5 minute read
FALL 2023 • VOLUME 39 • ISSUE 2
Christopher F. Roellke, PhD
Michael Candelaria
Kris Winters
Art and Photography
Stetson University Archives
18 Remembering Innsbruck
A poignant documentary and a purposeful rebuild of Hulley Tower will honor the three students who died in the 1979 avalanche — and the Soul of Stetson.
1883-2023: 140 Reasons to Celebrate a Rich History (But Not All!)
38 Students Leading Today
Three graduating seniors rose above others to receive top academic awards for 2022-2023.
Kate Bradshaw, Rick de Yampert, Cory Lancaster, Patricia Letakis, Ryan Marks, Christopher F. Roellke, PhD, Jack Roth, Alicia Scott, Tony Tussing ’65
Class Notes Editor
Amy Dedes
STETSON UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE is published by Stetson University, DeLand, FL 32723, and is distributed to its alumni, families, friends, faculty and staff. The magazine is printed on FSCcertified paper.
STETSON UNIVERSITY: The College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business Administration and School of Music are at the historic main campus in DeLand. The College of Law is in Gulfport/St. Petersburg. The university also has one satellite center: the Tampa Law Center. The mission at Stetson is to provide an excellent education in a creative community where learning and values meet, and to foster in students the qualities of mind and heart that will prepare them to reach their full potential as informed citizens of local communities and the world.
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With the Fall/Winter 2023 issue, we will be introducing a more robust digital version of the magazine. To add, remove or change your magazine subscription, email universitymagazine@ stetson.edu.
42 Professors Ensuring Tomorrow
The winners of three faculty awards from 2022-2023 share an excellence that’s rooted in Stetson’s past, both in the classroom and in their general approach to teaching.

46 Stetson Law’s New Leader

Meet Dean D. Benjamin Barros — 10 things to know.

50 58 Years as a Hatters Basketball Fan

It was a ball and a blast — times I’ll never forget. And I even kept score.
DeLand Hall (circa 1890) — where it all began for Stetson University.
University Archives
What a year to be part of our beloved Stetson University!
As we celebrate our 140th anniversary, the past several months have been an absolute revelation to me. I knew, of course, that our university’s past was filled with a rich history of individual achievements and collective successes but, honestly, I underestimated the depth and beauty of these accomplishments.
Yes, I had read about 1883. Henry DeLand founded DeLand Academy, a prep school. The entire school was housed in one building — DeLand Hall. A year after the school was founded, hatmaker John B. Stetson and his wife, Elizabeth, arrived in DeLand. Soon after the Stetson family arrived, Henry DeLand asked John B. Stetson to donate to his school, which then had a university curriculum and the new name of DeLand College. John B. agreed, and thus began a decades-long history of giving to, and shaping the future of a university that in 1889 was named John B. Stetson University.
It's an incredible legacy.
Indeed, while it makes sense to point out “140 reasons to celebrate Stetson,” as our cover story does in this magazine, this only touches the surface of the heroes and honors, accolades and accomplishments that have come before us.
As I stated during our glorious 2023 Homecoming in October, “I stand on the shoulders of those courageous Presidents and Trustees who came before me. I stand on the shoulders of honored faculty and staff members who developed the profoundly personal teaching and learning community we enjoy today. I stand on the shoulders of you, our alumni, who love your alma mater for all it has given you.”
But, Hatters, let me tell you: We are not done yet!
In this magazine, you’ll read about some of our most recent accomplishments. Even more, we have launched a set of strategic priorities centered around the theme “From Florida Gem to National Treasure.”
The global public health challenges over the last several years, coupled with other sociopolitical and economic factors, have created unprecedented opportunity in the higher education landscape. Students and their families are demanding a college education that is authentic, cost-effective and impactful. And, in this new environment, we intend to deliver!
It is imperative that we capitalize on this current context to provide a first-class education that is innovative, interdisciplinary, contemporary and experiential — an education that not only builds on our rich traditions, but also embraces new ways of learning and new degree pathways for our students.
Our Strategic Priorities (see graphic) are rooted in a “relationship-rich” education that fully respects and understands the importance of close collaboration between accomplished faculty, staff and students to improve the human condition. In fact, both classroom and out of classroom experiences at Stetson are often co-created among faculty, students, alumni, community and corporate partners.

We will work diligently to promote student-centered success through high-impact practices that permeate our entire enterprise. Our strategic investments will result in comprehensive sustainability, including environmental sustainability, human resource sustainability and overall financial sustainability.

Judging from our history, it’s always been this way. Now, here is our promise going forward into the future: When students enroll at Stetson, we make a lifetime commitment to their success.

And, to all Hatters of yesterday, today and tomorrow, let’s move forward together