Caring for America's Quiet Professionals
The Green Beret Foundation provides unconventional resources to facilitate the special needs of our wounded, ill and injured Green Berets and imparts unique support to the Special Forces community in order to strengthen readiness and uphold Green Beret traditions and values. The United States Army Special Forces, commonly known as the Green Berets, produces some of our nation’s finest and most elite warriors. They fight across a broad spectrum of missions in the pursuit of freedom for those oppressed and to protect our nation from those who seek to do us harm. They are known as our country's quiet professionals. You or your company can help the Green Beret Foundation in its endeavor to assist our nation’s finest by sponsoring a shooter for the 3nd Annual Green Beret Pro-Am Shooting Match sponsored by Raidon Tactics Inc. and hosted by 37 PSR Gun Club. This year’s event is named in Honor of our friend and teammate SGM Willie Lubbers killed last year in a tragic train accident. Willie was a competitor in our event last year. The Green Beret Pro-Am is being held on 11 November 2013 from 10am til 5pm. There will be five shooting stages, each testing the shooting abilities of each team member. The teams will consist of a wounded Green Beret and a sponsored competitor. You or your company can support a team or be a competitor yourself. The minimum donation to participate as a Competitor is $750 with 100% of your donation going directly to the GBF. There will be no overhead taken out of any donation funds. All sponsors that are not able to participate can still assist the GBF by donating prizes or other goods and services in support of this event. Last year the event raised $18,000 and we want to increase the amount this year to at least $25,000. So help us, help those that need it. The Green Beret Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c) 3 foundation that provides financial resources, immediate need supplies, caregiver assistance, and educational scholarships to wounded or ill Army Special Forces warriors and their families. We operate with high efficiency in the most challenging special operations environment, mitigating the burden of America’s most elite warriors, and facilitating their return to active duty or a successful transition to civilian life. If you or your company is interested in helping the Green Beret Foundation then log onto our website and register today.