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135th NGAUS General Conference & Exhibition | September 20 – 23, 2013 ▪ Honolulu Hawaii

NGAUS State Attendee Conference Registration Form

MEMBER REGISTRATION Check one if applicable: ___Delegate ___ Retiree ___ Current TAG ___ Former TAG Full Name _____________________________________________________________ Name on Badge _____________________________ (Include Rank/Title/Prefix/Suffix if applicable)

Address ________________________________________________________City ____________________ State _____ Zip __________ E-mail ________________________________________ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ Phone _________________ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ By providing an e-mail address, NGAUS will be able to send to you conference updates, special event invitations, etc.

SPOUSE OR GUEST REGISTRATION Check one if applicable: ___Spouse

___ Guest

Full Name _____________________________________________________________ Name on Badge __________________________ (Include Rank/Title/Prefix/Suffix if applicable)

NGAUS REGISTRATION FEE: NGAUS members and their guests pay a discounted registration fee of $165 each. Non-NGAUS members pay the full conference fee of $330 each. The fee includes limited transportation, coffee breaks, business sessions, trade show access, exhibit hall ribbon cutting brunch, hospitality night, Governors Reception, Spouses Luncheon, and the States Dinner. NCNG REGISTRATION FEE: Members, Retirees, and Guests of the NCNG pay a registration fee of $35 each. The fee includes daily access to the NCNG Hospitality Suite for meetings, light refreshments, and dinner on Hospitality Night. CONFERENCE EVENTS Check which of the following events you and/or your guest(s) will attend. Each participant pays an additional fee if indicated below. Governors Reception - Sept. 20 ___Me ___Guest ___Both Spouses Luncheon - Sept. 22 ___Me ___Guest ___Both States Dinner - Sept. 23 ___Me ___Guest ___Both

NGAUS Golf Tournament - Sept.20 ($175) ___Me ___Guest ___Both Diamond Head Hike – Sept 21 ($20) ___Me ___Guest ___Both Retired/Separated Luncheon - Sept. 22 ___Me ___Guest ___Both ($5 NGAUS member/$25 guest/spouse/non-NGAUS member)

ACCOMMODATIONS Your state’s hotel room block is at The Hyatt – Waikiki. A $100 deposit is required to reserve a room. Check-in Date ____________________ Check-out Date____________________


____ I don’t need a hotel room

TRANSPORTATION We must have your transportation information available at registration. In addition, bus transportation for guests is provided to and from the airport. If you don’t have your travel information available, please provide to the POC below If traveling by air, is it: ___ Civilian (HNL – Honolulu Hawaii Int’l Airport) ___ Military Air (Hickam AFB) FLIGHT INFORMATION

Airline ________________________Flight # ____________ Arrival Date ________________ Time__________ Airline ________________________Flight # ____________ Departure Date_____________ Time__________

Check # _________________________

Make check payable to “NGAUS Convention Fund”


Total Cost for Conference Registration Fees


Hotel Deposit


NCNGA NGAUS Polo Shirt ($49 each)


Total Cost of Additional Conference Events


Total Amount

Please note any special requirements or dietary restrictions:

If purchasing a polo shirt, please indicate size: Men’s:

Medium Women’s: Medium

RETURN THIS FORM WITH PAYMENT TO: MAJ Brian McIlvaine, JFHQ-NC-NGAUS, 1636 Gold Star Dr., Raleigh, NC 27607 Cell: (919) 791-6419 Email:

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