I was searching for the best high paying jobs near me without luck until a friend told me that there were more millionaires in the MLM industry than any other My name is Steve Jackson and some years ago I looked at the network marketing for the first time. I had a simple goal to make enough money to travel the globe. I didn’t want much, but enough to pay for my flights and somewhere clean to sleep. I wasn’t looking for a five star lifestyle and definitely not anything close to the best paid jobs in the world. I just wanted more from life and definitely more than my parent. Even today I am surprised that a shy and nerdy individual like myself could make enough money to change his life forever as a network marketer online. The turning point, when things got really interesting was during the rise of the internet. This created of a new profession class called the online or affiliate marketer, which I wanted to be apart of. I jumped in feet first and learnt everything about making money online. This gave me the idea that online marketing could be integrated into network marketing. I was so excited at the idea that I could automate a network marketing business from home.
Why does network marketing claim to have the best paid jobs in the world? In my opinion, beyond the financial benefits it gives people like you and me without prior skills or education to take control of our lives. Network marketing will take you on a journey of discovery where you will find out what you are really made of. At the same time, learning new skills that will branch out into all parts of your life outside the MLM industry. Unlike traditional business models where the owner is physically stuck in his or her business. Multi level marketing allows your time and your life to be spent as you wish, so you can live the life you deserve. The network marketers main and in my view only role is to refer the product, meaning you get paid for moving products. However this is not the most important element of this business, the real power comes from the leverage from building a team, so you can maximize the amount of time you can work in a week.
What does leverage mean in the MLM industry? In reality we can only work so many hours a week. I guess if we really push ourselves we could do 14 hours a day 7 days a week which is 98 hours a week. However, we would burn out quickly and end up doing nothing for the next month. In terms of network marketing, leverage means sharing the burden with others who also benefit financial from the work they do. If you had 60 distributors in your business all working 10 hours a week you would have 600 hours of productivity going into your business every week. That is 502 hours more than you could ever achieve working 14 hours a day 7 days a week. The main reason why people joining this industry see it as one of the best paid jobs in the world is because there is no limit to how much you can earn. If we include that tax exemption included and how much of that money you can keep. Now, consider the power of leverage in network marketing and add the ultimate power of the internet and online marketing methods. In the past, network marketing was about local leverage with the occasional international connection, but now the internet has given us unlimited global leverage from day one.
MLM industry and the rise of the internet The virtual world of the internet and social media is simply an extension of the physical world. This is a quote I have used many times before in regard to the relationship between traditional network marketing methods and the online hybrid method. This is not to say that everyone is happy with the changing world of network marketing, many in the MLM industry still believe that the traditional methods are best. Personally, I am not so dogmatic on the subject and I still believe that a building that relationship with my team is the basis of building a successful business. The days when a network marketer needed to have a dynamic and magnetic personality to attached people into their business has gone. It is more unusual to meet a Colgate smiling network marketer, wearing a suit like a secondhand car salesman. It is more normal to find a relaxed and quiet home based business owner creating content online. In many ways this is a good thing to bring more respect into the industry.
As I have already mentioned, the additional leverage of the internet has made it possible for even the most antisocial nerd to be successful. The main reason for this is because most of our work involves sharing the products or the business to the public. If we consider the traditional network marketing recruiting method of sharing the products and business with family and friends we have a maximum of 200 prospects. Out of them maybe a handful will buy your products or join your business. The last research done on how many people were on the internet in 2015 by the International Telecommunication Union was estimated about 3.2 billion people. So, there is no better place than the internet to build and outstanding business. I am not saying you must be on the internet to be successful, my question is, why wouldn’t you be on the internet? The MLM rankings top performers do not recruit family and friends, but they do understand that they need to do one important thing. That is to take control of their lead generation where they have an independent and continues stream of warm leads on a daily basis. Most traditional MLM methods cannot do that unless they are working full-time or on the
Why is the MLM industry going to create even more high earners? Returning to the original question and the high amount of big earners in this industry. The internet has made it a easier an income possibility for anyone with access to the internet and some basic online skills. This allows the individual to develop themselves into an online marketing professional. Nobody is saying that learning to work online is going to make you a millionaire, however the global reach of the internet has made that possibly far more achievable than in the past. In addition, the low cost startup and low risk makes this affordable to almost anyone in the western world and if you compare the price to a franchise with McDonald’s it is a steal. However, the most empowering and equalizing factor of this industry is regardless of your age, gender, race, education or experience you can start a network marketing business online or not.
Is there training and support in online marketing in the MLM industry? Not as much as you would think. There is a lot of fear and even doubt among new and old network marketers. The main issue seems to be that they simply don’t believe that online marketing even works or don’t understand how it works. I do understand their apprehension with online marketing methods, however running a MLM business the traditional way needs more than sharing products with friends and family to be successful.
For many years I have been running my network marketing business exclusively online with much success. So, people joining my team get the opportunity to learn the finer skills of working online in the network marketing industry. I tell all of my team from day one, that a lot of work is required. However, many realize quickly that even though the online methods work well there is more work than they are willing to commit. The paradox is that there is still less work than if they run the network marketing business the traditional way.
The best high paying jobs near me meant my laptop! I realized that searching for a local job was an observed idea. Working from home as an online entrepreneur sounded far more interesting, so I accepted my fate and absorbed myself into the industry. My working week starts at about 7 am when I raise and make some breakfast and feed the dog, which is like a normal job. Then I watch the news and take my dog for a morning walk, which I love doing. When I return, I sit and watch my wife who insist on working run around in a panic because she is going to be late for a meeting. When my wife has left for work, I make another coffee and quietly walk to my home office to write some content for my blog, reply to emails or speak to team members that need my attention.
If I walk down to a riverside cafe for lunch and a chat with a few friends or locals. While I am sitting there enjoying my life I know that I am still sharing the business opportunity and products with the world. If I want to take a last minute trip aboard with my wife. I am still promoting the business opportunity and products online 24/7. And if I personally do nothing to promote my business for a few days, I know my system will still be working it magic 24/7. The is the power and the freedom when the MLM industry moves online.
Can anyone become an online network marketer? Whoever you are and whatever you do the MLM industry could be for you. If you have a laptop, PC or Mac gathering dust and you have the time and energy you should be considering joining the fastest growing MLM company in the world. The benefits of joining my team is, because I have the skills and knowledge to help you to become successful. The information you will learn will be priceless and give you the power to create your own wealth in years to come regardless if we are working together or not. That being said, my expectation of team members that I am mentoring will be high and based on respect, honesty and fun. Ultimately, like all journeys towards success, it will down to the member taken action, setting short and long term goals and finally making a plan.
Conclusion If you would like more information about the best paid jobs in the world and would like to work with Steve Jackson click on the source link below and add your name, email address and a short message on the form why you would like to work with him on the form below and someone will get back to you asap... Author: Steven Jackson Source: Are the best paid jobs in the world in the MLM industry?