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North Carolina National Guard Association

Corporate Sponsorship Program

March 17 - 18, 2018 Crowne Plaza Resort, Asheville, NC

Our Mission The Association garners support for the NC National Guard’s role in state and national security, and improves its members’ quality of life.


hartered in February of 1960, the North Carolina National Guard Association is a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation governed by an elected Executive Council whose members are voted in annually. The headquarters of the North Carolina National Guard Association has a full-time staff of four. These professionals are responsible for the economical and efficient administration of the Executive Council’s mandates and serving the members’ needs. Our Association represents Enlisted, Officers and retired Guard members. The goal of the North Carolina Guard Association is to seek and support programs that are beneficial to the members of the North Carolina National Guard. The Association also promotes the public relations with North Carolina Army and Air National Guard and their communities while developing friendship, understanding, and cooperation between the active armed forces and all reserve components. The general membership is comprised of current and former members of the North Carolina National Guard. Current Association Membership is approximately 16,000 strong. The North Carolina National Guard is an all-volunteer force of soldiers and airmen who serve in both federal and state capacities. The NC Guard is first a federal reserve of the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force subject to the call of the president of the United States to provide units that are manned, trained, equipped and available on short notice to perform national defense missions. The NC Guard maintains the same high standards for training as the Army and the Air Force so that it can mesh seamlessly with their active-duty counterparts in times of national emergency both at home and abroad. To maintain readiness for its wartime mission, NC Guard soldiers are trained and equipped with the military’s most up-to-date weapons and aviation systems. The NC Guard traces its heritage back to the 1663 Carolina Charter granting authority to “levy, muster and train men.” In recent years, the NC Guard has reshaped itself in accordance with guidance from the Chief, National Guard Bureau and the departments of the Army and Air Force. On 24 May 1946, the United States Army Air Forces, in response to dramatic postwar military budget cuts imposed by President Harry S. Truman, allocated inactive unit designations to the National Guard Bureau for the formation of an Air Force National Guard. These unit designations were allotted and transferred to various State National Guard bureaus to provide them unit designations to re-establish them as Air National Guard units.

Corporate Membership Program The North Carolina National Guard Association’s Corporate Membership Program is designed to acknowledge those corporations committed to a strong national defense through a well-manned and equipped North Carolina National Guard. The North Carolina Army and Air National Guard are vitally important to this nation’s national security requirements, in terms of both external as well as internal threats. In this era of shrinking of defense budgets, the National Guard offers a cost effective means for meeting the nation’s defense and domestic needs, while our CitizenSoldiers provide a unique bond with the general public in doing so. Our legislative agenda is oriented towards a grass roots effort to educate not only our elected officials as to the benefits of the Guard, but the general public as well. Such efforts are then coordinated to effectively communicate to both the North Carolina General Assembly and United States Congress the need for positive action in terms of funding, manning and equipping the North Carolina National Guard. By participating in our Corporate Membership Program, you are exhibiting your support for the National Guard and its goals. We certainly hope you will accept this invitation to join our efforts towards that end, and look forward to working with you on behalf of a strong national defense, and a strong North Carolina National Guard.

As a result of efforts by the North Carolina National Guard Association: • Improved pay and allowances for Guardsmen called to state duty • State benefits comparable to federal for Guardsmen injured or killed while in state service • Distinctive Guard license plates • Immunity for Guardsmen from civil or criminal liability while acting in aid of civil authorities and in the line of duty while in state service • A state retirement benefit • State-funded Tuition Assistance benefit • Membership in State Employees’ Credit Union • Eligibility for VA home loans for Guardsmen with six or more years of service • Burial flags and markers available from the VA for Guardsmen eligible for retired pay

Goals • Increase legislative efforts to enhance existing State and National programs as well as promote and support new legislative efforts • Fight to preserve and protect the Guard from deep cuts and deactivations • Continued growth of the NCNGA Educational Foundation in order to provide more and larger scholarship awards • Creation of additional programs to benefit all Association members

Old Hickory Society a.

This honor is bestowed to any corporate member that retains the Gold level or above for at least three consecutive years b.

The Society includes additional benefits “Above and Beyond” an annual membership.

Old Hickory Society members will have an opportunity to speak from the podium during our Annual Convention each year they maintain this membership status.

Old Hickory Society members will receive premier booth placement at our Annual Convention.

Old Hickory Society members will receive an exclusive recognition memento at our Annual Convention.

Old Hickory Society members will have an opportunity to serve on our Business Alliance Advisory Council.

Old Hickory Society members will receive reserved seating during our Annual Banquet.

Headline Corporate Member – Annual Fee $10,000 • Double Exhibitor Space at the NCNGA Annual Conference • Recognition at NCNGA Annual Conference and Social with Sponsor name or logo prominently displayed • Special Recognition on NCNGA website with link and logo for a full year • Invitation to the Association President’s Reception at the Annual Conference • Presentation of Corporate Membership Award at the Annual Conference • Permission to display/use NCNGA logo • Six complimentary admissions to ALL entertainment activities and events at the NCNGA Annual Conference (including dinner) • Special Recognition media blast to our thousands of followers on all our social media sites • Sponsor name or logo posted on signage throughout the event venue • Sponsor name or logo on event invitations and in the NCNGA Conference program • Full Page Ad in 3 issues on the NCNGA bi-monthly magazine “Tarheel Guardsman” both on-line and hard copy distribution • Six complimentary registrations to annual NCNGA Educational Foundation Golf Tournament • Three Complimentary hotel rooms for two nights at the NCNGA conference hotel (if needed) • Invitation to special NCNGA events and activities throughout the year • Recognition at NCNGA Legislative Function • Recognition on the Corporate Membership Plaque at the NCNGA Headquarters • Opportunity to speak to our membership during the NCNGA Annual Conference

“To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace.” General George Washington

Diamond Corporate Member – Annual Fee $7,500 • Double Exhibitor Space at the NCNGA Annual Conference • Recognition at NCNGA Annual Conference and Social with Sponsor name or logo prominently displayed • Special Recognition on NCNGA website with link and logo for a full year • Invitation to the Association President’s Reception at the Annual Conference • Presentation of Corporate Membership Award at the Annual Conference • Permission to display/use NCNGA logo • Four complimentary admissions to ALL entertainment activities and events at the NCNGA Annual Conference (including dinner) • Special Recognition media blast to our thousands of followers on all our social media sites • Sponsor name or logo posted on signage throughout the event venue • Sponsor name or logo on event invitations and in the NCNGA Conference program • Full Page Ad in 1 issue on the NCNGA bi-monthly magazine “Tarheel Guardsman” both on-line and hard copy distribution • Four complimentary registrations to annual NCNGA Educational Foundation Golf Tournament • Two Complimentary hotel rooms for two nights at the NCNGA conference hotel (if needed) • Invitation to special NCNGA events and activities throughout the year • Recognition at NCNGA Legislative Function • Recognition on the Corporate Membership Plaque at the NCNGA Headquarters • Opportunity to speak to our membership during the NCNGA Annual Conference

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” President Thomas Jefferson

Platinum Corporate Member – Annual Fee $5,000 • Double Exhibitor Space at the NCNGA Annual Conference • Recognition at NCNGA Annual Conference and Social with Sponsor name or logo prominently displayed • Special Recognition on NCNGA website with link and logo for a full year • Invitation to the Association President’s Reception at the Annual Conference • Presentation of Corporate Membership Award at the Annual Conference • Permission to display/use NCNGA logo • Three complimentary admissions to ALL entertainment activities and events at the NCNGA Annual Conference (including dinner) • Special Recognition media blast to our thousands of followers on all our social media sites • Sponsor name or logo posted on signage throughout the event venue • Sponsor name or logo on event invitations and in the NCNGA Conference program • 1/2 Page Ad in 1 issue on the NCNGA bi-monthly magazine “Tarheel Guardsman” both on-line and hard copy distribution • Two complimentary registrations to annual NCNGA Educational Foundation Golf Tournament • One Complimentary hotel rooms for two nights at the NCNGA conference hotel (if needed) • Invitation to special NCNGA events and activities throughout the year • Recognition at NCNGA Legislative Function • Recognition on the Corporate Membership Plaque at the NCNGA Headquarters

“There are some who’ve forgotten why we have a military. It’s not to promote war, it’s to be prepared for peace.” President Ronald Reagan

Gold Corporate Member – Annual Fee $3,000 • Single Exhibitor Space at the NCNGA Annual Conference • Recognition at NCNGA Annual Conference and Social with Sponsor name or logo prominently displayed • Special Recognition on NCNGA website with link and logo for a full year • Invitation to the Association President’s Reception at the Annual Conference • Presentation of Corporate Membership Award at the Annual Conference • Permission to display/use NCNGA logo • Two complimentary admissions to ALL entertainment activities and events at the NCNGA Annual Conference (including dinner) • Special Recognition media blast to our thousands of followers on all our social media sites • Sponsor name or logo posted on signage throughout the event venue • Sponsor name or logo on event invitations and in the NCNGA Conference program • 1/3 Page Ad in 1 issue on the NCNGA bi-monthly magazine “Tarheel Guardsman” both on-line and hard copy distribution • One complimentary registration to annual NCNGA Educational Foundation Golf Tournament • One Complimentary hotel rooms for one night at the NCNGA conference hotel (if needed) • Invitation to special NCNGA events and activities throughout the year

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty.” President John F. Kennedy

Silver Corporate Member – Annual Fee $1,500 • Single Exhibitor Space at the NCNGA Annual Conference • Recognition at NCNGA Annual Conference and Social with Sponsor name or logo prominently displayed • Special Recognition on NCNGA website with link and logo for a full year • Invitation to the Association President’s Reception at the Annual Conference • Presentation of Corporate Membership Award at the Annual Conference • Permission to display/use NCNGA logo • One complimentary admission to ALL entertainment activities and events at the NCNGA Annual Conference (including dinner) • Special Recognition media blast to our thousands of followers on all our social media sites • Sponsor name or logo posted on signage throughout the event venue • Sponsor name or logo on event invitations and in the NCNGA Conference program • 1/4 Page Ad in 1 issue on the NCNGA bi-monthly magazine “Tarheel Guardsman” both on-line and hard copy distribution

Bronze Corporate Member – Annual Fee $750 • Single Exhibitor Space at the NCNGA Annual Conference • Recognition at NCNGA Annual Conference and Social with Sponsor name or logo prominently displayed • Special Recognition on NCNGA website with link and logo for a full year • Invitation to the Association President’s Reception at the Annual Conference • Presentation of Corporate Membership Award at the Annual Conference • Permission to display/use NCNGA logo

Conference Exhibitor Space (Only) - $500 • Exhibitor Space at the NCNGA conference

• NOTE: Sponsor’s Spouse/Guest Registration is extra, if not included in all Sponsorship packages. (request pricing information).

Individual Sponsorship Opportunities • Convention entertainment sponsor (exclusive) $5,000 • Convention tee shirt sponsor (exclusive) $3,500 • Convention polo shirt sponsor (exclusive)


• President’s Reception sponsor $3,500 • Hospitality Host Sponsor $2,500 • Gift Bag Sponsor $2,000 • Break Sponsor $1,500 • Conference lanyard sponsor $1,000 • Registration refreshments Friday and Saturday


• Enlisted Soldier/Airmen Support Sponsor $500 • Door Prize Sponsor $250

2018 Corporate Membership Application **you may fill out this application and pay online at** Company Name___________________________________________________________________________ Contact ___________________________ E-mail Address_________________________________________ Company Address _________________________________________________________________________ City ________________ State _______________ Zip _____________ Telephone (______) ________________________ Fax # (______) _______________________ ____Yes, I would like to invest in a corporate membership with the North Carolina National Guard Association. Headline ($10,000)

Silver ($1500)

Diamond ($7500)

Bronze ($750)

Platinum ($5,000)

Exhibitor Space Only ($500)

Individual Sponsorship Please Specify: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Gold ($3000) ***If you will not be exhibiting at the convention, please check here

and skip this section.

Forms must be received by 16 February 2018. Exhibitors will have one table and 2 chairs. Convention Dates: 17 March 2018 - 18 March 2018 Set-up on 16 March 2018 REQUIREMENTS: Please indicate if you will require any of the following: Sponsor Level: $_______ Additional Tables: Yes No $200.00 x ______ = $_______ Electrical Access (120V): Yes No $50.00 x ______ = $_______ Company Display: Table-top Floor Display Total: = My check in the amount of $__________ is enclosed, made payable to NCNGA. or Please charge my Corporate Membership in the amount of $_____________ to: *Note: A 3% processing fee for credit cards*

___________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Name on Card Credit Card Number ________________ Exp. Date

________ CVV

We agree to abide by the following: The exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arising out of exhibitor’s activities on the Hotel Premises and will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Hotel, it’s agents, and employees from any and all such losses, damages, and claims.

_________________________________________ Authorized Signature

Please return this application along with the appropriate membership fee to: 2018 Convention Or Email to: North Carolina National Guard Association Or Fax to: 919-859-4990 7410 Chapel Hill Rd Raleigh, NC 27607

_____________________________ Date

*A separate pre-registration form needs to be completed for those attending convention activities. That form will be sent once this application is received.

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