RH Life - Winter 2011

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Letter from Jeff

Family Dedication.......... 3 Preschool Ministry.... 4 Kids Ministry ............ 4 Pancake Breakfast......... 5 Student Ministry.............. 6 College Ministry............. 7 Christmas Happenings................ 8-9 Missions.................... 10-12 Baptism......................... 13 Women's Ministry......... 13 Rolling Hills Interns........ 14 Small Groups................ 15 Boot Camp................... 15 Father Son Bowl............ 15

Welcome to the holiday season! I love this time of year! There is simply something different in the air. From Christmas music to the changing weather along with smiles and the spirit of giving, you can truly sense that something exciting is coming. There is an anticipation of good things as we gather with family and friends to celebrate, to be thankful and to remember. Our God has been so good to each of us! I pray that this year more than ever we truly experience God’s presence and grow in our understanding of the deep richness of His love. “Immanuel – God with us!” “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 At Rolling Hills, Thanksgiving through Christmas is such a special time to celebrate. “Great Expectations” is the title of our holiday sermon series, and this is so appropriate as we anticipate the celebration of His birth – the day “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” May God well up inside of us a powerful anticipation for the day that transformed our lives and changed the world. Our Sunday morning series begins on November 20th with “Stories of Thanksgiving” as we set the table (and come to His table in Communion) for what is to come. Our series will continue every Sunday morning in December at 9:30 and 11am, and will culminate with our very special Christmas Eve Services at 4pm and 6pm as our hopes and expectations come to fruition! This is truly “the most wonderful time of the year!” The holiday season is also a great time to give back – invest in others through Share Your Shelf; sign up to serve the community at our free Gift Wrapping Station at Cool Springs Mall. Look for ways to “just love” the people around you in your neighborhood and workplace. Also, pray about giving back to Christ through our annual “Red Envelope” gift. Remember, it is Jesus’ birthday we celebrate, not ours. Our God has given us so much! This Christmas, let’s respond by giving back to Him. Friends, above all, may this season remind you of how much you are loved and valued! While this time of year draws us to our Father, so much in our world tends to pull us away and calls our attention to the temporary. My prayer is that we can be fully “present” this year – salt and light in our world of activity. May God soften our hearts and use us for His glory with our family, friends and everyone we encounter. May we give back – in worship and out of the bounty He has given us – to the One who first loved us and gave us His very Son. May the joy and love of Christ be born in us this holiday season! Blessings on you and your family during this special time of year!


DEDICATION At Rolling Hills, we are honored to be a part of milestones on the journeys of faith for members of our church. On September 18, we were blessed to have 11 families take part in Family Dedication with a total of 15 children dedicated. In this special ceremony, parents dedicate their children to God and promise to raise them in a way that honors Him. On September 18, the following children were dedicated in front of family, friends and their Rolling Hills family:

Addisyn and Nora Andrews Quinn Campbell Luke and Kieran Canter Asher Clausing Elsa and Selma Crockarell Chayse and Graham Curry Olive Hester Raegan Marthedal Carolina Monnaco Levi Moore Jackson Smoot

The next Family Dedication ceremony will be Sunday, January 22, at 3pm. In order to participate, families must take part in a Family Dedication Class. Our next class will be Sunday, January 8, at 9:30am. For more information or to sign up, please contact Sara Ingmire, Preschool Minister, at sara@rollinghillscommunity.org.



Preschool Playdates Our next playdate: Friday, December 2 – “A Child’s Calendar” Marionette Show at the Nashville Public Library; meet by 10:15am for a show that starts at 10:30am. If you would like to RSVP for any of our upcoming playdates, or if you are interested in being added to the playdate e-mail list, contact Sara Ingmire.


Fort Recap Update Fall Fort for Kids at Rolling Hills was all about NAVIGATING the Bible. Kids at Rolling Hills learned the books of the Bible (to a really cool beat), a total of 23 verses, all 10 commandments, 9 fruits of the Spirit, all 10 Bible divisions, plus authors and key characters of each divison. They learned how to use their table of contents and how to understand Bible references. Kids who participated spent time learning how to better know and navigate God’s Word. These are skills we hope they’ll keep close for the rest of their lives. The more we know God’s Word, the more we know God. Let’s hope their enthusiasm is contagious and that a desire to navigate and memorize God’s Word spreads! Sneak Preview: Registration for Winter Fort: Articulate opens on November 9, and it runs from January 11 through February 29. Kids will learn how to articulate their faith and share Jesus with others. We’ll work on neat ways to invite friends to church and understand the importance of telling others about Christ. Kids will learn the basic doctrine of salvation, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Our Winter FORT gear is a hooded sweatshirt for cooler weather. Be sure to sign up and show up for Winter Fort: Articulate!

2011 is almost done and summer 2012 will be here before you know it! That means it’s time to register for camp. CentriKid is for kids who will have completed 3rd through 5th grade by May 2012. We’re heading to Campbellsville University in Campbellsville, Kentucky, for a great week of camp June 10-14. The cost is $296 per camper. A $50 deposit by February 1 reserves your spot. Don’t let the $296 scare you... it’s an all-inclusive price. Plus, you have six months to pay for it. That’s approximately $50 a month for six months or $11 a week for 27 weeks or $1.50 a day till the end of May. It’s totally doable. Here are some cool ideas to make it happen: 4

• A ssign your kids a chore for the next six months that they do once a week for $2 or $3. By the end of the term, they’ll have money for camp plus some. They’ll also learn the value of hard work and helping out. • L et Grandma help. Christmas and birthday card cash are great ways to save. Teach your kids to tithe on the blessing and to save for something great like camp. There’s nothing better than a week of camp in the summer to help kids know Christ better and love His church more!


Pancake Breakfast

, DECEMBER 3 Y A D R U T SA IN TH E GALLERY M A 1 1  9 Celebrate the coming of the Christmas season with all your friends from Rolling Hills. We will have a pancake breakfast plus Christmas crafts, Christmas games and the Christmas story. This is a FREE event. We’ll collect hats, scarves, coats and mittens for children in Moldova.



Paint Rave


On September 30, students from all over town showed up at The WareHouse with excitement and enthusiasm for a Paint Rave. Our Paint Rave was an event where students could be in an environment where it was ok to play in paint. We couldn’t have asked for a better night. After all the rules were set in place; T-shirts, glowsticks and glasses distributed; and black lights turned on; the Paint Rave began. With everyone in the room, we had around 225 people throwing paint and coloring one another with highlighters. Yes, these events are fun and crazy, but they certainly serve a purpose. Our desire is to use these events as a means to an end. We want to see relationships develop that will hopefully give way to spiritual conversations and life transformation through Jesus Christ. The Paint Rave was a fun and safe environment for students to invite their friends and make a connection with our church. Our students have used the Paint Rave as a catalyst to invite their friends to our Wednesday night worship services and Sunday morning small groups. As we continue to follow up with students who chose to show up on a Friday night in September, pray for opportunities to make deep relational connections.

@ THE WAREHOUSE DECEMBER 18, 6-8:30PM Join us as we celebrate Christmas with Student Ministry. Wear your tackiest Christmas sweater. There will be food, music and games!

Summer Camp SUMMER CAMP (6 -12 GRADE) TH


Yes, you heard right, we have been taking sign-ups for our 2012 Summer Camp. You may be asking, “Why so early?” We want you to get ahead of the game. If you want to go to Summer Camp from June 21-25, why not go ahead and start making plans and payments? Summer Camps can be life-changing experiences for students. One week out of the summer is dedicated to building community, studying God’s Word, worshiping together daily, and serving a local community. Don’t hesitate, sign up with a $50 deposit before the end of the year. Full cost of camp is $320, but early registration (before January 31) is $300.

Wednesday Nights November 9-December 21, message series called, “Do Something.” We want to provide a biblical perspective on issues such as social injustice, poverty, racism and sexual relations. As Christians, we have a responsibility to take a stand against these issues and respond. The question is, “How do we respond?” What does the Bible say about these issues and what are we going to do about them? Take time to pray for students as they respond to these important issues in our world. Those who are in Christ have a responsibility and privilege to be salt and light in the world. This is such a challenge, but is it a worthy one? Yes. Absolutely. Our prayer will continue to be that students will “get it.” 6


Barnabas, Paul and Timothy are not

a New Brand

by Jenny Doane, College Intern

I once read a quote that said, “If you’re not investing in the lives of others, you’re an idiot.” I laughed when I first read it, but upon further reflection, I began to see the truth in this blunt statement. There is a phrase that says: “Be a Barnabas; Pursue a Paul; Train a Timothy.” The idea is that we need three different types of people in our lives. Barnabas is our encourager, someone who is in a similar place in life as us. Paul is our mentor. This person is older, has more life experience, and is wiser because of it. Timothy is the one we pour into and help grow. Not only do we need these people in our lives, we must also look for a way to be these people to others. In the Rolling Hills College Ministry, we understand the importance of living in community. Students have the chance to live life with others who are in the same place in life and be an encouragement to one another. In other words, we get to be a Barnabas to each other. At the end of September, we helped college students find a “Paul” at our Mentor Match-Up lunch. College students had lunch and took part in something very similar to speed dating when they met with adults who were looking for a Timothy. After the event, everyone was placed into a mentoring relationship based on the thoughts of the mentors and mentees. We are so excited to see how the Lord will work through these relationships. Growth comes from being vulnerable, sharing our hurts and past, and through accountability. Our prayer is that these students will come to know the Lord in a deeper and more real way through mentors who set a Christ-like example in everyday life. We are so thankful for those who have been obedient to the Lord’s calling to invest their time in these students. We also hope these same college students will one day look for their own Timothy to train, love and encourage.

No Time by Matt Robertson


Winter break for college students is something they dream of from the first day of classes in August. Many of them have a great time at home or with friends and use it as a time to rest and relax. I have loved connecting with students over their break this past fall and hearing how God is moving in their life and challenging them in their daily relationship with Him. My encouragement to students is…don't take "Time Off" or a "Time Out" in your faith walk. It is important for students to dive into Scripture on their own, experience community with other believers through small group Bible study, serve in their community and throughout the world, and worship through the church Christ established. For some students, this is second nature. For others, it seems harder and harder as the semester goes on. If you are a student, don't give up! If you get a chance, read Mark 4:1-20 which is the parable that Jesus tells about a farmer scattering seed. Seed can't grow well in bad soil…I think anyone who has been in any kind of biology class knows that. However, a lot of times when our schedules change and we don't have our built-in "God time," we tend to call a "time out" in our life with Christ. So, remember this winter break that soil can get better with the right treatment…we all can. College students have the opportunity to connect and grow through so many different things in the Rolling Hills College Ministry. Take initiative and be a part of what God is doing! Activities/Events: Bible Study every Sunday at 9:30am • Small Group on Thursdays at 7pm




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Come celebrate Christmas with your church family at our annual Christmas dinner. This year, we’ll enjoy special Christmas music by the big band, RADIO DAZE, and a wonderful dinner. Don't miss this very special part of Rolling Hills. Tickets on sale now in the Gallery or online. Adults $12.50 single ticket Kids 5-12 $5 Kids under 5 FREE


Pray about

giving a gift to Christ this Christmas

It’s fun to see the look on someone’s face when you get them a gift they really wanted. Their eyes light up like a child on Christmas morning and whether it’s something expensive or a handmade card, a warmth comes over you because you know you’ve made them happy. At Rolling Hills, we do something each Christmas called the Red Envelope. At its root, this envelope campaign is an opportunity for us to give a gift, over and above our regular tithe, to Jesus. After all, it is His birthday we celebrate. So, as you’re taking care of your shopping this year, think about what you could give Christ this Christmas. What we collect will go directly to ministries that help teach children and students about the true meaning of Christmas; provide the resources needed to reach the least, the last and the lost in our community; and equip the next generation of missionaries to take the Gospel to some of the most remote places on earth. To a God who has everything, the calling in our lives is to give all so that His Name is glorified. Join us in generously giving to the Red Envelope campaign this year, and do it with joy in your heart as you give back to Christ this Christmas.

RH Wrapping Station Due to the overwhelming response we received last year at our inaugural FREE Gift Wrapping Station, we will once again grace the halls of Cool Springs Galleria to serve our community. This is about so much more than festive paper and ribbon; it’s about showing people a real-life example of what it means to serve without expecting anything in return. It’s about spending a few minutes talking to someone amidst the hustle and bustle of the season. It’s about extending an invitation, perhaps the only one they will ever get, to join us on Christmas Eve and share in the true joy of the season. Last year, more than 2.3 million people visited the Galleria over the holidays. While we didn’t wrap gifts for everyone, our hope is that they all were able to catch a glimpse of how one person… one family… one small group… one church, could provide a simple service and, if even for a split second, remind them of the true meaning of Christmas. Find your place at the gift wrapping table this year by visiting our Web site, clicking on the homepage slide and signing up to wrap gifts or be a host at the station this year.

Calling All Volunteers

Christmas Eve Christmas is a time when people are more open to receiving an invitation to church than any other time of the year. So why not take this opportunity to stretch yourself as you grow in your own walk and invite a coworker, neighbor, friend or even a stranger to church. Our Christmas Eve services are at 4pm and 6pm. We offer programming for children aged birth through 5th grade.




Mission Trip by Chase Baker Many of our students and some of their parents chose to GO to Leslie County, Kentucky, for a mission trip October 14-18. We met at church at 5pm on Friday, gathered for prayer, loaded into our vans, and were off. Upon our arrival late Friday night, I was reminded of my first mission trip as a student. I remember thinking, “What are we going to do here? How am I going to make a difference? How can I do something that is significant?” God did something on that trip that changed my life forever. He gave me the opportunity to simply love people. No matter what situational or generational poverty people seemed to be in, God asked me to love them where they were. On that trip, I learned that our capability to love like Christ goes as far as our willingness to trust that His love can change lives. On this mission trip, God used our church family to simply love people in the Appalachian area. Students distributed food, played with children, ran electrical wires through a house, organized clothing, or spent time with widows. Whatever the task, God used our students to love people where they were. The one thing I notice about every mission trip I attend is that we leave the experience feeling like God has done greater work in our hearts than through our actions.


Ministry Fair Timmy was once one of four boys who joined a program that was developed “to keep them out of trouble.” They would come together to practice sports and learn Scripture. Timmy was a part of this program until he graduated from high school, then he went on to play sports in college. On Sunday, October 2, Timmy was at Rolling Hills. He was representing the very organization that poured into him. If you spent any time that morning talking to Timmy, you might have heard him say something like, “When they asked me to come today and bring some information, I said, ‘Absolutely!’ This organization meant so much to me growing up, and now I just want to be a part of what they’re doing.” You see, because Timmy had a personal experience with Franktown Open Hearts, he understood their value and importance in the community. That’s what the ministry fair was all about. Twenty organizations from the area joined Rolling Hills for a Sunday morning and spent their time talking with people about the opportunities they have to connect with their community. There were all sorts of organizations, from all different areas, and each one has a unique perspective and outreach that relates to the place where we live. Gaining a better understanding of the love that Timmy has for that organization would require us to get close to and invest in an organization like he did. If you are in a small group at Rolling Hills, you probably understand the importance of connecting with others around you. Why not take it to the next level? Take those people you’ve grown to love and join something even bigger. Help organizations who are doing great things meet their needs by using the gifts and blessings God has given you to work with them on projects or just volunteer a few hours here and there along the way. To get started, visit the Missions page of the Rolling Hills Web site and find more information about the organizations who attended and opportunities to serve.


Serve Pretty much everyone knows who Mother Teresa was (even before her face appeared on a cinnamon roll). We admire her, some of us aspire to be like her, but most of us aren't really sure where to start. On Saturday, September 24, and then again on November 12, more than 100 people of various ages gathered at The WareHouse, were organized into groups, and then spent the majority of the day in the community. Some people went to nursing homes, others made care packages, while still others did necessary manual labor. To those in the community, these things may have seemed odd. It was a Saturday, a day free from obligations, a day to spend on our whims, on ourselves. Yet, here were scores of people giving up their day to love on strangers. Why? Probably because these people understand what Mother Teresa did. Better yet, they understand what the Bible says. Mother Teresa once said, "If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it." That's exactly what these people did. They became the hands and feet of Jesus, reaching out to their community, serving and sharing love. Our next church-wide Saturday Serve is scheduled for January 21. Check our Missions page online often for more information.




Christmas in Moldova by Steve Davis

One of the greatest joys of my life has been to spend a week just after Christmas every year with children in Moldova’s orphanages. These are the least of the least in Moldova who are left behind while their friends (also disadvantaged) get to at least enjoy a few weeks away in the home of a compassionate family who will receive them for the holidays. It is difficult to imagine what it must feel like to have no one to love you, surrounded by loneliness through those cold, dark Moldovan winters. Try to envision your own kids in that situation, if you can! On December 27-January 3, a JMI group will sacrifice a few days of their own family time to be family for those who have none. We will bring gifts, hugs, laughter, love, fireworks, movies, popcorn, crafts, games, singing and, most importantly of all, the reminder of a Savior who knows them by name and, Himself, sacrificed everything to seek and to save the children He loved! Believe me when I tell you that, by comparison, what we call Christmas here in the States does not begin to compare in meaning with celebrating with orphans. If you’d like more information on this inspiring mission opportunity, please contact steve@justiceandmercy.org!

Feast or Famine On Wednesday, November 16, we hosted the first-ever Feast or Famine dinner to benefit Justice and Mercy International. This was a special event in which we shared a meal together and learned more about the effects of international poverty. It was a time for us to synchronize our hearts to God’s concern for the poor and take a closer look at what JMI is doing to tangibly respond to some of the most needy people and places on earth. For all in attendance it was a great way to prepare our hearts for Thanksgiving and attune them first to the circumstances of those who would consider our leftovers a feast The event included special programming for children as well and was a great opportunity to teach the next generation about ways they can be the hands and feet of Christ. 12

Baptism "I came to take this step to be baptized to cement the relationships in my life. Since coming to Rolling Hills, I've learned I not only have family members as part of my blood line, but I also have a church family. Growing up, I attended a church in a small town where Sundays were more of a gathering to gossip than a time to learn God's Word. That was an experience that pushed me away from church for 30 years, until I met the people at Rolling Hills. I've truly found a family and a partner in Jason Hale to teach me that God is forgiving and He will take care of me and my family. The Rolling Hills community is one of the most accepting communities I've ever come across and I'm so grateful for that. I love my God, I love my family and I truly love my church!" - Otis Curry, baptized October 9, 2011

Mom to Mom is off to a great start! Women of diverse backgrounds from different communities and churches all over the Franklin and Nashville area who have children of all ages gather on Tuesday mornings at The WareHouse. While at various stages of parenting, there is a common desire to grow as women and as mothers. All parents have joys, challenges and frustrations. Mom to Mom is a great place to exchange ideas, strategies and encouragement. This year’s curriculum is, “Growing Together: Growing a Child = Growing a Mom,” by Linda Anderson. For more information, visit the Women’s page on our Rolling Hills Web site. Go to www.rollinghillscommunity.org/events/ for more information.

Women's Ministry An Evening with Lisa Harper Thursday, January 12 • 6:30 pm Go to www.rollinghillscommunity.org/events/ for more information.


s n r e t In ls il H g in ll o R

probably noticed several new For months now, you have Hills helping out, taking faces walking around Rolling elves, smiling and working the lead, introducing thems ls are our amazing Rolling Hil hard. This group of people a for g vin ser adults who are interns! We have 10 young ing lud inc , CC RH ons all over year in various ministry positi al loc ns, atio e, communic preschool, kids, youth, colleg y put in countless hours The s. art ip missions and worsh le studies, small groups, every week prepping for Bib rnings and so much more. weekly activities, Sunday mo ship is designed for those The Rolling Hills Intern of ministry...looking at the who are pursuing the idea e this in store for their lives possibility that God may hav manent way. Their ministry down the road in a more per

Jarred Boyd

ff which allows these young is supervised by the RH Sta ough hands-on leadership adults to gain experience thr n these young men and wome opportunities. Not only do rt po sup o als y the ling Hills, put in countless hours at Rol me jobs in the community. t-ti par ing hav themselves by glorious and pretty, but it’s The position isn’t always w our interns, then get to kno worth it! If you don’t know a as We . site b We r tion of ou them under the ABOUT sec like t jus m the of e car to take church have a responsibility ties in their ministry areas. bili nsi po res nt they have differe encouraging e-mail. Take Get to know them. Send an m how much you appreciate them out to lunch. Show the them to do at Rolling Hills. them and what God is using h an amazing group of We are so blessed to have suc servant-hearted interns!

Joni Derrick

Student Ministry Intern

Kim Collins

Children's Intern


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Preschool Intern

Jenna Sand

Missions Inte



Nick Jenkins

Children’s Intern

Nathan Mc

Student M


inistry Intern

Sarah Nierste

Communications Intern

Jenny Do

College In te




Maria Williams

Student Ministry Intern

Small Group Testimonial by Keri Mitchell

I started attending Rolling Hills in the spring of 2007 after a friend told me to check it out. I was hooked that first Sunday. Pastor Jeff had an awesome message and I felt instantly that I belonged at this church. Rolling Hills is a wonderful place to worship, from the great worship music to the thought-provoking sermons to the wonderful people. RH was, for me, everything I was looking for in a church. In the fall of 2007, I started my first Small Group and am so very glad that I did. I am shy, so it’s hard for me to step out and join a group of people that I don’t know, but I knew I would not really ever get to know the people in my church if I did not start with a group. Those in my first SG were so very warm and inviting that I was at ease almost instantly. I did not feel as though they would judge me, and I was able to be open and express my views and opinions.

Small Group was probably the best thing I did at Rolling Hills. It is definitely the best way to get to know people in a large church. I made really good friends and each week I looked forward to my Tuesday nights. I knew each week my SG friends would be there and that we would have a great study and conversation time. Each year, there was a different group and my circle of friends continued to grow.

The topics we studied were varied and some of them were hard as I had to take a good look at myself and my relationship with God. I loved the conversations that always brought new insights to the topic we studied with some lively debates, too. If you are not in a Small Group, I encourage you all to join one. Even if the one you get into does not work for you, you can always try another one. Trust me, you will find the right fit. I recently moved from Franklin to Louisville, Kentucky, to be closer to family. The decision was hard. Even more than leaving a job where I had been for 12 years, the hardest part of my decision was knowing that I had to leave Rolling Hills. I love this church and will miss it greatly. I hope that I will find a new church in Louisville that will give me as much fulfillment as Rolling Hills has.

Congratulations to everyone who completed the first-ever Rolling Hills boot camp. More than 30 people participated at some point throughout the 10-week course, which was led by our very own Mark Simons. If you're interested in kicking off the New Year with a class that's both fun and challenging, be part of our next Boot Camp beginning Wednesday, January 11. Classes meet weekly at the WareHouse and are just $5. Contact Mark (ms0675@gmail.com) for more information.

The 6th Annual Father & Son Bowl will be held Saturday, February 4, 2012, at Lasko Fields across from The WareHouse. This community-wide, backyard-style flag football game is open to boys and men of all ages, and over the past five years has raised more than $7,000 for the fatherless locally and around the world. You can find out more information or register online at www.fatherandsonbowl.com. Don’t have a son? Not a guy? That’s okay, you can still be a part of this amazing day! When you have more than 500 players, you need an army of volunteers to help with registration, refreshments and hospitality, and to serve as referees, linesmen and help with overall setup. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Steve Horton at steveh@rollinghillscommunity.org. The Father & Son Bowl exists to bring glory to God by bringing fathers and sons closer together and encouraging them to be the loving and strong leaders they are called to be. This is truly an opportunity to reach our community in a way that will impact generations, so get signed up to play or volunteer today!


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