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North Carolina National Guard Association Benefits

Our Mission The NC National Guard Association garners support for the NCNG’s role in State and National security, and improves its members’ quality of life

NCNGA 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919 851-3390 Web: E-mail:

Chartered in February of 1960, the

Member ship benef its


Local, State and Federal level

North Carolina National Guard Association (NCNGA) is a tax-exempt,

Legislative representation on the

Membership qualifies you for our

nonprofit corporation governed by

Life Insurance program which is

an elected Executive Council whose

paid within 24-48 hours

members are voted in annually.

The objective of the NCNGA is to seek and support programs that are beneficial to the members of the

Increase in the State Pension Program

State Employee Credit Union Qualification

Tuition Assistance Program to-

Education Foundation scholar-

taling $1,145,670 have been

ships available for your children

awarded to 1,657 members of

and grandchildren

our National Guard family since 1968!

North Carolina National Guard. The

Service member assistance fund

Association also promotes the pub-

First year life insurance coverage

State License Plate


Strong relationships and influ-

lic relations with North Carolina Army and Air National Guard and their communities while developing

Tarheel Guardsman magazine

friendship, understanding, and co-

Members only discount

operation between the active


is comprised of current and former 

current Soldiers and our National

Membership is over 16,000.

Guard leadership team 

Special events including our Annual Convention and Retiree breakfast

Helping to protect the Guard from State and Federal cuts

Networking with Veterans,

tional Guard. Current Association

Fulltime staff dedicated to your success

vice, eye wear, retail and much

ponents. The general membership members of the North Carolina Na-

Federal Lawmakers access to travel, cell phone ser-

armed forces and all reserve com-

ence with Local, State and

Protecting our history and heritage

Recognition awards for mem-

bership and key supporters

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