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Our system is repeatable and modular, and its parts tie into each other to make deviations from standard conditions absorb able by the integrity of the rest of the system. The module is defined by a column rising up from the floor and branching out into a hexagonal shape, from which additional members are drawn to connect to neighboring hexagons in a linear truss shape. This is augmented by a contrasting network of steel cables Connecting the columns around balconies, atriums, light wells, and other cutouts, allowing spatial variety without endangering the wood’s structural integrity. The synthesis of two structural characters pose the potential for a regular bay structure to still provide enough dynamism to satisfy a range of potential use cases over the building’s life time.
Primary Structural Frame
Heavy Timber n/a
Bearing Walls CLT n/a
Non-bearing Exterior Walls Light Wood Frame Brick Masonry Potential
Non-bearing Interior Walls Light Wood Frame Brick Masonry Potential
Floor Construction CLT n/a
Roof Construction CLT n/a
Construction: TYPE IV
Our construction type largely features structural heavy timber and CLT. To comply with Type IV construction, fire-retardant-treated wood shall compose exterior walls. This prevents our structure from falling into the TYPE V construction category.
Current And Potential Uses
The current intent for the structure is to feature lab, classroom, and public studying / design spaces. The span capacity and the variable places for mechanical systems supports a wide range of machinery necessary to support Lab and other educational facilities. Because of its flexibility and regular square bay organization, the simple reorganization of interior partitions could transform the facility into a mixed-use multifamily housing development or dormitory for the continued use of the University.
Mixed: Assembly + Business (Separated)
Assembly A-3: Lecture Halls
Business B: Laboratories
Business B: Educational over K12
45,000 ft2 Maximum Area (1)
4 Maximum Stories (3)
65ft Maximum Height
Mixed: Residential + Mercantile (Separated)
Mercantile M: Sales Rooms
Residential R-2: Apartment/Dorm
Mercantile M: Markets
61,500 ft2 Maximum Area (2)
4 Maximum Stories (4)
60ft Maximum Height (5)
Maximum where Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section:903.3.1.3
1)Represents A-3 - B: 108,000 ft2 Maximum Area: Without adjustments for frontage
2)Without adjustments for frontage
3)Represents A-3 - B: 6 Maximum Stories
4)Represents M - R-2: 5 Maximum Stories
5) Represents R-2 - M: 65ft Maximum Height
A clear correlation can be established between the enclosed, high density HVAC, deep spans of the laboratories and a potential residential program. The remaining lecture halls and educational spaces are more open and public, meaning they may eventually suit mercantile programs like sales rooms and markets.