20 September 2013 Minutes continued Committee member Davis shared information from the web site, www.copyright.gov, about copyrighting both versions of our logo. The site had information on copyrighting artwork, literary work, music, etc. According to the site, our logo was under copyright protection the moment it was created and displayed. Copyright registration can be done on-line with the US Copyright Office for $35. Upon motion, Chairman Stumpf will research the copyright registration further and register both of our logos with that office. The funds for this will come out of the Communications Committee budget. The committee unanimously approved this motion. The next item was a survey for the website. Chairman Stumpf wants feedback from our members about what type of features they would like to see on the website. She would like to keep it to no more than five questions. Stumpf charged committee members with submitting questions to be included on the survey, with a deadline of 30 September 2013. Questions should be emailed to Chairman Stumpf (stumpfd@appstate.edu) and Adene Tyler (adenem@bellsouth.net). Once the questions have been determined, committee member Davis will post to the website. The committee members then discussed the website and the various “pages” of it. Committee member Innes stated that he liked receiving the email alerts, one of the options that members can sign up for on the website. Committee member Davis discussed how we use the website to obtain more email subscribers. The committee also discussed the need to have a statement by the NCNGA concerning what their email address is being used for, i.e. legislative alerts, benefit updates and that we will never sell or provide their email address to an outside source. Committee member Bennett recommended we also provide an “opt in – opt out” choice for them. Davis advised the committee on how this is being done on the website. Comments on the website included: Keep the first page as simple as possible; no distractions. 2014 Conference info needs to be added (27-29 March 2014 – Winston-Salem NC) Change the top bar to only a few items (5 or less) Add box to front page for “Veterans Info” which will take the member to a list of links for both state and national websites that provide information for veterans. Revamp Corporate Sponsors list – either a rolling list (where they scroll up automatically) or a graphic with all of them on there (size of logo would be dependent on type of sponsorship) Possible login for members to access benefits info – would provide “ownership” to our members; right now anyone can use our benefits – why be a member if you can use them without being a member? NCNGA Staff members suggested several changes to the website. Communications Committee members were tasked with also making suggestions. When working with Semper Fi to redesign the website, these suggestions will be taken into consideration. Chairman Stumpf requested NCNGA Executive Director Tyler contact Semper Fi and schedule a time for them to begin the process of redesigning our website. She will try to attend the meeting and she requested the meeting be scheduled so that committee member Davis can be present.
The last item on the agenda concerned the restructure of a current NCNGA staff position. Staff member Kathy Ford is leaving the NCNGA, and currently is only working one day a week. The Headquarters and Employees Committee is considering the restructuring of staff positions and wanted input from the Communications Committee. The committee discussed the position and would like to see it include media capabilities; to include html experience, blogging experience, content creation, marketing, etc. Committee member Davis will provide specific criteria for the web portion of this position. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:45. ____________________________ Teri Foster NCNGA Staff