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The magazine for Prospects & At Home in the Community supporters

Access to life

Winter 2013 Indian blossoms P5 Tea and chapatis David’s new home P6 A life fulfilled At Home P8 Exciting adventures


God is in control!

God is in control

The setting: an evening celebration in a huge marquee with 3,500 worshippers at the Keswick Convention. The difference: for ten minutes, the worship leaders are people with learning disabilities. The theme at Keswick this year was the Transforming Trinity, a difficult concept for anybody to grasp. Our team went on stage confident and ready to clarify people’s understanding as they signed and sang the ‘Trinity song’ alongside Stuart Townend. Prospects team leader Andrew asked 2 Winter 2013 Access to life

Nigel about his church and his faith. In a moving testimony Nigel said: “God is in control. Even in difficult times, while my father is very ill, I don’t need to worry. We can trust God.” In 2007, Enid and her son Wayne witnessed a similar thing happening. They watched the Prospects team express their love for God - and six years later were on stage too. Wayne cannot communicate in the usual way. He has extremely limited speech and his main method of

FACT • Prospects partners with churches in 210 places in the UK to run an accessible discipleship group. • There are 40,000 churches in the UK. • People with learning disabilities are under-represented in most of them. www.prospects.org.uk

A two-way ministry “It’s great to be on the team – but the privilege and blessings are ours.”

Enid and her son Wayne communication is through his body language. He and Enid struggled to go to church on a Sunday because of the rejection they had to contend with, in both a physical and emotional sense. Once they were in the church, an even greater hurdle faced them. Could Wayne understand and engage with the service? When she first came to the Prospects celebrations at Keswick, she was completely blown away by what she saw. “Seeing adults with learning

ACT • Talk to your church leaders about connecting with people with learning disabilities in your community. • Ask for the opportunity to speak in church about the work of Prospects (we can provide you with materials to support you). www.prospects.org.uk

Andy, a young musician, volunteered for Prospects as worship leader for the first time in 2011. Since then, his outlook has been transformed. “When I came two years ago, I was more focused on the music, but as I went through the week I realised I needed to relax.” His focus drastically shifted from the music to the people. Karen, our signer at Keswick, is getting more out of volunteering for Prospects than she ever imagined when she started five years ago. “It’s a two way ministry. It’s amazing to watch our guests. Their faces are alight, and they just shine with Jesus.” Both Andy and Karen keep coming back for more each year. Both have moved into jobs involved with people with learning disabilities since joining the Prospects team. Winter 2013 Access to life 3

Uninhibited love Prospects is so well received at the Keswick Convention that the General Director of Keswick Ministries, David Bradley, often comes over to the sessions. He’s so passionate about what Prospects does that he has joined a similar learning disabilities group back at his home church. “I think we’re deprived as a church community by not learning and receiving from all sections of the church,” he explains, “learning to be gracious and patient with one another is important.” Natural expressions of joy and worship are what David craves; and that’s what we encourage. “People who are uninhibited in their faith and love of the Lord Jesus; making the important things important; getting back to the core truth, then telling it in

different ways. All this can provide the church with a fantastic and brand new way of teaching the Bible. “To make the most of our church, we need to use the gifts and views that everyone around us has – including people with learning disabilities.”

Continued from page 3 disabilities, profound disabilities, and their expression of their love for Jesus,” she explains, “I felt humbled.” People with learning disabilities are underestimated, misunderstood and not given a fair crack of the whip in many circumstances. Prospects, through the use of simple teaching and fun activities, provides people with the tools and knowledge to access God and welcome him into their lives. “Prospects allows Wayne to worship, progress and develop in his journey of faith just the same way as you and I,” says Enid. The family are now a part of the Prospects family and are still as 4 Winter 2013 Access to life

enthused by the celebrations as they were the first time they went. Since first coming along to our celebrations at Keswick, Enid has gone on to become a licensed lay minister back home and takes Wayne with her to the majority of services. “I can now see Wayne interacting and enjoying himself in the presence of God every time he comes along, and it warms my heart.” The family book up Keswick before they go home each year. “It’s something that we look forward to,” says Enid, “Beautiful place, beautiful people, uplifting, refreshing, that’s the effect it has on us.” www.prospects.org.uk

Indian Blossoms Helen Guyan spent two weeks at Mukti this summer and was there for the start of the new term. “The girls have made huge progress since my first visit two years ago; ten times more than I would have expected to see. I was touched by how willing both staff and students were to try new things – so enthusiastic. The Soni serving tea made on girls really valued the the new induction hob experiences.” A teacher at a “Latika works in the mailing special needs school department of a local firm. in Scotland, Helen She’s proud of her work was able to train and delighted that she’s Mukti teachers and graduated from school Nikita demonstrates chapati rolling uniform to wearing her own volunteers in new skills and provided clothes.” games and equipment Helen’s husband Bill sorted that released the children out lots of building snags into new activities. and helped with many An induction hob made practical tasks. Helen cooking safer so Soni and Bill found out about could make and serve tea Prospects and Mukti for everyone. Parachute through attending a games helped the children seminar at the Keswick with physical agility and Convention; and Mukti encouraged them to use Parachute games help agility leaders Lorraine and Anil their voices. stayed with Helen and Bill and verbal skills The cookery classes worked on their last trip to the UK. both ways. “Nikita was so confident that Helen and Bill’s visit to Mukti was she taught me how to roll chapattis,” said invaluable for the school, but Helen says Helen. “Nikita also loves dancing to music the blessing is mutual. “Our involvement in on the new CD player, and even enjoys The Mukti has been great for us – we’ve been Cumberland Reel!” so enriched.” Some of the older students now have jobs. www.prospects.org.uk

Winter 2013 Access to life 5

A life fulfilled

Medical opinion said it was unlikely that David would reach the age of 20. He recently celebrated his 63rd birthday; and has far exceeded his family’s expectations. David’s brother Peter and his wife Faith take up the story. “It really didn’t cross mum’s mind that David could out-live her because when David was born life expectancy was very much less,” explains Peter. “David lived with 6 Winter 2013 Access to life

us for two years until 1989.” “When he’d been with us about 12 months we seriously began asking the Lord did he want us to look after David for the rest of our lives or should we begin looking at something else?” explains Peter.

FACT • Prospects is currently working with dozens of Christian families to assess what support might be possible for their relatives. • Local authorities are squeezing budgets tighter than ever, often expecting more with fewer resources. www.prospects.org.uk

David loves his new home “Dad would have preferred that David stayed with us, but after having him for a year, we realised that we couldn’t provide what David needed. The range of things you can do in one home on your own is actually quite limited. It was a very busy home.” “For 12 months we tried to live life at David’s pace, but every single thing that we were already doing was carrying on regardless,” adds Faith. “At the end of 12 months we were absolutely exhausted. We sensed David

ACT • Tell any families you know who are looking for support about Prospects. • Pray for families who are facing difficulties at present. • Pray that Prospects can recruit quality staff for new services being established in Yorkshire www.prospects.org.uk

was actually getting bored.” “You need people that are dedicated 24/7, in order that the person can have a life that is really at their pace, what they can do, and fulfilling for them. If you’re trying to be a mum, a grandma, a youth leader, a church worker or Sunday school teacher plus, nothing gets done properly.” In 1989 David moved into a residential care home owned and run by Prospects. The couple chose Prospects for one key reason – Prospects’ Christian identity. They knew that the home would be a secure environment for their David. That was pivotal. They were satisfied because they perceived their Christian beliefs would be shared through the whole organisation. Since being supported by Prospects, David has been able to develop his God-given gifts and access more parts of his life than before. Faith recalls: “When David first started coming here, usually he would come for a day and we would pick him up that evening, and eventually it was for weekends.” “When we picked up David after being with you just for a weekend, he already was doing more things. It just confirmed to us that David being with us was wrong.” Reflecting on their decision in 1989 for David to be fully supported by Prospects, Peter adds: “I think that a very important thing to get over, particularly to parents who treasure their children who are extremely vulnerable, is that Prospects approaches things from a Christian perspective. Whether it’s choices in everyday life, making the most of special occasions, or beginning to think in eternal terms about end of life care, Prospects has the ethos to deliver the best possible outcomes for each person.” Winter 2013 Access to life 7

Living life to the full! College Days

John’s off to Paris!

Preparing for Disneyland

“Earlier in the Year I decided that I would like to go to a few theme parks with staff support to prepare me for my trip to Disneyland Paris at the end of 2013. I booked my tickets on line and did some research in the city Library to find out what kinds of rides, facilities etc would be there. I decided to go on a Tuesday when it would be less busy before the school holidays start, so I wouldn’t have to wait in big queues. Staff supported me to get there by car, arriving around 11am. We stayed until the last ride closed! I had a great time, going on Rollercoasters (which are my particular favourite). I particularly enjoyed listening to my staff screaming alongside me as we went on all of the high rides. I really enjoyed my day and can’t wait to start planning my Disneyland trip in the next few weeks!!” 8 Winter 2013 Access to life

Rachel has been going to college for two years. “I have done courses in Arts and Crafts, Crafts and cooking. I was attending three days a week last year but this year I am going to be going Monday to Thursday. “I attend the college café once a week and I do cooking.” “I have made lots of new friends and meet up with them in the café for lunch before classes.” “My mum is very proud of me!” “I really enjoy going to College and I’m looking forward to starting my new arts and cooking courses in a few weeks time!!”

• FACT • ‘At Home’ has been providing support in the Newcastle area since 1990. • Their services cover Newcastle, Gateshead and Northumberland, and support 45 people. • At Home is developing a programme of activities devised to encourage personal development, social interaction and new skills for people with learning disabilities. www.prospects.org.uk

Blackpool here I come!

“Having not had a holiday for a couple of years I decided to go away somewhere for the weekend. Staff supported me to go to my local travel agents and get some holiday brochures. We discussed hotels and travel and what I would prefer. I have chosen a hotel near the sea front and Pleasure Beach in Blackpool. I decided to go when it would be less busy after the school holidays as I don’t like big crowds or lots of children! I am going by train as I really enjoy looking out at scenery. I’m really looking forward to my weekend!!”

William had a great holiday in Blackpool

Lillian won gold in the national championships this summer

Riding to Victory

Lillian loves riding and goes to a riding school in Morpeth every week. At a regional competition in Washington she qualified for the national championships in Gloucestershire this summer. The championships fell on the weekend of her birthday so Lillian went out for a meal in the evening before the competition to celebrate with staff from the riding school. They had organised a birthday cake and sang ‘Happy Birthday’. All the fun didn’t affect Lillian’s performance the next day. She took part in 3 stages - Combined Training, Trotting and Dressage and Lillian triumphed, taking first place in all of them. Lillian said “I’m over the moon. I got rosettes and a medal which now have pride of place in my bedroom. I would like to take part again next year.”

International connections

Sulu has a widely varied week and enjoys a lot more independence now that he is able to visit places using public transport. He enjoys college every week and on Saturdays he works as a volunteer at an Oxfam store. “I like cooking and enjoy eating a variety of foods from different cuisines. I am presently learning how to use my laptop and the internet so that I can communicate with my sister in India.” www.prospects.org.uk

Sulu’s expanding horizons Winter 2013 Access to life 9

Your Legacy: More families finding a way to express their love for Jesus In 2007 Enid’s life changed forever. Although a regular visitor at the Keswick Convention, it was in that year that Enid found Prospects. “I was just completely blown away. I was humbled seeing these adults with learning disabilities, their love of Jesus and their expression of their love for Jesus. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.” Enid’s experience of going to church with a son with learning disabilities was fear, “But here, I didn’t have to worry about Wayne’s different behaviour and the effect it had on other people because I felt we were home and part of a family.”

Change a life forever If you would like to leave a gift in your Will to Prospects, the correct description of the charity for the purpose of a Will is: Prospects for People with Learning Disabilities, Registered Charity No. 1060571 Scotland SC040944 Our advisor can help with the wording of wills, or preparation of a discretionary trust. Contact gordong@prospects.org.uk for more details. Please express your gift as “for the General Purposes of Prospects” to allow us maximum flexibility.

The future is in your hands Christ gave each one of us a special gift. Everyone received what he wanted to give them. Ephesians 4:7

10 Winter 2013 Access to life


Darren can see the summit of Snowdon

PROSPECTS NEEDS FRIENDS... LOTS OF THEM! Jonathan Edwards asks, “Have you signed up as a Friend of Prospects?”

On top of the world

“We’ve made it!” the cry went up as Darren and Peter, both supported by Prospects, stood proudly on the summit of Snowdon on September 14. Part of a team from Prospects and Urban Saints, they’d climbed the 3,500 foot peak to kick off the Challenge for Life campaign. “We wanted to show that people with learning disabilities can achieve great things.” The campaign brings together two organisations passionate about making what they do accessible and inclusive for everyone. The sponsored mountain climbs and events raise both awareness and funds for Prospects and Urban Saints. Was it an easy climb? No! It was hard work. Darren said, “when it gets hard, I pray.” Details of the Spring 2014 Challenge for Life events will be on the website soon. Darren and Peter have led the way. Will you take up the challenge? You can join a Challenge for Life event, or devise your own challenge (make sure it’s safe!). A sponsored walk, swim, football match, bike ride - your choice! Set the date, download a sponsor form (www. prospects.org.uk/challengeforlife) and get going. www.prospects.org.uk

In September Jonathan Edwards became Prospects’ first ever Executive Ambassador. “I’ve known about Prospects for many years and have been thrilled to see the way the Lord has blessed the charity. A couple of years back, while still General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain, I was delighted to accept an invitation to become an Ambassador for Prospects. I’ve counted it a privilege to commend the excellent work of the organization. “Jesus showed a special sensitivity to people who were marginalized and I love the way Prospects seeks to reflect Jesus’ love in our own society. I would love to see the work of Prospects become much better known, so I’ll be speaking in churches and conferences to achieve that. “The work of Prospects depends on the commitment of our Friends, the prayerful support and active interest of thousands of people. The ministry we are able to offer annually at Bible weeks, and continually through churches where over 3,000 people with learning disabilities are included, relies on the financial gifts of God’s people. “If you haven’t already done so, I urge you to become a Friend today. Just fill in and return the form, or complete one online at www.prospects.org.uk Winter 2013 Access to life 11

Becoming a Friend of Prospects I would like to become a Friend of Prospects Title:

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Please return to Prospects, 69 Honey End Lane, Reading, RG30 4EL If you wish to save on postage, you can also send it to us at Prospects, FREEPOST (RG1924), Reading, RG30 4BR. A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales and operating throughout the UK, number 3305658. Registered Charity number 1060571 Scotland SC040944

Thank you for your support Your prayers and financial help make all the difference

We’re moving towards email communications, not just to save the environment, but also to save on expensive printing and mailing costs. And we think you might like the electronic newsletter. Why not give it a try? To receive mailings by email contact gordong@prospects.org.uk or fill in the attached response form with your details. For people receiving mailings by post, we’ll still send out Access to Life (ATL) twice a year (May and November). The Prayer Diary will continue to be produced quarterly and will be posted out with ATL in May and November. The February and August prayer diary will be delivered by email only. A printed copy will be posted to you only if you have specifically requested it.

Prospects is a Christian organisation that values and supports people so that they live their lives to the full. Prospects 69 Honey End Lane Reading RG30 4EL Phone: 0118 950 8781 Fax: 0118 939 1683 Email: info@prospects.org.uk
 Charity Reg No: 1060571 Scotland SC040944

12 Winter 2013 Access to life

S! cts OT H FFRESrospe tter O P P Po E k by avid TH boo er D ew d N oun f

Greener Mailings

Love is the reason Christian Compassion and the Challenge of Secularism David Potter MBE

In an age where secular society seems determined to minimise any Christian influence and activity, David’s book examines the question, “What is it that is distinctive and different about Christian social involvement?” As you might expect, David’s book is both engaging and challenging. CHRISTIAN COMPASSION IN A



“No-one knows more about caring and thinking like a Christian in modern Britain than David Potter.” Nigel Cameron, Writer and speaker. “David Potter has written a masterly, easy-to-read exposition about the nature of Christian love in action, countering secularism and the new atheism with a clear biblical response.” Lyndon Bowring, CARE.

Price £7.00 To order your copy: www.prospects.org.uk/resources www.prospects.org.uk

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