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Tarheel Guardsman

2016 - 2017 NCNGA Executive Council June/July 2016

Leader’s Corner

COL Todd Hunt, NCNG Vice Chief of Joint Staff NC National Guard Contact Information Email: ng.nc.ncarng.mbx.pao@mail.mil NC Adjutant General: MG Greg Lusk Maj. Gen. Greg Lusk: http://www.facebook.com/ NCAdjutantGeneral http://twitter.com/NCTAG NC Assistant Adjutant General Air: Brig. Gen. Roger E. Williams: http://facebook.com/NCAirAAG http://twitter.com/NCAirAAG NC Command Chief Warrant Officer: CW5 James B. “Jim” Herring: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ NC-Command-Chief-WarrantOfficer/261726843901458 Command Senior Enlisted Leader CSM John Swart: http://www.facebook.com/NCCSM http://twitter.com/NCSCSM


ver last several months, our Soldiers, Airmen, and civilian employees have truly shown what a top caliber organization the North Carolina National Guard is. As an old saying goes sometimes you can’t see the forest because of the trees, which is sometimes true in our organization. Already this spring, the 30th ABCT competed in two tank competitions; the Hickory Cup, at Fort Bragg and at Fort Benning, the 252nd Combined Arms Battalion provided a tank crew and won the Sullivan Cup designating them as The Best Tank Crew in the United States. The 630th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 626th Maintenance Company, 1452nd and 1454th Transportation Company completed a rotation at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin. Our 42nd Civil Support Team supported both the Boston Marathon and the Coca-Cola 600. The 1-130th Attack Reconnaissance Battalion completed Aerial Gunnery, our engineer units are supporting active duty units and conducting domestic operations swift water rescue training and debris removal operations. Our 145th Airlift Wing finished up their annual Mobile Airborne Firefighting System training making them ready to respond to potential firefighting missions in the Western United States. We welcomed home over 300 soldiers of the 30th ABCT from Kosovo and other command elements from the Middle East while our Air Guard continues their deployment throughout the Central Command Area. The North Carolina National Guard remains globally engaged working shoulder to shoulder with our state partners through the support of all Major Subordinate Commands. We additionally, increased our personnel readiness while still maintaining our skills through challenging training and deployments. Readiness does matter as we continue to strive to maintain force structure with the AH 64D Apache Helicopters and to gain C17s to replace our aging C130 fleet. We must continue to maintain our readiness in the future in order to once again prove to outside agencies what we are capable of. Think of all the task and accomplishments we completed as mentioned above and we still have four months of training left in the fiscal year. How has our organization accomplished these missions and obtained our goals during this time of uncertain force structure reductions and budget challenges? It has succeeded because of our most valuable weapon system - our Soldiers, Airmen, civilian employees and Leaders who strive for excellence through hard work and dedication for their units to be the best. I have full faith in North Carolina National Guard’s Always Ready, Ready Team that we will keep up the good work and finish strong as this year’s training and real-world operations come to a close.

NC Command Chief Master Sergeant: Chief Master Sgt. Maurice Williams: https://www.facebook.com/ NCCmdChief

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Official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association JUNE/JULY 2016 Volume 50 Number 3

Contents: NCNGA:

President’s Corner Legislative Breakfast Photos 55th Annual Convention Photos Educational Foundation Golf Winners In Memorium

National Guard:

3 4 6-8 13 14

Tank Crew Wins Sullivan Cup First Armer Forces Flag Football Tournament 2015 Engineer Soldier of the Year

Flag Day — 14 June 2016 Independence Day - 4 July 2016 Please fly your flag proudly!

10 11 15


Executive Council

President John Ebbighausen

30th HBCT James McKee Brad Colburn

Vice President Shane Evans Past President Bobby Lumsden Secretary-Treasurer Craig Lloyd Judge Advocate Chaplain Carl Singley STAFF Executive Director Craig Lloyd Associate Director Cindy Basler Associate Insurance Administrator Rhonda Mooring Associate Financial/ Membership Administrator Katie Westbrooks NCNGA Educational Foundation Administrator Ken Tyndall

Katie Westbrooks, Editor www.ncnga.org

130th MEB James Andrews David Lewczyk 60th Troop Command Linda Horton Bryan Finch 449th TAB Mark Pickett Thomas Underwood 113th Sustainment BDE Kevin Boyles Bernie Williford JFHQ-NC Jeremy Davis Larry Wiedel 139th Regiment (CA) Rebecca Lynn Godwin David Eaton Air Guard Ronnie Watkins Allan Cecil Junior Council Bryan Cannon Timothy Stanhope Associate Class Ralph Poe John Eudy

Do we have your email address? In order to contact our members when time is of the utmost importance (legislative issues, special benefit opportunities, etc.), the NCNGA is trying to build it’s email list for our members. Send your email address to info@ncnga.org and we will add your name to our alert roster. (Your email will only be used for NC National Guard Association legislative and benefit updates. We will not sell or give your information to anyone else.) Deadline for submitting articles for the AUG/SEP issue of the Tarheel Guardsman: 1 July 2016 Address changes or questions? Contact us at 919-851-3390 info@ncnga.org or www.ncnga.org The Tarheel Guardsman, (ISSN 10618392) is published bi-monthly for the Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina, by the North Carolina National Guard Association, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676-9651. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tarheel Guardsman, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. The Tarheel Guardsman is the official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association, a non-profit organization. The publication’s mission is to promote the general welfare of the NCNGA, assist in increasing the readiness of the NC Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina and serve as a vehicle of expression for members of the National Guard. Members receive the publication free with their membership. The annual subscription rate for non-members of the Association is $15.00. Please include your old address when requesting change of address. Deadline for submitted material to the Tarheel Guardsman is the 5th of the month, two months preceding the calendar date of issue. Manuscripts and photographs on subjects of general interest are invited. Unless otherwise indicated, material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the Tarheel Guardsman and the author where listed. Articles and photos will not be returned, unless requested. (USPS 533-640) Advertising is accepted. For details contact the Association headquarters. Advertising, including political ads, published in this publication does not represent the endorsement or approval of the North Carolina National Guard Association.

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President's Corner


irst, I would like to thank you, the NCNGA membership, for electing me to help lead this great team. I stress the word TEAM as achieving our realistic goals requires contributions from all members, a fact often overlooked in larger organizations. During the NCNGA convention, I had the wonderful opportunity as a unit commander to accept the membership award for 5-113 FA. I looked for the microphone to set the record straight and give credit to the individuals responsible. Unit Readiness NCOs were responsible, A Btry - 1SG Ball, B Btry SFC Bitancore, HHB - SFC Anderson, and 732 FSC - SFC Powell. I do not recall seeing a formal NCNGA Readiness NCO committee, but these first line leaders are taking the initiative to recruit new or extend current members to support the association. Members - our members both active and retired give us purpose and a voice. Sometimes this is a collective voice when we introduce ourselves as an organization of 15,000 voters or an individual voice when called upon to write letters or represent the team at a legislative breakfasts, during a bill ratification, and at annual NCNGA conventions. Families - for all the missed weekends, late night conference calls, deployments, and committee meetings - we cannot function without their support. Thank you for lending the association your loved ones and being part of the NCNGA team. NCNGA staff and lobbyists - the full time support that keeps us organized, generates continuity, and facilitates the team's success. Executive Council and sub-committees - contributes additional time to provide direction and manage the business of the team. I want all of our members and families to know that your contributions to our team help ensure the NCNGA accomplishes its goals. A way ahead. The convention helped demonstrate 2 of my top 3 priorities. First, convention attendance and increasing the size of our team. The candidate forum was a great demonstration of grass roots politics. A team with a collective voice of 16,000 members has the ability to garner the attention of current and future elected officials, but we need to have more team members in the seats to keep their attention. Perhaps our decades old model of a Friday - Saturday convention is outdated as it requires members to use a vacation day to attend on Friday and two nights lodging. We will form a committee to look at the benefits Saturday - Sunday model that allows for travel, membership sessions, and a semi-formal function without having to miss work on Friday and only one night of lodging. The second, communications. The NCNGA candidate forum provided members more information for the upcoming elections. For me, it also demonstrated holes in our communications plan. Almost all candidates talked about active duty personnel, veterans, and veteran’s affairs. It appeared that not all candidates understand that under the current law, not all of our members are veterans. At this time the NCNG averages about 40% that are considered veterans and our candidates are failing to address 60 percent of our members who have not yet met the requirements. We have the duty to educate our elected officials so they understand how their laws, policies, and decisions at both the state and federal levels affect the NCNGA team. The third, improving ties with NGAUS and EANGUS to accomplish federal legislative initiatives and generate cost savings for our association. NGAUS' priority this year was mentioned above, generate support for a bill to grant all retired National Guard Member’s Veteran status. I seek support from every team member; enlisted, officer, retired, and family to go to the NGAUS web site and click on the Veteran and (rural soldiers act 2016) resolutions, enter your zip code and send the NGAUS form letter electronically to your elected officials as voter concerns can quickly become elected official concerns. I look forward to working with the entire team in communicating with our elected officials and moving the NCNGA into the future. Thank you for your support and assistance.

John Ebbighausen Page 4 – Tarheel Guardsman — June/July 2016

A Word From Our Executive Director...

One word describes this past 55th Annual Convention…. WOW. From our record breaking sponsorship totals to our Candidate Forum receiving National exposure… Wow is probably the best word we could find to put this event in perspective. We appreciate those hundreds of members that took their time out of their weekend to attend the Convention to continue our legacy and help shape our policies and leadership for the coming years. In that regard, we welcome our newly elected President John Ebbighausen, Vice President Shane Evans and additional new members of our Council. As a way to enhance this year’s Convention, we added a new App and of course hosted the candidates for Governor, US Senate and Lt. Governor that attended. You can tell the level of respect our Association receives when all these candidates adjust their busy schedule to come and meet with us face-to-face. Now that the Convention is over, we quickly shifted gears to our Legislative Breakfast at the NC General Assembly. During this event our Legislative team lead by Jeff Copeland, unveils our initiatives for the coming year. Leveraging off of last year’s success, we are confident in our goals for this coming year (for a full listing visit our Legislative tab on our website). As a reminder, we ask you to take a moment to sign-up for our “Weekly Guardsman” email newsletter. This tool is a great way to keep informed about the latest and greatest happenings with our Association and Military as a whole here in NC. We appreciate your support… Thank you, Craig Lloyd, Executive Director

2016 Legislative Breakfast


PROMOTE NCNGA www.ncnga.org

Ads provided as part of the Corporate member’s benefits.

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Scenes from the 55th Annual NCNGA Convention 29-30 April 2016

Photos by Brendan Stephens, NCNGA Communications Committee

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It was a great conference — thank you to everyone that attended!

Photos by Brendan Stephens, NCNGA Communications Committee


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Candidate Forum and Saturday Evening Ball

Photos by Brendan Stephens, NCNGA Communications Committee

The Executive Council and staff of the NCNGA would like to thank the following for their help in making our 55th Annual Convention such a huge success... Linda Horton and the Convention Committee Matthew Handley, Chairman of Communications Committee Craig Norton and Brendan Stephens of the Communications Committee Elliot Marks, Sgt-At-Arms Milton & Yolanda Addison and Scot Heineman for doing such a great job with the NCNGA Logo Store Peggy Robinson Everyone who volunteered with the following Hospitality Rooms: Air Guard Associate Class/Educational Foundation 30th BDE 60th Troop Command 139th RGMT/113th SUS BDE Page 8 – Tarheel Guardsman — June/July 2016

Thank you to all of our Sponsors! PLATINUM SPONSORS

Ads provided as part of the Corporate member’s benefits.





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FORT BENNING, Ga. — Four Citizen-Soldiers with the North Carolina Army National Guard were named the Army’s best tank crew winning the biennial Sullivan Cup Precision Gunnery Competition. The four crew members—from C Company, 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 252nd Armor Regiment were honored just to be able to compete in this elite combat arms competition. “Competition is going to bring out the best in everybody,” said Army 1st Lt. John Dupre, the tank commander of the NCNG crew. Dupre lives in Wilmington and is an insurance adjuster in his civilian job. “All the crews here have done something to get here. They weren’t just thrown together. They won an internal competition or were selected by their units because they are outstanding in their field.” The Sullivan Cup is comprised of the best 16 crews from across the Army, Marines and Canadian Forces, and for one week they battle to be crowned the best at basic and advanced tank skills like gunnery (day and night), maintenance tasks, mounted land navigation, small arms marksmanship and other similar tasks all focused on the tank crew’s combat mission. The competition is a test of mental and physical strength and was extremely competitive with the standings of each crew changing daily throughout the Cup. “Being part of a four-man crew, it takes every crew member knowing the exact details of their job and the ins and outs of this tank,”

said Dupre. Members of the NCNG tank crew have competed in the Sullivan Cup before and in 2014 came up short. “We’ve done this so many times that when it comes down to it, you’re looking to react to what’s in front of you,” said Dupre. “You’re not worried about where your hands are going to be because you’ve done this so many times, you’ve trained for every possible contingency and you’re ready to react when it happens.” But the tank is nothing without its crew, said Dupre, adding that the successes they’ve had have largely been because of the crew he works with. “This tank can hurt somebody, either the people outside of it or the people inside of it,” he said. “So when there is this level of risk, being able to count on your guys, rely on them to do their job when they need to and as fast as they possibly can, yeah, that’s close to family.” The tank crew's unit, 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 252nd Armor Regiment, is based in Fayetteville, and is part of the 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, with units based across North Carolina and West Virginia having over 3,400 Soldiers in its ranks.

3rd Annual NCNGAEF Golf Fundraiser for the SSG (Ret) Michael (Mike) Sherrill Memorial Scholarship Fund honoring MAJ Mark McMahan The 130th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade and the 505th Engineer Battalion hosted the 3rd Annual SSG (Ret) Michael Sherrill Memorial Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament fundraiser at Lincoln Country Club in Lincolnton, NC. This tournament was held in honor of MAJ Mark McMahan in his retirement. MAJ McMahan has served for over 28 years and retired from the NCARNG Janaury 2016. A true testament of MAJ McMahan’s character was evident when his father, best friend, and retired First Sergeant showed up for the tournament in his honor. A great time was has by all. Many teams traveled throughout North Carolina to honor MAJ McMahan and SSG (Ret) Sherrill. We were also honored to have in attendance for the third year in a row, Linda Sherrill (Mike’s mother) and Matthew Sherrills (Mike’s nephew). Proceeds from this tournament will benefit the North Carolina National Guard Association Educational Foundation (NCNGAEF). $1000 raised will go towards the SSG (Ret) Michael Sherrill Scholarship and $500 will go to purchase a brick for the NCNG Walk of Honor to commemorate MAJ McMahan’s service. The remaining funds raised will go to the NCNGAEF Endowment Fund.

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Congratulations to the First Place Team of Benny Boyles, Tommy Belcher Jr, Gary Benfield, and Jake Withers. The last place team was awarded the traditional bobble-head trophies: Neal Nethery, Lance Hayes, Adam Mahaffey, and Tyler Josey. Thanks to the hole sponsors for this year’s tournament:COL (Ret) Jeff Brotherton, MAJ Cale and Madison Moody, CSM Reggie Hill, MAJ Jim Poovey, MAJ Greg Snipes, 823rd Engr Det (Quarry Team) – Elkin, 505th En Bn Full Time Manning Soldiers, 875th Engr Co (Horiz) – North Wilkesboro, Det 1 875th Engr Co (Horiz)– Lexington, 878th Engr Co (Vert) – Kings Mtn, 883rd En Co (Sapper) – Winston-Salem, and The Sherrill Family. Thanks to this year’s sponsors of the tournament and their donations: Standard Distributors of Gastonia, Rachel and Eric Ross, Neal Nethery, Dick’s Sporting Goods of Mooresville, Randall Jones, Cracker Barrel, Lowes of Mooresville, and Auto Zone of Mooresville. We also want to thank the following people for their monetary donations: Randall Jones. The 130th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade and 505th Engineer Battalion is now planning their next NCNGAEF Fundraiser for their 9th Annual Len Adams Memorial Tournament in honor of SFC Russell Thorington at the River Oaks Country Club in Statesville, NC in September.

First Armed Forces Flag Football Tournament By SSG David Monroe

SNOW HILL, NC- My name is SSG David Monroe and on March 26, 2016 I hosted my very first Armed Forces Flag Football Tournament. On this day I recognized all former and current military personnel who served in any branch of the US Armed Forces. There were a total of 36 service members who received a medal in thanks for their time in services. Ranks of the awardees included 1 LT Coronial, 1 Command Sergeant Major, 1 Sergeant Major, 1 First Sergeant, 2 Master Sergeants, 7 Sergeant First Classes, 8 Staff Sergeants, 9 Sergeants, 5 Specialist, and 1 Private. During the award ceremony, I also recognized 6 individuals who dedicated their time and services in making sure that this event would be a success. On each award there was a different Army Value displayed on it describing each individual. There were approximately 150 family and friends who attended this tournament in thanks to each service member and support of their favorite football team. On February 26, 2016 I decided that I should host this Flag Football Tournament to honor soldiers. As a service member of the military who has served for 18 years, we do so much in protecting this great Nation. While planning for this Tournament I wanted to make sure that on this day be special for each service member. I displayed one Wrecker (M984 Hemmit) and a LMTV (1078 P2) for individuals to take pictures with them. I requested my younger brother (who built a model tank for the kids to ride in) have his display at the tournament. It was exciting to see many kids and adults get involved with taking pictures with each vehicle and by riding the model tank. The coach of the winning team received a trophy, a team trophy, and each player of the winning team received individual trophies. A jersey was made with each branch of the military on the front of it and on the back of the jersey I decided to get the number 1 printed on it as unity of all branches united as one. On the back of the jersey individuals signed their names and a cake was made as a replica of the jersey. I am proud to say that I was without words on the amount of love and support from family and friends and proud to be a part of the North Carolina National Guard.


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And the winners are !!!!! The Greensboro National Guard Armory hosted a Reverse Drawing for the Educational Foundation on April 28, 2016. Though attendance was lower than previous years we did have a sellout of all 300 tickets!!! Thanks to everyone who participated!! Prize winners are: 1st ticket drawn # 237 - $40 Stacey Garner Winners of every 25th ticket @ $50 each were: #164-Randy Ly #296 -Ward Tyndall, #133- Alydia Mitchel #34-Beth Austin #62-Gen. Lusk (donated back to foundation) #33-Gregory Fennell #113-Wendy Larsen #277-Charles Carter #251-Ted Whitaker #216-Tina Cheek and Lyn Riggs #263-Harvey Satterwhite The $4,000 Grand prize was split as follows: Ticket #160 Sue Hardison and Ken Tyndall $400 Ticket #189 Eric Speck and Jennifer Speck $400 Ticket #112 Jennifer Lacey and Wendy Larsen $400 Ticket # 207 Eric Stedman and Amanda Hopkins-Stedman $400 Ticket #169 Terry and Thelma Westbrook $400 Side Bar winners: Ticket #150 – Michael Bliley $100 Side Bar – Charles Lee $200 Side Bar – Lisa Mote The Hardison "Party Wagon" was won by Rob Bagley, one of the vendors! Over $1,000.00 was raised for the Elmer C. Hardison Memorial Scholarship Fund!! The $2,000 raffle winner was Marshall Collins Second prize of $100 went to Archie Cumbee. Tool Box winner was David Hart Winner of the Ladies Auxilary quilt was Debbie Eudy. The Foundation would like to thank everyone who sold or purchased tickets and who participated in the Silent Auction to help raise funds for educational scholarships for Guard and their families! We sincerely appreciate the above winners and another THANK YOU to all of you who support this Foundation!

The North Carolina Department of the American Legion Thanks You for Your Service to Our State and Nation!

We invite you to visit any of our 327 Posts, statewide, visit our website www.nclegion.org, email us at nclegion@nc.rr.com, or call 919-832-7506.

“For God and Country - Still Serving Proudly.”

NCNGA-EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016-2018 President: Gloria Fields Vice President: Curtis Harris Michael Blilely Richard Crump Sue Hardison Charlene Johnson Wendy Larson Stephen McCormick

Shane Evans Donnie Mote Irene Smith Eric Stedman David Walliser Terry Westbrook Ted Whitaker

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These individuals give of their time, support and dedication. They serve on the Board, and on committees, working hard for this Foundation. Scholarships totaling $1,264,470 have been awarded to 1,757 members of our National Guard family since 1968!

2016 NCNGA Educational Foundation Golf Tournament

The 2016 North Carolina National Guard Association Educational Foundation Annual Golf Tournament has once again provided a cornerstone event for the annual convention weekend, with 73 golfers participating on 19 teams. Forest Oaks Golf Club in Greensboro, NC was the backdrop for the event, and provided us an outstanding golfing experience. Weather all week appeared as if it was going to provide a wet and chilly day for golf, but Thursday came with a beautiful day and provided a great golf event. First, I would like to give a huge THANKS to our sponsors, both with prizes and hole sponsorship. Our great success can be attributed directly to them and their support of the Educational Foundation. We had one hole in one for a vacation trip for two. Unfortunately, no one was able to take advantage of this prize. The list of sponsors includes: RH BARRINGER CHARLOTTE MOTOR SPEEDWAY RELAXMORE CRUSIE PLANNERS CAROLINA HURRICANES HOCKEY BOJANGLES, GREENSBORO, NC LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE KRISPY KREME DONUTS, WINSTON-SALEM, NC LMI, INC HARRIS TEETER CORPORATION DICK’S SPORTING GOODS BUFFALO WILD WINGS GOLF GALAXY HOOTERS ADKOS LONG HORN STEAKHOUSE RAYTHEON TEXAS STEAKHOUSE COUNTRY PURE OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE SAMPSON BLADEN OIL COMPANY PEPSI BOTTLING VENTURES SOUTHERN REIMAGE STANLEY VIDMAR SNYDER’S LANCE AMTECH TSI CORPORATION AXON CORPORATION TARHEEL TOOLING JOHN DEERE MG TODD KELLY

Second, I would like to thank all the North and South Carolina Golf Courses that donated rounds of golf to us. These donations really make the event fun to conduct, and be part of: BEACON RIDGE GOLF CLUB PINEWILD GOLF CLUB RIVER LANDING GOLF CLUB TALAMORE GOLF CLUB FOUNDERS GOLF PINEHURST GOLF CLUB


Finally, I would like to thank all the golfers for participating and making the event a huge success. Altogether, we raised over $4,500.00 for the Educational Foundation. Our list of winners is: 1ST PLACE TEAM 2ND PLACE TEAM 3RD PLACE TEAM 4TH PLACE TEAM NEXT TO LAST LAST LONGEST DRIVE LONGEST DRIVE CLOSEST TO HOLE CLOSEST TO HOLE CLOSEST TO HOLE CLOSEST TO HOLE PUTTING CONTEST



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Some of The Educational Foundation Scholarship Recepients

Rachel Sanford receiving the AEL (Academic Excellence Award) from Donnie Mote. Rachel is a 2016 graduate of Liberty Preparatory Christian Academy and will be studying Accounting. She is daughter of MAJ (USAR 145 AW) Paul & Carole Sanford.

In Memoriam Listed below are those members (and non-members), spouses and dependent children that have recently passed away. If we have missed someone, please contact the Editor, Katie Westbrooks at katie@ncnga.org or 919-851-3390 ext 2.

Janice H. Hough Spouse of William J. Hough Lumberton, NC February 2, 2016

Jo-Anne Herring Spouse of Thurman Herring Mt. Olive, NC February 9, 2016

Elizabeth Houlihan Daughter of Philip (Woody) Houlihan Fayetteville, GA March 29, 2016

James E. Blackburn Roaring River, NC March 21, 2016

Luke M. Moore Wilson, NC March 30, 2016

Robert H. Israel Asheville, NC February 3, 2016

Dolphus Belch Edenton, NC March 21, 2016

Clara S. Skinner Child of Jason Skinner Fayetteville, NC February 4, 2016

James J. Conner Windsor, NC March 22, 2016

Ester G. Kearney Spouse of James Kearney Henderson, NC April 1, 2016

John A. Parrott, Jr. Raleigh, NC January 19, 2016

Bruce C. Guard Advance, NC March 25, 2016

John T. Dancy Richlands, NC April 1, 2016 William Jackson Raleigh, NC April 14, 2016

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John D. Williams Monroe, NC April 17, 2016 Angela Simmons Raleigh, NC April 18, 2016 Tracey Dunston Kenly, NC April 19, 2016 Richard C. Sistare Rock Hill, SC April 25, 2016 Ruth Alice Scott Spouse of Luther Scott Raeford, NC April 28, 2016

Tommy J. Lail Gastonia, NC May 2, 2016 James E. Nelson Jacksonville, NC May 7, 2016 William L. Ross Littleton, NC May 10, 2016 Jimmy W. Aheron Eden, NC May 13, 2016 Joseph C. West Morehead City, NC May 15, 2016 Richard (Dick) L. Adair Gastonia, NC May 16, 2016

2015 Engineer Soldier of the Year


Terry Westbrook presented Julia Schwarz with the Dorothy Ledbetter Memorial Scholarship. Julia is a 2016 graduate of Middle Creek High School and will be attending the University of North Carolina Wilmington majoring on Psychology. Pictured with her parents (from left to right) Larry, Julia and Denise Schwarz along with Terry Westbrook.

Donnie Mote, presenting Patrick Hill with the SECU Community College Scholarship. Patrick is a 2015 graduate of North Wilkes High School and will be attending Wilkes Community College majoring in Business Administration. Patrick is the son of CSM Reggie and Karen Hill.


pecialist Samuel Craig Reel was recently awarded the 2015 Engineer Soldier of the Year (“Super Sapper”) Award for the 105th Engineer Battalion of the North Carolina Army National Guard in Laurinburg. He is assigned as a Combat Engineer (12B) Track Vehicle Driver, Countermobility Platoon HQ, 151st Mobility Augmentation Company (MAC) in Laurinburg, NC. SPC Reel is a 2012 graduate of Hoke County High School in Raeford, NC. He resides in Greenville, NC and attends Pitt Community College, studying business administration, with plans to transfer to East Carolina University. The Super Sapper Award is a component of the US Army Engineer Regimental Award Program and is administered for the Engineer Regiment by the Army Engineer Association (AEA). This award is an annual recognition for the Battalion Level Engineer Soldier of the Year (E-4 and below) as defined Engineer Battalion Command Team of Battalion Commander and Battalion Command Sergeant Major. SPC Reel joined the North Carolina National guard in April 2012. He completed Combat Engineer initial training at Fort Leonard Wood, MO in December 2012. SPC Reel was a member of the HHC 105th Engr Bn Sapper Team and was awarded the North Carolina Achievement Medal for winning the 105th Engineer Battalion Sapper Stakes in 2013. He received the Army Achievement Medal for his outstanding performance as First Sergeant’s driver and contributions to the training of other Soldiers at annual training 2014. Also in 2014, SPC Reel volunteered for state active duty (SAD) operations for an ice storm. He transferred to the 151st MAC in February 2015. SPC Reel completed the Warrior Leader Course in April 2015, graduating near the top of his class, and receiving three superior ratings for demonstrated performance. SPC Reel participated in emergency SAD operations to South Carolina for Operation Palmetto Support in October 2015 and was awarded the South Carolina Achievement Medal and his second North Carolina State Active Duty Award. The Super Sapper Award was conceived and initiated in 2001 by BAE Systems, an AEA Supporting Firm Member, BAE Systems recognizes that the AEA provides valuable benefits to every member of the Engineer Regiment, particularly the junior enlisted ranks. BAE Systems has undertaken to sponsor this means to recognize the excellence and future potential of the junior enlisted members of the Army Engineer Regiment, the future of our Regiment and our Army. This recurring AEA award is proudly sponsored by BAE Systems.

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Tarheel Guardsman NC National Guard Assoc. 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047

Periodicals U. S. Postage PAID Raleigh, NC

How to reach us: 919-851-3390 info@ncnga.org - email www.ncnga.org - website

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