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MINUTES COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING NORTH CAROLINA NATIONAL GUAD ASSOCIATION 29 MAY 2013 The above named committee met on the date indicated on call of Committee Chairman Diana Stumpf. The meeting was held at the NCNGA Headquarters, Raleigh, NC, and the following members participated: Chairman Diana Stumpf, Bryan Finch and Jeremy Davis; Sheenia Bennett, Scot Heineman, Tom Innes and John Smith attended via teleconference. NCNGA President Bobby Lumsden attended via teleconference for the first part of the meeting. NCNGA Staff member Teri Foster also attended the meeting. Committee members Scott Schnack, Phillip Kerr, and Darryl Jordan were absent. A quorum was determined to be present and the meeting was convened at 10:00 a.m. Chairman Stumpf welcomed everyone to the meeting. She then turned the meeting over to President Lumsden, who discussed with the committee his guidance and priorities for the Communications Committee (see attached). President Lumsden stated that the Communications Committee is not one single form of communication – they are the managers of the information and communication tools used for this information for our members. He wants the committee to focus on every avenue of communication. He noted that the Executive Council has approved $24,000 for web design – he wants them to use it to redesign the website, manage it, and make it flow better. He also reminded the committee that they will need approval from the Council for this expenditure. He wants the committee to come back to the Council with 1) an understanding of what this money will be used for; and 2) it must tie into our strategic goals. In addition to making changes to our website, he wants the committee to review the Tarheel Guardsman – ask themselves if it is being used effectively. The magazine is a key piece of our communication tools and we need to look at different ways to encourage our members to get involved and communicate our information to other members. He mentioned the EANGUS and NGAUS publications and how they have a “Focus” article and an informative article, he would like the Tarheel Guardsman to use this format, as well. He wants the Communication Committee to engage the other NCNGA committees to provide them information to use on our website, magazine and other communication tools, especially the Legislative Committee. President Lumsden said the Communications Committee is the keystone to the Association –it should be taking our message to our members and those we are trying to influence. This committee is to be the management of the Association’s communications. Committee member Davis discussed with President Lumsden and the committee that the Legislative Committee needs to research an information graphic design piece for the next

legislative breakfast. He said it puts our information (legislative agenda, etc.) into a picture-type format so it is more easily looked at and absorbed. It will cost some money to do this, but would be well worth the cost. Lumsden agreed and has expressed this to the Legislative Committee Chairman; he is an ex-officio member of the Legislative Committee so he will be able to followup on this suggestion. President Lumsden thanked the committee members for their time and support, and then excused himself from the meeting. Chairman Stumpf briefly discussed the Duties & Responsibilities for the committee and asked each committee member to review them between now and the next committee meeting; bring suggestions to the next meeting. The 19 March 2013 committee minutes were discussed. Chairman Stumpf asked the committee members to update her on what the committee was doing at the end of last year, and the status of any projects. Committee member Davis advised the committee on the logo created last year; the new logo has been approved, but is not being used on any NCNGA information. Committee member Innes asked about the status of copyrighting the NCNGA logos, no one on the committee knew what the status. (Following the meeting, NCNGA Staff member Foster checked on the status of the copyright for the Association logo and it has been sent to an attorney for review.) Committee member Smith stated he was against changing our logo; it is our identity. He thinks we need to put our logo on more things. He and the other committee members agreed that it does need to be cleaned up and put in a vector-type graphic. He has looked at several other state association websites, and thought the Texas National Guard Association had a very good website. Chairman Stumpf asked all committee members to look at the various state National Guard Association’s websites and bring their comments back to the next meeting. The design of the Association’s web site was discussed and Davis stated that it uses Word Press for the design. He stated that they wanted to keep it very simple because many of the fancy things you see on our web sites cannot be viewed on many work computers – especially the military computers. Committee member Finch suggested a short survey be sent to the commands asking them what they would like to see on the website and in the magazine. Committee member Davis said we could do the form on our website and send it out that way. The committee also suggested we use the Unit Representatives as a communication tool for the Association. This will be discussed further at our next meeting. The committee discussed obtaining quotes from several marketing companies to redesign the website, magazine, PR items, and clean up the NCNGA logo. Committee members Davis, Finch and Smith will contact companies to see what they can offer and their cost. Davis stated that the $24,000 in the budget should be used for a marketing company, rather than a web design

company; we will not only be redesigning the website, but looking for design assistance for all our communication tools. Under new business, Committee member Davis mentioned that currently the Association uses Google Feedburner as an email service (the service that automatically sends an email to those members signed up for NCNGA notifications). This service will be discontinued in the near future and he is recommending we move this service to “Mail Chimp.� The service is free up to a certain point; Chairman Stumpf asked him to research the cost and present information at the next meeting. With no other business, Chairman Stumpf thanked everyone for attending. She asked the committee members to do the following before the next meeting: 1) read the President’s guidance to the committee; 2) review and critique our website, as well as other state association websites; 3) review and critique the Tarheel Guardsman magazine; and 4) brainstorm with other NC Guard members about what they would to see from the NC National Guard Association and its communications. The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

______________________________ Teri Foster NCNGA Staff

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