Italy for architects 2016

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Italy for Architects Ref #ITALY2016

19 June to 8 July 2016

Let us teach you the history and theory of architecture in a way you will never forget, with an unforgettable tour.

This tour takes you, in chronological order, to more buildings from Provided by Steven Fleming Study Tours A subsidiary of Cycle-Space International Pty. Ltd. ACN 603 608 88 6

the architectural canon than any other organised tour. On-site lectures and sketching exercises are designed to give you deep and lasting knowledge of a wide range of past and present streams in architectural thinking. If you want to be confident in your knowledge, have a sketchbook to be proud of, and see more in three weeks than you would in three months if you travelled alone, this is your opportunity.

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4th running since 2010 Subject to your university’s

visiting positions at Columbia

approval, you may be able to

and Harvard in the U.S.. Since

use this tour in fulfillment of an

2010 he has led more than 100

elective. In that case you may

students on tours for course

be eligible for Australian


Commonwealth Government OS-Help Loan toward the cost of the tour and your airfares.

OS-Help Loans University Credit

Our partnering travel company, STA in Florence, deliver exactly what you require as a student:

We issue new lecture notes on

comfortable 3-4 Star hotels to

every day of the tour and work

make sure you’re well rested,

through them on site. No slides.

quick healthy meals, efficient

No powerpoint. Lectures are in

transport, personal support,

front of the actual buildings.

language translation and great

We explain each building’s

value for money. Our escort for

debt to prior works and its

this tour, and every tour since

influence on works to come

2010, is STA’s owner, Graziano

later, as well as each building’s

Martini, a lover of art,

theoretical and social contexts.

architecture and education,

We provide your degree coordinator with information about learning outcomes and assessment criteria to help them prepare their unit outline. We also administer a comprehensive risk assessment that exceeds the requirements for educational field trips. Italy for Architects has been developed by Dr. Steven Fleming, an architectural educator since 2001 with prior appointments at the universities of Newcastle, Tasmania and currently Canberra, as well as

We love what we do. The opportunity to share two lifetimes spent learning about architecture and la dolce vita is our greatest reward.

Sunday 19 June

Travelling South

Meet at Rome Fiumicino Airport at 12 midday where you will be collected by coach for a 4-hour transfer (including rest stop) to your hotel in Pompeii.

Inclusions: 4★ hotel in Pompeii Half-day coach

During the trip please pay attention to important information to ensure your safety and learning during the tour. A quiz will be issued to ensure you have read the risk assessment that you were sent prior to the tour. We will also reiterate rules pertaining to alcohol abuse, punctuality and attention during all learning activities. The bus trip will also be used as a first opportunity for introductions between students from various participating schools.

Meet in the hotel foyer for a welcome dinner (provided) at 7pm, followed by a solid night’s sleep. Pay attention to advice regarding departure time the next morning.



Monday 20 June

Paestum Beach Trip Pompeii Each morning you will have a wakeup call 90 minutes prior to departure with breakfast provided in the breakfast room of the hotel. Start the day with a visit to the ancient Greek ruins of Paestum, a prime destination for grand tourists since its discovery in 1746. A lecture on site will cover the influence the Doric style Temple of Hera had upon Greek revival architecture in the UK and Australia, and its influence on architectural theory of the late 18th century. We will also cover the evolution of the peripteral temple in the Archaic and Classical periods. Today you will buy your own lunch near Paestum beach where some free time will be provided for those wanting to swim. Reboard your coach for a lecture en route to Pompeii where Steven will guide you while you take graphic notes. Afterward, in the cool of the afternoon, you will have time to wander the site and draw a measured plan and section of an ancient Roman house built for an upper middle class (Patrician) family. Other highlights of Pompeii include the small but perfectly preserved brothels and baths, casts of people who died when the city was covered in ash, theatres and the indicative streets, designed for chariots and pedestrians.

Bring what you need for the beach (optional)


Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Pompeii Admission to Paestum and Pompeii archaeological sites. 4★ hotel in Pompeii Full day coach

Tuesday 21 June

Naples Rome

Please checkout and settle any expenses 20 minutes prior to departure. On our way North we will have a 90 minute morning coffee break in the centre of Naples, where you will have a chance to enjoy a remarkable hot chocolate or coffee at the famous Gambrinous Café. The café is within 100 meters of three things you must see: the Basilica Reale San Francesco di Paolo (a copy of the Pantheon that you will see later today); the Galleria Umberto (a glass roofed shopping gallery dating from 1891); and the many boutiques lining via Chiaia. Peek into side alleys to see why Naples has a reputation for being “truly unruly”. That notwithstanding it is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world and has Europe’s largest historic town centre. A lecture during the bus trip to Rome will explain the Ancient Romans’ main typological contributions to the history of architecture, with particular emphasis on the dome and rotunda. This is in preparation for your visit to the Pantheon when you arrive. Here the quintessential sketch would be of the coffering and light patterns cast by the oculus. Alternatively you might draw a cut away axonometric capturing the spherical proportions below the unreinforced dome. After the Pantheon, walk to a nearby restaurant famous for an Italian delicacy, water buffalo mozzarella served with salad, breads, vinegar and a glass of house wine (all provided). A walking tour via the Minerva Obelisk and Trevi fountain will lead to your hotel where your luggage will be waiting. As you will stay in this hotel for 5 nights there is an opportunity to hand wash some clothes and hang them to dry—a routine you will get into during the tour.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Pompeii Lunch: mozzarella platter, bread and wine 3★ hotel in Rome Full-day coach

Bring modest clothing for churches

Wednesday 22 June

Ancient Rome

Collect your packed lunch (provided) before leaving.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Rome

This morning meet a local expert on ancient Roman architecture who will lead you to the Coliseum and Roman forum. Refer to your lecture notes for instructions on how to complete an essential sketching exercise that will put you in the shoes of architects of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries who looked to these buildings as templates for their own work.

Local guide for all sites Admission to the Coliseum, Roman Forum and San Clemente Packed lunch

After lunch walk with your local guide to the Basilica of San Clemente. This is an eleventh-century church, built over a fourthcentury church, built over a second century Mithraeum. With each flight of stairs your guide will take you back further in time, and give you a real sense of the narrowness of Rome’s earliest alleys.

The walk back to the hotel will pass some more ancient sites and some cheap restaurant suggestions.

3★ hotel in Rome

Bring modest clothing for churches

Thursday 23 June

Hadrian’s Villa Tivoli Lunch will be provided in a restaurant in the nearby hilltop town of Tivoli. The restaurant occupies ancient Roman ruins that were accidentally discovered by the family who own this restaurant when they were digging a basement.

Work off your lunch with an energetic walk through the Gregorian Park. A brief lecture on site will explain the picturesque and the sublime, two important concepts in art and architectural theory that grand tourists sought to capture when drawing scenes from this park and the ancient Roman temple of Vesta looming above. Learn how both concepts are influencing architecture today.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Rome Local guide for Hadrian’s Villa Admission to Hadrian’s Villa and Gregorian Park Restaurant lunch in Tivoli Full day coach 3★ hotel in Rome

Friday 24 June

Early Christian Rome

A lecture during the brief coach transfer this morning will explain how building types used by the Romans evolved into the Baptisteries and Basilicas that have been built ever since by the church. You will visit Rome’s three best examples starting with the Mausoleum of St. Costanza where you will have a whole two hours to work on a rendering capturing the ethereal light qualities in the interior.

That will be followed by a brief, 45 minute, visit to the Baths of Diocletian, an ancient Roman building to have survived—like the Pantheon—because it was used as a church. So far on this tour you will have seen large masonry domes built over cylindrical drums. Here you will see how Romans could build enormous vaulted roofs over rectangular plans—a capability soon to be lost during the period of Christendom and Rome’s fragmentation.

On this day you will be given time to find your own lunch and rest in your hotel for some hours. Meet in the foyer for a 45-minute walk to Santa Sabina, Rome’s most indicative basilica of the early Christian period. Here you will also have one of the best views of Rome from the top of Aventine Hill and a chance to see one of the few works completed by Piranesi. A short walk across the river will take us to Trastevere, Rome’s main district for restaurants and nightlife. You will have time to visit a café or bar before dinner (provided) in one of Trastevere’s restaurants. Tickets will be provided for the short tram ride to your hotel.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Rome Half day coach Tram fare Dinner 3★ hotel in Rome

Bring modest clothing for churches

Saturday 25 June

San Gimignano Florence

Inclusions: Please checkout and settle any expenses 20 minutes prior to departure.

Hotel Breakfast in Rome Full day coach

The highlight of today will be the medieval hilltop town of San Gimignano, overlooking the dramatic landscape of Tuscany. A brief lecture during the bus trip will explain its importance to the history of urban design and its unlikely influence on Modern architecture. You will have time here to find your own lunch. The town’s famous towers, clean streets and piazzas will provide essential subject matter for your sketchbook. It is home as well to one of Italy’s most awarded makers of ice cream plus a great concentration of unusually rewarding gift shops selling locally made souvenirs.

After checking into your hotel in Florence, you can take dinner alone or follow Graziano and Steven to Mercato Centrale, a food court selling every dish for which Florence is famous, all under one roof. Crowd favourites include game meats, bean salads, egg soup and surprisingly palatable preparations of tripe.

3★ hotel in Florence Access to large hotel pool

Sunday 26 June

Pisa Florence

A lecture during the bus trip will provide an overview of the Romanesque and Gothic periods in architecture. These are the two main periods to come after the early Christian/Byzantine era and the ones that would soon be reacted against during the Italian Renaissance.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Florence Local guide in Pisa

At Pisa you will be met by a local expert who will guide you on a tour of the Cathedral and Baptistery followed by a scheduled entry to the “leaning tower” (campanile).

Packed lunch Admission to campanile. Half day coach

You will have time in Pisa to find your own lunch and add to your sketchbook. Salient features of the Cathedral include the arcading to the West front, vaulting over the aisles (typical of Romanesque roofs), and ways in which the plan, section and elevation recall the trinity through tripartite division.

Your afternoon will be free to explore the medieval town centre of Florence. You are invited to meet Graziano and Steven for an evening drink at the Caffè Giubbe Rosse facing Piazza della Repubblica, the café where The Italian Futurists most liked to gather, where Steven will briefly explain how the Futurists sent twentieth-century architecture on a radical new course.

3★ hotel in Florence Access to large hotel pool

Bring modest clothing for churches

Monday 27 June

Brunelleschi’s Florence

From engineering nightmares and low budget commissions Brunelleschi triggered the creation of a new kind of architecture that reflected cosmological theories inspired by antiquity and a renewed interest in the buildings of Ancient Rome that you visited on days 4 and 5 of the tour.

Through carefully coordinated sketching, measuring exercises and lectures on site (by Graziano and Steven), you will develop a deep appreciation of Brunelleschi and the Proto-Renaissance period that he represents. In order, you will visit the Foundling Hospital, St. Mary of the Angels, the lantern at the top of the Duomo, the Tuscan Gothic Basilica of Santa Croce with Brunelleschi’s Pazzi Chapel beside it.

After lunch (provided) visit Santo Spirito on the South side of the river where Steven will explain the proportional system and start you on a one point perspective of the interior.

You are invited to join Graziano and Steven for evening drinks at a bar facing the delightfully named “pussy piazza” beside Via dello Sprone. This is a great place as well to find dinner at restaurants famous for traditional Florentine dishes.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Florence Admission to the Duomo and Santa Croce Lunch 3★ hotel in Florence Access to large hotel pool

Bring modest clothing for churches

Tuesday 28 June

Cooking class Alberti in Florence

By now you will have learned that your local escort, Graziano Martini, is an unapologetic foodie and enthusiast for his nation’s many regional specialties. Discovering new food was also an important rite for 18th and 19th century grand tourists. This mid point in the tour is taken as an opportunity for a morning of cooking classes culminating with a marvellous lunch, that you will prepare, with the assistance of local experts in Italian cuisine.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Florence Cooking class / Lunch 3★ hotel in Florence

Afternoon free. Suggestions include Palazzo Michelangelo overlooking the city, shopping or a visit to the Uffizi Gallery to see—among the thousands of paintings—The Birth of Venus by Botticelli; no painting better captures the liberalism that characterises the latter decades of the Renaissance.

In the evening you will be taken on a walking tour of Florence to see the two most indicative facades by Alberti, that of Santa Maria Novella and Palazzo Rucellai. Lectures at both sites will highlight ways Alberti developed themes in Brunelleschi’s work and how he introduced a new paradigm in architectural practice. Simple proportions, welded to generative squares, will make it easy for you to draw the facades. It is thanks to Alberti that architects today are involved less in the actual construction of buildings and more in the development of theories that appeal to their clients’ aspirations. The salient characteristics of Palazzo Rucellai will become even more apparent when we stop in front of Palazzo Strozzi and Palazzo Medici for brief explanations of their typological contributions to Italianate architecture throughout the world.

Access to large hotel pool

Wednesday 29 June

Bargello Museum Michelangelo

Start the day with a specially tailored tour of the Bargello Sculpture Museum. Housed in a thirteenth-century fortified palazzo, the enormous collection of sculptures provides another lens on the history of architecture and a timely segue to Michelangelo’s buildings that you will be seeing today.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Florence Lunch

Lunch provided in a local restaurant.

Sculpture is the star of Michelangelo’s Medici Chapel in the Basilica of San Lorenzo, your first introduction to Mannerist (or rule breaking) period in architecture. The highlight of the day though will be Michelangelo’s entry vestibule and stairs to the Laurentian Library, a space some of today’s leading architects site as inspiration for their most radical works.

Admissions to Bargello Sculpture Museum, Medici Chapels and Laurentian Library 3★ hotel in Florence Access to large hotel pool

Bring modest clothing for churches

Thursday 30 June Modena Bologna

Please checkout and settle any expenses 20 minutes prior to departure.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Florence

The culinary theme continues today with a stop on your way North to Bologna at a farm in Modena famous for its production of authenticated balsamic vinegar. Enjoy a light brunch/tasting in a rural setting and have a tour of a balsamic farm continuously owned by one family since the 1800s.

Rossi was the leading architect of the Neo-Rationalist movement in Italy. He was also a leading figure in the late twentieth-century trend among urban designers to mine the traditional European city for timeless ideas about the walkable city. We will stop at his most famous work, the Modena Cemetery, to learn about his contribution to consensus views held by urban designers who are concerned with pedestrians’ experiences of cities and buildings.

The theme of Rational inquiry continues with a visit to the world’s oldest university in Bologna, famous for its anatomical museum and anatomical theatre. Both are great emblems of the Enlightenment period and the architectural ideas that would come from it. Some of these connections will be explained in a lecture during the coach ride to Bologna.

Full day coach Balsamic tasting with light lunch and wine. Admission to anatomical theatre and museum in Bologna Expert guide in Bologna 4★ hotel in Bologna

Friday 1 July Ravenna Vicenza

Please checkout and settle any expenses 20 minutes prior to departure. After all the talk of reason, empiricism and the Enlightenment, today’s itinerary will seem like an abrupt flash back to the dark ages. In what art historians call the Byzantine period, Constantinople (now Istanbul) was the capital of the Roman Empire. Ravenna was the new empire’s western most city and today is the only city where churches of the period did not have their mosaics destroyed. The Basilica of San Vitale was built just after Hagia Sophia was built in Constantinople. Both feel like centralised spaces beneath a heavenly dome. Yet at the same time they are directional spaces facing an altar and the backs of the clergy who would pray on common people’s behalf. The technical triumph of the time was the pendentive (there are small ones in San Vitale). The pendentive evolved from the squich, a smaller element you will see in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in the grounds of San Vitale. A lecture on site will cover these technical aspects as well as the theology underpinning the didactics, colour and daylight in these brilliant interiors, while an expert local guide will explain the meaning of the mosaics. There will be plenty of time here for sketching. Alternatively, use your admission ticket to visit any of the other world heritage sites within walking distance of San Vitale. A packed lunch will be provided at a popular beach on the coast near Ravenna where you will have two hours to enjoy the use of a paid shaded deck chair, a particularly Italian way of enjoying the beach. Before moving on to Vicenza you will visit the Basilica of Sant' Apollinare in Classe, an unadulterated Basilica where you can see the maturation of the Byzantine icon from its Hellenistic style art. You will be met here by a local expert who will explain how mosaics were used to illustrate gospel stories. There will be a brief road-side stop on the way to Vicenza for you to buy dinner.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Bolgna Local expert guide for Sant' Apollinare in Classe. Admission to up to 8 world heritage sites Full day coach Packed lunch Beach deck chairs 3★ hotel in Vicenza

Bring modest clothing for churches

Saturday 2 July

Palladio’s Villa’s

The countryside surrounding Vicenza is dotted with large country houses (villas) designed by Palladio. Saturday (today) is the day of the week when many open their doors to the public. We will visit the most educational sample of three, villas Rotunda, Fanzolo, and Barbaro. All display Palladio’s application of order, symmetry, proportion and other theories he espoused in his treatise, I quattro libri dell'architettura.

We will be joined by a local expert guide at Villa Barbaro to explain the frescos by Paolo Veronese. Veronese was an important figure to the history of European landscape painting that in later centuries would impact the development of what is known as “the Picturesque” in architectural theory; this is an idea that informs our sensibilities even today and that certainly inspired the Grand Tourists who came to Italy in 18th and 19th centuries. Lectures on site will cover this, and many other contemporary architectural doctrines, all of which can be thought of as footnotes to Palladio. Vicenza is, after all, the epicentre of the architectural Grand Tour and has had an enormous influence on our building culture.

You are invited to join Graziano and Steven at a bar just off the main square of the city, favoured by locals for good value drinks and local foods. .

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Vicenza Admission to Villas Half day local guide Full day coach 3★ hotel in Vicenza

Sunday 3 July Palladio Museum Teatro Olimpico Bicycle Urbanism This morning you will visit to the Palladio Museum in Vicenza where you will learn why so many buildings, from the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been described as Palladian, even if they don’t have any classical ornamentation. Palladio sought strict symmetry, harmonic proportions and a clear distinction between servant and served spaces, all with a liberal (mannerist) attitude toward the elements of ancient Roman architecture.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Vicenza Admission to Palladio Museum and Teatro Olimpico Bike hire

Steven will speak to these topics in the museum and a walking tour to see the civic buildings that Palladio designed in Vicenza.

The afternoon will be spent in Palladio’s much lauded Teatro Olimpico. Here you will embark on one of your most challenging sketching exercises of this tour, but one that will prepare you for buildings you will see later where architects used forced perspective, “magic suction” and trompe-l'œil techniques.

Your tour leader, Steven Fleming, is an internationally regarded expert on bicycle urbanism, advising governments and designers on building for bikes. You will have noticed that city centres in this part of Italy have very few cars and a great deal of cycling instead, by females and males of all ages, all dressed for their destinations, not for their rides. The highlight of the afternoon will be an optional bike tour of Vicenza, with hire bikes provided. Steven will point out the traffic management strategies employed to give bikes greater reign in the city than cars, contrasting these Italian strategies with those employed in The Netherlands (the world’s leading bike nation) and Australia, one of the most backward nations with regards to healthy green transport.

3★ hotel in Vicenza

Monday 4 July Grand Canal Tour Venice Biennale St. Marks

Now for a day trip to Venice by train. Upon arrival we will gather beside the Grand Canal for a brief lecture to explain the eclectic nature of Venetian architecture and how this would influence a late twentieth-century reaction to the strictures of Modernism, led by Denise Scott Brown and her husband Robert Venturi. A private river taxi tour of the Grand Canal will focus on the eclecticism evident in the facades of palazzos facing the water. Pass by Piazza San Marco (where you will return later today) and San Giorgio Maggiore, a church by Palladio that clearly illustrates Mannerist devices. You will have from mid morning until mid afternoon at the Venice Biennale, curated this year by Alejandro Aravena. Titled "Reporting From the Front," the exhibition draws attention to ways architects are meeting the challenges of rapid urbanisation at a time when resources are becoming more scarce. You are advised to buy lunch within the Biennale. We will be returning late and have little time to buy dinner. Travel by public ferry to Piazza San Marco. Steven will give a brief lecture on the Golden Era of Byzantine architecture before the group is met by a local architect and academic who will lead a tour of Saint Mark's Basilica. After some time at the top of St Mark's Campanile to observe the layout of Venice, join Steven and Graziano for a walk through Venice’s labyrinthine streets back to the train station. There will be lessons on the way about the challenges of building and servicing a city built over the water. Two points of interest before boarding the train are Constitution Bridge by the architect/engineer Calatrava, and the train station itself (Santa Lucia Railway Station), an indicative example of Rationalist architecture from the Fascist period in Italy’s history.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Vicenza Morning and evening train travel. River taxi in Venice Ferry tickets Admission to the Venice Biennale and St Mark's Campanile. Local guide for St. Marks. 3★ hotel in Vicenza

Bring modest clothing for churches

Tuesday 5 July

Train to Rome Free time Please checkout and settle any expenses 20 minutes prior to departure.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Vicenza

This morning you will travel by coach to Padua, then on to Rome via high-speed train.

Half day coach High speed train ticket

Afternoon free to enjoy Rome

3★ hotel in Rome

Wednesday 6 July High Renaissance, Mannerist & Baroque Rome

Today is a day to cement your knowledge of the Renaissance and Mannerist periods, before being introduced to the Baroque. We will start with a visit to a building that, despite being tiny, is the apogee of High Renaissance architecture. This is Bramante’s Tempietto of St. Peter. It was intended as a small-scale model of the building you will visit in the afternoon. Next stop at the steps to Capitaline Hill where a sketching exercise will help you understand a dramatic optical effect created by Michelangelo, employed later by Bernini when designing his colonnade at St. Peters.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Rome Half-day coach Lunch Subway fare 3★ hotel in Rome

Lunch will be provided in a restaurant in the vicinity of St. Peters. The story of St. Peter’s Basilica as it now stands begins with Michelangelo's sculptural reinterpretation of Bramante’s original plan. The next major addition was the West front by Maderno. This introduces the curves and planar recession that would come to epitomise the Baroque style. The story ends with Bernini’s curved colonnade that draws the edifice to the viewer with a “magic suction” effect while at the same time representing the outstretched arms of the church. Drawing the piazza is tricky, with lines converging to false vanishing points, but worth it for the optical effects you will reveal in the process. After some time to explore the interior of the church on your own, return to your hotel with your tour leaders via the subway, or take some free time by yourself to further explore Vatican City.


Bring modest clothing for churches

Thursday 7 July

Baroque Rome

There will be a coach transfer to Piazza Navona. Start with a brief visit to a cloister designed by Bramante that displays his High Renaissance interest in faithfully replicating the ancient ruins he was seeing around him in Rome. That will be followed by a brief talk about Baroque architects’ fascination with curvature and layering, using the façade of Santa Maria della Pace by Cortona to illustrate. A brisk walking tour will take in the ruins of the ancient Stadium of Domitian that gives Piazza Navona its plan form and footings, Bernini’s 4 Rivers Fountain, two facades by Borromini (Sant'Agnese in Agone and Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza) and the Church of the Gesù with its remarkable Trompe-l'œil plaster and fresco work in the ceiling. An extended buffet lunch will be provided at the Michelin Star restaurant of acclaimed chef Antonello Colonna. The story of the afternoon will be that of the rivalry between the two great architects of the Baroque period, Bernini and the tortured soul Borromini. We will start with St. Andrew by Bernini, notable for its lavish use of coloured stone and natural light. Next, compare and contrast Bernini’s and Borromini’s approaches by looking at the staircases they each designed for the Palazzo Barberini. End the day (and the tour) with a visit to one of the most revered works in the history of architecture, Borromini’s Saint Charles of the Four Fountains. To celebrate the end of the tour a coach will be provided for the return trip to Trastevere, Rome’s centre of eating and nightlife. Drinks, food and entertainment provided.

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Rome Buffet lunch Return coach trip to Trastevere Farewell dinner with drinks 3★ hotel in Rome

Bring modest clothing for churches

Friday 8 July


Please checkout and settle any expenses 20 minutes prior to departure. If you are travelling late in the day, consider a visit to the Maxxi Museum designed by Zaha Hadid. At any time approximately half of the exhibition space is devoted to architecture.

Tour Prices

Inclusions: Hotel Breakfast in Rome

Inclusions Comprehensive lecture notes

Regular price (Full balance due 18 April 2016)


Early Bird price (balance paid before 18 Dec. 2015)


Aussie Mate Price (balance paid before 18 Feb. 2016)


Single Supplement (If you want your own room)


Deposit (payable with booking)


On-site lectures by architectural historian and theorist Dr. Steven Fleming Radio headsets for duration of tour Sketching instruction and tuition Express entry to all sites 3-4 star hotels

All prices based on twin-share Single travellers can be suitably paired. “Single supplement” is the price to have your own room

Airfares at own expense

Quality coach and rail transport Daily breakfasts Meals and other inclusions as outlined in itinerary

Stay in real hotels in central locations Pompei Resort in Pompeii ★★★★ WiFi, hot tub & bicycles

Hotel California in Rome ★★★ WiFi & walk to train station

Hotel Royal in Florence ★★★ WiFi in lounge & free use of large pool

Hotel Tre Vecchi in Bologna ★★★★ WiFi

Hotel Cristina in Vicenza ★★★ WiFi & bicycles

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Dr. Steven Fleming is the author of

study tours since 2010. It his goal to

3 scholarly books and over 40

return students with the confidence

research articles. He has taught

they need to be leading designers,

architectural history and theory at

and knowledge to enrich those

the Universities of Newcastle and

around them.

Tasmania, and has held visiting positions at Harvard and Columbia Universities in the US. He is now an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Canberra. He became fascinated with the Grand Tour tradition as a PhD

Your tour leaders

candidate studying the architect Louis I Kahn. Kahn’s self confidence, style and career fortunes were transformed by time he spent sketching the canonical buildings of Europe in 1950. It is his

Graziano Martini has been guiding tours

belief in the transformative power

since 1988., first as a ski instructor in St Moritz

of the Grand Tour that has

and Sestrieres and since 1992 as tour guide

motivated Steven to lead student

and escort in Italy, Europe and all around the World with many tours in USA, Australia and Far East (Thailand, Honk Kong, Singapore and Bali). He has a special passion for the art, architecture, food and curiosities of his hometown of Florence. Travelling with Australian students of architecture is a great thrill for him; they have travelled so far and do not take the opportunity given them lightly. He likes to keep fit and is a fanatical football (soccer) fan, especially when Florence is playing. As well as Italian and English he is a fluent speaker of French, German and Spanish. He and his wife Nicole (originally from Germany) together run the STA tour company, the overseas partners of Steven Fleming Study Tours in Australia.

Before entering academia Steven was a sole practitioner then a government architect in Singapore, designing public housing estates. After the publication of his internationally acclaimed book Cycle Space: Architecture and Urban Design in the Age of the Bicycle (010NAi Publishers 2012) he established Cycle Space International, a specialist consultancy with offices in Australia and the Netherlands.

What now? Step 1: if seeking credit, check with your institution. While we work at building relations with universities, we can’t maintain formal agreements with every one. Check with your degree coordinator that: 1. you have an elective in your program and that a “shell course” exists to accommodate an overseas study experience; and 2. that they will allow you to use our tour as a vehicle through which to gain credit. Students from outside the design disciplines are welcome (as are non students) and we expect no prior knowledge or skills. We provide universities with course aims, objectives, assessment tasks, assessment criteria and learning outcomes to include in their course/unit outlines and are available to act on their behalf ensuring academic requirements are met. Refer to “Academic Credit” in the Terms and Conditions below.

Step 2: check with us. We might partner with established providers to deliver on value—but this isn’t contiki. We like to know who will be travelling with us. Our tours are designed mainly for students, not necessarily in the design fields, but for whom a knowledge of the history of architecture and improved drawing skills would be advantageous. They can also be for the partners, relatives and close friends of a student. They can even be for designers in practice or bona fide buffs. But it’s best to be sure this tour is for you. Your main point of contact will be your tour leader. For many students a travel elective in their tertiary program and an OS-Help loan is an opportunity to travel abroad for the first time. That is a responsibility we take very seriously. For character building you can travel alone. For building your understanding of architectural history and theory, you should travel with experienced teachers/tour guides who will give you their attention from the very first moment that you inquire. Our tours are about relationship building, and establishing conditions in which to learn. Let’s be talking from the start about your hopes of this tour, the itinerary, and the process for applying for credit and funding.

0422 486 271 or email him:

Please phone Steven Fleming between 10am-8pm Monday to Friday.

Step 3: secure your place! Read the terms and conditions on the next page and submit the booking form as instructed. Keep your eye on the Early Bird and Aussie Mate cut-offs and stand by for instructions. We’ll advise you when we have the minimum number for the tour to proceed, so you can start shopping for airfares.

Also please invite your friends to join the Steven Fleming Study Tours facebook group.

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TERMS AND CONDITIONS ACADEMIC CREDIT. Our tours are designed to provide learning outcomes equivalent to those of a level 2000/3000 university unit/course worth 12.5% of an annual load. We provide your university with statements regarding course aims, objectives, assignments and learning outcomes for inclusion in their course/unit outline. We also provide them with a copy of the risk assessment and quiz that we require all participants to complete on the first day of the tour. Your university may send one of its own academics, on a full paying basis, to oversee and assess your learning, or ask the tour leader to vouch for your full attendance, sketchbook and behavior on tour. BEHAVIOUR. Our tours are designed to be learning experiences. As our client you agree to 1. read the risk assessment prior to travelling, demonstrate that you have read it by passing a quiz on the first day of the tour, and demonstrate mindfulness of danger throughout the tour; 2. devote designated sketching time to actual sketching, producing a satisfactory sketchbook before the end of the tour; 3. give your silent attention to all lectures, site visits, tour guides and instructions; 4. follow all reasonable directions by the tour leader made in the interests of a safe, cohesive and punctual tour; 5. give the tour leader no cause to believe you have consumed more than four standard alcoholic drinks in a 24 hour period or have encouraged drunkenness among others; and 6. arrive at all points of meeting and reconvening at the time advised by the tour leader. In extreme cases we reserve the right to remove disruptive individuals from the tour with no refund or compensation. FITNESS TO PARTICIPATE. In entering into this contract you declare your ability to participate in full-day walking tours (with breaks) that are likely to involve stairs and hot or cold weather. You can stand for long periods and walk over cobblestones. You can also ride on a coach for long houses—with 2 hourly breaks. You are able to handle your own luggage on the street and upstairs. (Sufferers of vertigo or claustrophobia are exempt from extreme tour inclusions, such as climbing church domes). We make every reasonable effort to cater to dietary needs (vegetarianism, starch intolerance, gluten intolerance and common allergies), but may not be able to cater to less common needs. You agree to declare any conditions that may effect your ability to participate in the whole tour at the time of booking. If you (or we) have any doubts about your level of fitness, you may be required to have a doctor’s appraisal. This would require your doctor to read the itinerary of your chosen tour and provide you (and us) with a written confirmation of your ability to participate. If you are suffering from illness or disability or undergoing treatment for any physical or medical condition you must declare the true nature of such condition at the time of booking and make arrangements for the provision of any medication or other treatment which may be required during the tour. Failure to make such disclosure will constitute a breach of these booking conditions and result in such persons being excluded from the tour in which case all monies paid will be forfeited. TRAVEL INSURANCE. No later than 60 days prior to commencement of travel you must provide us with a copy of your travel insurance policy (or details of master policy), the emergency telephone number of your insurance company and the emergency contact details of your next of kin. It is a requirement that you hold comprehensive insurance covering all of the countries you will be visiting and the flights to and fro. OS-HELP LOANS OS-Help Loans are administered by Universities and the Commonwealth Government. Full payment for the tour is due 60 days prior to departure. Students are advised to apply early for OS-Help loans and

communicate with their university’s administrative staff to ensure payments are being processed. Steven Fleming Study Tours will not be held liable if students receive payment but don’t travel or pass the unit/course. PAYMENT The complete balance of your payment is due 2 calendar months before departure. Loss of your deposit and cancellation of your booking is a consequence of not meeting this cut-off. In the rare event that we make an exception to this rule, it will be on the proviso that our extra administrative costs will be billed to you and paid with your balance. The deposit quoted in the tour brochure is payable at the time of booking. The early-bird discount in the tour brochure is available to Clients who have fully paid more than 6 calendar months before the tour starts. The Aussie-Mate discount is for Clients who have fully paid at least 4 calendar months before the tour starts. TOUR PRICES Due to the remote possibility of a significant and unforseen currency shift or other uncontrollable circumstances impacting our costs (new taxes, misadventure effecting overseas providers, etc.), advertised prices are subject to change. This only effects Clients who have not already paid the full balance. In such an event you will have the option of withdrawing from the tour with monies paid refunded, or accepting the revised price. AIRFARES. Steven Fleming Study Tours is not a seller of airfares, and will not be held liable for losses incurred as a result of customers’ purchases of airfares. Clients should be mindful of the terms outlined below about minimum numbers and tour cancelations, and exercise caution if considering purchasing non-refundable airfares too far in advance. It is the Clients’ responsibility to be at the agreed meeting point, at the agreed time, for the start of the tour. Clients who arrive late will need to catch up with the tour at their own expense, and agree to keep the tour leader and/or Steven Fleming Study Tours informed of their progress by phone or by email. CHANGES a) When you cause the change — amendments to your original booking may incur an administrative fee to cover additional time. Not all requests for amendments can be acquiesced to. b) When we cause the change – While we will use our best endeavours to operate all tours as advertised, by entering into this contract the Client accepts that it may prove necessary or advisable to vary or modify a tour or its contents due to prevailing local conditions. We reserve the right at any time to cancel or change any of the facilities, services or prices described in the brochure (including flights, transport, accommodation or other arrangements) and to substitute alternative arrangements of comparable monetary value without compensation. If a service or facility becomes unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control and no alternative arrangement of comparable monetary value is available, we will substitute the best alternative available and will refund the Client for any cost saving or charge the Client for any additional costs incurred. This includes any event which Steven Fleming Study Tours or its suppliers could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid (e.g. advice against travel from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, war, threat of war, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, epidemics, health risks, terrorist activity, disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, technical or maintenance problems with transport, changes imposed by cancellation or rescheduling of flights by an airline or main charterer, the alteration of airline or aircraft type). Steven Fleming Study Tours is not liable for any penalty charges associated with ‘supersaver’ type connecting rail or airfares, in the event of a change to a departure time, date or airport. SUBSTITUTION OF CLIENT. If any member of the party is prevented from travelling because of the death, injury or serious illness

of the passenger, close relative or friend, redundancy or jury service, it may be possible to transfer the booking to another suitable person (acceptable to Steven Fleming Study Tours) provided that notice is given at least one calendar month prior to departure. An administration fee of $100 + GST per person will be levied plus any costs imposed by our suppliers. CANCELLATION a) Cancellation by You – Cancellation charges will be applied as shown below, calculated from the day written notification is received by Steven Fleming Study Tours. • 60 days or more, forfeit of deposit • 59 – 45 days, forfeit 25% of tour cost • 44 – 31 days, forfeit 50% of tour cost • 30 – 15 days, forfeit 75% of tour cost • Less than 15 days, forfeit 100% of tour cost. If the reason for cancellation is covered by your insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim these charges. b) Cancellation by Us – We reserve the right to cancel a tour for any reason (such as failure to reach minimum tour participant numbers). Except for circumstances outlined under “CHANGES” (above) or the Client’s failure to pay the final balance, we will not cancel a tour less than 60 days before departure. A full refund of monies paid for tour costs will be the full extent of our liability. The client accepts that we will not pay compensation under any circumstances. PASSPORTS, VISAS and VACCINATIONS. It is your responsibility to be in possession of a passport valid for 6 months after the date of your return to Australia. You are also responsible for obtaining all necessary visas, inoculations and preventative medicines as may be required for the duration of the tour. Information about these matters or related items is given in good faith but without responsibility on the part of Steven Fleming Study Tours. LOCAL LAWS You are required to obey the laws and regulations of the countries visited and any failure to do so will relieve Steven Fleming Study Tours of all obligations that we may otherwise have under these booking conditions. Additionally you are required to accept advice about behaviour that may be culturally inappropriate or offensive to locals or fellow tour members. IF YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT If you have a complaint about any of the tour arrangements, you must bring it to the attention of the tour leader or other representative of Steven Fleming Study Tours at the time so that they may use their best endeavours to rectify the situation. It is only if we are made aware of any problems that there will be the opportunity to put things right. Any complaints must be made in writing to Steven Fleming Study Tours within 28 days of the completion of the tour. Steven Fleming Study Tours is a subsidiary of: Cycle Space International Pty Ltd ACN: 603 608 886

Booking Booking Form Form

The following agreement is between the undersigned Client and Cycle-Space International Pty. Ltd. (ACN 603 608 88), the parent company of Steven Fleming Study Tours Please complete, sign and return this Booking Form, along with a copy of page one of your passport Arrange payment (deposit of full fare) by cheque or direct deposit (details below) Upon receipt of your Booking Form and deposit, you will receive confirmation of your place on the tour.

• • •

Return to Steven Study Tours ReturnFleming to: 3 Steven Beach Fleming Street Newcastle East Study Tours NSW, 2300,Street AUSTRALIA 3 Beach Newcastle East NSW, 2300, AUSTRALIA


Tour name Title


Tour ref#

Family name

Given names As per passport

Ms. Mrs. Miss. Mr. Dr…

As per passport

Preferred name

Your facebook page optional




University (if any)




Day/month/year address

Postcod e

State House/unit#


Special dietary requirements

Emergency Contact


MEDICAL DECLARATION: What medical conditions do you currently have or have received treatment for in the past year? (This information will not be shared)

Full name



Phone 1

DECLARATION: In signing you confirm that you have read and accept our Terms and Conditions. You also declare that you have or are now paying the deposit and will pay the balance of the tour cost at least 2 calendar months prior to departure.

Phone 2

Please sign

Today’ date

Payment may be made by direct deposit, cheque or by cash Account Name: Cycle Space International P/L Police Bank

Account #281567 S1

BSB: 815 000

Make cheques payable to: Cycle Space International P/L

Direct deposit







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