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Tarheel Guardsman


April - May 2016

Leader’s Corner

Bobby E Lumsden NCNGA President



his year the North Carolina National Guard Association has seen the fruits of our labor over the past few years return to us significant benefit and influence. Our efforts to secure our financial stability has begun to pay off. For the first time in recent history, not only does our Association have a capitol reserve fund aimed at maintaining our Headquarters Building and property, but we now have emergency reserve that ensures we do not have to dip into our investments every time an issue arises that wasn’t budgeted. Additionally, our efforts to secure new revenue sources are starting to actually starting to take effect with has resulted in nearly a 10% increase in revenue over the year. Our Association is strong and we continue to increase our influence across the State and at the National Level. Achieving nearly 100% success in our state legislative agenda last year was just the start. We have new opportunity to support our Guard over the next year and significantly increase the benefits to our members. In the upcoming months, we will need your help to communicate with your elected officials and members of your community. The North Carolina National Guard is the best deal for our National Defense and the protection of our Communities and they must know the value we provide. Soon we will launch a web platform that will allow our members to choose various insurance, investment, and identify protection offerings. This is just the first in many ways we are increasing benefits for our members. We are also exploring ways we can increase educational and employment opportunities for our members and their families. Finally, we are in discussions to begin a professional development series that will help our members take control of their careers (military and civilian) in order to achieve your goals. We are redefining how we best support you, our members. Our core mission to advocate for the North Carolina National is on the forefront of everything we do. With your support, we will ensure our Guard remains READY, RELEVANT, and RELIABLE for many years to come!

A Word From Our Executive Director....

Reflecting over the past year our Executive Council, staff and you our 16,000+ members have accomplished many goals. Below are a few of the achievements that we have accomplished since last year’s Convention. • • •

• • • • • • •

Our headquarters has had an extensive renovation with new siding, roof repairs and replacement of our retention wall. We are also in the process of having the parking lot repaved and replacement of our failing HVAC units. We held our annual Legislative Breakfast at the Legislature and followed it with the 1st annual National Guard day at the General Assembly. Our Legislative Committee helped to pass all three of our initiatives this past year • Gained a voting seat on the Military Affairs Commission for an appointed Guard representative. • Helped to increase the Tuition Assistance for Guard members • For a second year in a row we lead the charge to increase your Guard pension To increase communication, we launched our new newsletter the “Weekly Guardsman” We have become more visible across the State through SRP’s, deployment ceremonies, yellow ribbon events etc. through representation from our Retiree network, Unit Reps and Staff visits. Developed a new branding and marketing campaign to help recruit new members and to enhance our membership benefits. Our membership discounts more than doubled over the past year with our partnership with the “Tickets at Work” program. We received award recognition at NGAUS and EANGUS this year which includes membership achievements and publication awards for the “Tarheel Guardsman” magazine. We also received appointments within these organizations to make sure your voice is heard on a National level. We hosted the first in a series of Town Hall meetings which included the Governor, MG Lusk and Secretary Perry. Our Legislative team visited the offices of all 13 members of Congress and both Senators in Washington DC with initiatives in hand to represent your best interest. Our Association started a new benefit to our members by offering a Webinar/ Call-in series about topics of interest hosted by Americorps Attorney’s. Topics have included, Veteran Benefits 101 & Family Law Basics 101. This is another great benefit to our members throughout the year.

We continue to set the bar high to represent you and strive to add substantive benefits for the organization as a whole. Your participation in our insurance program, annual membership dues and attendance at our annual Convention allow us to have a strong foundation to build off of for years to come. If you haven’t yet registered to attend our Convention in Greensboro we encourage you to sign up today at www. ncnga.org . This is our largest gathering of the year and will be full of fun entertainment, networking with our leadership and your fellow Guard members and retirees from across the State. The event also hosts our Executive Council elections and a new addition this year is our Candidate Forum for Governor, Lt. Governor and US Senate seats. We hope to have a strong showing to well represent our National Guard in front of these State and National leaders during the weekend. We again appreciate your support and always have an open door to your ideas, concerns and insight to make our organization even stronger. Thank you,

Craig Lloyd

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Official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association APRIL-MAY 2016

Volume 50

Number 2

Contents: NCNGA:

A Word From Our Executive Director Convention Registration Convention Information In Memorium

1 6 7 15

NC National Guard:

Cover Story - Agile Hunter 2016 145th MXS CDDAR Team Welcome Home 1st BN - 252nd Armor Reg Best Warrior

Officers President Bobby Lumsden Vice President Brent Orr Past President Ronnie Honeycutt Secretary-Treasurer Craig Lloyd Judge Advocate Rick Fay Chaplain Carl Singley

STAFF Executive Director Craig Lloyd Associate Director Cindy Basler Associate Insurance Administrator Rhonda Mooring Associate Financial/ Membership Administrator Katie Westbrooks NCNGA Educational Foundation Administrator Ken Tyndall Katie Westbrooks, Editor www.ncnga.org

4 8 10 11

Executive Council

JUNE/JULY issue: 1 MAY 2016

130th MEB Robert Holland David Lewczyk

Send proofed articles/photos to Katie Westbrooks, Editor at: (katie@ncnga.org)

60th Troop Command Linda Horton Bryan Finch 449th TAB Patrick Szvetitz Thomas Underwood 113th Sustainment BDE Bernard Williford Jr Randy Ly

139th Regiment (CA) Rebecca Godwin Joseph Hough Air Guard Alan Cecil Tamvaria Walker Junior Council Timothy Stanhope Bryan Cannon Associate Class John Eudy Danielle Hodges

Have you had a change in your marital status? Do you know who you have designated as your beneficiary? Contact us at 919-851-3390 and Rhonda Mooring at ext 0, will be glad to assist you.

Deadline for submitting articles to the Tarheel Guardsman:

30th HBCT Shane Evans Scott Schnack

JFHQ-NC Jack Midyette Lawrence Wiedel

NCNGA Insured Members — Have YOU Checked Your Beneficiary Lately?

Address changes or questions? Contact us at 919-851-3390 or info@ncnga.org www.ncnga.org The Tarheel Guardsman, (ISSN 10618392) is published bi-monthly for the Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina, by the North Carolina National Guard Association, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676-9651. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tarheel Guardsman, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. The Tarheel Guardsman is the official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association, a non-profit organization. The publication’s mission is to promote the general welfare of the NCNGA, assist in increasing the readiness of the NC Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina and serve as a vehicle of expression for members of the National Guard. Members receive the publication free with their membership. The annual subscription rate for non-members of the Association is $15.00. Please include your old address when requesting change of address. Deadline for submitted material to the Tarheel Guardsman is the 5th of the month, two months preceding the calendar date of issue. Manuscripts and photographs on subjects of general interest are invited. Unless otherwise indicated, material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the Tarheel Guardsman and the author where listed. Articles and photos will not be returned, unless requested. (USPS 533-640) Advertising is accepted. For details contact the Association headquarters. Advertising, including political ads, published in this publication does not represent the endorsement or approval of the North Carolina National Guard Association.

Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016 — Page 3

NCNG SOLDIERS IN MOLDOVA FOR AGILE HUNTER 2016 National Guard Soldiers assigned to North Carolina, South Carolina and West Virginia prepare to board a West Virginia Air National Guard C-17 Globemaster III inbound for Moldova at Pope Airfield, NC. The Soldiers will be participating in an overseas deployment training exercise with a Moldovan reconnaissance company, which will prepare them to conduct support missions during a rotation at the National Training Center. (US Army National Guard Photo by Staff Sgt. Brendan Stephens, 382nd Public Affairs Detachment/Released)

US Army Pfc. Andrew Priest, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 252nd Armored Regiment, 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, North Carolina Army National Guard, instructs a Moldovan soldier, assigned to the 22nd Reconnaissance Battalion, about the proper safety procedures of operating a M4 carbine during Agile Hunter 16 in Balti, Moldova. Agile Hunter 16 is an overseas deployment training exercise involving National Guard Soldiers from North Carolina, South Carolina and West Virginia supporting the Department of Defense’s State Partnership Program. (US Army National Guard Photo by Staff Sgt. Brendan Stephens, 382nd Public Affairs Detachment/ Released)

US Army Soldiers assigned to the 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, North Carolina Army National Guard, and Moldovan soldiers assigned to the 22nd Reconnaissance Battalion conduct a land navigation class at the Marculesti Air Force Base, Moldova. National Guard Soldiers from North Carolina, South Carolina and West Virginia deployed to Eastern Europe to train with Moldovan soldiers. The overseas deployment training exercise is part of a multi-year Department of Defense’s State Partnership Program that will bring a Moldovan army unit to the US to participate in a training exercise at the National Training Center. (US Army National Guard Photo by Staff Sgt. Brendan Stephens, 382nd Public Affairs Detachment/Released)

US Army National Guard Soldiers assigned to North Carolina, South Carolina and West Virginia conduct M240B machine gun training with Moldovan soldiers assigned to the 22nd Reconnaissance Battalion during Agile Hunter 16 in Balti, Moldova. (US Army National Guard Photo by Staff Sgt. Brendan Stephens, 382nd Public Affairs Detachment/Released)

NC National Guard Contact Information Email: ng.nc.ncarng.mbx.pao@mail.mil NC Adjutant General – MG Greg Lusk Maj. Gen. Greg Lusk: http://www.facebook.com/NCAdjutantGeneral http://twitter.com/NCTAG NC Assistant Adjutant General Air – Brig. Gen. Roger E. Williams: http://facebook.com/NCAirAAG http://twitter.com/NCAirAAG http://www.twitter.com/NCCmdChief

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NC Command Chief Warrant Officer CW5 James B. “Jim” Herring: http://www.facebook.com/pages/NC-Command-ChiefWarrant- Officer/261726843901458 Command Senior Enlisted Leader CSM John Swart: http://www.facebook.com/NCCSM http://twitter.com/NCSCSM NC Command Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sgt. Maurice Williams: https://www.facebook.com/NCCmdChief

APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT NCNGA STANDING COMMITTEES If you are interested in participating on a committee this year, please fill out the following information below and forward to the NCNGA Headquarters, 74l0 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607, no later than 15 April 2015, or turn in to the Registration Desk at the convention. (You can also scan and email the form to info@ncnga.org.) Name______________________________________


Home Address_____________________________City____________________State_____Zip________ Telephone No. (Home) ( Mobile (

) _____________________ (Business) (

) ________________________

) ______________________ Email Address: ______________________________________

Committee(s) you would like to serve on. Please indicate order of preference. ( ( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) ) ) )

By-Laws & Credentials Communications Convention Committee Finance Headquarters & Employees Legislative & Resolutions Membership & Benefits

( ) Please check if you plan to run for an Executive Council seat in the near future. ( ) I am interested in serving on an Educational Foundation committee. What is a convenient meeting time for you? _________________________

Would you like a chance to win $4,000? The NCNGA Educational Foundation will be holding a Reverse Drawing on Thursday, April 28, 2016 @ 6:00 pm. at the Greensboro National Guard Armory 110 Franklin Blvd. Greensboro, NC 27401

Don’t miss a chance to win the Hardison Wagon in 2016. This not so little red wagon is filled with goodies, including adult beverages, goodies for all ages, lottery tickets and cash!

Tickets are $40 per couple & includes dinner for two

The last ticket drawn is the winner! The first ticket drawn will receive $40 & every 25th ticket drawn after the first ticket will receive $50. And you do not have to be present to win!

Only 300 tickets will be sold! Get your ticket(s) today! If you are interested in purchasing a ticket(s), contact Ken Tyndall at the NCNGA Foundation Office 919-851-3390 ext. 5 or contact a member of the Board of Directors Proceeds go to the Scholarship Fund & your donation is tax deductible.


Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016 — Page 5

NC National Guard Association

55th Annual Convention Registration Form Sheraton Four Seasons/Koury Convention Center, Greensboro, NC

29-30 April 2016

Register Online at www.ncnga.org and click the Register Now Button or complete form below *Required *Registrant’s Name _______________________________________________ *Spouse/Guest Name _____________________________________________

*Association *First Member Convention Yes No Yes No Yes No

Yes No

*Address ________________________________________________________ *City__________________________________________ *State________ *Zip____________ *Telephone ____________________________*E-mail___________________________________________ ____ 30th ABCT

Please select your Affiliation: ____ 60th Troop Command ____ 130th MEB ____ 449th TAB

____ 139th Regiment (CA) ____JFHQ

____ Air Guard

____ 113th SUS BDE

____ Associate Class/Retiree

____ Volunteer

**No Refunds After 8 April 2016** *Attending Business Session: Member: Friday Yes No Saturday Yes No

*Attending Friday Evening Event: Member: Yes No Spouse/Guest: Yes No Registration

_____@ $60 per person =


Business Session Only

_____@ $0 per person =


Credit/Debit Card Fee

_____@ $2.00



= =


Method of Payment: ____Check enclosed ____Charge my Credit/Debit Card **There will be a $23 returned check fee on returned items **There is a $2 processing charge for credit cards Card #________________________________ Expiration date ____________ Security code ______ Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________________________

Complete & return to: NCNGA, 7410 Chapel Hill Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607 or Fax to 919-859-4990 or scan and email to cindy@ncnga.org Questions please call 919-851-3390 ext 1

Sheraton Four Seasons Greensboro 3121 High Point Rd., Greensboro, NC 27407 For Hotel Reservations:

Call Toll Free 1-800-242-6556. In order to receive the special group-discounted rate of $100.00 + tax, individuals must mention that they are with the NC National Guard Association Convention. Register on-line using attendee code GUARD16 https://reservations.ihotelier.com/crs/g_login.cfm?hotelID=2576 Reservations must be received prior to the cut-off date of 28 March 2016. After the cut-off date, reservations will be accepted at the group rate, based on availability. All reservations must be guaranteed and accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card.

Page 6 – Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016

55th Annual Convention Information FRIDAY, 29 APRIL 16 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.

Agenda-At-A-Glance Registration - Registration Desk 5 Exhibits - Guilford Pre-function 3] Silent Auction - Arrowhead A & B Business Session Day 1 - Guilford B Unit Representative Workshop - Guilford B Enlisted/Jr. Officers/EANGUS Breakout - Auditorium II Breakout Session – Financial Planning - Auditorium III Breakout Session – LaserShot - Colony C Breakout Session – Financial Planning - Auditorium III Breakout Session – LaserShot - Colony C Hospitality Rooms Open - TBA Casino/Band/Dancing/Cash Bars - Guilford G & F

SATURDAY, 30 APRIL 16 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. 1:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. 3:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m. 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.


Registration - Registration Desk 5 Exhibits - Guilford Pre-function 3 Silent Auction - Arrowhead A & B Business Session Day 2 - Guilford B Voting - Carolina US Senate Candidate Forum - Guilford A Lt. Governor Candidate Forum - Guilford A Governor Candidate Forum - Guilford A Educational Foundation Annual Meeting - Meadowbrook Educational Foundation BOD Meeting - Meadowbrook Photographer - Carolina Social Hour/Cash Bar - Guilford C Dinner/Ball/Cash Bar - Guilford B

ome celebrate 55 years of dedication and support at our North Carolina National Guard Association Annual Convention April 29th & 30th, 2016 in Greensboro, NC. Our Convention/Time & Place committee is working hard to make this year’s convention the best to date. With its central location, our goal was to make it as convenient as possible for our membership to be able to attend from across the State. From our elections to our always popular hospitality suites, we hope to make this year’s events both productive and fun. This year’s theme is “Make a Connection – Make a Choice “. Make a Connection – Fun activities to connect with other members of the NCNGA Make a Choice – decide to join the NCNGA as a Life Member, sign up to serve on a committee.

Introducing the NCNGA 2016 Convention App Will soon be available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. It will be announced in the Weekly Guardsman. If you are not signed up to receive the Weekly Guardsman through email, visit our website to sign up www.ncnga.org

North Carolina National Guard Association

55th Annual Convention April 29th & 30th, 2016 Greensboro, NC (Koury Center) This years convention features: 

Friday Night Casino and Dance

Friday Night is Casino and Dancing, Dress Code: Casual to Casino, You make the Choice! Saturday Night is Dinner, Dancing and Fun, Dress Code: SemiFormal to Formal, You make the Choice!

Hospitality Suites and tons of vendors

Candidate Forum for (Governor/ US Senate and Lt. Governor)

Saturday Night Ball

NCNGA Educational Foundation Golf Tournament

This year’s location offers wonderful amenities and access to shopping, entertainment and plenty of dining options. Our committee and staff are working diligently to streamline our agenda and make some key enhancements to maximize our time together. We have researched other conventions across the country and hope to incorporate many of their ideas into our functions.

Business Session & Elections

Free registration to 1st time attendees guest (1 only)


REGISTER ONLINE AT www.ncnga.org

Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016 — Page 7

145th MXS CDDAR Team, hand selected Airmen for a special mission By Master Sgt. Patricia F. Moran, 145th Public Affairs CHARLOTTE, NC – Aircraft accidents can happen without warning and being ready to respond effectively is vital. Airmen who respond after an accident are called the Crashed, Damaged, Disabled Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR) Team. These selected few must work and train together in order to be prepared to respond at a moment’s notice. The CDDAR Team is structured using the skills from a full spectrum of aircraft maintenance. The team consists of 25 mechanics with expertise in repair and reclamation, fuels, hydraulics and avionics. “Each Airman is from a different skillset within the unit and was hand selected to receive training for this special mission. It takes highly skilled mechanics to employ damage recovery techniques; if not, a completely repairable aircraft can turn into a non-repairable resource,” said Chief Master Sgt. Douglas Rook, 145th Maintenance Squadron. As part of a training requirement, the CDDAR Team must be re-certified every three years. The goal of the CDDAR training program is to show aircraft mechanics how to recover an aircraft and clear a runway in real world situations in the most efficient and safest way. Each Airman’s safety is essential for the success of the mission. Using a crash site is not the place for training, so with the cooperation of the Carolina’s Aviation Museum, the team was allowed to use a Convair F-102 Delta Dagger for the lift training. Master Sgt. Robert Holder, 145th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, team chief, worked closely with the Carolina Aviation Museum to utilize this retired aircraft.

“Using a decommissioned aircraft minimizes the effect on the Wing’s current operations and makes the training as realistic as possible,” said Holder. CDDAR capability depends largely on the equipment it is assigned based on the airframe its serves. The Cold War era, F-102 aircraft, weighs 19,000 pounds, has a wing span of 38 feet, and is 68 feet long. Typically an aircraft is fully defueled and cargo unloaded to the fullest extent possible before lifting. The 145th MXS CDDAR team is capable of lifting an empty C-130 which weighs 85,000 pounds. Actual aircraft recoveries and training is performed by using special cribbing, air bags, sleds and advanced heavy duty slings and cranes. With the use of these specialized equipment Airmen can physically lift the aircraft out of the crash site to reclaim as many assets as possible. With countless pieces of equipment, safety risks, and detailed steps, it was the show of a team effort that the task of lifting the aircraft was accomplished. Fully engaged, questions answered and equipment operations completed, the desired milestone of recertification was fulfilled. “Although the weather plagued us resulting in two cancellations, we were able to successfully complete the training in a short window of time, certifying our team chiefs once again for three years,” said Rook.

235th ATCS Airman named ANG Air Traffic Controller of the Year th By Master Sgt. Patricia F. Moran,145 Public Affairs NEW LONDON, NC – When Staff Sgt. Jacob A. Burkhalter responded to an impromptu meeting called by his commander, Maj. Jeffrey Kipp, 235th Air Traffic Control Squadron, he was humbly surprised when the commander announced that he had been selected as Air Traffic Controller of the Year by the National Guard Bureau. “Jake is the standard we strive for,” said Kipp as he told Burkhalter about his win. Burkhalter was selected number one for this prestigious award out of 395 possible candidates. This award is given to a controller whose primary duty is operating as an air traffic controller in an ATC facility. Individuals selected for this award must have contributed greatly to the facility’s success through their services, ideas, developments and accomplishments. Burkhalter is a dynamic leader and facility supervisor who oversees operations from the control tower located at the Stanly County Airport, New London, NC During 2015, he was personally responsible for many great achievements, which culminated in his selection as 145th Airlift Wing Non-commissioned Officer of the Quarter. As an air traffic controller for the NCANG, Burkhalter plays a key role in ensuring safety is not compromised both in the air and on the ground. Being in charge of an airfield's takeoffs and landings can often involve making real-time decisions that

have the potential to effect life or death. In this job, there is no room for error. Stanly County Airport supports not only military air traffic but civilian aircraft as well. They provide support for the Pressley Aviation flight school located at the airport, along with other civilian aircraft based there and transitioning through. Burkhalter specifically contributed to critical lifesaving efforts when he redirected air traffic in and around the local airspace over Albemarle and New London, NC. His actions provided direct access to Stanly Regional Hospital for a medivac helicopter that was airlifting a critical patient. “I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment to be in a position where I can not only support military operations but also have an opportunity to help out the community, and maybe even help save a life,” said Burkhalter. Many out of the ordinary operational training events happen here at Stanly. Military branches from around the world utilize this drop zone to conduct free fall and fast rope operations using various airframes to include US Army UH-60 Blackhawk, Marine CV-22 Osprey helicopters and USAF C-130 Hercules aircraft just to name a few. “Stanly County is a great place for Special Operations Groups to come and train in their “out of the box” way of doing business that keeps our great country safe. We support over 2,000 airdrops annually and countless tactical approaches while directing aircrew from the control tower,” Burkhalter stated. “Being an Air Traffic Controller can be challenging, but it has its advantages as well. I’ve really enjoyed the past six years working in this tower; it is my way of life,” said Burkhalter.

Page 8 – Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016

Amendments to be Voted on at the 55th Annual NCNGA Convention Amendment #1 – Current ARTICLE I - OFFICERS SECTION 1. Officers and Members of the Executive Council

a. A President b. A Vice President c. An Immediate Past President d. A Secretary-Treasurer e. A Judge Advocate - Ex-officio, Non-voting f. A Chaplain - Ex-officio, Non-voting g. Twenty (20) Executive Council members, two (2) from 60th TC; two (2) from 30th HBCT; two (2) from 130th MEB; two(2) from 449th TAB; two (2)from 113th SUS BDE; two (2) from JFHQ-NC; two (2) from 139th Regiment, two (2) from the Air National Guard, two (2) from the Active Associate class of membership, and two (2) from the Junior Council (E1-E6, WO1, 01-02) h. President, NCNGA Auxiliary - Ex-officio, Non-voting i. President, NCNGA Educational Foundation - Ex-officio, Non-voting j. President, NC Military Historical Society - Ex-officio, Non-voting

Proposed Change

The composition of the Executive Council shall be modified to reflect the following: Voting Members: President (elected at large by all members present at the annual convention) Vice President (elected at large by all members present at the annual convention) Eight total MSC Representatives, one from each Major Subordinate Command as defined by JFHQ-NC, currently 8 MSCs (elected only by the members of the MSC present at the Annual Convention, or by those units of the MSC with an assigned proxy) One Associate Class Representative (elected only by members of the Associate class present at the convention) Four At-Large representatives (elected at large by all members present at the annual convention) Non-Voting Members: The Executive Director, who serves as the Secretary The Finance Committee Chair, who serves as the Treasurer The Chaplain, as appointed by the President The Judge Advocate, as appointed by the President

Amendment # 2– Current SECTION 7. Election/Appointment and Term of Officers. a. The President and Vice President shall be elected at large for a one (l) year term each year at the annual meeting of the Association by ballot vote. Election by “acclamation” is permitted if only one candidate is nominated for a particular post.

Proposed Change

Modify the term of the President and Vice President from one year to three year terms. This amendment, if approved, is effective following the 2016 convention election for the President and the 2017 convention for the Vice President. It excludes the serving incumbents from running for this extended term.


Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016 — Page 9

Welcome Home 1st Battalion, 252nd Armor Regiment!

Family and friends welcome soldiers assigned to the 1st Battalion, 252nd Armor Regiment, 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, home with open arms after redeploying to Pope Airfield at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, March 22, 2016. The 1st Battalion, 252nd Armor Regiment deployed to Kosovo in support of NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, which started in 1999. (US Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Leticia Samuels/Released)

Page 10 – Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016

Best Warrior Winners

By SGT Odaliska Almonte, NCNG Public Affairs

Fourteen Soldiers and Airmen from across the state represented each of our Major Subordinate Command and competed to be named Best Warrior in the North Carolina National Guard's Best Warrior Competition at Camp Butner National Guard Training Center. The competition put the Service Members to the test mentally and physically. Upon arrival on day one competitors completed registration and started off the competition with writing an essay. The start of day two began immediately with the test of physical endurance with the Army Physical Fitness Test followed by the obstacles course, various weapons maintenance tasks, a mystery event, and a day and night land navigation course to conclude the day. Soldiers and Airmen were further tested the next morning with a six-mile road march where comradery during a grueling time was at its best, the Guardsmen kept each other motivated to complete the road march. After some well deserved nourishment, day three continued with individual weapons qualification, M9 Pistol qualification, a stress shoot course of fire, Urban Operations that included evacuation of a casualty, and a call for fire. With their minds stressed and the body exhausted, a much different test ended the competition on day four. The Soldiers and Airmen faced a board of senior NCNG leaders with more than a hundred years of combined military experience as part of their final tasks and in hopes of being named the Best Warrior. An award ceremony was held in the evening of the fourth day to announce the winners. The two categories consisted of the non-commissioned officer category and the Soldier/ Airmen enlisted category. After enjoying a dinner with their peers, sponsors and supporters the Soldiers and Airmen find out the final score. In the many years of the Best Warrior Competition the results had never been so tight with only 5 points difference finally deciding the winners. Sgt. Joshua Clark, representing the 113th Sustainment Brigade placed 1st in the NCO category and Spc. Joseph Colson, representing the 60th Troop Command placed 1st in the Soldier/Airmen enlisted category. The runner-ups are SGT Jaime Bueno, representing Joint Force Headquarters and PFC Randal Lamb representing the 130th Maneuver Enhancement. Pictured to the left - Sgt. Joshua Clark, representing the 113th Sustainment Brigade placed 1st in the NCO category and Spc. Joseph Colson, representing the 60th Troop Command placed 1st in the Soldier/ Airmen enlisted category.

Soldiers and Airmen Assistance Fund, Inc. NC National Guard Help Us Make A Difference in 2016 The Strength of Our Soldiers and Airmen Comes from the Strength of Their Families! There is nothing more important than accomplishing the mission…except for taking care of our families. As Guardsmen, now serving or retired, we are obligated to make sure our families stay strong. How You Can Help? Add a New Look to Your Car! The “In God We Trust” license plate costs just $30.00 and for each plate sold, a $20.00 tax-deductible donation will go to the Soldiers & Airmen Assistance Fund to help our Guard families. This patriotic license plate lets you show your support for them and their families, both by displaying your pride and raising funds to provide assistance to them when needed. The Soldiers & Airmen Assistance Fund. It is your organization! Established in 2004 aimed at protecting the well-being of our North Carolina Army and Air Guard troops and their families. It is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization and a member of the NC Center for Nonprofits. It is funded by the citizens of North Carolina and people like you who care! How Your Donation Helps! Proceeds from the sale of the plate provide funds for food, shelter, utilities and medical emergencies to our Guard members. It also provides support for behavioral health issues, wounded warriors, educational scholarships, families of soldiers/airmen killed in action, financial assistance to Kids on Guard Program, the Survivors Program and Friends of the Air Guard and Family Readiness. Help Us Keep our Guard Strong! Order Your Plate Today. You can order your plate by visiting www.saaf-nc.com/licenseplate. Items needed are your vehicle registration card and credit card. DMV will mail your plate and stickers directly to you home. Allow two weeks for delivery. Thank you for joining our team and supporting our Guard families.

Pictured to the right - The runner-ups are SGT Jaime Bueno, representing Joint Force Headquarters and PFC Randal Lamb representing the 130th Maneuver Enhancement.


Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016 — Page 11

ANNUAL MEETING AND SYMPOSIUM The North Carolina Military Historical Society May 7, 2016 Theme: “North Carolina’s Colonial Wars” [Location: Auditorium, Archives and History Building, 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh, NC] Schedule of Events 9:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m


9:30 a.m.-9:35 a.m. 9:35 a.m.-10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. -11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. 11:45 p.m.-12:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Welcome and Administrative Announcements Business Meeting: President’s, Treasurer’s, & Membership Reports, Old & New Business, Election of Directors, Adjourn; 1st Raffle Dr. David LaVere, Professor of History, UNCWilmington: “The Tuscarora War” 2nd Raffle/Break Jim McKee, Site Manager, Brunswick TownFort Anderson: “The War of Jenkins’ Ear” 3rd Raffle Lunch

*Registration and symposium will be in the Archives and State Library Building at 109 E. Jones Street in Raleigh. Free parking is available in the parking lot directly across the street.

Prior reservation required. $7 lunch includes sub-sandwich, chips and drink Payable at Reservation Desk (exact change please) Reservations must be made by WEDNESDAY, April 27, 2016. To reserve lunch, e-mail the North Carolina Military Historical Society at ncmilhistsoc@yahoo.com OR call “Si” at (910) 897-7968. With either method, leave your name, and number of lunches. Use this time to meet the presenters and tour the NC Museum of History’s chronology exhibit of state history, which includes components of various wars; visit the third floor exhibit, “A Call to Arms,” and the Search Room of the State Archives.

1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. Scott Douglas, Site Manager, Fort Dobbs “As Two Brothers Falling Out: The Cherokee War on the North Carolina Frontier” 1:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 4th Raffle Drawing/Break 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Jeremiah DeGennaro, Site Manager, Alamance Battleground: “The Battle of Alamance” 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. John Mintz, Assistant State Archaeologist, NC DNCR: “Results of Recent Archaeology at Alamance” 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Final Raffle / Closing Remarks. 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Board of Director’s Meeting (Board members) Administrative Notes: Special thanks to all the living historians and Historic Sites staff who shared displays with us today. Feel free to take breaks as needed. Enjoy refreshments in the refreshment area or meeting room, but please do not take them outside of these two areas. Refreshments courtesy of Trudy Conrad. The NC Museum of History military exhibit “A Call to Arms” is open on the Third Floor of the NC Museum of History, as well as the new First Floor chronology exhibit containing military items. The Search Room of the State Archives is on the second floor of this building. Registration table manned by MG Charles Scott, Gary Spencer, and John Winecoff. Raffle donations received and tickets sold by John Winecoff [Drawings throughout the day] NCMHS Board of Director’s Meeting immediately following adjournment of the symposium (location: TBA)

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WARRIORS IN TRANSITION “Kernersville VA Health Care Center Opens” By SFC Khan Eakin, Transition Assistance Specialist

With standing room only, the Veterans Administration opened its newest facility in Kernersville, North Carolina in a historical ribbon cutting ceremony. The new Health Care Center (HCC) is a facility that offers a broad range of outpatient services such as Primary Care, Mental Health and Specialty Care. The VA has expanded their affiliation with Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, who will provide specialists in multiple areas of care. Similar to the Durham VA and its relationship with Duke University, the Kernersville HCC will also host medical students from Wake Forest School of Medicine and new residents at the medical center. This facility will offer outpatient medical procedures such as endoscopy, urology, audiology, cardiology, dental and dialysis, plus various same day procedures and support services such as laboratory and imaging. Officials stated that these services cover about 95 percent of the current outpatient Veteran Care. The 400,000 square foot health care center will serve more than 30,000 Veterans in central North Carolina that previously received care at the WinstonSalem location. That location has closed and the transition from receiving medical assistance from the Winston-Salem clinic to the new HCC will be seamless. However, for those who travel to Durham or any other location, will need to enroll with this facility if they wish to pursue medical treatment. “We are on the precipice of being able to provide many more services to the Veterans of the Winston-Salem, Kernersville and the Greensboro area,” said Kay Greene, the director of the Hefner VA Medical Center. This area known as, “the Triad,” is home to the largest concentration of Veterans who live in North Carolina and according to North Carolina’s Small Business and Technology Development Center, North Carolina has the 4th largest concentration of Military (active) in the country. The Kernersville HCC is located at 1695 Kernersville Medical Parkway, Kernersville, NC and can be easily accessed from I-40 or Business I-40/17. The Kernersville VA HCC is NOT a hospital and will not provide emergency room, urgent care or inpatient services; those services will still be provided by the Salisbury location for those who are already enrolled in the central North Carolina VA system. The HCC’s are known as “23 Hour” care facilities specializing in same day procedures and inpatient care. For a full list of medical services offered, information or questions about the Kernersville HCC please email KernersvilleHCC@va.gov or US Department of Veteran’s Affairs website.

SSG Dial is Awarded ACES Award for the 105th Engineer Battalion

Staff Sergeant Jonathan Dial is the recipient of the 2015 Army Combat Engineer Sergeants (ACES) award for the 105th Engineer Battalion of the North Carolina Army National Guard. He is assigned to the 151st Mobility Augmentation Company (MAC) in Laurinburg, NC. SSG Dial was nominated for this prestigious award by his chain of command for his outstanding as an Engineer Construction Squad Leader for the 105th Engineer Battalion. SSG Dial completed Combat Engineer Advanced Leadership Course at Camp Grafton, ND in 2015. He also completed the master Resilience Training (MRT) at Fort Bragg in July 2015 and is assigned as a MRT for the 151st MAC. The Army Combat Engineer Sergeants (ACES) award is a component of the US Army Engineer Regimental Award Program and is administered for the Engineer Regiment by the Army Engineer Association (AEA). This award is an annual recognition for an Engineer Squad Leader/Section Sergeant deemed to be the best in his/her Engineer Battalion. Selection is made by the Command Team of Battalion Commander, Company Commander/ Detachment Commander and Battalion Command Sergeant Major, First Sergeant/ Detachment NCOIC. The ACES award was conceived in concept and initiated in 1995 by COL (Ret) Leon “Moose” Albin. Colonel Albin started his Army career in 1932 in the National Guard. He was rapidly promoted to the grade of Master Sergeant. Receiving a commission as a Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers at the start of the Second World War, he served with distinction in the Pacific Theater of operations and was recognized as one of the most capable combat Engineers to come out of that conflict. He has commanded the 1st, 17th, and 547th Engineer Battalions. Impressive field and command experience led him to become one of the Corps of Engineers experts on doctrine and equipment development. Following his retirement from military service and then entry into Department of the Army Civilian service during the Vietnam War, his Army Engineering achievements continued. Colonel Albin remained a tireless volunteer Director with the AEA until his death in October 1998. Colonel Albin’s considerable time as an Engineer Commander convinced him that a unit’s reputation and combat effectiveness will depend upon the abilities of the Squad Leaders to accomplish the mission and take care of the soldiers. AEA sponsorship of the program has been supplemented by support from OSKOSH TRUCK Corporation starting in 1999.


Join civilians, injured troops, veterans, police,… for a fun cycling event. Registration, support, food & drink are FREE! Friday May 20th 2016 from Raleigh to the Clinton Armory. DAY 2=another 75 miles to the Carolina Beach Armory. Returned rides daily!  4 speed groups for you to select from and lodging at armories or hotels. Details/last year’s photos/sign up at thewarriorride.org or email robert.p.wheeler.mil@mail.mil

Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016 — Page 13


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A Message from our NC EANGUS Chair Greetings from Curley L. Nimmons, just a reminder that EANGUS Scholarships for 2016 applications are being accepted through the www.eangus.org website, please encourage your spouse or kids to submit applications. In other EANGUS related news they have hired a new Executive Director in their National Office named Frank Yoakum and intend to move into the same building as NGAUS soon. As a benefit to our 1st time attendees of the NCNGA Conference on April 29th – 30th they can bring a spouse for free. EANGUS early bird registration discount for the National Conference in New Orleans, LA in August 2016 expires in June. If you’re not a member of EANGUS we encourage you to join. You can sign-up at


* All prices are per person based on double occupancy and subject to change. FST#ST36334 / CST#2034468-40

Retiree Corner: NCNG State Pension Increase SSG Travis J Reed – Retirement Services Officer The North Carolina National Guard State Pension is additional funding given to eligible Retirees upon reaching age 60 (if no longer in service). The State Pension recently received an increase in residual pay out and will automatically be applied to Retirees already receiving the NCNG State Pension. The increase is retroactive back to 1 July 2015 and you’ve likely already noticed the increased amount in your State Pension. The NCNG State Pension is on a maturing scale; based on the number of years a Retiree served. The State Pension went from $99.00 (old amount) per month for 20 years of service up to $105.00 (new amount) per month. For each additional year of service the amount is increased by $10.50; topping out at $210.00 per month for 30 or more years of service. If not already receiving the State Pension it is a best practice to apply within 6 months of turning 60 or becoming retired; however the State Treasures Department will pay arrears as far as 3 years back. For additional information and criteria please call the State Treasurers Office directly at (919) 508-5176 or contact the Retirement Services Office at (919) 664-6128. Forms and ‘how to’ step-by-step videos can be found at the following link: http://nc.ng.mil/services/retirement/Retirement/Pages/default.aspx

Page 14 – Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016

The North Carolina Department of the American Legion Thanks You for Your Service to Our State and Nation!

We invite you to visit any of our 327 Posts, statewide, visit our website www.nclegion.org, email us at nclegion@nc.rr.com, or call 919-832-7506.

“For God and Country - Still Serving Proudly.”

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In Memoriam Listed below are members (and non-members), spouses and dependent children that have recently passed away. If we have missed someone, please contact the Editor, Katie Westbrooks at katie@ncnga.org or 919-851-3390. George M. Foster Lenoir, NC November 12, 2015

Vincent Melville Son of Roger Melville, Jr. Charlotte, NC February 23, 2006

Gordon R. Etheridge Roanoke Rapids, NC December 14, 2015

James W. Reid, Jr Rocky Mount, NC March 7, 2009

Robert E. Gay, Sr. Goldsboro, NC December 17, 2015

Larry Louther Edenton, NC May 28, 2013

Clyde R. Shook Elkin, NC January 7, 2016

Hope Shearin Spouse of Horace S Shearin Warrenton, NC March 21, 2014

Gloria P. Bell Spouse of Kenneth E. Bell Faison, NC January 15, 2016

Hilton Elks New Bern, NC December 6, 2014

Linda Anderson Spouse of James Anderson Harrisburg, NC January 20, 2016

Charles L. Smith Clover, SC November 11, 2015


Mayowa Falegan Raleigh, NC January 21, 2016

David L. Graham Harrisburg, NC January 23, 2016 David A. Isaac Norfolk, VA January 29, 2016 Haynes B. Dores Whiteville, NC January 31, 2016 William L. Fulton, Sr. Salisbury, NC February 2, 2016 Horace S Shearin Warrenton, NC February 6, 2016 Faye Ray Spouse of Bobby Ray Creedmoor, NC February 7, 2016 Herbert C. Rivenbark, Jr. Rocky Point, NC February 7, 2016

William P. Brown Trinity, NC February 15, 2016 Odell Beatty Charlotte, NC February 16, 2016

Edwin Suggs Jacksonville, NC March 1, 2016 Louis Jenkins Jr. Ahoskie, NC March 1, 2016

Samuel K. Phillips Council, NC February 20, 2016

Timothy J. Wiggins Pikeville, NC March 2, 2016

Kenneth R. Wade Statesboro, GA February 20, 2016

Sandy K. Ritchie Spouse of Robert C. Ritchie Laurel Springs, NC March 4, 2016

William P. Whitley Kannapolis, NC February 23, 2016 Henry D. Carpenter Conover, NC February 25, 2016 Jo Ann Forehand Spouse of Kenneth E. Forehand Pikeville, NC February 28, 2016

Kenneth R. Shaw Warrenton, NC March 12, 2016 John W. Eddins Max Meadows, VA March 18, 2016 Daniel J. Muenzer Charlotte, NC March 21, 2016

Tarheel Guardsman — APRIL-MAY 2016 — Page 15

Tarheel Guardsman NC National Guard Assoc. 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047

Periodicals U. S. Postage PAID Raleigh, NC

Phone: 919-851-3390 email: info@ncnga.org web: www.ncnga.org

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