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Tarheel Guardsman d n a s a m t s hri C y r r e M s y a d i l o H y p p a s r e H c i f f O d n a f f a t S e h t m o fr of the a n i l o r a C n o North i t a i c o s s A d r a u G l a n o i t a N

December 2013/ January 2014


he last few months have challenged us. The partial federal government shutdown cost over 6,000 traditional Guardsmen (both Soldiers and Airmen) October annual training or weekend drill. The shutdown postponed training throughout the first three weeks of October. Individual Weapon Qualification, Army Warrior Training, Military Occupational Specialty, professional development schooling, along with a significant part of our daily maintenance and logistics systems were diminished and in some cases suspended. Apparently the Pay our Military Act, intended to prevent disruption to the military in case of a federal government shutdown excluded half of our Nation’s military – all members of the Reserve Components were effectively furloughed by not being allowed to conduct weekend drills. Most, if not all, of these lost training days and schools will be rescheduled in the coming months, but, not without the potential need to renegotiate and reschedule drills with employers and other family plans. Overall this organization weathered the partial government shutdown storm with a steady professionalism and reliability that underscored our dedication to duty in the face of reduced manning and resources. My hat goes off to all NCNG staff sections from the detachment level to the Joint Force Headquarters who shouldered the load in ensuring we remained ready and responsive to a call to duty. Myself, the command team, and NCNG Joint Forces Headquarters staff are working on a variety of fronts to proactively protect our members and missions from disruptive events such as this shut down. No doubt, we were all impacted by the effects of the recent shutdown and I am happy that a resolution passed that eventually put our Soldiers and Airmen back to work. The first step was House Resolution HR 3210 - Pay Our Military Act (POMA), which provided pay and allowances to bring some of our military members, government civilians and contractors back to work. The POMA bill doesn’t, however, address the need to reclassify our federal dual-status technicians and federal civilian employees as “excepted activities” which would effectively block and protect them from future furloughs if there are additional lapses in federal appropriations. Then HR 2775 - Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, provided for continuation funding, ending the shutdown. Though not perfect, HR 2775 did authorize retroactive pay for furloughed employees, which we expect will pay our fulltime federal employees at the end of October. It is important to highlight that in lieu of

future government constraints, we are actively seeking ways to raise awareness with our state and federal legislative partners to this issue and to stress the importance of treating our federal employees and training periods as “excepted activities.” This change in status ensures our full-time employees remain working and our drilling M-day Citizen Soldiers and Airmen get the training they need and deserve. At home, we must continue to dedicate our efforts towards civil support training and fostering relationships with our civilian counterparts in N.C. Emergency Management and other state and federal agencies. We must reengage local community leaders and service organizations and let them know that we are here and ready to serve. I encourage units to reach out in the Maj. Gen. Gregory A. Lusk Adjutant General of NC communities in which you serve in order to raise awareness about our organization and your unit specific capabilities. Tell them what we do and continue to drive home the message that we are ready, reliable, responsive and relevant to the citizens of our state. As 2013 winds down, more than 230 Soldiers and Airmen are currently deployed somewhere in the world – most separated from home during the coming Holiday Season. These numbers are the lowest we have seen in over 12 years of persistent conflict. Since 9/11, the NCNG has mobilized and deployed nearly 21,000 Soldiers and Airmen in support of operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and other austere (“garden spots”) locations around the world. In closing, I would like to say how much I appreciate each and every one of you who serve in the North Carolina National Guard. Together we maintain unit readiness and capabilities vital to supporting our communities, our fellow citizens, and our Nation. Enjoy the coming holiday season with your friends and family and on behalf of the entire NCNG command team, we thank them for providing you the inspiration and ability to proudly and professionally serve this great organization. It is truly a pleasure serving with you as a member of our Always Ready Ready Team!

TAG’s Corner

óó Contact Info: Email: ng.nc.ncarng.mbx.pao@mail.mil NC Adjutant General — Maj. Gen. Greg Lusk: http://www.facebook.com/NCAdjutantGeneral http://twitter.com/NCTAG

Page 2 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014

Contact info continued on page 5 ~


Official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association DECEMBER 2013/JANUARY 2014

Volume 47

Number 6

Contents: NCNGA:

Convention Information 6,7 Educational Foundation Golf Tournament Application 9 Legacy Bridge Program 11 In Memoriam List 13 Application for Office 13

NC National Guard:

Senior Leader Workshop NC Guardsman Recognized by USO-NC

10 12


Executive Council

President Bobby Lumsden

30th HBCT Brian Alkire Scott Schnack

Vice President Brent Orr Past President Ronnie Honeycutt Secretary-Treasurer Adene Tyler Judge Advocate Rick Fay Chaplain Carl Singley STAFF

Executive Director Adene Tyler Insurance Administrator Teri Foster Assistant Insurance Administrator Rhonda Arndt Bookkeeper Kathy Ford NCNGA Educational Foundation Administrator Peggy Robinson Teri Foster, Editor

130th MEB Robert Holland Christopher McCurry 60th Troop Command Velma Evans Dale Baker, Jr. 449th TAB Colby Hammonds Thomas Underwood 113th Sustainment BDE Miriam Gray Randy Ly JFHQ-NC Steven Johnson Charlene Johnson 139th Regiment (CA) James McKee David Eaton Air Guard Barbara Doncaster Wendy Larsen Junior Council Timothy Stanhope Lonnie Brooks Associate Class John Eudy John Sweat, Jr.

NCNGA Insured Members — Have YOU Checked Your Beneficiary Lately? Have you had a change in your marital status? Do you know who you have designated as your beneficiary? Contact us at 919-851-3390 and either Teri Foster at ext 1, or Rhonda Arndt at ext 0, will be glad to assist you.

Deadline for submitting articles to the Tarheel Guardsman: FEB/MAR issue: 3 JAN 2014 Send articles/photos to Teri Foster, Editor at the NCNGA (7410 Chapel Hill Rd, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047) or email (teri.gregory.foster@gmail.com)

Address changes or questions? Contact us at 919-851-3390 or ncnga@bellsouth.net www.ncnga.org The Tarheel Guardsman, (ISSN 10618392) is published bi-monthly for the Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina, by the North Carolina National Guard Association, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC 27676-9651. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Tarheel Guardsman, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607-5047. The Tarheel Guardsman is the official publication of the North Carolina National Guard Association, a non-profit organization. The publication’s mission is to promote the general welfare of the NCNGA, assist in increasing the readiness of the NC Army and Air National Guard of North Carolina and serve as a vehicle of expression for members of the National Guard. Members receive the publication free with their membership. The annual subscription rate for non-members of the Association is $15.00. Please include your old address when requesting change of address. Deadline for submitted material to the Tarheel Guardsman is the 5th of the month, two months preceding the calendar date of issue. Manuscripts and photographs on subjects of general interest are invited. Unless otherwise indicated, material may be reprinted provided credit is given to the Tarheel Guardsman and the author where listed. Articles and photos will not be returned, unless requested. (USPS 533-640) Advertising is accepted. For details contact the Association headquarters. Advertising, including political ads, published in this publication does not represent the endorsement or approval of the North Carolina National Guard Association.

Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014 — Page 3

NCNG Soldiers Honor Fallen Comrade with Memorial By Staff Sgt Kelly LeCompte, 30th ABCT GOLDSBORO, NC – Family, friends and fellow soldiers from the 230th Brigade Support Battalion, 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, North Carolina National Guard, gathered to remember 1st Lt. Ashley White-Stumpf during the unveiling ceremony of the “Fallen Soldier Memorial” dedicated in her honor at the Goldsboro National Guard Armory on Sept. 15, 2013. White-Stumpf was assigned to C Co, 230th BSB, 30th ABCT, when she volunteered to deploy as part of a cultural support team that aided special operations forces. She was killed in combat operations near Kandahar Province in Afghanistan, October 22, 2011. Friend and fellow Soldier, Capt. Laura Dodson, together with White-Stumpf’s husband, Capt. Jason Stumpf, contributed greatly to the memorial’s conception and construction. The unveiling ceremony marked the completion of the project nearly two years in the making. Dodson said that along with being happy to have the memorial finalized, seeing it unveiled now gives her a sense of closure. “I’m extremely happy to have had this memorial done,” Dodson said. Josh White, brother of the late WhiteStumpf, said he hopes that for Soldiers passing by the memorial, it will serve as more than a just reminder of his sister.

“I hope it’s a reminder of the standard they need to live up to,” White said. “I hope it’s a reminder to push yourself harder… that’s what she would want.” Soldiers with the 230th Brigade Support Battalion, 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, North Carolina National Guard, unveil a monument in memory of 1st Lt. Ashley White-Stumpf at the Goldsboro National Guard Armory, NC, Sept. 15, 2013. Red roses, said to have been White-Stumpf’s favorite color and flower, surround the structure. White-Stumpf was killed when the cultural support team she was serving with encountered an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan, October 22, 2011. (US Army National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Kelly S. LeCompte, 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team, NCNG/Released)

Paid Advertisement

The North Carolina Department of the American Legion Thanks You for Your Service to Our State and Nation! We invite you to visit any of our 334 Posts, statewide, visit our website www.nclegion.org, email us at nclegion@nc.rr.com, or call 919-832-7506. “For God and Country Still Serving Proudly.”

Page 4 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014

Do You Have a High School Senior or College Student? It is not too early to begin thinking about scholarship applications. The 2014-15 NCNGA Educational Foundation Scholarship application is available on the NCNGA website (www.ncnga.org) under “Documents” and “Educational Foundation.” Application deadlines are: 1 Feb 2014 for College Students and High School Graduates 1 Mar 2014 for High School Seniors Please contact Peggy Robinson at the Educational Foundation at 919-851-3390 ext 5, for additional information.

Chaplain (Colonel) Ben K. Hodge

New Commander for the 505th EN BN

By Ray K. Hodge

Ben Hodge celebrated 27 years of military service on June 6, 2013. He was recently promoted to the rank of Colonel, and now serves with the North Carolina National Guard as Senior Command Chaplain. He is the son of Ray Hodge of Smithfield. Ben recently returned from a year-long combat deployment supporting Operations New Dawn and Enduring Freedom, and prior to that, Operation Iraqi Freedom, during which he earned the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medal. Chaplain Hodge is a graduate of Kinston High School, Wake Forest University, South-eastern Baptist Seminary, several military schools, and has done additional study at Duke University and in professional seminars. Ben and his wife, Kate, and their children, John, a rising senior at Appalachian State, and Eleanor, a rising senior at Mount Tabor High School, live in Winston-Salem, where he returned to his civilian career with Davidson Audio Visual, Inc.

New leader for 505th Engineer Battalion, Army Lt. Col. Christina M. Moore, assumes command at a ceremony at their drill at Camp Butner National Guard Training Center at Stem, NC, Nov. 2, 2013. She will command the nearly 480 North Carolina National Guard Soldiers in companies headquartered in Gastonia, Mocksville, North Wilksboro, Lexington, Taylorsville, Mt. Airy, Forest City, and Kings Mountain. (US Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Antonio Mendez, North Carolina National Guard Public Affairs)

Don’t forget the Tarheel Retiree Homecoming on Friday, 13 December 2013. Beginning at 10:00 a.m., it will be held at the Joint Force Headquarters, 1636 Gold Star Drive, Raleigh NC. To register or for more information, please contact Community Relations Office at 919-664-6000 ext 46902 or 46889. NC National Guard Association: President — Bobby Lumsden: president.ncnga@gmail.com

Continued from page 2:



Headquarters Office: ncnga@bellsouth.net

NC Assistant Adjutant General Air — Brig. Gen. Todd Kelly: http://facebook.com/NCAirAAG http://twitter.com/NCAirAAG NC Command Chief Warrant Officer — CW5 Rick Comer: http://www.facebook.com/pages/NC-Command-Chief-Warrant-Officer/261726843901458 http://www.twitter.com/NCCWO Command Senior Enlisted Leader — CSM John Swart: http://www.facebook.com/NCCSM http://twitter.com/NCSCSM NC Command Chief Master Sergeant — Chief Master Sgt. Bruce Pickett: http://www.facebook.com/pages/NC-State-Command-Chief-Master-Sergeant/330777956943662 http://www.twitter.com/NCCmdChief

Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014 — Page 5

NC National Guard Association & NCNG Combined Event Registration Twin City Quarter, Winston-Salem, NC 27-29 MARCH 2014

Rank Registrant’s Name _____________________________________ __________

Association First Member Convention Yes No Yes No

Spouse/Guest Name ___________________________________ __________

Yes No

Address ________________________________________________________

Yes No


City_______________________________ State________ Zip____________ ______________________ Telephone ____________________________E-mail_____________________________________________

Saturday Dinner Choices

COMBINED EVENT REGISTRATION FEES Retirees & Spouse/Guest (based on rank at retirement)

By 28 FEB Per person

*After 1 MAR Per person

E1-E4 & Spouse/Guest



E5-E7/WO1-CW2/ O1-O2 & Spouse/Guest



All other ranks & Spouse/Guest









(meal only)


*We are unable to accept registration AFTER 15 MARCH 2014

Spouse/Guest: Beef 

Chicken Chicken   Vegetarian  Vegetarian 

Seating Preference (if any)** _____ Joint Force Headquarters _____ NC Air National Guard _____ 60th Troop Command _____ 130th MEB



Attending Business Session: Member: Friday Yes No Saturday Yes No


Attendee: Beef 

No Refunds After 20 March 2014

Attending Friday Dance: Member: Yes No Spouse/Guest: Yes No

_____ 30th Armored Bde Combat Team _____ 449th Theater Aviation Brigade _____ 113th Sustainment Brigade _____ 139th Regiment (Combat Arms) _____ Open Seating _____ Retirees

**If interested in requesting specific unit seating, please contact Debbie Wilborn at Meeting Services, Inc. at 336-451-0557.

Method of Payment: ____Check enclosed ____Charge my: ____MasterCard ____Visa Account #________________________________ Expiration date ____________3 digit security code ______ Authorized Signature ____________________________________________________________________

There will be a $23 Fee for Returned Checks.

Register online at http://ncng.meetingservicesinc.com/ or you can mail the completed form with credit card information or check/money order to: Meeting Services, Inc.; ATTN: Debbie Wilborn, 3505 Vernon Woods Drive, Summerfield NC 27358. Checks should be made payable to Meeting Services, Inc.

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ollowing the success of the 2013 Combined Event, combining our events again just made sense. So, the North Carolina National Guard Association and the Enlisted and Officer Military Balls will again join together for a weekend of fun, fellowship and camaraderie on 27-29 March 2014. The event will be held at the same location - Twin City Quarter, in Winston-Salem NC. Twin City Quarter is comprised of the Marriott Hotel, Embassy Suites Hotel and the Benton Convention Center. All facilities are connected with a covered walkway in beautiful, downtown Winston-Salem. The 2014 Combined Event will be a different. One example is that the functions will be held at the Benton Convention Center - so there will be plenty of space! However, because of meal requirements and hotel contracts, the deadline to register is 15 March 2014 (room reservations must be made before 28 February 2014). Another difference from the 2013 event - we have hired Meeting Services, Inc. to handle the registration process for us. All registrations will go to them and the preferred method of registering for the event will be on line at http://ncng.meetingservicesinc.com/. We hope you will plan to attend the Combined Event beginning Thursday, 27 March 2014, for the NCNGA Educational Foundation annual golf tournament and Reverse Drawing (information on both functions can be found on page 9). Friday, 28 March 2014, we will have a

Welcome Session beginning at 2pm, with breakouts following for various topics of interest to hopefully include TriCare, Veterans Affairs, etc. (The Feb/Mar issue of the Tarheel Guardsman will have move information on the breakout sessions and spouse activities.) Friday evening will begin with hospitality rooms, run by the various major commands, and then an evening of entertainment (stay tuned for more information on that function). Saturday morning will be a continuation of the NCNGA’s session and elections (all members of the NCNGA are eligible to vote, so plan to attend and vote - you could win a very nice doorprize just for voting!). Saturday evening will be the grand event, the Combined Event Ball. Everyone will be in their finest (dress is semi-formal for non-military and retirees, dress blues for military (men and women). The NCNGA Convention Planning Committee, along with the Combined Event Committee, are working on making this event the best we have ever had and we hope you will join us in Winston-Salem. Hotel rooms are blocked for Thursday, Friday and Saturday — so reserve your room today! (Hotel information is on the back page.) Don’t forget to register for the Combined Event when you make your hotel room reservation — we had some members reserve a room, but not register until it was too late and we were full.

One Weekend Culminating Into One Big Event! Winston-Salem is the place to be! Especially the weekend of 27-29 March 2014!

There will be plenty of time for catching up with old friends and meeting new ones - plus, there will be plenty of time to take in the city and enjoy your weekend. Send in your registration form today and make your hotel reservation - you don’t want to miss this event!

Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014 — Page 7

“Fairway to Honor” Charity Golf Tournament The Soldiers and Airmen Assistance Fund (SAAF) hosted its second annual “Fairway to Honor” golf tournament on 30 September at Bentwinds Golf & Country Club in Fuquay-Varina, NC. “It was just a perfect day for golf,” said Dennis Roach, Director. “We had thirty-five teams, plenty of support and a new title sponsor this year, Exxon Mobil. Our goal was to show our supporters a fun day of golf and to raise awareness about our families in the Guard who need help. The course was beautiful, the food was great and everyone said to sign them up for next year’s event. This year we had 140 players signed up within thirty days of the announcement. The most popular hole was the Purple Heart gun hole. In the morning the average shot was 275 yards but by that afternoon some of the golf balls were flying over 400 yards!” “Our team did a great job organizing this event, and we are starting now to make plans for next year,” Chairman of the Board Iwan Clontz said, “this tournament has proven to be very successful in achieving our goal of building stronger relationships with our sponsors and the public sector.”

A special thanks to all the members and families that helped us make the tournament a huge success. To our great sponsors, gift donors and friends of the Guard, we sincerely appreciate your support and concern for our Guard families. Exxon Mobil…Kangaroo Express…North Carolina PCM…SAS…Pine Hollow Golf…Keith Hills Golf… CocaCola…Bull Market…Enterprise Rent-A-Car… Hooters…Handee Hugo…Carolina Hurricanes… Dean Cline & Associates…Largemouth Communications…NC National Guard Association…Dell… Snyder’s Lance…Purple Heart Homes…ARMAC… Pinehurst #8…Bentwinds Golf & Country Club… Ray Price Harley Davidson…Wakefield Plantation Golf & Country Club…EDM…Pepsi…USO-NC

1st Place: Chad Morgan, Craig Haire, Jay Randall, Mark Randall (team pictured above) 2nd Place: Brandon Bryce, Mac Hammer, Mark Stanford, Ryan Toland 3rd Place: Eddie Hayes, Kevin Whitaker, Larry Shaver, Rawn Wright Men’s Longest Drive: Lance Jordan Women’s Longest Drive: Linda Wynn Closest to the Pin: Charles Jackson, Wesley Campbell, Andre Robinson, Les Shafer, Craig Haire, Rawn Wright

If you are interenested in contribuing to the NC Soldiers and Airmen Assistance Fund, please go to their website at www.saaf-nc.com or contact Dennis Roach, Director, at 919-851-3390 ext 3.

Page 8 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014

PLAY GOLF AND SUPPORT THE NCNGA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION FORMAT: 18-Hole Captain’s Choice WHERE: Tanglewood Golf Club, Clemmons, NC 27012 WHEN: Thursday, March 27, 2014 – Shotgun Start at 9:00 AM ENTRY FEE: $65.00 (Make checks payable to NCNGA Educational Foundation, Inc.) DEADLINE FOR REGISTERING: All checks must be received by Monday, 3 March 2014 TEAM PRIZES: 1st Place Team — 4th Place Team MAIL TO: NCNGA Educational Foundation, Inc., 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 The entry fee includes cart and green fee, all prizes (Longest Drive Front and Back Nine, Closest to the Hole All Par 3’s, Hole in One All Par 3’s, Putting Contest at Conclusion of Round, Door Prizes) and Driving Range prior to round. Mulligans may be purchased for $5 (3 for $10). Money from mulligans will be added to the donations to the NCNGA Educational Foundation. Cost for Putting Contest is $10. Prize for Putting Contest is 50/50 split the pot on the cost, with the remainder also added to the donations to the NCNGA Educational Foundation. You may put together your own team or sign up individually and I will place you on a team. For additional information, contact Peggy Robinson at 919-851-3390 ext 5 Open to all golfers during the 53rd NCNGA Annual Convention in Winston-Salem, NC and their guests. All proceeds go to the NCNGA Educational Foundation. Check must accompany entry form. Convention attendance not required to enter tournament. Entry fee will be returned if tournament is cancelled due to rain. If you would like to register as a team, all four entry forms must be submitted together with checks totaling $260. Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (home) ___________________________ (cell) _________________________________ Email address: ______________________________________________________________________________ I declare myself physically able to compete in this event. I waive all rights for claims for injury or illness which may occur during this event. Signature: ___________________________________________

Date: _____________________

NCNGA Educational Foundation estimates the value for each entrant to be $45.00. Charitable contributions are deductible only to the extent that they exceed the value of any goods and services received. Your cancelled check is acknowledgement of your contribution.

Have you bought your Reverse Drawing ticket yet? Are you asking yourself “what is a Reverse Drawing?” Well, it is an event where the last ticket drawn is the winner of the $4,000 prize. The NCNGA Educational Foundation, Inc. will host this event on Thursday evening, 27 March 2014. The Drawing will be held at the Winston-Salem National Guard Armory and tickets are $40 each, and include dinner for two. Chances are good you will win something - only 300 tickets are sold and prizes are awarded every 50 tickets. Monies raised help the Educational Foundation provide scholarships to members and their families. Contact Peggy Robinson for your ticket — 919-851-3390 ext 5 Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014 — Page 9

Senior Leader Workshop: A Ready, Reliable, Responsive, and Relevant Force at Home and Abroad


he annual Adjutant General’s Senior Leader Workshop held in Raleigh was attended by the senior organizational leaders of the North Carolina National Guard and for the first time, retired former Senior Leaders who were on hand to lend a different perspective to the current challenges faced by the current leaders of the North Carolina National Guard. To frame the overall theme of the Conference, attendees heard from the Governor of North Carolina, Pat McCrory, and Director of Emergency Management, Mike Sprayberry, on how the NCNG fits in to the overall role as the force multiplier for Defense Support to Civil Authority missions in North Carolina. It was the first time a sitting Governor had addressed the Senior Leader Workshop and the Governor even took time to pose with the attendees for a historic photograph to document the event. On the Federal mission support side, Lieutenant General Lengyel, the Vice Chief of the National Guard Bureau, gave a frank and open talk about the current funding and long term operational use of the National Guard in overseas contingency and steady state opera-

tions. His insight into the new position of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau as a member of the Joint Chiefs was insightful and interesting to say the least. Sexual Assault is a very current and relevant topic to all military leaders and the Senior Leader Workshop was no different. Well known

attorney, judge and activist, Anne Munch, gave a riveting presentation entitled, “Sexual Assault: Naming the Unnamed Conspirator.” She challenged many cultural norms and attitudes commonly held not only in the military but society as a whole. Leaders were given much to think about in regards to how they approach this difficult and disturbing issue. Despite the wonderful array of speakers, the true heart of this Senior Leader’s Workshop was the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis that was conducted by several breakout groups at NCO, Battalion, Brigade and General Officer level. Participants indentified our areas where the NCNG could improve, sustain and exploit opportunities in the next five years. This feedback will be used to refine the NCNG Campaign Plan for the coming year. The input of the speakers and breakout sessions all supported the development of this key portion of the Senior Leader Workshop.

Retiree Gathering

By Capt Richard Scoggins, NCNG Public Affairs A group of more than 60 retired North Carolina National Guardsmen met at a McCall's Bar B-Q & Seafood restaurant in Clayton, NC, for a quarterly get together of food, fellowship and just to catch up, October 17, 2013. The group meets in various locations, where they come together for a meal, swap stories, talk about spouses or grandchildren and share a laugh or two. Overall it is a great way for these former Guardsmen to share the common bond that was formed by being a participant in the Guard.

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Legacy Bridge Program


he NCNGA Executive Council approved the Legacy Bridge program, which is designed to financially carry the Association through our present fiscal transition period. As we move from a system where we depended on our investments and insurance premiums to pay our Association’s expenses to one that will rely on new revenue sources to cover our budget, the Legacy Bridge Program will provide the interim funds to meet budget costs until the transition is complete. Our projection is that this should occur within the next 5-6 years, and as such it is a closed end program. The short-term plan is to use the income from the Legacy Bridge Program until our new revenue sources come on-line allowing us to insulate our investments so that they are allowed to grow over the long term. At the end of the program, the new revenue sources, along with insurance premiums, will be our main income sources and the Legacy Bridge Program will close.

*Our Newest Members of the Legacy Bridge Program: 255. Timothy Harrison 256. In Memory of MSgt Raymond L. Wentz by MSgt (Ret) George Parks and MSgt (Ret) Ronnie Gregory 257. In Honor of Chaplain (COL) Ben K. Hodge 258. In Memory of William and Jean N. Fisher by Richard N. Fisher *As of press time Long term, we hope to reach an investment fund goal of $3 Million. At that point, even at a modest 4%, the Association could survive indefinitely should our insurance and new revenue sources take a hit during lean times. Please consider joining us in the Legacy Bridge Program. And, if you would like to remember or honor someone, please consider making a donation in their name. Please take a few minutes to fill out the application and to write a check. Questions? Please call us at 919-851-3390.



Mailing Address: City:



Phone: ( ) NCNGA Life Member: Yes No Unit:

) I would like to make this donation in honor of ( ) in memory of ( )

Please include my name: ____Yes ____No

E-Mail Address:

$100 Donation (Donations are not tax deductible) $25 Quarterly Installments _____

$100 Full Payment _____

_____ Check _____ Money Order _____ Master Card/Visa (Add $3 credit card fee) ______ Credit Card Information: Acct #________________________________________________________________ Exp Date: ______________________ 3-digit Sec Code:____________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________________

Return application and payment to: NCNGA, ATTN: Legacy Bridge Program, 7410 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh NC 27607-5047 Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014 — Page 11

NC Guardsman Recognized by USO of North Carolina By Sgt First Class Robert Jordan, NCNG Public Affairs RALEIGH, NC - Corporate and civic leaders, senior military officers, media and entertainers, friends and supporters of the military gathered at the USO of North Carolina ninth annual Salute to Freedom Gala at the Raleigh Convention Center on Oct. 19, 2013. They honored NC National Guard’s Army Staff Sgt. Edgar T. Bowers and five other North Carolina military members from all of the branches for their selfless acts of service to their fellow warriors and the citizens of our nation. “It was very humbling and overwhelming, it is a whole new experience for me and my wife,” said Bowers. Bowers earned recognition for his lifesaving efforts as part of the helo-aquatic rescue team. Bowers, fellow NCNG aircrew and civilian first responders flew a mission July 2012 to Linville Gorge. A hiker fell in the rugged mountains suffering several broken bones, head injury and was dehydrated from the 100-degree summer heat. A search team found the hiker but facing an eight-hour hike over difficult terrain the call went out for a helicopter evacuation. “I love my job and I am very happy to do what no one else in North Carolina can with civilian agencies,” said Bowers. Bowers, a full-time mechanic and crew chief at the NCNG’s flight facility in Salisbury, admitted a celebration with a Marine general, singing star, dancers, musicians and even an acrobat serving champagne was a bit out of his element.

Army National Guardsman, Staff Sgt. Edgar T. Bowers (center), takes a picture with Marine Gen. John F. Kelly (left), U.S. Marine Corps Commanding General for the U.S. Southern Command, Meredith Lindsay, Miss Spivey's Corner and John Falkenbury (right), president of the USO of North Carolina USO of NC, after receiving the USO of NC's National Guardsman of the Year Salute to Freedom Award. (Photo by Capt. Rick Scoggins, NCNG Public Affairs) "That part is a little nerve wracking, my wife is a very classy lady and she was there for me and kept me calm through the event,” said Bowers. “She is my rock.” The gala brings the business community together and thanks them for their support of the USO and their mission to be there for the troops.

505th EN (CBT) BN Recognized by Gaston County Mickey Price (left), Gaston County Board of Commissioners poses for a picture with 505th Engineer Combat Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Cristina Moore, and her Battalion Administrative Officer, Capt. William Dudley, after presenting them with the Gaston County Shield of Honor in Gastonia, NC. The Gaston County Shield of Honor is the highest award that is offered by the board. It was presented to the 505th for their support of the nation, state, and county through acts of honorable and meritorious service during Operation Enduring Freedom. It is the second time the unit has received this award. (Submitted by Army Capt. William Dudley, 505th Engineer Combat Battalion/Released)

Page 12 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014

Help Your Association – Run for the NCNGA Executive Council! The Nominating & Credentials Committee is actively seeking qualified candidates to run for Executive Council seats. Upcoming vacancies for each major command will be filled at the next convention to be held 27-29 March 2014 at the Twin City Quarters in Winston-Salem, NC. Qualifications to run for office: you must be a member of the North Carolina National Guard Association and have served on an active committee within the past five years (except Junior Council members). If you are qualified (see above) and interested in being an important part of your Association, complete the application below and email to Teri Foster (Staff Liaison for the Nominating & Credentials Committee) at teri.gregory.foster@gmail.com. If you have any questions, please contact her by email or at 919-8513390 ext 1. 2014-2015 Application for Nomination Candidate for the Executive Council North Carolina National Guard Association

Name Home Address City



Home Telephone No. Business Telephone No. Unit Email address: Attach a list of your current/past committee and/or Executive Council involvement.

Indicate office you want to be considered for: ___ President (at large) ___ Vice President (at large) ___ 30th ABCT – Council Seats (2) ___ 130th MEB – Council Seat ___ 60th TRP CMD – Council Seat ___ JFHQ-NC – Council Seat ___ HQ 449th TAB – Council Seats (2) ___ 139th RGMT (CA) – Council Seat ___ HQ 113th SUS BDE – Council Seat ___ Air National Guard – Council Seat ___ Junior Council – Council Seat ___ Associate Membership – Council Seat Deadline for submitting applications: 15 March 2014

In Memoriam Listed below are members (and non-members), spouses and dependent children that have recently passed away. If we have missed someone, please contact the Editor, Teri Foster at teri.gregory.foster@gmail.com or 919-851-3390 ext 1. John C. McCracken Waynesville, NC 10 September 2013 Steven B. Keech HHC 30th ABCT Pollocksville, NC 15 September 2013 Joyce S. Peaden Spouse of Linwood E. Peaden, Sr. Falkland, NC 20 September 2013 Albert C. Stallings Carolina Beach, NC 22 September 2013

Lonni K. Evans Spouse of Shane M. Evans HHC 30th ABCT Hope Mills, NC 24 September 2013 Joyce G. Bowman Burlington, NC 4 October 2013 Edward G. Barbee Stanfield, NC 7 October 2013 Loretta McDonald Spouse of John H. McDonald Franklin, NC 9 October 2013

Mary Helen Crew Spouse of Norman L. Crew Durham, NC 14 October 2013

Dorothy Whitehead Spouse of Edward T. Whitehead Newport, NC 20 October 2013

Reuben Bell Durham, NC 15 October 2013

Lawrence Zeigler Washington, NC 24 October 2013

Frank J. Tesh, Jr. Greensboro, NC 17 October 2013 Anbre Dalton Spouse of Dustin L. Dalton HHC 505th EN CBT BN Gastonia, NC 19 October 2013

Tommy L. Lovick Wade, NC 25 October 2013 Robert (Bob) L. Tesh Oxford, NC 26 October 2013

William (Bill) P. Keeton Raleigh, NC 28 October 2013 Lillian Pope Spouse of Donald Pope Clinton, NC 28 October 2013 John P. Tarlton Monroe, NC 6 November 2013 Mae C. Anderson Spouse of Percy Anderson Franklinton, NC 8 November 2013

Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014 — Page 13


By Ron Hill, EANGUS Liaison Committee Chairman


he annual (EANGUS) Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States Legislative Workshop is just on the horizon and will be held February 1-4, 2014 in Washington, DC. North Carolina will have individuals attending this workshop who will be representing our 228 NC EANGUS members. This workshop will focus on legislative training, special workshops for membership development, and will include scheduled face time with Congressional Leaders from North Carolina. Our top Senior Enlisted Leaders for the NC National Guard (both Army & Air), continue to stress the importance of having our senior leaders to set the example by joining EANGUS and this will help encourage their Soldiers & Airmen to join as well.

EANGUS continues to work hard to maintain our current benefits as well as obtain new and/or improved benefits for our service members, which include, but are not limited to: Improved Tri-Care Benefits, Pay Raises as well as continuing to fight against the reduction in our defense budget. The benefits and issues that EANGUS continues to fight for each and every day at the national level are very important to our organization, so in order for our voice to be heard throughout the halls of Congress, we must ensure that our membership continues to grow “there is power in numbers.” I strongly encourage each of you to visit the EANGUS website (www. eangus.org) to get a closer look at what’s being done at the national level as well as the membership benefits that EANGUS has to offer. If you are interested in joining EANGUS, please go on the EANGUS website (www.eangus.org) to sign up and pay online. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Rhonda Arndt at (919) 851-3390 or rhonda.ncnga@gmail.com.

Raleigh Police Department Honors NC Guardsman for Heroism By Sgt. 1st Class Robert Jordan, North Carolina National Guard RALEIGH, NC - Most people, when asked to come downtown in person to the local precinct by the police chief of Raleigh, NC, in conjunction with about a dozen other officers, may be apprehensive or even afraid. The North Carolina National Guard’s Spc. Kirwin J. Darney III, a member of the 449th Theater Aviation Brigade however, is most defiantly not most people. After rescuing a drowning child on Independence Day earlier this year, Darney was

officially recognized for his quick thinking and reactions in the face of adversity. “Thank you,” said Raleigh Police Chief Cassanedra Deck-Brown to her assembled officers, local leaders and other honorees at the Department's Command Staff Management Meeting. The Raleigh Chief of Police and her officers convened to honor Darney and other citizens who earned the Chief’s Citation with a ceremony at the Southwest District Police Station on October 16, 2013. “Community and quality of life; it takes everybody,” said Deck-Brown. She praised his quick action when he heard the child’s mother scream. Instinctively, he ran from his friend’s apartment complex toward the screams. After jumping a fence, he came to a distraught mother retrieving her child from a small pond. His warrior training kicked in and Darney quickly established an airway, began breathing procedures, and checked the child’s circulation. After Darney’s first breath, there was still no movement of the child’s chest. After more rescue breaths, water and mud began to exit the child’s nose and the child began to breathe. “What you did was phenomenal,” said Deck-Brown. The chief and many other police officers, fellow NCNG soldiers, family and guests lined up to shake his hand. “It is one of those celebratory moments,” said DeckBrown. The award is given by RPD to citizens who demonstrate exceptional character and/or performed exceptional tasks that have enhanced the lives of their fellow citizens. Raleigh Police Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown gives the chief’s cita“It goes so far, it is critically important to thank our tion to North Carolina National Guard’s Spc. Kirwin J. Darney, III community,” said Deck-Brown. (left) at a ceremony at the Southwest District Police Station in Raleigh, NC. Darney, a member of the 449th Theater Aviation Brigade, earned the award for rescuing a drowning child on Independence Day earlier this year. (US Army National Guard Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Robert Jordan, North Carolina National Guard/Released)


Page 14 – Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014

NCNG Education and Employment Center — Raleigh, NC By NCNG EEC Marketing Director Joshua Gonzalez


nemployed and under-employed North Carolina Army and Air Guard Service members and their dependants now have direct support in the employment process. The Education & Employment Center (EEC) opened its doors in June and is already working with over 300 Service men and women in their job search throughout the state. The EEC not only works with service members, but generates long lasting relationships with employers throughout the state. These contacts provide a two-fold resource: when the EEC finds a candidate that matches an employer’s needs they work to make sure that candidate gets face-to-face with that employer; also the HR Representatives give the EEC invaluable insight into the civilian employment arena. EEC NCOIC Austin Walther shared some insights, “We have found through talking with HR Representatives that employers are often confused and overwhelmed by military jargon in resumes.” The EEC helps Soldiers with a variety of employment tasks. Every candidate registered with the EEC system gets assigned an individ-

ual Employment Specialist that stays in contact for the duration of the hiring process. “Our Employment Specialists are trained to begin with an initial career assessment which helps generate an employment plan.” remarks Army Captain Sara Day, Deputy Director of the Education & Employment Center. “From that point on the Employment Specialist will coach the candidate through resume preparation for specific employment opportunities, military to civilian work translations, mock interviews, use of our nationwide database, hiring events and career fairs, and any other issues they may have.” The EEC is centered in Raleigh but supports service members throughout the state from satellite locations in Asheville and Gastonia. Every region in NC has its own representatives that generate connections in that area. If you or someone you know is a Guard Member or dependent that needs employment assistance, please contact the NCNG EEC at (919)664-6463, visit us on Facebook by searching for North Carolina National Guard Education and Employment Center, or e-mail us at NG.NC.NCARNG.MBX.EEC@mail.mil. Get started now by registering on our website at http://www.nc.ngb.army.mil/Careers/Pages/ ER.aspx.

Mike Sherrill Family Given Special Gift By MSG Donnie R. Mote


n 6 October 2012, the North Carolina Army National Guard lost a Soldier, a brother, a son, and most of all a great friend. SSG (RET) Michael R. Sherrill (Mike) passed away and many of his friends were deployed to Kuwait and Afghanistan and were unable to attend his funeral. Mr. Sherrill was an avid supporter of the North Carolina National Guard Association and the Educational Foundation. For years he raised money to support scholarships with golf tournaments that honored retirees he served with during his time in service. Due to his great contributions, this is the reason the 505th has won the Traveling Trophy for 7 years. Early in their deployment to Kuwait, Soldiers of the 505th ECB heard of his sickness getting worse. MAJ Cale Moody (Battalion XO) crafted the idea of sending Mike well wishes from Kuwait with an Engineer Regimental Flag that flew over the Battalion Headquarters previous deployment to Iraq as well as this deployment to Kuwait. Many Soldiers came by MAJ Moody’s office to sign the flag and send well wishes to Mike. Unfortunately, we were unable to send

the flag to him before he passed. The 505th returned from deployment in April of 2013 and still wanted to honor Mike. MAJ Moody and SGM Russell Stalvey had the Engineer Flag matted and framed. They contacted Mike’s family and set a date to present it to them. On 2 August 2013, several Soldiers of the 505th visited Mike’s Pictured left to right is Ms Anne Krug family and presented the (Mike’s Sister), Mr. Matt Sherrill flag. We sat for hours and (Mike’s brother), and Mrs. Linda shared “Mike” stories. Sherrill (Mike’s mother) Mrs. Linda Sherrill, Mike’s mother, prepared a meal for those that attended. Twice yearly, the 505th ECB conducts golf tournaments to raise money for the Educational Foundation. Beginning in 2014, our Spring Tournament will be called the “Staff Sergeant Mike Sherrill Memorial Golf Tournament.” We will also conduct the tournament at Mike’s favorite course - Lincolnton Country Club.

Tarheel Guardsman — December 2013/January 2014 — Page 15

Tarheel Guardsman NC National Guard Assoc. 7410 Chapel Hill Road Raleigh, NC 27607-5047

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Plan to attend the 2014 Combined Event — 27-29 March 2014. See pages 6-7 for registration information. The Twin City Quarter is comprised of the Marriott Hotel, Embassy Suites Hotel and Benton Convention Center — all connected with a covered walkway in beautiful, downtown Winston-Salem. Embassy Suites — Room Rate $107 plus tax 1-800-696-6107 Marriott — Room Rate $97 plus tax 1-800-320-0934

Make your reservations early! Rooms are limited and the cut-off is 28 February 2014. (See NCNGA website www.ncnga.org for registration and hotel information.)

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