Biltmore Estate Discount Tickets Biltmore is delighted to offer members of NC National Guard Association special discounts on estate admission tickets. Biltmore is a unique 8,000-acre estate nestled in the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. We're the perfect destination for an overnight getaway or a day trip. Start planning your visit today! *Biltmore discount tickets are for NCNGA Members and their families only.*
Adult Discount Tickets – $39 each (Gate/Online prices - $49-$69) Tickets never expire!
Payment Information: Please find enclosed a check or money order for $ made payable to NCNGA. *Please note: A fee of $23 will be charged for any check returned due to insufficient funds or a check
written on a closed account. If checks remain unpaid, Commanders will be notified.
Please charge my Exp. Date
MasterCard 3-Digit Code
Visa Card# Signature
Name on Card Address Daytime Phone
Order Information: ______ Adult Tickets @ $39 each $3 credit card fee (if applicable) Total
= = =
__________ __________
Mail ticket order to: NCNGA 7410 Chapel Hill Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 or Call 1-800-821-6159, ext. 2 for Kathy Ford.
Please Read Important Information: *When ordering tickets, please allow one week for delivery. *You must obtain a reservation prior to going into the house. This must be done on the day of your visit upon arrival at the Group Sales office (entrance of the Estate) or the Reservations Booth (located on the right as you approach the House.) * The NCNGA pays for tickets as they are sold; we are unable to provide refunds if tickets are unused. *Tickets are mailed the day the request is received.
You may also order and print discount tickets online. Go to: