Steve Neidig, coordinator
Have your thoughts about Emergency Preparedness changed as a result of the events of the past two years? Mine certainly have! Were you prepared when there was no toilet paper? How about no flour or yeast? Or even no soda because of no cans or bottles? And how about not being able to go to church, work, school, or a restaurant? We saw firsthand that emergencies are not just earthquakes, fires, or floods. COVID taught us that many, if not most, of us were ill-prepared for a pandemic. We have all been reminded that ... "If ye are prepared ye shall not fear" (D&C 38:30). Although we have all learned a lot about preparedness during the past several years, some of us may not know the answers to the following questions. Do you?
1. Do you know that Cottonwood Heights City has an active Emergency Preparedness program? 2. Do you know that the Butler Hill Ward's Emergency Preparedness program is closely tied to the city's program? 3. Do you know which Cottonwood Heights City Emergency Preparedness District we live in?
4. Do you know the name of your Emergency Preparedness Precinct within the District? 5. Do you know which Emergency Preparedness Block in your Precinct you live in? 6. Who is your Block Captain? 7. What is the primary responsibility of a Block Captain?
8. Do you know about and understand the Cottonwood Heights City Emergency Preparedness ribbon system? 9. Can you find your set of Emergency Preparedness ribbons? Or, did you never have a set of ribbons? 10. Do you know when Cottonwood Heights City performs a "test" of their Emergency Preparedness readiness? Does The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints participate in the "test"? If so, how? Enough questions for now! How about a contest to win a Moon Pie? Just send your answers to me at ButlerHillCommunications@gmail.com. The winner will be announced in next month's newsletter. These questions will be answered and form the basis for next month's article. In the meantime, if you have any questions about Emergency Preparedness or want to find out how you can volunteer in your neighborhood, contact me at ButlerHillCommunications@gmail.com. And watch for the launch of a special Butler Hill Preparedness website soon. Steve Neidig Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Butler Hill Precinct