Jerome Hirschi, Bishop
February is the month we celebrate Valentine’s Day. We focus on demonstrating our love for those we care about. I like the following because it reminds us that it shouldn’t take a holiday, anniversary, or any special occasion, in order for us to express our love. (Author unknown): “What are these for?” She asked smiling at the bouquet of flowers. Such an unnecessary question from the woman who has carried me through the trials of life. This is the mother that worked all day and dealt with the kids at night while I worked my way through college. This is the wife that has many times sat by my side to nurse me back to health. This is the woman that carefully budgeted our income to allow us to afford our new home. This is the mother that has taught our children the meaning of love. Today the sun shines, but clouds may come again. I don’t know what the future will bring, but I do know that my love for her has grown, and I never have to question her love for me. And she wonders what the flowers are for.” The players in this could be changed from wife to husband, to a husband questioning why his wife did something nice for him randomly. Or, parent to child. Or, child to parent. The message would be the same. The relationships could also be changed to be between our Savior, and all of mankind. He is the one, who stepped forward in the pre-existence and said “Here am I, send me.” He is one, under the direction of the Father, who created the heavens and the earth, and all that dwell thereon. He is the one, who took our sins upon Him in Gethsemane. He is the one, who was lifted up on the cross and suffered for us, completing the atonement. He is the one, who rose from the dead at the third day, proving that all mankind will live again after this earthly life. He gave us His gospel to direct and guide us, so that we can find joy and happiness. He is the Savior, our Redeemer, the Light and Life of the world. Does anyone need ask “Why do we love, praise and worship Him?” Bishop Hirschi, Jason, Richard, Rod and Mark Submitted by Rod
MISSIONARY ADDRESS Thank you to our lone missionary out at this time! We appreciate your service: Elder Jacob Linton Salt Lake City Service Mission
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