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Questions? Call 919-851-3390 or 800-821-6159 (NC Only)

Return Application & Payment To: NCNGA Attn: Legacy Bridge Program 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047

E-Mail Address: _______________________________________


Unit: ___________________________________Rank: ________

Phone: (____)__________________________________________

City: _________________________State: ______ Zip: ________

NCNGA Life Member: ______Yes

Credit Card Information: Acct #:_________________________________ Exp. Date: __/__/__ 3 Digit Sec. Code: _______ Signature: _______________________________________

Decide now to be a charter member of the Legacy Bridge Program. Spouses are also welcome to join and you may want to honor a friend or fellow Airman/Soldier by providing their membership!

$100 Full Payment: ___ Check ___ Money Order ___ MasterCard/Visa (Add $3 CC Fee)

Simply put – we are you! We are the men and women serving each other, and protecting and improving our rights and benefits. Our mission is to ensure that you and your family are taken care of while you are serving your state and country. We protect those of you who have retired because you are our heritage and you deserve it! Again – we are you!

Mailing Address: _______________________________________

We are about our members, who are over 15,500 in number. We are your voice for legislative initiatives.

Everyone is welcome to become a Legacy Member. But we are counting on the true “legacy” being those who are Associate and/or Lifetime members. Only four incremental payments of $25, over a specified period of time, will certainly provide for both protecting and assuring a stable financial position for the Association into the distant future.

$25 Quarterly Installments: ___ Check ___ Money Order

We are governed by an Executive Council, comprised of equal representation from the Army and Air National Guard, for both active and retired Guard members.

This program will provide the financial resources to keep our Association operating at the level necessary to continue to provide benefits to our members and their families. These donations will eliminate the need to use our reserve funds for operating expenses, which could eventually cause us to exhaust all of our financial resources.

Name: ________________________________________________

We are a non-profit organization established in 1960 by members of the NCNG that wanted to make a difference.

It is a program designed to protect and ensure the heritage and future of the North Carolina National Guard Association.

$100 Donation (Donations are not tax deductible)

The North Carolina National Guard Association is an organization created to support the men and women of the NCNG.

What is the Legacy Bridge Program?


What is the North Carolina National Guard Association?


NCNGA Mission


It is the mission of the North Carolina National Guard Association to:

As a result of efforts on your behalf by the NCNGA:

• Promote and support adequate state and national security.

Improved pay and allowances for Guardsmen called to state duty

• Seek and promote programs that are beneficial to all members of the North Carolina National Guard.

State benefits comparable to federal for Guardsmen injured or killed while in state service

Distinctive Guard license plates

Immunity for Guardsmen from civil or criminal liability while acting in aid of civil authorities and in the line of duty while in state service

• Foster and improve the North Carolina Army and Air National Guard and their relations with the public. • Promote friendship, understanding, and cooperation between the active armed forces and all reserve components.

Goals of the NCNGA • Increase legislative efforts to enhance existing State and National programs as well as promote and support new legislative efforts (see web site for current initiatives) •

Creation of additional programs to benefit all Association members


• A state retirement benefit •

State-funded Tuition Assistance benefit

Membership in State Employees’ Credit Union


• Eligibility for VA home loans for Guardsmen with six or more years of service •

Burial flags and markers available from the VA for Guardsmen eligible for retired pay North Carolina National Guard Association 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047 1-800-821-6159 (NC) 1-919-851-3390 ncnga@bellsouth.net www.ncnga.org



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