Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Smith Mrs. Darlene Smith Spearville, The Federated Church Mr. & Mrs. Ron Tice Mr. Everett Webb Ms. Frances Woodworth

In Memory Anna Belle McCreery Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Bay Mr. Herbert Becker Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. John W. Grove Mrs. Helen Henry Mrs. Donna G. McCreery Mrs. Virginia A. Reed Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Thompson

In Memory Pete McVay Mr. Howard D. Boone Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Burger Mr. & Mrs. Jack Farney Mr. & Mrs. John McGee Mrs. Mary M. McVay Mr. Ernest S. Micek Mr. & Mrs. Brian Reinert Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sims Mr. & Mrs. O J. Tomson Mr. Gerald V. Wethor

In Memory of Willis Nachtigal Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Learned Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Olsen

In Memory of Bev Ray

Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Huseman Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Ingels Mr. & Mrs. David P. Irwin, II Ms. Elizabeth T. Janousek Ms. Shelly Janssen Mr. & Mrs. Kent Janzen Mr. & Mrs. George V. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Don Kempke Mr. & Mrs. Terry Kepka Mr. & Mrs. Oris Kingery Mr. Leroy C. Klema Mr. & Mrs. Sam W. Knecht, Jr. Ms. Linda L. Kohls Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Krehbiel Mr. & Mrs. John W. Krupp Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie A. Kruse Mrs. Louise Kruse Mr. & Mrs. William G. Lamb Mr. Richard M. Lamb, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peder J. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Ledford Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Liskey Mr. & Mrs. Don Long Mr. & Mrs. Terry Maddux Mr. & Mrs. Ray Manning Ms. Diana L. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Bob Matousek Mr. & Mrs. B Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. Mason D. May Ms. Dora Maze Mr. Lewis E. McAtee Mr. & Mrs. Roger McCaulley Mrs. Juanita McCreight Mr. R C. McCune Mr. Jon A. Mehler Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Moddelmog Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Montague Ms. Velma K. Morz Mr. & Mrs. John Nagel Mr. & Mrs. Leonard F. Namia Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Parish Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Parks Mr. & Mrs. Randy Pederson Ms. Alice M. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Ploutz Presbyterian Women of Southern KS Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Provines Mr. & Mrs. Phillip N. Rankin Mr. David P. Rankin Mr. Jack Rathbun Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ray

Mrs. Myrna J. Ray Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Ray Ms. Dorthy L. Remley Mr. & Mrs. Tom C. Renard Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rust Mrs. Janet Sawhill Perry Mr. & Mrs. Rex C. Schott Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Schwemmer Mr. James W. Scott Ms. Gail K. Shanelec Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Shippy Mrs. Ruth Simon Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Smischny Mr. & Mrs. Lonie Soukeep Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Spear Ms. Virginia Stareshina Mr. & Mrs. Dave Svaty Mr. & Mrs. Donald Svaty Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie L. Svaty Mr. & Mrs. Doug C. Talbott Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Talbott Mr. & Mrs. Siu K. Tjoe Mr. F. R. Toman Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Towns Mr. & Mrs. Wendell D. Truhlar Ms. Mary Vierthaler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Warta Ms. Peggy Weinhold Mrs. Neva Westerman* Ms. Beverly Westerman Ms. Eleanor C. Westfahl Mr. & Mrs. Alan O. Whitley Ms. Marguerite C. Wickersham Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Wolf Mr. & Mrs. David Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Daryl E. Young

In Memory of Bob Reed Dr. & Mrs. R. Mark Reed Mrs. Virginia A. Reed

In Memory of Laura Stewart Ms. Barbara Baar Mr. & Mrs. Benny Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bates Mrs. Virginia M. Beard Bucklin Teachers Association Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calderwood Miss Frances N. Calderwood

Miss Dena J. Coykendall Mr. & Mrs. Harold R. Dykstra Mr. & Mrs. Jay D. Farney Mr. & Mrs. John W. Grove Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Harner Mr. & Mrs. John T. Higgs Mrs. Glenda Hildebrand Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Kirk Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kneidl, Jr. Mrs. Elsie J. Learned Mr. & Mrs. Rudd Leighton Mr. & Mrs. Max D. Liggett Mr. & Mrs. Lyndel Mahaffey Mr. & Mrs. Carl Marks Mrs. Shirley McNickle Mr. & Mrs. J. K. McNickle Mr. & Mrs. Byron L. McNickle Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Nichol Mrs. Mary M. Poole Ms. Margo A. Rakes Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Rynerson Mrs. Silva D. Scholes Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Scott Dr. & Mrs. Peter W. Teague The Farmers National Bank Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Vasey Mr. Kevin W. White Mr. & Mrs. Hal N. White Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. White

In Memory of Marcella Stitt Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mr. Ernest Doubrava Ms. Therese Law Mr. & Mrs. Ned Mattingly Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stos

In Memory of Joseph K. Thompson Mrs. Barbara D. Thompson

In Memory of Everett Warn Mr. James L. Brown

In Honor of Jean Brewer In Honor of Bob Brewer In Honor of Bill Brewer In Honor of Carol Cauny In Honor of Joyce Collins

Sterling College Annual Report

Mrs. Opal F. Albright Mr. Calvin D. Allmon Mr. & Ms. James Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Bach Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Bay Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bingle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David W. Bircher Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bircher Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Todd Britton Ms. M. B. Britton Mr. David W. Brownback Mr. & Mrs. Clint Bunch Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. John W. Callison Ms. Jean E. Campbell

Ms. Barbra Carlson Mr. & Mrs. C J. Carter Chase Community Presb. Church Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cheyney Mr. & Mrs. Brent Coffman Dr. & Mrs. Gary W. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. R. Connally Ms. Machelle M. Connally Mr.* & Mrs. E. David Curts Mr. Emmett D. Curts Mr. & Mr. Ronald L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Ivy Davis Dr. Marvin Dewey Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dolezal Miss Mary Anne Donley Mr. & Mrs. Elmer L. Donley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Terry Donley Mr. & Mrs. Enic Doubrava Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Dubois Mr. & Ms. Gary C. Ellerman Ellsworth Correctional Facility Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ericson Eudora Elementary School Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Freed Mr. & Mrs. Eldon E. Friesen Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. Hoffman R. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Allan Grothusen Mr. & Mrs. D.R. Gutzmer Mr. G. D. Gwinner, O.D. Ms. Betty Jane Gwinner Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hand Mr. & Mrs. Lyle D. Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Kellye R. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Jim Head Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Heim Ms. Pat Helus Mr. & Mrs. Denny E. Helvey Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Henesey Mr. & Mrs. Ty A. Herrington Mr. & Mrs. William M. Herrington Dr. Mark A. Herzog, D.D.S. Ms. Mary C. Herzog Ms. Debby Hird Ms. Annie Hochman Mr. & Mrs. T. Holm Mr. & Mrs. H R. Horton Mr. & Mrs. D. Houska Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hulse Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hupe


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