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Always Ready! Ready Team!

Come celebrate our Retiree Day and the National Guard’s 380th Birthday! FOR: Army and Air National Guard Retirees DATE: Friday, December 16, 2016 EVENT REGISTRATION: 0900-1000 HRS LOCATION: Joint Force Headquarters, 1636 Gold Star Drive, Raleigh, NC 27607 INCLUDES: Mission updates, benefits seminar, various information stations, luncheon, social time, and a celebration of the National Guard’s 380th Birthday. REGISTRATION: Send the form below and a check for $15.00 per person payable to “NCNGA” on or before 1 December 2016 to: NCNGA ATTN: Tarheel Homecoming 7410 Chapel Hill Rd Raleigh, NC 27607 Registration Form also available on the NCNG Public Website at: http://www.nc.ngb.army.mil And on the NCNGA website at: http://www.ncnga.org NOTE: Seating is limited to 350; please make your reservation as soon as possible. QUESTIONS: Contact the Community Relations Office at 919-664-6000 ext 47677 or via email: ng.nc.ncarng.mbx.pao-rsvp@mail.mil Registration Questions: Contact NCNGA at 919-851-3390 or info@ncnga.org

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2016 NCNG TARHEEL HOMECOMING and the National Guard’s 380th Birthday Celebration Registration Form Attendee Name and Rank (RET): Guest Name (s): Please provide the following Mailing address: E-mail Address: Home or Cell Phone:

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