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“7th Annual Len Adams Memorial NCNGA Educational Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament in Honor of MSG Douglas Pittman’s Retirement” Format: 4 Man Scramble / Captain’s Choice Where: River Oaks Golf Club When: Monday, 21 October 2013 Time: 13:00 Shotgun Start Entry Fee: $70.00

Please make plans to join us on Monday, 21 October 2013 at River Oaks Golf Club to honor MSG Douglas Pittman for his retirement from NCARNG at our annual Len Adams Memorial. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the North Carolina National Guard Association Educational Foundation (NCNGAEF). The first $1000 raised will go to our 505ECB Len Adams Memorial Scholarship NCNGAEF Fund, the next $500 raised will be used to purchase a brick in the NCNGAEF “Walk of Honor” at JFHQ in Raleigh in honor of MSG Douglas Pittman’s Retirement. All additional funds raised will go to the NCNGAEF General Endowment Fund. Entry Fee Includes golf, cart, beverages, food, door prize tickets, and two mulligan’s each. Tickets will be put into the raffle box for door prizes when entry fee is paid. Dinner will be served immediately after the round. Prizes will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place teams. All par 3’s will have a closest to the pin prize and we will also have a long drive prize. Hole sponsorships may be purchased for a $50.00 donation and will include a sign on the course. Fees and donations are tax deductible. Sign up as a foursome or individuals will be paired up. Make checks payable to Donnie Mote, and mailed to 2100 Robinwood Road, Gastonia, NC 28054. The address for the golf course is River Oaks Golf Club, 233 Broken Arrow Dr, Statesville, NC 28677. Phone = (704) 883-8724. Player A_____________________________________________________________________ Player B______________________________________________________________________ Player C______________________________________________________________________ Player D______________________________________________________________________

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