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Tarheel Guardsman

December 2016/January 2017

A Word from our Executive Director... Craig Lloyd

Prior to writing this article, I stumbled across an issue of the Tarheel Guardsman from December 1966. This issue is 50 years old to the month (by coincidence this is also the month that Rhonda, our Associate Insurance Administrator was born). While flipping through the issue, I noticed many similarities to the programs, initiatives and issues we face today. Some of the similarities include our Guard members dealing with flooding across the State, our annual Retiree day in December, as well as it also spotlighted deployments around the world. This issue also showcased their Annual Convention which was also hosted at the beach (this year’s Convention is at Sunset Beach on March 18th & 19th). Below are some of the statistics comparing 1966 to today that you might find interesting. By the numbers: December 1966 December 2016

Members – 9819

Members – 16,395

Insured Members – 3700

Insured Members – 10,812

Membership Strength – 76%

Membership Strength – 76%

Guard Strength – 9819

Guard Strength – 11,603

Magazines Distributed – 11,741

Magazines Distributed – 13,600

As reflected above, our North Carolina National Guard and our NCNGA has a long rich history here in our State protecting the public and serving our members. Your support through membership, involvement on our committees and participation in events like our Convention are vital to our continued success. This past year, our Association has used the information gathered from our previous membership survey to adapt our programs and services to better serve each of you. Examples include the development of our Weekly Guardsman online newsletter to improve communication and it also helped to guide us in seeking more substantial membership benefits (which we hope to debut soon). We are again offering a membership survey to help us focus on issues most important to you. You can find a link to the survey on our website (link is on the main page). We hope each of you would take 5 minutes to not only complete the survey but also explore the website to see all the features and benefits. We wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Years with family and friends!

SHOP TO SUPPORT We unveiled a new opportunity last year to support our organization over the holidays and throughout the year. This opportunity is where you can do all your shopping with over 150 top businesses and the NCNGA will receive a donation percentage on each purchase back to us. Partners include Amazon, Target, Expedia, Fed Ex, Gamestop, Nordstrom, HP, Microsoft, Pet Food Direct, Shoes. com and Hurley to name a few. You don’t have to do anything different other than shop through or the link on our website. This link is listed on our website on the right hand side column as “Shop Your Favorite Stores to Support NCNGA”. You will be directed to these merchant’s main websites and have access to all their promotions and sales as usual. This small step can make a huge impact with everyone doing holiday shopping. We hope you will use and share this opportunity with your family and friends to use as well.

Page 2 — DEC 2016/JAN 2017

Tarheel Guardsman


Official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association DEC 2016/JAN 2017

Volume 50

Contents: NCNGA:

Standing Committee Application Convention Information & Registration Beneficiary Change Form In Memoriam

6 8-10 14 15

NC National Guard:

Hurricane Matthew Relief Sgt Johnson Awarded ACES Award Warriors In Transition Officers

4,5 11 13 Executive Council 30th HBCT James McKee Brad Colburn

President John Ebbighausen Vice President Shane Evans Past President Bobby Lumsden Secretary-Treasurer Craig Lloyd Judge Advocate

130th MEB James Andrews David Lewczyk 60 Troop Command Linda Horton Bryan Finch th

449th TAB Mark Pickett Thomas Underwood

Chaplain John Mozzingo

113th Sustainment BDE Kevin Boyles Bernie Williford

STAFF Executive Director Craig Lloyd Associate Director Cindy Basler Associate Insurance Administrator Rhonda Mooring Associate Financial/ Membership Administrator Katie Westbrooks NCNGA Educational Foundation Administrator Ken Tyndall

JFHQ-NC Jeremy Davis Jack Midyette

Katie Westbrooks, Editor Tarheel Guardsman

139th Regiment (CA) Rebecca Lynn Godwin David Eaton Air Guard Ronnie Watkins Allan Cecil Junior Council Bryan Cannon Timothy Stanhope Associate Class Ralph Poe John Eudy

Number 6

Scholarship Applications: Applications will be accepted for the 2017-18 school year as follows: College Students — 1 Feb 2017 High School Students — 1 Mar 2017 Applications and scholarship amounts are on our website: or call 919-851-3390 ext. 5

Address changes or questions? Call us at 919-851-3390 Our email address is Our web site is

Deadline for submitting articles to the Tarheel Guardsman: FEB/MAR ‘17 issue: 1 JAN 2017 Send articles/photos to Katie Westbrooks, Editor at: ( The Tarheel Guardsman, (ISSN 10618392) is published six times a year for the Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina, by the North Carolina National Guard Association, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676-9651. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tarheel Guardsman, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. The Tarheel Guardsman is the official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association, a non-profit organization. The publication’s mission is to promote the general welfare of the NCNGA, assist in increasing the readiness of the NC Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina and serve as a vehicle of expression for members of the National Guard. Members receive the publication free with their membership. The annual subscription rate for non-members of the Association is $15.00. Please include your old address and unit when requesting change of address. Deadline for submitted material to the Tarheel Guardsman is the 5th of the month, two months preceding the calendar date of issue. Manuscripts and photographs on subjects of general interest are invited. Unless otherwise indicated, material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the Tarheel Guardsman and the author where listed. Articles and photos will not be returned, unless requested. (USPS 533-640) Advertising is accepted. For details contact the Association headquarters. Advertising, including political ads, published in this publication does not represent the endorsement or approval of the North Carolina National Guard Association.

DEC 2016/JAN 2017 — Page 3

NCNG: Hurricane Matthew Relief Efforts Story by Sgt. Leticia Samuels 382nd Public Affairs Detachment LUMBERTON, NC – Water, food and electricity are all essentials citizens of Robeson County are without. North Carolina National Guard Soldiers activated on Oct. 8, 2016 for State Active Duty (SAD) work with numerous federal agencies providing support by transporting water, meals-ready-to-eat and cots to displaced citizens. Hurricane Matthew tore through the Southeastern region of the United States on Oct. 7 hitting NC. the hardest, leaving costly damage to repair. Governor Pat McCrory activated the North Carolina National Guard to augment the first responders force in rescuing displaced citizens all over Eastern NC. “Initially, it was chaos,” said US Army Sgt. 1st Class Darren Deese, the tank master gunner assigned to Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 120th Infantry Regiment. “We didn’t know what roads were closed. We didn’t know what routes we could take. Once the eastern branch of the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) sent their representative down, we got the shelters identified that Robeson County Social Services set up. We started pushing food and water out to those shelters. Now, we are in the support phase and things are going pretty smooth.” McCrory urged residents to evacuate their homes due to the massive flooding. There are five main shelters around the county accepting people affected. Two of them had influx of over 700 people. “We have never seen this much rain here in Robeson

County,” said Anthony Dial, a Robeson County Social Services employee. “We did plan, but we didn’t expect this. We did have shelters in different sections of the county, however some of those shelters had to be closed because of the rain.” In the wake of the devastation people from counties across the state bought truckloads of food, water, clothes and other supplies. “We sent out pictures of what was going on through social media,” said Dial. “We had the faith-based community come in, we had people from the community just bringing in food from their freezers. We have thousands of cases of water that people are bringing in. Its just unbelievable!” The North Carolina Guard continuously conducts various preparatory and recovery training to keep the force prepared for any situation. The deployment of soldiers for SAD led to the distribution of over 1,700 cots and over 20 pallets of water and meals-ready-to-eat to displaced citizens in Robeson County affected by Hurricane Matthew. “I feel like this is one of the main reasons we have the Guard,” said US Army Spc. Ashley Hanna, a combat medic assigned to the 236th Brigade Engineer Battalion. “Of course, we have all these responsibilities for the country, but we signed up specifically to help our state. I think it’s great that we are able to do this for people who live in our hometowns.” Over 1,100 North Carolina National Guard troops and nearly 200 high water and rescue vehicles have been activated. The US Coast Guard continues to assist with rescues. The National Guard, State Highway Patrol and US Coast Guard have increased aviation assets. There have been over 2,000 water rescues. “I’m pleased to come in and help these folks, drop off water, do humanitarian work and whatever is possible,” said Bill Winter, a search team manager of the Pennsylvania Task Force. “Our mission today is if anybody is here that cannot walk out, we are going to bring them out by boat or high water vehicle.”

NCNG Helps With Hurricane Matthew

Photos continued on bottom of next page.

Page 4 — DEC 2016/JAN 2017

Tarheel Guardsman

NC Guard puts Eyes in the Sky to spot Matthew victims Story by Sgt. Ruth McClary, NCNG

MORRISVILLE, NC – North Carolina National Guard pilots, with Detachment 1, Company B, 2nd Battalion, 151st Aviation Regiment, fly over flooded areas during the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew to aide in the rescue of victims in the eastern part of the state. The pilot’s partner with local volunteer fire fighters, who are members of the North Carolina Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team (NCHART), to assess flooded areas in Lakota LUH-72 helicopters armed with state of the art camera equipment to spot victims. The crews locate victims who are stranded, hoists them up in the helicopter or send stress calls to other appropriate rescue personnel to retrieve them. “We are the eyes in the sky,” said CW2 CharlesThompson, a pilot with the unit. “We are the observing aircraft, orchestrating the whole thing and telling them where the survivors are.” The team trains monthly to prepare for various emergency situations. They have to be hoist certified and they practice with a dummy of human weight in different scenarios. The training helped prepare them for this mission as they rescue people from homes, hospitals and cars. “On Wednesday, we got a call that the hospital in Lumberton lost power and the generator caught on fire,” said Thompson. “There were people on life support that needed to be evacuated immediately.” After making sure the patients were transported, the team spotted a preschool with about 15 to 20 people waving them down. A crewmember was hoisted down and he found out there were actually about 150 people in the building including infants and toddlers. “We lowered one of the HART crew members down to tell them that we saw them, we understand and help was on the way,” said Thompson. “They were waiting out there frantically and there was no other way to get word to them.” A boat crew was sent back for the group at the school. The HART members assessed the area from the air hoisted people out from some areas and sent in boat teams to get large groups to safety. “There were a lot of boat teams and they were on point,” said Thompson. The crew also looked for hazardous waste factors, such as runoff from hog farms, livestock or other things that could contaminate the water.

Federal Aviation put up a temporary flight restriction to keep commercial and news aircraft at a higher altitude so it was safe for the helicopters to rescue residents. Residents were rescued in Lumberton, Kinston, Selma and the Mount Olive areas. Some people were trapped in a house in Lumberton; they used the wheelchair ramp as a safe haven until rescued as the water was still rising. “One of our guys marked the water level on the house when he arrived and an hour later it had already rose six inches,” said Thompson. Although the day shift was not called out on the fifth day of the aftermath, the radio feed put the night shift on alert for possible situations that could arise. “We could do something tonight, we received reports of individual vehicles in the water and they are launching boat crews throughout the state and sending an aircraft with them,” said Matthew Mauzy, the NCHART South Orange Rescue Chief. “That could be what we do tonight, we’ll see.” The night crew pilots wore night vision goggles to help with limited visibility. As Mauzy assessed the full blow of Hurricane Matthew on the area, he realized that people could compare it to Hurricane Floyd of 1999. Floyd is one of the reasons why the NCHART program was developed. “A bunch of [the residents] lived through Floyd and this has definitely been compared to Floyd,” said Mauzy. “It was worst in some places but it’s a significant amount of water, there’s no doubt about that.” “Some have had all of their belongings destroyed in the flood so most of them are just glad for any assistance to get out of immediate danger,” Mauzy continued. “I think a lot of them are probably still in shock.”

North Carolina National Guard Soldiers and Airmen have been activated since Oct. 6, 2016, in support of rescue and relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Matthew in North Carolina. Soldiers have partnered with NC Emergency Services and local first responders to rescue flood victims from the ground and by air. As flooding continues to be a problem there are currently more than 1100 NC Guardsnmen activated across central and Eastern North Carolina. Tarheel Guardsman

DEC 2016/JAN 2017 — Page 5


Several committees have mandatory requirements for committee membership and all committees require that you attend a majority of all duly called meetings in order to remain an active member of that committee. Budget restrictions dictate limiting the number of members on each committee; therefore, we are unable to place every member that wants to serve on a committee. However, every effort will be made to accommodate your request. The majority of all called meetings are usually held at the NCNGA Headquarters in Raleigh. These meetings are held during the day, usually at 10:30 a.m. and last one to two hours, depending upon the amount of work to be done. Members are reimbursed for meals and mileage from their HOR to the meeting site and return. For a full list of the responsibilities of the committess, please visit our website at

• • • •


You can convert your Group Term Policy to Whole Life policy at any time without proving insurability (Whole life rates are based on agethe younger you convert your insurance, the less expensive it is). You may apply for coverage of $7,500 for children (regardless of number), under the age of 18 for only $6.50 if purchased with parent’s Whole Life coverage. Remains in force until age 25, and can then be converted up to 5x the benefit amount to their own Whole Life policy. Whole Life coverage of $2,500 – $100,000 is available (rates based on age) May be purchased between the ages of 18 – 65 Premiums and coverage are level for the duration of the policy and accrues a cash value over time.

Please contact Rhonda Mooring for more information 919-851-3390 ext. 0

APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT NCNGA STANDING COMMITTEES If you are interested in participating on a committee this year, please fill out the following information below and for-

ward to the NCNGA Headquarters, 74l0 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607, no later than 28 February 2017, or turn in to the Registration Desk at the convention. (You can also scan and email the form to Name______________________________________


Home Address_____________________________City____________________State_____Zip________ Telephone No. (Home) ( Mobile (

) _____________________ (Business) (

) ________________________

) ______________________ Email Address: ______________________________________

Committee(s) you would like to serve on. Please indicate order of preference. ( ( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) ) ) )

By-Laws & Credentials Communications Convention Committee Finance Headquarters & Employees Legislative & Resolutions Membership & Benefits

( ) Please check if you plan to run for an Executive Council seat in the near future. ( ) I am interested in serving on an Educational Foundation committee. What is a convenient meeting time for you? _________________________

Page 6 — DEC 2016/JAN 2017

Tarheel Guardsman

Help Your Association Run for the NCNGA Executive Council! Qualifications to run for office: you must be a member of the North Carolina National Guard Association and have served on an active committee within the past five years (except Junior Council Members). If you are qualified (see above) and interested in being an important part of your Association, please complete the application below and email it to Cindy Basler (Staff Liaison for the Nominating & Credentials Committee) email . You can also mail this form to NCNGA 7410 Chapel Hill Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 or fax it to 919859-4990 attn: Cindy Basler. If you have any questions please contact her by email or at 919-851-3390 ext 1. 2017-2018 Application for Nomination Candidate for the Executive Council North Carolina National Guard Association

Indicate office you want to be considered for: ____President ____Vice-President ____ At-Large

Name Home Address City


Deadline for submitting applications: 15 February 2017


Home Telephone No.

Attach a list of your current/past committee and/or Executive Council involvement.

Business Telephone No. Unit Email address:

NCNGA Educational Foundation Fundraiser Raffle The North Carolina National Guard Association Educational Foundation will have a raffle with the Grand Prize of $2,000 and a second prize of $100.

Tickets $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 The drawing will be during the 2017 Convention (Winner assumes all responsibility for local, state & federal taxes)

WIN $4000!!

The NCNGA Educational Foundation will be holding a Reverse Drawing on Friday, March 17, 2017 @ 6:00 pm. at the Shallotte National Guard Armory 5050 Main St. South Brunswick, NC 28470 Tickets are $40 per couple & includes dinner for two The last ticket drawn is the winner! The first ticket drawn will receive $40 Every 25th ticket drawn after the first ticket will receive $50. And you do not have to be present to win!

Don’t miss a chance to win the Hardison Wagon in 2017. This not so little red wagon is filled with goodies, including adult beverages, goodies for all ages, lottery tickets and cash!

Only 300 tickets will be sold! Get your ticket(s) today!

To purchase a ticket(s), contact Ken Tyndall at the NCNGA Foundation Office 919-851-3390 ext. 5 or contact a member of the Board of Directors Proceeds go to the NCNGA Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund

Tarheel Guardsman

DEC 2016/JAN 2017 — Page 7

North Carolina National Guard Association 56th Annual Convention Our North Carolina National Guard Association and Time and Place Committee are proud to announce that this year’s 56th Annual Convention will be hosted at Sea Trail Resort in Sunset Beach between March 18th and 19th. It’s been a number of years since we have been at Sea Trail and the coast, so we are happy to bring it back by popular demand. With the great accommodations and amenities at the resort, we believe this year will surpass previous years’ attendance, so we encourage you to book early. A modification to this year’s convention is we have notified JFHQ of our dates to make sure we do not conflict with drills and other major events. To help even further, we have shifted the Membership Session to a Saturday and Sunday timeframe to minimize conflicts with those on a typical Monday-Friday work schedule. These slight modifications are results of our communication with our members across the State to maximize the potential for attendance and fun. We are currently wrapping up items like our agenda, entertainment and Convention theme. Once we have these locked in, we will post it on our Facebook page and Weekly Guardsman online newsletter. You can sign-up for these resources at We appreciate your support and encourage you to take full advantage of our Early Bird prices.

Photographer for Saturday Evening

Break-Out Sessions The Convention Planning Committee has been working hard to make this Convention one of the best yet. They have put together two break-out sessions. They will be: Photographs for the Saturday Evening event at Convention will be provided by James Shankle. Mr. Shankle provided the photographs for Saturday evening last year. Here is a list of his prices.

Blended Retirement & Financial Planning

Package A---$50----------2-8x10’s, 2-5x7’s and 8 wallets Package B---$40----------2-8x10’s and 2-5x7’s Package C---$30----------2-5x7’s and 8 wallets

We will have more information on these as we get closer to Convention. Please keep an eye on our website to see updates about the Convention.

He takes cash or checks. No credit cards. Page 8 — DEC 2016/JAN 2017

Tarheel Guardsman

NC National Guard Association

56th Annual Convention Registration Form Sea Trail Resort, Sunset Beach, NC

18-19 March 2017

Register Online at and click the Register Now button or complete form below *Required *Association *First **Registration will open on December 1, 2016** Member Convention *Registrant’s Name _______________________________________________ Yes No Yes No *Spouse/Guest Name _____________________________________________

Yes No

Yes No

IF there is a guest activity, would the guest like to attend? If so, there may be additional charges onsite for the activity.

_____ YES _____ NO *Address ________________________________________________________

*City__________________________________________ *State________ *Zip____________ *Telephone ____________________________*E-mail___________________________________________

*Attending Saturday Evening Event: Member: Yes No Spouse/Guest: Yes No

*Attending Membership Meeting: Member: Saturday Yes No Sunday Yes No

**No Refunds After 1 March 2017** Early Registration for MEMBERS (before 11 February 2017)

_____@ $50 =


Early Registration for NON-MEMBERS (before 11 February 2017)

_____@ $70 =


Registration for MEMBERS (11 February 2017 and after)

_____@ $60 =


Registration for NON-MEMBERS (11 February 2017 and after)

_____@ $80 =


Business Session Only

_____@ $0 =


Credit/Debit Card Fee

_____@ $3 =





Method of Payment: ____Check enclosed ____Charge my Credit/Debit Card **There will be a $23 returned check fee on returned items **There is a $3 processing charge for credit cards Card #________________________________ Expiration date ____________ Security code ______ Authorized Signature ________________________________________________________________

Complete & return to: NCNGA, 7410 Chapel Hill Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607 or Fax to 919-859-4990 or scan and email to Questions, please call 919-851-3390 ext 1

For Hotel Reservations:

Sea Trail Resort 75A Clubhouse Rd, Sunset Beach, NC 28468

Rooms Range from $83-$223 per night plus cleaning fee. Please see list and descriptions on next page for details. For floor plans and more detailed descriptions, please visit our website at Group rates are available three days prior and three days post event. Guests may contact the Reservations Department at 1-800-624-6601 no later than February 26, 2017. Please advise guests to identify themselves with NC National Guard Association in order to receive the group rate.

Tarheel Guardsman

DEC 2016/JAN 2017 — Page 9

Room Rates at Sea Trail for NCNGA 2017 56th Annual Convention RATES: Group rates are available three days prior and three days post event. Guests may contact the Reservations Department at 1-800-6246601 no later than February 26, 2017. Please advise guests to identify themselves with NC National Guard Association in order to receive the group rate. All units will have towels/linens and amenities in place in the unit upon arrival. For units that may not be equipped with washer/ dryers, a daily towel change service will be included in the stay. A one -time departure cleaning fee will be posted to each unit reservation and will vary based on the unit size. EXCLUSIVE GROUP RATES: Resort Mini Suite $83.00 plus tax per night and one- time departure clean/condo restock fee $30 300 sq. Feet - The resort mini suites offer a kitchenette complete with a microwave, coffee maker, and a refrigerator. These accommodations commonly feature two double beds. Rates include access to the Village Activity Center with indoor/outdoor pools, workout facility and sauna. Complimentary WIFI Premier Mini Suite $93.00 plus tax per night and one- time departure clean/condo restock fee $30.00 480 sq. Feet – The premier mini suites offer a kitchenette complete with a microwave, coffee maker, and a refrigerator. These mini suites typically feature two double or queen beds and all offer elevator access. Premier suites are just a short walk away from the Convention Center. Rates include access to the Village Activity Center, with indoor/outdoor pools, workout facility and sauna. Complimentary WIFI. Deluxe One Bedroom Villa $123.00 plus tax per night and one time departure clean /restock fee $35.00 860 to 1020 sq. Feet - The deluxe one bedroom villa is the most spacious one bedroom villa we offer. These villas include a living room with a separate dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, washer and dryer, iron and ironing board plus a private screened porch overlooking the resort’s natural surroundings. Deluxe one bedroom villas typically feature two double beds. Rates include access to the Village Activity Center, with indoor/outdoor pools, workout facility and sauna. Complimentary WIFI. Champion Premier One Bedroom Villa $133.00 plus tax per night and one time departure clean /restock fee $35.00 820 sq. Feet – The premier one bedroom villa offers a living room with a separate dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, washer and dryer, iron and ironing board plus a private porch overlooking the resort’s natural surroundings. These villas also include elevator access and are just a short walk away from the Convention Center. The bedroom features two queens or two double beds. Rates include access to the Village Activity Center, with indoor/outdoor pools, workout facility and sauna. Complimentary WIFI. Resort Two Bedroom Villa $163.00 plus tax per night and one time departure clean/restock fee $45.00 900 sq. Feet – The resort two bedroom villa is comprised of a resort one bedroom villa with a kitchen area and living room connecting to a guestroom with either 2 queens or 2 twin beds and its own separate bathroom. These villas also offer a private porch overlooking the resort’s natural surroundings. These villas are just a short walk away from the pools and Activity Center. Rates include access to the Village Activity Center, with indoor/outdoor pools, workout facility and sauna. Complimentary WIFI. Premier Two Bedroom Villa $173.00 plus tax per night and one time departure clean/restock fee $45.00 1300 sq. Feet – The premier two bedroom villa offers a spacious living room with a separate dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, washer and dryer, iron and ironing board. Bedrooms commonly have two double beds in each room. The villas also feature a private porch overlooking the resort’s natural surroundings, elevator access, and are just a short walk away from the Convention Center. Rates include access to the Village Activity Center, with indoor/outdoor pools, workout facility and sauna. Complimentary WIFI. Club Villas Resort Three Bedroom Villa $193.00 plus tax per night and one time departure clean/restock fee $60 2020 sq. Feet The Three Bedroom Villas offer a spacious living room with a separate dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, washer and dryer, iron and ironing board. Each bedroom features a King, a Queen or two double beds with a private bathroom. The villa also features a private porch overlooking the resort’s natural surroundings. Rates include access to the Village Activity Center, with indoor/outdoor pools, workout facility and sauna. Complimentary WIFI. Club Villas Resort Four Bedroom Villa $223.00 plus tax per night and one time departure clean/restock fee $75.00 2320 sq. Feet - The Four Bedroom Villas offer a spacious living room with a separate dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, washer and dryer, iron and ironing board. Each bedroom features a King, a Queen or two double beds with a private bathroom. The villa also features a private porch overlooking the resort’s natural surroundings. The villas are individually decorated to provide a unique experience for your stay. Rates include access to the Village Activity Center, with indoor/outdoor pools, workout facility and sauna. Complimentary WIFI

Rates are per unit per night. Above rates are subject to NC State Tax (6.75%) and Local Occupancy Tax (6%). Tax rates may change pursuant to North Carolina State and Local Laws. If reservist paying with government credit cards indicating tax exempt, they will be state tax exempt. Group Rates Individual call in and individual payment basis. Above rates are net non-commissionable, before state and local taxes

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Tarheel Guardsman


“The following North Carolina Army National Guard Officers participated in and successfully finished the 2016 PPD IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 North Carolina Races , presented by New Hanover Regional Medical Center. The event took place in Wilmington, NC on October 22, 2016. CPT Robert Heim from 130th MEB and MAJ Roger Diaz from MED DET completed the Ironman 70.3 Event. MAJ Samuel Meyers from MED DET, LTC William Gray from JFHQ-NC-HHD, and Chaplain James Watters from 252D ARM REG completed the full distance Ironman Event. Much appreciation goes to our families, friends, and Unit Leadership for their support and flexibility during the past training months.”

Left MAJ Roger Diaz - Right CPT Robert Heim

Left LTC William Gray - Right CPT James Watters

2016 Tar Heel Homecoming For those attending this year’s Homecoming, please consider bringing items from your service to donate to the North Carolina National Guard Museum. Not only will this make your spouses happy by clearing out space at home, but it will also ensure your legacy within the North Carolina National Guard. The Museum needs items big and small, from weapons and large caliber training rounds, to footgear, photos, patches and pins. Soldiers of the 130th Military History Detachment will also be on hand to conduct oral interviews with any of our former service members. These oral histories are crucial to our institution, as they capture important information about personalities, periods of service, and units that would not otherwise be found in print, and are vitally important to preserving our military culture and achievements. For questions, please contact SGT Gary Spencer, curator, at 984-664-6544 or email at

Tarheel Guardsman

SGT Johnson is Awarded ACES Award for the 105th Engineer Battalion


ergeant William Brian Johnson is the recipient of the 2016 Army Combat Engineer Sergeants (ACES) award for th the 105 Engineer Battalion of the North Carolina Army National Guard. He is assigned to HHC 105th Engineer Battalion in Raeford, NC. SGT Johnson was nominated for this prestigious award by his chain of command for his outstanding performance as a Combat Engineer Squad Leader for the 105th Engineer Battalion. SGT Johnson completed the Basic Leadership Course at Eastover, SC in 2013. He also completed the Army National Guard Battalion Career Counselor Course at Camp Joseph T. Robinson in 2014, and is assigned as the Unit Career Counselor for HHC 105th ENGR BN. The Army Combat Engineer Sergeants (ACES) award is a component of the US Army Engineer Regimental Award Program and is administered for the Engineer Regiment by the Army Engineer Association (AEA). This award is an annual recognition for an Engineer Squad Leader/Section Sergeant deemed to be the best in his/her Engineer Battalion. Selection is made by the Command Team of Battalion Commander, Company Commander/Detachment Commander and Battalion Command Sergeant Major, First Sergeant/ Detachment NCOIC. The ACES award was conceived in concept and initiated in 1995 by COL (Ret) Leon “Moose” Albin. Colonel Albin started his Army career in 1932 in the National Guard. He was rapidly promoted to the grade of Master Sergeant. Receiving a commission as a Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers at the start of the Second World War, he served with distinction in the Pacific Theater of operations and was recognized as one of the most capable combat Engineers to come out of that conflict. He has commanded the 1st, 17th, and 547th Engineer Battalions. Impressive field and command experience led him to become one of the Corps of Engineers experts on doctrine and equipment development. Following his retirement from military service and then entry into Department of the Army Civilian service during the Vietnam War, his Army Engineering achievements continued. Colonel Albin remained a tireless volunteer Director with the AEA until his death in October 1998. Colonel Albin’s considerable time as an Engineer Commander convinced him that a unit’s reputation and combat effectiveness will depend upon the abilities of the Squad Leaders to accomplish the mission and take care of the soldiers. AEA sponsorship of the program has been supplemented by support from OSKOSH TRUCK Corporation starting in 1999.

DEC 2016/JAN 2017 — Page 11

“4th Annual Staff Sergeant Mike Sherrill Memorial NCNGA Educational Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament – In Honor of SFC Neal Nethery Retirement” Format: 4 Man Scramble / Captain’s Choice Where: Lincoln Country Club When: Monday, 24 April 2017 Time: 10:00 Shotgun Start Entry Fee: $60.00 per individual Please make plans to join us on Monday, 24 April 2017 at The Lincoln Country Club for our 4th Annual Staff Sergeant Mike Sherrill Memorial Golf Tournament Fundraiser. This year’s tournament honors SFC Neal Nethery’ s retirement from the NCARNG. SFC Nethery has been a long time supporter of the NCNGAEF and will retire in March 2017. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit the North Carolina National Guard Association Educational Foundation (NCNGAEF). The first $1000 raised will go to our 505ECB SSG Mike Sherrill Memorial Scholarship NCNGAEF Fund for the annual scholarship. $500 will be dedicated to the purchase of a brick in the NCNGAEF Walk of Honor in Raleigh in honor of SFC Nethery. All additional funds raised will go to the NCNGAEF General Endowment Fund. We also will be doing a 50/50 raffle at the tournament. Entry fee includes golf, cart, beverages, lunch, door prize tickets, and 2 mulligans. Tickets will be put into the raffle box for door prizes when entry fee is paid. Lunch will be served during the round. Prizes will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place teams. All par 3’s will have a closest to the pin prize and we will also have a long drive prize. Hole sponsorships may be purchased for a $50.00 donation and will include a sign on the course. Fees and donations are tax deductible. Sign up as a foursome or individuals will be paired up. Please make checks payable to Donnie Mote, and mailed to 7846 Adeline Lane, Sherrills Ford, NC 28673. The address for the golf course is The Lincoln Country Club, 2052 Country Club Road, Lincolnton, NC 28092. Phone = (704) 735-1382. Contact Reggie Hill or Donnie Mote with any questions. Player A____ Player B____ Player C____ Player D____

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

9th Annual NCNGAEF Golf Fundraiser for the Len Adams Memorial Scholarship Fund The 130th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade and the 505th Engineer Battalion hosted the 9th Annual Len Adams Memorial Scholarship Fund golf tournament fundraiser on 26 September 2016 at River Oaks Country Club in Statesville, NC. This tournament was held in honor of SFC Russell Thorington for his upcoming retirement. Len was an avid supporter of the North Carolina National Guard Association and the Education Foundation. Len passed away on January 23rd, 2005 while deployed with HHC 105th MP BN to Camp Bucca, Iraq. Proceeds from this tournament will benefit the North Carolina National Guard Association Educational Foundation (NCNGAEF). $1000 was also raised for the Len Adams Scholarship. $500 will go towards the purchase of a brick in the NCNGAEF Walk of Honor to commemorate SFC Russell Thorington’s service to the NCNG. The remaining funds raised will go to the NCNGAEF Endowment Fund. Congratulations to the First Place Team of Brad Adams (Len’s Brother), Bobby Adams (Len’s Brother), Steve Champion, and Jeff Cashin. The last place team was awarded the traditional bobble-head trophies: Brandon McFaddin, Matthew Pelusi, Michael Shipley, and Josh Price. Thanks to the hole sponsors for this year’s tournament: Co B (-) 505th En Bn – Kings Mountain, CSM Reggie Hill, 105th

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Mp Bn – Asheville, NC, MAJ Frank Poovey, Mama T, Randall Jones, 878th En Co – Kings Mountain, NC, MAJ Greg Snipes, 171st En Co – Saint Pauls, NC, SGM Randy Ly, 113th Sustainment Brigade – Greensboro, NC, Company A (FSC) 505th En Bn – Gastonia, and 875th En Co (Horz) - North Pictured left to right are this Wilkesboro. year’s 1St Place Team: Steve Thanks to this year’s Champion, Jeff Cashin, Bobby sponsors of the tournament: Adams (Len’s Brother), and Standard Distributors of Brad Adams (Len’s brother) Gastonia, Dick’s Sporting Goods – Mooresville. A special thanks goes to Randall Jones for his donations. The 130th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade and the 505th Engineer Battalion is now planning their next NCNGAEF Fundraiser for the 4th Annual Mike Sherrill Memorial Scholarship Tournament at the Lincoln Country Club in Lincolnton, NC on April 24, 2016. This tournament will be in honor of SFC Neal Nethery on his upcoming retirement.

Tarheel Guardsman


NCNG Partners with the USO to conduct Warrior Reset Training The United Service Organization or USO conducted Warrior Reset Training for North Carolina Guard members this past fall in order to help educate and train service members on resiliency methods and improve unit readiness. As the North Carolina National Guard remains engaged in the longest period of combat operations in the Nation’s history, the persistent nature of conflict during this period had tested the capabilities and fortitude of our Guardsmen and the National Guard as an institution. Our National Guard Service Members have operated at a high operational tempo both at home and abroad for many years and upon returning from deployments they have faced many personal, and professional challenges. The North Carolina National Guard leadership recognizes the impact this has had on our Soldiers and Airmen as well as their Families and seeks to provide the necessary resources to strengthen our National Guard community. This partnership program focused on Resiliency, Outdoor Assisted Learning (Horticulture), Fitness, PTSD/ TBI, Suicide and Substance Abuse, Nutrition and Health, Spirituality/Hope, Effective Communications, Leadership and Financial literacy. Set in idealistic locations such as the Portofino Equestrian Center in Clayton, NC and the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens in Fayetteville, NC it was the goal of the USO to take military members out of their everyday stressors of work and home life and place them in positive, stress free environments that encouraged personal growth and rest. “Part of the appeal and ultimately the benefit of this particular program is that you are “forced” to take a timeout from your daily stressors,” said Captain Brooks Peele of the 156th Weather Flight, 145th Air Wing, North Carolina National Guard, “and for 3 Lt. Col Raymond “Ray” days I was on military Schrump speaking at the Warrior orders and away from Reset Event November 2016 my civilian job - my only task was to sit, be in the moment and learn something. I thought this was a great event put on by a great organization.” Captain Peele attended the Warrior Reset held at the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens and believes that programs like these saves marriages. Fellow Air Guard member, Captain Phanat Senesourinh said, “At first I was skeptical but as the event unfolded it turned out to be great; my wife really enjoyed the event and we received more out of this together as a family then we expected.” The three day event included the 4 Lenses Assessment; a color designated personality assessment much like the Myers-Briggs personality assessment that can help people understand personalities for workplace and home life success. It states that conflict is a natural product of any relationship but the key to successful conflict resolution is to understand the values, motivations, and various ways of communication people use; when you understand the temperaments of those involved in the interaction this gives you, the leader, an advantage to a positive conflict resolution outcome. Not all sessions were in the classroom. Brad

Tarheel Guardsman

Robinson, wellness professional and owner of KaiZenergy International, conducted morning physical wellness training and yoga while Amy Stidham introduced Therapeutic Horticulture & Nature-Based Outdoor Therapy on the grounds of the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens. Sergeant Tanika Smith, 2-130th AOB, NCNG said she plans on sharing her outdoor experience with her children as both a way to slow down, reduce stress and educate them about nature, where our food comes from and healthy eating. She added, “Juggling work, three children and my duties as a Guard member can be stressful at times and this program taught me several ways on how I can reduce that stress or handle that stress better. I am going to suggest this training to several of my Soldiers when I get back to the unit,” she said with a determined look. The most inspirational session of the training was when Lt. Col. Raymond “Ray” Schrump (retired) of Moore County took the floor to talk to the group about leadership and resiliency. He enlisted in the Army in 1949 and began his talk with, “my introduction to the Army was by a judge,” he said with a grin. He was singled out quickly because of his strive to “do the right thing,” and made Sergeant First Class by the age of 19. He served in combat in the Korean War and sustained serious injuries from an ambush in which he remained in an Army hospital in Tokyo for nearly a year. After returning to the states he was assigned as a jump school instructor in a training battalion where he was “volun-told” to attend Officer Candidate School by his battalion commander. After serving as a company commander as a 1st Lieutenant, he completed Airborne and Ranger Schools where he served with the 7th Cavalry in South Korea. Upon returning to Ft. Bragg he received training with Companies A, 6th and 7th Special Forces group before deploying to Vietnam. In 1968 a U.S light infantry unit was ambushed near his base and while he and his men were retrieving survivors he was shot in the right shoulder and taken prisoner. He spent nearly five years as a prisoner of war. He shared with the group what he believed was his key to success as a leader and as a POW survivor, “Early on the military was my family and with that came love for my fellow Soldiers,” he said. Later he added that his best advice to be a leader is to, “…truly care for your people and make sure you mean it because your actions speak louder than words.” His resiliency to survive was about love as well; the love for his wife and sons. He kept them in the forefront of his thoughts and even when he wasted away to 87 pounds he still fought to live so he could see them again. In 1973, Maj. Schrump was released from a POW camp and returned home to his family. “It’s still hard to talk about,” he said as the audience stood to an applause, “but know that I love each and every single one of you,” he added, “…it’s the your choice to decide how you’re going to look at each situation you find yourself in; it’s your choice and yours alone. Leadership is about loving those around you and loving life; if you do that then people will follow you anywhere.” Future USO sponsored Warrior Reset training events will be available and can be attended directly through the North Carolina USO website or through partnership training events such as the NCNG / USO partnered Warrior Reset Training scheduled in 2017. These events are FREE to attend which can include lodging if you meet the requirements. Contact MSG Robert Tabares at or your unit leadership for more information. Meet your Transition Assistance Team Retired Command Sergeant Major Andrew Jackson and Sergeant First Class Khan Eakin, comprise this unique team located in the Soldier Support Section of G1 in the North Carolina National Guard, Joint Force Headquarters. The Transition Assistance Advisor provides assistance to all military members who may need assistance with navigating the VA system, preparing for separation and educating Soldiers about the resources available to them in the Soldier Support Services of the North Carolina National Guard. Together they can provide overall direction to any Soldier and military Family in need of resources, benefits or transitioning through any of life’s challenges. Visit either website on NC GKO or the NC National Guard Website or contact their office at 984-664-6573.

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American Equity Policy Service Form North Carolina National Guard Association 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047 919-851-3390 BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION

I (we) ask the beneficiary of the above policy be changed as shown below. All prior beneficiary designations are revoked. I (we) agree that the Company is free from liability in relying on a statement about birth, death, marriage, names, addresses and other facts concerning all beneficiaries from any other one. Unless otherwise stated, the survivors of a beneficiary class share equal amounts of the proceeds. I would like to change my Beneficiary on my Group Life Policy to: List beneficiary’s full name and address

___________________________________ ___________________________________

Relationship To insured

Date of Birth

 Relationship To insured

Date of Birth

______________ ______________

List beneficiary’s full name and address

___________________________________ ___________________________________

______________ ______________

___/___/___ ___/___/___

___/___/___ ___/___/___

% of Proceeds

____ ____

% of Proceeds

____ ____

If none of the above are living or this designation is ineffective proceeds will be paid to the insured’s estate. If you name a Trust as the Beneficiary, submit a copy of the trust for our file. ************************************************************************************************************************************** Unless the Company has been notified of a community property interest in this policy, the Company shall be entitled to rely on its good faith belief that no such interest exists and assumes no responsibility for inquiry. The insured and/or policy owner signing this form agrees to indemnify and hold the Company harmless from the consequences of accepting this transaction.

************************************************************************************************************************************** 1. NAME CHANGE: Insured Only Former Name __________________________ New Name______________________ Date Named Changed ___/___/___ Reason _____________________________________ ************************************************************************************************************************************** 2. ADDRESS CHANGE: Owner Insured _____________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Code

EMAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________________

************************************************************************************************************************************** 3. LOST POLICY REQUEST: ____ I am unable to find the policy named above. I request that the company issue a Certificate, which validates all of the provisions of the last Policy. ************************************************************************************************************************************** __________________________________ ____________________________ ___/___/___ Signature of Witness (someone other than beneficiary)

Signature of Insured Member

Member’s Name: ____________________________


Member’s SSN: ______-____ -__________

(Please Print)

************************************************************************************************************************************** The Company has recorded the change requested and retained a photocopy of the request. Date ___/___/___ By __________ If you have questions, please call 919-851-3390 ext 0

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Tarheel Guardsman

RETIREE CORNER: The U.S Uniformed Services Blended Retirement System

NCNGA Retiree Network

Written by MSG Gwendolyn Williams, G1 Soldier Support Services

In FY16 the National Defense Authorization Act provides our military force with a modernized retirement plan built for retirement savings beginning in 2018. Our service members can get automated and matching Thrift Savings Plan contributions as well as mid-career compensation incentives in addition to monthly annuities for life. All service members under the currently system are grandfathered into today’s retirement system. Anyone who entered the military after 31 December 2017 will automatically be enrolled in the Blended Retirement System effective 1 January 2018. Anyone who entered the military before 1 January 2006 will be grandfathered and remain in today’s current retirement system. Service member who entered in the military after 31 December 2005 (1 January 2006) but before 1 January 2018 (31 December 2017) will have the choice to enroll in the Blended Retirement system or remain in today’s current retirement system. Period of service 1 January 2006 thru 31 December 2017. Active Components members with fewer than 12 years of service and RC members with fewer than 4,320 retirement points will be eligible to opt-in to BRS or remain under the current retirement system. Eligible members must opt-in to the new system during calendar year 2018. Planning is still evolving for RC. Financial and benefits education will be provided to all members. The opt-in decision is a personal one; made only by the member. Remember, your role as a leader is to provide knowledge and access to education, but NOT TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC FINANCIAL ADVICE. Website can be found on JKO at

If you are retired from NC Air Guard or Army Guard and interested in working for a worthwhile program, the NCNGA Retiree Network may be for you. As part of the Retiree Network, you will have the opportunity to visit units, inform the Soldiers and Airmen of the many legislative accomplishments we have been able to help secure for them as well as go over current initiatives and benefits we provide. Our Retiree Network representatives visit units during their weekend drill and present the benefits of becoming and staying a member of the Association. After a possible brief presentation, they check membership records-ensuring we have the current contact information- whether life/annual members or insured members (also verifying coverage and beneficiaries). Retiree Network representatives are compensated for their time and travel expenses. For more information, please contact Rhonda Mooring with NCNGA 919-851-3390 ext. 0

In Memoriam

Listed below are those members (and non-members), spouses and dependent children that have recently passed away. If we have missed someone, please contact the Editor, Katie Westbrooks at or 919-851-3390 ext 2. Barbara S Rhodes Spouse of Linwood W Rhodes Garner, NC July 29, 2016 Franklin D. Mack Charlotte, NC August 20, 2016 John W. Vestal Lewisville, NC September 6, 2016 Faye M. Andrews Spouse of William F. Andrews Mt. Olive, NC September 10, 2016 Cary H. Whitaker, III Rocky Mount, NC September 26, 2016 Tarheel Guardsman

Judy Croom Spouse of Horace Croom Kinston, NC October 1, 2016 Rudolph Long Old Fort, NC October 1, 2016 Leon A. Gosnell Smyrna, NC October 2, 2016 Cynthia A. Riddick Spouse of Patrick Riddick Clayton, NC October 3, 2016

Solomon Hickmond Son of Cassandra Liles Garland, NC October 7, 2016 Willard B. Litchfield Washington, NC October 7, 2016 Phillip W. Barker Clayton, NC October 10, 2016 Dennis L.O. Mock Winston-Salem, NC October 18, 2016 Ronnie R. Hunt, Sr. Thomasville, NC October 20, 2016

Bobby R. Dowless Monroe, NC November 3, 2016

Myrtle Whaley Spouse/Mother/ Grandmother of NCNGA members Raleigh, NC October 26, 2016

Paul Vincent Roanoke Rapids, NC November 5, 2016

Donald F. Fryar China Grove, NC October 27, 2016

Theodore A. Molchan Angier, NC November 8, 2016

Philip Ellis Stanley, NC October 29, 2016

Harper J. Ferguson, Jr. Charlotte, NC November 10, 2016

Freddie Haney Gastonia, NC October 30, 2016

Caledin Wylupek Franklin, NC November 11, 2016

Robert Ellerbe, Jr. Laurinburg, NC November 2, 2016

Roy W. Howard Landis, NC November 13, 2016

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Tarheel Guardsman NC National Guard Assoc. 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047

Periodicals U. S. Postage PAID Raleigh, NC

How to reach us: 919-851-3390 - email - website


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Staff and Executive Council of the North Carolina National Guard Association

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