#hashtag The Essential Guide for Students
Budget Edition
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6 Issue 62 June 2013 ÂŁ2.40
Boxing Booze
Who will triumph in the fight between brand and budget?
Back to Reality
Use our guide for your move back home
1 0 Fresh Meat Pervy professor Tony Gardner talks Series 3, Movies and Porn Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 1
things to do before you’re 25
13/05/2013 16:02
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13/05/2013 16:02
#hashtag team We all know that feeling of overwhelming excitement as soon as the sun has shown its rays for five minutes. Summer’s here, and before we know it the ability to pace our spending has been completely diminished, and we are soon digging down the side of the sofa for those missing pound coins that must have been dropped at some point over the winter.
We also pay tribute to our six favourite students of Fresh Meat with a cracking interview with Professor Shales himself, Tony Gardner (p8), as filming on series three starts this summer, and we have some great budget holiday ideas (p25) to get you and your friends making the most of summer ’13. Enjoy.
And that ladies and gents, is exactly why the #hashtag team have been working day and night to bring you our Budget Issue. Essential for anyone hoping to make their pennies last over the most glorious of seasons and full of top tips for everything from Living on a £20 budget (p13) to our guide to summer fashion essentials (p28).
Steve Lowrie @hashtageditor
Sian Osborne, Sub Editor. Favourite Food: Nandos Pet Hate: People who lie Life Ambition: To travel the world Night in or Night out: Night in
Jon Bailey, Art Editor. Favourite Food: Roast Dinner Pet Hate: Slow drivers Life Ambition: To travel the world Night in or Night out: Night out
Andy Thorp, Feature Editor. Favourite Food: Nandos Pet Hate: Patronisng people Life Ambition: Be a sports journalist Night in or Night out: Night out
Iain Chalmers, Feature Editor. Favourite Food: Subway Pet Hate: Cats that stare Life Ambition: Build an Iron Man suit Night in or Night out: Night out
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What’s inside...
On the cover #8 THE PERVY PROFESSOR The first of our new Twitter chat series kicks off with Fresh Meat’s Tony Gardner who talks Fresh Meat, turning down jobs and kissing girls the same age as his own son. Not to be missed. #16 BOXING BOOZE We put prestige against price by comparing branded and budget booze to see once and for all if it is really worth paying so much more for alcohol. #20 BACK TO REALITY Our guide to survival on making that all important move back into the family home. SPOILER ALERT... It may not be as bad as you expect. #22 BUCKET LIST You are unlikely to ever have as much time or freedom as you do now. Why not put it to good use and start ticking off some of those life ambitions from your list? No list? Don’t panic, we have put together our favourites to provide some inspiration. #26 BUDGET HOLIDAYS If the Inbetweeners lads can survive a summer blowout then we are sure you can. That’s why we have scoured the depths of the UK and further to find the best places for you to let down your hair and polish off any remaining pennies of your student loans.
#28 £30 KIT UP
#7 STRANGE NEWS This month’s batch of weird and wonderful news. #30 REVIEWS/PREVIEWS Our look ahead to the upcoming blockbusters and reviews of the latest top games for June. #32 TECHNOLOGY In this issue we are facing up the new Samsung Galaxy S4 ‘Zoom’ with Apple’s latest launches, and the new Playstation 4 and Xbox 720 get the #hashtag treatment. #34 YOUR SNAPS Our favourite pics from the last month, sent in by you guys and girls.
#6 BUDGET NIGHT IN Find out how you can trade in a night on the town for a budget quiet night in and have just as much fun sober (Really). #11 FRESH MEAT We’re providing the essential guide to which of the housemates you must resemble. #14 BIG BUDGET BUY Student loan running out? See how our Sub-Editor Sian, stretched £20 for a weeks food and fun. #28 £30 KIT UP Check our budget fashion bargains for summer ‘13.
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13/05/2013 16:03
Your Letters #hashtag The Essential Guide for Students
Feel the blush?
top virals of 2013
We share the moments that embarrass you the most
Bottoms Up Try our cheap and easy cocktails
ver hango s film
Gagging Order
Issue 61 May 2013 £££2.40
Laugh your way through Jimmy’s interview about his most recent tour
Comedy Gold
An Interview with Jimmy Carr (May) was the perfect warm-up I needed to get me excited for seeing the legendary comic’s new tour in Plymouth. The highlight of which was his reply to a hecklers question “where’s Alan? (Carr)” with the response “At your house, fucking your dad.” The man was hilarious.
Rob, Plymouth
Cocktail Heaven
After seeing last month’s Cheap and Easy Cocktails to Make at Home (May) I thought I would have a go and I started with the Raspberry Bellini. Talk about love at first taste, I have even knocked up a few batches for ‘quiet’ nights in.
Kelly, Norwich. Moan and Stoner
I loved last month’s feature on ‘Top 5 students that make people hate students’. I happen to live with both a ‘Protester’ and a ‘Stoner’ and I have to say, the protester is usually more annoying. Once you get used to the smell of weed it’s not so
Get involved via
have your views published. Letter of the Month
I read your feature on Most Embarrassing Uni Moments (May) and think I can top them. I studied hard for 3 years working to get my degree and attended graduation with my painfully proud parents to collect my diploma. I waited patiently to hear my name called and climbed the stairs to the stage only to catch my toe on the last step and fly head over heels. In front of EVERYONE.
Charlotte, Hull. bad, but you can never get used to hearing about how ‘putting my beer cans in the non-recycling is killing our planet’.
Dan, Kent
#hashtag’s Twitter Topic - @Hashtagmag: Worst chat-up lines you have heard? ------------------------------@SammyBrown66 - “I may not be the best looking guy here, but I’m the only one talking to you.” He wasn’t for long. ------------------------------@DeanoG – “Are you the daughter of a lumberjack? Because when I look at you I get wood.” IT WORKED!!! ------------------------------@SarahJayne2012 – “Shall we chat or continue flirting from a distance?” I was just abit sick in my mouth. ------------------------------Look out for our next #Hashtagtopic at @Hashtagmag.
A Shrek of a Man
Dealing with hangovers is something I have struggled with since day one of university so I took your advice in Top 10 Hangover Movies (May) and invested in Shrek as I seemed to be the only person in the country not to have seen it. Three words hashtag. What-AMovie. A comedy classic and I can’t wait to get stuck into the next one.
Nick, Bradford.
Win £100 in cash or a free #hashtag subscription Send us your letters or reply to our #hashtag topic on Twitter, Facebook or Email and if your contribution makes it into our mag, you will win £100 in cash. Not only that, if your letter is selected as ‘Letter of the Month’, you will win a FREE year long subscription to #hashtag.
Send us your latest status updates and the best get printed. ------------------------------Nigel Brent – “I think my iPhone is broken, I keep pressing the home button but I am still at Uni.” ------------------------------Claire Daniels – “What happens when a doctor’s wife eats an apple a day?” ----------------------------------------------------Dan Randall – “Whatever you do always give 100% ….. Unless you are donating blood :)” June 2013 #hashtag 5
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13/05/2013 16:03
#hashtag’s budget night in Is your student loan wearing thin with weeks until payday? Need to blow off some steam after that hand in or exam? Don’t worry. We have the answers with our guide to your budget night in. Movie Night This is the easiest way for a quiet night in. Get your girls, boys, the significant other or a combination and whack in a Seth Rogen/ Ben Stiller/Adam Sandleresque movie. Knocked Up, Step Brothers, Dodgeball, Superbad, and Fifty First Dates are all good choices but the options are endless. To make this even better, a Tesco stir fries can be brilliant - choose your sauce, vegetables and noodles and they come to just £3. Then pick whatever meat you want to put in for an absolute feast. Our personal favourite is a steak and chicken combination, which is mouth watering! If that’s not your cup of tea though, check out our snack attack night in below and combine the two.
Snack Attack This is a great night in for a big group and can even be incorporated into one of the other nights too. When going solo, this has the potential to become expensive but by sharing the cost you can eat like kings and pay like peasants. Simply draw up a list of chosen ingredients and each pick up the bill for a separate item. Crisps, dips, soft drinks and chocolate are great ways to start but depending on your preference and hunger levels, noodles, chicken nuggets and supermarket chips can all fill a hole without breaking the bank. You will be surprised how much a group of you can get for only a couple of pounds each and any leftovers are welcome in our office.
Games Night Don’t panic girls; this one is for you too. If you live in a student house without any form of games console then you can’t be a real student. But if you have found some kind of loophole to this theory, there is hope yet. You will surely know someone who is willing to lend you one for the night and that is half of the battle. FIFA is the obvious choice for guys but any multiplayer games including the likes of Singstar for girls will do just fine. No cost, no hassle, just plug in and play away and if you are feeling really cool, why not go old school and dig out your favourite nostalgic board games. Who doesn’t love a good old game of Twister or Monopoly, We certainly do.
Original Prankster Perhaps the most fun prank that you can pull on a roommate. This works better with an accomplice but it is do-able on your own. You will of course need tinfoil, as much of it as you can get. It doesn’t have to be top of the range tin foil, the cheaper and more of it you can get the better. Make sure your roommate is out and they are gone for a while. Next step, cover all their possessions in tin foil. Walls, floors, bed, ceiling, desk, laptop, lights, light switches, chairs, pens, papers, books - the lot. Absolutely everything needs to be covered. You may need to invest in some blue tac or sello tape, but the results are worth it and it’s a great way to kill a dull night in. Just watch your back afterwards!
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13/05/2013 16:03
Strange News
The world is full of some quite weird people, places and events, so we had a look around for some of the most recent strange events that demonstrate that five billion years of human evolution clearly is not yet enough! Bullet Proof Whiteboard
Yes, the USA has done it again - how do you make schools safe from gun crime? That's right, make the whiteboards bullet proof! Never mind, you know... the fact whiteboards are usually stuck to walls, and that, you can only cover about a quarter of one person's body - but - hey, have to do something right? Nice job USA!
What to do if a Croc bites you
We've always subscribed to the view that if any life form bites you, if you bite it back it will never do it again. Be it a shark, snake, croc, lion, tiger, dog, cat - bite it back, and it will not do it again. Yoann Galeran clearly disagrees with us, and when attacked by a Saltwater Crocodile in Nhulunbuy (have a few shots and try to pronounce that!) Northern Australia, he resorted to punching the attacker and amazingly - it worked! The Croc dropped Yoann and he escaped with a few mere puncture wounds. So if a croc wanders into your local... well, punch it!
Finding Nemo...A lifejacket fish!
Well, at least that's what warehouse worker Leighton Naylor did when his goldfish (ironically named Einstein) developed a rare disease that (insert science mumbo jumbo about goldfish here) caused him to lose the ability to swim. Using recycle tubing, Leighton created a goldfish lifejacket, to keep Einstein afloat, and then rearranged the tank so there was nothing that he could swim into. As goldfish have notoriously short memories, one has to wonder if Einstein will ever get used to his new found mobility, or just wonder what made him the goldfish version of Iron Man.
Taiwan breeds green-glowing pigs
Taiwanese scientists have created three pigs that glow in the dark by adding genetic material from jellyfish into the normal embryo of a pig. The scientists claim that other researchers have created pigs that are partly fluorescent, but there’s are the only pigs that glow green through and through. In daylight, the pigs’ eyes, teeth and trotters look green and their skin has a greenish tinge, but otherwise they are no different from any others. The researchers are hoping that these male pigs will mate with ordinary female pigs to create a new generation.
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#hashtag wants your strange news June 2013 #hashtag 7
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13/05/2013 16:03
A Twitter chat with Tony Gardner
Tony Gardner first hit our TV screens in 1994 and has starred in 40 roles since, including a seven year stint in children’s show My Parents are Aliens. These days he is most affectionately known as Fresh Meat’s pervy professor, Tony Shales and he kindly took time out to chat to #hashtag in the first of our new twitter interview series.
The Doctor of Comedy will see you now. Is it true that you qualified as an doctor before you became an actor? Yes. Guy’s Hospital 1987. Why did you decide to make the switch from medicine to acting? I fell into acting via comedy. I went to Edinburgh Fringe as a double act, Struck Off and Die. Two doctors satirising medicine and the NHS so it was a gradual decision, and not as brave as people imagine as I was making a living as an actor when I stopped. Do you think you will go back to medicine at any point in your life? No. Been out of it too long now. I would need a SERIOUS amount of re-training.
Uni, where Charlotte went. Charlotte watched MPAA. Imagine how weird THAT was for her. Your obsession with Oregon is very convincing. Was that a hard relationship to act? Cheers. Not hard to act, same as all comedy, play it for real and it’s funnier. Did you know anything about the Shales and Oregon relationship when you auditioned? You’re at the mercy of the writers and producers, I suppose. But that is influenced by how the viewers go for the storyline and characters I think they could see a way in which seeing him AFTER his affair with Oregon would fit into the show. In answer to your question – yes, I did know he had an affair with
I find porn quite testy, for example We first saw you in My Parents Are Aliens, how did acting in a children’s programme compare with your previous work? I didn’t much want to do MPAA, because of that “kids telly” thing – not as good, dumbed down, etc, however, we always approached MPAA as a comedy show for everyone, and tried to avoid being “too kids telly” I think that’s why it lasted so long. It was funny, full stop. So it was a very happy time, and I learned a LOT in those 106 episodes. You tweeted recently that you have a son at university. Is there much of an age gap between him and Charlotte Ritchie (Oregon in Fresh Meat) at 23? Ha ha! No, which was what made the whole Shales/ Oregon thing so weird for me and Charlotte. She’s 4 years older than my son who is currently at Bristol
a student when I auditioned, I think I made a point at audition that he shouldn’t be a serial philanderer – I felt THAT was important to keep the viewers on his side, as much as you can expect sympathy for a creep like Shales. Will Shales be returning in series 3 of Fresh Meat? I genuinely don’t know. They’ll tell me sooner or later, I expect. Depends if they can afford me. Joke Would you return if asked? Dunno – what are the hours? Sorry – Couldn’t resist the Spinal Tap quote... Sure, I would be happy to return. What was your favourite moment from the first two series of the show? Hard one that. I liked the scene where Shales falls in love with Oregon for the first time, just because
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13/05/2013 16:03
#tonygardner she’s read his book. Oh – the “got any talc?” bit – in fact I always like scenes where Shales goes into their house. It’s WRONG. I LOVE when Vod announces his arrival with “Oh, here he comes – Willy Wanker”. Funny stuff. Of all the characters you have previously played, which one is most like you in real life? None of them are too much like me, I hope. They’re all idiots or philanderers. I don’t WANT people seeing what I am like in real life, I suppose is what I am saying. Have you ever turned down a role that you have since regretted? No! I’ve only recently got to a position where I turn down the odd role and, believe me, they are easy decisions to make, it’s the VERY successful actors who have those stories. The rest of us go where the casting takes us. Have you ever had a role where the casting took you, which turned out to be much better than you had imagined? Yes, MPAA and Lead Balloon spring to mind. Lots that went the other way. So far you have worked on much more TV than movies, do you prefer TV work to movies? Not through choice, I can assure you. TV and film work are both equally enjoyable, as far as I can tell. Depends what it is, of course, I find porn quite testy, for example. Would you like to work in more movies in the future? Of course, no actor would say no to that! If it happens, it happens......still waiting. Perhaps a Fresh Meat movie? They’re talking about that. I’m not sure I would be involved, though. Which of the FM housemates were you most like as a student? Josie What characteristics do you share with her? Saucy! I was a terrible combination of all of them, I suppose probably a large dose of JP, twist of Oregon, sprinkle of Josie. I was a bit of a hedonist. If any of your student experiences were turned into a Fresh Meat scene, what would it be? Oh, they’d never get it past compliance. I was a medical student – they’re fricking NUTS. Time to wind up, I will allow ONE last question but I reserve the right to dismiss it with an expletive if it’s shite. What is your favourite type of Fresh Meat? Cunty McFucker!! follow Tony on Twitter at @Tonygardner and catch up with series 1 and 2 of Fresh Meat on 4OD.
Next month Olympic legend Jessica Ennis will be chatting training, Zumba and her future in sport.
Fresh Meat Quotes
Our favourite lines from Fresh Meat so far JP on falling from a cliff - “I’m a fucking ledge. What a story. I was stranded on the ledge, I fell from the ledge, and then I survived the fucking ledge. I AM A FUCKING LEDGE, LEDGE.” Howard on relationships - “All relationships are doomed. If you emotionally undress in front of someone, they will pour acid on your shivering skin and leave you to die.” JP defending his home - “This shit just got shooty shooty gun gun.” Josie’s roommate advert - “All we want is someone who is fun, so put....Vodka by night, antibacterial mouthwash by morning.” Mrs Lamb: “I’m Paul’s mum.” Howard (Turning to the stairs) “PAUL!!!” Mrs Lamb “Paul moved out 4 weeks ago.” Vod - “He (Professor Shales) got me kicked off my fucking course and then he demands to stay in my house, I mean what’s next? take a shit on my bed and demand a lift home?” Vod: “Look in school playgrounds, all the girls are wearing thongs, all the boys are comparing dick sizes.” Oregon: “Porno on your Iphone, sex tips in your ready brek.” Geology Dan being sick in Josie’s munge – “Right careful with the munge, because the munge now has sick in it. All the warm bit is sick, the cooler bit is still good munge.” Vod on the ocean – “One day soon all the fish will be gone from the sea, and let me tell you I will be the first one out on the streets celebrating. Finally, fucking victory.” Vod on drugs. “No, it’s only weed. Class C in the morning, Class B in the afternoon, Class A at night, that’s why they give them letters.” JP - “I’m sick. I need Lucozade and soup, and printed pornography in case I improve.” Giles: “JP, is he a cabby?” JP: “They’re all cabbies in the north Giles, for a price.” Professor Shales - “Good holidays I trust, I have to say I missed you all tremendously, when I attempted to remember your names.”
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Which Fresh Meat housemate are you? Josie
Hit Channel 4 show Fresh Meat is set to return for third season and we are providing a guide to discovery, of which of the shameless and unruly housemates you most resemble
The first and most obvious sign of being a Vod is your dress sense. You will have a mix of punk, retro, metal and goth, and your dark and mysterious outfits match your personality. You are probably the coolest in the gang but not in a conventional way. You may be grumpy and emotionally unavailable and sometimes not liked, but cool is cool. Your confident and self obsessed personality may have rubbed off on others and you are probably used to getting your own way and picking up tag alongs. Someone will love the idea of being you, and go to great lengths to impress you, and if that means you can ‘borrow’ their work or cash from time to time, that will suit you fine.
Ironically you are the most out of place in social environments and yet are probably the most comfortable in your own skin. You do not feel the need to be the centre of attention, but your quiet tone is just as unsettling as it is admirable. You unnerve people who have at one point or another feared the day when you get pushed over the edge and fly off the walls, but so far you are bottling up the inner crazy. You have just as much fun as the rest of the house but just in different ways and while probably not looking like you are enjoying yourself much at all. Why get involved in social conventions when you can spend your time collecting scraps at your part-time job at the abattoir?
This is a no-brainer. You couldn’t possibly be JP without knowing full well and in hindsight, you could do much worse. You may be as eager to impress as those around you but you pull it off with an innocent and far less annoying style than your peers. You are from a better social class than those you spend time with and that is something you cannot hide no matter how hard you try. Sex, drugs and crude remarks fuel the energy needed to go ‘mining pussy’ 24/7. But you are harmless deep down and just looking for the emotional connection that you mock so freely.
Are you the popular confident wild child? Yes? Then you’re not Josie. If, however, you are desperate to impress and failing at almost every opportunity, you could well be this upbeat small town girl. You do everything you can to gain full control over your life and yet mistakes seem to follow you like the plague. It’s going to be a bumpy ride but that’s OK, that’s what it’s all about and even sleeping with the wrong guy won’t bring your spirits down. At least not in the presence of company, where you hope your ‘live for the moment’ mentality will rub off on others, however unlikely that may be.
Who you are and who you pretend to be are as similar as chalk and cheese, not that you intend to show anyone that. Most students want to reinvent themselves to an extent but you just want to be someone else entirely and are susceptible to latching on to the most confident and cool person you know.Your actions reflect your intent to be liked, over your natural thoughts which results in burying your confident mind set and intelligence, leading to an extreme act to prove your worth. Probably not an affair with a middle aged married lecturer but then again, who knows?
Deep down you are probably a nice guy with a good heart but on the surface you are a bit of a knobhead. You arrived at uni, hand-in-hand with your arrogant and self righteous attitude expecting to take the house by storm and sit at the top of the food chain as the cool and mature master. In reality you are trying too hard and ultimately mess up any genuine opportunities you get to succeed. Especially with that girl you like. Too proud and ‘respectable’ to admit you have made mistakes and fix things with a simple apology. You think it would just be easier to keep messing up and riding the wave untill you’re in too deep.
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The BIG budget buy
At #hashtag we know that it is often the bills that you don’t think of that end up burning a hole in your pockets. One of those bills is the unavoidable cost of food. That’s why we set our Sub-Editor Sian the task of buying her weeks shopping and entertainment with just £20... and we wanted change!
Sian, Sub-Editor
BIG shop
“I spent my Sunday afternoon in the supermarket, having previously made a shopping list that I had no choice but to stick to. Look for the offers when doing your shop, you may end up spending less than you expected to.” Sub-Editor, Sian
The Rules Petrol is already paid for so travelling to and from work is covered. Left over food in the cupboards can be used (e.g. pasta, jars of sauce) Money doesn’t have to just be used to pay for food for the week (includes entertainment, alcohol, etc.) If you can afford to go out with the money you have, go for it. No essentials (toiletries, etc.) were needed. June 2013 #hashtag 13 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 13
13/05/2013 16:03
Monday Breakfast: Toast with butter and a cup of tea. Lunch: Cheese, lettuce and mayo sandwich. Dinner: Spaghetti bolognaise. Spending the day at work meant that I would have to take some lunch with me, which lead to the cheese, lettuce and mayo sandwiches. A bag of pasta was already in my cupboard so I didn’t need to buy any. I made more bolognaise than I needed so that I could keep some back for later in the week.
Tip of the day: Don’t go shopping while you’re hungry...food shopping on a budget never works if you’re spending the whole time walking around thinking “Mmm, I could eat that right now.”
Tuesday Breakfast: Toast with butter and a cup of tea. Lunch: Chicken Super Noodles. Dinner: Chicken in Chicken Tonight with pasta. Working from home today meant that I could mix up my lunch a little, and it consisted of chicken Super Noodles. Granted, it wasn’t the healthiest decision, but it was quick, easy and, most importantly, cheap. Dinner tonight was cooked in a French white wine cream sauce with some pasta. Like yesterday, I made enough to make up my evening meals for the remainder of the week.
Tip of the day: Be prepared to do a little exercise to burn off all those carbs.
Breakfast: Toast with butter and a cup of tea. Lunch: Cheese, lettuce and mayo sandwich. Dinner: Chilli and rice Sandwiches for work again had to be done. I also found an empty bottle that I can use to take squash with me as a change from just drinking water. For dinner, I added some chillis, chilli powder, and a tin of kidney beans I found sat at the back of my cupboard. I now have bolognaise-turned-chilli for dinner.
Tip of the day: Meal times will become a little repetitive unless you spice things up with something you have lying around the kitchen. 14 #hashtag June 2013 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 14
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Thursday Breakfast: Toast with butter and a cup of tea. Lunch: Chicken Super Noodles. Dinner: Chicken in Chicken Tonight with pasta. I worked from home again today which meant it was back to Super Noodles for lunch. After a fairly busy day, dinner was pretty easy, just having to warm up the chicken and sauce I wanted and boil some pasta. Voila. Dinner is ready.
Tip of the day: Only heat the amount of chicken you want for that meal, it’s a bit risky heating it more than once. However, the food poisoning will help you lose a few pounds and take away your appetite saving you some money.
Friday Breakfast: Toast with butter and a cup of tea. Lunch: Cheese, lettuce and mayo sandwich. Dinner: Chicken in Chicken Tonight with pasta. I’m back in work meaning it’s sandwiches for lunch. It’s Friday, I couldn’t afford to go out, so friends are coming over for drinks instead. I stopped at Asda on the way home from work and picked up a bottle of Hawksridge Cider for £2. It’s no Bulmers, but a little squash can fix that. I got home, made dinner and prepared for the antics set to take place.
Tip of the day: Don’t assume cheap alcohol will taste bad, mix squash with it to improve it. Also, entertain your friends, with a film, cards, or games. If you’re worried about which cheap alcohol to invest in, see our guide on budget booze (p16).
We want to hear your attempts on how you managed to live on £20 a week. @hashtagmag
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Get in touch and more importantly send your photos to the #hashtag team. June 2013 #hashtag 15 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 15
13/05/2013 16:03
Brand vs Budget #hashtag’s battle of the booze is about to begin. Let’s get ready to RUMMMBBBLLLEEEEE!!!
Two big parts of uni are budgeting and boozing, and we know that drinking takes a huge chunk out of the budget, but is it worth paying double, sometimes triple the price for brand name booze? That’s what the #hashtag team have decided to find out for you. We picked five alcohol heavyweights and decided to battle them out against each other, one brand name, one budget price.
In the Red Corner
In the Blue Corner
Weighing in at 5 litres (one for each product) with a combined cost of £75.85 the peoples favourite and so far undefeated champ, branded booze.
Weighing in at 5 litres (also one for each product) with a combined cost of only £49.51 is the forgotten force known affectionately as budget booze.
Fosters, Asda £2.25 per litre
If this big hitter is good enough to sponsor Channel 4 comedy, it’s good enough for us too.
Bulmers, Tesco £1.99 per litre
It will take some serious sparring to knock this champ off it’s perch.
Jagermeister, Asda £26.43 per litre
A fairly new kid to the block but has shot to almost instant fame ever since.
Smirnoff, Asda £18.00 per litre
This is the undefeated champion of all alcohol and will carry confidence into this fight.
Antica, Sainsbury’s £27.18 per litre
With sambuca currently enjoying the spotlight, there is a lot of pressure to perform here.
Tesco Lager, Tesco £1.30 per litre
This may look like a lightweight on the outside, but good things come in small packages.
Hawkesridge, Tesco £1.00 per litre Can the Hawk by name, be as fierce by nature?
Josef Meiers, Asda £17.14 per litre
An amateur with only four years experience. Will have to learn fast
Asda Vodka, Asda £15.17 per litre
A huge task for this seasoned pro, especially as the price difference is not actually that big.
Sambuxo, Sainsbury’s £14.90 per litre
Not much expected from this novice with such a big price difference involved.
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Round one: The Lagers This seemed like a good place to start for students. Everyone knows what a pint of Fosters tastes like. It’s a reliable lager which is enjoyed by most students. Tesco’s French lager, being brutally honest, tastes as bad as it looks, pale in colour and flat as a pancake, it was not enjoyable and not recommended. Fosters offers a solid and more fresh pint. This has to be a no-brainer for us.
Winner: Fosters
Round Two: The Ciders We chose Bulmers as, to be perfectly honest, it’s the best cider around. As for the Hawkesridge looking to bounce back for team budget, it reminded us of dark days and lack of money and tasted like it to. However, the taste did improve when blackcurrant was added to disguise the taste. It just didn’t quite work well enough.
Winner: Bulmers
Round Three: The Herbal Liquors As students you must have experience lining up numerous Jagerbombs and sinking them. So is it worth taking a cut in price? We found the original Jagermeister was by far the better but Josef Meiers wasn’t so disappointing, and when mixing with Red Bull, was reasonable enough. If you are going for taste stick to the Jagermeister but if you’re looking for a cheap thrill, take a plunge with Josef Meiers.
Winner: Josef Meiers
Round Four: The Vodkas Team Brand looking to finish it with Vodka. The supermarket shelves are full of different kinds of Vodka but we stuck with the old favourite, Smirnoff. We took our Vodka with energy drinks and found that both tasted pretty much the same as the energy drink was a bit too over powering. Not exactly an admission of better taste for budget but for the sake of a few quid saved, we’re giving it the thumbs up.
Winner: Draw
Round Five: The Sambuca decider This round was very interesting. Both were superb drinks for different reasons. The Antica Sambuca was powerful and full of aniseed flavour and gave a real kick at the back of the throat. The Sambuxo was a more delicate flavour but is, however, half the strength of the Antica Sambuca. Both were equally as nice though, but there is no point saving half in money if you have to drink twice as much as before.
Winner: Antica
The judges final scores:
A great fight all round with team budget pulling off some shock punches, but in the end it was the might and power of team brand which ultimately proved that there really is no substitute for quality. Damn. Final Scores: Brand 3.5, Budget 1.5 June 2013 #hashtag 17 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 17
13/05/2013 16:03
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13/05/2013 16:03
Back to Reality
A #hashtag guide to moving back home
Messy bedrooms, late night discos and piles of dirty dishes are all things you can add to your ever growing list of memories because it’s now time to go home to your families, and that can only mean one thing, rules. We know it’s not easy swapping hoovering spilt alcohol with your mouths to hoovering your bedrooms with, well, a hoover. Or trading late nights for early mornings. But fear not, #hashtag has provided you with an insight into slipping effortlessly back into family life. You’re welcome. June 2013 #hashtag 19 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 19
13/05/2013 16:03
#movinghome Around three million 20-34 year-olds in the UK live with their parents and you’re probably about to be become one of them. As a team with the experience of university behind us, we have the perfect understanding of the mixed feelings that take their toll when moving back home with your parents, and one thing we can teach you, is how to you best to go about surviving it. As ex-students, we know you are stuck with five figure sum debts hanging over your head, caused by the drinking, shopping and takeaway’s that go hand in hand with the student lifestyle. That means while you save up for that lad-pad or girly getaway that you will call home, you’re likely to have to give up the independence you found at uni and settle back into your childhood home for a little bit longer. But hang tight, it will be worth it. The process of moving home can be hard for any student but unfortunately it is a big part of growing up and should be viewed as the final stage of the uni experience. Remember you have been away for years and things are bound to have changed in your absence so make sure you ease yourself in and give your family a chance to enlighten you with the new style of doing things. In a nutshell, don’t walk through the door, dump your bags in the hallway, stick on the TV with your shoe covered feet on the new leather suite, and ask your mum to put the kettle on. Trust us.
Also turn your attention to the many positives of being back at home. If long days cooped up inside while your parents discuss the ‘shocking’ events at last week’s neighbourhood watch meeting, isn’t your idea of fun (no judgement if it is), then remember those friends you left behind when you headed off to uni and start rekindling some old friendships. Especially if they have been away studying too because if you think you have 100 funny stories or juicy gossip tales to share, we’re betting they will have too. There’s only one way to find out. And what if they haven’t been away, we hear you ask. Well, think of them as the local guru of goings on, ready to guide your transition back to reality in the smoothest of fashions and who knows, they may just have heard about that local job vacancy or sexy new single neighbour that you don’t even know you are looking for. The important thing to remember is that although it doesn’t feel like it now, this is the place where you grew up and survived for a lot longer than you have been gone. If you respect your family and chip in with your share of the responsibilities, you will be surprised how much the luxuries of home cooking and clean bathrooms can make a difference to your life. If you help out before you are asked too, you will be in for an even smoother ride.
Make life easier for yourself by following our top 4 DO’s
Act like an adult
Pay your way
Get out and about
Help out at home
Come on wake up! It’s time to enter the real world. You’re an adult now, not mummy’s little boy or daddy’s little girl. You’ve been waiting years to be treated like with respect, and take any advice they offer. Let’s face it, they have been there and done it.
Obviously you’ll be looking for a job at home to pay off the debts, but you’re not likely to walk right into a £50,000 a year and your parents won’t be expecting it either. But they will appreciate some keep. Just think, it’s good practice for budgeting and saving for the future.
Your parents love you but they don’t want you stuck indoors all day as much as you do. Keep some independence and get active and socialise. Parents know that while at uni you’re out enjoying yourself so why should they expect you to stop now?
Be honest, not all the mess is someone else’s. Gone are the days of playing Jenga with your dishes or leave the cleaning for the cleaners. It’s down to you now. Help out with household chores to keep everyone off your back and help without being asked.
20 #hashtag June 2013 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 20
13/05/2013 16:03
Don’t just take it from us, listen to these guys too... Caroline Bowles, mum of Michael who studied Business Management at Bristol UWE says“Michael has been living at home for a year now since graduating. At first I found it a bit stressful. He was applying for jobs left, right and centre and wasn’t really getting anywhere. It was frustrating for us both. Michael wanted to work and have money so he could go out and get out from under our feet too.” (Michael found a job as Trainee Manager at National Rail)... “You can definitely see a difference now. Everyone seems happier and more chilled out. It has been a massive help with Michael being able to pay rent too. It’s not much but it helps me out and I suppose it is practice for him when he gets older and has to pay more.”
Rachel Cole, sister of university student Leanne. “It will be nice to have Leanne home, I’ve missed her more than I thought I would, it is weird because her being further away has brought us both closer together.”
Michael: “It’s great now. I’m working, can afford to go out, and I’m going on holiday with my mates over the summer too. Getting a job has definitely made it easier for both me and my parents. I haven’t got a job in the field that I would haved liked too but it’s still a job and gives me a focus and a drive to do what I want in the future.”
“I’ve missed her more than I thought I would” Martyn Norman graduated last summer from Manchester: “Moving home was hard. I had spent three years living with different people and getting away with everything as everyone was so chilled out. Getting back into a routine where I work and have a proper sleeping pattern was difficult. Adjusting to home life isn’t easy for anyone; it is different to coming home in summers and at Christmas. During those breaks you know that you are going back to uni at some point. It’s a different feeling when you finish for good.”
Treat it like a student house
Stay out of trouble with our top 4 DONT’s
We all think we’re the next Gordon Ramsey after a few drinks but your parents will not appreciate coming downstairs to an upturned kitchen. Clean up after yourself and remember, they don’t act like students, and neither should you.
Constantly complain
Get too comfortable
Forget the positives
Whether it’s your mum, dad, brothers or sisters, moaning is for young kids not grown adults, so if they ask you to do something, just do it. It makes their life easier and gives them an extra set of hands, getting them off your back for a few hours.
Avoid being the loser of the street that still lives with his mum and dad. If you get settled you won’t leave. Have a plan in place of when you want to move out and get the funds together. Where do you want to be in three years? Not at home we bet?
This may not be the open house, access all hours, party zone you have adjusted to but it is still home. And that brings good cooking, clean surfaces and the trust that you can leave your room open without coming back to what resembles a crime scene. June 2013 #hashtag 21
Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 21
13/05/2013 16:04
10 #hashtag things to do before 25
Everyone needs a bucket list in life so for those of you who haven’t yet compiled yours, here are our must do’s to spark some ideas.
Tell us your #hashtag things to do before you are 25 at: facebook.com/ hashtagmag
You can’t get to 25 and not attempt a World Record
A random road trip with your friends is a #hashtag must
Learn a new skill, whilst you have time
Drive your dream car even if you have to rent it
8 5
contact @ hashtag.com
Meet your idol
A leap of faith into the unknown, a great experience
Attend a live sporting or music event, a real must for the atmopshere alone
22 #hashtag June 2013 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 22
13/05/2013 16:04
Who wouldn’t want to jump from 10,000ft? This has to be a must for all adrenaline junkies
Las Vegas weekend. Everyone needs a “Hangover” style experience once in their life
What better thing is to do just after university than travelling?
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13/05/2013 16:04
Boozy Blowouts
It’s coming to that time of the year when we are starting to look for cheap holidays where we can spend the week getting hammered while enjoying the sun. The #hashtag team have taken this opportunity to provide you with some holiday tips and budget holiday breaks for this summer, from boozy locations in the UK for less than £100 a week, to the ever popular locations overseas for less than £300 a week. Top 5 holiday tips
• If you’re trying to pull, don’t projectile vomit over the poor person – getting drunk is all good and well when boosting your confidence with the opposite sex, but don’t get so drunk that you can’t control your gag reflex! • Don’t over-eat – the more you eat, the more alcohol it will take to get you drunk, costing you more money. Less food means less alcohol which means less money spent. • Fill your suitcase with Pot Noodles – it’s cheaper than eating out and it gives you more time to get drunk. Winner! •Don’t buy souvenirs – there’s very little point in buying souvenirs for your family when they get chucked in the back of a cupboard or drawer and forgotten about. Spend the money on more important things. Like booze. • Make sure you have a sick bag for the flight home – you might not get travel sick but a week’s worth of hangovers may all kick in at once and that could be fatal!
June 2013 #hashtag 25 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 25
13/05/2013 16:04
Boozy Britain
If you’re not a fan of long distance travelling and want to really save those pennies, these hot picks will be perfect
Newquay, Cornwall – Kandi Lodge From £99pp 7 nights self catering in June Newquay is one of the most popular resorts for students to have cheap weekends or weeks away throughout the summer months, with activities to keep you entertained during the day, and plenty of clubs and pubs to keep the alcohol flowing by night. By day, Newquay may seem to be a typical seaside resort, with families covering the beaches and souvenir shops taking over the streets, but this all changes during the night. Without having a strip as such, Newquay boasts a range of clubs and pubs to suit the taste of hundreds and thousands of you, with a range of music provided and drinks offers being thrown at you left, right and centre – unfortunately not as cheap as the likes of Napa and Laganas – but Newquay could be seen as the British equivalent. Drinking is the main aspect of any student holiday, but there are daily activities on offer, from lying on the beach all day to surfing or coasteering. There is also some stereotypical seaside entertainment available to you, such as go karting and crazy golf.
Cardiff, Wales – Nomad Hostel From £84pp 7 nights self catering in June/July This modern city has a lot to offer the students looking for a budget break. While it might not be the cheapest in terms of cost of living, the respectable accommodation makes up for that. Cardiff is almost a bigger and more developed version of Cornwall’s Newquay, offering a variety of cultural food outlets alongside the wide range of clubs and pubs to allow you to spend the evenings doing what you love most – getting royally hammered! If clubbing isn’t your scene, there are loads of pubs that have live music playing almost every weekend. With the newly established Cardiff Bay just a few minutes from the city centre, you can enjoy some delicious food and a few quiet drinks – an ideal way to chill mid-afternoon. If you time your trip right, you might find yourself around in time to catch a game at the Millennium Stadium. There are some less obvious attractions for you as well, from National Parks to the Brecon Beacons.
Edinburgh, Scotland – Smart City Hostel From £98pp 7 nights self catering in June/July We know what you’re thinking – Edinburgh isn’t a typical location for students to go on holiday, but you could be very surprised. While Edinburgh doesn’t boast the classic clubbing profile that Newquay and Cardiff do, the best thing to do is to visit the traditional pubs and bars, sipping on a pint, listening to a talented amateur band and actually being able to have a conversation with your friends. Edinburgh is the home to Murrayfield Stadium so you could treat yourself to a tour of the world famous arena, and if your timing is right you might stumble across a sporting fixture. During the day, there is plenty to entertain, ranging from Edinburgh Zoo to the castle and the dungeons. If you’re tired of clubbing and spending all day every day lying by the pool, beach or in bed feeling hungover and sorry for yourself then this is the place to be.
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13/05/2013 16:04
Euro Hotspots
#boozybreaks Want to spread your wings? Look no further than these overseas classics at bargain prices
Ayia Napa, Cyprus – A Maos Hotel Apartments £281pp 7 nights self catering in June/July Now let’s be honest, if you’re thinking of going on holiday to Ayia Napa, the chances are there’s only one thing you’re looking for – the nightlife! From cafe/lounge bars to clubs, Napa has everything that nightlife could possibly consist of. Whether you’re looking for a taste of home in English pubs, or want to dance your way through the night, you’re in the right place, with a range of dance, R‘n’B, garage and urban music on offer. If clubbing isn’t your scene but you’re looking for something upbeat then fear not, there is still plenty for you to indulge in. There are Irish bars, rock bars and live music clubs, all providing a range of rock, acoustic and indie music. You definitely can’t go wrong with Napa’s nightlife. Spending your days sleeping off your hangover by the pool or at the beach is probably fairly high on your agenda for the week. But, for those more adventurous of you, there’s plenty to entertain, with Waterworld Waterpark and Seasons Go Kart & Family Entertainment Centre providing fun and laughs for you all. Scuba Base also offers a boat trip, stopping at four locations allowing you to snorkel and scuba dive.
Ibiza, Spain – Club Monterrey Aparthotel, San Antonio Bay £187pp 7 nights self catering in July Ibiza’s main attractions have got to be the nightlife and stunning beaches, and a combination of the two leads to one of your favourite holidays, drinking by night (and sometimes day) and soaking up the sun and sleeping off hangovers by day. Let’s face it, when you’re visiting the ‘Clubbing capital of the world’, the chances of you wanting to spend your nights having a civilised dinner, a cocktail or two and an early night are pretty slim. World famous DJs gig on Ibiza’s renowned San Antonio strip, hosting a mixture of music styles to please everyone. And, if you time your trip right, you may even make it to one of Ibiza’s local festivals – if you’re not too drunk, hungover or sunburnt that is! Sleeping your hangover off on the sandy beaches may get a bit boring towards the end of the week, but there are some attractions to mix your week up a bit. Aguamar Water Park will provide you with the laughs you’ve been searching for. And, if by the end of the week you haven’t managed to spend all of your money on booze, make your way to Ibiza Town to throw away your last pennies – or just get hammered before leaving for the airport, the choice is yours!
Zante, Greece – TASSIA, Laganas £292pp 7 nights self catering in June/July Laganas offers plenty of action with lots of great clubs and bars handing out cheap drinks after being on the 18-30s Club list for quite some time. With thousands of students flocking to Zante every summer, there’s no excuse for you not to spend your week completely drunk and having the time of your life. Most clubs stay open until 4 in the morning, some not closing until 6 and few staying open for 24 hours, playing a huge range of music. In fact, the chances are that you’ll spend your first week back at home still drunk and struggling to remember a thing – at least then you know it’s been the best week of your life! For those of you who get bored just lying on the beach, Zante is the place for you. Watersports aren’t held at Laganas, but jump on a free bus to nearby destinations that will allow you to have a fun-filled day of antics in the water. You thrill-seekers can also take a trip to Zante Water Park, go scuba diving, go karting, have a game of crazy golf, or have a go at mountain biking. With more than just the electric nightlife to offer, Laganas is definitely the place to go if you want an action packed break on and off the strip! June 2013 #hashtag 27 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 27
13/05/2013 16:04
Kit up for £30
Summer style doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Keep kitting up for under £10 £8 Jacket River Island
Primark £2
Primark £3
£5 Shorts Burton
T-Shirt Topman £5
Flip Flops Next
H&M £10
£8 Swimming Shorts asos.com
office.co.uk £10
Stay in style with #hashtag’s favourite flip flops
Topman, £6
Next, £12
River Island, £5
H&M, £8
28 #hashtag June 2013 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 28
13/05/2013 16:04
Sexy or summery but all affordable
Claire’s Accessories £3
Handbag internacionale.co.uk
asos.com £10
£5 Shorts Topshop
Shirt New Look
H&M £5
Primark £2
£12 Jacket New Look
very.co.uk £10
£6 Scarf boohoo.com
Show off your pedicures and feel the sun on your feet
beingpretty.co.uk, £6
H&M, £8
Primark, £4
River Island, £5 June 2013 #hashtag 29
Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 29
13/05/2013 16:04
Movie Previews
Never miss a blockbuster as #hashtag will always keep you up to date with the up coming big screen releases
More movie information on
Must-watch movies out now World War Z Director:
Marc Forster
Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos and James Badge Dale
Based on the book World War Z by Max Brooks. United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments, and threatening to decimate humanity itself.
Released: 21st June 2013 We gave it: # # # # #
This Is The End
Chris Renaud and Pierre Coffin
Steve Carell, Al Pacino and Miranda Cosgrove
Starring: Jonah Hill, Seth Rogan, Emma Watson
Despicable Me 2
Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogan
Gru (Steve Carell) and his minons are back and have been recruited by the Anti-Villain League to help deal with a powerful new super criminal named Eduardo (Al Pacino).
Released: 28th June 2013 We gave it: # # # # #
After a series of cataclysmic events ravage Los Angeles, Hill and Rogen, Jay Baruchel and Danny McBride, must face the true meaning of friendship and redemption as the world ends around them.
Released: 28th June 2013 We gave it: # # # # #
More must-watch movies coming in July 2013 The Internship
Monster Inc 2
The Wolverine
Romeo and Juliet
Director: Shawn Levy
Director: Dan Scanlon
Director: James Mangold
Director: Carlo Carlei
Starring: Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson and Rose Bryne
Starring: Aubrey Plazza, Steve Buscemi and John Goodman
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Famke Janssen and Will Yun Lee
Starring: Hailee Steinfield, Douglas Booth, Stellan Skarsgard
Released: 4th July
Released: 12th July
Released: 26th July
Released 26th July
30 #hashtag June 2013 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 30
13/05/2013 16:04
Games Reviews Never miss out on the latest game as #hashtag will have the review for your favourite console
More game information on
Must-play games out now Grid 2
Remember Me
The last of us
A visionary 3rd person action adventure, Remember Me puts players into the role of Nilin, a former elite memory hunter with the ability to break into people’s minds and steal or even alter their memories.
From the people who made ‘Crash Bandicoot’ Joel, a brutal survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together if they hope to survive their journey across the US.
Released 7th June 2013 We gave it: # # # # #
Released 31st May 2013 We gave it: # # # # #
(PS3, Xbox & PC)
(PS3 Only)
(PS3, Xbox & PC)
Grid is back with users going behind the wheel of a handpicked selection of automotive icons spanning four decades and three continents -- USA, Europe and Asia. With impressive Multi-player action for all to enjoy.
Released 31st May 2013 We gave it: # # # # #
Naughty Dog
More must-play games coming soon Dynasty Warrior 8 (PS3 & Xbox)
Tom Clancy’s: Blacklist (All platforms)
Saints Row iv (PS3, Xbox & PC)
Rayman Legend (PS3, Xbox & PC)
Genre: Action
Genre: Action
Genre: Action
Genre: Platformer
Publisher: Tecmo KOEI
Publisher: Ubisoft
Publisher: Deep Silver
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Omega Force
Developer: Ubisoft
Developer: Volition
Developer: Ubisoft
Released: July
Released: August
Released: August
Released: August/Sept
June 2013 #hashtag 31 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 31
13/05/2013 16:04
Technology Overload
2013 is set to see the release of some of the most technically developed gadgets upon us. Coming from four of the biggest tech companies on Earth. In this edition we bring you the gadgets that are being speculated the most in the run up to their releases later this year.
Sony: Playstation 4 - Is it going to change the gaming world?
Microsoft: Xbox 720/Infinity Can Microsoft hold their crown as console top dogs?
Sony has already unveiled their originally named successor to the somewhat flawed PlayStation 3. The PS4 is packing 15 times more memory than its predecessor, with updated processors and graphics cards the technology that creates the console is said to be more like modern gaming computers than the messy anatomy that caused problems for so many developers on the PS3. Sony has put a huge emphasis on social networking and sharing of game content, but for now we need to wait for further announcements to see what exactly that will be. Expected for ‘holiday 2013’, it is assumed that is meant to be Christmas, but with launch titles confirming releases of their titles for October, this could indicate a summer debut.
With an announced PS4, it can only be so long before the Xbox successor is making headlines. The 360 was widely held as the more successful, if technically less advanced console in the battle against the PS3 - but with Sony seemingly addressing a lot of the PS3’s issues, Microsoft need to come up with something impressive. Rumours so far include an exclusive tie up with EA so they will only publish on Xbox (yes students, FIFA may be Xbox only in the future!) as well as emphasis on sharing, and increased graphics and memory - much like the PS4. Perhaps the most worrying rumour is Xbox games being chipped so they cannot be purchased second hand - again, something for students to worry about!
#hashtag has all the latest technology news online, so check it out or get in touch: contact@hashtag.com @hashtagmag hashtagmag.com @hashtagmag
facebook.com/ hashtagmag
32 #hashtag June 2013 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 32
13/05/2013 16:04
Samsung: Galaxy S4 Zoom? - The iPhone Killers little brother is back!
Apple: iPhone? iPad? iWatch? What to expect from the US firm this year!
Upon releasing the Galaxy S3 mini last year, Samsung will most likely follow suit this year by releasing a trimmed down version of the new S4. The interesting rumour is the name, the ‘Zoom’. Some predict that this may mean that the mini version of the S4 is more of a digital camera, with phone functionalities, which would push the ‘Zoom’ into a yet untapped smartcamera niche, rather than being a smartphone. It may be too soon for that, and we think it will probably be more phone than camera, but still... it’s an interesting rumour! and certainly one to keep on eye on, and has the potential to bring something completely new.
With the recent announcement of the S4 release, it’s now a long wait to see what genius features Apple will come up with in the way of the iPhone 6/5s/5gs, or whatever name they come up with. Until then, we have a probable next generation iPad to look forward to, and speculation about iPhone Nanos, the next generation of the iPod touch, and rumours of Apple wristwatchs, a budget iPhone and new Macbooks. As usual Apple are keeping tight lipped for now but that usually means there is something worth keeping secrets for.
Next issue we will take a look at the next Xbox, delve deeper into the Galaxy S4 mini and investigate what is probably the inevitable iPhone Mini/Nano.
These bargain gadgets are perfect for dealing with student life Macneil Mcn500 Talking Alarm Clock £3.43 play.com Never be late for a lecture again with this brilliant bargain buy. A unique and stylish alarm clock will wake you up to both the current time and the room temperature via a talking voice. Also simply tilt the gadget to hear the current time or set it to announce the time and temp on an hourly basis.
Self Stirring Mug, £2.40 amazon.co.uk This is a must have for anyone with those dreaded 9am lectures which we know you never miss (cough cough). Simply tip your tea or chuck your coffee straight into the cup and screw on the lid. Then you can hit the thumb-friendly button and be on your way as your brew stirs itself.
Magic Wand – Programmable TV Remote £39.99 thinkgeek.com Whether you are a Harry or a Hermione this is the perfect way to flick from channel to channel in true magical style. Teach your wand to respond to particular magical motions with up to 13 commands from your existing remotes. If that is not enough for you, a beam of light will shoot out of the unicorn tail hair and magic will happen.
Shocking Pen £3.95 red5.co.uk Two words: simply genius. Let’s face it, pens and students go together as well as politicians and simple answers but never fear, with this pal pranking pen your friends won’t ever try to steal it, not after the first time. One click is all it takes to send shockwaves through their hand and brighten up your day. All you have to do is keep it separate from your real pen, or the joke’s on you.
June 2013 #hashtag 33 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 33
13/05/2013 16:04
Your Snaps
Got a snap worthy of gracing the pages of #hashtag? We want to see them and if we like them as much as you do, they may even get published. facebook.com /hashtagmag
hashtagmag. com contact@ hashtag.com
Snaps mean Prizes
From stephanie, Manchester
If your photo is chosen as our star pic you will recieve ÂŁ100 cash plus a free years subscription to #hashtag the essential guide for students, delivered straight to your door
Fancy dress Corner
From Rhys, London
From James, Kent
From Hayley, Poole
From Victoria, Stoke
From Jack, Bristol
34 #hashtag June 2013 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 34
13/05/2013 16:04
Subscribe Now!
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#hashtag The Essential Guide for Students
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songs that changed the world
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Issue 63 July 2013 £2.40
student habits to break
Jessica Ennis 12 months on from Olympic glory, find out what Jess has planned for Summer 2013
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Subscribe before the end of June and receive a whole year of #hashtag for only £12. That’s just £1 an issue for twelve months, delivered straight to your door with no postage and packaging fees to worry about.
All hail the Hallway Put an end to mornings of dragging yourselves out of bed and down the stairs to be greeted with a doormat full of phone bills and local church flyers, and decorate your hallway with a new copy of #hashtag, staring up at you with love and affection. You don’t have to lift a finger and you will be always be the friend in the know. Steve Lowrie, #hashtag Editor.
Visit www.hashtagmag.com/ subscription for details
contact @ hashtag.com
June 2013 #hashtag 35 Hashtag Magazine design 3.indd 35
13/05/2013 16:04
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