Please Reserve Honoree Table Sponsor (8 seats)......................$15,000 Gold Table Sponsor (8 seats)..............................$5,000 Silver Table Sponsor (8 seats)............................. $2,500 Bronze Sponsor (2 seats)......................................$1,000 Individual Reservations..........................................$200 Active Duty Military................................................$125
Shining Star Benefactor I regret that I will be unable to attend. Please accept my tax-deductible contribution of $_____________ to sponsor a service member and their guest this evening.
Please RSVP by October 11, 2013 Your reservation is tax-deductible with the exception of $85 per person. For more information please call Anna Martin at 919-840-2945 or Complete reverse side
Guests Names
Salute to Freedom Gala
We are pleased to
accept your invitation to the
9th annual
Saturday, October 19th, 2013
_________________________________________ Name _________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________ Email Address Reservation Total (___x________) ... _______________ Enclosed is my check in the amount of $_________ payable to the USO of North Carolina Please charge my: q MasterCard
q Visa
_________________________________________ Card Number Expiration Date _________________________________________ Signature
would like the following guests to be seated at my table. (Table host indicated with “*�)
1.*_________________________________________________ 2._ ________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________ 5._________________________________________________ 6._________________________________________________ 7.__________________________________________________ 8._________________________________________________ please contact us if there are special meal requests.