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MINUTES BENEFITS COMMITTEE NORTH CAROLINA NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION 27 June 2013 The Benefits Committee met on the date indicated above on call of Chairman Charlene Johnson. The meeting was held at the NCNGA Headquarters, Raleigh, NC, and the following members were present: Chairman: Charlene Johnson; Executive Assistant: Kathy Ford; Committee Members: Joel Bolton; Angela Clemons; Andrew Jackson; Norman Lytle Jr.; Attending via conference call: Michael Howard Committee Members Stephen Boyles, Timothy Harrison, and William Moore Jr. were absent. Chairman Johnson declared a quorum present and convened the meeting promptly at 10:00 a.m. The meeting began with a formal introduction from the Chairman and all members present. A review of the NCNGA President’s Priorities and the Duties and Responsibilities of the Benefits Committee was completed. Upon motion committee minutes dated 23 January 2013 were approved for the record. The committee then discussed items referred from the last meeting: Old Business 

Rooms to Go – Chairman Johnson reported the Glenwood Avenue Store does not presently offer discounts to the military.

Cable & Satellite – Michael Howard to follow up on behalf of prior member Larry Hosch

Klaussner’s Home Furnishings – Kathy Ford reported non-response

Ski Resorts – Joel Bolton to follow up on behalf of prior member William Ball

Firehouse Subs – Angela Clemons will follow up

Sherman Williams Store – Kathy Ford to follow up for clarification of benefit

Buffalo Wild Wings – Michael Howard to follow up on behalf of prior member Larry Hosch

Business Memo – Steve Boyles was not present for update

Chosen Home Inspections – Kathy Ford to follow up on behalf of prior member Yvette Raines

Brixx Pizza Raleigh – Charlene Johnson to follow up on behalf of prior member Yvette Raines

Ollie’s Discount Stores – Kathy Ford reported non-response

Gun manufacturer in Statesville – William Moore was not present for update

Gander Mountain – Joe Bolton to follow up on behalf of prior member William Ball

Triangle Day Spa – Kathy Ford to follow up with benefit



Committee discussed the President’s Priorities and ways we can improve involvement within the association. Committee Member Andrew Jackson suggested having a tool for mailings in order to reach out to retirees and active members to expand involvement.

Committee Member Michael Howard suggested Lowes in Lincolnton and Gastonia may offer discounts. Committee Member Bolton will check with the Lincolnton store while Committee Member Howard will follow up with Gastonia.

Committee Member Norman Lytle suggested Budget Car Rental often offers discounts and will check with them for potential offers.

Committee Member Joel Bolton and Angela Clemmons brought up questions with regards to flyers and mini posters that were posted in the local armories in the past. We further discussed linking our benefits on the Face Book page for all members to see. Kathy Ford will look into the mini posters and flyers.

Committee Member Andrew Jackson stated as an employee of the Transition Assistance Center having access to various links offering several benefits to the service members and will provide those links for posting to our page on the NCNGA website. Pamphlets from the Transition Center were provided to each member present. Absent members will receive those items with these minutes.

Kathy Ford provided downloads of benefits offered by MN, GA, SC, VA, and OK National Guard association in effort to expand our benefits in NC. It was suggested we expand our view to State Parks. Committee Member Michael Howard will check with State Park – Chimney Rock Due to the nature of time additional information about these was tabled until next meeting.

Each member was charged with seeking new and greater benefits for our Soldiers and Airmen and provide information to Kathy as soon as identified. Each Member present was provided Letters from the President, Group Buying Directories, and NCNGA Business cards. Absent members will receive these documents via mail.

Last minute discussion was the rights of reimbursements for traveling to and from Committee Meetings. Members were provided and asked to sign the Conflict of Interest Statement

Next meeting 10 September 2013 (note change to tentative schedule provided to members)

There was no further business to come before the Council and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.


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