Why public relations can be beneficial for your company (1)

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Why Public Relations can be beneficial for your company For an organization to develop and grow, numerous marketing techniques are employed. From Advertising, promotion to publicity, they use their own strategies to fulfill their objectives. While they can prove fruitful, Public Relations have gained huge attention and demand in the marketing world. Nowadays, with the competition heating up, companies are more concerned about building its image and reputation. Public Relations is one of the prime mediums through which this can be achieved. There are several advantages of using Public Relations. Here is a look at the most important benefits your company can reap from PR. 1. Credibility Whenever public are exposed to advertisements, they view them as tactics used by the company to increase product sales. Even though the advertisement may be clever, they never really believe or trust what is being said. Public Relations run mainly due to third-party endorsement. Articles and press releases written in the favor of the company are considered to hold more credibility than the ads. Audiences trust the media as a credible source and so the articles have more effect. For example: if there is a positive review about a product in a magazine or any other channel, public are more likely to buy it. 2. Information When it comes to advertisements, catch phrases and slogans are used to convey a message. They do not provide much information about the product and the company. However, articles talk in detail about the product. This helps in making them understand what it really is. Also when it comes along with reviews, it holds more value. 3. Viral effect The biggest advantage of PR is the reward you get from a small activity. For example, you submit an article in one news channel and if it is worthy, it is carried on by different channels. So you end up getting more coverage while paying less. That is why Public Relations is considered for providing a high rate of interest. 4. Cost effective Usually Public Relations don’t cost as much as the other marketing activities and are the right option when you are running low on a budget. Though you may shell out more depending upon the media agency, it will definitely provide more effective in the long run. 5. Long-term perspective Instead of increasing sales, Public Relations are focused on building a company’s image in the minds of the public. This is done by forming relationship with both customers and media. By answering customers’ queries and responding to their feedbacks, they establish a connection with them. Once the

audience feels connected, they tend to become brand loyalties. This is a huge goodwill for a company. Also, when a company is in good terms with the media, they can always use them to create awareness. Whether a company is small or huge, they can use Public Relations to build a strong and growing business.

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