Consider 5 Things Before Choosing Cloud Backup
1. Data security If you’re thinking about a switch to the cloud, security is likely your top concern concern.. You’ve no doubt read numerous articles assuring you that the cloud is perfectly safe, but the reality is that not all clouds are created equal when it comes to security.. Understand the practices of your cloud provider and insist on the security tightest security possible. possible. Look for these features: features:
2. Data transfer efficiency Going to the cloud shouldn’t mean massive upgrades in infrastructure. infrastructure. A data protection program written for the cloud from the beginning can benefit you greatly because it takes bandwidth utilization into consideration consideration.. Most cloud backup programs get this right – they minimize data transfer sizes by using client--side reduplication prior to sending the data over the wire, and only send client changed blocks of data data.. The data transferred should be compressed and sent over a parallel TCP transport transport..
3. Storage footprint management Most businesses need to retain their data for longer than one week. week. However, after seven days, they only need to maintain one backup a week for the month month.. Automatically aging the data and managing retentions can mean huge storage protect, solution, measuring the growth of your storage savings.. Test the cloud protect, savings footprint over time time..
4. Recovery procedures Getting to your data should be seamless. seamless. You should always have access to your data and teams who can help recover it. it. No single point of failure in the data protection architecture architecture.. Assistance with recovery, including physical shipment of your data data.. You should be able to recover to dissimilar hardware, to physical and to virtual virtual..
5. Resource consumption Your data footprint should be small everywhere onsite, on the wire, in the cloud. cloud. We don’t like to talk Big Data when we talk about backup. backup. Don’t be forced into buying more equipment just to keep a cache of your backup data onsite. onsite. Use your existing hardware and deploy the cache as a virtual machine machine.. Security, efficiency, fast recovery, and low resource consumption – key attributes to consider when choosing a cloud backup solution
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