2013 Stettler Visitors Guide

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The Métis Nation of Alberta


Stop at our historical sites. Join us at several cultural ccelebrations. elebrations. being used as a sc ar f or rrope. ope. including being scarf T omen oday, the sash is still w orn b eople. Métis w Today, worn byy the Métis p people. women occasionally w ear it o ver the shoulder ear it the occasionally wear over shoulder,r, while others w wear inges ound the w aist & tied in the middle traditional way, way, ar traditional around waist middle,, with the fr fringes down. hanging down. orical ed, which is the hist The colour colour variations variations of the sash include; R The Red, historical hite symbolizing symbolizing the olour ffor or the Métis S ash; B lue & W depicted ccolour depicted Sash; Blue White fertility, growth Nation flag; Green Green signifying fertility, growth and ccolours olours of the Métis Nation Black, symbolizing symbolizing the dark dark period period in which the Métis pr osperity and; Black, prosperity e dispossession dispossession & repression. repression. p eople had tto o endur people endure Métis R esourrce C Centr entre Resource Centre


WHO WHO ARE ARE THE THE MÉTIS MÉTIS ? “ IIff ther e ha ve b een hop e or though eating a rrace ace of sup erhumans there have been hope thoughtt of cr creating superhumans on the fr esh soil of the w est , the pr ogeny of those ear ly Indian and fresh west progeny early C aucasian unions w ould ha ve off fered the b est p ossible ma terial for for the Caucasian would have offered best possible material ffoundation.” oundation.”

e gather. gather. JJoin oin us when w we ociety Hivernant Hivernant Rendevous Rendevous Métis C ultural S Cultural Society eekend:: F ri., S at.. & Sun. A ugust long w August weekend: Fri., Sat. B ig V alley, Jubilee Jubilee lee Hall, AB Big Valley, ory & C ulture Discover Métis Hist Discover History Culture apote mak ing, banno ck mak Breakfast, parade, parade, ccapote ing contest, contest, beading, beading, Breakfast, making, bannock making affts, vvoyager children’s games & cr oyager games music, drum drum making, making, children’s crafts, games,, fiddle music, supper & danc e, jigging lessons, lessons, church church service, service, talent talent contest contest supper dance,

(G rant Mac EEwan) wan) (Grant


JOIN JOIN US US AT AT THE THE RIVER RIVER In 1873 T Tail ail C Creek Village on the Red Red Deer Deer River River was reek Village was the largest largest Métis west Today Winnipeg. T oday yyou ccommunity ommunity w est of Winnipeg. ou ccan an ccamp, amp, picnic or rest rest on west Content Bridge (Highway the rriver iver on the w est side of C ontent B ridge (Highw ay 21 south of Highway Come natural area. Highw ay 11). C ome and see ffor or yyourself ourself the na tural beauty beauty of the ar ea. The parkk offers serviced un-serviced lots,, pr private group T he par offfers er ser viced and un-ser viced lots ivate and gr oup lots: open weekend September weekend. open May May long w eekend tto oS eptember long w eekend. 403-742-0777

JJOIN OIN U US S AT AT T THE HE L LAKE AKE The Sash Sash is a finger w two The woven belt wool approximately oven b elt made of w ool appr oximately two coat closed, closed, metres long. long. Traditionally Traditionally it w as tied aatt the w aist tto o hold a coat metres was waist

Camp, picnic or rrest est aatt B uffalo Lak eR ecreational Area Area on the northeast northeast Camp, Buffalo Lake Recreational Buffalo Lak e near B oss Hill. In the 1870’” side of Buffalo Lake Boss s Métis buffalo hunters gathered gathered her e. Enjo eautiful sc enery, rrustic ustic ccamping, amping, the hunters here. Enjoyy b beautiful scenery, beach and the pla yground. 403-742-9575 beach playground.

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