Tarheel Guardsman d n a s a m t s i r h C y r s y a Mer d i l o H y s r p e p c a fi f H O d n a f f a t S e h t m fro of the a n i l o r a C n o h i t t r a o i c N o s s A d r a u G l a n Natio
December 2015/January 2016
erry Christmas, and Happy Holidays. In my capacity as the head of North Carolina National Guard’s G1Personnel Services, I see and hear first-hand the amazing accomplishments our Guard Soldiers and Airmen achieve every day, especially on a drill weekend and annual training. Those accomplishments continuously remind me of why my department focuses 110% on our organization’s greatest and most valuable asset; our Soldiers, Airmen and their families. In order to improve how we serve our most valuable assets, we have consolidated the numerous service member, family and veteran programs provided by the NCNG under one roof in order to make them more accessible, efficient and effective. In October, NC Guard Soldiers and Airmen Support Services moved their offices from the Claude T. Bowers Military Center to Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ). Today every type of assistance a service member, family member or veteran/retiree needs is in one location, under one roof, a “One-StopShop” with the sole purpose of supporting our most valuable asset; our people. We have numerous programs that directly assist our Soldiers, Airmen and their families, I would like to highlight some of them. The Integrated Behavior Health System (IBHS) and the Education and Employment Center (EEC) are two programs that play a huge part in helping our force. The NCNG’s Integrated Behavioral Health System has embedded behavioral health services for Guardsmen and their family members and also offers referrals and case management to other J9 programs such as the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program, Chaplain, Financial Assistance and Legal Assistance as well as offering referrals and connection to external resources such as the VA and TRICARE providers. During the fiscal year 2015, IBHS fielded 1,200 calls resulting in 415 clinical assessments, 1,772 resource referrals and 785 consultations, 36 cases required immediate clinical intervention due to suicidal, homicidal or psychotic threat. The EEC, since it’s founding in July of 2013, has facilitated 1,293 hires of veterans, Guardsmen and their family members. The EEC has built relationships with 175 North Carolina employers and currently have 441 active cases. Our Identification Card and DEERS office remain in JFHQ and continue to provide quality service to retirees, family members and active and reserve service members. NCNG’s Retirement & Transition Assistance section, Family Programs, and Chaplain Services are now all located at the JFHQ. As you can see our efforts are bearing fruit in large part due to a talented, hardworking team, but also because of the strong community that surrounds and supports the North Carolina National Guard. This holiday season will be busy and we hope that if you need a new identification card, help with your military records, financial help or information on one of our other programs that you will visit us at the Joint Force Headquarters, in Raleigh or call our team at 984-664-6000.
óó Page 2 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016
Leader’s Corner
Lt. Col. Robert Bumgardner NCNG G1-Personnel
NC National Guard Contact Information Email: ng.nc.ncarng.mbx.pao@mail.mil NC Adjutant General – MG Greg Lusk Maj. Gen. Greg Lusk: http://www.facebook.com/ NCAdjutantGeneral http://twitter.com/NCTAG NC Assistant Adjutant General Air – Brig. Gen. Roger E. Williams: http://facebook.com/NCAirAAG http://twitter.com/NCAirAAG NC Command Chief Warrant Officer Rick Comer: http://www.facebook.com/ pages/NC-Command-Chief-WarrantOfficer/261726843901458 http://www.twitter.com/NCCWO Command Senior Enlisted Leader CSM John Swart: http://www.facebook.com/NCCSM http://twitter.com/NCSCSM NC Command Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sgt. Michael Stanley
Official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association DECEMBER 2015/JANUARY 2016
Volume 49
Contents: NCNGA:
Scholarship Applications:
Convention Information 6,7 Application for Standing Committee 7 Application for Office 9 Educational Foundation Golf Tournament Application 11 In Memoriam List 13 Service and Sacrifice 14 Beneficiary Change Form 15
NC National Guard: Retiree Corner
Officers President Bobby Lumsden Vice President Brent Orr Past President Ronnie Honeycutt Secretary-Treasurer Craig Lloyd Judge Advocate Rick Fay Chaplain Carl Singley
STAFF Executive Director Craig Lloyd Associate Director Cindy Basler Associate Insurance Administrator Rhonda Mooring Associate Financial/ Membership Administrator Katie Westbrooks NCNGA Educational Foundation Administrator Ken Tyndall Katie Westbrooks, Editor www.ncnga.org
Number 6
Applications will be accepted for the 2016-17 school year as follows: College Students — 1 Feb 2016 High School Students — 1 Mar 2016 Applications and scholarship amounts are on our website: http://ncnga.org/educationfoundation-2/ or call 919-851-3390 ext. 5
Executive Council 30th HBCT Shane Evans Scott Schnack 130th MEB Robert Holland Mark McMahan 60th Troop Command Linda Horton Bryan Finch 449th TAB Patrick Szvetitz Thomas Underwood 113th Sustainment BDE Bernard Williford Jr Randy Ly JFHQ-NC Jack Midyette Lawrence Wiedel 139th Regiment (CA) Rebecca Godwin Joseph Hough Air Guard Alan Cecil Tamvaria Walker Junior Council Timothy Stanhope Bryan Cannon Associate Class John Eudy Danielle Hodges
Deadline for submitting articles to the Tarheel Guardsman: FEB/MAR ‘16 issue: 1 JAN 2016 Send articles/photos to Katie Westbrooks, Editor at: (katie@ncnga.org)
Address changes or questions? Call us at 919-851-3390. Our email address is info@ncnga.org and our web site is www.ncnga.org The Tarheel Guardsman, (ISSN 10618392) is published bi-monthly for the Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina, by the North Carolina National Guard Association, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676-9651. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tarheel Guardsman, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. The Tarheel Guardsman is the official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association, a non-profit organization. The publication’s mission is to promote the general welfare of the NCNGA, assist in increasing the readiness of the NC Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina and serve as a vehicle of expression for members of the National Guard. Members receive the publication free with their membership. The annual subscription rate for non-members of the Association is $15.00. Please include your old address when requesting change of address. Deadline for submitted material to the Tarheel Guardsman is the 5th of the month, two months preceding the calendar date of issue. Manuscripts and photographs on subjects of general interest are invited. Unless otherwise indicated, material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the Tarheel Guardsman and the author where listed. Articles and photos will not be returned, unless requested. (USPS 533-640) Advertising is accepted. For details contact the Association headquarters. Advertising, including political ads, published in this publication does not represent the endorsement or approval of the North Carolina National Guard Association.
Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016 — Page 3
A Word from Our Executive Director... We hope everyone is enjoying the holidays with family and friends. As we reflect over the past year, we feel truly blessed to have the continued support of our 16,000 members across the State. The achievements over the past year include passage of all three of our legislative initiatives (NCNG Pension Increase, NCNG Tuition Assistance Increase and a National Guard voting seat on the Military Affairs Commission). We hope to leverage this success on the State level by continuing to raise the bar and begin pushing Federal initiatives as well. We are proud to be your voice on issues affecting you and your family. Other enhancements and achievements over the past year include the launch of our new online weekly newsletter called the “Weekly Guardsman”. Distributed every Thursday, this publication is full of the latest and greatest happenings and news across the State and Nation regarding the National Guard. The use of this new resource has highly enhanced our communications with you our members. We encourage you to sign-up for the “Weekly Guardsman” on our website at www.ncnga.org (the link is in the far right bottom column). Other accomplishments over the past year include the following: • Doubling of our Convention sponsorship and vendors as well as the diversification of other revenue streams which have helped to strengthen our financial strength. • Major renovations to our building and grounds. • Approval of the development of a new 501 C3 “The NC Warrior Foundation”. • Increased engagement and representation at SRP’s, health fairs, Unit visits and various Guard events. • Development of our NCNGA volunteer program. Helping us enhance and develop new programs and services to our members. • Expansion of our membership benefits including our new “Tickets at Work Program”. • Our online dues and donations platform as well as the launch of our online store. These are just a few of the numerous achievements we have accomplished through your support. I was in a meeting recently and during a break overheard a soldier who was a member of our association explaining to another potential member what the association does to represent their interest. The soldier relayed a number of accomplishments and explained that our association was one of the oldest and largest in the Country. She stated that the NCNGA has numerous opportunities for them to become involved but explained that the best way to support our mission was just becoming a member. She explained that the strength in numbers has made a tremendous impact giving the example of our recent legislative success. She stated that our law makers now know who we are and what our mission is and they now come to us for insight and ask us what our initiatives are even before the General Assembly sessions begin. I couldn’t have explained our organization in a better and more concise way. Our, all volunteer Executive Council and dedicated small staff work days, nights and weekends on your behalf and we thank them for their dedication. Our goal is to build off this momentum into the coming year with even more great enhancements affecting all our members. We wish everyone a Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas….
Craig Lloyd
NCNGA Executive Director
We have recently unveiled a new opportunity to support our organization over the holidays and throughout the year. We have started a partnership with the organization called Flipcause. This opportunity is where you can do all your shopping with over 150 top businesses and the NCNGA will receive a donation percent on each purchase back to us. Partners include Amazon, Target, Expedia, Fed Ex, Gamestop, Nordstrom, HP, Microsoft, Pet Food Direct, Shoes.com and Hurley to name a few. You don’t have to do anything different other than shop through the link on our wesite. This link is listed on our website on the right hand side column as “Shop to Support”. You will be directed to these merchant’s main websites and have access to all their promotions and sales as usual. This small step can make a huge impact with everyone doing holiday shopping. We hope you will use and share this opportunity with your family and friends to use as well.
Page 4 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016
449TH TAB HAIL & FAREWELL Story by CW2 Luis Jerezbrea MORRISVILLE, NC –Over 100 current and former “Hurricane” members of the 449th Theater Aviation Brigade (449th TAB) gathered during the brigade’s annual Hail and Farewell event held at the North Carolina National Guard Joint Force Headquarters in Raleigh, NC. The Hail and Farewell event is a form of recognizing both outgoing and incoming “Hurricanes” members. Current and former members had an opportunity to socialize and receive an update from the brigade Commander concerning the current state of North Carolina aviation and some of its most recent missions. The social and operational update were followed by a dinner, awards presentation, and post-event social. Retiree awards were presented to three 449th TAB retirees during the event. SFC Brian Criswell received several certificates and plaques from all levels of command for over 20 years of faithful military service. Mrs. Criswell was recognized with a Silent Partner certificate for her “silent” and loyal service as a military spouse. CW5 Timothy Hopper received the Legion of Merit Medal and the North Carolina Distinguished Service Medal for over 30 years of faithful military service. Mrs. Hopper had previously received the Silent Partner certificate for her “silent” loyal service as a military spouse. CW5 William Bertram was awarded the Legion of Merit Medal, the North Carolina Distinguished Service Medal and several other certificates plaques from all levels of command. Mrs. Bertram was recognized and presented with the silent Partner certificate for her “silent” and loyal service as a military spouse. The intent of the Hail and Farewell event is to ensure current and former members stay in touch and to recognize outgoing staff level members for their service as a “Hurricanes” Soldier. The next event will be held in fall 2016.
SFC (Ret) Brian Criswell and his wife are recognized and awarded the Silent Partner and other retirement awards during the 449th Theater Aviation Brigade’s annual Hail and Farewell event.
CW5 (Ret) Tim Hopper is awarded with the Legion of Merit and the North Carolina Distinguished Service Medal during the 449th Theater Aviation Brigade’s annual Hail and Farewell event.
CW5 (Ret) William Bertram and is wife are recognized and awarded with the Legion of Merit, the North Carolina Distinguished Service Medal, and several other retirement awards during the 449th Theater Aviation Brigade’s annual Hail and Farewell event.
Would you like a chance to win $4,000? The NCNGA Educational Foundation will be holding a Reverse Drawing on Thursday, April 28, 2016 @ 6:00 pm. at the Greensboro National Guard Armory 110 Franklin Blvd. Greensboro, NC 27401
Don’t miss a chance to win the Hardison Wagon in 2016. This not so little red wagon is filled with goodies, including adult beverages, goodies for all ages, lottery tickets and cash!
Tickets are $40 per couple & includes dinner for two
The last ticket drawn is the winner! The first ticket drawn will receive $40 & every 25th ticket drawn after the first ticket will receive $50. And you do not have to be present to win!
Only 300 tickets will be sold! Get your ticket(s) today! If you are interested in purchasing a ticket(s), contact Ken Tyndall at the NCNGA Foundation Office 919-851-3390 ext. 5 or contact a member of the Board of Directors Proceeds go to the Scholarship Fund & your donation is tax deductible.
Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016 — Page 5
NC National Guard Association
55th Annual Convention Registration Form Sheraton Four Seasons/Koury Convention Center, Greensboro, NC
29-30 April 2016
Register Online at www.ncnga.org and click the Register Now Button or complete form below
**Registration will open on December 20, 2015** *Required *Registrant’s Name _______________________________________________ *Spouse/Guest Name _____________________________________________
*Association *First Member Convention Yes No Yes No Yes No
Yes No
*Address ________________________________________________________ *City__________________________________________ *State________ *Zip____________ *Telephone ____________________________*E-mail___________________________________________
*Attending Friday Evening Event: Member: Spouse/Guest:
Yes Yes
*Attending Business Session: Member: Friday Yes No Saturday Yes No
No No
**No Refunds After 8 April 2016** Early Registration (before 24 March, 2016) _____@ call for pricing =
Registration (24 March, 2016 and after)
_____@ call for pricing =
Business Session Only
_____@ call for pricing =
Credit/Debit Card Fee
_____@ $2.00
= =
Method of Payment: ____Check enclosed ____Charge my Credit/Debit Card **There will be a $23 returned check fee on returned items **There is a $2 processing charge for credit cards Card #________________________________ Expiration date ____________ Security code ______ Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________________________
Complete & return to: NCNGA, 7410 Chapel Hill Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607 or Fax to 919-859-4990 or scan and email to cindy@ncnga.org Questions please call 919-851-3390 ext 1
Sheraton Four Seasons Greensboro 3121 High Point Rd., Greensboro, NC 27407 For Hotel Reservations:
Call Toll Free 1-800-242-6556. In order to receive the special group-discounted rate of $100.00 + tax, individuals must mention that they are with the NC National Guard Association Convention. Register on-line using attendee code GUARD16 https://reservations.ihotelier.com/crs/g_login.cfm?hotelID=2576 Reservations must be received prior to the cut-off date of 28 March 2016. After the cut-off date, reservations will be accepted at the group rate, based on availability. All reservations must be guaranteed and accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card.
Page 6 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016
55th Annual Convention Information
Come celebrate 55 years of dedication and support at our North Carolina National Guard Association Annual Convention April 29th & 30th, 2016 in Greensboro NC. Our Convention/ Time & Place committee is working hard to make this year’s convention the best to date. With its central location, our goal was to make it as convenient as possible for our membership to be able to attend from across the State. From our elections to our always popular hospitality suites, we hope to make this year’s events both productive and fun. This year’s theme is “ Make a Connection – Make a Choice“ . This year’s location offers wonderful amenities and access to shopping, entertainment and plenty of dining options. Our committee and staff are working diligently to streamline our agenda and make some key enhancements to maximize our time together. We have researched other conventions across the country and hope to incorporate many of their ideas into our functions.
Several committees have mandatory requirements for committee membership and all committees require that you attend a majority of all duly called meetings in order to remain an active member of that committee. Budget restrictions dictate limiting the number of members on each committee; therefore, we are unable to place every member that wants to serve on a committee. However, every effort will be made to accommodate your request. The majority of all called meetings are usually held at the NCNGA Headquarters in Raleigh. These meetings are held during the day, usually at 10:30 a.m. and last one to two hours, depending upon the amount of work to be done. Members are reimbursed for meals and mileage from their HOR to the meeting site and return. For a full list of the responsibilities of the committess, please visit our website at http://ncnga.org/ committees/
APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT NCNGA STANDING COMMITTEES If you are interested in participating on a committee this year, please fill out the following information below and forward to the NCNGA Headquarters, 74l0 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607, no later than 15 April 2015, or turn in to the Registration Desk at the convention. (You can also scan and email the form to info@ncnga.org.) Name______________________________________
Home Address_____________________________City____________________State_____Zip________ Telephone No. (Home) ( Mobile (
) _____________________ (Business) (
) ________________________
) ______________________ Email Address: ______________________________________
Committee(s) you would like to serve on. Please indicate order of preference. ( ( ( ( ( ( (
) ) ) ) ) ) )
By-Laws & Credentials Communications Convention Committee Finance Headquarters & Employees Legislative & Resolutions Membership & Benefits
( ) Please check if you plan to run for an Executive Council seat in the near future. ( ) I am interested in serving on an Educational Foundation committee. What is a convenient meeting time for you? _________________________ www.ncnga.org
Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016 — Page 7
“3rd Annual Staff Sergeant Mike Sherrill Memorial NCNGA Educational Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament – In Honor of MAJ Mark McMahan’s Retirement” Format: 4 Man Scramble / Captain’s Choice Where: Lincoln Country Club When: Monday, 18 April 2016 Time: 10:00 Shotgun Start Entry Fee: $60.00 per individual Please make plans to join us on Monday, 18 April 2016 at The Lincoln Country Club for our 3rd Annual Staff Sergeant Mike Sherrill Memorial Golf Tournament Fundraiser. This year’s tournament honors MAJ Mark McMahan’s retirement from the NCARNG. MAJ McMahan has been a long time supporter of the NCNGAEF and is retiring in January 2016. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the North Carolina National Guard Association Educational Foundation (NCNGAEF). The first $1000 raised will go to our 505ECB SSG Mike Sherrill Memorial Scholarship NCNGAEF Fund for the annual scholarship. $500 will be dedicated to the purchase of a brick in the NCNGAEF Walk of Honor in Raleigh in honor of MAJ McMahan. All additional funds raised will go to the NCNGAEF General Endowment Fund. We also will be doing a 50/50 raffle at the tournament. Entry fee includes golf, cart, beverages, lunch, door prize tickets, and 2 mulligans. Tickets will be put into the raffle box for door prizes when entry fee is paid. Lunch will be served during the round. Prizes will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place teams. All par 3’s will have a closest to the pin prize and we will also have a long drive prize. Hole sponsorships may be purchased for a $50.00 donation and will include a sign on the course. Fees and donations are tax deductible. Sign up as a foursome or individuals will be paired up. Please make checks payable to Donnie Mote, and mailed to 7846 Adeline Lane, Sherrills Ford, NC 28673. The address for the golf course is The Lincoln Country Club, 2052 Country Club Road, Lincolnton, NC 28092. Phone = (704) 735-1382. Contact Reggie Hill or Donnie Mote with any questions. Player A___________________________________________________________________ Player B___________________________________________________________________ Player C___________________________________________________________________ Player D___________________________________________________________________
Retiree Corner: Two Year Letter of Notification SSG Travis J Reed – Retirement Services Officer
may retrieve the forms via an internet search engine. The forms needed to apply for the Pension are a DD 2656, DD 108, SF 1199A. The Retiree may also utilize a local unit; it does not This write up is for informational purposes to anyone that have to be one they attended while in a drilling status. may be turning or is currently 60 and have not yet applied If applying for the Federal Retirement Pension solely; you will for their Federal Retirement Pension. In the past, Defense need to fill out and sign the previously mentioned forms and Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) would forward forward them to Army Human Resources Command (AHRC) Notification Letters to Retirees upon reaching age 58 as a along with the required supporting documents. The supportreminder to submit their Retirement Application. This packing documents are a Retirement Order, 15/20 Year Letter age would generally consist of a Letter telling the Retiree what (NOE), NGB 22, Retirement Points Statement (RPAM), and needs to be done, a blank Federal Retirement Application form DD 2656-5 or DD 1883. This packet should be mailed to the (DD 2656), and a statement of service (often blank). Due to address below: mass Return To Sender (RTS) packages and loss of money in US ARMY HUMAN RESOURCES COMMAND postal fees DFAS has since cut out sending the Notification/ ATTN: AHRC-PDP-TR Reminder packages. 1600 SPEARHEAD DIVISION AVE (DEPT 482) It is the responsibility of the Retiree to apply for their FORT KNOX, KY 40122-5402 Federal Retirement Pension in a timely manner to insure proper processing and adequate response time. The Retiree For more information on the Federal Retirement Pension apshould start the application process 6 to 8 months out from plication process you can contact Army Human Resources their Retired Pay Eligibility Date (RPED) or turning 60. Command (AHRC) at (502) 613-8950. If you would like to Retirees can choose to fill out the Pension forms solely, at a lo- schedule an appointment with the Retirement Service Office cal unit, or schedule an appointment with the State Retirement (RSO) you may call (919) 664-7565. Service Office. To apply for the Pension solely the Retiree
Page 8 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016
Help Your Association Run for the NCNGA Executive Council! Qualifications to run for office: you must be a member of the North Carolina National Guard Association and have served on an active committee within the past five years (except Junior Council Members). If you are qualified (see above) and interested in being an important part of your Association, please complete the application below and email it to Cindy Basler (Staff Liaison for the Nominating & Credentials Committee) email cindy@ncnga.org . You can also mail this form to NCNGA 7410 Chapel Hill Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 or fax it to 919-859-4990 attn: Cindy Basler. If you have any questions please contact her by email or at 919-851-3390 ext 1. 2016-2017 Application for Nomination Candidate for the Executive Council North Carolina National Guard Association
Name Home Address City
Home Telephone No. Business Telephone No. Unit Email address: Attach a list of your current/past committee and/or Executive Council involvement.
Indicate office you want to be considered for: ____President ____Vice-President ____30th ABCT ____60th Trp Cm ____130th MEB ____449th TAB ____113th SUS BDE ____JFHQ-NC ____139th Rgmt (CA) ____Air National Guard ____Active Associate Deadline for submitting applications: 31 March 2016
WINNER OF LIFE MEMBERSHIP CONTEST Jaqueline Landrum of Charlotte, NC won the NCNGA Life Membership Contest we had in the last issue. She won a one night get away to Charlotte, NC; one FREE registration to the NCNGA Convention; a NCNGA Polo; and a NCNGA Hat! Congratulations Jaqueline! Please keep a look out for other contests we may have in the future.
Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016 — Page 9
“Fairway to Honor” Golf Tournament Sponsored by Exxon Mobil and Bull Market of Durham FUQUAY-VARINA, NC - The Soldiers and Airmen Assistance Fund of North Carolina (SAAF-NC) hosted its fourth annual “Fairway to Honor” Charity Golf Tournament on September 17, at Bentwinds Golf and Country Club in Fuquay Varina. Over 140 players participated in the event and competed in an effort to support service members of the North Carolina National Guard and to say thanks to the many sponsors that donate to our Guard families. “Just a great day to play golf and to have so many of our sponsors playing, it was really a special day for us,” said retired Sgt. Major Dennis Roach, Director of SAAF-NC. The tournament began with the singing of the National Anthem by Jennifer Woods and opening remarks by Brig General (R) Iwan Clontz, Chairman of the SAAF. “We could not do this event without your support. Thank you and we especially want to thank Exxon Mobil and NC Petroleum and Convenience Stores for their continue support,” said Clontz. The event was highlighted with the addition of our new partners McConnell Golf, Johnson Automotive, the US Veterans Corps and Apex Para Sports. The winning team, sponsored by NC Distribution LLC, consisted of Doug Turner, Chris Lewis, John Rowe and Terry Hardison. “Our tournament is so successful because of our sponsors and folks who truly care about our Guard families. Without their support, we could not do what we do to help those who need it and I can’t thank the business community enough for what they do for us,” said Roach. Mark your calendar. Our date for next year’s tournament is September 15th, 2016.
NCNGA Onlie Store The North Carolina Department of the American Legion Thanks You for Your Service to Our State and Nation!
We invite you to visit any of our 327 Posts, statewide, visit our website www.nclegion.org, email us at nclegion@nc.rr.com, or call 919-8327506. “For God and Country - Still Serving Proudly.”
Do your holiday shopping at our NCNGA online store. Just in time for the holidays we’ve expanded our merchandise to include more clothing, golf accessories and much more. Visit us online at www.ncnga-store.com
Page 10 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016
paid advertisement
PLAY GOLF AND SUPPORT THE NCNGA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION FORMAT: 18-Hole Captain’s Choice WHERE: Forest Oaks Golf Club, Greensboro, NC 27406 WHEN: Thursday, April 28, 2016 – Shotgun Start at 9:00 AM ENTRY FEE: $75.00 (Make checks payable to NCNGA Educational Foundation, Inc.) DEADLINE FOR REGISTERING: All checks must be received by Friday, 8 April 2016 TEAM PRIZES: 1st Place Team — 4th Place Team MAIL TO: NCNGA Educational Foundation, Inc., 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 The cost includes cart and green fee, all prizes (Longest Drive Front and Back Nine, Closest to the Hole All Par 3’s, Hole in One All Par 3’s, Putting Contest at Conclusion of Round, Door Prizes) and Driving Range prior to round. Mulligans may be purchased for $5.00 (3 for $10.00). Money from mulligans will be added to the donation s to the NCNGA Educational Foundation. Cost for Putting Contest is $10.00. Prize for Putting Contest is 50/50 split the pot on the cost, with the remainder also added to the donations to the NCNGA Educational Foundation. You may put together your own team or sign up individually and I will place you on a team For additional information, contact Terry Westbrook at (984) 664-6029 Open to all golfers during the 53rd NCNGA Annual Convention in Greensboro, NC and their guests. All proceeds go to the NCNGA Educational Foundation. Check must accompany entry form. Convention attendance not required to enter tournament. Entry fee will be returned if tournament is cancelled due to rain. If you would like to register as a team, all four entry forms must be submitted together with checks totaling $300.00. Name ____________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ Phone: (home) _________________________ (work) _________________________ I declare myself physically able to compete in this event. I waive all rights for claims for injury or illness which may occur during this event. Signature:__________________________
NCNGA Educational Foundation estimates the value for each entrant to be $50.00. Charitable contributions are deductible only to the extent that they exceed the value of any goods and services received. Your cancelled check is acknowledgement of your contribution.
NCNGA Educational Foundation Fundraiser Raffle The North Carolina National Guard Association Educational Foundation will have a raffle with the Grand Prize of $2,000 and a second prize of $100.
Tickets $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 The drawing will be during the 2016 Convention (Winner assumes all responsibility for local, state & federal taxes)
Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016 — Page 11
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In Memoriam Listed below are those members (and non-members), spouses and dependent children that have recently passed away. If we have missed someone, please contact the Editor, Katie Westbrooks at katie@ncnga.org or 919-851-3390 ext 2. Walter B. Parrish, Jr. Raleigh, NC September 3, 2015
Robert D. Douglas Wilmington, NC September 25, 2015
Dennis E. Clinton Durham, NC October 22, 2015
Willie L. McBryde Fayetteville, NC September 12, 2015
Cameron Smith Connelly Springs, NC October 7, 2015
Robert L Williams Sr. Spouse of Doris Williams Creedmoor, NC October 23, 2015
Alfred P. Gorman Salisbury, NC September 13, 2015
Max T Mitchell Durham, NC October 7, 2015
Donald J. Golds Lenoir, NC September 24, 2015
Robert Lee Wilson Kings Mountain, NC October 18, 2015
David M. Goodman Asheboro, NC October 23, 2015 Paul Spate, Jr. Greenville, NC October 24, 2015
Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016 — Page 13
On this Veterans Day, like in the past, our nation asks her citizens to take time out of their day to honor, thank, spend some time with and sincerely recognize the service and sacrifice of our military veterans. Winston Churchill while praising the British Air Force during the Battle of Britain said, “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” With less than one percent of the American population having served in the military, it can also be said that our nations veterans, who are so few in numbers are also owed a debt of gratitude by the many, especially on Veterans Day. Today there are roughly 500 soldiers/ veterans still alive who were members of one of World War II’s greatest infantry divisions, the 30th Infantry Division. With the exception of some senior officers and non-commissioned officers, the 30th ID was an all National Guard force with soldiers from North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia. How good was the 30th Infantry Division during the 1944-45 European Campaign? Colonel S.L.A. Marshall, Gen. Eisenhower’s chief historian in the European Theater of Operations (ETO) ranked the 30th as the No. 1 division in its category in the ETO. In a letter to the 30th Infantry Division commander, Maj. Gen. Leland S. Hobbs, Marshall said, “The 30th Division was among five best divisions in the infantry division category. We picked the 30th Division No. 1…… the most outstanding infantry division of the ETO.” The 30th Infantry Division (nicknamed Old Hickory in WWI) landed at Omaha Beach on Jun. 10, 1944 and entered combat five days later. The division took part in every major campaign in the ETO’s western front: Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes – Alsace and Central Europe. Notably during WWII, the 30th Infantry Division twice decisively engaged and defeated the German Army’s elite tank divisions of the 1st and 2nd SS Panzer at Mortain, France and the 1st SS Panzer Division, specifically Kampfgruppe Piper (Battlegroup) spearhead for the 6th SS Panzer Army, at the Battle of the Bulge. The 30th ID was a key element in the spearhead to break the through the Siegfried Line. The 30th ID spent 282 days in almost constant combat. The division suffered 3,435 killed in action and 12,960 wounded. Six Medal of Honors were awarded to Old Hickory soldiers, 65 Distinguished Service Crosses, 1,718 Silver Stars, 6,319 Bronze Stars and 20,000 Purple Hearts. Many subordinate units of the 30th earned Presidential Unit Citations (PUC), but none for the division level. Today, the 30th Infantry Division Association, the North Carolina National Guard Association, former 30th veterans from WWII and others have reinvigorated efforts to request the Army re-examine award submition documents requesting the 30th Infantry Division receive
the PUC for its exemplary performance and extraordinary heroism and gallantry in action against the enemy in Europe. Shortly after WWII, due to a log-jam of awards paperwork especially for divisions, Gen. Eisenhower and Gen. Marshall agreed to conduct a thorough review to determine the most outstanding divisions in the ETO and submit that list to the War Department for citations. There were 60 divisions that fought in Europe during WWII. After months of research, the review board picked eight divisions deeming them worthy of unit citations. The 30th Infantry Division was among that very short list of eight divisions recommended for citations. Gen. Eisenhower, while Commander of US Forces, European Theater (USFET), carefully reviewed the list of divisions, their operations on which each recommendation was based, and believed that each division's performance was clearly exceptional and warranted a unit citation. Eisenhower’s positive review of the “list of eight” went nowhere and in a strange twist of fate, in 1946, the War Department, acting on instructions from Gen. Eisenhower, disapproved all eight divisional PUC recommendations. Eisenhower’s disapprovals were based on the established 1940’s War Department policy that only under the most unusual and exceptional circumstances would a division be considered for a PUC. Other subsequent requests to award citations to units in the “list of eight” were disapproved based on a 1951 policy by Army Chief of Staff Gen. Lawton Collins to refrain from further action regarding divisional PUCs for WWII because too much time has passed and further enforced by Eisenhower’s 1946 decision. From WWII to the present, the soldiers of the 30th Infantry Division who served proudly and gave their all on the long march from Omaha Beach to Germany have waited patiently for the recognition that they believed they earned. Several of these veterans have petitioned their elected state officials and Congressmen to address this oversight, and several state officials and Congressmen have done so. To date, however, the issue has not been resolved, at least in the hearts and minds of surviving 30th Infantry Division soldiers who braved the battlefields of Europe. In yet another twist of fate, on Dec. 31, 2001, the Headquarters of the Department of the Army reversed their long standing policies regarding awarding PUC to WWII divisions and awarded the 96th Infantry Division the Presidential Unit Citation for actions in the Pacific in 1945. Will the 30th be the next WWII division awarded a PUC for their actions? As of this Veterans Day, the surviving brave and gallant men of Old Hickory still patiently wait. In 2008, Frank Denius, a highly decorated 30th Infantry Division WWII veteran wrote a letter to the Chief of Army Military Awards Branch, Lt. Col. Sylvia Bennett. His closing paragraph of that letter follows: “Most of these heroes are now at rest, yet those few who are still with us continue to wait for a long overdue recognition. As with its namesake, Gen. Andrew Jackson, these dedicated veterans of Old Hickory remain just as determined to see the final fruits of their efforts as they were when they pushed through the nightmare of pillboxes, dragons teeth, artillery, mines, and numerous other obstacles as they punctured through the German West Wall – The Siegfried Line. They will agree with the assertion of Col. Marshall, the European Theater's Chief Historian, “We picked the 30th Division No. 1 on the list of first category divisions ... It was our finding that the 30th had been outstanding in three operations and that we could consistently recommend it for citation. Like all WWII era units, the 30th Infantry Division's ranks are growing smaller and smaller. What a fitting and overdue honor it would be if the surviving members of one of America’s greatest WWII divisions get the recognition they deserve before there are no more Old Hickory veterans left.
Page 14 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016
American Equity Policy Service Form North Carolina National Guard Association 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047 919-851-3390 info@ncnga.org BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION
I (we) ask the beneficiary of the above policy be changed as shown below. All prior beneficiary designations are revoked. I (we) agree that the Company is free from liability in relying on a statement about birth, death, marriage, names, addresses and other facts concerning all beneficiaries from any other one. Unless otherwise stated, the survivors of a beneficiary class share equal amounts of the proceeds. I would like to change my Beneficiary on my Group Life Policy to: List beneficiary’s full name and address
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Tarheel Guardsman — December 2015/January 2016 — Page 15
Tarheel Guardsman Tarheel Guardsman NC National Guard Assoc. NC National Assoc. 7410 Chapel Guard Hill Road 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047 Raleigh, NC 27607-5047
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How to reach us: 919-851-3390 info@ncnga.org - email www.ncnga.org - website
Please plan to attend the 55th NCNGA Annual Convention 29-30 April 2016. See pages 6-7 for registration information.
Make your reservations early! Rooms are limited and the cut-off is 28 March 2016. See NCNGA website (www.ncnga.org) for registration and hotel information including links to the hotels.
Call Toll Free 1-800-242-6556. In order to receive the special group-discounted rate of $100.00 + tax, individuals must mention that they are with the NC National Guard Association Convention.