LEAD 2013 handouts

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L E T O U R N E A U!




Rule one: More is Caught than Taught Everyone knows the expression “the tip of the ice-berg” because it is common knowledge that by far, the majority of the mass of an iceberg is underwater. What we see above water is just a small portion of it. That is exactly how we appear to others as leaders or

mentors. We can try to create great programs, dispense wisdom, give passionate speeches, or be the best (insert blank) ever. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The “obvious” things make up only the surface of your ministry. In reality you are much more

than that. And just like an ice berg, it’s what is beneath the surface that will end up impacting people the most. Who you are is more important than what you do, and ultimately it’s what is remembered.

Work on yourself before you work on others Work on yourself more than you work on others Focus more on the health of the tree than the quantity of fruit Model the type of behavior you want out of your followers. “Be what you want to see.” YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT TO GIVE IT AWAY




OBJECTIVE) Students!will!have!develop!an!understanding!of!the!kind!of!learning!environment!we!want! Students!will!learn!the!concept!“More!is!Caught!than!Taught”! Students!will!identify!values!and!habits!that!they!desire!to!be!central!and!visible!in!their!lives! Students!will!begin!planning!how!to!make!those!values!a!part!of!their!current!leadership!role.! Welcome)and)Introductions)

Name,)year,)major,)why)am)I)here,)what)do)I)want)to) learn) Expectations) Will!come!every!month! Will!be!on!time! Will!Participate! Will!be!prepared! Will!not!make!homework!an!excuse! Introduction)of)Program) Consumer!input!technology—Putting!it!on!ice— something!to!think!about!for!the!rest!of!the!month! What!is!our!definition!of!learning?!!What!does!“learning! about!leadership!mean?”! Discussion:!Why!Study!Leadership—can!it!be!taught! Image!of!singing,!jazz!music,!What!do!you!want!to! learn?!!How!do!we!learn,!what!does!it!mean!that! learning!is!“transformational”!what!do!we!say!to!the! idea!that!“I!already!know!all!of!this”! Discussion:!What!is!Leadership—What!do!leaders!do?! Think!Pair!Share! • Leadership!is!situational! • Influence! • Where!is!most!of!your!influence!taking!place?! is!it!consciously!or!unconsciously?!!Is!it!your! employees!or!the!people!around!you?!! ! Discussion:!Who!are!influential!leaders!in!our!lives?! Why!are!they!influential?!!What!do!you!remember! about!them?! Image:)The!Iceberg! Iceberg!Handout! What!should!you!focus!on!most?! Reflection:))What!values!about!ourselves!do!we!want!to! Open!Discussion! catch!on!and!be!contagious?!!! Activity:)What!values!do!we!want!to!“rub!off”!and!what! Eulogy!activity!and!discussion! do!we!want!to!be!remembered!for?!!What!influence!will! we!really!have!in!life?! Challenge:)Clarify!values!and!habits!that!you!want!to! Students!make!lists!or!write!down!values!etc…!that!they! put!into!practice!this!school!year!so!that!you!can!be!the! think!are!important!and!want!others!to!see!in!them.!! person!you!want!to!be,!and!have!the!kind!of!influence! you!want!to!have!on!others!


Image—The!Iceberg! Conversation—What!is!leadership,!how!do!we!influence!others! Experience—Developing!on!set!of!values/habits.!!Putting!them!into!practice!over!the!next!! ! ! month—writing!eulogy! !


Instruct—Explain!the!IceXberg!concept! Demonstrate—Examples!from!their!own!lives! Experience—Developing!lists!of!values/habits—writing!eulogy! Assessment—review!of!habits/values,!review!of!iceberg!concept.!!Put!it!in!their!own!words!on!! ! ! notecard!(time!permitting).!! ! HOUSE!KEEPING!ISSUES! • • •

Meeting!time!for!next!month! What!level!of!ongoing!discussion!do!we!want!throughout!the!month?! Do!we!want!to!create!time!and!space!for!additional!optional!discussion?!!(Lead!lunch!or!something)!




Treasures in Jars of Clay. 2 CORINTHIANS 4:7-12 Humility is the most important character quality necessary for leadership. Even secular writers admit that humility in leadership is a key component of corporate success. Humble leaders are not controlled by their ego or drive for personal success. They don’t care what other people think or how they are viewed, they care only about the results, and about the people they serve. Pride creates barriers, humility creates space for truth.

SERVANT LEADERSHIP Leadership is often viewed as position of power. But what does it mean to be a leader? Why do we have leaders? People need leaders like sheep need a shepherd. Leaders should view themselves as doing a job that needs doing in order to serve those who

The Ballast of Humiliation Many of you are engineers, but if you aren’t, it might surprise you to know that ships actually need to be weighted down in order to float. Top heavy ships would bob like a cork and then fall over. So shipwrights fill the bottom of the ship with heavy weights called Ballast.

British Pastor Charles Simeon attributes his success to his humility. He was constantly aware of his sinfulness and would be utterly ashamed if not for his relationship with Christ. His awareness of his sin kept him dependent on God and willing to serve.

need direction.

Conflict is best resolved with humility. Listening and understanding. Humble leaders learn and improve. The Humble focus on results, not on themselves We don’t take a break from leadership to serve. We serve through leadership. What does Servant leadership really mean?

The Shy Painting How would you feel if your work of art was embarrassed to show itself?

Humility is simply telling the truth The bigger the ship, the more ballast is necessary


OBJECTIVE) Students!will!have!develop!an!understanding!of!the!importance!of!humility!in!leadership! Students!will!create!their!own!definition!of!humility! Students!will!identify!practices!in!their!own!lives!that!can!help!make!them!more!humble! Students!will!connect!this!week’s!lesson!to!last!weeks.! Welcome)and)Introductions)

More)thoughts)on)“learning”) )

Discussion:))Mores)is)Caught)than)Taught) What)should)they)be)catching?) Discussion:!What!is!Humility!and!why!is!it!so! important!

Discussion:!Is!it!ever!the!most!humble!thing!to!do! to!assume!leadership?! ! Is!it!ever!the!prideful!thing!to!do!to!turn!down! leadership?!

Discussion:) • What%did%we%talk%about%last%week% • What%kind%of%learning%environment%is% this?%%Where%does%learning%come%from) • What!was!our!first!principle?) • What!is!leadership) • What!are!some!of!the!qualities!we!want!to! have?) • What!does!the!iceberg!represent?) • What!are!ways!for!people!to!“catch”!us?! ! Video) • 5!minute!university) o Is!this!true! o If!so,!why!learn?! • Oieda!Versus!Ginosko! • What!is!the!most!important!character! quality!of!a!leader?) • Define!your!qualities) Think!Pair!Share! • What!is!your!definition!of!humility!! • Why!is!it!so!important! • How!is!it!exercised!well!in!leadership?! Questions! • What!if!you!are!skilled!in!leadership?! • What!if!people!need!to!be!lead?! • Would!you!not!save!a!person!(as!a!doctor)! because!you!want!to!be!“humble”! • Why!would!we!hide!our!talents!when!they! are!needed?!!(The!Shy!painting)! !



Greenleaf!was!not!a!Christian! Why!are!Christians!obsessed!with!this!idea! What!does!it!really!mean?! ! What!does!a!sheep!need!Ballast!for?! The!roots!of!Simeon’s!Endurance! What!do!we!see!more!of!today!in!the!age!of!the! “feel!good!Gospel?”! ! The!humility!to!know!that!God!is!also!the!wind!in! the!sails! ! Treasures!in!Jars!of!Clay! ! But!far!more!importantly,!it!is!Jesus!who!heals,!not! I;!Jesus!who!speaks!words!of!truth,!not!I;!Jesus! who!is!Lord,!not!I.!!This!very!clearly!made!visible! when!we!proclaim!the!redeeming!power!of!God! together.!!Indeed,!whenever!we!minister!together,! it!is!easier!for!people!to!recognize!that!we!do!not! come!in!our!own!name,!but!in!the!name!of!the! Lord!Jesus!who!sent!us.! ! !

Activity:))Get!with!a!partner!and!be!honest!about! some!of!your!limitations!as!a!leader,!and!also! some!of!the!things!you!are!good!at.!

Is!it!humility!or!pride!to!not!care!what!others! think?! ) Activity:)Security!and!Humility!go!hand!in!hand,!a! deeply!rooted!sense!of!the!Truth!is!power,!it!is! ballast.! Read!“You!are!special”!by!Max!Lucado! Challenge:)identify!places!in!your!own!life!from! which!you!draw!false!security.!How,!instead!can! you!exchange!those!for!the!love!of!God.! ! What!are!behaviors!in!your!life!that!can!help!you! to!be!more!humble!

! ! !

! Confession!is!a!good!practice…this!is!not!quite! confession,!but!still!useful.!!Be!transparent,!and! don’t!pretend!to!be!something!you!are!not.!!Own! it!all.!!Give!an!honest!representation!of!yourself! and!let!others!decide!if!they!want!to!follow!it!or! not.!!They!are!not!deceived!and!don’t!have!false! expectations.!!! ! From!where!does!Punchinello!derive!value?! What!can!he!do!with!this!strength!and!confidence! What!foes!it!mean!to!have!your!“identity!in! Christ?”!

Students!make!lists!or!write!down!life!areas!etc..!! ! ! ! Share!some!of!your!own!ideas,!and!ideas!from! Humility!


Image—Ballast,!shy!painting,!jars!of!clay,!puppets! Conversation—What!humility,!why!do!we!need!it! Experience—Identifying!practices!for!humility,!sharing!honestly,!identifying!!! ! ! sources!of!false!security! !


Instruct—Ballast!and!need!for!humility! Demonstrate—Examples!from!their!own!lives! Experience—Developing!lists!of!practices,!honestly!evaluate!self! Assessment—Review!next!week.!!Put!it!in!their!own!words!on!note`cards!(time!! ! ! permitting)! ! BOOKS!TO!READ!

• • • •

Humility,!True!Greatness—C.J.!Mahaney!! Roots!of!Endurance!(free!pdf)!john!Piper! Servant!Leadership—Robert!Greenleaf! Steward!Leadership—R!Scott!Rodin!

Lead LeTourneau


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October 2012

FAC (123 SIMIL E ) 45 6-78 91

Rule 3: A team is built on Trust TRUST

ee us yo do y in t re ? he mili mid W u h yra sp thi

Does your team all have the same goals? Even though people disagree about how to carry out their goals they still are in agreement about what they are trying to accomplish. Sometimes goals are vague and can be interpreted in various ways. How do we bring clarity ?

If these pyramid steps are values, how do you model them to those who follow you?


Healthy conflict is a good thing. People do not always agree naturally even if they have the same goal. But people need to have their opinions considered before they commit to a plan of action


It’s difficult to hold people accountable to something that they have not agreed to. They need a chance to commit themselves to something before you can hold them to their standards. RESULTS

by keeping the focus on the results of the work we find success as a team not as individuals.

How do you view a leader as a part of the team? Does context make a difference?

Trust is the most important element of the pyramid. But it does not mean trusting that your co-workers are “good people” or “good Christians” it means trusting that you all have the same goal in mind.


OBJECTIVE) Students!will!develop!an!understanding!of!the!term!“trust”! Students!will!understand!the!value!of!conflict! Students!will!articulate!the!value!of!humility!in!every!stage!of!they!pyramid! Students!will!connect!this!week’s!lesson!to!last!weeks.! Welcome)and)Review)

The)importance)of)having)the)same)Goal) )


Explain)the)5)dysfunction)Pyramid)with) whiteboard!

Image:!Chess!versus!Checkers! ! !


Discussion:) • What%did%we%talk%about%last%week% • What%kind%of%learning%environment%%) • What!was!our!2nd!concept) • What!is!servant!leadership) • What!does!the!shy!painting!represent) • What!does!the!ship!represent?) • What!are!some!ways!to!model!humility! ! Activity) • Print!out!2!sets!of!instructions) o Line!up!in!order!of!age! o Line!up!in!order!of!phone!number! o Debrief! Discussion) • Define!“Team”) • What!are!the!most!important!parts?) • What!do!you!look!for!in!a!team) Lecture! • Trust!! • Conflict! • Commitment! • Accountability! • Results! Questions! • Is!it!better!to!treat!people!fairly!or!equally! • What!does!it!mean?! • Chess!and!Checkers! ! Activity! • Four!colors!test!and!discussion!

• • • • Importance)of)having)the)same)goals!


Assessment) Challenge:)In!the!groups!that!you!lead!identify! sources!of!conflict!and!confront!them.! ! !

Free!test!available!here! What!are!our!colors! Weaknesses!first—then!strengths! How!can!you!leverage!strengths!not! weaknesses?!(2!sides,!same!coin)!

! Activity) • Hand!out!“admissions”!activity!sheet!with! two!sets!of!instructions • Participants!will!select!different! students—debrief!the!activity!afterwards. ! Discussion! • How!do!you!see!humility!in!all!5!steps! • How!do!you!see!goals!in!all!5! • How!do!you!see!humility!in!goals! Give!students!3x5!note!card!have!them!put!the! session!in!their!own!words! Students!make!lists!or!write!down!life!areas!etc..!! ! !


Image—The!pyramid—Chess!and!checkers! Conversation—How!do!you!build!trust!and!have!healthy!conflict?! Experience—Work!through!two!different!activities!in!which!students!have!different!goals.! !


Instruct—Explain!the!pyramid!and!chess! Demonstrate—Show!how!I’ve!gone!through!some!healthy!conflict! Experience—let!them!go!through!an!exercise!about!which!they!have!conflict! Assessment—Review!this!week.!!Put!it!in!their!own!words!on!note\cards!(time!permitting)!






MONEY BALL Programming for outcomes Forget business as usual

el d o m IEO

Ac dolor ac adipiscing amet bibendum, massa lacus molestie ut libero nec, diam et pharetra sodales eget vitae aliquet. Th in k with t h e e n d i n s i g ht ost of the time when we are creating a program from scratch we will think carefully about what we need and what it will take to get us there. However, that’s not usually what we get to do. Usually we inherit programs or environments that are already in progress, and what we do instead is we ask ourselves not “what we we trying to accomplish” but “what do I need to do to keep this thing going?”


Inputs are your resources, time, people, money, infrastructure. Environments are actually what you do. It is the program, the class, the church service, the event.

Outcomes are what you hope to get out of the environment. These include learning objectives, money, attendance numbers, and are really the only reason you do an event. These outcomes can be abstract or “soft” like lives changed, !iends made, or people wi" feel good but these are harder to measure It’s not enough just to have a good outcome, you have to measure it and use that data to change your environment. Everything you do is evaluated in light of your outcomes. Most of us pat ourselves on the back for a good environment, without really thinking about whether it achieves its objectives.

In case you didn’t see it, Money Ball is the true story of a baseball manager with some pretty unorthodox ideas about baseball. Pitt’s Character completely ignores conventional wisdom and relies on a mathematic approach to evaluating players. Throwing experience, intuition, and common sense out the window, he brings together a seemingly random roster of low value players based almost solely on a rarely used statistic (On Base Percentage). His methods have huge success. By focusing on the outcomes of player performance rather than doing baseball “they way we’ve always done it he pads the one stat that matters. Winning


OBJECTIVE Students will understand the purpose of a mission statement Students will learn to make smart goals Students will learn to program for outcomes Students will connect this week’s lesson to last weeks. Welcome and Review

Reviewing Mission Statements

Vocab and Define Mission, Vision, Goals, Values

How is a mission statement and goals like the constitution of the United States, and laws?

Image: Money Ball

Discussion: • What did we talk about last week • What did we mean by trust • What is good about conflict • What does the shy painting represent • How does attention to results model humility? • What is the chess set? Discussion • Have you had any experience with mission statements before? o How did you enjoy it? o Are they useful? o What are they really for? o Attention to results Discussion • Mission statement—The Law of the Land • Vision—What it looks like • Goals—What specifically we do to make the mission and vision a reality • Values—How we go about achieving goals Discussion • The constitution must come first. It is the lenses through which we interpret all other laws. Sometimes we don’t like the decision that the Supreme Court makes, but their job is not to do what’s “right” in a given situation, but to uphold the constitution. Laws are neither good nor bad, they are simply unconstitutional Describe • How does Beane rethink baseball?

• •

What is he really focused on? How is his approach different?


Lecture • Explain the model • Examples of environments o What should outcomes be • Can we rethink common environments • Can we relate IEO to the pyramid?

Setting outcomes Creating SMART Goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely

Lecture/Activity • Explain Smart Goals • Give examples • Ask them to write down a vague goal and a smart goal

Assessing Outcomes

Discussion • What is the importance of assessing outcomes? • Why do we so rarely do this? • What outcomes can you assess in your leadership roles? Give students 3x5 note card have them put the session in their own words Agree on an organization and create Mission Goals Values Verbs Students make lists or write down life areas etc..

Assessment Activity

Challenge: In the groups that you lead identify Some outcomes you want and assess if the environment is moving you towards achieving those outcomes. PUTTING IT ON ICE

Image—Moneyball—The constitution Conversation—Why is goal setting important and why is it difficult? Experience—Students set their own goals. THE BIG IDEA

Instruct—Explain IEO and SMART goals Demonstrate—Show how I’ve come up with some smart goals myself. Experience—Create their own, environment specific goals. Assessment—Have them explain an environment and outcomes (SMART) they could design

The River DECEMBER 2012



Rivers are useful, they provide reliable transportation, energy and water. Floods just destroy

Rule Four: Be a River-Not a Flood Why be a River? Rivers have boundaries. They are hemmed in by their banks. They are not free to flow wherever they want, whenever they want. They will be in the same place tomorrow as they are today. That might seem restrictive in some ways, but that is what makes them so valuable. Rivers can be counted on as a reliable source of energ y, transportation, irrigation, recreation, or an other number of uses. And over time they can accomplish amazing things like carving out the Grand Canyon. Floods are exactly the opposite. They know no rules or boundaries. They are temporary, fickle, and above all, they are destructive. No one needs a flood. Remember that more can fit into the jar when you first put in the large rocks, and then the small things. How true is this?

The Cost of Saying “Yes” Whether we realize it or not, we say “no” all the time. It’s implicit when we say “yes.” Saying “yes” to a husband or wife means turning down all other potential mates. Saying “yes” to a job offer means saying “no” to other opportunities. And every time commitment we make means giving up the opportunity to spend that time some other way. Every time you say “yes” to anything, you are saying “no” to many more unspoken requests. Eventually you will have to say no out loud. The question is whether or not it will be on your own terms. The Need For Margin Margin is the idea of leaving space for flexibility, and not using “every available resource.” It might seem inefficient or wasteful, but it’s very necessary. Margin means putting money into savings instead

We’ve been told we can “do anything” so we often times try to “do everything” of spending every dollar. It means leaving space on the edge of the page to write in notes or corrections. It means giving yourself an extra hour at the airport so you don’t miss your flight. Margin means having the humility to admit you can’t predict it all, and leaving room for error. Why are we not more intentional about planning margin into our schedules?

First and Foremost it is the leader’s job to say “no.” Leadership is not choosing between what is obviously good and what is obviously bad. It is choosing between two good options, which one is most appropriate


OBJECTIVE Students will articulate the importance of boundaries and “no” Students will understand the concept of Margin Students will be able to articulate the paradox of choice Students will connect this week’s lesson to last weeks. Welcome and Review

Busyness. What is it, why is it a problem and why and what can we do about it.

Jar and Rice

The Meaning of Yes and No

Image: The River

Discussion: • What did we talk about last week • What is a mission statement for • How do we make smart goals • What is EIO • How do we verb values • What is money ball? Discussion • Are you too busy? o Why? (individually/culturally) o How busy is too busy? o Too busy for what? o How to become less busy? o Should a leader be busy? (More or less than followers?) Illustration • Fill jar with rice, then rocks. Do it the other way around to fit more in. o How true is this in life when it comes to time. When it comes to spiritual life? o Matthew 6:33 Discussion • What do we like saying better? o What does that say about us? o What do they really mean o Reliable vrs. Enthusiastic o Don’t be a “yes-man” Describe • Difference between river and a flood • How should leaders by like rivers • Do more or do better?

Margin and Rest

Describe and Discussion • What is rest, what is its importance • How are we doing at rest? o Are we doing it “well” • What is Margin • How does Margin affect rest • How can we relate this to humility?

Being Everything to Everyone

Discussion • What is the temptation? • What is the lie? • What is the reality?

Choosing, and too many choices

Video and Activity • Choose a flavor sheet • Paradox of choice video • The fear of being “locked in” Question: • Reflect on what we’ve discuss today • How does this speak to your life • What are practical suggestions? Margin The Rest of God


Suggested readings Challenge: In the groups that you lead identify the things and temptations that you must first say “no” to.

Students make lists or write down areas that tempt them to get caught up in too much “doing”


Image—The River, the Jar of Rocks Conversation—Why do we overcommit and how is that hurting us Experience—Take charge of your own life and do what’s important THE BIG IDEA

Instruct—Explain the importance of choosing Demonstrate—Explain how LEAD LeTourneau has said “no”. Experience—Inventory of their own lives. Assessment—Have them reflect out loud.

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