MASH Names, Faces and Ideas in EFL

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dramatically that the passion was oozing as she spoke.

Names, Faces & Ideas

She did one final dry run to a class of 6 students two days before the competition. There was not a dry eye by the end. She had turned her speech into a symphony. Out of thirty contestants she came in second.

Mark de Boer


English teacher hobbes English School Hanamaki, Iwate 2000 - present

I feel that the more I help my students achieve their dreams, the more mine becomes realized. Sometimes all we need is for one student to show us that we can make a difference.

A recent success story in the classroom Recently I had a student approach me and tell me that she wanted to enter a speech contest for the Iwate Prefecture High School Speech competition. She had two months to prepare. I asked her what she wanted to talk about, and she replied ‘My dream to become a doctor’. We started with three sentences. It was very slow going and there was a lot of editing but after 5 weeks she finally had a draft that she was happy with. But there was something missing in her delivery. There was just no passion. My goal as a teacher was to teach her how to deliver in the time we had left. We worked privately for two, one-hour lessons. We studied every inflection, looked at her entire speech, decided what was important and needed passion, what should be soft, what should be said slowly and deliberately and more importantly I showed her how to use her hands. ‘When you say “I believe” slam your hand into your chest!’, I told her over and over. I emphasized - don’t give a speech - tell them your dream! Tell the audience why you want to become a doctor! Don’t bore them! If this is really your dream - make them believe it! In these two hours her speech came alive. She had changed her tone and her delivery so

A thought or idea in progress A colleague of mine and I joked recently; ‘We should write a story of our experiences here in Japan.’ There are so many books on methodology, yet there isn’t one on methodology combined with experience and ‘our story’. We now have a google doc in the works with notes in the making.

Comment If we get out more and share our experiences with others we can help each other understand our process.

Teacher to Teachers We have the opportunity to make the changes that will help our students grow and help each other develop into professionals. There are all kinds of ways to get involved; ETJ, JALT, JACET, TESOL and the list goes on! Joining a teacher’s group is only the first step. Getting out there and getting connected with other teachers is when all the fun really begins. For every idea that you share with another teacher, you’ll probably hear 10 things that you can use in your teaching or in your classroom. Mark would love to talk with you about teaching or your experiences in Japan!

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Names, Faces & Ideas

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! ! ! Names, Faces & Ideas


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Joanne Sato English teacher !"#$%&'( Sakura no Seibo Junior College, Fukushima ! A recent success story in the classroom I am lucky – success stories are in abundance this job-hunting season – yet on the surface they appear to have little to do with English language study. I work in the English department of a Catholic, female, private junior college in a rural city in northern Japan. We are the last junior college in Tohoku that maintains a separate English department. Junior colleges in Japan were historically the ‘finishing schools’ of Japan, the focus being on domestic sciences and manners. This basis remains but has been modified to suit student needs in the 21st century. Now, more commonly, students transfer to four-year universities or start work in companies rather than move straight into domestic bliss. The success story rushes in – she just got a job. The success story is bubbling over with happiness, relief, excitement and anticipation. She will be working for the regional branch of a national bank – one of the best jobs our students can get. The student wanted to tell me straight away, “Thank you for your help,” she says. Sharing students’ successes is a precious experience. I know that she will not need English at work; she may never even speak English again. What was it then, the ‘help’ I provided, if not the ability to speak English? Why did she rush to tell me? Maybe it was my belief in her. Maybe it was the encouragement I provided when she was stressed. Maybe it was every interesting

snippet of information she soaked up that kept her motivated. Maybe it was every smile, every laugh, every enjoyable moment shared that kept her heading on the right path. Maybe it was the learning process – not only of English study, but of leaving high school behind and becoming an independent woman. Just maybe I did help her. Two years is a short time but immeasurable in the distance traveled from nervous beginnings to blooming confidence. I was one small part of her success, and for that I am thankful. The big successes are the culmination of a myriad of small successes in the classroom and general college life. Language learning should be a pleasant experience, an experience marked by achievements. It is the responsibility of the teacher to make sure that every student accomplishes tasks, reaches goals and realizes their own unique potential. Comment: Know your context. Know your students. Know your strengths as a teacher. Aim high. A thought or idea in progress My first degree back in the U.K was in Gender Studies. Recently I have begun to include gender-based research in my language research. This has increased my interest and broadened my future research fields. From teacher to teachers Learn Japanese (or the local language) and Japanese mannerisms. This not only provides a hefty dose of self-confidence, but enables participation in the greater arena of education (including non-teaching work). Becoming a professional is about involvement not ignorance. It is about taking on responsibilities and fulfilling them. It is about sharing the workload with our local colleagues. Joanne is just embarking on a journey that will surely be spotted by interesting encounters. She can be reached at:!

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"#$%&!'#($)*+! ,+-.%&#!)/(0#/$! ",1!,%2(%3(! 1(2()(4!5(6(-()(! 7889!:!;$/&/+)! !! !! A recent success story! in the classroom The groans from my class of elementary school students were getting louder each week when the homework was assigned. Unsurprisingly, the quality of the homework was going in the opposite direction. I noticed that before my class, the students were either drawing or reading Japanese manga to pass the time. So, the next week when homework was assigned, I closed the regular workbook and presented students with a blank sheet of A4 paper and explained that they should create an English manga for homework – “anything goes”. I had never seen such excitement on their faces at the prospect of homework. The next week, before class, the students were sitting in the hallway proudly comparing manga. As I opened the door, they all rushed to hand me their homework. I immediately put them up on the bulletin board, and gave some well-deserved high fives. Comment: When students, of any age, have a personal stake in their learning, and are intrinsically motivated, they can surprise you – if you give them a chance. A thought or idea in progress Textbooks are often seen as a necessity for overstretched English teachers, a crutch to

help us through the long week. I strongly believe textbooks have their place, but over the past year or so, I’ve completely done away with them in my intermediate and advanced classes. Every week I try to prepare an interesting, well-rounded lesson based on a current event. The one-hour lessons include discussion points, listening comprehension, vocabulary and grammar work, and more discussion. Recently I proposed to an advanced class of four middle-aged women that each of them take turns making a lesson in October. We had a 30-minute “lesson clinic” the following week in which we went through a lesson template and walked through some steps on the computer to make life easier when copying articles from the Internet. We’ve already had two student-led lessons and they’ve both been very successful. The students who prepare the lessons get the most out of the experience, spending more than an hour looking through articles, selecting appropriate vocabulary items to focus on, and preparing interesting discussion questions. The students in the class also seem to be more interested because they feel more autonomy. Comment: The more responsibility and independence we can give to our students in the learning process, the more they will get out of it. From teacher to teachers Talk to your students and find out what they like to do in and out of class, what they consider to be their strong and weak points, and regularly check to see if they are satisfied. Most teachers can tell if their students are uninterested in their lessons, but it’s not until you ask your students that you can find out why and make some adjustments. Chris enjoys discussing new ideas in EFL and is always looking for new research opportunities. He can be found online at <>.

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A thought or idea in progress

Names, Faces & Ideas !"#$%&%'(%)*+#' ' ,-.#/%0'1%0'234-$',50%*-' 67)8#/"'39*:"90'

' ;%&$%<'=*>*7' ' A recent success story in the classroom The best thing about being a non-native speaker involved in EFL is that one’s best learning experience can also become the students’. Having received typical English education in Japanese schools, I later experienced very different kinds of English classes in the U.K. I can clearly see the differences in approaches taken at home (Japan) and in English native speaking countries. Although I have taught eikaiwa before and still teach some one-to-one based lessons, I now mainly work as an advisor for Japanese students who plan to study in English speaking countries. My duty is to advise them on EFL and EAP learning, academic skills, and exam preparation (IELTS, TOEFL). As well as counseling students, I host seminars on similar issues. What my audience often appreciates is hearing about my experiences as a university student in England in comparison with the experience of being a student at a Japanese university. Academic conventions are totally different in the two countries (e.g. critical thinking, independent learning, essay writing conventions, etc.). My main point is that knowing both sides gives me good perspective about what is needed for my students. My background in Applied Linguistics also adds to my academic advice for English learning for studying abroad. Though teaching is not my main area at the moment, I am happy to be able to support motivated, serious EFL learners. However, I would like to be able to contribute more to actual classrooms in the future. Comment: As a non-native English speaker, I am still learning the language and it is amazing how much I can learn by teaching or even by answering students’ questions.

My career background is rather unique. As well as having worked as an eikaiwa teacher and advisor for studying abroad, I have working experiences in various contexts (a secretary for a Member of Parliament, freelance interpreter/assistant staff in international events; FIFA World Cup (2002), Pacific Islands Summit meeting (2006), and the Volleyball World Cup (2007). Having worked with and for people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds in various cultural work environments, I am very much interested in different varieties of English, inter-cultural communications and English for specific purposes. I have used English as a non-native speaker in very different environments and each time I realized the importance of English as a global language. Specifically, I am interested in research and practical work related to Japanized English (Japlish) as an example of outer circle variety of English. I am hoping to see the possibility of Japlish being used as a good foundation for EFL learning or the development of teaching materials. Comment: For some time, Japanese eikaiwa had a strong focus on “coolness” of being able to speak English or sounding like a native speaker. But as the language becomes more and more global, it will be interesting to see the shift of learners’ aims in this context. From teacher to teachers I often experience or hear about a psychological boundary between English native and non-native staff at school. This may be caused by any number of complex factors. For the workplace to function there should be an effort from both parties and essentially from management. MASH shows me how important it is to collaborate between different nationalities and this kind of cooperation will make the workplace a better mix of creativity, local convention, innovation and conservation of local values. Comment: I would like to echo a MASH colleague, Joe Siegel ! “Two heads are better than one, especially when one has local knowledge.” Chiyoko is also a representative of CELS alumni association in Japan ( and eager to develop the CELS network. Contact her at

Names, Faces & Ideas !"#$%& '()*+),&

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A recent success story in the classroom I teach oral and written communication to 2nd year English and Spanish majors at a university in Tokyo. As part of the curriculum, students keep a video journal. Gathering research for my dissertation, I recently rewatched a high-level student’s video journal. In the last entry near the end, she commented about praise she had received from me. “You told me that I am a good speaker. I have never heard such words.” She subsequently spoke for 5 minutes about how she had always thought that her English was terrible. Her smile was huge as she recounted the conversation we had had and the praise I had given her. Comment: The use of genuine praise can be a powerful tool to enable our students to communicate. It can also be a very valuable source of motivation, both for the learner and the teacher. A thought or idea in progress Homework is something that neither teachers nor students particularly like, but it is essential. Sadly, there seems to be very little discussion on the topic. As a teacher, I have never received instruction regarding

homework. How much should we give? What should be given? How should we take it up? I would imagine that the average teacher does not really ponder these questions much. It is just something that we do. I recently began to investigate what my learners thought about their homework. Students kept a log, recording the number of hours of homework in each subject. Students also wrote after each class what they learnt, whether they liked it, and why they felt that way. There are two interesting early results. The first is that students had very little opinion regarding why they do homework. As one student wrote, “I do my homework because my teacher tells me to.” What can teachers learn from this? What I take from this observation is that I must ensure that my students have a clear idea of why I am giving them homework. Secondly, the number one factor determining if my students liked their classes was whether their teacher had a “good voice” or was “a good communicator.” This makes me think of my own communication style. . Comment: Doing this research makes me think that I should stop buying teacher resource books and just ask my students what I want to know. From teacher to teachers For many teachers, when we are studying for a degree we generally learn with one perspective in mind – to finish the task at hand. Once done, it seems that many of us stop learning. If you have recently completed a degree, I hope you take the opportunity to get more involved. One way is to join a teaching community, such as JALT, ETJ or MASH. Colin is interested in learning. If you have a teaching/learning idea and would like to discuss it with someone, please consider contacting him at <

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