February /March 2015
Please join us for the 2015 NCNGA and NCNG Combined Event!
Please look inside to see all of the new and exciting events that are taking place at this year’s event!
Make your reservations early! Rooms are limited and the cut-off is 14 February 2015. (See NCNGA website (www.ncnga.org) for registration and hotel information including links to the hotels.)
Leader’s Corner
Assistant Adjutant General Maneuver BG James Ernst
NC National Guard Contact Information Email: ng.nc.ncarng.mbx.pao@mail.mil NC Adjutant General – MG Greg Lusk Maj. Gen. Greg Lusk: http://www.facebook.com/ NCAdjutantGeneral http://twitter.com/NCTAG NC Assistant Adjutant General Air – Brig. Gen. Roger E. Williams: http://facebook.com/NCAirAAG http://twitter.com/NCAirAAG NC Command Chief Warrant Officer Rick Comer: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ NC-Command-Chief-WarrantOfficer/261726843901458 http://www.twitter.com/NCCWO Command Senior Enlisted Leader CSM John Swart: http://www.facebook.com/NCCSM http://twitter.com/NCSCSM NC Command Chief Master Sergeant Chief Master Sgt. Bruce Pickett: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ NC-State-Command-Chief- MasterSergeant/330777956943662 http://www.twitter.com/ NCCmdChief
t is an exciting time to be a member of the North Carolina National Guard and I would like to briefly highlight some events that our maneuver team will be engaged in this year. These training events continue to ensure that the North Carolina National Guard can generate and sustain decisive land forces overseas as well as responsive domestic support here at home. I am humbled by the amount of work and dedication that our Guardsmen put forth into our organization and the level of commitment that is displayed to State and Nation. The 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team continues to be engaged across the globe in mobilizations that will see units both engaged in the European and Central Command theaters of operations. The 1st Battalion, 120th Infantry assumed a training mission in Jordan from an active duty unit just after Thanksgiving. They are performing an important mission by conducting security cooperation with our Middle East Allies. Later in the year, the 30th ABCT headquarters will mobilize a Military Engagement Team for Central Command and a brigade headquarters for KFOR-20 based in Kosovo. The Military Engagement Team or MET will conduct security cooperation missions for Central Command while the brigade headquarters will provide command and control for a NATO led peacekeeping mission in European Command. 1st Battalion, 252 Armor will accompany the brigade headquarters on this mission and monitor the peace process from within Kosovo. 1st Battalion, 113th Field Artillery will mobilize a reinforced battery to secure U.S. military interests in Baharain while the 30th Special Troops Battalion will mobilize a platoon size element to assist in the support structure of Army Central Command, located in Kuwait. While mobilizing over 800 soldiers in Training Year 2015, the 30th still has well over 2,000 soldiers to train in our ready year. Over the next year, the brigade will conduct both Abrams and Bradley gunnery at Fort Bragg, as well as a Brigade Support Area relocation exercise, the first since 2003. In the summer of 2015, a mortar platoon will conduct a Mortar Live Fire exercise with our state partners, Moldova, in their own country. The 30th will also provide numerous participants to the Vigilant Guard exercise to improve our domestic operations and readiness here at home to protect the lives and property of North Carolinians. Old Hickory will continue to train and stand ready to answer any call at home or overseas as the unit has done since 1917. The 449 Theater Aviation Brigade headquarters will participate in a Corps Warfigher, at Fort Hood, Texas in late May to early June, where the brigade headquarters will provide command, control, planning, and supervision of Theater Aviation Operations. In their available year, the 1-130 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion is preparing for aerial gunnery during annual training in April, along with joint exercises with internal and external partners culminating in a joint combined air-ground integration multi-state exercise: Operation Carolina Thunder II in August. The 449th will continue to support active duty brigade combat teams and Joint Special Operations Command with close combat attack training events and future life fire exercises. DET 1 B Company 638 Aviation Support Battalion will deploy to Kuwait in January to provide intermediate level aviation maintenance support with 25 Soldiers. C/1-131 Assault continues to support the NC Helo-Aquatic Rescue Team (NC HART) with monthly training and remaining ‘Always Ready’ for NC HART missions. They will conduct Annual Training with their parent battalion, the 1-131 Assault from the Alabama National Guard and continue their historic relationship with continuing to support for Operation Robin Sage, MEDCOM, and other Special Forces aviation requirements at Fort Bragg. DET 1 B Company 2-151 Security and Support continues to support the NC HeloAquatic Rescue Team (NC HART) and will conduct year round Annual Training providing aviation support including Drug Interdiction, aerial reconnaissance, aerial search and rescue, and aviation lift support. DET 17 Operational Support Airlift continues to support the Joint Operational Support Airlift Command (JOSAC) with fixed wing aviation lift support and is preparing for deployment to Kuwait in FY-16, where they will partner with the C-26 DET from the Colorado National Guard. 430 and 677 Firefighting Teams have an aggressive year of training and exercises planned and are the parent units of the newest Domestic Operations Force Package within the brigade. As you can tell our combat maneuver units have an aggressive and full workload. I have full confidence in our team to accomplish all of these tasks and to bring the lessons learned back here to North Carolina to continue the tradition of the Always Ready Team.
Page 2 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2014/January 2015
Official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association FEBRUARY/MARCH 2015 Volume 49
Contents: NCNGA:
Convention Information 6,7 Application for Office 8 Application for Standing Committee 9 Educational Foundation Golf Tournament Application 11 In Memoriam List 13
NC National Guard: 1450th and 1-120th Deploy Leader’s of NCNG do a 360 Soldiers Honored for Valor in Afghanistan Officers President Bobby Lumsden Vice President Brent Orr Past President Ronnie Honeycutt Secretary-Treasurer Craig Lloyd Judge Advocate Rick Fay Chaplain K. Carl Singley
STAFF Executive Director Craig Lloyd Associate Director Cindy Basler Associate Insurance Administrator Rhonda Arndt Associate Financial/ Membership Administrator Katie Westbrooks NCNGA Educational Foundation Administrator Peggy Robinson Katie Westbrooks, Editor www.ncnga.org
12 14 15
Number 1
NCNGA Insured Members — Have YOU Checked Your Beneficiary Lately? Have you had a change in your marital status? Do you know who you have designated as your beneficiary? Active Guardsman & Airmen it is a great time to review your benefits and make increases. Contact us at 919-851-3390
Executive Council 30th HBCT Shane Evans Scott Schnack 130th MEB Robert Holland Mark McMahan 60th Troop Command Velma Evans Jack Midyette III 449th TAB Patrick Szvetitz Mark VanVeldhuizen 113th Sustainment BDE Miriam Gray Randy Ly JFHQ-NC Steven Johnson Reginald Hooker 139th Regiment (CA) James McKee Norman Walls Air Guard Barbara Doncaster Tamvaria Walker Junior Council Timothy Stanhope Jeremy Davis Associate Class John Eudy Danielle Hodges
Deadline for submitting articles to the Tarheel Guardsman: APR/MAY ‘15 issue: 2 MAR 2015 Send articles/photos to Katie Westbrooks, Editor at: (katie@ncnga.org)
Address changes or questions? Call us at 919-851-3390. Our email address is info@ncnga.org and our web site is www.ncnga.org The Tarheel Guardsman, (ISSN 10618392) is published bi-monthly for the Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina, by the North Carolina National Guard Association, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676-9651. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tarheel Guardsman, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. The Tarheel Guardsman is the official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association, a non-profit organization. The publication’s mission is to promote the general welfare of the NCNGA, assist in increasing the readiness of the NC Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina and serve as a vehicle of expression for members of the National Guard. Members receive the publication free with their membership. The annual subscription rate for non-members of the Association is $15.00. Please include your old address when requesting change of address. Deadline for submitted material to the Tarheel Guardsman is the 5th of the month, two months preceding the calendar date of issue. Manuscripts and photographs on subjects of general interest are invited. Unless otherwise indicated, material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the Tarheel Guardsman and the author where listed. Articles and photos will not be returned, unless requested. (USPS 533-640) Advertising is accepted. For details contact the Association headquarters. Advertising, including political ads, published in this publication does not represent the endorsement or approval of the North Carolina National Guard Association.
Tarheel Guardsman — February / March 2015 — Page 3
President’s Report Friends and Fellow Members, I hope that each of you have emerged from the Holiday Season with a sense of renewed purpose and you are ready to hit the ground running this year. Your Association Officers and Staff have hit the ground running so far this year and we are excited about all of the things to come. We are busy preparing for the Convention and Military Ball coming up in March. We are so excited to present to you all of the things that we have worked on over the last two years. The theme for this year's event is so adequetely name, "Accelerating into the Future," because that is what we are doing. We are so excited to see all of you this year and tell you all the wonderful things we have in store. In addition to releasing the new Strategic Plan for the Assocation, we have been hard at work trying to determine new benefits to offer our members. We hope to have some of these ready to announce this year during the convention as well. We do need your help in this endeavor. Please take the time to go to our webpage and complete the benefits survey. This will help us ensure that we are meeting the needs of all of our members. In closing, we hope you are looking forward to the Convention and Combined Ball in March. Please take the time now to register if you haven't done so. I hope that each one of you have an absolutely wonderful new year, and come out to the convention to network and let your voice be heard.
NCNGA President Bobby Lumsden
Sincerely, Bobby E. Lumsden President
NCNGA Hosts A Word From Our Membership Drive Executive Director...
Our association recently hosted a very successful membership drive in December. The campaign included a daily focus on different aspects of our Association and our benefits. We distributed new promotional materials across the State spotlighting the advantages of membership in our Association as well as NGAUS and EANGUS. With assistance from our Unit Reps and NCNGA staff, under the leadership of our Membership Committee Chairman Bernie Williford, the drive resulted in an increase in individual memberships, increases in insurance policy coverage and new Corporate and “Friends of the Guard” members.
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and ready for a great new year. Your Association has been working hard behind the scenes to continue to enhance our organization. Our recent membership drive was a huge success by attracting new members and allowing us to spotlight some of our key benefits to existing members. We continue to research and develop new benefits, services and programs to increase your return-on-investment. Insight gathered from our recent membership survey helps us evaluate the benefits you see most important as well as acts as a guide in identifying potential new benefits. We have decided to leave the survey up on our website for an additional month and encourage you to take a moment and give us your input. Our annual Convention and Combined Ball is full speed ahead. We encourage you to visit our website for up to the minute updates, schedules and details related to the events. As of the day of this publication, we still have open registration as well as rooms in our designated hotels. Enhancements to this year’s event include a much larger ball room, new breakout sessions, a streamlined business session and new entertainment options. A top goal this year is to increase participation in our Convention/ business session. This session is the heart of our organization’s strategic planning from our Executive Council election to setting and modifying our policies and procedures to become a more efficient and effective organization. We hope you will show your support by participating in this very important opportunity. We will again be offering amazing door prizes for those in attendance of the business session. Prizes include race tickets, trips and great gifts. The excitement around this year’s events has been buzzing from one end of the State to the other and we look forward to seeing each of you. Thank you Craig Lloyd, Executive Director
Page 4 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2014/January 2015
Command Sgt Maj. William Creech Retires
Announcing a New Benefit for Technicians! OPEN ENROLLMENT 2 March - 30 April 2015 TECHNICIANS INSURANCE PROGRAM –Disability Insurance for Technicians the only plan endorsed by the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) and Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the U.S. (EANGUS). As a NEW Technician, you are GUARANTEED protection with NO health questions, if you apply during your first 31 days of employment or if you apply during an official enrollment. We will be conducting an Open Enrollment period for ALL Technicians between 2 March 2015 and 30 April 2015.
Tarheel Homecoming Command Sgt. Maj. William Creech was honored for his more than 41 years of service in a retirement ceremony at Joint Force Headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina on Dec. 2, 2014. More than 35 of those years were spent serving in the North Carolina National Guard. Creech deployed in support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm with the 213th Military Police Co. in 1990, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom with the 105th MP Battalion in 2005 and in support of Operation Enduring Freedom with the 105th MPs in 2009. Creech has served as a military police officer, a logistician and an engineer over the course of his career.
Blast from the Past...
Above is a copy of the original NCNGA logo that was designed by a MSgt Webber an AST working in Asheville. The logo was recently rediscovered by Bob Cassell off the back of a 1961 pamphlet of the " The Flag and Flag Etiquette" distributed by the Association. Bob was also the designer of the current NCNGA logo concept with the eagle and outline of the State. www.ncnga.org
The annual Tarheel Homecoming was held in December at Joint Forces Headquarters. The event included a Retiree breakfast, exhibits and info booths from a variety of organizations including the NCNGA. Our Association was also given an opportunity to speak at this year’s event in which we were able to spotlight our programs and services to a great crowd.
Sheriff Sam Page
Article by: 1LT Kevin Herbin Photo by: SFC Thomas Powell
Rockingham County Sheriff, Sam Page completed a 14,000 foot tandem jump with the All Veterans Parachute Team based out of Raeford, NC on August 18, 2014. Sheriff Page took on this challenge as a way to help raise money for the Special Olympics of North Carolina. Local businesses rallied together to raise over $2500 for efforts. The Rockingham county sheriff is a big supporter of Special Olympics and the armed forces. Once he received his jump suit for the event, Sheriff Page stopped by the Reidsville armory to obtain a patch to pay tribute to his favorite unit in the North Carolina National Guard. This armory is home to the 732nd Forward Support Company, part of 5-113th Field Artillery Battalion. The 732nd FSC is a big supporter of the Special Olympics here in Rockingham County, especially the annual spring games conducted at Rockingham County High School. The National Guard is represented very well by the Soldiers of the 732nd. The children and their families are always telling Soldiers at the events how much they appreciate what the National Guard does for the Special Olympics.
Tarheel Guardsman — February / March 2015 — Page 5
NC National Guard Association & NCNG Combined Event Registration Embassy Suites, 5400 John Q Hammonds Drive, Concord, NC 12-14 MARCH 2015
*Required *Rank *Registrant’s Name _____________________________________ __________
*Association *First Member Convention Yes No Yes No
*Spouse/Guest Name ___________________________________ __________
Yes No
*Address ________________________________________________________
Yes No
*City_______________________________ *State________ *Zip____________ _____________________ *Telephone ____________________________*E-mail___________________________________________
COMBINED EVENT REGISTRATION FEES *FREE PARKING* Retirees & Spouse/Guest (based on rank at retirement)
By 31 JAN Per person
*After 1 FEB Per person
E1-E4 & Spouse/Guest
E5-E7/WO1-CW2/ O1-O2 & Spouse/Guest
All other ranks & Spouse/Guest
(meal only)
TOTAL **We are unable to accept registration(s) AFTER 27 FEBRUARY 2015
*Saturday Dinner Choices Attendee: Beef
Spouse/Guest: Beef
Chicken Chicken Vegetarian Vegetarian Not attending Not attending dinner
*Attending Business Session: Member: Friday Yes No Saturday Yes No $
No Refunds After 27 Februray 2015
*Attending Friday Evening Event: Member: Yes No Spouse/Guest: Yes No
Register online at https://ncng.meetingservicesinc.com or you can mail the completed form with credit card information or check/money order to: NCNGA; ATTN: Katie Westbrooks, 7410 Chapel Hill Rd.; Raleigh, NC 27607. Checks should be made payable to NCNGA. (There is a $2 processing fee for credit/debit card charges.)
Your seating assignment will be with your home unit. Any special seating arrangements will need to be addressed with your MSC Rep no later than 21 February 2015. _____ Joint Force Headquarters
_____ 449th Theater Aviation Brigade
_____ NC Air National Guard
_____ 113th Sustainment Brigade
_____ 60th Troop Command
_____ 139th Regiment (Combat Arms)
_____ 130th MEB
_____ Associate/Retiree
_____ 30 Armored Bde Combat Team
_____ NCNGA (Staff ,EF,Aux,MHS,Volunteer)
Method of Payment: ____Check enclosed ____Charge my: ____MasterCard ____Visa **There will be a $23 returned check fee on returned items **There is a $2 processing charge for credit cards Account #________________________________ Expiration date ____________3 digit security code ______ Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________________________
**There is a $5 fee for cancellations. No cancellations after 27 February 2015. **
Page 6 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2014/January 2015
ith the continued success of our Combined Event year after year, we have decided to continue the momentum with an even larger location with both wonderful proximity and amenities. The Time and Place Committee, in conjunction with the Combined Event Committee, worked diligently to find a great facility that would also accommodate our growing numbers. The North Carolina National Guard Association and the Enlisted and Officer Military Balls will again join together for a weekend of fun, fellowship and camaraderie between 12-14 March, 2015. We have decided to move this year’s event to the Embassy Suites of Concord, NC which is just up the hill from the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Additional accommodations will be available at surrounding properties. This year’s location boasts an even larger ball room with wonderful proximity to food, entertainment and shopping at Concord Mills Mall. The Combined Event will be hosted at the Embassy Suites within the attached Concord Convention Center. Because of meal requirements and hotel contracts, the deadline to register is 27 February 2015. Meeting Services Inc. will again handle our event registration processing for us. The preferred method of registering is online at https://ncng.meetingservicesinc.com. This year’s Convention theme is “Accelerate into the Future” which plays tribute to the history and racing heritage of the Charlotte Motor Speedway and NASCAR Hall of Fame. We are currently developing opportunities and activities around our racing theme with some partners throughout the racing community.
NCNGA Convention Fun This year’s NCNGA Convention and Combined event is set to be
the best one ever. New to this year’s event is behind the scenes tours of Hendrick Motorsports and we have brought back popular entertainment like our Casino on Friday night and of course the best hospitality suites of any convention. The convention is also the weekend of the ACC Men’s Basketball Tournament and we will be incorporating fun and plenty of TV’s to pull for your favorite teams. Visit our website www.ncnga.org for the latest updates on the fun.
With the close proximity to the Army and Air base in Charlotte, we’re hoping for an even greater attendance at all the events. We hope you will plan to attend the Combined Event beginning Thursday, March 12th 2015, for the NCNGA Educational Foundation annual golf tournament and Reverse Drawing. Friday March 13th 2015, we will have a Business Session beginning at 1:00 with more details in the Feb/ March issue of the Tarheel Guardsman. Friday evening will begin the hospitality rooms, run by various major commands, and then an evening of entertainment (stay tuned for more information on that function). Saturday morning will be a continuation of the NCNGA’s session and election (all NCNGA members are eligible to vote, we will again have great door prizes for those in attendance). Saturday evening will be the grand event, the Combined Event Ball. Everyone will be in their finest (dress is semi-formal for non-military and retirees, dress blues for the military (men & women). The NCNGA Convention Planning Committee, along with the Combined Event Committee, are working on making this event the best we’ve ever had. We hope you will make plans to attend and participate in all our activities. Hotel rooms are blocked for Thursday, Friday and Saturday - so reserve your room today! (Hotel information is on the back page). Don’t forget to register for the Combined Event when you make your hotel room reservation - we had some members reserve a room, but not register until it was too late and we were full.
Friday Night is..... Casino Night! Hosted by NCNGA
Friday, 13 March 15
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.
Registration/Assn Booths Registration South B Silent Auction -Harrisburg Business Session -Concord E Unit Rep Workshop -Concord E Breakout Session – Virtual Range -Fairway B Breakout Session –Self Defense -Fairway A Enlisted/Junior Officer Forum -Concord C Hospitality Rooms Open Associate Class – Piedmont Recruiting & Retention – Blueridge Air Guard – Kitty Hawk 60th Troop Command, 113th Sustained, & JFHQ - Room 202 449 TAB – Room 203 Casino/Cash Bar -Concord F
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Registration/Assn Booths -Registration South B/Foyer Silent Auction - Harrisburg Business Session/Awards & Installation Ceremonies -Concord E Credentials & Elections -Carolina C Auxiliary Business Session – Carolina B Enlisted Awards Luncheon – Concord A Educational Foundation Annual Meeting – Concord B Educational Foundation BOD Meeting – Concord B Social Hour/Cash Bar Seating for Dinner – Concord Ceremonies/Dinner/Dance/Cash bar - Concord
Saturday – 14 March 15
Please come out Friday evening to fun and games with a casino night!
DRESS FOR COMBINED EVENT Dress for business sessions and Friday night social functions are appropriate business casual attire. Dress for the Saturday night ball is: ARNG - Blue Mess Evening Dress, Army Service Uniform with bow tie, or Class A with white shirt and bow tie ANG - Mess Dress or Semi-Formal Dress Uniform Spouses/Guests: Semi-formal for ladies, suite and tie for gentlemen
Tarheel Guardsman — February / March 2015 — Page 7
BREAKOUT SESSIONS Armatae Incorporated is a NC National Guard Veteran Owned Business whose mission is to provide comprehensive and relevant training to the men and women who accept responsibility for their own safety and the world around them. At the 2015 North Carolina National Guard Association Convention, Armatae instructors will be located at Breakout Session One on Friday from 3:15pm to 4:15pm. This discussionstyle class will cover preparedness strategies and techniques for soldiers and family members that will help build upon existing preparation and training. Topics vary from situational awareness, interpersonal communication and armed or unarmed personalprotection. Armatae will be available Friday from 10:00am to 5:00pm and Saturday from 8:00am to 4:00pm, conducting open instruction for all who are interested.
Tactical Defense Academy (TDA) is North Carolina’s only fully virtual shooting range providing a safe, secure and fun place to hone marksmanship skills on one of our virtual ranges. You can choose from four different weapon platforms including the AR-15 and six shooting range backgrounds with shooting distances from 3 yards to 300 yards. Ballistically accurate with programmable environmental conditions, such as altitude, wind, temperature and atmospheric pressure! You can also choose the bullet you would like to replicate with an accuracy measured at 2mm at 300 yards. Law enforcement and military qualification courses, shapes drills and 50 targets to choose from make the complete package for shooters of all abilities. Shooters in a 30 minute session can fire between 500-1000 rounds making us the affordable choice. No need for eye or ear protection in our indoor climate controlled range. TDA also has two immersive shooting theaters. One has 180 degrees of shooting area and three screens allows you to step inside the action with law enforcement and military scenarios. Standard targets, courses of fire and skill drills are also included. Shooters may also use our Taser and OC spray to deal with suspects. Our second is the 300 degree shooting theater. Step inside this simulator and you will understand why this is the best firearms simulator in the world. Surround sound, transducers in the floor, and five screens of action keeps your head on a swivel. This experience allows you to speak to the characters on-screen and they can respond to your verbal command, command presence, cover and concealment. Lastly, we offer one more piece of realism. ThreatFire is an electronic shoot back device that delivers an 80,000 volt electrical charge to the participant wearing the device and is shot during the scenario. ThreatFire is available on the 180 and 300 scenarios. Skeptics who think it’s just a video game change their mind as fast as lightning strikes. Come experience it for yourself, you will not be disappointed.
Help Your Association Run for the NCNGA Executive Council! The Nominating & Credentials Committee is actively seeking qualified candidates to run for Executive Council seats. Upcoming vacancies for each major command will be filled at the next convention to be held 12-14 March 2015 at the Embassy Suites in Concord, NC. Tickets for Great Raffles will be given to all voting NCNGA Members! Let your voice be heard! Qualifications to run for office: you must be a member of the North Carolina National Guard Association and have served on an active committee within the past five years (except Junior Council Members). If you are qualified (see above) and interested in being an important part of your Association, please complete the application below and email it to Cindy Basler (Staff Liaison for the Nominating & Credentials Committee) cindy@ncnga.org . You can also mail this form to NCNGA 7410 Chapel Hill Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 or fax it to 919-859-4990 attn: Cindy Basler. If you have any questions please contact her by email or at 919-851-3390 ext 1. 2015-2016 Application for Nomination Candidate for the Executive Council North Carolina National Guard Association
Name Home Address City
Home Telephone No. Business Telephone No. Unit Email address: Attach a list of your current/past committee and/or Executive Council involvement.
Indicate office you want to be considered for: ____President (at large) ____Vice-President (at large) ____30th ABCT - 1 Year Term (1 seat) ____60th Trp Cm 1 Year Term-(1seat) 2 Year Term (1 seat) ____130th MEB 1 Year Term (1 seat) ____449th TAB 1 Year Term (1 seat) ____113th SUS BDE 1 Year Term (1 seat) ____JFHQ-NC 1 Year Term (1 seat) ____139th Rgmt (CA) 1 Year Term (1 seat) ____Air National Guard 1 Year Term (1 seat) ____Active Associate 1 Year Term (1 seat) ____Junior Council 2 Year Term (1 seat) Deadline for submitting applications: 28 February 2015
Page 8 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2014/January 2015
Application for Appointment NCNGA Standing Committee
If you are interested in participating on a committee this year, please fill out the following information and forward it the NCNGA Headquarters, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607, email it to Cindy Basler cindy@ncnga.org no later than 10 May 2015, or turn it in to the Registration Desk at convention. Name ___________________________________
Unit _______________________________
Home Address _________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________ State ________ Zip __________________ Telephone No. Home: ___________________________Business:_________________________ Cell:________________________________ Email:____________________________________ Committee(s) you would like to serve on. Please indicate order of preference. ( ( ( ( ( (
) Articles & By-Laws ) Benefits ) Communications ) Convention Planning ) EANGUS Liaison ) Finance
( ( ( ( (
) Headquarters & Employees ) Legislative & Resolutions ) Membership ) NGAUS Liaison ) Nominating & Credentials
( ) Please check if you plan to run for an Executive Council seat in the near future. ( ) I am interested in volunteering at NCNGA Headquarters. ( ) I am interested in volunteering for NCNGA Special Events. ( ) I am interested in serving on an Educational Foundation committee. ( ) By-Laws ( ) Fund-Raising ( ) Endowment ( ) Public Relations ( ) Finance ( ) Scholarship Selection ( ) I am interested in volunteering in the Educational Foundation Office. ( ) I am interested in volunteering for Educational Foundation Special Events.
Scholarship Recipient sends appreciation to the Educational Foundation!
Tarheel Guardsman — February / March 2015 — Page 9
NCNGA Educational Foundation Walk of Honor Progress
Retiree Corner: Soldier for Life - No More AKO
Written by: SSG Travis J. Reed, NCNG Retirement Services Officer The Army Knowledge Online (AKO) access is no longer available for Retirees and Family Members. The Email services for Retirees and Family members was terminated on 31 December 2014. Email forwarding from the AKO accounts has also been terminated. ‘AKO Portal’ has been replaced by ‘Soldier for Life’ for the purpose of Retiree benefits, pay, health, and additional information. The ‘Soldier for Life’ portal can be accessed at: http:// soldierforlife.army.mil/. For Retirees and Family members that utilized AKO as their primary email source please consider the use of free commercial email services such as: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, etc. Email forwarding will remain in effect for Traditional M-Day, AGR, and Active component Soldiers until sometime in the 4th Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015. For more information or concerns related to AKO please contact the AKO Help Desk at: (866) 335-2769 (Option # 3).
Youngest 20th Century Medal of Honor Recipient
By: LTC (Ret.) Sion H. Harrington III
Jacklyn “Jack” Harold Lucas of Plymouth, North Carolina, was a handful as a youth. A short, stocky, tough kid, Jack attracted trouble like a magnet attracts metal. When his mother could take it no more, she sent him off to Edwards Military Institute (EMI) in Salemburg, North Carolina, where she hoped he would learn some self-discipline. Lucas adapted fairly well to the strict military routine he found at EMI. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and other United States military bases in the Hawaiian Islands. A PFC Jacklyn H. Lucas, USMCR, scrappy kid by nature, Jack yearned to join the fight receives the Medal of Honor from against the Japanese. In 1942, although only fourteen President Harry S. Truman years of age, the short, stocky tough kid convinced a recruiting sergeant that he was old enough to serve and was enlisted into the United States Marine Corps Reserve with the help of some falsified papers. After his initial training, Lucas was shipped to Hawaii and assigned to a supply unit. Wanting to serve in a combat unit, Lucas chaffed at his rear echelon assignment. Every request for such an assignment was denied. Tremendously frustrated, but knowing that trouble-makers were often re-assigned to fighting units as punishment, he decided to try that avenue as a means of earning a transfer. Constantly picking fights, Jack spent more time in the brig than out of the brig, but still he did not receive the transfer he sought. One day he noticed troop transports in the harbor, and realized an invasion was imminent. He decided that if the Marine Corps wouldn’t transfer him, he’d transfer himself. He sneaked away from his unit and boarded a transport whose name he did not know, bound for a destination he did not know. Hiding himself aboard the ship until the fleet was well out to sea, Lucas revealed himself to the commander of the Marines on board. Since it was impossible to turn the fleet around to return him to his real unit, Lucas was assigned to a unit on board. Lucas was right about the possibility of action. The convoy was headed for the island of Iwo Jima. On his second day on the island, and only five days after his seventeenth birthday, Lucas and several others were ambushed by Japanese soldiers throwing hand grenades. Two landed at Jack’s feet. Acting quickly to save the lives of his fellow Marines, and with total disregard for his own safety, seventeen year old Jack Lucas covered both grenades with his body. Fortunately, only one of the grenades exploded, but it wounded Lucas severely. For this self-less act of courage, Private First Class Jacklyn Harold Lucas was awarded the Medal of Honor, becoming the youngest American to earn the nation’s highest award in the Twentieth Century.
The North Carolina Department of the American Legion Thanks You for Your Service to Our State and Nation! We invite you to visit any of our 327 Posts, statewide, visit our website www.nclegion.org, email us at nclegion@nc.rr.com, or call 919-832-7506.
“For God and Country - Still Serving Proudly.”
Page 10 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2014/January 2015
paid advertisement
PLAY GOLF AND SUPPORT THE NCNGA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION FORMAT: 18-Hole Captain’s Choice WHERE: Rocky River Golf Club, Concord, NC 28027 WHEN: Thursday, March 12, 2015 – Shotgun Start at 9:00 AM ENTRY FEE: $75.00 (Make checks payable to NCNGA Educational Foundation, Inc.) DEADLINE FOR REGISTERING: All checks must be received by Friday, 20 February 2015 TEAM PRIZES: 1st Place Team — 4th Place Team MAIL TO: NCNGA Educational Foundation, Inc., 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 The cost includes cart and green fee, all prizes (Longest Drive Front and Back Nine, Closest to the Hole All Par 3’s, Hole in One All Par 3’s, Putting Contest at Conclusion of Round, Door Prizes) and Driving Range prior to round. Mulligans may be purchased for $5.00 (3 for $10.00). Money from mulligans will be added to the donations to the NCNGA Educational Foundation. Cost for Putting Contest is $10.00. Prize for Putting Contest is 50/50 split the pot on the cost, with the remainder also added to the donations to the NCNGA Educational Foundation. You may put together your own team or sign up individually and I will place you on a team For additional information, contact Terry Westbrook at (919) 664-6029 Or Peggy Robinson (919) 851-3390 ext 5 Open to all golfers during the 54nd NCNGA Annual Convention in Concord, NC and their guests. All proceeds go to the NCNGA Educational Foundation. Check must accompany entry form. Convention attendance not required to enter tournament. Entry fee will be returned if tournament is cancelled due to rain. If you would like to register as a team, all four entry forms must be submitted together with checks totaling $300.00. Name ____________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ Phone: (home) _________________________ (work) _________________________ I declare myself physically able to compete in this event. I waive all rights for claims for injury or illness which may occur during this event. Signature:__________________________
NCNGA Educational Foundation estimates the value for each entrant to be $50.00. Charitable contributions are deductible only to the extent that they exceed the value of any goods and services received. Your cancelled check is acknowledgement of your contribution.
All Tickets Go on Sale December 15, 2014
Reverse Drawing Tickets. What is a Reverse Drawing? It is a night of fun with great food, fellowship and an event with a chance to win $4,000! This event is hosted by the NCNGA Educational Foundation on Thursday March 12, 2015 at 6pm in Concord, NC. Tickets go on sale December 15, 2014 for $40 each and include dinner for two. Your chances to win something are good since only 300 tickets are sold and prizes are awarded every 25th ticket. Monies raised help the Educational Foundation award scholarships to members and their families. Contact Peggy Robinson for your ticket – 919-851-3390 ext 5 or at peggyncngaef@bellsouth.net Don’t miss a chance to win the Hardison Wagon in 2015. This Raffle Tickets $2 each or 3/$5 not so little red wagon is filled Raffle Tickets Top prize with goodies, including adult beverages, goodies for all ages, Winner takes home $2,000! lottery tickets and cash! www.ncnga.org
Tarheel Guardsman — February / March 2015 — Page 11
1450th Deploys to Kuwait GRANITE FALLS, NC - North Carolina National Guard Soldiers and Airmen deploy, anytime, anywhere for state and nation. That is their mission and duty. Any veteran will tell you that the family deploys with them. However, for the Kuwait deployment of the Soldiers of the NCNG 1450th Transportation Company, headquartered in the cities of Lenoir and Jefferson, it might best be said the community deploys. “This is family, everyone knows everyone,” said Ashe County Manager Sam Yearick. Mountain Grove Church hosted proud parents, nervous spouses, very energetic children, local employers, veteran service organization leaders and many, many friends at the company’s mobilization ceremony for Operation Resolute Support held in Granite Falls, North Carolina, Jan. 9, 2015. “We (the Guard) are part of the community, it is an honor to deploy from here,” said Army Brig. Gen. Kenneth Beard, the NCNG’s assistant adjutant general – sustainment. Nearly 160 Soldiers marched in to
the beat of the 440th Army Band and a chorus of cheers and applause from the church pews. Heads bowed during prayers for the safety of the Soldiers and success of the mission. Third generation military veterans stood along with children and grandchildren with hands over heart as the national anthem played. “A show of support builds morale,” said retired Army 1st Sgt. Clayton Moody, father of the 1450th’s own 1st Sgt. Deverrick Moody. This does not go unnoticed by the unit’s commander, Army Capt. Charles McLean. He repeatedly praised during his speech all who make life a little easier for those left behind as his Soldiers deploy overseas. “Thank you for supporting these Soldiers and their families,” said McLean. It makes a difficult mission easier. The Soldiers are transportation and logistics experts and are deploying to recover equipment and resources still staged in southwest Asia. This deployment marks nearly 13 years of continuous NCNG missions overseas. Many of the Soldiers and most of the leaders have at least one combat tour, but about 60 percent of the unit will deploy for the first time. “We are ready and I am very proud of this unit,” said Deverrick Moody. The unit is composed primarily of heavy wheel transportation vehicles with the ability to provide of a wide range of hauling capabilities, ranging from containerized movement to hauling refrigerated or bulk water cargo. The unit has previously deployed in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Col. Danny Mills Retires
RALEIGH, NC -- Every North Carolina National Guard Soldier and Airmen is ‘Always Ready’ to deploy at home, across the nation or worldwide. Army Col. Danny Mills serving as commander of the 42nd Civil Support Team, Camp Butner National Guard Training Center or the 60th Troop Command over a nearly 31-year career made sure they were a ‘Ready Team’. “He is a good man and will be missed,” said Army Brig. Gen. John A. Byrd, Assistant Adjutant General of North Carolina, at Mills’ retirement ceremony held at the Troop Command’s Headquarters. Byrd joined NCNG Soldiers, Airmen and leaders, state and local first responders and civilian emergency management staff in honoring Mills. Mills service reflected the skills and multiple missions of the NCNG. He prepared soldiers for war at Camp Butner, to respond to natural or manmade disasters with the civil support team and deployed troop command combat units overseas. His leadership is not just military. He is a long serving, full time North Carolina State Highway Patrol trooper. He has served alongside local, state and national civilian emergency management experts. “He is a great partner, everyone knew we could depend on him to bring everything to the battlefield,” said North Carolina Emergency Management Director Mike Sprayberry. After a series of awards including the Legion of Merit medal and certificates from the President of the United States and Governor of North Carolina for decades of service to state and nation, Mills thanked friends, family and peers. “It means a great deal to me that you are here for me at the end of thirty years, thank you,” said Mills.
Page 12 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2014/January 2015
1-120th Deploys
North Carolina National Guard Soldiers of the 1-120th Infantry Regiment left McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey on Nov. 23, 2014 on their way to the Middle East as part of ongoing missions to foster military partnerships. Maj. Gen. Greg Lusk, the Adjutant General of North Carolina and other top NCNG leaders met with the Soldiers prior to their departure and shook every Soldier’s hand before the unit boarded the plane. The 120th has deployed twice to Iraq in 2004 and 2009.
Free Patriotic Plate for NCNG Bikers
The SAAF needs your help! We are presenting a new patriotic motorcycle plate to the 2015 General Assembly. Step #1 is to obtain 500 applications for the design. To achieve this goal, promote the new design, and say thank you for your service to our country, the SAAF is offering you a free plate. This offer is for the first 500 applications we receive. The SAAF will purchase your $20.00 specialty plate for you. That’s right, free, and you will be one of the first ones to receive North Carolina’s patriotic plate for bikers if approved. Download the application and complete the required information: http://www.ncdot.gov/download/dmv/MVR-27PPA.pdf Check standard plate. If you want a personalized plate, call me. Mail your application to SAAF, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607. Proceeds from the sale of the plate will benefit our Guard families and help the SAAF expand its programs. Any questions call American Spirit - Pride - Patriotism our office. Tel: 919.851.3390, ext 3. paid advertisement
"Interested in North Carolina military history? Perhaps YOU should be a member of the 'North Carolina Military Historical Society.' See our website at ncmhs.net to see our mission statement, membership information, sample copies of our magazine "Recall," pictures of our 'North Carolina Military History Museum' at Kure Beach, information on our annual symposium, and a variety of other interesting items." JOIN TODAY!
Auxiliary News Publication of the New Auxiliary Cookbook has been delayed until early 2015. Please send any recipes for consideration to Auxiliary President Elaine Price ceprice3@ aol.com or fax to the NCNGA office 919859-4990 and we will make sure she receives those. If you are interested learning more about the Auxiliary or Committee service with the Auxiliary please call Elaine Price at 704-764-7620 or email her at caprice@aol. com.
In Memoriam
Listed below are those members (and non-members), spouses and dependent children that have recently passed away. If we have missed someone, please contact the Editor, Katie Westbrooks at katie@ncnga.org or 919-851-3390 ext 2. Rose Depauw Spouse of Morris Depauw 6 June 2014 Granite Falls, NC Robert C. Best 22 July 2014 Warsaw, NC James O. Kiger 2 September 2014 Myrtle Beach, SC Wayne H. Spencer 13 October 2014 Gastonia, NC Brenda Serena Spouse of Robert K. Serena 7 November 2014 Sarasota, NC Raymond D. Mariani 15 November 2014 Mint Hill, NC
Lonnie C. Peeler 18 November 2014 Bessemer City, NC
Fred C. Whitt, Jr. 3 December 2014 Thomasville, NC
Leslie E. Hughes, Jr. 19 November 2014 Edenton, NC
Robert F. Bozart 16 December 2014 Charleston, SC
Charles W. Phillips 19 November 2014 Indian Trail, NC
Horace R. Matthews 18 December 2014 Nashville, NC
Mary F. Locklear 19 November 2014 Lumberton, NC
John L. Massengill 21 December 2014 Cary, NC
William “Bill” Bridges, Jr. 21 November 2014 Shelby, NC
Carolyn Williams Spouse of Jerry A. Williams 23 December 2014 Valdese, NC
James L. Hart, Jr. 1 December 2014 Asheville, NC Michael W. Cecil Son of David Roberts 2 December 2014 Burlington, NC
Sheila Yates Spouse of Joseph Yates 28 December 2014 Clemmons, NC
John A. Clark 30 December 2014 Lilesville, NC Carolyn Stephens Spouse of Charles Stephens 30 December 2014 Morganton, GA Alton L. Absher 31 December 2014 North Wilkesboro, NC Robert “Bobby” D. Kennedy 1 January 2015 Benson, NC David Rosiles Rojos 11 January 2015 Fayetteville, NC Clyde E Young 11 January 2015 Thomasville, NC
Tarheel Guardsman — February / March 2015 — Page 13
Leaders of the North Carolina National Guard do a 360! Written By: CW2 Jason J. Boyd, State Resilience Coordinator
ften we associate the term 360 with the number of degrees in a circle. More often than that, those in the military further associate the term with a security requirement, for example 360° perimeters. This security requirement ensures that at any given point, someone either “has your back,” is “covering your six,” or whatever other terms offer comfort in this regard. But what do we do, or better yet, what do you do when it seems no one has your back? The leaders of the NC Air and Army National Guard were invited along with leaders from the Active Component from Fort Jackson, SC and Fort Bragg, NC to attend the USO of North Carolina’s first USO Soldier 360 Program. Hosted by the NC Air National Guard’s 145th Air Wing and sponsored by the USO of North Carolina, the Soldier 360 Program introduces leaders to the many natural methods the body and mind use to manage stress. Much like the Resilience Program taught by Comprehensive Soldier & Family Fitness, the program taught Soldiers and Airmen other means to deal with stress, to include yoga, meditation,
acupuncture, and even hypnosis! Granted, many of these methods are not available to Soldiers and Airmen during deployments, but upon returning home from a deployment, these methods may be just what the doctor ordered in regards to “bringing us all the way home!” The following individuals are the masterminds behind the program: Dr. Mary Lopez – Program Director Dr. Glen Wurglitz – Program Facilitator Dr. AJ Patrick – Physical Fitness, Physical Therapy, and Nutrition Nikka Colorado – Yoga, Physical Fitness and Nutrition Sandy Risberg – Parent/Child Relationship Margot Dragon – Acupuncture LTC (Ret) John Falkenbury – President and COO of USO-NC Kelli Davis – Troop and Family Program Director and coordinator of the event Attendees of the Program were privileged to meet two of our nation’s heroes; Lieutenant General (Ret) and Mrs. Waskow, and Medal of Honor Recipient SGT Kyle White, each speaking about the importance of strong leadership, and how that leadership helped them to be successful. While the USO Soldier 360 event does not meet any of the Army’s Resilience training requirements, the fact that there is clear and undeniable benefit to the Soldiers and Airmen of this great organization cannot be overstated! Soldiers, Airmen, and Spouses who attended the event all agreed that this program has been needed for the betterment of our forces for far too long. The NC National Guard would like to send an overwhelming “THANK YOU” to all who made this event possible! If you would like to see some of the activities that take place during the USO’s Soldier 360 Program, click on the following link to view the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFqNNG8RcWE.
The NCNG Museum Needs Your Artifact Donations! The North Carolina National Guard Museum needs your artifact donations in order to tell the story of your service with the proud history and traditions of the North Carolina National Guard. The new museum is seeking artifacts from all eras, including: uniforms, insignia and awards, weapons,
accoutrements, gear, photographs, and even captured enemy relics. The museum already has a very small collection, much of which is currently on display in the atrium at Joint Force Headquarters, but much more is needed in order to tell the story of Our North Carolina National Guard.
To donate artifacts of any kind, please contact: 1st Lt. Sean Daily, Deputy Command Office Phone: 919-664-6199 Email: sean.r.daily.mil@mail.mil
Page 14 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2014/January 2015
Historian Sgt. Gary Spencer Office Phone: 919-664-6214 Email: gary.c.spencer2.mil@mail
Second Tarheel Challenge Academy NEW LONDON, NC – A groundbreaking ceremony was conducted to celebrate the beginning of the renovation process in which the New London Choice Middle School will transform into North Carolina’s second Tarheel Challenge Academy. The ceremony was attended by local, state and NC Guard leaders. NCNG’s Tarheel Challenge Academy’s central campus became a reality thanks to the combined efforts of the National Guard Youth Challenge program, the NC Guard, state legislatures, Stanly County leaders and New London officials. The 20-acre property will undergo a $1.9 million renovation before its inaugural class begins in August 2015. The academy will have a 300 bed dormitory with 19 classrooms, administrative offices and athletic fields. To help address the state's high school dropout problem, the NC Guard determined a need to increase the annual number of Tarheel Challenge graduates with a second site centrally located in the state. “This second NCNG Tarheel Challenge site will provide more western and central N.C. at-risk youths the opportunity to redirect their lives and become productive, employed, law abiding citizens of North Carolina,” said state representative Justin Burr, a steadfast supporter and general assembly advocate for Tarheel Challenge. Based on Tarheel Challenge briefs to the general assembly and other officials, the potential exists for the New London campus to provide a $7.5 million economic impact to the county and local community with up to 145 new jobs. “When this school closed over four years ago, a part of the town died with it,” said Tate Daniels,
the mayor of New London. “With the opening of this academy, our town has new life and excitement for its future.” Even though the North Carolina National Guard sponsors the Tarheel Challenge Academy and it is structured in a quasi-military school setting, cadets have no military obligations for attending. “We have a vested interest in Tarheel Challenge because it is the single most value-added program the NCNG provides to the communities of our state,” said Maj. Gen. Greg Lusk, the adjutant general of North Carolina. “Our commitment to this youth program and our communities is resolute. Partnering together we have the awe-inspiring opportunity to positively change the lives of thousands of at-risk youths.” NC’s Tarheel Challenge is a six-time national award winning program in which 75 percent of the funding ($2.25M) is provided by the federal government. This funding eases the burden on North Carolina taxpayers and gives a valuable resource to young adults in need of direction and support. High school dropouts are a huge drain on taxpayers because dropouts typically become dependent on Medicaid and social service agencies, or they find themselves as another criminal statistic. Another benefit from this central campus is that it will have strong ties with the Stanly County school system and the State Community College System, which will ensure further opportunities for graduates to improve their lives through education. “I fully support and look forward to partnering with Tarheel Challenge,” said Dr. Terry Griffin, superintendent of Stanly County Schools. “A youth program that effectively develops a path for young adults to earn their high school equivalency diploma and possibly attend community college or vocational schools is a win for that individual, their family, their community and the state.” North Carolina's Tarheel Challenge Academy began in 1994 in Sampson County. Over the years the academy has gradually increased its capacity and graduation goals. A total of 3,806 young men and women have graduated from the N.C. program with 72 percent receiving their GED. When the New London campus opens, NCNG’s Tarheel Challenge Academy graduation rate will increase from approximately 270 graduates per year to over 500.
WINTERVILLE, NC: “Attention,” rang out over the drill hall at the Capt. Christopher Cash Armed Forces Reserve Center, here, Dec. 7, 2014. North Carolina National Guard Soldiers of the 514th Military Police Company stand rigidly and about 30 friends, family members and guests look on in admiration as Army Staff Sgt. Andrew Braxton and Army Sgt. Benjamin Bullard march to the center of the formation to be honored for valor in Afghanistan. “They are heroes in our midst,” said Army Col. Eric Kohl, commander of NCNG’s 130th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade, to the crowd during the ceremony. Several Soldiers of the 514th with Afghan Uniformed Police while on patrol were attacked by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan, Oct. 1, 2012. Three Soldiers were killed and three others were wounded. During that attack, Braxton and Bullard earned their valorous medals. “We lost very great Soldiers, they should be remembered,” said Bullard.
The ceremony is brief. The Soldiers salute and Kohl pins the medals, a Army Commendation Medal for Bullard and the Bronze Star for Braxton to the Soldiers’ uniform. Each medal has a small ‘V’ signifying that the medal was awarded for courage in battle. “The ‘V’, is very humbling, it sets them apart,” said Kohl. A few words from Kohl tell a story so few know. Braxton’s exceptional courage and dedication to mission helped save the lives of three wounded Soldiers. Kohl also recounted the heroism and leadership of Bullard’s service. “When they told me I got it, the only person I told was my father and Bullard,” said Braxton. Bullard shares his modesty, “I did not tell anyone.” Since Sept. 11th, 2001, two other NC Guardsmen have received valorous awards in support of the Global War on Terror; both Silver Stars. Over 21,200 Soldiers and Airmen of the NC National Guard have mobilized and deployed overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn.
Soldiers Honored for Valor in Afghanistan
Tarheel Guardsman — February / March 2015 — Page 15
Tarheel Guardsman Tarheel Guardsman NC National Guard Assoc. NC National Assoc. 7410 Chapel Guard Hill Road 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047 Raleigh, NC 27607-5047
Periodicals Periodicals U. S. Postage U. S. Postage PAID PAID Raleigh, NC Raleigh, NC
How to reach us: 919-851-3390 info@ncnga.org - email www.ncnga.org - website
Please plan to attend the 2015 Combined Event — 12 - 14 March 2015. See pages 6-7 for registration information. SpringHill Suites — Room Rate $110 plus tax
Embassy Suites — Room Rate $110 plus tax for single occupancy and $125 for double occupancy. (this includes breakfast and evening reception)
FREE PARKING AT ALL HOTELS!!! Make your reservations early! Rooms are limited and the cut-off is Residence Inn — 14 February 2015. (See NCNGA website (www.ncnga.org) Room Rate $110 plus tax for registration and hotel information including links to the hotels.)
Courtyard — Room Rate $110 plus tax